Makes sense.



    • I really don’t care, and I feel *great* about it.

      The consolation I have is this :

      None of us would ever tolerate that level of raw bat-shittery in our lives. 🙂

    • I searched really hard, and found I didn’t have a single f*** to give what she thinks. I hope she writhes is horror every night at the image of her idiocy being a meme of the Right (the Leftist/fascists can’t meme; they lack a sense of humor), but I suspect the cognitive faculties to even comprehend that were not among the gifts God gave her.

      • HA! I happen to already be watching that very video right now (in the corner of my PC screen) as I read your comment.

        • It is, *literally*, a call to the truth.

          The Leftist Scum ™ Emperor has no fucking clothes.

          Spread this as wide and far as possible…

        • “Spread this as wide and far as possible…”

          The clip is getting lots of play in the conservative media. I’ve seen it featured on several sites.

          Of course, most leftists that are in serious wont of a reality check, won’t hear it and/or will deny it because it’s Heritage and/or Carlson. When you’re an adherent of the warped religion of leftism, you don’t tolerate sacrilege lightly.

    • I watch a handful of leftist creators on YT, specially Jimmy Dore. He’s pretty deep blue, but he’s doesn’t suffer from terminal TDS like most popular leftist creators. He’s of the opinion that pfizer leaned on fox after Tucker started talking smack about them. And ultimately rupert murdoch, the owner of fox, is a full on neo-con. He does not support the kind of anti-war, anti-deep-state, America first republicanism that Tucker espouses.

      • I’ve seen a few of Dore’s recently, and he strikes me as a lot more centerest than most. He does dog on Leftist Scum ™

    • Tucker got canned from Fox because his election lies cost Fox $787 million.

      Tucker’s internal emails and communications clearly indicate he knew the election had not been stolen and all claims of fraud were bullshit, yet he continued to state publicly that the election was stolen, naming specific entities who are now suing the pants off Fox News and other right wing propaganda outlets.

      And it’s very likely his election lies are going to cost much more than that, given the other suits working their way through court.

      • “Tucker got canned from Fox because his election lies cost Fox $787 million.”

        Post your source or pound sand, Liar.

        • Tucker actually publicly (on his show) and privately disputed the dominion election machine claims. If you can provide some kind of proof that he pushed the “election lies” that cost Fox 787 million, We’d all really appreciate it.

          Something tells me you haven’t actually seen his show and just rely on unsourced second-hand claims about what he says/believes.

        • Tucker got fired because he bad mouthed the US dumping BILLIONS of dollars into the Ukraine bullshit… NOT a popular stance among the powers that be…

        • MAXX,

          Much speculation, but my bet is on the fact that Tucker had been told to not continue the J6 videos, but continued. Rupert Murdoch is a “conservative” like I’m a communist. He’s a businessman, and his only allegiance is to the almighty dollar. May his putrid, syphilitic corpse rot in Hell.

        • Tucker had been told to not continue the J6 videos but continued.

          That was a thought but he had THOUSANDS of hours of video and really only did a couple of shows on it, I left FOX after the 2020 election, the early call for AZ right wrong or otherwise got my attention… I did record Tucker that week but by the third night it was over, I kinda felt that he had been warned and he capitulated. I believe his views on Ukraine upset Pentagon officials as well as many Hawks in Congress and he was also a bit too vocal about the Murdoch family and other executives at FOX, his firing was a message to the few remaining “independent” voices… Then there was Chuckie warning Rupert to stop the Jan 6 story and AOC taking credit for “deplatforming” him… No matter, Tucker is kicking back in his gated community home in Tampa with 20 mil in the bank and a world of opportunity ahead of him…

      • “yet he continued to state publicly that the election was stolen, naming specific entities”

        The actual propaganda being spread is that Tucker was pushing Sidney Powell’s Dominion theories to his audience while behind the scenes he was essentially calling her an idiot (or worse, which he did do). The truth (as I have shown you and which you choose to ignore) is that Tucker asked Powell to show some proof, and he would invite her to present it on his show. She never showed Tucker anything. HE TOLD HIS AUDIENCE ABOUT THAT. Many of his viewers were actually mad at him because they believed Powell. He lost some viewers over that. But you do you Miner, and keep spreading lies.

        We asked the Trump campaign attorney for proof of her bombshell claims. She gave us nothing

        • to dude

          Thanks for posting this. Tucker Carlson was always skeptical of the lawyer Sydney Powell and her claims. Carlson being skeptical of all sides, until they show proof, is what made him I think the enemy of the establishment. And it’s why he also was number one on Cable TV news.

          But now the “Fox Nation” pay prescription Channel is bleeding subscribers. I hope the billionaires who own Fox are happy with potentially, losing the Fox Nation Channel completely. Because it’s probably going to go away within a year or so.
          I was going to sign up for it. But not now.

      • Gee, MajorLiar, any more lies you want to put out there right now??

        As NUMEROUS commentators have pointed out, of ALL the Fox on-air talent, Tucker was probably the least culpable (if there even IS any culpability) – he pointedly emphasized the lack of evidence behind Sidney Powell’s assertions.

        But you just keep rockin’ on with your hate – I’m assuming it keeps you warm at night in yo’ mamas basement.

        Go fornicate yourself and expire, you @$$clown. Tucker got s***canned because he didn’t follow Rupert’s directive to stop showing the REAL January 6 tapes (which blow all your lying Leftist narratives about what really happened out of the water).

  1. I’ve dubbed its species “Manic Woman”, no matter what the pronouns are.

    I’ve defined it as: An evolution offshoot of a ‘Karen’ combined with a ‘snowflake’.

  2. Nothing to do with gunz but how’d that war on drugs go? I went from dealing a bit of maryjewana in the 70’s to it being declared semi-legal. Can’t stop the signel! Oh yeah just watched the Tucker thing too. I surmised he “changed” from a vacuous bow tie wearing drone when leftards assailed his wife & kids threatening death. Not a come to JESUS moment but a realization that the left are evil incarnate🙄

    • There is a growing trend of old fashioned, small “L” liberals seeing what’s going on and beginning to realize they are now considered right of center because the Marxist/Maoist/leftards have moved the overton window so far left they identify more with old school conservatives. Then there are the Naomi Wolfs’ that just plain had a literal come to Jesus moment, happening more now too since they feel abandoned by the party for a bunch of reasons. Tucker kicked the 3rd rail too many times and got booted for all the reasons.

      • Liberals getting mugged by leftists. They were invited, or at least allowed, into the tent, just like the proverbial camel. Wonder what they’re gonna do about it?

  3. Can’t believe no one has mentioned that Braindead announced that he’s running for reelection to get four more years to FINISH off the United States… Three minute video on You Tube probably took three hours to get him to correctly recite the script… Probably start “campaigning” around October 25th next year…

    • Well following the award against Fox over voting machines there may not be anyone willing to go after voting machines even if they are rigged for biden in 24. A bill to call for machine investagations without fear of lawsuit needs to passed in congress and sent to biden for signing?…If you do not think ahead of the curve with democRats joe could win again by hook or crook.

      • That “award” was FOX caving, somebody stepped on Murdochs neck (yeah it CAN happen) and he “settled for 787 million to a company that has a valuation of less than a third of that (226 million in 2020)… FOX NEWS just financed the next generation of “voting” machines, and next time they’ll be smarter about how old Braindead gets his 80,000,000 plus votes… No way a jury would have ever awarded that much, just watch a similar lawsuit against NEWSMAX, they will not settle and most likely Dominion will not prevail…

        • “No way a jury would have ever awarded that much“

          So now you’re a sharper legal mind then Rupert Murdoch’s army of lawyers?

          Hilarious, yet tragic.

        • I think they settled because they were worried about a jury trial costing more. It’s always risky to leave it up to a potentially adversarial jury when it’s an extremely large amount of money. On top of that, you’d have to deal with a long, drawn-out trial that could negatively impact Fox News.

        • But, Dude, all of that makes sense and is how the legal system (they call it that for a reason) sometimes works. We see it all the time, so extrapolating that experience to this case is warranted.

          Liar49er thinks that charges being filed, or even someone being tried, proves their guilt automatically as long as he personally disagrees with the defendant’s views. Guilty until proven innocent which, in his mind, they never will be.

        • Man with no name, you can probably also add in the fact that Old Man Murdoch didn’t want to spend his last days dealing with courtroom and media drama.

        • So now you’re a sharper legal mind then Rupert Murdoch’s army of lawyers?

          I learned a long time ago that education does not necessarily equate to intellect while I was attending Law School in California… That and the fact that I’ve spent several nights over the years in a Holiday Inn Express has given an extraordinary ability for insight… Bottom line, I seriously doubt that the Lawyers had anything to do with their decision, more likely came from the board of directors..

        • MAXX,

          One of the biggest jokes in modern America is the Leftist/fascists retreat to credentialism. It’s the only way they can sell their lies – “But so-and-so has a PhD!!!” Big fucking deal, so do I. It means less than nothing if it has no wisdom behind it. One of the smartest guys I know (plays tournament-level contract bridge, duplicate bridge, and chess) is a garbage man. He has a high school diploma – and both more mental horsepower AND more wisdom than MajorLiar and dacian the demented and any ten of their friends put together. He also manages to read at least five books a week.

          But “he didn’t go to college”, say idiots like MajorLiar and dacian the demented. Yeah, buttwipe, but he’s still twice as smart as you’ll ever be.

  4. I’m still waiting for the outlawing of heroin to get us through the current “opioids crisis”.

  5. With the current estate of affairs I’m not so sure my mother loved me?
    Abortion for the future of our children.

  6. (below is borrowed, cited, copied, etc… from >

    Since Biden was elected, adjusting for inflation, and including that, the average American family has lost the equivalent of more than $7,000 in annual income.:

    1. Adjusting for inflation, and including that, the average working American has received a pay cut for 24 consecutive months.

    2. Biden has spent trillions of dollars the nation didn’t have. At Biden’s direction the Federal Reserve simply created the money for the government to spend, and that devalued the dollar with a four-decade-high inflation.

    3. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, average weekly earnings are up 9% since Biden took office, but consumer prices have risen 14.9% over that same time. The result is that real earnings (meaning earnings adjusted for inflation) are down 5.1% under Biden. For the typical family with two parents working, their combined weekly paychecks are up about $200, but that money has lost so much purchasing power from inflation that it’s as if their weekly pay has shrunk by more than $100. The average working American family has lost $5,600 in purchasing power under Biden because of rampant inflation. Average real earnings have never returned to the level they were when Biden took office, it has been almost entirely downhill.

    4. The White House released a statement noting that real earnings are higher today than they were nine months ago. That’s technically true, but only because June 2022 was the single month of Biden’s presidency when real earnings (down 5.2%) were worse than today (down 5.1%).

    5. This runaway spending by Biden caused so much inflation that even the bureaucrats couldn’t ignore it and the Fed belatedly began raising interest rates. While that helped slow the rise in prices, it created more pain for families by raising borrowing costs. Those higher borrowing costs on everything from mortgages to credit cards and auto loans to student loans have further increased the average family’s expenses by $1,500 per year.

    The combined effect is the equivalent of a $7,100 cut in annual purchasing power. That’s more than a month’s pay for half the households in the country.

    • I can see this coming — Liar49er will quickly point out that he thinks (?) Heritage is a biased source and will dismiss out-of-hand evidence of the truth of the foregoing.

      He’ll likely take a couple of your sentences out of context and truncate them to change their meaning, so that he can go off on a rant.

      If you have children or grandchildren, the picture for them is even darker for their future.

      If you have a 401K or an IRA, you might want to save yourself the horror of checking the balances to see how much of your future security has been lost. It ain’t pretty.

      • The heck with what Miner49er (AKA Liar49er) thinks. Of course he will take things out of context, his thought processes are out of context with reality.

        He’s also likely to launch into a rant and screech about TRUUUUMMMMMPPPP! That’s the past and Biden is now and Biden is the one responsible for this.

        Or maybe he will launch into yet another of his grossly ignorant rants on something ‘religion’.

        • His post is up, and as suspected, he won’t argue against the points that you listed from Heritage. He’s off on another re-writing of history to fit his narrative.

          “I’m glad Joe Biden is moving forward, his policies have measurably lowered Trump’s inflation”


        • That’s the past and Biden is now and Biden is the one responsible for this.

          How dare you? EVERYONE knows our current economic problems are ALL Trumps fault with his pumping more oil and natural gas, his tax cuts, bringing manufacturing back home, throttling back the EPA, making China pay commensurate tariffs, opening the job market putting more people to work and THEN allowing the Chinese to unleash a dastardly disease on the world… Shame.

      • IRA is doing great…………..till you factor in effective inflation over the last 10 years then you see you are down around a 1/4 despite the numbers doubling.

        • My dad always told me to hide 10% of what I earn inside of coffee cans, and when they’re full to bury them in the backyard. Then when you’re retired and need it, dig them up and hope that the cans are still worth something.
          I recently discovered that a coffee can full of currency will buy…. a can of coffee.

        • “..will buy…. a can of coffee.”

          Funny, then I realized the new can will be smaller than the old one. Now, sad…

    • Why do you think the Fed waited so long to raise rates? They were pretending everything was fine hoping the Democratics could push through their multiple insane spending bills. They ended up spending way less than they wanted to. Think about that. They knew what the consequences would be. The Fed is corrupt. Go back to 2017 and 2018 to see how they immediately began raising rates when the economy took off. They overshot it so much, they had to then lower the rates multiple times. The Fed works with Democrats.

      Want to really be pissed off? We’ll have nothing noteworthy to show for this massive spending spree. All they’ve been doing is paying their cronies. That’s why they wanted to get the Puppet into the White House. It’s been one giant scam from the beginning.

      • “Go back to 2017 and 2018 to see how they immediately began raising rates when the economy took off. They overshot it so much, they had to then lower the rates multiple times. The Fed works with Democrats“

        So you’re saying on Donald Trump‘s watch, “2017 and 2018”, his administration badly misjudged the economy. I must say, I agree with that observation.
        I’m glad Joe Biden is moving forward, his policies have measurably lowered Trump’s inflation:

        “Inflation declined to 6.5 percent in December compared with a year earlier, the government said Thursday. It was the sixth straight year-over-year slowdown, down from 7.1 percent in November. On a monthly basis, prices actually slipped 0.1 percent from November to December, the first such drop since May 2020”

        Hopefully, voters will recognize exactly what situation we have here for the election.

        I see an old grifter full of hate going against a decent man who is sharp, seasoned, and demonstrably capable of doing the job.

        Basically, we have a man with 80 years of life vs. a man facing 80 years to life.

        • “So you’re saying on Donald Trump‘s watch, “2017 and 2018”, his administration badly misjudged the economy.”

          No. I’m saying what everyone, including Democrats, understand as a fact. The economy took off after Trump was elected. You even understood that at the time. You told me the economy took off due to Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Yes, we literally had that conversation. I said it was brilliant that Obama designed it to kick in 8 years later, after he left office. You have no shame. You lie for people that don’t even care about you. Or is your presence here supposed to be some kind of fun mockery of a typical Democrat? In that case, mission accomplished.

        • “I see an old grifter full of hate going against a decent man who is sharp, seasoned, and demonstrably capable of doing the job.”

          Spot-on analysis! Good to see you finally realize Zho BaiDeng’s criminality, and that President Trump has proven that he can do a better job than the Gropenfuehrer.

          Alllll aboard the Trump Train, Liar 49er!

        • Miner, still a laugh a minute aren’t you. Wasn’t sure which guy was which in your screed above, but since you are on “Team PeePad / KneePad ’24” we can assume that you think Trump will be the one in prison. Gee, even Mopsy the Press Spokesperson wouldn’t answer a question asked last night if FJB intends to fill all four years of a second term. I guess it would be just as possible from a cell as it would be from
          an insane asylum.

        • I just got a chance to look at Miner’s link:
          “Inflation eases across U.S., may need less action from Fed to control it” -Jan 12, 2023

          Nope. That was a terrible analysis. Or was it propaganda designed to ease fears? Actually they kept raising rates. Bloomberg expects them to do it again next month. This has been the fastest rate hike in my lifetime. Nothing to see! Move along! Everything’s under control…

        • “The economy took off after Trump was elected“

          More dark humor. Even Tucker Carlson admitted that Donald Trump‘s presidency was a “disaster”:

          “Addressing Trump’s four years as president, Carlson said: “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.”

          Of course, old bowtie said that in private, he couldn’t say that publicly because it would risk his multi million dollar grift:

          “Fox viewers were outraged when the network called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night, a race call that was accurate. Fox executives and hosts began to worry about ratings as many of those viewers fled to other conservative outlets.

          “We worked really hard to build what we have. Those (expletive) are destroying our credibility. It enrages me,” Carlson said in a Nov. 6, 2020, exchange with an unidentified person.“

          Y’all been snookered by Trump, Fox, Newsmax, OAN, etc.

        • LOL pay attention to my sources not Fox (same thing) Newsmax (mostly objective) OAN (less so but better than anything on primary channels) You push any harder on that overton window you are going to break the glass.

        • Liar49er, you can’t make specific arguments about the economy, such as answering the points of the Heritage article that .40 cal quoted.

          So you talk about some imaginary conversation that Tucker Carlson may have had with someone; unless I heard or read it first-hand, I wouldn’t take as gospel any supposed snippets of out-of-context communications in a prosecutor’s file. But, you do you.

          BTW, asked you yesterday what Britain was “doing right,” as you said, in stopping school shootings. You never answered.

        • “imaginary conversation that Tucker Carlson may have had with someone; unless I heard or read it first-hand, I wouldn’t take as gospel any supposed snippets of out-of-context communications”

          No, these conversations are the result of the discovery process and represent actual evidentiary documentation.

          And some fluff piece from right wing heritage does not have the weight of the actual evidentiary documentation filed with the court of law.

          “asked you yesterday what Britain was “doing right,”

          Sorry I missed it, and I think we were actually discussing the UK as opposed to just Britain.

          I’m sorry, but I can’t really explain why they have had zero school shootings in the past 27 years.

          Perhaps their set of laws and jurisprudence is better.

          Perhaps their socialized medicine program, resulting in zero medical bankruptcies for families in their country, is a factor.

          Perhaps their society is better structured, and has developed a more appropriate response to mental illness.

          Just think, the United States has had more school shootings this year than the United Kingdom has had in the past 50.

        • “Even Tucker Carlson admitted…”

          Bringing up some unkind words Tucker said about Trump does not disprove anything I said about the economy. That’s called attacking a straw man, which is about all you do other than lie.

        • “No, these conversations are the result of the discovery process and represent actual evidentiary documentation.”

          You’ve read the actual court transcripts (not the info on the ‘net, the real stuff)? Just the same, it has nothing to do with the state of the economy under President Trump or the Gropenfuehrer.

          “And some fluff piece from right wing heritage does not have the weight of the actual evidentiary documentation filed with the court of law.”

          Just as I thought. (The Heritage article quoted in .40 cal’s post concerns the economy, point by point.)

          “I’m sorry, but I can’t really explain why they have had zero school shootings in the past 27 years.”

          So you don’t really know what, if anything, they are “doing right” despite your assurance. Yeah, okay.

        • “I see an old grifter full of hate”
          Literally the definition of Joe Biden.

          “going against a decent man who is sharp, seasoned, and demonstrably capable of doing the job.”
          Again literally the definition of Donald Trump.

          Not surprised you have it Bass Akwards

        • I’m sorry, but I can’t really explain why they have had zero school shootings in the past 27 years.

          Probably because of a ban on ALL handguns, and a massive overhaul in school security, however THAT has not stopped scool killings they just started using knives…

          One of the most frightening facts about knife crime is its prevalence in British schools.
          Supposedly safe spaces, schools are being infiltrated by violence: the vast majority of knife crimes take place in or around schools.

    • . We are lucky.
      theBiden told us we were going to have to make some sacrifices to win the war in UCrane.
      With these high winds we’ve been having I bet those wind turbines made enough electricity that we can run our electric cars for years, uhhh huh.

  7. I wonder if banning all guns will work out like it did with street drugs? That solved the problem, didn’t it?

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