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Courtesy Joe Grine

Lets face it, Cabot Guns are functional art for the 1%-er crowd. But we love to look at them, even though it’s highly unlikely that they will ever end up in our gun safes. We’ve posted info about them before, but for today we’ll let the images speak for themselves. Enjoy . . .

Courtesy Joe Grine

Courtesy Joe Grine


Courtesy Joe Grine

Courtesy Joe Grine

Courtesy Joe Grine

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  1. Having one of their 1911s is on my bucket list. The one I drool over is a simple presentation blued with walnut grips. No fancy scroll work.

  2. “Cabot Guns are functional art for the 1%-er crowd”

    “functional art for the 1%-er crowd”

    “functional art”


    We must have drastically differing definitions of that word.

    • Seriously?


      1. of or having a special activity, purpose, or task; relating to the way in which something works or operates:
      “there are important functional differences between left and right brain”

      2. mathematics
      of or relating to a variable quantity whose value depends on one or more other variables.

      Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press

      The guns do fire so they are functional.

      • “First round failure to feed. … So I tried several magazines, including Cabot’s. It wasn’t a magazine issue … This was a consistent, ongoing issue. ”

        -Gun gets sent back to factory for re-work. They swear they’ve fixed the issue and test fired it to confirm reliability. Gun is returned for a re-test-

        “Six rounds. The gun made it six rounds until the first failure to feed. After that, it was a rare thing to go more than two magazine without a failure to feed. … No factory round made it through two magazines without a first-round failure to feed or without fully returning to battery. … I called Farago back and asked if I could have yet another try at the gun. … Round three had similar results.”

        -Gun is returned to the factory a SECOND time. They SWEAR they’ve fixed it… like really REALLY fixed it this time. Fly TTAG out to their factory for a test fire. Guarantee it’ll work flawlessly-

        “I had one weird failure – a round stove-piped high into the action.”

        Sorry, for me to consider a firearm “functional”, it must have at least a pretense of a modicum of reliability. No mechanical device is 100% reliable, but this is just ridiculous. Even if it were a $200 saturday night special. I consider Cabot guns art. To some people, they look beautiful hanging on a wall. presumably they feel nice in your hand. But if you load one up with ammo and it actually fires and cycles, apparently thats just a happy coincidence.

  3. Haha. Yea. Cabot Guns…

    Forged in the bowels of unicorns.
    Tempered in the ground dust of mammoth ivory.
    Inlaid with meteorites that roamed the universe.
    Lubricated with fairy dust.
    Loaded magazines with solid gold bullets.
    Shipped with a small pipe of cash to wipe your tears on.


  4. No, we don’t love to look at them. They are ham-fisted attempts at art, even by Huggybear standards.

    OK, OK, there are a few nice-looking ones there. The exceptions.

  5. I’d trade my old lady for one.

    Errrrr…they don’t come with vocal chords, right? No? Yeah I’ll make that trade.

  6. Joe Mantegna disapproves of the fugly 3 star trigger. Fat Tony, on the other hand, thinks it’s quite nice.

  7. My guns are bought for a purpose, and for all of them it’s not to show them off in a pretty little case.

  8. I was hoping to see a pic of at least part of the meteorite pistols that are being made right now.

  9. “Functional” Art, my ass.

    How much do these people pay TTAG to reduce its credibility by bragging on stuff, which we all know is blingy junk?

      • Hey, yeah, whatever happened to that thing? I know high-end engraving takes time, but weren’t we going to get regular updates on the progress or something?

        • Maybe the engraver realized he was being asked to engrave a turd, and refused to continue. Didn’t want to soil his own reputation, and all that.

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