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Just FYI for all those on YouTube who make “review” videos using their mother’s old camcorder and just stand in front of a wall yammering at the lens, THIS is the way you make a low budget video showing off a firearm. Man, I could watch this all day. Where’s that loop button…

[Video by MachiavelliV]

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  1. FYI I believe it takes something a bit more expensive than your average consumer video camera to be able to compose those shots that way. Most cheap cameras don’t have the necessary manual controls (at least available in a usable control interface).

  2. I agree with you Nick. The music was incredible and the camera didnt move too fast. No fingers were covering the particular part that the reviewer was trying to show off. The rifle stayed still, as opposed to where the typical reviewer is constantly moving the guns around.

  3. Nice video work. Good transitions. Some shaking in some of the pans (it’s hard to have a smooth glide unless you have a decent head on your tripod). Would have selected a different music track, but then perhaps the creator wanted to portray this rifle as epic. I would have used something more industrial I think. But overall very nice.

  4. And the review starts when. Oh that’s right this was an Independent Film review. Thanks for telling me absolutely nothing. Should have done a barrel cam of the gun at the range. This is how you make….Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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