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Gun Owners Urged to Register and VOTE

TTAG Contributor - comments 12 comments

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), along with groups like the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) and private efforts such as Shoot the Vote, are urging gun owners, hunters, recreational shooters and Second Amendment supporters to make their voices heard this election season. With Election Day, November 5th, rapidly approaching and just over a month away, these organizations are emphasizing the importance of registering to vote and staying informed about where candidates stand on gun rights. (The presidential election is an easy one on this matter: Kamala bad, Trump, at least much better.)

The NSSF, the firearm industry’s trade association, has launched its #GUNVOTE campaign, which seeks to ensure gun owners are registered and ready to vote.

“For millions of Americans who cherish their Second Amendment rights, this truly is the most critical election in history,” said Larry Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “Vice President Kamala Harris has clearly laid out her anti-gun agenda, and it’s clear she will continue the Biden-Harris attack on the Second Amendment.”

NSSF’s #GUNVOTE initiative directs gun owners to visit GunVote.org to register and find polling locations. Keane stressed the narrow margins in previous elections, citing the 2020 presidential election, which swung in key states by just a few thousand votes.

“More than 10 million hunters and Second Amendment supporters remain unregistered to vote ahead of the 2024 election,” Keane said, urging voters to not only register themselves but also ensure their fellow gun owners and shooting buddies are ready to vote.

The NSSF pointed out that in several states, hundreds of thousands of gun owners have yet to register. These states include Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina and Arizona, all of which could be pivotal in the upcoming election. For instance, more than 515,277 hunters and gun owners in Pennsylvania alone are still unregistered, while states like Georgia, Wisconsin and Virginia each have over half a million unregistered gun owners.

The NSSF’s #GUNVOTE campaign provides a comprehensive voter education tool that lists every U.S. state with direct links to their respective Secretary of State websites. These resources offer detailed information about voter registration deadlines, early voting procedures and polling locations.

With states already beginning to send out mail-in ballots and offering early voting, the NSSF and other groups are calling on Second Amendment supporters to act swiftly.

“Make sure you’re registered. Check that your hunting and range buddies are registered too,” Keane urged, reinforcing the message that every vote counts.

In addition to the NSSF, the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Shoot the Vote and others have joined the effort to mobilize gun owners ahead of the 2024 election. Their collective message is clear: Don’t risk your rights—register, vote, and protect the Second Amendment.

12 thoughts on “Gun Owners Urged to Register and VOTE”

  1. “Why it’s Ok to not vote.” Catherine Mangu Ward. A great libertarian. Video 50 min long. One of the smartest people in the room.

    • I don’t care how “smart” someone is. NOT VOTING is one of the stupidest, unAmerican things any citizen can do.

      We have the RARE privilege in human history to have a government that is “Of, By, and For the PEOPLE.” If you are stupid enough to let some idiot persuade you to surrender the most powerful influence you have on that government, then you don’t deserve the liberty that our founders sacrificed their very lives to GIVE you.

      Shame, shame, shame.

      Elections in the swing states are RAZOR THIN. A few hundred votes could decide the future of the Second Amendment, and a host of other RIGHTS that the other side is already admitting they will deny ordinary law-abiding citizens.

      Don’t be deceived. Vote Early (if you can.) IT COUNTS!!!

      • It’s NOT ok to not vote! Even in ILL annoy if rebublitards bothered they could win. I am not a one issue voter. Guns & protecting the unborn as well as stopping the evil of mutilating children are way up there. I support Israel. I support closing the border. Are republicans perfect? Nope but most are a dam site better than dims. Does my vote count in ILLANNOY? Not really but don’t complain if you don’t bother to vote for the “lesser of 2 evils”😧

  2. I favor deep background checks and mental competence tests – for registering voters. No early voting or digital ballots, get your butt down to the polls – it is important for maintaining tradition, trust and culture.

    Those with good voting records get a small break on taxes. Don’t vote for a while? Time to re-register.

    No Republic can stand without a qualified electorate and secure borders.

  3. They’re even drugging the Puppet for short statements now. You can tell by looking at his eyes. I’ve previously posted an official White House video where they have to keep editing for retakes. Finally, they drugged him up just to get through a short speech. His eyes suddenly change.

    Official video from two years ago. Notice the dramatic change after 8:25

    The Puppet yesterday. Notice his eyes. Why isn’t he blinking?


    Kamala has been covering up for the fact that we have a senile puppet in charge of the country. Who’s really in charge? How could anyone trust Kamala after she was an accessory to the scandal of the century?

    • “The Puppet yesterday. Notice his eyes. Why isn’t he blinking?“

      Good Lord, you’re right, he must be one of those lizard people!

      “Who’s really in charge?“

      From what I hear, it’s the Reptilians in the Italian satellites at an orbital Lagrange point (I heard they got a lot of nice girls there… ), preparing their Jewish space laser.

      • In other words, Democrat behavior is so indefensible, you go on some silly rant instead of addressing the issue at hand: the conspiracy to cover-up the lie to the American people that the Puppet is in charge of the country.

        Kamala is the number one culprit in this conspiracy to cover-up the truth. She has the power to do something about it. Instead of doing the right, honorable, ethical, and Constitutionally mandated thing, she prefers to continue this blatant scandal because she doesn’t want to rock the boat and risk losing power. Watergate has nothing on this cover-up. Watergate supposedly taught us that the cover-up was worse than the crime. Where are those people now?

  4. I’ve voted in every election since I was 18. Once by absentee for Regan when I was stationed at Hunter Army Air Field. If you don’t vote, don’t bitch.


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