Scene from a gun rights rally in Illinois. New Mexico now finds itself facing some of the same anti-gun issues. AP Photo.

If you live in New Mexico, or even if you like to visit New Mexico, I encourage everyone who can to show up at an important gun rights rally on February 3. Residents of the state find themselves in a similar situation to the one Virginia faced in 2020, and it’s a disease that can spread nationally if we don’t stamp it out now.

Looking Back To Just Before The Pandemic

In late 2019, gun owners saw something unprecedented happen. Virginia, a state that had been gun friendly for much of its history, found itself facing an anti-gun legislature and governor who promised tyrannical new laws that would make the state look a lot more like California or New York. Even Donald Trump (who wasn’t the most vocal supporter of gun issues) recognized the threat, saying, “Your 2nd Amendment is under very serious attack in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia.”

Between the attention that brought and the hyperventilations of mainstream media outlets, word got out that gun owners needed to show up and make their voices heard. So, tens of thousands of people from all over the United States showed up to the Virginia Citizens’ Defense League’s annual Lobby Day protest. Everyone knew that if it wasn’t stopped in Virginia, it would spread everywhere.

While the media worked to discredit the event as some kind of bigoted, right-wing threat to the Republic, those of us who don’t let the media tell us what to think saw that the event represented something entirely different. Gun owners from all backgrounds showed up to let the civilian disarmament movement know where they stood.

Many bad laws still got through the legislature after the event, but the governor’s signature anti-gun bill, an “assault weapon” ban, stalled and died. Now, people are working in the legislature and the courts to reverse the other losses.

Not only did the predictions of violence and mayhem not come to pass, but people even stayed after to help clean up any messes. The message was sent, but people also showed that they were good citizens and not people looking to crap in their own nest (something we saw a lot of later that year).

It’s Happening Again

Like Virginia, New Mexico has been a gun-friendly place for a long time. Like most other states, the concealed carry situation had to be fixed (and still needs a lot of work), but open carry had been legal as long as the state had existed, along with strong protections for car carry. A constitutional amendment in 1986 even prohibits local governments from passing local gun laws.

The state gained a reputation for being a “purple state” because it not only protected gun rights, but wasn’t a stereotypical pro-gun state dominated by conservative politics. This middle-of-the-road approach was great for gun owners of all backgrounds for a long time.

But, in the last couple of decades, a cloud of locusts have moved in from California. The state’s low cost of living made it very attractive, especially for retirees. When these people moved in, they were smart enough to leave California, but weren’t smart enough to not bring their dumb politics with them. This culminated in the election of Michelle Lujan-Grisham, a radical authoritarian progressive, who has worked to undermine the “purple state” balance.

On top of instituting some of the most insane pandemic policies in the country, Grisham then tried to further abuse her authority during public health emergencies to ban the carry of guns in Albuquerque, something which even anti-gun figures like David Hogg knew was both illegal and insane.

Now, the governor is doing it again, this time trying to get the legislature to pass some truly awful gun control laws. Like Ralph “Black Face” Northam, the governor’s key bill is going to be a semi-auto rifle ban, but this time based on the failed GOSAFE Act, something even more extreme than people faced in Virginia.

If passed, this law (along with the others she wants) isn’t in compliance with the Supreme Court’s NYSRPA v Bruen decision, but she knows that. The point is to tie gun owners up in court for as long as possible and deny rights for as long as she can. Plus, she’s hoping that Biden will get reelected, and that maybe the court will be different by the time her nonsense makes it to the top court.

This is a cancer that will spread if unchecked. We’re seeing similar things in Colorado and other states that have been infected with the California virus. Even more solid states like Arizona, Texas and maybe even eventually Utah are not immune. Keep in mind that New Mexico used to be a strong pro-gun state, too, until we got infected. Large numbers of Californians are moving out to other states, and many of them have brought their disdain for individual rights with them to places like Phoenix and Austin.

We can’t stop people from leaving the festering hell-hole that California has become, but we can make this a teachable moment. When they come to other states and want to respect individual rights, we’re friends. But, when they try to import authoritarianism, they need to know that we won’t put up with that nonsense.

If you can, please come and let Loony Lujan-Grisham and her friends know that people care about this issue enough to come from across the United States and oppose it. The capitol grounds are not a “gun-free” zone, so be sure to bring along whatever guns you feel comfortable bringing.

But, please keep any signs and flags on topic. We want the state legislature to know that they aren’t watching a Trump rally or a Republican protest, but a statement from people from all walks of life and affiliation who believe in the Second Amendment and support all of our Constitutional rights. This needs to be loud and clear if there’s any chance that they’re going to listen and get a clue.


  1. The single biggest reason why so many people showed up in DC for the Jan6 Trump rally was because so many democrats were trampling all over the constitutional rights of Americans. Jan6 was about what the left did. NOT about what Trump did. The actions of Ralph Northam in Virginia was very much a part of that.

    I do not support open carry gun protests. Do this creates more problems than it solves.

    • Sure, the flood of “Stop the steal!” e-mails to Trump’s “top supporters” had nothing whatsoever to do with who showed up in answer to his call….

      • It’s been over three years, and they still haven’t explained the very unusual, sometimes unconstitutional (PA), and highly questionable things that happened in a few select Democrat-controlled districts within a handful of swing states. This happened in an election where a little over 20,000 votes would have swung it the other way. Nothing to see here. Move along. The only election in the history of our country when nontraditional voting exceeded traditional voting is also the most secure election in the history of the world. I also have a great deal on some beachfront property in Kansas.

        The FBI refused to investigate it, but they’re all about going after and locking up grannies who had the audacity to step onto some unmarked forbidden ground outside the Capitol. They’re still focused on rounding people up to this day. Keep on simping for the feds. I’m sure the ones reading this page approve.

        • “the very unusual, sometimes unconstitutional (PA)“

          Nope, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld their legislature’s voting changes:

          “HARRISBURG — The state Supreme Court has upheld Pennsylvania’s mail ballot law, preserving for the time being a popular voting method that passed the legislature with bipartisan support but was later challenged by Republican elected officials.

          In a 5-2 decision released Tuesday, the justices rejected the GOP argument that the legislature did not have the power under the state constitution to allow Pennsylvanians to vote by mail without an excuse.”

          How ironic that the Republicans in the PA legislature backed Act 77, right up until Trump lost.

          And the constitution prohibits outside actors from interfering with a State’s right to control it’s elections:

          “Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution explains that the States have the primary authority over election administration, the “times, places, and manner of holding elections”.

        • “The FBI refused to investigate it, but they’re all about going after and locking up grannies who had the audacity to step onto some unmarked forbidden ground outside the Capitol“

          Specifically, which granny?

          “The FBI refused to investigate it“

          Specifically, what did the FBI refuse to investigate?

        • It was literally against the state constitution. A court held that it was unconstitutional, then the state supreme court pulled a ruling out of you know where. They said the legislature can change election laws. How can they change a law that’s unconstitutional without first amending the constitution? They can’t unless you’re for throwing law and order out the window for the sake of convenience.

        • Specifically, which granny?

          I’m not at a place where I can take the time to hold your hand again. We’ve been through this before. I give you your precious links, and every single time you run away. Look it up yourself.

          Off the top of my head, I recall a story about an elderly woman who was in the middle of cancer treatment. There’s an interview with her. She didn’t even know she was breaking any laws. Yet, the prosecutors thought it was a great idea to send her to prison where she will continue to receive her cancer treatments. Remember when Comey said no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute Hillary for setting up a secret private server and mishandling classified documents? Compare and contrast, and ask yourself why you love it when the elite of the elite get away with things while the little people have the book thrown at them. And yes, they’re even throwing people in jail that didn’t enter the Capitol Building.

          Specifically, what did the FBI refuse to investigate?

          Pick any of the major weird happenings in select Democrat districts during the 2020 election. USPS driver Jesse Morgan said he hauled 300,000 completed ballots across state lines. I know how you feel about crossing state lines from the Rittenhouse story, Miner. Instead of investigating, the FBI tried to intimidate him.

        • MINOR49er, Just because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court makes a declaration, does not mean that the US Supreme Court will concur.

        • Your only claim with any specificity:

          “USPS driver Jesse Morgan said he hauled 300,000 completed ballots across state lines“

          You do know, that’s how mail-in ballots work for absentee voting, people mail them, sometimes across state lines because they happen to be in another state during the election. Like every soldier/sailor serving overseas ever.

          And beyond that, there’s no truth to the story.

          Local reporting always has the details:

          “Jesse Morgan’s long, strange tale of thousands of mail-in ballots that allegedly went missing from Lancaster in Oct. 2020
          ​RUSS WALKER | LANCASTERONLINE Dec 28, 2022

          “As for Morgan’s favorite trailer, the investigators obtained GPS data that showed trailer 10R-1440 was actually en route from Florida to Pennsylvania and was somewhere in the Carolinas on Oct. 21, not on the back of Morgan’s truck. And contrary to Morgan’s assertion that he always drove the same trailer, 10R-1440, the investigators found that he used six different trailers during the month of October.”

        • MINOR49er, what “investigators”? Who are these phantom “investigators?” How about naming them?

        • The USPS OIG investigated it. It took them over two years to produce their closing memorandum. Miner, saying the trailer number was wrong is not the same thing as denying the existence of the ballots. They confirmed the existence of ballots. They wouldn’t confirm the total number of ballots. The closing memo, as well as your media story, is full of misdirection. Why wouldn’t they be transparent about what happened?

          The printing company would know how many ballots they printed for their contract. From the OIG memo:

          [Redacted name of lawyer for printing company] indicated that he would contact his client and confirm the transportation of ballots at a later time.

          Later time? This FINAL memo was produced more than two years after the fact. Are they still trying to figure this out? The memo is called closing for a reason. They obviously want this story to go away.

          Why didn’t Jessee receive whistleblower status? From American Thinker:

          Early on, Schaeffer was asked by members of the Pennsylvania Senate to thoroughly investigate the Morgan claims. He formed a special team of “former postmasters,” who spent a week trying to determine if Morgan’s story was feasible, given normal Post Office procedures. They concluded that it was feasible, and that Morgan was credible.

          Schaeffer then asked an acquaintance, former attorney general Ed Meese, to call Barr to inform him of the findings. According to Tony Schaeffer, no more than 10 minutes went by before Barr called him to tell him to stop investigating. Barr spent 20 minutes, essentially yelling at him in a threatening way. Schaeffer asked if Morgan could get whistleblower status, and Barr refused. After that, Morgan dropped out of sight.

          Morgan later said that the FBI basically harassed him, was “harassing my family,” and wanted to know “how I came on TV.” Did they seriously investigate his claims? Not to his knowledge. Jesse Morgan has never recanted his story.

          Final point: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania certified its 2020 election despite the undisputed fact that it had recorded 202,000 more ballots cast than voters. That disparity probably made the election certification illegal under Commonwealth law. Eventually, Pennsylvania “found” more voters, but not enough. To this very day it appears that there were 91,000 more ballots cast than identified voters. Of course, that number exceeds Biden’s winning margin. It also lends credence to the claims of Jesse Morgan. But… let’s not be picayune.

        • “A court held that it was unconstitutional, then the state supreme court pulled a ruling out of you know where“

          Regardless of how you feel about their decision, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of all controversies arising in Pennsylvania and it’s their decision to make.

          And you didn’t hear the testimony or see the evidence, you are basically forming an opinion based on hearsay.

          And the fact is, Act 77 was the brain child of the state Republicans, if you think it’s an unconstitutional law take it up with the state Republican Party.

        • “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania certified its 2020 election despite the undisputed fact that it had recorded 202,000 more ballots cast than voters“

          Why do you guys believe this bullshit?

          Here’s the TLDR:

          “Those claims are easily debunked. In Pennsylvania, for example, there were nearly 7 million votes cast. The total number of registered voters in 2020 was just over 9 million.

          “This obvious misinformation put forth by Rep. Ryan and others is the hallmark of so many of the claims made about this year’s presidential election,” Murren told the AP in an emailed statement. “When exposed to even the simplest examination, courts at every level have found these and similar conspiratorial claims to be wholly without basis.”

          Here’s some details:

          “The claim emerged in a release from the Republican state Rep. Frank Ryan and several others on Monday.

          “A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on Nov. 3, 2020, as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted,” the release said.“

          However, these claims rely on incomplete data, according to Wanda Murren, communications director for the Pennsylvania Department of State, who called the lawmakers’ release “obvious misinformation.”

          It was not immediately clear where the numbers cited in the release originated and Ryan did not respond to a call seeking comment on Tuesday. However, the apparent reference to SURE (Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors) in Pennsylvania points to state data on the voting history of registered voters, which some large counties have not finished uploading yet.
          “These counties, which include Philadelphia, Allegheny, Butler and Cambria, would account for a significant number of voters,” Murren told The Associated Press in an emailed statement. “The numbers certified by the counties, not the uploading of voter histories into the SURE system, determines the ultimate certification of an election by the secretary.”

        • Miner, it doesn’t matter if it was Republicans or Democrats that supported Act 77. That doesn’t make it constitutional. Most people aren’t like you in that they don’t automatically agree or disagree with policies based on what their political party supports. I understand how the court system works. One can still criticize their decisions. For instance, everyone (including honest Democrats) knew there was no constitutional right to an abortion. Yet, that decision stood for decades.

          Your rebuttal to the 91,000 extra ballots is old. If you look it up, the various rebuttals to the 202,000 ballot claim said that all of the information wasn’t in yet. I don’t see anyone rebutting the more recent 91,000 claim. When you read those “fact checks” they only mention the total number of registered voters in the entire state. That isn’t how it works. You need the proper number of registered voters within the particular districts within the state.

        • MINOR49er Nice try, little fella. But the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is NOT the final arbiter. You see we have this thing called SCOTUS. In this particular case there is a FEDERAL issue. You have heard of the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment as well as some 26 other Amendments?

          As to the vote count? I would like to know how one New Hampshire district had move votes than registered people.

        • “That doesn’t make it constitutional“

          What makes it constitutional is the fact the Pennsylvania Supreme Court considered the matter and ruled the law constitutional. End of story, no matter what randos on the inter-web feel.

          If the Republicans in Pennsylvania were so aggrieved, why didn’t they appeal their case to the Supreme Court of the United States?

          And the same goes for what you claim are vote versus registered discrepancies, why didn’t they take that before federal appeals courts and the United States Supreme Court?

          Because it’s bullshit and they know it, and the ‘stop the steal’ bullshit has been slapped down in 60 different courts, not to mention proven wrong by multiple recounts/audits in several states.

          Donald Trump’s own hand-picked Attorney General and his Department of Justice investigated these claims and found they were quite literally bullshit as Trump’s Attorney General stated.

          And why didn’t Fox News and Rupert Murdoch provide all of this ‘stolen election’ evidence rather than pay $787 million in a defamation settlement?

          Your slavish devotion to Donald Trump is incomprehensible.

          Especially after Trump stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from the wounded warrior charity, money he used to further his political career.

        • MINOR49er. Pure Unadulterated BULL SHIT. Just because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court found it “constitutional” was a finding under the Pennsylvania Constitution, not the US Constitution. Are you really that dense? (Sorry, that was a rhetorical question) Are you and DUNDERHEAD trying to show how really stupid you are?

        • What makes it constitutional is the fact the Pennsylvania Supreme Court considered the matter and ruled the law constitutional. End of story, no matter what randos on the inter-web feel.

          You believe the higher courts to be infallible? That’s interesting. You think something is constitutional when a few guys in robes say it’s constitutional? The court system has a history of getting things wrong, just like everything run by humans. You should try thinking for yourself someday. Thank me later.

          And the same goes for what you claim are vote versus registered discrepancies, why didn’t they take that before federal appeals courts and the United States Supreme Court?

          You know the courts refused to hear most of those cases. This is old news. It’s propaganda that the courts ruled there was no fraud. The DOJ did NOT investigate all of those claims. It has traditionally been left up to the individual states to conduct their elections, free from federal interference.

          The Fox defamation settlement is an entirely separate issue. They had a chance to either win outright, or get the settlement lower, but they were going to make Murdoch personally testify. They were going to make it painful. He didn’t want that or the constant publicity. In MSM, there’s Fox, and everyone else. 90% of the media would have made a spectacle out of it to try and tarnish Fox. Murdoch made the decision to make it go away.

          Your slavish devotion to Donald Trump is incomprehensible.

          My only devotion is to the truth.

      • I’m sure there were some that acted on that message. I was not one. Chances are very good most of that ended up in file 13.

        The problem really isn’t about Trump. He was a light that exposed many of the issues. When the left went full on crazy reacting to Trump, the world saw it.

    • “The single biggest reason why so many people showed up in DC for the Jan6 Trump rally was because so many democrats were trampling all over the constitutional rights of Americans“

      Wait a minute, I thought the party line was that those folks on January 6 were all antifa, BLM and FBI agitators…

      You guys gotta keep your story straight if you want to have a chance of your propaganda being successful.

      • Nobody said “all” you Marxist POS propagandist.
        Mostly all the agitators were from the groups you stated.
        Glad to clear this up for you whiner. 👍
        FYI, everyone is still laughing!🤣🤣🤣🤣

        • Miner is the ultimate simp for Big Government. I keep asking him what he gets out of the deal. He seems to just take pleasure in it.

      • “Wait a minute, I thought the party line was that those folks on January 6 were all antifa, BLM and FBI agitators…”

        OH STFU Miner49er. No one ever said that all of them were, but there were antifa, BLM agitators and both those groups have said they were there and tried to stir things up… and FBI agitators were there too and that came out when the Republicans in the house found the video the Democrats tried to hide and in that thousands of hours of video are people that have been identified as FBI agents committing acts like breaking out windows and stiring people up and even among that group that pushed forward at the capital door urging them on. Especially fun in the found video is Nancy Pelosi re-hersing her ‘we are under attack, its an insurrection’ actions, video made before anything happened or anyone showed up. Even the Capital police chief finally came out and disclosed there were FBI agents there agitating.

      • The one guy that was on camera begging people to go into the Capitol on the day before and the day of finally had to be indicted because people noticed that he didn’t get arrested along with the other prominent faces. He was also the only “Jan6er” who the Unselect Committee, as well as the media, defended! Then they let him off with zero jail time. Totally not a fed.

        • “The one guy that was on camera begging people to go into the Capitol on the day before and the day of finally had to be indicted“

          Regret to inform you he’s one of yours, the oath keepers aren’t exactly liberals.
          But Ray was smart enough not to enter the Capitol and not to assault police officers so he avoided serious prison time:

          “Driven from his Arizona home, the former Marine and ex-member of the Oath Keepers extremist group filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News Channel this year, saying the network was to blame for spreading the baseless claims that led to death threats and bullet casings in his yard.

          Michael Teter, an attorney representing Epps in the defamation case, said Epps’ plea agreement is “powerful evidence of the absurdity of Fox News’ and Tucker Carlson’s lies that sought to turn Ray into a scapegoat for January 6.”

          “Had Ray been charged earlier, Fox News would have called him a hero and political prisoner,” Teter said in an emailed statement. “Instead, Fox News spread falsehoods about Ray that have cost him his livelihood and safety.”

          If you are withholding evidence proving Ray Epps was a government agent, you really should share it with Fox News before they take it in the shorts again on a defamation award.

        • Regret to inform you he’s one of yours, the oath keepers aren’t exactly liberals.
          But Ray was smart enough not to enter the Capitol and not to assault police officers so he avoided serious prison time:

          Now hold on just a second. This was the same guy caught on camera telling crowds of people on two separate days to spread the word that, “we’re going into the Capitol!” Why would he do that when he knew he wasn’t going into the Capitol? Gee, I don’t know. Let me think about it. He also helped to hurl a large sign toward police. Every other person that touched that sign was charged with assault. Hmm…

          Look up how many feds had infiltrated the Proud Boys. Look at how many feds were involved in the “planned abduction” of Gov. Whitmer. Now ask yourself if being a former Oath Keeper means that Epps couldn’t possibly be a fed. Why aren’t other people being treated with kid gloves? Why did they want to throw granny in jail in the middle of her cancer treatment, but let Epps off the hook? Granny didn’t tell anyone to go into the Capitol. She didn’t help hurl a sign at police. Why isn’t the media defending granny? You know why.

          Like I said, Epps is the ONLY “Jan 6er” that is being defended by the Select Committee, the media, and now you! You take every single available opportunity to laugh about all of the Jan 6 people being thrown in jail. Now look at yourself. You’re either lying (again) or you have a very low IQ. Like SAFE says, it’s time to embrace the power of and. If you were actually smart, then you would be a better liar.

        • ShitDiggingIdiot just can’t help himself, it’s all the Demokkkrats have..

          How about the recently released video showing the head of security at the capitol PERJURING HIMSELF when it came to his testimony against the Oathkeepers?

          Ya, know, the little matter of him being in a separate building when he claims he saw the Oathkeepers causing problems, when actually, they were keeping some of the FBI / ANTIFA / PAID agitators from getting shot by the DC police?

          What ELSE will be revealed as the restricted video is sloooowly released?

        • “we’re going into the Capitol!” Why would he do that when he knew he wasn’t going into the Capitol?”

          Probably the same reason Donald Trump claimed he was going to march to the capital and didn’t, they both knew better.

          Seriously, do you think he was a federal agitator because he was exhorting the crowd to go into the Capitol? Do you also believe that the thousands of people shouting “Hang Mike Pence!” were also federal agitators?

          So what actual evidence do you have against Ray Epps, besides him shouting about taking back the peoples house just like everyone else there?

          “video showing the head of security at the capitol PERJURING HIMSELF“

          Link or citation?

          “The FBI evidence came out later… “

          Of course there were FBI informants in the crowd, that’s how confidential informants work. But none of you have shown any evidence whatsoever that there were actual agitators employed by the FBI creating the disturbance. In fact, the video shows hundreds of violent insurrectionists breaching the capital in an attempt to stop the legitimate transfer power through the electoral ballot certification process.

          The traitors to America, some carrying the confederate flag, plainly stated their intent was to “Stop the Steal!”, a clear confession of their intent to interfere with the inauguration of our new president, the very definition of an insurrection.

          That’s why so many of them have been sent to federal prison for years, stay tuned for more arrests, convictions and sentencing.

          Same Bat Channel, same Bat Time.

        • Probably the same reason Donald Trump claimed he was going to march to the capital and didn’t, they both knew better.

          Citation please? When did Trump say he was marching to the Capitol? (He didn’t. You’re lying again.)

          Why would some nobody go around telling people to spread the word that we need to go INTO the Capitol? We now know the context that he never intended to go in himself. Try using your brain for a change to figure that one out. Once again, Epps was the ONLY Jan 6er that was defended by the Regime and their sycophants. He was the ONLY Jan 6er to get a slap on the wrist. They even put off indicting him when he was one of the most prominent Jan 6 faces. They finally had to when people kept questioning why he had not been arrested like everyone else. If you can’t solve this mystery, then you either have a very low IQ, and/or you are being disingenuous. Again. Still.

          Do you also believe that the thousands of people shouting “Hang Mike Pence!” were also federal agitators?

          Can you positively identify every person who said that? Are all of those people now in jail? If you can’t answer those questions, then how could you rule that out? You can’t, especially when you consider the tactics they’ve used in the past.

        • “When did Trump say he was marching to the Capitol? (He didn’t. You’re lying again.)“

          Dude, to be so passionate about this subject you sure don’t know shit about it. Have you not read Donald’s speech at the rally? Have you not watched the video available on YouTube? Are you just spouting your bullshit without being informed of the actual facts?

          Below is an excerpt from trumps speech, so who’s the liar?

          “Now, it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you, we’re going to walk down, we’re going to walk down.

          Anyone you want, but I think right here, we’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them.“

          Now here’s one of my personal favorite pertinent portions of his speech:

          “They’ve been taking his statue down. But then we signed a little law. You hurt our monuments, you hurt our heroes, you go to jail for 10 years, and everything stopped. You notice that? It stopped. It all stopped.“

          So according to trump, every MAGA rioter who defaced the Capitol, broke windows, smeared shit, destroyed property, deserves 10 years in the federal pen.

          Dude, when can I expect you to support Donald Trump’s desire that all these who defaced the United States Capitol should receive 10 years in prison?

          Or are those laws only prosecuted against people who deface confederate monuments to slavery?

        • He said they were going to cheer on their brave senators and congressmen and women. He also said that people were going to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard. He never said anything about going into the building or being violent. If he did think he could physically be there in that crowd, I’m sure his security detail said there was no way he could get into the middle of that crowd. Most of the people who listened to that speech left the area after that speech. The other crowd was already at the Capitol building as Trump was giving that speech. Anyone who says Trump was encouraging violence and vandalism is either a liar or they’ve been (intentionally) misinformed by the media and Dem pols and operatives.

          As for the punishments, I believe in equal treatment. Do you? I don’t think the Jan 6 protesters/rioters should be treated any differently than BLM/antifa/Democrat protestors that attacked federal buildings, monuments, hindered official proceedings, and unlawfully trespassed in federal government buildings and properties. I’ve never agreed with any of the vandalism or violence coming from any side. I’ve always been consistent.

        • “He never said anything about going into the building or being violent“

          He said nothing about being violent?

          “We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,”

          That’s pretty clear I’d say.

          Donald Trump is a clever guy, he understands how to carefully couch a call to action in his language, he uses phrases that people will pick up on and understand the message.

          He’ll use camouflaging statements that give him cover, because he knows his followers will disregard them.

          Here’s a perfect example:

          “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

          And hidden within the seeming call for peaceful protest is a command to “soon be marching over to the Capitol”.

          Trump scheduled the January 6 rally and march to the Capitol in an attempt to disrupt the certification of the election and intimidate Mike Pence into certifying the fraudulent electors that Trump and his co-conspirators had engineered over the previous months.

          Just like every member of the confederacy, Donald Trump is a traitor to America.

        • MINOR49er, when he said, “we fight like hell”, he was speaking rhetorically meaning that we will demonstrate, argue, proceed in courts, etc. Not violence. Nice try though. Your interpretation certainly fits your agenda.

        • “We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,”

          That doesn’t imply violence, and everyone knows it. Trump always talks like that. It was a political rally and protest. It’s propaganda that the rioters listened to Trump’s speech, and then “marched” over to the Capitol. You don’t even know that, do you? You aren’t even aware of the timing of events. You believe everything the Mockingbird media wants you to believe like the rest of the sheep. Spoiler alert: Those people were already at the Capitol during Trump’s speech.

      • No.
        Antifa evidence came out later as members of antifa posted videos of themselves at the rally.
        The FBI evidence came out later when FBI officer sat before Congress and refused to confirm or deny, under oath, the presence of FBI agents.
        It was later reveled the FBI had so many paid informants at the Jan6th rally, they had to conduct an audit to determine how many were there and how much money was paid out.

      • I have no doubt there were Antifa there. Nothing I said says otherwise. I believe there were and they were the instigators of the riot that happened. I believe they were the ones pushing the hardest to create anarchy with the cooperation of a handful of Democrats like Pelosi.

        That riot is not what most of the people there wanted or were trying to do.

        • “I believe there were and they were the instigators of the riot that happened“

          Y’all have had the video for years, it’s available on YouTube, why haven’t you folks identified any BLM agitators causing damage?

          You know, there are thousands of folks sitting at home, running facial recognition software trying to identify the seditionists, many with great success.

          Why hasn’t anyone identified a single BLM/antifa member involved in the violence?

          It seems 99.5% of those physically assaulting the police officers are honkies…

        • John Earl Sullivan. He organized an antifa rally at 11:00 on Jan 6 before dressing as a Trump supporter, complete with MAGA hat, and breaking glass at the Capitol building. He was quoted by prosecutors as saying (during the riot) that he wanted to “make those Trump supporters f_ck sh_t up.” Get it? “Those Trump supporters” because he wasn’t one.

        • Four days earlier, he tweeted, “Time to kick the fascist out of DC on Jan 6, 2020.” WordPress settings won’t let me post the entire tweet for some reason.

        • do you think John Sullivan was some sort of antifa/FBI agitator?

          It sure didn’t work out for him, he was convicted of two felonies and five misdemeanors and he’s headed to federal prison.

          “WASHINGTON – A Utah man was convicted today by a jury in the District of Columbia of five felonies and two misdemeanor charges related to his conduct during the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol. His actions and the actions of others disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress convened to ascertain and count the electoral votes related to the 2020 presidential election.

          John Earl Sullivan, 29, of Salt Lake City, Utah, was convicted by a jury of felony offenses of obstructing an official proceeding, obstructing officers during a civil disorder, entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds with a dangerous weapon, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds with a dangerous weapon, and unlawful possession of a dangerous weapon on Capitol grounds or buildings. In addition to the felonies, Sullivan was found guilty of misdemeanor offenses of disorderly conduct in a Capitol building and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.“

          I don’t doubt they were many nut jobs who showed up for the fun, the QAnon shaman is a good example of that.

          This Sullivan claimed to be a journalist but he was clearly there for the rioting fun, as were others.

          But there was no FBI conspiracy to agitate anything, the only set up was by Donald Trump when he misled the poorly educated and whipped them into a frenzy with his fantasy of a stolen election.

          He used the mob as a tool, as a weapon to interrupt the certification of the election and pressure Mike Pence into certifying the fraudulent electors.

        • “But there was no FBI conspiracy to agitate anything…”

          Why are you pushing that? I said that guy was antifa. I didn’t say he was a fed. He was known in both antifa and BLM circles prior to Jan 6. He promoted, and held an antifa rally in DC at 11 am prior to donning his MAGA cap and joining the festivities at the Capitol. It’s a court record that he was quoted saying he wanted to “make those Trump supporters f_ck sh_t up.”

          There is video of multiple people who are clearly antifa vandalizing the Capitol building. How often do you see Trump supporters in all black with face masks at rallies? That’s antifa or people pretending to be antifa.

  2. I encourage everyone who can to show up at an important gun rights rally on February 3.

    … if there’s any chance that [New Mexico politicians are] going to listen and get a clue.

    Unless you can somehow get 100,000 people to show up who appear to be unhinged and on the precipice of reenacting the 1790s French Revolution, New Mexico’s politicians will not care one iota about any lesser rally.

    New Mexico’s politicians only care about three things:
    1) Reelection.
    2) Financial gain.
    3) Breathing.

    Unless you can convince New Mexico’s politicians that they will lose one or more of those three items if they enact more firearm laws, they will enact more firearm laws.

  3. Sorry Jennifer. Not showing up to New Mexico unless you show up to protest fat boy’s gat bans in ILLannoy. Ours is far worse. And the corpulent govner thinks most ILLANNOY resident’s can’t afford a “real” ASS-ault gat. Did I mention you never could get a real giggle switch gat in ILLANNOY unless you were a criminal or a rich dim?!?

  4. “Even Donald Trump (who wasn’t the most vocal supporter of gun issues) recognized the threat… “

    The people of Virginia expressed their will by electing their representatives, that’s how the political process works.

    So, just like Donald Trump, the Virginia Republicans tried to steal the election:

    Virginia county admits election tally in 2020 shorted Joe Biden
    Updated 2:50 PM EST, January 12, 2024

    “In the presidential race, the county mistakenly shorted Biden by 1,648 votes, and overreported Trump’s count by 2,327 votes. The 3,975-vote error in the margin of victory was immaterial in a contest that Biden won by 450,000 votes in Virginia and by more than 60,000 votes in Prince William County.

    In the U.S. Senate race, Democrat Mark Warner was shorted by 1,589 votes and Republican Daniel Gade was shorted by 107 votes. Warner won statewide by more than 500,000 votes.
    And in a U.S. House race, Republican Robert Wittman was shorted by 293 votes. He won by more than 80,000.
    The details released Thursday were the first extensive response about the errors since White was initially charged in 2022 with corrupt conduct, making a false statement and neglect of duty. Prosecutors from the office of Republican Attorney General Jason Miyares dropped the charges against White with little explanation, and court records lacked details on the alleged misconduct.”

    “Prosecutors from the office of Republican Attorney General Jason Miyares dropped the charges against White with little explanation… “

    Of course, no personal responsibility for attempting to steal the election, the Republican Attorney General dropped the charges, how surprising.

    “court records lacked details… “

    Ha ha, that’s a good one!

    So much for Republican ‘election integrity’.

    • So once again, you’re admitting that election fraud DOES exist. If that’s true, then we should use known methods, that the rest of the developed world uses, to prevent and catch all types of potential fraud. Just the other day, Que Mala was vomiting her typical propaganda word salad about voting. She said that limiting drop boxes, absentee voting, and requiring crazy things like an ID to vote, was a Republican strategy to violate civil rights.

      Do you agree with the established Democrat position that black people are too dumb to figure out how to get a proper ID? Dems are all about social programs. If they really believe that, then why aren’t they busy helping those poor, helpless black people? It’s almost like you guys are disingenuous. Do you enjoy living your life as vile liar?

      • That is a great point Dude.
        How is it 99% of developed countries know to prevent election fraud use some kind of picture ID, but in the US it is racist?

        • Voter ID is racist therefore all those other countries are racist and America is not. But my whole world view depends on America being racist so…..

        • Haha. Good job showing how they’re always twisting themselves into pretzels in order to push The Message.

        • MINOR49er. Excuse me, but just how is voter ID “racist?” Seems to me that each state that has Voter ID goes out of its way to make sure that anyone who needs one can get one.

          Seems you have a problem with election integrity.

      • The Democrat reality is shaped by the belief that if don’t summer on the vineyard you’re too stupid to live and must be entirely provided for until you’re no longer useful.

      • “So once again, you’re admitting that election fraud DOES exist“

        No one has ever claimed fraud attempts aren’t made, but the total number is far below that which is needed to affect the election.

        I’m glad you admit the fraud exists, now will you take ownership for the Republican fraud I have cited here, 4000 Votes stolen for Donald Trump by Republican operatives.

        • No one has ever claimed fraud attempts aren’t made, but the total number is far below that which is needed to affect the election.

          How do you know that? Have all crimes of theft in the world been documented? If something that is wrong exists, then why would you be against taking preventative measures? We all know why.

        • By the way Miner, there have been some recent incidents of the election outcome changing due to fraud. These were in the past couple of years. I believe one was just last year. There have also been elections won by a handful of votes. You know fraud has the potential to change the outcome. Democrats have even been complaining about it, claiming fraud.

      • “Do you agree with the established Democrat position that black people are too dumb to figure out how to get a proper ID?“

        The very epitome of disingenuity.

        The issue is that many disadvantaged folks don’t have resources to jump through all the hoops, not that they lack the cognitive abilities necessary.

        • Oh, so they’re too dumb to figure out how to get the same resources that the rest of the country has figured out how to get. Yeah, that’s a much more compassionate position, Miner. Thank you for clarifying that for us. How many black people have you shared your resources with?

        • How are those same disadvantaged folks receiving any sort of assistance from the welfare state? ID is needed for the most basic of transactions. Ever use a check cashing place? Local liqour store to cash a bank?

          Saying that voter id is unfair is a cover for a criminal operation that counts on illegals and voter fraud.

        • “How are those same disadvantaged folks receiving any sort of assistance from the welfare state?”

          Shhhhh. And don’t you dare mention the states that wanted to (and in some cases do) send vans around to come and make/give you the ID free of charge if you’re underprivileged.

        • MINOR49er, what “hoops”? You mean producing proper paperwork proving you are who you claim and that you are a US citizen?

  5. So because y’all voted it in and messed things up you expect us to show up and fix it for ya? NO
    Heard this same thing with Kalifornia years ago when they started on the stupid train.

  6. But, please keep any signs and flags on topic. We want the state legislature to know that they aren’t watching a Trump rally or a Republican protest…

    You mean you don’t want them to worry about you guys switching teams, and voting for their opponents?

    • She means there’s almost certainly to be chaos agents that are present and toting signs that are bad for optics.

      Minimizing the number of actual pro-gun people who get off topic makes isolating such agents much easier.

  7. I love it when the Lefty’s discredit these events as white supremacism on parade very literally “whitewashing” all in attendance.

    I’m sure those people being whitewashed feel kinda bummed about being ignored, discounted, dismissed and even called traitors to their race, gender, sexuality or whatever. Bummed enough to not continually vote for the party that’s doing it to them? Probably not.

    The uniparty hates your rights. They hate rights globally hence this new court system put in place to shit all over the EUs new privacy laws.
    They spy on us for our gov and our gov spies on them for their gov. It’s all legal and good.

  8. FOCUS people FOCUS!
    Wea are supposed to be talking about a gun rights rally, which I full expect the Governor to label an Armed Insurrection, or at least an Insurrection.

    • I would doubt this.

      What I don’t doubt is that SFPD will find every possible mechanism to harass anyone who attends, particularly with regards to parking which is extremely limited. Local services, once aware of the situation, will be less than helpful.

      The logistics of a pro-gun protest in Santa Fe should be carefully considered because the locals will not be particularly receptive to people toting rifles around, which has implications for food and drink procurement during the rally. You will stand out, even if you’re not carrying a slung rifle and the locals will not be receptive to you.

      I’d forgo restaurants and consider that a place like Kaune’s (a grocery store/meat market) is close by and could be used by people to sally forth and return. But they’re going to need to be able to legally CC or they’re going to have to be prepared to leave their weapons behind once the locals realize what’s up. Leaving a gun in a car is possible but unwise and the chances that many people will have vehicles close to the Capitol is very slim.

  9. “But, in the last couple of decades, a cloud of locusts have moved in from California. The state’s low cost of living made it very attractive, especially for retirees. When these people moved in, they were smart enough to leave California, but weren’t smart enough to not bring their dumb politics with them.”

    This is a problem. It’s kinda a Georgia O’Keefe thing going back decades. Santa Fe hasn’t been called “The San Francisco of the High Desert” for a long time for no reason.

    That said, there’s another issue that no one really wants to touch with a 10 foot pole, which is the number of hispanics who are default-Democrats going back a very long time. We’re not talking illegals, we’re talking people with a ranch going back to Spanish Land Grant times. Large families that, in some cases, became politically powerful decades ago and are simply default D. Other families may not be quite as “open” about their political power but fall into the same category and they are, often quite powerful at the county level.

    Which is truly odd, since they’re the type to occasionally blast a BLM Agent (Bureau of Land Management in this case) into the hereafter over a federal attempt to regulate a natural spring on the rancher’s private land. Still, default D.

    I don’t see this interesting facet of NM politics changing unless some large families, like Ortiz y Pino or Lujan repudiate the Democrats, and I don’t see that happening any time soon since the families derive a lot of power within NM from being powerful Democrats and this is a bridge to power beyond the state too. Since they control the intra-state power structure, why change especially when it provides an advantageous link to a national party? They won’t unless they are heavily incentivized to do so and, IRL, that’s probably close to impossible to do from the outside unless the Democrat party entirely implodes. Even in that case, it will still take a long time because such families will still have outsized power in their fiefdom of NM.

    Plus, she’s hoping that Biden will get reelected, and that maybe the court will be different by the time her nonsense makes it to the top court.

    This is really the main thrust of the idea. Biden maybe not being a big player. Keeping a pipeline of cases to the SCOTUS is the overall plan because, one way or another, they play to change the SCOTUS to a makeup that will find in their favor on all these cases. That’s the reason the cases are often similar in argumentation but not quite similar enough to all be super easily joined together. It prevents a strong-point defense and keeps the pipeline alive at the same time.

    “The capitol grounds are not a “gun-free” zone, so be sure to bring along whatever guns you feel comfortable bringing.”

    Study the area and organize your parking situation beforehand. Without such groundwork being laid you’ll end up with a mess, and I’ll betcha SFPD would love to take advantage and harass you over it. Trust me on this, I used to work on Water Street.

  10. OK TTAG,
    As soon as the resident trolls(and you know who they are) begin plastering their lies and talking points in reply to rational and reasonable statements, I leave the site.
    Very soon, I will unsubscribe from the site if they (the resident trolls) are not moderated for straw man arguments and flat out lies.
    Much could be learned here without their interference.

  11. Sooooo…. I’ve lived in ABQ, NM for 30 years and it’s not California libtards moving here. it’s the rampant gun violence from dumb asses and cartel shooting at innocent people with ghost guns and other semi legal guns bought from illegitimate places or other owners. we need legislation to prevent this because 16 year olds are shooting people in strip clubs…. y’all need to disregard this article as propaganda

    • She’s referring to the voters as being “from California”, not the people doing violence.

      The classically considered “Northern NM” in the travel literature sense, Santa Fe and Taos notably, are heavily Cali transplants and have been for decades.

      And if you spent 30 years in ‘Burque, you know damn well that The City Different is a complete[ly insane] bubble which encompases most of your city works and tends that the crazy tends to infect the politics of the state.

  12. If you show up don’t go waving your gunm around, keep it hid. All .giv is going to do is take everyone’s picture, call you an insurectionist and kill all your first born.

    • “and kill all your first born“

      No, that was Jehovah who killed all the firstborn of Egypt in one of God’s first instances of mass child killing.

  13. “The california locusts”

    “the california black plague”

    These are just code phrases and distractions in order so they will not speak the truth. And the truth is that pot heads who are ,so cia lis t, pr0gressive in their ,po liti cal, orient#tion don’t want to pay taxes.
    But they supported high taxes in california and never believe they’d have to pay them. So when it was time to pay up, they decided to leave california and go to Colorado. They took their politics with them and destroyed that once free state.

    It’s amazing to watch g a y couples leave California. Go to some rural white area of the country and then complain that they may not be liked. After they helped to destroy california in the first place.

    And atheists like Joe Rogan are the same way. Who boasted about not voting in california. And supported the people who destroyed that state and made fun of the conservatives who were fighting against these things.

    Now, that worthless atheist has moved to texas and lives in a much whiter conservative part of the country.

    I hope conservatives make the liberals feel very uncomfortable, if they move to a conservative free state.

    Having a progun rally means nothing. If you’re not voting for pro second amendment candidates. You might be a liberal gun owner???

    Rosie O’donnell certainly is.

  14. Considering how fed up people are with nut cases mass murdering children in schools with assault rifles and people going to movies or parades or shopping centers the bill has a good chance of passing.

    Of course after years of lawsuits it probably will be declared illegal according to the Bruen decision but that is not why its being passed. Its being passed because its an election year and its good P.R. to pass anti-gun legislation this year. cc

    • dacian the DUNDERHEAD, No kidding people are “fed up”, but what they are fed up with is the hoplophobe nonsense about how a gun can be violent and that it is the gun’s fault that there arse “mass shootings” (the definition of which no one can seem to agree on).

      One way to “cure” the nonsense of anti-gun (unconstitutional) legislation is to find the members of the legislatures who vote for such “anti-Gun” (unconstitutional) legislation is to sure them for contempt of the Bruen, Heller and MacDonald decisions. Maybe if we get significant judgements against each of these individuals of these legislatures, this nonsense will stop

  15. With the contributions of the resident trolls unabated, unlike many others that post here, TTAG has lost another subscriber.

  16. I think it would be great to show and support, and this being New Mexico, a place where the guv is big on ‘protective masking’ (the virus, you know) it would probably be a good idea to mask up. She will probably have lots of State Police filiming everybody who shows and we wouldn’t want them to catch anything.

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