My guns have never murdered anybody. Especially not for convenience.
Someone rather adroitly noted when video images started showing up on-line of protesters at the high Court chanting “My body, my choice!”, where were those chants of “My, body, my choice!” when mask mandates were being ordered, and enforced by the police?
“mask mandates”
You may be surprised to learn that unlike pandemics, pregnancy is not contagious!
Condoms work masks don’t your argument is weak.
Miner, YOU may or may not be surprised to find out that at the end of last night’s network news we took a moment of silence for the one million “Covid Death ” milestone the US just passed…. no moment for the 1.6 million abortion deaths that occurred in the same two year period. And none of the fetuses died from co-morbidities.
Bullshit. It’s an exchange or introduction of bodily fluids. Consent however is another matter.
Yeah, MajorStupidity, it kinda is. You get pregnant, you “caught” that from someone else. Probably a man, but you wouldn’t know about that. And what does the “contagiousness” of a disease that fewer than 1% die from have to do with ANYTHING? My carry pistol isn’t contagious, either, bonehead. Literally EVERY abortion results in the death of at least one human. I’ve carried firearms for most of my life, and not one single damn person has EVER been killed by one of my guns.
Your “wit”? It isn’t. Less than half.
“Condoms work“
“In general, the failure rate for perfect use (i.e., a condom used correctly at every act of intercourse) is approximately 3%, and for typical use (condoms not used for every act of intercourse) the failure rate is 12%. A large number of studies on condom breakage, report rates that vary from less than 1% to more than 10%.“
Let’s see measurable success rate above 75 percent if actually used yes now let’s see masks……oh right no measurable level of effectiveness and were initially and correctly discouraged by the CDC.
We were saying that back when work was threatening us with termination for refusing the poison genetic manipulation.
“BuT tHaT’s DiFfErEnT!”
You mean your guns are more peaceful than an abortion? Have fun trying to get the pink pu$$y hat crowd to understand that one. The incel women who think killing a baby is literally a right and owning a gun is literally Hitler or something.
Good think the 2A is a enumerated right.
Killing another human being without cause isn’t.
Even ancient natural rights recognized injuring a woman to the point of miscarriage was murder of an unborn child, and punishable by death.
Under traditional Jewish law, a fetus was not a “person” until it drew its first breath and received its soul,and that tradition underlies the Christian tradition. Which was sensible in an era when still born children and miscarriages were quite common. Moreover, a husband could take his wife to the rabbi or priest to be served noxious fluids to induce an abortion well into the 1600s.
Abortion was first declared illegal in the US in 1821 in Connecticut. But at the same time,it was not a crime in the US to cause the death of an unborn child through violence until 2004, so I am not sure where you get this “natural law” idea.
Looks like slaughtering babies for convenience is a subject that’s near and dear to your leftist heart.
Apparently, you’ve never read the Didache (teachings of the Apostles).
“you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is begotten.”
Apparently, there are very few on this list that would follow those instructions.
From your link:
“If someone gives you a blow upon your right cheek, turn to him the other also, and you shall be perfect. If someone impresses you for one mile, go with him two. If someone takes away your cloak, give him also your coat. If someone takes from you what is yours, ask it not back, for indeed you are not able. Give to every one that asks you, and ask it not back; for the Father wills that to all should be given of our own blessings (free gifts). Happy is he that gives according to the commandment; for he is guiltless.“
‘If a ‘carjacker’ takes away your ‘car’, give him also your ‘gas card’.
Wow, being a Christian must be really difficult, so many fail to hit the mark.
I’m not sure if you’re aware of this…. but people are imperfect. Even Christians.
I know you think you’re being clever by pointing out hypocrisy in those of faith. But you’re trying to hold Christians to a standard you would never follow yourself. As if that’s some kind of fantastic own.
“So many fail to hit the mark.”
Uh…. yeah. For all have sinned and fail short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
It’s amazing how emotionally invested so many people are in murdering babies in the womb. It’s almost as though child sacrifice is a sacrament for them.
I think you have a real twisted view of religion to call a miscarriage a murder committed by Jehovah.
Of course, it’s pretty obvious that your twisted view of religion is both intentional and malicious.
miner has a religion. It’s called the state. He’s no different than any other fanatic. He likes to think he’s not. But he is lying to himself.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.
19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked!
Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty!
20 They speak of you with evil intent;
your adversaries misuse your name.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord,
and abhor those who are in rebellion against you?.
22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
God knew all of us before we were born. And Jews have known that for thousands of years. Including every aborted baby that’s been murdered in the womb by a hired hitman called an abortion doctor.
good grief; chill out–you are ranting on and on about your religious belief not science. government should have no role in dictating religion
The Psalms are some beautiful writing, but the Psalmist was not Jehovah, but rather a human announcing his feelings.
The Bible is not the proof, the Bible is the claim.
“But at the same time,it was not a crime in the US to cause the death of an unborn child through violence until 2004,”
That’s not remotely true. I don’t know how long it goes back, or how many other states have these laws, but the intentional killing of an unborn child has been considered “murder of a child under the age of 10” since at least 1973, when the penal code for capital murder was revised.
Mark N.: Wow! That’s not historically accurate at all! The Medieval Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Church both affirmed that a child’s soul entered the body at the time of the “quickening”, when the fetus first began to show noticeable movement. I don’t have my sources handy, but the rest of your information also sounds very questionable.
Do your homework.
First, why believe anything the Catholic Church says?
Marjorie Taylor Greene says the Church is controlled by Satan.
Genesis 2:7
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”
“An unborn fetus in Jewish law is not considered a person (Heb. nefesh, lit. “soul”) until it has been born. The fetus is regarded as a part of the mother’s body and not a separate being until it begins to egress from the womb during parturition (childbirth). In fact, until forty days after conception, the fertilized egg is considered as “mere fluid.” These facts form the basis for the Jewish legal view on abortion“
“Does Jewish law state that life begins at conception? No, life does not begin at conception under Jewish law. Sources in the Talmud note that the fetus is “mere water” before 40 days of gestation. Following this period, the fetus is considered a physical part of the pregnant individual’s body, not yet having life of its own or independent rights. The fetus is not viewed as separate from the parent’s body until birth begins and the first breath of oxygen into the lungs allows the soul to enter the body.
Does Jewish law assert that it is possible to murder a fetus? No, Jewish law does not consider a fetus to be alive. The Torah, Exodus 21:22-23, recounts a story of two men who are fighting and injure a pregnant woman, resulting in her subsequent miscarriage. The verse explains that if the only harm done is the miscarriage, then the perpetrator must pay a fine. However, if the pregnant person is gravely injured, the penalty shall be a life for a life as in other homicides. The common rabbinical interpretation of this verse is that the men did not commit murder and that the fetus is not a person. The primary concern is the well-being of the person who was injured”
“The greater priority is the health and welfare of the mother. “Jewish law sees the fetus during the first 40 days of gestation as ‘simply water’ and during the rest of gestation ‘like the thigh of its mother.’ It does not become a full human being until birth, specifically, until the head emerges from the vaginal canal or, if a breach birth, when ‘the majority of the body’ or the shoulders emerge,” said Rabbi Analia Bortz, co-founder of Congregation Or Hadash. Bortz is also a medical doctor with post-doctorate studies in bioethics”
Forget about us totally effing up the economy, forcing masking and an unproven vax on you, letting cities get burned to the ground, freeing felons, opening the border to all, subverting the election process….. these fuckers think they’re going to force you to be responsible for not getting knocked up – screw that noise !!!
And I bet you claim to be a “caring human being.” Oh, wait; is that some blood on your hands?
I just snapped a pic of this meme and sent it to some relatives for them to chew on…
I thought Guttfeld! was gonna beat up Geraldo! on The Five awhile ago. Odd since a bunch of those dead babies are brown like Geraldo! The geriatric Rivera moaning that his 3 daughter’s might have a problem slaughtering a grandchild in the future. And Guttfeld! is a silly new gat owner. And mentions it often. I see a bunch of dims see no correlation between a “decision” and an enumerated right…keep yer powder dry.
Haz, long tap on your phone and choose download image, or right click on your PC on the image, then you get the image and not the rest of the screen. Though when you send it you should give credit to where you got it.
TTAG’s format Dan chose a couple of years ago is horrible on phone, so I usually access via PC. Photo quality on the phone is good enough to just take a pic of the computer screen (cropped to show only the meme image).
Well, the argument does come from people who have again begun chanting “My body, my choice” after over a year of supporting jab mandates and forced masks…
And the same people who smugly say “it’s a private company, they can do what they want” and then the moment they’re no longer in control of it establish a Government body to control it. If they didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.
The left believes (rightly) that there is no truth but power. Unfortunately when a country walks down this road it always eventually goes to either internal purges or civil war.
You’re already in a cold civil war.
95% of people won’t admit this because of normalcy bias.
Or maybe we’re in a 93% peaceful hot war with a break in the action until we get to another major election season?
Because there’s no such thing as a “cold civil war”, or even a “cold war” to begin with. “Cold war” was, and is, nothing more than propaganda to get reluctant people excited enough to give you what you want.
Because there’s no such thing as a “cold civil war”, or even a “cold war” to begin with.
I’d say that the actual dictionary definition of “cold war” is a pretty apt description for a lengthy period of time that manages to avoid major violence but flirts with such repeatedly.
I suppose you could call it “pre war”, “prelude to war” or “narrowly averted war” depending on the circumstances and argue that those terms are better but that’s a semantic game that doesn’t make a lot of sense without clairvoyance or time travel since you can’t know if it’s the shooting starts or not until you’re past the troubles.
To state that war is a simple binary condition of “war” or “not war” would require one to top both von Clausewitz and Sun Tzu.
The very term “cold war” is merely semantics. If you’re not taking things or destroying things by force or the ready threat of force you’re not in any kind of war. Talking is not war. Shouting is not war. Debating is not war. Voting is not war. Passing legislation through an established and recognized process is not war.
War on drugs. War on poverty. Culture war. Civil cold war. Everything has to be war.
Pure propaganda.
I don’t disagree with you that the term “war” is overused and hyperbolic in many cases but as I said, both von Clausewitz and Sun Tzu would disagree with the notion that anything short of destruction by force is not a war. I’m certainly not going to disagree with either of them on this point.
I would also point out that military assets are used, death is inflicted and “weapons of war” are regularly used in the War on Drugs. This is true of both sides. I suppose you could call it the “Low Intensity Conflict on Drugs” if you wanted to be super technical.
It was von Clausewitz who pointed out, an insight to many in the West at the time, that war and politics are the same thing with different means to achieve the end.
“War is a mere continuation of policy by other means.
We see, therefore, that War is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means. All beyond this which is strictly peculiar to War relates merely to the peculiar nature of the means which it uses…”
Or as others summed it up; War is politics when words have failed.
Sun Tzu, half a world away and a bit more than 2000 years earlier echoed that sentiment:
The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities… It is best to win without fighting.
Unless you’re going to define “war” strictly as the act of deploying military assets towards the means of violently degrading something defined as the enemy then a great many conflicts can be described as “cold” conflicts dancing on the edge of a knife towards a “hot” conflict and a number of actual wars by your definition are, supposedly, not wars.
Further, if you get past the first definition and go a bit in further the dictionary entry for “war” you’ll find definitions that do not involve military operations, such as the following definitions for the noun:
a: a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism
b: a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end
Such uses for the word have been around longer than anyone here has been alive. I fail to see a convincing argument to jettison such definitions. And such definitions certainly would allow for modifiers like “cold” and “hot” to delineate the difference where the two latter definitions give way to the first.
Obviously, Sun Tzu didn’t understand the joy of receiving donations from Raytheon or Lockheed Martin. Winning without fighting kinda defeats the point.
“the joy of receiving donations from Raytheon or Lockheed Martin“
You are correct, many Republicans indeed know the joy of donations from the military industrial complex, especially those Republican members of Congress who engaged in treasonous behavior by attempting to block the certification of our presidential election:
“Defense contractors bankrolled campaigns of election objectors“
“Other top-10 defense contractors’ PACs also made the list of leading direct or indirect contributors to Republicans who voted not to certify the 2020 results. They are:
General Dynamics: $233,500
Lockheed Martin Corp.: $205,000
L3Harris Technologies Inc.: $173,000
Northrop Grumman Corp.: $151,000
Raytheon Co.: $150,500“
“Well, the argument does come from people who have again begun chanting “My body, my choice””
Beat me to it, drat…
It’s too bad the justices will likely never overturn farcical cases like Miller. Or apply the standards of Miller to the current day.
Precedents are written in stone, except when they aren’t.
Women lose sexual market value when they can’t screw random guys with zero consequence.
It’s why (black) abortion ‘matters’.
Never say never…
Imagine Justice Thomas writing a ruling in NYRPA v. Bruen that is as thorough and wide ranging as Justice Alito’s leaked draft opinion in Dobbs
There’s a 50-50 chance Thomas will be the author of the decision…
Yup. Track who has and hasn’t written on November-argued cases, and the odds are strongly that it’ll be either Thomas or Barrett.
Please, let it be Saint Thomas . . . ,
Barrett might surprise you. She is purportedly pro-2A. And, after all, she’s got a cool last name (if you’re into .50BMG).
If that weren’t so serious it would be really funny. Almost was anyway.
That or they’d figure out where babies come from…
Saw a comment on another site claiming women would be forced to get pregnant and forced to have children etc. Unless a woman was raped or the victim of incest, most likely she was a willing participant of the act. Perhaps we should demand a state issued permit before allowing sexual relations. And a 10 day cooling off period before sex. Bring back chastity belts and keep it locked up. Sex only at government approved times and only with government approved partners.
Do I really need the sarcasm tag?
In 8/9 years(?)I’ve NEVER used a sarcasm tag…
are you being sarcastic?
It would be hard to tell with him, even if he did use a tag…
The feminists would love that, but only for cishet White couples.
“Unless a woman was raped or the victim of incest“
Should abortion be permitted in these situations?
Sure but the other 98 odd percent are out of luck. Seriously though why is that one a focus?
“Seriously though why is that one a focus?“
So you are a big government fan, who believes that the government should be able to force women to bear children against their will, got it comrade!
“The Mississippi case is Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and it’s challenging a law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks. According to the CDC, more than 95 percent of abortions happened at or before that point in 2019.
The law, which was passed in 2018, does include exceptions for medical emergencies or severe fetal abnormality, but not rape or incest.”
“Texas lawmakers just passed SB8 in 2021 and, similar to the Mississippi law, it does not make exceptions for rape or incest, only “medical emergencies.”
Neither Texas nor Mississippi abortion laws have an exception for rape or incest, so if your daughter gets raped she’ll be forced by big government to risk pregnancy and childbirth.
And your daughter or sister will be legally responsible for the financial support and well-being of the child for 18 years, isn’t that what they call an unfunded mandate?
Wait I thought you would like the government being able to tell people what to do……are you feeling ok?
miner is for big .gov. He just wants all the decisions to be made by his choice of tyrants. His side has been co-opted by corporate billionaires and switched to fascism long ago. If he still doesn’t get this he’s a useful idiot.
But I figure he does get it.
Is a baby born of rape or incest still a baby? The point of banning abortion is to save the life of the baby, not the personal feelings of the mother, although in the long run, it will benefit the mother as well because she won’t have to live with and question the decision to end a life. You’d never know it due to the overwhelming amount of propaganda, but aborting your child isn’t like clipping your fingernails. I know girls that got an abortion. It was traumatic for all of them. They were victims as well, victims of our culture that pushes this, and even celebrates it.
So I take it your answer is that women should be forced by the government on pain of imprisonment to bear the child if their rapists, risking their life through pregnancy and childbirth.
Let me ask, do any of you think there is a constitutional right to privacy?
“forced by the government on pain of imprisonment to bear the child if their rapists, risking their life through pregnancy and childbirth.”
I don’t understand what you mean. It’s either wrong to take a life or it doesn’t matter. The mother can give the child up for adoption if she chooses. There are plenty of families that would want to adopt a baby. Some people couldn’t conceive if they tried.
“Let me ask, do any of you think there is a constitutional right to privacy?”
I’m not sure what that has to do with taking a life. If you’re referring to Roe V. Wade, everyone knows that was a weak verdict. Left wing legal scholars have even admitted as much.
Let me ask (again), do any of you think there is a constitutional right to privacy?
miner. Privacy is a right. Murder is not.
Is the 4473 and background check a violation of my privacy?
Jay, thank you for answering.
“Privacy is a right“
Just like abortion, privacy is not mentioned in the constitution as a right, the word appears nowhere in the document.
So by justice Alito’s view, people in America have no right to privacy because it is not mentioned in the constitution, interesting.
The constitution makes no mention of a right to interracial marriage, therefore Justice Clarence Thomas’s marriage to seditionist Jenny Thomas is unconstitutional, I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to hear that.
Of course, Clarence Thomas’s work to promote Monsanto’s patenting of life is rarely mentioned, his work for Monsanto supporting their production of agent orange and the killing and crippling of thousands of American servicemen in Vietnam is an unexplored facet of his career.
“Political heavy Monsanto took on an Indiana soybean farmer today in the U.S. Supreme Court over Monsanto’s patents of its Roundup-resistant seed.
And, once again, Justice Clarence Thomas was on the bench, hearing the case with the other justices. Thomas worked as a corporate lawyer for Monsanto in the 1970s. Thomas has participated in at least one other case involving the company, Monsanto v. Geertson, which resulted in a favorable decision for Monsanto; Thomas joined the majority in that case.“
“He’s a useful idiot . . . “. Objection, Counselor, assumes facts not in evidence. Give me your evidence that MinorIQ is “useful” in any way. He does, however, have the idiot part down to a science.
Depends; does the legislation concern itself with the sanctity of life regardless of status (fetal/newborn/planned/unplanned, etc) or is the legislation meant to be focused on the convenience of the individual bearing the newly conceived life? You would think it could only be one or the other, right?
I mean, we wouldn’t want to have to let a murder go unpunished because the shopowner set up in a bad area, right?
Life, itself, has been proven throughout history to be the ‘cheapest’ commodity in human nature and its intrinsic ‘worth’ not ever reaching any top ten positions in the charts of social integrations.
However, the ‘Quality of life’ obviously is the ‘Holy Grail’ of existentialism.
Indeed, we humans have always willingly sacrificed physical life and death… for a better ‘LIFESTYLE’. Think about it. Its the nature of the human beast.
Jfkjr, I “think about it” prob too much and yeah, I agree that the sanctity of life is just yet another charade used to pander and position for power and graft, the two overriding qualities of both politics and religion, the two horse teams of the apocalypse. They are also the first two institutions to immediately cast their preachings aside whenever convenient and start killing everyone in the room if they can sell a few guns or expand their donation base in the deal. Nobody has the authority to make a call on matters involving personal decisions involving human rights. Nobody. Yet here we are.
Oh, and fuck “your comment is awaiting moderation” too, ttag. Again. Still. For the hundredth goddamn time. At least. Sort this stupidity out.
In 2022, on the Internet, yeah, you *might* need that tag.
It’s the brainwashed leftist thinking people that can never to the thought exercises about black markets to think these “bans” through
I’m so happy, finally SOMEONE didn’t post a May 4th meme or recognition of the day. I see it as that one uncle you avoid but no matter how many times you see him he also has the same lame story or joke to tell…year after year after year after year. At what point can people move on?
I’ve seen reference to 4 May several times today. Is it some kind of obscure holiday?
It’s like Cinco de Mayo, except instead of being from Mexico, it’s from a galaxy far, far away…
And just like Cinco de Mayo, the original point was lost somewhere along the way.
I once ask an illegal mezkin why they celebrated cinco de mayo. He had no idea,, he also did not know who the mez prez was. He said it did not matter.
Politics isnt a thing when voices can not be heard.
Bureau of Disinformation.
May the fourth be with you.
On the advice of my bartender, I’ll take the fifth.
Most of my cars used to have a four on the floor, and a fifth under the seat.
Cinco de Mayo is another California made up holiday like Kwanzaa. It makes as much sense to Mexicans as Ukrainians celebrating February 24, or some dipshit naming himself after the ancient Dacian army…. who really celebrates having their asses handed to them ??
“who really celebrates having their asses handed to them ??”
dacian the stupid revels in failure and inadequacy, they’re all he’s got, so he might as well enjoy his failure.
Expect nothing but babbling, Marxist idiocy from dacian, and you will not be disappointed.
Let each state decide for itself. Planned Parenthood can spend their money on bus and airline tickets instead of bribing politicians.
My own belief is that life begins with the arrival of a heartbeat AND a brain wave, but I would not force my belief on anyone else, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I don’t claim an opinion one way or the other (pro or anti; either choice at some point necessarily becomes arbitrary) but I think the lines go deeper than that; if you discovered a replicating cell or a spermatazoa on another planet would you not call it life? Is it thus imbued with certain inalienable () rights? Or would you crush it under your space boot? If your daughter is raped can she abort? Why? Why not? When? Is it then still murder of a life, albeit unwanted, or now reduced to being simply a matter of convenience for her? Who gets to literally play god and make these decisions? How can any decision they make ever be “correct”? Like Free Speech and Shall Not Be Infringed, I suspect it can only ever be all… or none. There is no in-between.
Abortion should be safe, legal, retroactive and mandatory?
Think of it as evolution in action.
It always bothered me why she took the pig and not the kid. Years of hate until lightbulb,
She can always have another kid if she dont starve to death.
Humans got it easy.,,,,, too easy.
Bothered you? Imagine what the poor kid was going through when you guys woke to find her n the pig gone…
Word is the inimitable Joy Behar is pushing for a sex strike until we codify Roe v Wade because an abortion ban is a war on the women, gays, and BIPOCs. Joy thinks, as long as women can’t have abortions, they shouldn’t get pregnant.
The only noise the joy behar lizard person similacrum unit thing has ever made worth listening to is when the air got knocked out of her hitting the deck after failing to master the studios new, higher, pivoting chairs. Face first as well for extra points. Possibly the most epic 2 seconds of footage I think I’ve ever seen.
Ha! Thank you, never gets old. If only we saw the actual dismount and subsequent impact… alas, but please do Like, Share and Subscribe!
How would one even KNOW if Joyless Behar was on a “sex strike”??? Does anyone actually have conjugal relations with that ugly, stupid, harpy?? And if ALL the Leftist women who crow so loudly on TV and the ‘Net participated, WHO would give one shart? Joy Behar? Whoopi Goldberg? Ana Kasparian? Nancy Pelosi? AOC? Ilhan Omar? Anna Navarro? I wouldn’t hit ANY of that with dacian the stupid’s d***, even assuming he had one.
Torture me, Joyless!! Deprive me of your favors!! I’ll miss you, but I’ll carry on. With a woman I actually find attractive. You are a pathetic gutter scrunt.
On a more serious note.
My first grandchild was born about a month ago. He weighed One pound and four ounces. He is doing well. He is alert, recognizes his mom and dad, and voices his displeasure. These homicidal maniacs would eagerly kill him.
He probably wouldn’t have survived outside of the womb just 70 years ago. Does the definition of life depend on the available technology and skill of medical professionals on hand? My sisters were tiny preemies. They had to be rushed to a hospital 100 miles away after being born. Had they been born a few decades earlier, the Left would consider them disposable clumps of cells. It sounds disgusting because it is.
If you ban abortions people will just get them done illegally.,, ,we’ve be there done that, duh. Coat hanger infection fetus dumpsters, crack pipe using pimped out hoe hustlers.
Tell me something new
Tell me that you love me
Hows about this 3d chessman. I be looking at abortion protest and war and you alls been passing freedom of speech laws.
Bureau of Disinformation, my oh my.
It’s all right now baby, it’s all right,its all right.
Bureau of Disinformation.
Bureau – of – Disinformation.
and its 1,2,3, what are we fighting for.
Dont ask me
I’ve got no solution
Somebody said it was the Constitution
Possum: poet, Patriot, neutrino fissionist engineer, part time predator, part time ambush scavenger, full time party marsupiual. A renaissance Person of the Gunm to be sure! Prob keeps a cooler full of Dos Equix at the back of the hollow.
You forgot “Dead guy cleanup hobbyist and culinary specialist”
I kinda figured I had that covered with “part time ambush scavenger”. Just wasn’t being inclusive enough I guess. My bad.
I think there is a chance that Justice Stephen Breyer leaked the draft of Roe. He is likely the only one who would not suffer any serious consequences.
Miner49er gets one right.
“Wow, being a Christian must be really difficult, so many fail to hit the mark.”
Jesus Christ said it would be difficult. That doesn’t mean we stop trying. As if you don’t already know none of us will “hit the mark”.
They don’t seem to want to talk about adoption for any unwanted babies. My wife was adopted. My MIL almost died from a tubular pregnancy and was unable to have children after that, but they were able to adopt my wife and give her a loving home.
When you put your child up for adoption you can feel good about yourself and your choice. Such a well balanced person is harder to control and manipulate.
Once you’ve murdered your own child you are damaged and twisted. Evil finds a way to use you.
This was a reply to kountryboy.
I think adoption is a wonderful option and there should be much more support by society, organized religion and government for the program.
And perhaps one day, when the United States adopts a more civilized policy, we could have birth support and healthcare like a more affluent nation such as Iceland:
“Prenatal care is free of charge as long as the patient has had their legal domicile registered in Iceland for at least six months. The objective of the program is to promote the health of both pregnant people and fetuses with professional care, support and training.
Prenatal Care
Prenatal examinations for healthy pregnancies take place at your local healthcare center. Prenatal care is free of charge for patients who have had their legal domicile registered in Iceland for at least six months.
You may choose to give birth at any healthcare facility that offers obstetric services. There is for no charge for labor and delivery as long as the patient is insured by Icelandic national health insurance system.
The length of your postnatal hospital stay varies according to the birth, but typically last from one day up to several days.“
A major difference with the US system is that in Iceland and other civilized social democracies, support for children doesn’t stop at birth:
“Childcare is subsidized by the government and available to all children from the age of one. The cost is reduced at the age of two when children attend kindergarten/preschool (leikskóli) and is free after the age of six, when most children enter first grade (grunnskóli). Education is free in Iceland, up to the university-level (excluding registration costs). While immersing young foreign children in Icelandic schools can be a tough transition language-wise, they adjust reasonably quickly. There are also international educational options that charge tuition (see below).“
Okay Miner, I’ll make an offer you can’t refuse. We promise to give you guys free pre and postnatal care if you guys promise to stop killing babies. Deal? See how easy that was?
“We promise to give you guys free pre and postnatal care“
Donald Trump and the Republicans had four years to produce his healthcare plan that would be “better than Obama care, cover more people with better coverage for less price, I’ll have it in two weeks”.
They never produced a single plan to place before the American people because they don’t really give a shit about the sanctity of life, they’re just using the issue to whip up their base.
How is it that little old Iceland and every other civilized country in Europe can provide this healthcare and, most importantly, post-birth child care and education?
Must be their social democracies that actually care for the citizens and their families.
And in civil honors countries, government provides paid leave for the parents to bond with their children and adapt our household to better raise and provide for those children, whether they are born, adopted or fostered.
America is failing at raising our children.
“The parents of a child are entitled to paid leave at childbirth, when adopting a child and when becoming permanent foster parents Parents receive either leave payments or a childbirth grant from the Parental Leave Fund, depending on their labour market situation. Parents can also take temporary parental leave without salary up until the child reaches 8 years of age.
Changes to parental leave took effect in Iceland on 1 January 2021. The main change is that maternity leave is extended from 10 months to 12 for children who are born, adopted or taken into permanent foster care from 1 January 2021. The independent entitlement of each parent is six months.“
I can’t be the only person that finds it odd that the same people complaining about not being able to legally dispose of their babies are also demanding free pre and postnatal care. Like I said, I guarantee you we could work something out if it ends abortion. Something like a sliding expense depending on your combined family income under $100k. The gov could cough up their end of the the money by ratcheting down the amount they spend on keeping wars going throughout the world. Most people would be for this.
“free pre and postnatal care“
I find it strange that you don’t understand that is one of the major causes of abortion, financial inability to handle the medical and child rearing cost.
And childcare is another issue that is woefully underfunded in this country, ignoring our most precious resource our young folk.
Most abortions occur in the lower socioeconomic strata, it’s not rich girls being inconvenienced by pregnancy.
And if a poor woman does have a baby, there’s no childcare available at any reasonable cost that would support her attending school and/or working to support her and the child. Instead, after birth they were thrown on their own with a child to take care of and no time to pursue becoming a tax paying member of society.
We should follow the social democracies pattern of free prenatal, birth and post-birth care along with generous leave time for the parents to bond with the child.
Did you read the details on Iceland, they provide 12 months of paid family leave after the baby is born, that may be used by both mother and father.
“The gov could cough up their end of the the money by ratcheting down the amount they spend on keeping wars going throughout the world“
I agree, but as you so correctly pointed out, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and other defense contractors are all too willing to support Republicans who attempted a coup to put Donald Trump, the military industrial complex’s favorite candidate, back the office.
You do remember, it was Donald Trump who provided $800 million in modern armaments to Saudi Arabia, those wonderful people who brought you 3000 dead Americans on 9/11.
The Democrats in Congress tried to block these weapon supplies to Muslim fundamentalists but Trump ignored the will of the people’s representatives because he, the CEO of Exxon and the RothChilds New York City banker had all joined in the sword dance of loyalty to the king of Saudi Arabia.
And don’t cry about the US supplying arms to the Ukraine until you can point out the last time Ukrainian terrorists have attacked the United States.
Donald Trump is a warmongering whore to the military industrial complex, and your support of him means you share his same treasonous greed, nothing less.
“I find it strange that you don’t understand that is one of the major causes of abortion, financial inability to handle the medical and child rearing cost.”
Miner, where there’s a will, there’s a way. There are already non-profits in place to help young women who think they have no other alternative than to dispose of their child. You can still give the baby up for adoption, but that means uncomfortable conversations with their family. Abortion isn’t about the lack of government welfare programs, it’s about convenience for people who don’t want to take responsibility for their actions. Like I said, I know girls who had an abortion. None of them were married. All of them were young. None of them were in a full time career. I don’t know the full stats of girls who turn to abortion, but I imagine it looks something like that.
None of them told their family. There’s a reason for that. Their family would have helped. Guess what? Most of them didn’t even tell the father. Do you know why? They had an abortion because they didn’t want to be tied to that guy for the rest of their lives. They all had sex with someone who they couldn’t imagine being the father of their potential child. I’m willing to bet that’s also how the typical abortion looks.
As for the rest, there’s just a tiny bit more to the story about Saudi Arabia, and Democrats trying to block that. Democrats have been trying to make Iran into the regional power there. The entire point of having relations with Saudi Arabia was for the mutual benefit of countering Iran.
“Donald Trump is a warmongering whore”
I wasn’t aware of him starting wars. He pushed for and got historic peace deals in the Middle East. People forget how destabilized the region was when Trump took office. Obama had been conducting unauthorized wars, attempting and sometimes getting regime changes, and arming everyone and their brother, creating the greatest migration out of the area, and into Europe in our lifetime. If Trump had actually committed treason, everyone knows they would have charged him with that. They had two chances with the impeachments, and I didn’t see any charges for treason. Now Trump is out of office, and once again, there’s a major conflict full of death and destruction with more migration into western Europe. Where’s the push for peace talks? I see a pattern. In case you haven’t noticed, the point isn’t saving democracy, etc. Once again the point is regime change. This time it’s with Russia which is insane.
“The Personal Income Tax Rate in Iceland stands at 46.25 percent.
“Last year (2018), CBS News reported that Iceland is “close to eradicating” Down syndrome since prenatal screening became available. What they really mean is that people with Down syndrome are being eradicated by selective abortion.
Perhaps comparing tiny European socialist countries with the United States, magnifies the basic differences between the societies rather than supporting an argument that one country should strive to emulate the other. Why, it’s almost as if the comparisons may not be entirely valid.
How is it that little old Iceland and every other civilized country in Europe can provide this …
“The Personal Income Tax Rate in Iceland stands at 46.25 percent … In addition to Iceland’s income tax, other taxes may apply to wages or profits earned, including social services, medical care, and capital gains taxes.”
Health care — or as some have called it, “eugenics:”
“Last year (2018), CBS News reported that Iceland is ‘close to eradicating’ Down syndrome since prenatal screening became available. What they really mean is that people with Down syndrome are being eradicated by selective abortion.
“Denmark is right behind Iceland with a 98 percent abortion rate for Down syndrome. In France it’s 77 percent. In the United States as many as 67 percent of babies with Down syndrome are aborted.” –
Perhaps comparing tiny European socialist countries with the United States, magnifies the basic differences between the societies rather than supporting an argument that one country should strive to emulate the other. Why, it’s almost as if the comparisons may not be entirely valid.
Third try to avoid “comment in moderation”
How is it that little old Iceland and every other civilized country in Europe can provide this …
“The Personal Income Tax Rate in Iceland stands at 46.25 percent … In addition to Iceland’s income tax, other taxes may apply to wages or profits earned, including social services, medical care, and capital gains taxes.”
“The Personal Income Tax Rate in Iceland stands at 46.25 percent … ”
Total falsehood, but I’m not surprised when you source your information from:
In fact the very highest income tax rate in Iceland is only 31.8%.
If you make $90,000 per year, your tax rate is only 23.5%, and even adding a municipal tax of 14.5% still only equals a total tax rate of less than 38%.
And for that one receives free, lifetime, no limit, medical care for their entire family plus generous prenatal, birth and child care services at no cost.
Yes, sometimes parents in many countries make hard decisions about their pregnancy. And when God chooses to inflict the suffering of Down’s syndrome on an embryo, sometimes parents feel it is better to terminate the pregnancy rather than condemn a child to a short life of confusion and depression.
I think that’s a very good deal, I will trade free, unlimited healthcare and childcare for giving women the right to determine whether they endure pregnancy and childbirth.
I think some would call that less government intrusion into our personal lives…
“In fact the very highest income tax rate in Iceland is only 31.8%. If you make $90,000 per year, your tax rate is only 23.5%, and even adding a municipal tax of 14.5% still only equals a total tax rate of less than 38%.”
Using your source taxsummaries:
Tier 3, top rate — income over $94,809 (ISK 12,481,275) annually, income tax rate of 31.8%, muni tax 14.45% = total tax 46.25%.
My source added the income and muni taxes together, for a total of, ahem, 46.25%. Yes, it’s the top tier rate — and it hits everyone making $94,810 or more.
In the US, that would be the majority of small-business owners.
Now add consumption tax — VAT — of 24%.
Capital gains, dividend and interest income — 22% on each category.
Inheritance tax 10% on amounts above $39.9K.
I believe the point is made.
“I think that’s a very good deal, I will trade free, unlimited healthcare and childcare for giving women the right to determine whether they endure pregnancy and childbirth.”
I doubt that most Americans would feel that would be such a great trade — “free” government-controlled healthcare in exchange for the lives of millions of unborn children.
But what’s horrifyingly frightening is this:
“Yes, sometimes parents in many countries make hard decisions about their pregnancy. And when God chooses to inflict the suffering of Down’s syndrome on an embryo, sometimes parents feel it is better to terminate the pregnancy rather than condemn a child to a short life of confusion and depression.”
Wholesale eugenics, by abortion. And you approve of it!
It’s only anecdotal personal experience, but I have two close friends with Down syndrome children. Suffice to say that these families are experiencing much more than a “short life of confusion and depression.”
Shades of “Brave New World.”
In 2018, CBS news reported that Iceland is ‘close to eradicating’ Down syndrome since prenatal screening became available. Denmark is right behind Iceland with a 98 percent rate; in France it’s 77 percent.
Perhaps comparing tiny European socialist countries with the US, magnifies the basic differences between the societies rather than supporting an argument that one country should strive to emulate the other. Why, it’s almost as if the comparisons may not be entirely valid.
I apologize for the duplicate posts. IME posts that go into “moderation” are never seen again. I kept trying to publish my post by changing small parts to prevent triggering the modbot.
Yes, the strange moderation system sometimes makes it difficult to have a reasoned and detailed exchange, thanks for your patience in getting your message across!
Why is it that the FIRST thing out of the mouth of ANY Leftist/fascist is “free”??? First of all, you pathetic quarter-with, NOTHING is “free”. SOMEONE pays for everything. What you’re really saying is “I’m too frickin’ lazy and incompetent to take care of myself, so someone HAS to take care of me.”
Since it’s obvious YOU don’t pay taxes, let me put you some knowledge – because you have successfully STOLEN money from me, literally at the point of a gun, and used that to provide “free” prenatal health care, does not make prenatal health care “free”. That is some serious stupidity. “Shared cost” is ALWAYS, and inherently, inequitable. “Shared cost” by FORCE is theft, pure and simple. But y’all “Progressives” are all about theft, if it gets you off the hook of having to stir your lazy asses.
Contrary to YOUR pathetic POV, “civilized” countries don’t steal money from their citizens at the point of a gun, or distribute it to losers like you, who’d rather suck off the public teat than actually make themselves useful. “Free” anything – healthcare, child care, college tuition, whatever – is just a euphemism for “s*** we stole”.
Your enthusiastic embrace of the organized crime of government theft and redistribution surprises me not at all. I’d day try doing it yourself, but . . . I’d as well tell a planaria to build a cathedral.
I’ve had all of my (many) “moderated” posts (Because Freedom. And Liberty) show up same day or next but I’ve had many that included zero words that could trigger anything. Often two or three posts in a row are kidnapped by our self imposed speaking nannies. None of these (many) posts have ever been altered in any way. Did I mention there have been many?
If you EVER get the chaotic, inconsistent, brain-dead mess that is the TTAG “moderation” system figured out, share that nugget with the rest of us. I’ve given up. I write what I write, and if it gets posted, great. If it gets moderated, the TTAG “moderators” are cordially invited to osculate my anal sphincter.
I’m still having a difficult time wrapping my head around this:
— Last year (2018), CBS News reported that Iceland is ‘close to eradicating’ Down syndrome since prenatal screening became available. What they really mean is that people with Down syndrome are being eradicated by selective abortion.
Miner49er —
“Yes, sometimes parents in many countries make hard decisions about their pregnancy. And when God chooses to inflict the suffering of Down’s syndrome on an embryo, sometimes parents feel it is better to terminate the pregnancy rather than condemn a child to a short life of confusion and depression.”
My guns have never murdered anybody. Especially not for convenience.
Someone rather adroitly noted when video images started showing up on-line of protesters at the high Court chanting “My body, my choice!”, where were those chants of “My, body, my choice!” when mask mandates were being ordered, and enforced by the police?![🙂](
“mask mandates”
You may be surprised to learn that unlike pandemics, pregnancy is not contagious!
Condoms work masks don’t your argument is weak.
Miner, YOU may or may not be surprised to find out that at the end of last night’s network news we took a moment of silence for the one million “Covid Death ” milestone the US just passed…. no moment for the 1.6 million abortion deaths that occurred in the same two year period. And none of the fetuses died from co-morbidities.
Bullshit. It’s an exchange or introduction of bodily fluids. Consent however is another matter.
Yeah, MajorStupidity, it kinda is. You get pregnant, you “caught” that from someone else. Probably a man, but you wouldn’t know about that. And what does the “contagiousness” of a disease that fewer than 1% die from have to do with ANYTHING? My carry pistol isn’t contagious, either, bonehead. Literally EVERY abortion results in the death of at least one human. I’ve carried firearms for most of my life, and not one single damn person has EVER been killed by one of my guns.
Your “wit”? It isn’t. Less than half.
“Condoms work“
“In general, the failure rate for perfect use (i.e., a condom used correctly at every act of intercourse) is approximately 3%, and for typical use (condoms not used for every act of intercourse) the failure rate is 12%. A large number of studies on condom breakage, report rates that vary from less than 1% to more than 10%.“
Let’s see measurable success rate above 75 percent if actually used yes now let’s see masks……oh right no measurable level of effectiveness and were initially and correctly discouraged by the CDC.
We were saying that back when work was threatening us with termination for refusing the poison genetic manipulation.
“BuT tHaT’s DiFfErEnT!”
You mean your guns are more peaceful than an abortion? Have fun trying to get the pink pu$$y hat crowd to understand that one. The incel women who think killing a baby is literally a right and owning a gun is literally Hitler or something.
Good think the 2A is a enumerated right.
Killing another human being without cause isn’t.
Even ancient natural rights recognized injuring a woman to the point of miscarriage was murder of an unborn child, and punishable by death.
Under traditional Jewish law, a fetus was not a “person” until it drew its first breath and received its soul,and that tradition underlies the Christian tradition. Which was sensible in an era when still born children and miscarriages were quite common. Moreover, a husband could take his wife to the rabbi or priest to be served noxious fluids to induce an abortion well into the 1600s.
Abortion was first declared illegal in the US in 1821 in Connecticut. But at the same time,it was not a crime in the US to cause the death of an unborn child through violence until 2004, so I am not sure where you get this “natural law” idea.
Looks like slaughtering babies for convenience is a subject that’s near and dear to your leftist heart.
Apparently, you’ve never read the Didache (teachings of the Apostles).
“you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is begotten.”
“Apparently, you’ve never read the Didache“
Apparently, there are very few on this list that would follow those instructions.
From your link:
“If someone gives you a blow upon your right cheek, turn to him the other also, and you shall be perfect. If someone impresses you for one mile, go with him two. If someone takes away your cloak, give him also your coat. If someone takes from you what is yours, ask it not back, for indeed you are not able. Give to every one that asks you, and ask it not back; for the Father wills that to all should be given of our own blessings (free gifts). Happy is he that gives according to the commandment; for he is guiltless.“
‘If a ‘carjacker’ takes away your ‘car’, give him also your ‘gas card’.
Wow, being a Christian must be really difficult, so many fail to hit the mark.
I’m not sure if you’re aware of this…. but people are imperfect. Even Christians.
I know you think you’re being clever by pointing out hypocrisy in those of faith. But you’re trying to hold Christians to a standard you would never follow yourself. As if that’s some kind of fantastic own.
“So many fail to hit the mark.”
Uh…. yeah. For all have sinned and fail short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
It’s amazing how emotionally invested so many people are in murdering babies in the womb. It’s almost as though child sacrifice is a sacrament for them.
Oh… wait….
Are you trying to imply Jewish people are intrinsically evil ?
Their defense of abortion and mutilation of “trans” children is actually sacrifice to Moloch.
Well you know, it seems Jehovah (or whoever) kills around 1 million babies per year in the US:
“In reality, about 1 out of 5 pregnancies, or between 750,000 and 1 million pregnancies yearly in the United States, end in miscarriage.“
I think you have a real twisted view of religion to call a miscarriage a murder committed by Jehovah.
Of course, it’s pretty obvious that your twisted view of religion is both intentional and malicious.
miner has a religion. It’s called the state. He’s no different than any other fanatic. He likes to think he’s not. But he is lying to himself.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.
19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked!
Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty!
20 They speak of you with evil intent;
your adversaries misuse your name.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord,
and abhor those who are in rebellion against you?.
22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
God knew all of us before we were born. And Jews have known that for thousands of years. Including every aborted baby that’s been murdered in the womb by a hired hitman called an abortion doctor.
good grief; chill out–you are ranting on and on about your religious belief not science. government should have no role in dictating religion
The Psalms are some beautiful writing, but the Psalmist was not Jehovah, but rather a human announcing his feelings.
The Bible is not the proof, the Bible is the claim.
“But at the same time,it was not a crime in the US to cause the death of an unborn child through violence until 2004,”
That’s not remotely true. I don’t know how long it goes back, or how many other states have these laws, but the intentional killing of an unborn child has been considered “murder of a child under the age of 10” since at least 1973, when the penal code for capital murder was revised.
Mark N.: Wow! That’s not historically accurate at all! The Medieval Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Church both affirmed that a child’s soul entered the body at the time of the “quickening”, when the fetus first began to show noticeable movement. I don’t have my sources handy, but the rest of your information also sounds very questionable.
Do your homework.
First, why believe anything the Catholic Church says?
Marjorie Taylor Greene says the Church is controlled by Satan.
Genesis 2:7
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”
“An unborn fetus in Jewish law is not considered a person (Heb. nefesh, lit. “soul”) until it has been born. The fetus is regarded as a part of the mother’s body and not a separate being until it begins to egress from the womb during parturition (childbirth). In fact, until forty days after conception, the fertilized egg is considered as “mere fluid.” These facts form the basis for the Jewish legal view on abortion“
“Does Jewish law state that life begins at conception? No, life does not begin at conception under Jewish law. Sources in the Talmud note that the fetus is “mere water” before 40 days of gestation. Following this period, the fetus is considered a physical part of the pregnant individual’s body, not yet having life of its own or independent rights. The fetus is not viewed as separate from the parent’s body until birth begins and the first breath of oxygen into the lungs allows the soul to enter the body.
Does Jewish law assert that it is possible to murder a fetus? No, Jewish law does not consider a fetus to be alive. The Torah, Exodus 21:22-23, recounts a story of two men who are fighting and injure a pregnant woman, resulting in her subsequent miscarriage. The verse explains that if the only harm done is the miscarriage, then the perpetrator must pay a fine. However, if the pregnant person is gravely injured, the penalty shall be a life for a life as in other homicides. The common rabbinical interpretation of this verse is that the men did not commit murder and that the fetus is not a person. The primary concern is the well-being of the person who was injured”
“The greater priority is the health and welfare of the mother. “Jewish law sees the fetus during the first 40 days of gestation as ‘simply water’ and during the rest of gestation ‘like the thigh of its mother.’ It does not become a full human being until birth, specifically, until the head emerges from the vaginal canal or, if a breach birth, when ‘the majority of the body’ or the shoulders emerge,” said Rabbi Analia Bortz, co-founder of Congregation Or Hadash. Bortz is also a medical doctor with post-doctorate studies in bioethics”
Forget about us totally effing up the economy, forcing masking and an unproven vax on you, letting cities get burned to the ground, freeing felons, opening the border to all, subverting the election process….. these fuckers think they’re going to force you to be responsible for not getting knocked up – screw that noise !!!
And I bet you claim to be a “caring human being.” Oh, wait; is that some blood on your hands?
I just snapped a pic of this meme and sent it to some relatives for them to chew on…
I thought Guttfeld! was gonna beat up Geraldo! on The Five awhile ago. Odd since a bunch of those dead babies are brown like Geraldo! The geriatric Rivera moaning that his 3 daughter’s might have a problem slaughtering a grandchild in the future. And Guttfeld! is a silly new gat owner. And mentions it often. I see a bunch of dims see no correlation between a “decision” and an enumerated right…keep yer powder dry.
Haz, long tap on your phone and choose download image, or right click on your PC on the image, then you get the image and not the rest of the screen. Though when you send it you should give credit to where you got it.
TTAG’s format Dan chose a couple of years ago is horrible on phone, so I usually access via PC. Photo quality on the phone is good enough to just take a pic of the computer screen (cropped to show only the meme image).
Well, the argument does come from people who have again begun chanting “My body, my choice” after over a year of supporting jab mandates and forced masks…
And the same people who smugly say “it’s a private company, they can do what they want” and then the moment they’re no longer in control of it establish a Government body to control it. If they didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.
The left believes (rightly) that there is no truth but power. Unfortunately when a country walks down this road it always eventually goes to either internal purges or civil war.
You’re already in a cold civil war.
95% of people won’t admit this because of normalcy bias.
Or maybe we’re in a 93% peaceful hot war with a break in the action until we get to another major election season?
Because there’s no such thing as a “cold civil war”, or even a “cold war” to begin with. “Cold war” was, and is, nothing more than propaganda to get reluctant people excited enough to give you what you want.
Because there’s no such thing as a “cold civil war”, or even a “cold war” to begin with.
I’d say that the actual dictionary definition of “cold war” is a pretty apt description for a lengthy period of time that manages to avoid major violence but flirts with such repeatedly.
I suppose you could call it “pre war”, “prelude to war” or “narrowly averted war” depending on the circumstances and argue that those terms are better but that’s a semantic game that doesn’t make a lot of sense without clairvoyance or time travel since you can’t know if it’s the shooting starts or not until you’re past the troubles.
To state that war is a simple binary condition of “war” or “not war” would require one to top both von Clausewitz and Sun Tzu.
The very term “cold war” is merely semantics. If you’re not taking things or destroying things by force or the ready threat of force you’re not in any kind of war. Talking is not war. Shouting is not war. Debating is not war. Voting is not war. Passing legislation through an established and recognized process is not war.
War on drugs. War on poverty. Culture war. Civil cold war. Everything has to be war.
Pure propaganda.
I don’t disagree with you that the term “war” is overused and hyperbolic in many cases but as I said, both von Clausewitz and Sun Tzu would disagree with the notion that anything short of destruction by force is not a war. I’m certainly not going to disagree with either of them on this point.
I would also point out that military assets are used, death is inflicted and “weapons of war” are regularly used in the War on Drugs. This is true of both sides. I suppose you could call it the “Low Intensity Conflict on Drugs” if you wanted to be super technical.
It was von Clausewitz who pointed out, an insight to many in the West at the time, that war and politics are the same thing with different means to achieve the end.
“War is a mere continuation of policy by other means.
We see, therefore, that War is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means. All beyond this which is strictly peculiar to War relates merely to the peculiar nature of the means which it uses…”
Or as others summed it up; War is politics when words have failed.
Sun Tzu, half a world away and a bit more than 2000 years earlier echoed that sentiment:
The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities… It is best to win without fighting.
Unless you’re going to define “war” strictly as the act of deploying military assets towards the means of violently degrading something defined as the enemy then a great many conflicts can be described as “cold” conflicts dancing on the edge of a knife towards a “hot” conflict and a number of actual wars by your definition are, supposedly, not wars.
Further, if you get past the first definition and go a bit in further the dictionary entry for “war” you’ll find definitions that do not involve military operations, such as the following definitions for the noun:
a: a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism
b: a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end
Such uses for the word have been around longer than anyone here has been alive. I fail to see a convincing argument to jettison such definitions. And such definitions certainly would allow for modifiers like “cold” and “hot” to delineate the difference where the two latter definitions give way to the first.
Obviously, Sun Tzu didn’t understand the joy of receiving donations from Raytheon or Lockheed Martin. Winning without fighting kinda defeats the point.
“the joy of receiving donations from Raytheon or Lockheed Martin“
You are correct, many Republicans indeed know the joy of donations from the military industrial complex, especially those Republican members of Congress who engaged in treasonous behavior by attempting to block the certification of our presidential election:
“Defense contractors bankrolled campaigns of election objectors“
“Other top-10 defense contractors’ PACs also made the list of leading direct or indirect contributors to Republicans who voted not to certify the 2020 results. They are:
General Dynamics: $233,500
Lockheed Martin Corp.: $205,000
L3Harris Technologies Inc.: $173,000
Northrop Grumman Corp.: $151,000
Raytheon Co.: $150,500“
Partisanship is your life.
“Well, the argument does come from people who have again begun chanting “My body, my choice””
Beat me to it, drat…![🙂](
It’s too bad the justices will likely never overturn farcical cases like Miller. Or apply the standards of Miller to the current day.
Precedents are written in stone, except when they aren’t.
Women lose sexual market value when they can’t screw random guys with zero consequence.
It’s why (black) abortion ‘matters’.
Never say never…
Imagine Justice Thomas writing a ruling in NYRPA v. Bruen that is as thorough and wide ranging as Justice Alito’s leaked draft opinion in Dobbs
I can always hope, that’s for sure.
According to a certain YouTube lawyer (ArmedScholar – ) –
There’s a 50-50 chance Thomas will be the author of the decision…![🙂](
Yup. Track who has and hasn’t written on November-argued cases, and the odds are strongly that it’ll be either Thomas or Barrett.
Please, let it be Saint Thomas . . . ,
Barrett might surprise you. She is purportedly pro-2A. And, after all, she’s got a cool last name (if you’re into .50BMG).
If that weren’t so serious it would be really funny. Almost was anyway.
That or they’d figure out where babies come from…
Saw a comment on another site claiming women would be forced to get pregnant and forced to have children etc. Unless a woman was raped or the victim of incest, most likely she was a willing participant of the act. Perhaps we should demand a state issued permit before allowing sexual relations. And a 10 day cooling off period before sex. Bring back chastity belts and keep it locked up. Sex only at government approved times and only with government approved partners.
Do I really need the sarcasm tag?
In 8/9 years(?)I’ve NEVER used a sarcasm tag…
are you being sarcastic?
It would be hard to tell with him, even if he did use a tag…
The feminists would love that, but only for cishet White couples.
“Unless a woman was raped or the victim of incest“
Should abortion be permitted in these situations?
Sure but the other 98 odd percent are out of luck. Seriously though why is that one a focus?
“Seriously though why is that one a focus?“
So you are a big government fan, who believes that the government should be able to force women to bear children against their will, got it comrade!
“The Mississippi case is Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and it’s challenging a law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks. According to the CDC, more than 95 percent of abortions happened at or before that point in 2019.
The law, which was passed in 2018, does include exceptions for medical emergencies or severe fetal abnormality, but not rape or incest.”
“Texas lawmakers just passed SB8 in 2021 and, similar to the Mississippi law, it does not make exceptions for rape or incest, only “medical emergencies.”
Neither Texas nor Mississippi abortion laws have an exception for rape or incest, so if your daughter gets raped she’ll be forced by big government to risk pregnancy and childbirth.
And your daughter or sister will be legally responsible for the financial support and well-being of the child for 18 years, isn’t that what they call an unfunded mandate?
Wait I thought you would like the government being able to tell people what to do……are you feeling ok?
miner is for big .gov. He just wants all the decisions to be made by his choice of tyrants. His side has been co-opted by corporate billionaires and switched to fascism long ago. If he still doesn’t get this he’s a useful idiot.
But I figure he does get it.
Is a baby born of rape or incest still a baby? The point of banning abortion is to save the life of the baby, not the personal feelings of the mother, although in the long run, it will benefit the mother as well because she won’t have to live with and question the decision to end a life. You’d never know it due to the overwhelming amount of propaganda, but aborting your child isn’t like clipping your fingernails. I know girls that got an abortion. It was traumatic for all of them. They were victims as well, victims of our culture that pushes this, and even celebrates it.
So I take it your answer is that women should be forced by the government on pain of imprisonment to bear the child if their rapists, risking their life through pregnancy and childbirth.
Let me ask, do any of you think there is a constitutional right to privacy?
“forced by the government on pain of imprisonment to bear the child if their rapists, risking their life through pregnancy and childbirth.”
I don’t understand what you mean. It’s either wrong to take a life or it doesn’t matter. The mother can give the child up for adoption if she chooses. There are plenty of families that would want to adopt a baby. Some people couldn’t conceive if they tried.
“Let me ask, do any of you think there is a constitutional right to privacy?”
I’m not sure what that has to do with taking a life. If you’re referring to Roe V. Wade, everyone knows that was a weak verdict. Left wing legal scholars have even admitted as much.
Let me ask (again), do any of you think there is a constitutional right to privacy?
miner. Privacy is a right. Murder is not.
Is the 4473 and background check a violation of my privacy?
Jay, thank you for answering.
“Privacy is a right“
Just like abortion, privacy is not mentioned in the constitution as a right, the word appears nowhere in the document.
So by justice Alito’s view, people in America have no right to privacy because it is not mentioned in the constitution, interesting.
The constitution makes no mention of a right to interracial marriage, therefore Justice Clarence Thomas’s marriage to seditionist Jenny Thomas is unconstitutional, I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to hear that.
Of course, Clarence Thomas’s work to promote Monsanto’s patenting of life is rarely mentioned, his work for Monsanto supporting their production of agent orange and the killing and crippling of thousands of American servicemen in Vietnam is an unexplored facet of his career.
“Political heavy Monsanto took on an Indiana soybean farmer today in the U.S. Supreme Court over Monsanto’s patents of its Roundup-resistant seed.
And, once again, Justice Clarence Thomas was on the bench, hearing the case with the other justices. Thomas worked as a corporate lawyer for Monsanto in the 1970s. Thomas has participated in at least one other case involving the company, Monsanto v. Geertson, which resulted in a favorable decision for Monsanto; Thomas joined the majority in that case.“
“He’s a useful idiot . . . “. Objection, Counselor, assumes facts not in evidence. Give me your evidence that MinorIQ is “useful” in any way. He does, however, have the idiot part down to a science.
Depends; does the legislation concern itself with the sanctity of life regardless of status (fetal/newborn/planned/unplanned, etc) or is the legislation meant to be focused on the convenience of the individual bearing the newly conceived life? You would think it could only be one or the other, right?
I mean, we wouldn’t want to have to let a murder go unpunished because the shopowner set up in a bad area, right?
Life, itself, has been proven throughout history to be the ‘cheapest’ commodity in human nature and its intrinsic ‘worth’ not ever reaching any top ten positions in the charts of social integrations.
However, the ‘Quality of life’ obviously is the ‘Holy Grail’ of existentialism.
Indeed, we humans have always willingly sacrificed physical life and death… for a better ‘LIFESTYLE’. Think about it. Its the nature of the human beast.
Jfkjr, I “think about it” prob too much and yeah, I agree that the sanctity of life is just yet another charade used to pander and position for power and graft, the two overriding qualities of both politics and religion, the two horse teams of the apocalypse. They are also the first two institutions to immediately cast their preachings aside whenever convenient and start killing everyone in the room if they can sell a few guns or expand their donation base in the deal. Nobody has the authority to make a call on matters involving personal decisions involving human rights. Nobody. Yet here we are.
Oh, and fuck “your comment is awaiting moderation” too, ttag. Again. Still. For the hundredth goddamn time. At least. Sort this stupidity out.
In 2022, on the Internet, yeah, you *might* need that tag.
It’s the brainwashed leftist thinking people that can never to the thought exercises about black markets to think these “bans” through
I’m so happy, finally SOMEONE didn’t post a May 4th meme or recognition of the day. I see it as that one uncle you avoid but no matter how many times you see him he also has the same lame story or joke to tell…year after year after year after year. At what point can people move on?
I’ve seen reference to 4 May several times today. Is it some kind of obscure holiday?
It’s like Cinco de Mayo, except instead of being from Mexico, it’s from a galaxy far, far away…
And just like Cinco de Mayo, the original point was lost somewhere along the way.
I once ask an illegal mezkin why they celebrated cinco de mayo. He had no idea,, he also did not know who the mez prez was. He said it did not matter.
Politics isnt a thing when voices can not be heard.
Bureau of Disinformation.
May the fourth be with you.
On the advice of my bartender, I’ll take the fifth.
Most of my cars used to have a four on the floor, and a fifth under the seat.
Cinco de Mayo is another California made up holiday like Kwanzaa. It makes as much sense to Mexicans as Ukrainians celebrating February 24, or some dipshit naming himself after the ancient Dacian army…. who really celebrates having their asses handed to them ??
“who really celebrates having their asses handed to them ??”
dacian the stupid revels in failure and inadequacy, they’re all he’s got, so he might as well enjoy his failure.
Expect nothing but babbling, Marxist idiocy from dacian, and you will not be disappointed.
Let each state decide for itself. Planned Parenthood can spend their money on bus and airline tickets instead of bribing politicians.
My own belief is that life begins with the arrival of a heartbeat AND a brain wave, but I would not force my belief on anyone else, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I don’t claim an opinion one way or the other (pro or anti; either choice at some point necessarily becomes arbitrary) but I think the lines go deeper than that; if you discovered a replicating cell or a spermatazoa on another planet would you not call it life? Is it thus imbued with certain inalienable (
) rights? Or would you crush it under your space boot? If your daughter is raped can she abort? Why? Why not? When? Is it then still murder of a life, albeit unwanted, or now reduced to being simply a matter of convenience for her? Who gets to literally play god and make these decisions? How can any decision they make ever be “correct”? Like Free Speech and Shall Not Be Infringed, I suspect it can only ever be all… or none. There is no in-between.
Abortion should be safe, legal, retroactive and mandatory?
Think of it as evolution in action.
It always bothered me why she took the pig and not the kid. Years of hate until lightbulb,
She can always have another kid if she dont starve to death.
Humans got it easy.,,,,, too easy.
Bothered you? Imagine what the poor kid was going through when you guys woke to find her n the pig gone…
Word is the inimitable Joy Behar is pushing for a sex strike until we codify Roe v Wade because an abortion ban is a war on the women, gays, and BIPOCs. Joy thinks, as long as women can’t have abortions, they shouldn’t get pregnant.
The only noise the joy behar lizard person similacrum unit thing has ever made worth listening to is when the air got knocked out of her hitting the deck after failing to master the studios new, higher, pivoting chairs. Face first as well for extra points. Possibly the most epic 2 seconds of footage I think I’ve ever seen.
Had to see the whale flounder.
Ha! Thank you, never gets old. If only we saw the actual dismount and subsequent impact… alas, but please do Like, Share and Subscribe!![😆](
How would one even KNOW if Joyless Behar was on a “sex strike”??? Does anyone actually have conjugal relations with that ugly, stupid, harpy?? And if ALL the Leftist women who crow so loudly on TV and the ‘Net participated, WHO would give one shart? Joy Behar? Whoopi Goldberg? Ana Kasparian? Nancy Pelosi? AOC? Ilhan Omar? Anna Navarro? I wouldn’t hit ANY of that with dacian the stupid’s d***, even assuming he had one.
Torture me, Joyless!! Deprive me of your favors!! I’ll miss you, but I’ll carry on. With a woman I actually find attractive. You are a pathetic gutter scrunt.
On a more serious note.
My first grandchild was born about a month ago. He weighed One pound and four ounces. He is doing well. He is alert, recognizes his mom and dad, and voices his displeasure. These homicidal maniacs would eagerly kill him.
He probably wouldn’t have survived outside of the womb just 70 years ago. Does the definition of life depend on the available technology and skill of medical professionals on hand? My sisters were tiny preemies. They had to be rushed to a hospital 100 miles away after being born. Had they been born a few decades earlier, the Left would consider them disposable clumps of cells. It sounds disgusting because it is.
If you ban abortions people will just get them done illegally.,, ,we’ve be there done that, duh. Coat hanger infection fetus dumpsters, crack pipe using pimped out hoe hustlers.
Tell me something new
Tell me that you love me
Hows about this 3d chessman. I be looking at abortion protest and war and you alls been passing freedom of speech laws.
Bureau of Disinformation, my oh my.
It’s all right now baby, it’s all right,its all right.
Bureau of Disinformation.
Bureau – of – Disinformation.
and its 1,2,3, what are we fighting for.
Dont ask me
I’ve got no solution
Somebody said it was the Constitution
Possum: poet, Patriot, neutrino fissionist engineer, part time predator, part time ambush scavenger, full time party marsupiual. A renaissance Person of the Gunm to be sure! Prob keeps a cooler full of Dos Equix at the back of the hollow.
You forgot “Dead guy cleanup hobbyist and culinary specialist”
I kinda figured I had that covered with “part time ambush scavenger”. Just wasn’t being inclusive enough I guess. My bad.
I think there is a chance that Justice Stephen Breyer leaked the draft of Roe. He is likely the only one who would not suffer any serious consequences.
Miner49er gets one right.
“Wow, being a Christian must be really difficult, so many fail to hit the mark.”
Jesus Christ said it would be difficult. That doesn’t mean we stop trying. As if you don’t already know none of us will “hit the mark”.
They don’t seem to want to talk about adoption for any unwanted babies. My wife was adopted. My MIL almost died from a tubular pregnancy and was unable to have children after that, but they were able to adopt my wife and give her a loving home.
When you put your child up for adoption you can feel good about yourself and your choice. Such a well balanced person is harder to control and manipulate.
Once you’ve murdered your own child you are damaged and twisted. Evil finds a way to use you.
This was a reply to kountryboy.
I think adoption is a wonderful option and there should be much more support by society, organized religion and government for the program.
And perhaps one day, when the United States adopts a more civilized policy, we could have birth support and healthcare like a more affluent nation such as Iceland:
“Prenatal care is free of charge as long as the patient has had their legal domicile registered in Iceland for at least six months. The objective of the program is to promote the health of both pregnant people and fetuses with professional care, support and training.
Prenatal Care
Prenatal examinations for healthy pregnancies take place at your local healthcare center. Prenatal care is free of charge for patients who have had their legal domicile registered in Iceland for at least six months.
You may choose to give birth at any healthcare facility that offers obstetric services. There is for no charge for labor and delivery as long as the patient is insured by Icelandic national health insurance system.
The length of your postnatal hospital stay varies according to the birth, but typically last from one day up to several days.“
A major difference with the US system is that in Iceland and other civilized social democracies, support for children doesn’t stop at birth:
“Childcare is subsidized by the government and available to all children from the age of one. The cost is reduced at the age of two when children attend kindergarten/preschool (leikskóli) and is free after the age of six, when most children enter first grade (grunnskóli). Education is free in Iceland, up to the university-level (excluding registration costs). While immersing young foreign children in Icelandic schools can be a tough transition language-wise, they adjust reasonably quickly. There are also international educational options that charge tuition (see below).“
Okay Miner, I’ll make an offer you can’t refuse. We promise to give you guys free pre and postnatal care if you guys promise to stop killing babies. Deal? See how easy that was?
“We promise to give you guys free pre and postnatal care“
Donald Trump and the Republicans had four years to produce his healthcare plan that would be “better than Obama care, cover more people with better coverage for less price, I’ll have it in two weeks”.
They never produced a single plan to place before the American people because they don’t really give a shit about the sanctity of life, they’re just using the issue to whip up their base.
How is it that little old Iceland and every other civilized country in Europe can provide this healthcare and, most importantly, post-birth child care and education?
Must be their social democracies that actually care for the citizens and their families.
And in civil honors countries, government provides paid leave for the parents to bond with their children and adapt our household to better raise and provide for those children, whether they are born, adopted or fostered.
America is failing at raising our children.
“The parents of a child are entitled to paid leave at childbirth, when adopting a child and when becoming permanent foster parents Parents receive either leave payments or a childbirth grant from the Parental Leave Fund, depending on their labour market situation. Parents can also take temporary parental leave without salary up until the child reaches 8 years of age.
Changes to parental leave took effect in Iceland on 1 January 2021. The main change is that maternity leave is extended from 10 months to 12 for children who are born, adopted or taken into permanent foster care from 1 January 2021. The independent entitlement of each parent is six months.“
I can’t be the only person that finds it odd that the same people complaining about not being able to legally dispose of their babies are also demanding free pre and postnatal care. Like I said, I guarantee you we could work something out if it ends abortion. Something like a sliding expense depending on your combined family income under $100k. The gov could cough up their end of the the money by ratcheting down the amount they spend on keeping wars going throughout the world. Most people would be for this.
“free pre and postnatal care“
I find it strange that you don’t understand that is one of the major causes of abortion, financial inability to handle the medical and child rearing cost.
And childcare is another issue that is woefully underfunded in this country, ignoring our most precious resource our young folk.
Most abortions occur in the lower socioeconomic strata, it’s not rich girls being inconvenienced by pregnancy.
And if a poor woman does have a baby, there’s no childcare available at any reasonable cost that would support her attending school and/or working to support her and the child. Instead, after birth they were thrown on their own with a child to take care of and no time to pursue becoming a tax paying member of society.
We should follow the social democracies pattern of free prenatal, birth and post-birth care along with generous leave time for the parents to bond with the child.
Did you read the details on Iceland, they provide 12 months of paid family leave after the baby is born, that may be used by both mother and father.
“The gov could cough up their end of the the money by ratcheting down the amount they spend on keeping wars going throughout the world“
I agree, but as you so correctly pointed out, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and other defense contractors are all too willing to support Republicans who attempted a coup to put Donald Trump, the military industrial complex’s favorite candidate, back the office.
You do remember, it was Donald Trump who provided $800 million in modern armaments to Saudi Arabia, those wonderful people who brought you 3000 dead Americans on 9/11.
The Democrats in Congress tried to block these weapon supplies to Muslim fundamentalists but Trump ignored the will of the people’s representatives because he, the CEO of Exxon and the RothChilds New York City banker had all joined in the sword dance of loyalty to the king of Saudi Arabia.
And don’t cry about the US supplying arms to the Ukraine until you can point out the last time Ukrainian terrorists have attacked the United States.
Donald Trump is a warmongering whore to the military industrial complex, and your support of him means you share his same treasonous greed, nothing less.
“I find it strange that you don’t understand that is one of the major causes of abortion, financial inability to handle the medical and child rearing cost.”
Miner, where there’s a will, there’s a way. There are already non-profits in place to help young women who think they have no other alternative than to dispose of their child. You can still give the baby up for adoption, but that means uncomfortable conversations with their family. Abortion isn’t about the lack of government welfare programs, it’s about convenience for people who don’t want to take responsibility for their actions. Like I said, I know girls who had an abortion. None of them were married. All of them were young. None of them were in a full time career. I don’t know the full stats of girls who turn to abortion, but I imagine it looks something like that.
None of them told their family. There’s a reason for that. Their family would have helped. Guess what? Most of them didn’t even tell the father. Do you know why? They had an abortion because they didn’t want to be tied to that guy for the rest of their lives. They all had sex with someone who they couldn’t imagine being the father of their potential child. I’m willing to bet that’s also how the typical abortion looks.
As for the rest, there’s just a tiny bit more to the story about Saudi Arabia, and Democrats trying to block that. Democrats have been trying to make Iran into the regional power there. The entire point of having relations with Saudi Arabia was for the mutual benefit of countering Iran.
“Donald Trump is a warmongering whore”
I wasn’t aware of him starting wars. He pushed for and got historic peace deals in the Middle East. People forget how destabilized the region was when Trump took office. Obama had been conducting unauthorized wars, attempting and sometimes getting regime changes, and arming everyone and their brother, creating the greatest migration out of the area, and into Europe in our lifetime. If Trump had actually committed treason, everyone knows they would have charged him with that. They had two chances with the impeachments, and I didn’t see any charges for treason. Now Trump is out of office, and once again, there’s a major conflict full of death and destruction with more migration into western Europe. Where’s the push for peace talks? I see a pattern. In case you haven’t noticed, the point isn’t saving democracy, etc. Once again the point is regime change. This time it’s with Russia which is insane.
“The Personal Income Tax Rate in Iceland stands at 46.25 percent.
“In addition to Iceland’s income tax, other taxes may apply to wages or profits earned, including social services, medical care, and capital gains taxes.
“Last year (2018), CBS News reported that Iceland is “close to eradicating” Down syndrome since prenatal screening became available. What they really mean is that people with Down syndrome are being eradicated by selective abortion.
“Denmark is right behind Iceland with a 98 percent abortion rate for Down syndrome. In France it’s 77 percent. In the United States as many as 67 percent of babies with Down syndrome are aborted.”
Perhaps comparing tiny European socialist countries with the United States, magnifies the basic differences between the societies rather than supporting an argument that one country should strive to emulate the other. Why, it’s almost as if the comparisons may not be entirely valid.
How is it that little old Iceland and every other civilized country in Europe can provide this …
“The Personal Income Tax Rate in Iceland stands at 46.25 percent … In addition to Iceland’s income tax, other taxes may apply to wages or profits earned, including social services, medical care, and capital gains taxes.”
Health care — or as some have called it, “eugenics:”
“Last year (2018), CBS News reported that Iceland is ‘close to eradicating’ Down syndrome since prenatal screening became available. What they really mean is that people with Down syndrome are being eradicated by selective abortion.
“Denmark is right behind Iceland with a 98 percent abortion rate for Down syndrome. In France it’s 77 percent. In the United States as many as 67 percent of babies with Down syndrome are aborted.” –
Perhaps comparing tiny European socialist countries with the United States, magnifies the basic differences between the societies rather than supporting an argument that one country should strive to emulate the other. Why, it’s almost as if the comparisons may not be entirely valid.
Third try to avoid “comment in moderation”
How is it that little old Iceland and every other civilized country in Europe can provide this …
“The Personal Income Tax Rate in Iceland stands at 46.25 percent … In addition to Iceland’s income tax, other taxes may apply to wages or profits earned, including social services, medical care, and capital gains taxes.”
“The Personal Income Tax Rate in Iceland stands at 46.25 percent … ”
Total falsehood, but I’m not surprised when you source your information from:
In fact the very highest income tax rate in Iceland is only 31.8%.
If you make $90,000 per year, your tax rate is only 23.5%, and even adding a municipal tax of 14.5% still only equals a total tax rate of less than 38%.
And for that one receives free, lifetime, no limit, medical care for their entire family plus generous prenatal, birth and child care services at no cost.
Yes, sometimes parents in many countries make hard decisions about their pregnancy. And when God chooses to inflict the suffering of Down’s syndrome on an embryo, sometimes parents feel it is better to terminate the pregnancy rather than condemn a child to a short life of confusion and depression.
I think that’s a very good deal, I will trade free, unlimited healthcare and childcare for giving women the right to determine whether they endure pregnancy and childbirth.
I think some would call that less government intrusion into our personal lives…
Tax table for Iceland:
“In fact the very highest income tax rate in Iceland is only 31.8%. If you make $90,000 per year, your tax rate is only 23.5%, and even adding a municipal tax of 14.5% still only equals a total tax rate of less than 38%.”
Using your source taxsummaries:
Tier 3, top rate — income over $94,809 (ISK 12,481,275) annually, income tax rate of 31.8%, muni tax 14.45% = total tax 46.25%.
My source added the income and muni taxes together, for a total of, ahem, 46.25%. Yes, it’s the top tier rate — and it hits everyone making $94,810 or more.
In the US, that would be the majority of small-business owners.
Now add consumption tax — VAT — of 24%.
Capital gains, dividend and interest income — 22% on each category.
Inheritance tax 10% on amounts above $39.9K.
I believe the point is made.
“I think that’s a very good deal, I will trade free, unlimited healthcare and childcare for giving women the right to determine whether they endure pregnancy and childbirth.”
I doubt that most Americans would feel that would be such a great trade — “free” government-controlled healthcare in exchange for the lives of millions of unborn children.
But what’s horrifyingly frightening is this:
“Yes, sometimes parents in many countries make hard decisions about their pregnancy. And when God chooses to inflict the suffering of Down’s syndrome on an embryo, sometimes parents feel it is better to terminate the pregnancy rather than condemn a child to a short life of confusion and depression.”
Wholesale eugenics, by abortion. And you approve of it!
It’s only anecdotal personal experience, but I have two close friends with Down syndrome children. Suffice to say that these families are experiencing much more than a “short life of confusion and depression.”
Shades of “Brave New World.”
In 2018, CBS news reported that Iceland is ‘close to eradicating’ Down syndrome since prenatal screening became available. Denmark is right behind Iceland with a 98 percent rate; in France it’s 77 percent.
Perhaps comparing tiny European socialist countries with the US, magnifies the basic differences between the societies rather than supporting an argument that one country should strive to emulate the other. Why, it’s almost as if the comparisons may not be entirely valid.
I apologize for the duplicate posts. IME posts that go into “moderation” are never seen again. I kept trying to publish my post by changing small parts to prevent triggering the modbot.
Yes, the strange moderation system sometimes makes it difficult to have a reasoned and detailed exchange, thanks for your patience in getting your message across!
Why is it that the FIRST thing out of the mouth of ANY Leftist/fascist is “free”??? First of all, you pathetic quarter-with, NOTHING is “free”. SOMEONE pays for everything. What you’re really saying is “I’m too frickin’ lazy and incompetent to take care of myself, so someone HAS to take care of me.”
Since it’s obvious YOU don’t pay taxes, let me put you some knowledge – because you have successfully STOLEN money from me, literally at the point of a gun, and used that to provide “free” prenatal health care, does not make prenatal health care “free”. That is some serious stupidity. “Shared cost” is ALWAYS, and inherently, inequitable. “Shared cost” by FORCE is theft, pure and simple. But y’all “Progressives” are all about theft, if it gets you off the hook of having to stir your lazy asses.
Contrary to YOUR pathetic POV, “civilized” countries don’t steal money from their citizens at the point of a gun, or distribute it to losers like you, who’d rather suck off the public teat than actually make themselves useful. “Free” anything – healthcare, child care, college tuition, whatever – is just a euphemism for “s*** we stole”.
Your enthusiastic embrace of the organized crime of government theft and redistribution surprises me not at all. I’d day try doing it yourself, but . . . I’d as well tell a planaria to build a cathedral.
I’ve had all of my (many) “moderated” posts (Because Freedom. And Liberty) show up same day or next but I’ve had many that included zero words that could trigger anything. Often two or three posts in a row are kidnapped by our self imposed speaking nannies. None of these (many) posts have ever been altered in any way. Did I mention there have been many?
If you EVER get the chaotic, inconsistent, brain-dead mess that is the TTAG “moderation” system figured out, share that nugget with the rest of us. I’ve given up. I write what I write, and if it gets posted, great. If it gets moderated, the TTAG “moderators” are cordially invited to osculate my anal sphincter.
I’m still having a difficult time wrapping my head around this:
— Last year (2018), CBS News reported that Iceland is ‘close to eradicating’ Down syndrome since prenatal screening became available. What they really mean is that people with Down syndrome are being eradicated by selective abortion.
Miner49er —
“Yes, sometimes parents in many countries make hard decisions about their pregnancy. And when God chooses to inflict the suffering of Down’s syndrome on an embryo, sometimes parents feel it is better to terminate the pregnancy rather than condemn a child to a short life of confusion and depression.”
Comments are closed.