This thing is so pretty that I took a couple hundred pictures of it. So I thought I should share the better ones. Here we go…


  1. Is there a firearm under all that extra junk? The military wanted a light rifle with light ammo, so they could hang about 10 lbs of mud flaps, and an air-horn. The trend seems to be on going. Remember when we had rifles with sights, (the sights have improved). ? And did not have to have an arrow painted on it to show which end the bullet came out? I never needed a shotgun, grenade launcher, a machine gun, a Swiss army knife, beer cooler, (well, ok, maybe a beer cooler), on my rifle. It weighed a bit, but it was simple to operate, and it did the job. Now got 80/100 # of body armor, and a rifle with stuff that could put your eye out bringing it up to firing position, no specs at hand, but suspect it weighs at least as much as a M-14. All for improving anything, but custom military arms for light infantry/heavy weapons? I know I am being too broad on this, but the justification for ‘new and improved’ is wearing thin. The rest of my opinion? No it is not a pretty weapon.

    • Actually, if you have seen photos of totally decked out MG42s in WWII with the more elaborate sights and tripods, you would know what the inspiration for this contraption is. Maybe they are planning on going to the Russian Front?

  2. Something that weighs less than an M240B with the outstanding stand-off capability of this thing seems like all kinds of good in my book. Looking at the stats it can far out range an RPG-7 (fuse dies at 1,000 meters) as well as any .30 caliber GPM the enemy can bring to bear. A 300 grain .338 slug has incredible ballistics. Tie that in with a man portable MG and I see a winner.

    Ammo will obviously weigh more and ultimately it would be up to our guys on forward patrol to give the final word.

  3. The SF types will buy this to put on their dune buggies, but unless this round replaces the .50 cal, then I can’t see it going into general service.

  4. Ma Deuce is hard to beat. In service longer than any small arm other than M1911.
    Must work pretty good.

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