Unfortunately, not even parking lot tamales are safe from The Man anymore. I wonder what Dr Jill Biden has to say about these tamales, other than the fact that they certainly aren’t welcome in Martha’s Vineyard.
Unfortunately, not even parking lot tamales are safe from The Man anymore. I wonder what Dr Jill Biden has to say about these tamales, other than the fact that they certainly aren’t welcome in Martha’s Vineyard.
I dumped a woman years ago. I did not think it through. Her mother made all sorts of tamales old school. Dumped her and cut myself off from the old lady as well.
Still regret that one.
You ain’t had tamales until an old Apache woman who grows every bit of the ingredients in her own garden and pasture prepares them for you. If she wasn’t 3 times my age, I might have stolen her . . .
The desert is hard on people, she might have been younger than you. Never assume…
Nahhhh. I worked regularly with her husband for years. I never pinned down her exact age, but he was 78 when I first met him.
Rest in peace, Claude.
We rode through Tuba years ago and stopped for chow right where the Navajo were having a beauty contest, probably the school. Some damn hot looking gals in that yard. I suddenly became a huge social butterfly but my buddy told me I was prob gonna get a knife in the ribs by the looks all the young warriors were giving me. Good times. And my knife was bigger.
Bet they had more than one though, lol. Never met any Navajo, it’s all Cherokee and Lumbee up my way. And they WILL cut a bitch or two, usually just because it’s Friday and they’re bored.
ChoseDeath, yup. Like your handle says I’m sure I would’ve lasted well under a minute. If that. Damn fine lookin wimmens though. We all had fun though, even if the young braves didn’t…
{Dumping a woman}
“Still regret that one.”
Kinda did the same, it was a rebound relationship, and her intensity freaked me out a bit at the time, so I never pursued it as aggressively as I should have.
Boy, did I lose out. As in, a high 7 figures bank account worth, after an inheritance. If her current expires on her, (and he may just do that, with his health) we just may give it another go. One of my best friends is her brother, so our paths do cross socially. She has reminded me more than once that I could have had her back then.
If I ever post on buying a mini-gun and barrels of ammo, that’s a clue it’s happened…
One of the employees where I work has a wife who makes really good homemade tamales. He sometimes brings a big batch of them and sells them to coworkers during lunch hour. Always sells out.
Red or green Chili tamales?
Years ago, early 80’s, I worked with a guy, Mateo, whose Mom was from Mexico. Once a year they would steam cook a whole pig head and make tamales at Matt’s home. As non-skilled Gringo labor, I got the job of rolling the corn husks around the masa and pork filling…her green chili tamales were absolutely the best tamales on Earth…her red chili ones were the second best.
Sounds good. Ha! I can picture them calling you a ‘whiteback’ as you did the heavy lifting. We desperately lack good Mexican cuisine up here.
Nothing beats New Mexico Hatch green chilies. Although, I’d get ‘’em to mix both green and red most times. Christmas style.
Used to live in El Paso. Drove up to Hatch every year to get chilies to dry / freeze for use the rest of the year. For those of you not familiar with Hatch chilies – they’re not super hot but, have a wonderful flavor and aroma.
Several different twists on the recipe. My wife’s family makes them from fresh corn, maybe some onion and lard, and usually wrapped in banana leaves before steaming, called humitas, and often served with a spicy tree tomato sauce on the side. I prefer the ones with meat, which is most common, but I do like that sauce, simply called aji for short. Good on all kinds of things, especially roasted cuy (guinea pig) and cheese empanadas.
Man, glad it’s lunch time now…
The less the Government knows about anything, the better off we all are.
Oh man now I want tamales! The Mexican market nearby used to have great tamales with green sauce. I guess I’ll have to make a trip to Little Village…muy bueno senor!
Good luck finding any corn husk around here.
We may be in some deep shit later on this year, a lot of corn fields didnt yield a crop, farmers bailed up the corn for silage.
No rain, the after wheat soy beans was a bust.
I really think all that has something to do with theBiden’s war on assault? rifles.
Nations go to warring when nations go hungry and America appears as if it might be headed in the famine direction.
The System damned sure dont want a bunch of hungry people armed with assault? weapons raising hell.
Possum, c’mon up. I’ll feed and house you if you promise to help me depose the idiot manchild. Damn Cubans… ps: I got beer… (byop though; bring yer own plates)
“No rain, the after wheat soy beans was a bust.”
Farmers are hurting bad in places. The ones with decent crops can expect a good price for the grain they can deliver…
“America appears as if it might be headed in the famine direction“
“No rain, the after wheat soy beans was a bust.”
“Farmers are hurting bad in places.”
I guess everyone is really glad ‘climate change’ is a Chinese hoax, otherwise farmers would be in real trouble because their crops would be failing from the drought.
Nothing at all to do with cut backs of fertilizer and artificially decreased supply of fuel from cutting drilling contracts while using up the strategic petroleum reserve all making corn more expensive to grow than it’s worth. Rain was a bit less but that happens now and again and nothing the US does will effect that
“Rain was a bit less but that happens now and again… “
Oh sure, extreme heat events killing thousands of cattle in just a couple days is a common occurrence in Kansas…
“The weather event that killed thousands of cattle in southwest Kansas last month was a rare combination of extreme factors. But it highlights the ongoing risk that heat stress poses for cattle, especially as climate change pushes temperatures higher.“
“artificially decreased supply of fuel from cutting drilling contracts“
There may be other reasons for increased gas prices, like climate change:
“How the drought killing Kansas corn crops could make you pay more for gas and beef
High Plains Public Radio | By David Condos
Published September 21, 2022 at 3:00 AM CDT“
“cut backs of fertilizer“
Now why would anybody cut back on fertilizer? Maybe because the Peoples’ drinking water is being poisoned:
“As fertilizer pollutes tap water in small towns, rural Kansans pay the price
High Plains Public Radio | By David Condos
Published March 28, 2022 at 3:34 PM CDT“
Missing the forest for the trees, ok Miner enjoy your news ignoring basic cause and effect and hope you have a good relationship with your local farmers.
I miss getting home made burros and such from local artisans trunks. Was initially scared but realized it was legit good food. Except for the guy that came in our shop wearing buckskin pulling out a Bowie knife and offering me a taste of his home made summer sausage. I might have tried it but it was already cut open and I think he kept it on his dashboard during transport. Here come the sausage jokes!
In the story you linked about the health department busting an illegally tamale smuggler, that 8itch sounds just like the anti gunners. “If there was a [s]food born illness[/s] gun violence and someone passed away we would need to trace that [s]food[/] gun………”
Is this one of F-Troop’s new responsibilities or was it a major bust for the FDA?
Wonderful! Lets sell machine guns out the back of a car so every nut case and criminal can get one. They passed the NFA law in the 1930’s because that is exactly what was happening back then because the drug gangs were shooting it out with Thompson sub-machine guns in broad daylight in downtown Chicago. Later in time the Republican Lord God Reagan banned new machine-gun sales altogether and as usual the courts trashed 2A yet again and later again and later again and so on an so on and so on. Scalia, by the way, said the courts made the right decision.
No sense of humor.
dacian will want a 2022 NTA law passed now. National Tamale Law now. Each one will need a traceable serial number and there will be a 10 tamale limit.
10 tamales makes you a “hoarder” subject to “people’s justice”.
All corn husks WILL require a serial number, NO MORE “Ghost” Tamales.
NO sense…fool ‘s never been to a flea market I reckon.
Because l3ftists only have a sense of humor when they are executing class enemies.
The Truth About Tamales.
It would be funnier if the gangs didn’t already do basically that with the Glock switchs already
You really are a total moron.
It was his life’s ambition. In America you can be what ever you strive to be.
It’s a fucking JOKE dacian. Forget what a joke is? Just go look in a mirror.
“… the drug gangs were shooting it out with Thompson sub-machine guns in broad daylight in downtown Chicago.”
So, 1922 or 2022- what’s changed other than the “Tommy Guns”?
Last week I thought it might be fun to introduce a resolution commending Lori Lightfoot and Chicago for designating so many free “public shooting ranges”. Didn’t, though, some people don’t understand sarcasm and/or humor.
what’s changed other than the “Tommy Guns”?
So, you admit that gun control laws work? The Thompson became an NFA item in 1934 and since then how many “Tommy Guns” have been used by gangbangers? Or is it because 9 (as in 9mm) is the numerical limit to those educational challenged street thugs and .45 is just some magical thing beyond the realm of their existence.
“So, you admit that gun control laws work?“
Well yes, and Thompson’s trench broom is an excellent example of the effectiveness of federal legislation in reducing the availability of especially dangerous weapons.
reducing the availability of especially dangerous weapons.
And exactly WHAT is an especially dangerous weapon, hell what is a DANGEROUS weapon? I own a bunch of guns, old guns, new guns, long guns, short guns, revolvers, pistols, rifles, shotguns, semi-autos, bolt action, lever action, single action, double action in just about every caliber available on the market today and in 60 plus years of owning guns NOT ONE of them has ever presented itself to be a danger to me, my family or the public in general. In fact, I come from a large family of gun owners with firearms totaling in the higher hundreds and none of them have ever reported a “rogue” firearm attempting to attack them or sneak out on its own to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting public. The degree of danger levied upon a firearm is based SOLELY upon the mental state and capabilities of the individual controlling it. I am more dangerous with a gun than my wife because I have trained to a high level of proficiency AND I have no problem putting a bullet in some asshole that needs it and I can run through a 30-round magazine in an AR just as fast AND more accurately than anyone with a Thompson.
‘…Well yes, and Thompson’s trench broom is an excellent example of the effectiveness of federal legislation in reducing the availability of especially dangerous weapons…..”
Please, citation to data showing the frequency of machine gun shootouts on the streets of Chicago Whiner49er.
Here’s a clue moron, it happened MUCH less often than Hollywood and the gun grabbers have mind f’ed you into believing. All those old movies with James Cagney and the Elliott Ness ‘Untouchables’ weren’t documentaries you buffoon.
Too possibilities.
You’re too stupid to have any clue how stupid you are, OR a pathological BSer pushing an agenda.
Either one, you’re just a turd.
Oh FYI, the Winchester Model 1897, AKA the Model 97, M97, was referred to as the Trench Gun/trench broom you idiot.
But, you do make those with IQs above room temperature laugh.
“And exactly WHAT is an especially dangerous weapon, hell what is a DANGEROUS weapon?“
So you would maintain there’s no difference in lethality of a Thompson submachine gun from, say a topper Junior in .410? Really?
“Model 97, M97, was referred to as the Trench Gun/trench broom you idiot“
Who is the idiot?
“John T. Thompson originally referred to the gun as a “Trench Broom”–he developed the gun to be used in World War I as a way to clean out and take over a trench on the battlefield, hence, a “broom” for the trench. The gun was finished to late to be used in World War I, however, so the name became obscure and deferred to the “Thompson Submachine Gun” for the time being, although this original intent would resurface in World War II when it was referred to as the Thompson Submachine Gun once again.“
“While working at Remington, Thompson devised a “trench broom” concept to clear enemy trenches. He studied a number of weapons of the era and, together with John Blish, a commander in the U.S. Navy, formed the Auto-Ordnance Company.”
I bet you think Trump won the 2020 election as well.
Hilarious, you may be right, Trump will be getting 2020, 20 in the Georgia pen and 20 in the federal pen. Consecutive, not concurrent.
Zero F’s given as to how Thompson referred to his own firearm.
A Google search of Trench Broom or Trench gun in WWI or WWII results in the shotgun I referenced.
PERIOD. Try it for yourself.
Having been around and fired several Thompson sub-machine guns in the past three decades NOT ONCE has ANYONE called it a trench broom or trench sweeper. Not ever Kahr Arms (currently the owner/manufacturer of Thompson Arms) makes ANY references to those term in their advertising.
By your logic, If I call my dick an ‘Incredible Heat Seeking Moisture Missle’ everyone must refer to their dicks as such.
Keep us laughing whiner. Thanks.
PS. How about some figures on Thompsons used in street shootouts ca 1920s/1930s Chicago?
Trump is still in your head, rent free. Get help. That can be clinically defined as a psychological disorder.
Even brown.edu website gives the trench gun/trench broom term in reference to the Thompson a BS and ………..
“……..John T. Thompson originally referred to the gun as a “Trench Broom”–he developed the gun to be used in World War I as a way to clean out and take over a trench on the battlefield, hence, a “broom” for the trench. The gun was finished to late to be used in World War I, however, so the name became obscure and deferred to the “Thompson Submachine Gun” for the time being, although this original intent would resurface in World War II when it was referred to as the Thompson Submachine Gun once again…….”
But keep right on using ‘obscure’ terms to advance ‘the agenda’. It keeps everyone laughing at you.
Thanks for playing moron.
A Google search of Trench Broom or Trench gun in WWI or WWII results in the shotgun I referenced.
I lovingly refer to my little sawed off 12-gauge double barrel as “The Street Sweeper”…
He doesn’t even know it wasn’t drugs the gangs were running in the 20s.
Or the fact that the NFA ’34 made sure that ONLY the well funded Org.crime operations, CPD, or the wealthy possessed full auto firearms.
The results of giving the CPD full auto was it gave the crime bosses the ability to bribe CPD for ‘protection’, and pay off flatfoots to arrange ‘hits’ and ‘busts’ on their competition.
These TTAG trolls are dumber than dog turds
Krag, I find it surprising an experienced educator such as yourself would think that derision and ridicule are the best way to foster understanding between those with differing viewpoints.
Yet YOU rely on derision and ridicule on nearly a daily basis in an attempt to “beat down” anyone who disagrees with you. Pot meet kettle.
Another possibility?
He sees you as a pathetic propagandist (BINGO!) who’s pushing an agenda.
News Flash! This makes you unworthy of his time.
If you don’t like that, bring it up at the next trollfarm circle-jerk.
Don’t belittle an un-indoctrinated educator who still believes in truth, facts, empirical evidence, and the Socratic method.
You push ONE goal on TTAG, the progs final solution. Anyone with a brain stem can see it.
So you would maintain there’s no difference in lethality of a Thompson submachine gun from, say a topper Junior in .410? Really?
Sorry but that’s as far as I got. Yes, that’s exactly NOT what said, I said the level of LETHALITY is primarily dependent on the operator. The weapons you mentioned if sitting together in a corner alone actually are equally lethal, until someone picks them up and puts a round in the chamber… Confidence is high that I could take a .22 pistol and defeat any unexperienced individual who is using your Thompson, not that accurate And not that reliable not to mention very difficult to operate and control. OBYW: sorry you wasted all that other crap if it was meant for me but MAYBE someone will try to read it (good luck with that).
Sounds like a gang problem – not a gun problem.
“……gangs were shooting it out with Thompson sub-machine guns in broad daylight in downtown Chicago……”
Please, citation to data showing the frequency of machine gun shootouts on the streets of Chicago lil’dtard.
Here’s a clue moron, it happened MUCH less often than Hollywood and the gun grabbers have mind f’ed you into believing. All those old movies with James Cagney and the Elliott Ness ‘Untouchables’ weren’t documentaries you buffoon.
You’re too stupid to have any clue how stupid you are.
Besides, wouldn’t ‘gangs were shooting it out with Thompson sub-machine guns in broad daylight in downtown Chicago’ be considered ‘mutual combatants’ in 2022? No charges filed, RIGHT!
Hypocrisy, they name is Chicago. Used criminal violence to limit 2A rights, now won’t even charge the criminals for their behavior.
Repeal the NFA.
Definition of a good troll: Someone who is able to stir up a boatload of responses by saying something generally considered ridiculous. “Troller” often, if not always, doesn’t not even remotely believe any, or all, of the things he or she is posting.
Counting my responses, thats 25 and counting at the time of my post.
You just gotta wonder if they’re all posting scores somewhere. It would explain much.
Anyone ever think dacian is a TTAG employee whose job it was to drive engagement and figured role playing an loud boorish smug self-righteous S.O.B. who hated Mexican food?
Also, my phone turned dacian into facial, in perhaps the most honest auto-correct ever.
We had an old ice cream truck come around that they put a heater in and sold Tamales when I was a kid 58-59. I think it was a Model A truck with a box on the back all painted up in bright colors. They were the best I have ever tasted.
I prefer enchiladas.
Me too. Had an excellent tamale plate last weekend in Miami though. Never had a Colombian version before.
Pasteles. My aunts made pasteles. Puerto Rican style. I had seven aunts from Puerto Rico. They all made pasteles. Each better than the other. Spicy. The food, that is. Beef, chicken, pork, cheese…lots of variety.
Empanadas, also. Not the sweet type…spicy.
Good memories.
You are gonna *love* this one.
CNN’s Don Lemon gets a fact-bomb dropped right on his pointed head. Look at the expression on his face as it happened :
Oops—facts are so inconvenient. And racist apparently.
I want reparations from Joe Biden and democrats and Shannon Watts and Bloomberg for infringing and enslaving my constitutional rights.
I want reparations from the U.K. for enslaving all of my past relatives under tyranny in the colonial period.
Its really odd though how the royal commentator Hilary Fordwich points out that slavery, during their occupation of what was to become the United States, was outlawed by the British and how 2,000 British sailors died trying to stop slavery and how the African Kings rounded up their own people and sold them to the slavers – yet – the British occupiers had and called it indentured servitude here in their colonies and allowed it to happen and flourish and imported people from Haiti and their other colonies around the world and forced them to work as indentured servants in the colonies and in the U.K. thus having slavery called ‘indentured servitude’. The British have always been hypocrites.
Indentured servitude and slavery as practiced upon the Africans are two entirely different things.
Indentured servitude had a set period, often seven years, and was payment for a benefit received, not forced labor with no recompense as in slavery.
Slavery practiced in the American colonies was biblical slavery, wherein the master owns people as possessions, to be passed down to their children as an inheritance, never ending and forever.
Say what you will about the British empire, but they outlawed slavery 30 years before we did, and they didn’t have to kill 600,000 people to get it done.
Don’t care whiner.
Didn’t you get the memo? You and yours have broken the pathological altruism bell…….
Just to be clear.
When you try to ring the PA bell, our reply is…..
If you have an issue with that, bring it up at your next group therapy.
“……wherein the master owns people as possessions, to be passed down to their children as an inheritance, never ending and forever…..”
Where to start.
Oh, like Abraham Lincoln?
Fun fact! His will passed his slaves down to his sister. She still ‘owned’ them in the census taken almost two years later.
Also, there were ‘masters’ who were just as black as their ‘slaves’.
Here’s the 2A fun time for the day. Big Constitutional originalist smack down of the DOJ by Fed judge.
Teaser, quotes “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” in the opinion.
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