Love me some King of the Hill. Except for the propane stuff. I hope y’all’re fixin’ to cook over charcoal this Thanksgiving. Don’t forget your BBQ gun.



    • Wait a minute – Propane has a place in the Thanksgiving feast!

      It fires the burner heating the peanut oil used to deep-fry one of the turkeys.

      Hardwood charcoal fires the pit cooking the other bird… ๐Ÿ™‚

    • One of the bigger advantages of a revolver, particularly ones like Ruger’s GP100 and SP101with a peg grip frame, is that there’s virtually no limit to grip size and shape. Accuracy is always a challenge with a grip that doesn’t fit your hand.

      On a side note, for once the autocorrect came in handy when I accidentally hit the ‘n’ when typing ‘bigger’.

      • I have on more than one occasion proven this myself by whittling a pair of grips to destruction when I figured I could “easily” make them fit my hand better.

        A man’s got to know his limitations. – Dirty Harry

      • โ€œSon, only a pimp in a Louisiana whore house carries pearl handled revolvers. These are ivory.

        —- George S. Patton Jr.”

        • In the 1970 movie “Patton”, George C. Scott played “Patton” and the actual real Patton quote was changed for the movie to this …

          “They’re ivory. Only a pimp from a cheap New Orleans whorehouse would carry a pearl-handled pistol.”

        • That sounds better in Patton’s real voice than in the BS accent used by George C. Scott.

          Patton spoke the Mid Atlantic accent as was taught in the more upscale schools. ie, the accent spoken by Katherine Hepburn or Thurston Howell IV from Gilligan’s Island.

    • Charcoal fires the pit, propane brings the peanut oil up to temperature to deep-fry another bird… ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. โ€œSon, only a pimp in a Louisiana whore- house carries pearl-handled revolvers. These are ivory.โ€ General George S. Patton

  2. Now, Bobbeh, I want you to remember…. and this will serve you well your entire life: Always remember that butane is a bastard gas.

  3. Charcoal only, and then only in a proper charcoal grill with air vents both on the lid and underneath the base, that you can fully close to starve it for air such as for when those delicious meat juices you let drip directly into to coals try flaring up. Just close the vents to starve it for air and kill the flames, and let that meat just slowly smoke away in there, adding all that delicious flavor. Takes longer to cook this way but the flavor is incomparable.

    I always wince when I see someone with the wrong kind of charcoal grill, like those cheapie open top things, especially if they are cooking chicken which will absolutely flare up and burn like crazy when the juices hit those coals. Real charcoal grilling – without tinfoil – means you absolutely need to be able to control the air flow. That is the key. Let the juices just drip right into the coals, limit the air to prevent flare ups, and slowly just smoke the heck out of that meat like God intended.

    Oh yeah, I tell ya wut.

    • Lump charcoal.

      You forgot the lump… ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Our apologies: Geoff the alcoholic and pain pill addicted half wit has gotten into the hooch again. Sincerely, The Group Home Management

        • And there is an example of his mental illness, ‘projecting’ his inner fears and anxiety.

          Can you imagine the horror he feels every time he sees himself in a mirror?

          Right now, he’s fighting off the urge to suicide, and I hope he succumbs to the urge… ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Always preferred Witchita Lineman and rosewood with blued steel, but this works too.

  5. I spray painted the HiPoint gold then painted the grips pearl white. Yeah buddy, it’s a one of a kind big hit bar b que custom envy.

  6. In Portland they don’t use propane or charcoal for their BBQ’s, they set a building on fire and use that.

  7. I never really “get” the argument over methods of cooking for Thanksgiving.

    But then I also think turkey is improperly cooked north of 90% of the time and overrated even when properly cooked.

  8. I have an Eleanor…no, not a Mustang GT500. An Eleanor Roosevelt, a pre-WWII S&W K-22 with period MOP (sadly, not factory) grips just like the one she carried.

    Real MOP can make a classy gun more so…but you can’t polish a turd, they won’t make a crappy gun nice. Just ask George Patton.

  9. One of Geo. Patton’s quotes I’ll always hold true ” Only Pay for the Real Estate Once”.
    Good quality hand grips on any hand gun can’t be over estimated.
    I personally like an all steel Government or Commander sized 1911 in a well made leather holster.

  10. Turkey is not for me, had to smother it with cranberry sauce on it, to eat. My stepson baked the Turkey
    Was having Thanksgiving with stepsonโ€™s family
    Will bring honey baked sprial cut ham next time!

    • Went to my brother’s home for Thanksgiving. He served shrimp for an appetizer, turkey breast, roast pork and baked ham. A friend of his brought deer backstrap, marinated and grilled over charcoal. Plus all the sides like Bell’s Stuffing, whole berry cranberry sauce, broccoli-cheese casserole, mashed potatoes and gravv, rolls and butter you could want. Protein lovers heaven. Yum!

      Plus was sent home with enough food for a few days eating.

      BTW Rubber or G10 grips with enough texture to ensure grippiness when wet (sweat, blood, rain) are my preference. Do not confuse tools for jewelry.

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