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Gun Owners, Remember to Vote Today

TTAG Contributor - comments 36 comments

It’s not like anyone over the age of four in America isn’t already painfully aware that today is voting day, but we’re still gong to add our reminder to the chorus of calls to vote because this election is so important. Gun owners across the country are encouraged to head to the polls today, Nov. 5, and make their voices heard by supporting candidates who stand for Second Amendment rights. While presidential elections often capture the spotlight, voting in Senate, House and state-level races is crucial to protecting and preserving the right to bear arms. Local and state lawmakers hold significant influence over gun policy, from concealed carry regulations to hunting rights, making these races just as impactful for firearm owners.

Pro-gun candidates at every level are working to defend the rights of lawful gun owners. Casting a ballot isn’t just a chance to support these individuals but an opportunity to ensure that Second Amendment protections remain strong in your community and beyond. Take a few moments to research which candidates align with your values and make a plan to vote today. Every vote counts in preserving the rights and freedoms that are core to the gun-owning community.

36 thoughts on “Gun Owners, Remember to Vote Today”

  1. Full on Fascism, with a generous sprinkling of racism:

    “‘Vile’: Halloween parade display depicts Kamala Harris tied to truck in Pennsylvania; organizers under fire
    Michael Bartiromo
    3 days ago

    (NEXSTAR) – A group of participants in a Pennsylvania Halloween parade — along with the event’s organizers — are facing backlash over a display that appeared to show a woman dressed as Vice President Kamala Harris with her hands tied, being led through the streets by a golf cart with a sign reading “Trump” across the front.

    The golf cart, which was mounted with a rifle, was escorted by several parade participants who looked to be dressed as Secret Service members“

  2. Be sure to keep an eye out for trumps brownshirts disrupting voting.
    Remember, Florida is a stand your ground state.

    “Florida Trump Supporter Arrested After Allegedly Punching Woman at Harris Rally
    Published Nov 04, 2024 at 8:17 AM EST
    Updated Nov 04, 2024 at 4:20 PM EST
    By Flynn Nicholls
    US News Reporter

    A 17-year-old supporter of former President Donald Trump has been charged with battery after a 70-year-old woman was allegedly punched to the ground Saturday during a rally for Vice President Kamala Harris in Florida.

    The teenager, wearing a Trump T-shirt, allegedly hit Kathleen Tomasko in the stomach, knocking her to the floor and leaving her with hip pain.

    The alleged attacker’s T-shirt featured an image of Trump raising his middle finger in front of an American flag, said TCPalm, and the teenager had been antagonizing people at the Stuart County rally with some friends, according to Tomasko.“

      • minor49iq…Save your usual finger pointing diatribe…You and your democRat Party ilk are exactly what you claim to disdain simply because History and the Facts Confirms It…

        Very simple to view…copy and paste to a reply, connect the h, highlight the link, click view.

        h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=sMwdfCOD-H4&feature=shared

        void…Link is also for you and your pathetic ilk…

          • void…a pos like you is the equivalent of gnat fart in a football stadium…grow a pair and try to debunk what I post…show your pals what you got little man.

          • Yawn more empty words from an attention whore. Power and control rules over all racism and genocide are just tools to control retards and those unwilling to fight.

        • While minor49iq uses a 17 year old misguided real minor to sell his cackling demoCrap an adult ran three letter government agency in NY armed themselves like nazistorm troopers and raided a couple’s farm used as an animal rescue sanctuary.

          The democRat State nutzies terrorized the couple for hours. And like nutzies rounding up Jews for extermination camps they took away the couple’s rescue celebrity Squirrel Peanut and Raccoon Fred and exterminated them.

          Now there are many traumatized children who were learning to respect nature by following Peanut and Fred. If the State of NY democRat Ratbassturds can willy nilly exterminate a pet Squirrel and Raccoon they will do it to you and yours. Sickos always practice on Animals First.

          For Peanut and Fred…

          h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=-e6NZCt_fcg&feature=shared

    • Illegal alien gangs taking root in our schools
      The harmful impact of mass illegal migration is felt in every state and at every level of society, from the national to the most local. Rather than attempting to solve or at least acknowledge the problem, pro-open-borders officials prefer to silence criticism. Parents in Northern Virginia’s Loudoun County saw a demonstration of this reality earlier in October. The county school board chose to shut down public discussion about an alleged illegal alien MS-13 gang member in the county’s school system. For mass-illegal-migration apologists on the school board, the real problem is not that illegal immigration is bringing gangs and crime into our classrooms, but that Americans notice it and dare speak out against it.

    • Republicans are up in early voting in some cases by nearly 10pts. Democrats are down by as much as 22% compared to 2020. To quote Marc Lotter on CNN, “”The math doesn’t work. The Democrats are down 1.7 million early votes in the battleground states in urban areas.”
      “They are down 1.4 million votes in the battleground states among women voters.”
      “Rural voters have overperformed early by 300,000.”
      “Democrats have to win their races early. Republicans generally win them on election day.”
      “The margins don’t add up right now for the Democrats in any of these battleground states.”

  3. Keep your eyes out for communist agitators destroying their own neighborhoods when Trump wins. They’ll be burning down businesses and assaulting the law abiding just like they did in 2016 and 2020.

    F*ing losers.

    • All matters on what they funded this year. Haven’t seen 1/20th the online chatter or various meetups they were doing around my way from 2016-21 so there may have been a shift in resources and tactics (or the revenue just dried up). But if they aren’t trying to stir up chaos, NY really wouldn’t apply as a target so keep an eye on your region

      • The population was able to shake the BLM and Covid spell they were under for a couple of years. It will be interesting to see what sort of #Resistance movement they cook up if Trump manages to win.

          • And they’ll keep/take the House in 26 and impeach him. The MSM will pump out The Sky is Falling daily narrative until weak people will give in to “make it stop” and elect a Democrat.

  4. From the smartest people in the room.

    “Why it’s Ok to not vote.” Catherine Mangu Ward. A great libertarian. Video 50 min long. Youtu.be

  5. Ballot boxes set on fire.

    From the New York Times:

    “The police said they had not determined a motive for the arson fires in Portland, Ore., and Vancouver, Wash. But the messages have heightened the sensitivity of the investigation.”

    The Liberals and the Left really don’t like our system of one man one vote. And the libertarians really do not care.

    National divorce or some type of separation is coming. I’m told it took only 3% of the population back in 1776.

    What is 3% of 350 million people?

    I am going to vote today. And I have been a prepper for many years now.

    • That might be Democrat on Democrat vandalism. People are underestimating the Palestinian situation. The young activists that were all about ¡Climate Crisis! a few years ago are now all about the Palestinian situation. They were never environmentalists. They were always cookie-cutter Leftists. Just like at Greta Thunberg. She’s currently leading the charge for Palestinians because that is the cause du jour.

      • Michigan is proving interesting this go around. Detroit likely has enough false votes to cancel out upsets but it may actually be needed.

        • SAFEupstateFML,

          Remember, Democrats don’t have to produce a ton of fraudulent votes all over the place to win. They only have to produce a few hundred or a few thousand fraudulent votes in two or maybe three voting precincts (in a given state) to tip the balance in their favor.

          Similarly, Democrats would only have to produce JUST TEN fraudulent votes in every precinct (in a given state) to tip the balance in their favor.

          I can assure you that there is no way on God’s green Earth that voting officials would ever notice (and therefore discount) just 10 fraudulent votes in every precinct.

      • I find it amusing to hear from Arabs and Palestinians what they think of the ‘queers for Palestine’ groups. Their comments are interesting to say the least. Hint, the Palestinians don’t like them.

  6. No people ever voted themselves back into Freedom. It’s sweet that people still think this will work. Freedom, once lost, is only regained by blood,.sweat, and tears.

    Hold on, things might get bumpy. Tonight is just theater. The real deal is coming a little later.

    • I blacked-in the circle for Trump / Vance on my ballot today and fed my ballot into the electronic ballot voting tabulator, although I have no idea if the software in the electronic tabulator will actually assign my vote to Trump / Vance. Even worse, I have no idea if my local, regional, and/or state election officials will accurately assign/count votes, either.

  7. I want so badly to be wrong, but something tells the me Donks didn’t cheat their way into power in ’20 and ’22 just to lose it fair & square now.

    • Nope. .This isn’t a simple bad dream that we can simply wake up from. Evil must be fought to the death. It won’t simply roll over.onto the ground when we point our finger and say “bang!.”

      • Nikita Tesla,

        I have never heard of a single violent rapist who stopped his attack simply because the victim shouted at him to stop. Rather, the only rapists who have stopped their attacks have stopped because their victims forced them to stop.

        So it is with any political party which is fine with proverbially (if not literally) raping us.

    • Ongo Gablogian,

      Oh come on now, all of our state government have assured us that our elections are fair and accurate–and there are no shenanigans involved. So we can totally trust them, blindly no less, right? Right?!?!?

      (Disclaimer: the previous was sarcasm.)

      • The 3am ballot dumps are still a few hours away, but for now it looks like they’ll need to work a LOT harder to steal this one.


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