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      • And set fire to a church full of colonists after locking the doors.

        I can see the parallel.

        • That was fiction. There is no documented instance of the British doing that. In fact, except for the instance in the movie The Patriot, I am not aware of any accusations of the British doing that.

          The occurrence in The Patriot was based on the burning of a church and a couple of barns full of people in Oradour-sur-Glane by Nazi troops during WW2.

          “Thereafter they separated the villagers by gender. Members of the 1st and 2nd platoons took the 197 men to several barns on the edge of town and locked them in. The 3rd platoon locked up 240 women and 205 children in the village church. Then the SS men set fire to the barns and threw grenades through the windows of the church, shooting those who sought to escape the flames.”

        • Yes indeed, the Nazis did burn men, women and children to death in reprisals for resistance activities.

          So the next time you see any neo-Nazis parading with torches here in America, any swastika wearing ruffians marching in your city streets, recognize them for the bloodthirsty domestic terrorists they are.

          “Caesar Civitella, who killed more than a dozen Nazis in World War II and helped capture more than 3,800, has a message for the neo-Nazis who staged a deadly rally in Virginia over the weekend.

          “I would tell them that we have no use for Hitler-type philosophy in the U.S. and that they can either stop being a Nazi or people will give them bodily injury,” said Civitella, 93, of St. Petersburg.“

        • What is fascinating to me, miner, is how you cannot see that you serve the modern not-zees.

          Poll taxes and tests and mother may I slips to exercise a right? Pure fascism.

          But as long as the silver flows from those rich white men you are happy to serve.

        • “So the next time you see any neo-Nazis parading with torches here in America, any swastika wearing ruffians marching in your city streets, recognize them for the bloodthirsty domestic terrorists they are.”

          Liar69er, I laugh at them — as I do at you. They’re not a threat to be taken seriously. Most are cosplayers such as the “Patriot Front” phonies, the fake leftist torch-bearers that protested at one of Governor Youngkin’s campaign events, and the gov’t agents and LARPers that instigated violence on January 6 in D.C.

          I doubt that most Americans have ever seen a true neo-Nazi. There is such a short supply of actual ones that the left and the media (though I repeat myself) have to create them to use as a “boogeyman” to scare their followers into staying on the plantation.

        • “That was fiction. There is no documented instance of the British doing that. In fact, except for the instance in the movie The Patriot, I am not aware of any accusations of the British doing that.”

          Crimson, thank you for setting the record straight. I was repeating oral family history that had been passed down for too many years, and obviously the take has become “embellished.”

          Probably the original story is that one or a few people were killed when they were inadvertently trapped inside a church that was being burned by the British troops. There’s a similar family story about Union troops burning local people in their houses but that one is likely “enhanced” as well — there was a lot of nastiness in (what would become West) Virginia during the conflict.

          I looked up that scene in “The Patriot” — damn! I’m going to watch that movie later today. I was always too cheap to go to the theatre for first-runs, and too cheap to continue to pay outrageous prices for cable.

        • “Yes indeed, the Nazis did burn men, women and children to death in reprisals for resistance activities.

          So the next time you see any neo-Nazis parading with torches here in America, any swastika wearing ruffians marching in your city streets, recognize them for the bloodthirsty domestic terrorists they are.”

          And Miner49er, you are no different. You seek to remove constitutional rights for the people, and that is what brings about a tyranny in which the government is free to do these very atrocities. Today these ‘ruffians’ are a ‘weaponized government’ and ‘pride’ and ANTIFA – all of which you fully endorse. Miner49er, you (and dacian) are no different, you (and dacian) are the enemy you hypocrite.

    • If only the courage and resolve of the Founding patriots existed today. You deserve the Tyranny and Tyrants. You allow.

  1. Muskets? What about the cannon? If you had the money you could purchase any type of weapon. Including outfitting a privateer.

    • @jwm. I have worked diligently to remove the tyrants and tyranny from my state and local governments. Making my state one of the strongest 2A states in the nation. As well as one of the the most financially responsible and moral states in the nation. What have you done? besides…Whine, Piss, Bitch and Moan. Just like a vast majority of the commenters on the website.

      • darkman. You live in a pro 2a state. I do not. I continue to fight. All you are doing with your snarky remarks is giving aid to the enemy. You are tacitly agreeing with them that our rights are based on zip codes. They are not.

        • I moved to an Anti 2A state, Much like the shithole you live in over 20 years ago. I immediately became both politically and socially active to reverse the laws that prohibited the citizens from being able to enjoy their 2A Rights. By speaking to political candidates, city counsels, county boards and individuals at every opportunity. I worked for the campaigns of potential legislators. Who understood the importance of the 2nd A in regards to everyone’s rights. Some lost, some won. Which was a difficult thing in a state that was solid democrat. It was a tough struggle, but I never gave up or backed off in my beliefs that the 2nd A was as important a right, as all rights are. After many years of hard work and minds changed. Our state has become one of the strongest 2A states in the nation. Something accomplished with hard work by 10s of thousands of regular people just like me. Whose desire to see the freedoms and liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights be enjoyed by all law abiding citizens. What have you done? Answer that question in the dark of the night as you are laying in bed ready to go to sleep. When all truths become evident and excuses hold no sway.

        • So you are just further along with what many here are trying to do in even more restrictive states? Great that it worked out on your end and hope to have similar success but up until we started getting migrants dumped in the nearby capital region we really had a population that was totally on the plantation. Now we will see how much they can be shown/see for themselves with what we tell them.

  2. If the UN did deploy blue helmets in the United States of America to confiscate firearms, I think their reality will be very different from what they envision.

    • Will you look at that!! Sure are lots of blades of grass out there. Hey! did you see that? Over there, behind the grass! there’s another one….and another one….wait….Oh crap…this is not going to be easy…I want to go home.

    • Piece of cake once they control the food supply.

      The Mormons have that right – enough for two years. minimum.

    • A UN force is actually a ‘foreign’ army on another countries soil. You would be not only correct to resist and engage but such is constitutionally and morally and in the US under federal law legally required (its called the unorganized militia which can ‘self activate’ and act independently under other provisions of federal law in such a case), it would be an invasion by a ‘foreign power’

    • You can be guaranteed the UN will subcontract the lowest bidder. And the lowest bidder troops will be open to financial inducements. Voluntary or otherwise.

  3. While the Gov. likely has an idea of what I have, there are some things not on any list even for insurance reasons. And not in the vault, or in likely places.

  4. Well, at least this comment didn’t get moderated and subsequently deleted. I only listed the eight people I’d invite to dinner.

  5. im plenty sure
    that the government
    already has some kind of registry
    and pretty much knows
    who owns what in america
    including the 80 percent stuff
    thats why im not into it
    im down with the fight to keep it and everything
    but if it ever came down
    that we had to give up one of the following:
    sbrs suppressors pistol braces bump stocks
    binary/forced reset triggers or 80 percent stuff id go with the 80 percent stuff

  6. Americas first ‘attempted’ firearm confiscation, April 19, 1775…how’d that go? I can bet there was another first that day…guy’s standing firm, saying ‘come take it’!

  7. The next time someone says the 2A only applies to muskets, remind them that muskets were “Weapons of War” when the 2A was written.

  8. However, the Founding Fathers did indeed favor restrictions on the second amendment in some circumstances.

    “In October of 1824, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison attended a board meeting of the University of Virginia, which would open the following spring. Jefferson and Madison had spent not a little time thinking about individual liberties. But minutes from the meeting show that their new school would not extend the right to bear arms to its red-brick grounds.
    “No student shall, within the precincts of the University, introduce, keep or use any spirituous or vinous liquors, keep or use weapons or arms of any kind…” the board declared.”

    Here one may view the actual minutes of the Board of Visitors meeting:

    • MINOR MIner49er. Ah, for your edification, the University of Virginia’s “rule” was not a law. If you bothered to READ the Bruen Decision, you would see that such a ban as you Leftist who are scared stiff of firearms, requires any such ban to be based in a LAW. You have been debunked yet again.
      Have a good day and try again.

    • Liar69er, your deflection has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

      The colonists were never required to register their weapons, were they?

      Prohibitions against students and staff being armed while on a college campus amount to unconstitutional denial of their 2A rights.

      Recall that the Constitution was written for a moral and religious people. As our society today is neither, restricting firearm access in obvious soft targets prevents people from defending themselves.

    • As this college regulation was DECADES after the ratification of the Constitution/Bill of Rights your BS (as typical) has no relevance. Nice try.

      • “this college regulation was DECADES after the ratification of the Constitution/Bill of Rights”

        Yes, and it shows both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were in favor of allowing reasonable restrictions on the carrying of firearms in public spaces, even under the second amendment.

        The fact that both Jefferson and Madison authorized these restrictions on firearms shows that the authors of both the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence agreed that no right was absolute.

        I am thankful I was able to clear up that misapprehension for you folks.

        • “in your opinion rights are restricted“

          Not just my opinion, both Jefferson and Madison advocated for restricting the possession of firearms on the campus of the university.
          They recognized that reasonable restrictions were indeed permissible.

          I know it hurts to admit, but the authors of the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution both acted to restrict citizens from carrying firearms in certain areas, at the link is posted the actual minutes of the meeting wherein they took action to prevent the possession and/or carry of firearms on the campus.

        • “Not just my opinion, both Jefferson and Madison advocated for restricting the possession of firearms on the campus of the university.
          They recognized that reasonable restrictions were indeed permissible.”

          Restricting the possession of firearms on a university campus is not “reasonable” today, regardless of who shared your admitted opinion. Any citizen who is not a prohibited person and can legally employ a firearm should not be restricted from carrying one on a college campus. Care to argue that, Liar69er?

        • “Restricting the possession of firearms on a university campus is not “reasonable” today“


          So what happened to your whole “text, history, and tradition” screed?

          So you believe the interpretation of the constitution should be changed because things are different “today”?


          Regardless, the facts of history prove both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison believed reasonable restrictions on the right to possess and carry firearms in certain areas was perfectly appropriate.

          I choose to follow their text, history and tradition of reasonable restrictions, I’m sorry if you disagree with the authors of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States.

        • “I choose to follow their text, history and tradition of reasonable restrictions ..”

          Now that’s a knee-slapper right there, Liar69er.

        • MINOR MIner49er Sorry to tell you, but that “restriction” is for a school not the general public. If Madison and Jefferson say what we have today with your “gun free zones (should read TAGET RICH ENVIRONMENT), he would side with us who believe that self defense is a basic and inherent right of everyone.

        • “So what happened to your whole “text, history, and tradition” screed?”

          Do I look like a Supreme Court justice to you?

          The “text, history and tradition” test is a framework for the Court to evaluate LAWS — because the Second Amendment was understood to broadly protect a right to bear arms when it was ratified, later laws prohibiting the exercise of that right cannot overcome the actual text of the amendment.

          Liar69er, please quote the text of the Virginia statute in 1824 that prohibited firearms on the UVa campus. As has been pointed out, a rule that applies internally to a university is not a law. And a law that is written after the 2A was in effect, that prohibits the exercise of the right, is in conflict with the Constitution.

          “Regardless, the facts of history prove both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison believed reasonable restrictions on the right to possess and carry firearms in certain areas was perfectly appropriate.”

          Either you aren’t intelligent enough to understand the SCOTUS decisions, or you are taking information out of context and misrepresenting it (AKA “lying”) to make a specious argument.

          I know which one I have my money on.

        • “MINOR MIner49er Sorry to tell you, but that “restriction” is for a school“

          So you agree with Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, possession/carry of weapons should be forbidden on school grounds?

          That’s good news, I’m glad we could find common ground.

        • Look, a straw man!

          I never claimed there was Virginia law against carrying guns on school grounds. I never claimed there was a law requiring registration of firearms in Virginia.

          What I said was Thomas Jefferson and James Madison believed reasonable restrictions on the right to possess and carry firearms in certain areas was perfectly appropriate and this is proven by their vote recorded in the minutes of the board meeting.

          They both clearly believed the school authorities should have the power to restrict the possession and carry of firearms on the campus.

          And they both voted to support the right of the school to deny second amendment rights to the adult students on campus.

          This should put to rest the idea that the Founding Fathers believed that any right was absolute, clearly they believed that it would be in society’s best interest to place restrictions on the possession and carry of arms in certain areas.

        • Perhaps I was wrong in my assessment of your statements, Liar69er.

          You might not be lying — you may just be stupid.

        • MINOR Miner49er, NO I do not agree with Madison and Jefferson. Today being what it is, I don’t think that either Madison or Jefferson would agree with the ban in schools. You know all those school shootings, grammar schools, high schools, colleges…
          You Leftists have made the conditions we have today which encourage lawlessness and violence.

  9. In reality some of the State Militias kept their firearms locked up in arsenals, something the Far Right fanatics and paranoids conveniently ignore and overlook because it does not fit their far right ignorance on the matter.

    In reality 2A was a carrot used to entice the States to join the Federal Government and had zero to do with the individuals right to own deadly weapons. 2A was deliberately written in the vaguest of terms to allow the courts to restrict and regulate the ownership of weapons and that is what the courts have been doing since the day 2A was signed. Another fact ignored by the fanatics on the far right,

    • Sigh. Once again. You are the far right, dacian. Your words and action are pure fascism. You make the klan look moderate.

    • “Another fact ignored by …”

      Asshole, I ignore facts that aren’t facts.

      I wish that I was better at ignoring dumbasses that dumbass.

      • A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

        Nothing vague about the 2nd Amendment
        and in no way does it even hint
        at allowing any court or government entity
        to “restrict or regulate” the ownership of
        any weapon. The problem with the left
        is their inability to comprehend clear
        language followed by their refusal to
        accept the 2A as clearly written.
        Further, the left doesn’t care if thugs
        have guns and use them to kill
        innocent citizens. Leaving innocent
        citizens defenseless is not a problem
        for the dacian minded set. They are
        so blinded by their utopian image of
        the world that they fail to realize that
        the thugs will use other means even
        if ALL guns could be destroyed. At
        best their world view is false.

    • “fanatics on the far right,”…………….Have a Drink!
      “In reality”………………….have another Drink!

      The fanatics of which you speak did not start this foolishness relative to the 2A.
      Look in a mirror and view a fanatic, assuming the mirror doesn’t break, to view
      one of the true fanatics of the left’s disinformation industrial complex.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, The Reason that state militias keep their firearms locked up it to keep those weapons away from the criminal element. Nice try, but that mouth wash of yours just does not work.
      Let me put it another way. You’re full of donkey dust.

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