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Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox [Updated 2018]

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Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox 9mm

By E.W.E. Hughes, Jr.

Beretta PX4 Storm Inox 9mm

I’m a Beretta guy. I love their shotguns, pistols, the Beretta name, history, and legacy. The name Beretta seems to roll off the tongue like Maserati, Ferrari, and Lamborghini. It exudes a sense of quality and that sensuous Italian mystique that German, Austrian, Czech, and American firearms can never hope to achieve. Don’t get me wrong; I love all of my firearms, but my favorites are my Berettas. To be fair, I shoot extremely well with my GLOCK 22 and 27. But the GLOCK design is minimalism to an extreme. They’re one of the best examples of form following function in a modern pistol. But as reliable and competent as GLOCKs are, they leave me cold . . .


Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox 9mm


I own a Beretta 92 A1 (my favorite pistol), a Nano, and recently bought the full-size PX4 Storm Inox 9mm. I have been pining for a PX4 Inox ever since I traded my PX4 Compact 40 more than a year ago. I really loved the PX4 Compact, but it was just a little too small for my fat, ogre-like mitts. It actually gave me hammer bite to the point of drawing blood a few times, something that I’ve never heard or read about regarding criticisms of the PX4 design.

I don’t fault Beretta for this. I’ve gotten slide bite on more than one occasion from my GLOCK 27, and installed an aftermarket beaver tail on my G22 for good measure. This time, I wanted to do it right and got the full-size Storm. And I wasn’t going to settle for a standard, Bruniton finished model. I craved the pricier, stainless-steel (Inox) two-tone version.

As most of you probably know, there’s nothing like the feeling of unboxing a new pistol purchase. There’s a giddiness and excitement that reminds me of buying a new pair of Buster Browns or Keds when I was a little kid. However, as I’ve previously experienced, the infamous blue Beretta case that emerged from the gray cardboard box is about as cheap and cheesy as a bottle of Thunderbird from the local crack-corner convenience store. You’d expect it to hold a Taurus or Kel-Tec from the looks of the thing. Fortunately, the anemic, ugly blue case is where the disappointment ends.


Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox 9mm


The NATO-certified PX4 Storm Inox design is, in a word, unique. It’s the antithesis of GLOCK. While some aficionados may think it’s ugly, to me it’s a beautiful work of firearm art — a masterful and calculated synergy of engineering, ergonomics, and aesthetics. Then again, I’m sure that even Catrinel Menghia has her detractors.

Inox means stainless steel, and the brushed-looking Inox slide is impeccable. Its bead-blasted finish gives the slide a satiny silvery-green appearance that’s understated, unlike the gaudy bling of nickel or chrome. And unlike a blocky GLOCK, the contours in the slide make the PX4 Storm look sexy and sleek — just what one would expect from an Italian-made gun. There are slide cuts both fore and aft that are neither too sharp nor too slippery, and the slide is virtually snag free for an easy draw. The only feature that seems to conjure up much of vitriol is the slide-mounted safety/decocker, but more on that later.


Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox 9mm


The grip frame is made out of ubiquitous thermoplastic, fiberglass-reinforced “technopolymer.” Like many other polymer-frame offerings. it comes standard with an integral Picatinny rail (ML-STD-1913), and three interchangeable backstraps. I installed the large one to accommodate my Neanderthal-like hands. Changing the grip insert, though, is a royal PITA.

First, remove the magazine and then, using a flat-head screwdriver, pull out a U-shaped retaining spring/clip. That’s the easy part. The insert fit so tightly that it took me quite some time before I could work it free of the frame. Once it was off, snapping the large insert onto the frame was relatively easy. But, reinserting the U-shaped retaining spring/clip was very difficult, especially clearing the last couple of inches. Perhaps the tight tolerance is a good thing; I’d hate to have easy-to-remove-and-install insert grips if they were lose during operation.


Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox 9mm


There are aggressive serrations cut into the plastic on the back and front of the grip handle, but the sides are smooth and flat with the exception of the Beretta trademark and the PX4 Storm logos. My preference is the fine grip stippling found on HK 30, Walther PPQ M2, or even the SIG Sauer SP2022. The Storm’s grip angle facilitates a natural point-of-aim for me, more so than the grip angle of a GLOCK, which tends toward the high side. The upper rear of the grip has a curved recess that creates a beavertail of sorts to give a snug fit and prevent hammer bite. Overall, the grip is very comfortable, but since the grip sides are flat, they don’t fill the recesses in my palms as well as my CZ’s do.


Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox 9mm


The magazine release can easily be switched for left-handed shooters, and there are different magazine-release sizes: high, medium, and low. According to the Beretta USA website, the slide stop can also be replaced by a lower-profile version. The website also states that the trigger mechanism is removable and interchangeable without the need for specialized tools, but after perusing the internals, it’s not as simple or straightforward as the modular SIG P250 series. I won’t be tinkering with it in the foreseeable future without a good reason.

Aesthetics aside, the main reason I’m fascinated with the PX4 Storm is the uncommon rotary barrel locking system. Unlike most self-loading pistols that use the Colt-Browning tilt-barrel design, the PX4 cam operation employs lugs on the barrel and a peg on the locking block that fits into a channeled groove fitted on the barrel. When fired, the barrel moves backwards and engages the locking block peg which rotates the barrel approximately 45 degrees and unlocks the barrel lugs from the locking block and slide. The barrel is halted when the rear of the locking block engages the rear of the barrel lug, while the slide continues to travel rearward. The extractor strips the spent casing from the barrel and the ejector launches the empty casing clear of the action. The recoil spring pulls the slide forward and strips another live round from the magazine and the process repeats itself.

According to Beretta, the benefits of this system are as follows:

The model Px4 Storm pistol uses the rotating barrel locking system that provides robustness and long-life, even when using powerful calibers. Further enhanced, the system boasts extremely robust locking lugs, located at 180° in order to ensure the best distribution of locking forces when firing. The reduced friction areas between the barrel and the slide, as well as the central block, guarantee a remarkable fluency of operation and great reliability, even under poor climate conditions. In addition, the barrel features an enlarged external muzzle diameter that ensures a precise and constant barrel-to-slide coupling, shot after shot, considerably enhancing the accuracy of the pistol. Furthermore, the reduction of the external barrel diameter for its remaining length guarantees an improved rear and forward travel of the slide during the operating cycle.

Additional benefits include a lower bore-axis and the channeling of recoil energy into the rotation of the barrel, which are supposed to decrease muzzle flip and “perceived” recoil, allowing for faster and more accurate follow up shots.

One thing is for sure: the PX4 Storm Inox is tighter than Shylock. I’m not sure if it’s because of the rotating barrel and locking block design, but this pistol has no rattle, and almost no side-to-side play between the slide and polymer grip frame rails.


Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox 9mm


Field stripping the PX4 Storm is almost as easy as breaking down a GLOCK, which has become the field-strip benchmark. Unlike a GLOCK, though, you don’t have to pull the trigger to release the slide. Remove the magazine and cycle the gun to make sure it’s unloaded. Pull back on the slide with one hand while simultaneously pulling down on the two tabs on either side of the polymer frame just above the front of the trigger guard with the other hand, and push the slide forward.


Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox 9mm


Once the slide is off, push the locking block forward, and lift the locking block and recoil spring assembly out of the slide. Remove the barrel from the slide. Field strip completed. Reassembly is simply a reverse of this process, and the key is to make sure that peg in the locking block engages the channel or slot in the barrel. It’s easier to reassemble this pistol with the slide upside down. First insert the barrel into the slide with the barrel slot pointing up. Insert the small end of the recoil spring into the locking block. Insert the large end of the recoil spring into the round slot at the front of the slide and align and insert the peg into the channel slot of the barrel. Finally, while still holding the slide assembly upside down, insert the frame into the slide, and rack the slide a few times to ensure proper function.

Shooting the PX4 Storm Inox

Two weeks after acquiring my new PX4 Storm Inox, I finally had enough affordable ammo (300 rounds of Winchester 115-grain white box from Wally World) and time to make a trip to the gun range. The pistol includes two Italian-made, 17-round magazines that have to be the stiffest, most difficult to load pistol magazines I’ve ever encountered. I don’t use magazine loaders, and don’t have the sense to figure out how to make the one included with the PX4 to work. I usually dismiss petty complaints of stiff magazine springs, but these magazines were so stiff that at first I thought I had mistakenly received 10-round magazines. On one magazine, I could only muster 12 rounds. On the second one, I was able to shove two more rounds for a total of 14 rounds. Fortunately, they both loosened up and became easier with each reload. However, I never subjected my thumbs to the tortured task of loading the full 17-round capacity.


Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox 9mm


I shot two magazines of 26 rounds on a bench rest at 6-inch targets at 15 yards to check for accuracy and point of aim. The first few shots exhibited a few flyers, but the pistol settled down, and I quickly found that the PX4 is more accurate than I am — no surprise there. Similar to my Beretta 92 A1, you need to cover the bullseye of the target with the dot on the front post, or you’ll find yourself shooting low. The front and rear sights are metal, three-dot sights, and I painted the front dot orange to accommodate my aging eyes. (Meprolight and Trijicon have tritium night sights available for the PX4 Storm full-size Type F version.)

The double-action trigger pull is long and smooth, without any take-up and a clean break at around 10 to 12 pounds. The single-action trigger pull has quite a bit of take-up until it breaks at about 4 to 5 pounds. The reset on the single-stage trigger is a little longer than I’d like, slightly more than the SIG Sauer SP2022 and Beretta 92 A1, and miles longer than the SIG Sauer M11-A1 with the SRT trigger option. However, the slightly longer reset didn’t seem to slow me down during double taps; in fact, I didn’t even notice it.


Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox 9mm


The PX4 Inox was simply fun to shoot, and gobbled down my cheap ammo without a hiccup or hint of malfunction from the first shot until the last. Whether the rotating barrel mitigates “perceived” recoil or not, I found it very controllable and easy to get back on target. However, I don’t think it’s as quite as soft shooting as the 92 A1, but the PX4 Storm weighs 28 oz. unloaded, and the 92 A1 is six oz. heavier at 34 oz. Those extra 6 oz. and longer barrel make a discernable difference.

The only two issues I have with the Storm are the flat, smooth sides of the grip frame, and the Beretta trade mark slide-mounted safety/decocker. Even with the largest grip insert in place, the PX4 Storm wanted to squirm in my hands unless I had a death grip on it. I think a strip of skateboard tape or a strip of the Talon rubber grips on either side would solve the problem. (I had to install Talon rubber grips on the Nano for the same reason.)

Its safety system is reliable, giving you automatic firing pin block as well as a flip-up ambidextous manual safety.

Personally, I don’t like manual safeties on my handguns. I prefer the decocker-only configuration on my CZ 75 P01. (Beretta is supposed to have a “G” version of the PX4 Storm that is a decocker only, but I’ve never seen one in a gun shop, and I don’t think it’s available in the “F” version Inox model.) However, I’ve learned to live with it on the 92 A1. The problem is that the PX4 Storm’s flip up ambidextrous manual safety levers are like a set of sharp bat wings protruding out of the slide; they are not as smooth and subtle as the 92 A1 safety levers. These things will bite you if you’re not careful when racking the slide. I’ve found that it’s best to rack the slide with the levers in the down position, safety on, and then flip the safety lever up to fire in double action. 


The Beretta PX4 Storm Inox marches to the beat of a different drummer, a unique option in a sea of GLOCK clones. And that’s its allure for me; it’s the quintessential anti-GLOCK polymer semiautomatic pistol. It’s an excellent choice for home defense or law enforcement use, and can double as a self-defense CCW option with a good holster and the right clothing. The Storm is probably a “love it or hate it” firearm, and it’s easy to see why — it has features and quirks that some will love and others won’t be able to abide. Finally, it has a design that’s the perfect union of firearm art and utility in a polymer pistol. If Leonardo da Vinci were alive today, he’d own a Beretta PX4 Storm Inox.

Specifications: PX4 Storm Inox DA/SA Semi-automatic

Caliber: 9mm Luger

Capacity: 17 rounds

Materials: Stainless-steel slide, polymer frame

Weight: 27.7 oz.

Overall height: 5.51”

Overall length: 7.55”

Overall width: 1.42”

Barrel length: 4”

Sight radius: 5.75”

Sights: Fixed metal three dot

Action: Double action/ single action

List price: $650

Ratings (out of five stars):

Style: * * * * *

The PX4 Storm Inox is one of the most uniquely designed polymer pistol offerings, and the stainless-steel slide is the perfect accent to a beautiful gun.

Ergonomics (carry) * * *

The PX4 subcompact or the Beretta Nano are better for concealment, but if you prefer a full-sized pistol and are used to concealing one, you shouldn’t have an issue with the PX4 Storm full-size Inox.

Ergonomics (firing) * * * *

This is a natural-pointing, well-balanced, soft-recoiling pistol which makes for easy and accurate follow up shots. I held back a star because of the smooth sides on the grips.

Reliability * * * * *

I experience zero failures of any kind from shot 1 through 300. The PX4 Storm has been around for several years, and has a very good record for reliability and durability.

Customize This * * *

Besides adding night sights, mounting a light or laser, and some grip tape, I’m not sure what else you would put on a wishlist for this pistol. There’s certainly not as many options to checkout as there are with a Glock.

Overall * * * *

I would have liked to given the PX4 Storm 5 stars but took one off because of the bat-wing safety levers and the flat, smooth grip sides. Five stars means damn near perfect, and it’s not quite perfect in my opinion. However, I highly recommend it to those who wish to take the road less traveled.

More from The Truth About Guns:

P320 Entry: First Impressions-Beretta PX4 Storm Compact

Gun Review: Beretta PX4-Storm Full Size, Compact, and Sub Compact 9mm

Gun Review: Stoeger Cougar .45 ACP

Gun Review: Beretta Cx4 Storm Carbine

Ruger Announces the New Striker-Fired LC9s

0 thoughts on “Gun Review: Beretta PX4 Storm Inox [Updated 2018]”

  1. Like you I had to have a white knuckle grip on it. I could not adjust too the rotary bbl. as if you don’t have a death grip it increases the muzzle flip & after a box it gets really tiring. Love my 92 & 96 even the little .22 in my wallet. But for $629 locally it’s a lot give me my cz-75. The f model can be converted to G. Beretta board had it up a few years ago. It’s truly the only 1 of 4 that were stolen during our last move I don’t miss.

    • Rotary barrels decrease flip. My Beretta Cougar has not perceivable flip and it always surprises me somewhat when I shoot only the cougar for some time and then try a standard tilting barrel handgun.

    • You’re a retired LEO and you claim you need a white knuckle grip or the gun is worse to handle. Really??? And it gets tiring after a box of loads. Really??? You either 1) shot a gun other than this one or 2) fill in the blank….This is a very accurate, easy to shoot gun, with little kick and it does not require a death grip to operate it or to make it fun to shoot.

  2. I was given the PX4 in 45 when my father n law passed away, the fancy tan and black one with the threaded barrel and a super nice case that you could purge the air on. I think it was the gun the Beretta submitted to the military for SF adoption testing. It had never been shot.

    Worst shooting gun I have ever had. The trigger pull was about a long as my mower starting pull. Nice looking and I am sure someone is loving it right about now. I traded it in for a brand new G17 Gen4.

    One advantage (I guess) is that the PX4 in 9mm shares magazines with the CX4 (carbine rifle) in 9mm. So if you have them both, you can interchange magazines.

    • If you had the special duty px4 which it sounds like (tan frame and threaded barrel) then you got ripped off trading it for a glock. The PX4 Special Duty is worth like 800-900 used easy

      • CZ’s are better than Beretta and many prefer the Taurus versions

        We have a Berretta Cougar with rotating barrel. Noting special and we have many pistols that shoot better. Reduced muzzle flip? BS. Bore axis has more to do with muzzle flip. And ours has no less muzzle flip than our other pistols…

        Funny this guy mentioned Taurus and Keltec

        S&W isn’t what they used to be and Taurus has now passed S&W and Beretta in many respects….

        I don’t think this “author” has even owned a Keltec before. We own a Keltec .308 bullpup and it is badass

        As they say, opinions are like buttholes.

  3. I like Beretta hand guns for the same reason you do and I won’t carry one because of the slide mounted safety/decocker and DA/SA. As a traditional 1911 guy I know that I will reflexively engage the safety in a high stress situation because I instinctively push down on a pistol when I draw. I also cannot hit a target at 7 yards in DA mode which is going to be the shot that counts most in a DGU. I do love the way my wife’s M-9 shoots after the first shot. Another thing I love about the Px4 is that it is the only non-blocky ploymer fraimed pistol on the market. The rounded top forces your eye to look straight down the barrel for a better sight picture.

    You refer to the Glock takedown as the standard. I beg to differ. The FS-92 was the first pistol to employ a modular takedown. Beretta had it long before Gaston Glock came on the scene.

  4. Well written, but I feel like the evaluation was overstated by someone who liked it because “its a Beretta”.

    All the comparisons are to Glock, which I understand given their place in the market, but I feel like a CZ P07 or P09 would be more appropriate given the firing mechanism, or even the SP2022.

    Either way, a very thorough, very well done review. it’d be cool for there to be a DASA polymer framed shoot out series between like the CZ, Sig, and Beretta, and maybe a Ruger P95 for giggles.

    • The CZ P-09 has received great reviews; the FDE version with night sights is #1 on my wish list. It’s also a great value for the price. I’ve seen both the P-09 and -07 for well under $500 in my local gun shops in the Raleigh NC area. I own the 75B and P-01 and both are great shooters. (They also look great with CZ coco bolo grips.)

  5. I have one in .40 (not INOX however) and I absolutely love it. It’s easily the most comfortable handgun I’ve ever held/fired. But that’s just, like, my opinion, maan.

  6. I have a PX4 storm and love it. All I have to say is that they do make low profile safety decockers that you can change out. You can also remove a detent in the safety decockers to turn it into a just a decocker. The Yankee Marshal did that to his PX4 and shows you how to do it to your own.

    • and that is why I have the Bobcats in .22LR and .25ACP, and I absolutely LOVE the Tomcat, and before the tritium died the Alley Cat was awesome. Try finding new night sights for a 3032. Dawson Precision? It’s pocket pistol, for Christ’s sake! I can shoot the diminutive 3032 out past 20 yards, which makes the PX4 full or compact in my hands look like some sort of wild west circus side show act. I can flip 8 oz plastic bottles in the air, and shoot them 1,2 or 3 more times before they land. The Jetfire’s single action and sometimes lack of a safety, lets it down on my list too. The Minx is a hard one to find in the US.

  7. I love my PX4 .40. Not much else fills my hand quite so nicely. Only 2 complaints: 1) After 4+ years the finish is wearing off the slide from holster use 2)The trigger mechanism is no where near as easy to clean as the rest of the gun with very little information available on how to do it.
    I will probably be solving the first problem with Cerakote.

    • That can be done with the Cougar, 92 series and the PX4’s….that ability isn’t just limited to the PX4….all you have to do is swap out the mag sleeves and maybe the mag release which are available from Beretta USA.

  8. I bought my 9mm PX4 earlier this this year. Fantastic pistol. Some of your complaints have solutions. For example, Beretta sells “low-profile” safety levers (I got mine for about $70 direct from Beretta). The part number is E00348. They eliminate the visual problem of having those “wings” that stick out. Also, by installing the same part, it will convert your PX4 into a “G” model whereby there is no longer a safety position and only a decocker remains. You can also do this without buying the aforementioned part. You will have to disassemble the safety mechanism and remove the ball bearing and spring in the rod. Put it all back together and you now have a “G” model. The ball and spring are the only parts that make it an “F” model. The ball catches the detent that holds the safety in the down (safe) position. Without the ball, the safety lever will spring back in to the fire position as soon as you release it making it a decocker only. Also, the kit includes the low profile slide release, but I didn’t install it since I like the stock one just fine.

    That is what I’ve done to my PX4 and now the gun is perfect. Once you’ve done that, you will give it 5 stars. There are many youtube videos on how to disassemble the slide. It’s not difficult if you have some basic tools. A gunsmith can also do this for you very easily. Thanks for the good review of the PX4.

    Don’t forget… You can also get a magazine kit for the 17 round 9mm magazines to increase capacity to 20 rounds or you can buy 20 round mags direct from Beretta. Yes, that’s 20+1 in the PX4.

      • I can’t say for sure because I don’t have a compact, but I would assume that they use the same safety lever in all 3 versions of the PX4s (it would be silly otherwise). If so, then yes. Just take it apart, remove the ball and spring, and put it back together. I know there are some differences in the operation of the subcompact model so YMMV, but the compact should be the same as the full size PX4.

    • One should not have to spend $70 more to fix a crappy safety design.
      Maybe Beretta should include the “low profile” at no additional cost or better yet, make the “Bat wing” the buy it if you want it (part) instead.

    • I have had a PX4 for a year now, and was hoping to get the low profile decocker, but Beretta did not have the kit available until only a few weeks ago. I finally purchased it and installed it (only the safety replacement). I have worked on Glocks, changing and stripping them down with very little effort using just the standard glock tool. I could not say the same or even close for Beretta. Firstly, one has to use a hammer to drive the pins out and hitting the pins pretty hard. Secondly, the roll pins are much easier to damage given the amount of force necessary. I followed the prescription that required partially driving out the extractor pin, which was not at all smooth and the pin, after coming out on top, looked suspiciously misaligned, though it was not. The various manipulations required to move the safety into just the correct position to disassemble, are not trivial and are awkward. Seems like Beretta did not intend people to fully strip and clean the slide often or at all. Putting the safety pin back in was also somewhat unnerving since it takes considerable force to hammer it in, while at the same time it need to not go too far in, lest it binds the new decocker. After all the work, the new decocker is in and works well, making it much easier to rack the slide and removes the concern of having the safety on at just the wrong time. The extractor pin is no longer black on top since a lot of force was needed to drive it back in. The firing pin also needed to be positioned just right so that the extractor could go on without binding the firing pin!

      Of course the reason all this work was worth it is that the gun is very nice: very soft shooting, very accurate and with the initial long double action has enough of a safety to make the gun safe for home protection and carry. I have also been able to hit bullseyes in double action mode at 7 yds, but then I like revolvers, so long double action is not a problem.

  9. Looks like a cool option. The inability to fully load brand new magazines is common, but many times it isn’t difficult to get within a round of the stated capacity. Thinking you had received 10 round mags instead of 17 rounders is unusual.

    • Actually, the Px4’s 17-rounders ARE that difficult to load when brand new. I bought one in 9mm in 2008 as my first semi-automatic pistol, and found that the two 17-round magazines it came with were a PITA to load up to even fourteen rounds. Leaving them loaded for a bit (a few days, tops) compressed the springs enough that I was able to squeeze those last three rounds in. I’ve not encountered a magazine since that has been as hard to load brand new as those Px4 mags.

  10. As with most newer pistols, the slide is just too wide. All of the newer guns are like holdig a brick with a handle.

  11. I can’t wait to get a PX4 sub-compact. I’m a .45 guy but I think the PX4 Sub-Compact in 9mm is the most well rounded concealed carry pistol on the market. Small but not too small, hammer fired (I prefer hammer to striker), has a decocker and has better magazine capacity than your average pocket-sized pistols and can interchange between all the magazines of the series. It’s my dream carry gun!

    • Shoot me an email! I’m looking to sell mine. (It’s a great gun which is everything you say, but I’m a fan of oddball operating mechanisms, and I’m looking to trade up to the Compact size.) It’s seen a few hundred rounds of break-in and practice, and comes with the factory box and accessories, two snap-grip magazines, and one normal-baseplate magazine.

    • I picked up a PX4 SC in 9×19. LOVE IT! Shoots like a full size pistol.Flawless in operation. I’ve noticed I shoot a bit low with it, my point of aim is front sight covering the bullseye. Also I use the large backstrap on it. Great pistol!

  12. Nice review.

    I, personally, prefer the older variety of Beretta – hammer forged from sweat, blood, and high nickel chrome steel. I just don’t get the same feel for glass impregnated plastic or injection molded stuff. For a CCW – polymer is great, but for a full size pistol? I’ll stick with sweat, blood, and steel.

  13. I have both the Nano and the PX4 9 full size. The PX4 is just a dream to shoot. I’m a bit smaller so the grip is not an issue for me as it seems to be for others. I took defensive pistol 1 and 2 at my local range and let me tell you, the PX4 made me look like a crack shot. It is so easy to shoot and so accurate. And you can shoot hundreds of rounds and not get tired. The drills we did included drawing, drawing while turning, drawing and dropping to a knee and I almost never missed. And it’s not like i’ve been an avid shooter for decades, I’m an exuberant novice, it’s just that accurate.

  14. I too pined for a stainless version of my beloved CZ-75, and I snagged one a week ago. And, thanks to Bud’s, I paid almost $200 less than I would have had I picked up the one I found at a local dispensary. Now I have Black and Bling that I can dual wield in the mirror and take selfies (not). And it doesn’t have that pesky slide-mounted safety….

    But seriously: what’s the deal some people have about gun boxes? Noir bitches about this, too, and I can’t for the life of me see what possible difference it makes. Assuming it accomplishes the task of getting the firearm and its accessories into your home, its primary task from then on is to take up space in the back of a closet or storage unit or safe or something.

  15. My shooting buddy has a PX4 in .45 that I have had the chance to handle a bit. I think you’re pretty spot on with your points. Weird, long-but-skinny grip and Beretta’s dang infatuation with that slide mounted, facing the wrong way facing, too long of a throw safety.

    I’m not gonna say Beretta should get rid of the safety, because I’m sure they won’t on most of their full-size models. What they SHOULD and realistically COULD do (I think, no engineer) is just flip it over to a bottom pin, have it rotate forward instead of that dang upward swing, and change it to a 1/8th turn instead of the quarter turn. Then it would be something you could actually reach with normal length digits and switch off while acquiring your standard grip. LISTEN TO US BERETTA!!!

    • If you aren’t a fan of safeties then check out the type C px4. It’s a “Constant” action version and has no external safety, a bobbed hammer, and a middle of the road trigger reset distance. I own it in 9mm and it’s pretty slick. No complaints so far.

  16. (quote)
    The problem is that the PX4 Storm’s safety levers are like a set of sharp bat wings protruding out of the slide; they are not as smooth and subtle as the 92 A1 safety levers. These things will bite you if you’re not careful when racking the slide.
    (end quote)

    I agree. I have looked at and handled the PX4 at the store. I was not impressed with the “sharp bat wing safety lever”. In fact I’ll say they downright suck. Nothing like possibly ripping your hands up when racking the slide especially under the stress of defensive use. That safety lever, make an otherwise seemingly nice pistol, a no purchase for me.

    • Got mine and I carry it everyday with one up, if you do that and you do a lot of physical activities you will love the safety on it, since you won’t turn it off by accident. And you should really do some weird slide racking to cut yourself, I know some guys do that when competing but I rack it before I holster it with the safety on. My brother’s got an HK usp with the oversize control and it has happened to him in the past that the safety gets turned off. (We must carry concealed so we use inside the waistband holsters, the nice solid holsters aren’t that comfortable compared to the cheap material ones). It is therefore great news for me to know that my safe won’t go off without me knowing and even then I got that 12 pound trigger pull just to be sure. You do however need to practice your draw, flip the safety and DA to SA on those first few rounds.

  17. Great review Mr. Zimmerman, thank you for the effort.
    As Bill stated above, “rotating barrels reduce flip.” My experience with the Storm was with a 9mm, so I couldn’t really attribute the lack of muzzle rise to the rotating barrel design, the mass of the gun, the fact that it was only a 9mm, or, most likely, a combination of all three. The gun did seem to want to recoil straight back into my hand, making follow on shots very quick.

    Not a big fan of the hammer drop type safety on a carry gun, but I’ve been thinking about the Storm as an USPSA game gun. If I decide to get one, it will be the first polymer frame gun I’ve ever bought. Having shot examples from Glock, S&W, Kahr, and Springfield, the Storm is the only one I’d consider spending my dollars on.

  18. My duty weapon is a fullsize PX4 type C in 40 caliber. It has the extended floorplate and 17 round magazine. This version has a constant trigger pull, no safety or decocker. The trigger pull weight is reasonable, not stiff like the double action. The type C addresses some of the disadvantages of the type F or type D versions. IMHO, this is one of the nicest most accurate handguns you can buy. Mine also has the tritium low light sights making it ideal for hostile low light situations. One thing to keep in mind is that the rotating nub requires rifle grease for the best reliable operation, not gun oil. For the rest of the gun, oil should be used. The standard floor plate can become dislodged if the magazine is dropped or slammed into the gun extremely hard. For heavy duty use, invest in the extensions. You’ll also get a higher capacity as well as more positive engagement during insertion. The rear sights can be adjusted with special, but affordable tools including the glock type tools. Once you get to know the gun, you can trust it with your life. Obviously, practice practice and practice some more. The PX4 recoils gently and has very little muzzle flip, which keeps you on target very quickly. It also has a rail, which allows the user to use a light or laser if desired. With this setup, the gun becomes a joy to shoot casually, even more so than out of the box. For small game hunting or self defense, this weapon is devastating to the enemy. Open and conceal carry are easily suited to this gun as well as compact and subcompact versions of this family of firearms. While there are many fine handguns out there, the PX4 should be the first one considered for either the novice or experienced owner. Unfortunately, the 357 sig round is not offered, which is the only drawback of this firearm.

  19. My duty weapon is a full size PX4 type C in 40 caliber. It has the extended floorplate and 17 round magazine. This version has a constant trigger pull, no safety or decocker. The trigger pull weight is reasonable, not stiff like the double action. The type C addresses some of the disadvantages of the type F or type D versions. IMHO, this is one of the nicest most accurate handguns you can buy. Mine also has the tritium low light sights making it ideal for hostile low light situations. One thing to keep in mind is that the rotating nub requires rifle grease for the best reliable operation, not gun oil. For the rest of the gun, oil should be used. The standard floor plate can become dislodged if the magazine is dropped or slammed into the gun extremely hard. For heavy duty use, invest in the extensions. You’ll also get a higher capacity as well as more positive engagement during insertion. The rear sights can be adjusted with special, but affordable tools including the glock type tools. Once you get to know the gun, you can trust it with your life. Obviously, practice practice and practice some more. The PX4 recoils gently and has very little muzzle flip, which keeps you on target very quickly. It also has a rail, which allows the user to use a light or laser if desired. With this setup, the gun becomes a joy to shoot casually, even more so than out of the box. For small game hunting or self defense, this weapon is devastating to the enemy. Open and conceal carry are easily suited to this gun as well as compact and subcompact versions of this family of firearms. While there are many fine handguns out there, the PX4 should be the first one considered by either the novice or experienced owner. Unfortunately, the 357 sig round is not offered, which is the only drawback of this firearm.

  20. I really enjoyed the review. I am a Beretta fan. I own a Model 96 Centurion, a Nano, Model 8357 Cougar as well as two PX4’s. I have a .45 (Constant Action) and a .40 in (Double Action Only), neither have a slide mounted safety/decocker. I love these guns. With the medium back strap they fit my hand better than any firearm I have ever handled. I will be buying a compact version in the near future.

  21. i noticed on your pic of the right side of gun that you dont have a engraving behind the decocker on the slide. mine has 1T14 engraved behind it. not sure what this signifies

    • i found out what the engraving means and after looking more closely its IT14 and the month before a got my inox they started it. it means ITaly 2014

  22. Thanks for the review. The Beretta PX4 Storm Full Size 9mm was my first pistol. I bought it because I respected the Beretta name, durability, and the aesthetics.

    My first time at the range (175 rounds), I had multiple failure to feed issues on the first round. I had to call the Range Officer over and it did not inspire confidence. After watching online videos, I bought a dremel and lightly olished the chamber feed ramp. I hit the range again with 200 rounds after a good cleaning and lubrication, there were no more issues.

    I now have about 600 rounds through my px4 pistol and I enjoy it quite a bit. I shoot mostly 124 gr FMJ, but I have found white Winchester FMJ NATO 124 GR is absolutely flawless. The failures dropped to almost zero (1 FTF with American Eagle) and now I just shoot without concern. Interestingly, I shoot much better rapidly than if I take aim each time.

    Bottom line — it’s a very good pistol if you break it in, clean it, and get comfortable with it. I guess that goes for most pistols but figured I would share my experience anyway.


    • I prefer to run a new gun dry and break it in that way, good and hot. Once I get home, I lubricate it properly. Typically, the initial burn in smoothes out any rough edges. I used 250 rounds on mine without a problem to burn it in. I have broken in every gun I own that way and the results are amazing. In fact, my SA-93 AK has never misfired or jammed. Neither has my PX4, but I’ve only put about 1000 rounds through it. Don’t lubricate it the first time out. That’s the trick, but never run it dry ever again after the first time out.

      Since the PX4 barrel rotates like a rifle bolt and doesn’t slide, I use rifle grease on the nub and slot and oil everything else like normal. Another words, pretend the barrel is an AR-15 or AK bolt and you’ll be fine. The slide and chamber will be polished when you clean it naturally.

      Another issue is the floor plate on the magazine. Switching to the extended tactical floor plate is highly advised because its secured by a side slot & a notch at the bottom instead of just the notch. The standard floor plate can become separated during rapid reloads on rare occasions, especially if the reload causes the slide to close by itself. The standard magazine is fine for a night stand gun where rapid reloads are not a concern. With a 9mm, the extended plate increases capacity from 17 to 20 rounds. The extended plate seats the magazine better so that last 1/8th of an inch goes in, therefore preventing it from dropping from the gun because you didn’t push it in far enough. I can email you pictures if you like.

      Once these issues are resolved, the PX4 is as close to perfectly reliable as you can get. Like the AR-10 or AR-15, run it wet to avoid issues.

      • Question: Has anyone with a Beretta PX4 Storm experienced a delay between trigger pull and bullet fire? I fired about 300 rounds at the range this weekend and approx 5 rounds fired a split second after I pulled the trigger. The remainder were immediate. I have not experienced this with my other pistol. Just wondering if this is a common issue, ammo issue, or something else. It seemed to happen more with American Eagle ammo (I shot Winchester as well). Hoping this is not a firing pin issue. Any feedback is welcome, thanks.

        • Have you tried switching to different brands of ammo? The only way to tell is to switch brands. Don’t forget to try both brass and steel case like wolf, even blazers. Just don’t use corrosive stuff.

          Also examine your primers for light strikes even if it does fire.

          • That sounds a lot like ammunition trouble. Very scary and deadly dangerous. Get rid of that ammo first and foremost. Buy some better quality stuff like Winchester or equal in price Full Metal Jackets.
            You bought one of the best handguns in the world….skip the cheapest ammo in the world. Let the ‘OTHER’ guy use that up.

          • Thanks for the advice on the ammo. Points well taken. It’s amazing how much the ammo contributes to overall performance and accuracy. After several thousand rounds of experience, I now believe the ammo should be considered as important as the pistol. Geez, especially in a home break in situation. For target I’ve switched to more expensive stuff (usually HPR TMJ) with excellent results. For defense my mags hold Win PDX1…until something better comes out… or when technology changes again. I won’t name the ammo that caused issues originally, but I will say it was on the cheaper end and it was purchased during the ammo shortage.

  23. i got my PX4 inox recently and asked beretta customer support about the engraving on the slide behind safety lever of IT14. they even learned something new after they asked their parts guy about it. as of year 2014 they are engraving the year of manufacturing there on the slide. IT meaning Italy and 14 indicating year of manufacture . I also heard today that beretta USA is moving all its gun manufacturing to Tennessee. just support offices will remain in maryland. expected to happen in 2015. i say good riddance maryland and cant blame beretta for the decision to move . so i guess next year px4 sub compact will be made in Tennessee, but the all the other versions will continue to be made in italy.

  24. Late to the party, but I’m glad someone else complained about hammer bite on the PX4 compact. I love my full size, but my compact keeps drawing blood. I’m going to have to sell it.

    • hammer bite?? ow can this happen on a px4? if you are getting hammer bite your grip is way to high on back of gun. your hand shouldnt be higher on back of grip than the curve is

      • Try using a different backstrap or aftermarket products like Hogue grips and the like. Any gun could potentially have this problem with certain types of hands of different people.

      • If your hands are big enough, it can happen. One can only grip the compact version so low before fingers slide off. I got hammer bite (pinch) on my PX-4 compact .40 cal.

    • As of last Thursday (10/12/14), I have 2200 rounds of ammo through my PX4 compact. It is my carry gun and I have never had any feed or jam issues, not one. I have never been cut or even scratched by this pistol. It is extremely accurate and the safety/decocker is a huge plus. Once I hit about 7000 rounds I will likely buy another and keep using the old one at the range to see just what it takes to make it malfunction even once.
      I like the wings because it makes it easy to find the safety and disengage it quickly under duress. By the way, the compact is the smallest size that still has the rotating barrel feature. The subcompact does not rotate.
      PX4 compact is a great gun just like my 96A1. I bet my life on both every single day.

  25. My PX4 9 mil broke at the end of the second year and I don’t shoot that much with it. The return spring assembly, namely the cap on the end of the plastic guide rod broke off. Its a weakness in an otherwise really nice gun. I attempted to get a hold of Beretta but they never answered my email. When I finally got a hold of them they said it was out of warranty. I had to purchased an after market stainless steel guide rod in order to put the issue to rest. Only wish I got a better response from Beretta customer service department. Not good business.

    • did you buy before the 2+1 warranty registration? and or did you register for warranty? i have heard about the issue and that rod isnt that expensive. spend little $$ have your gun back. cant expect them to warranty forever. i have even heard about people replacing that rod after they get it. thinking about doing same with mine

  26. I recently decided to purchase my first handgun and after a ton of research opted for the Inox PX4. My short list included the S&W M&P 9, Sig SP2022 and Springfield XDM. All felt pretty good when I tried them at the range and had a hard time deciding between the PX4 and the XDM.

    After two trips to the range and 250 rounds I am getting more comfortable with the Beretta, but the DA/SA trigger is going to take a little time. I also added Talon grip tape since my hands get sweaty after 50 rounds and now the pistol feels great.

    • Invest in a nice pair of shooting gloves for range duty. In a real deadly encounter or in hunting, your hands will be the last thing you think about!!

  27. I’ve done a lot of professional pistol shooting (USPSA, IPSC, IDPA) and I have shot (and own) a lot of various types of handguns. I bought a PX4 Storm type F (40 cal) used a year ago so unknown on the amount of rounds put through it. I’ve only put around 500 rounds through myself. It always shot low and left for me until I realized I was compensating for the muzzle flip, by aiming low, that I am use to on other firearms. Once I started aiming where I wanted to hit my accuracy improved.
    I still do not like the DA first shot, I prefer consistent trigger….pick one Beretta, DA or SA, not both. It’s harder to train new shooters to be consistent when the trigger itself is not. Even in SA mode the trigger has a lot of take-up before you get to the meat of it. I would like to find a trigger kit for the PX4 to resolve this.
    And the “bat wing” safety levers are a bad design IMHO. To put a safety on you should flip the switch UP and to take it off you should flip it DOWN – not the other way around. I guess they’re a bit backwards in Italy.
    Also, as stated, they are sharp and can be painful on bare fingers when racking the slide.
    I don’t like Beretta’s price on accessories (mags, sights, sight tool, etc..) all of which are higher priced than most other gun makers parts, maybe you get what you pay for? Jury still out on that.
    Overall the PX4 is quite accurate and enjoyable to shoot. It feels good in the hand and even though some people say its too heavy – it makes for a more enjoyable shooting experience. I would recommend the PX4 Storm to more experienced shooters, not to beginners. It is enjoyable to shoot, more so than my other plastic based guns.

    • I would suggest having a decent gunsmith change it over from the F type to the G type, the difference being that the G type is decocker only, which makes a heck of a lot more sense. The modification involves removing a check ball. If you feel like taking a walk on the wild side, there are plenty of youtube videos detailing how to do the modification.

      There are also lower profile levers that you can install as well.

      Wolf MIGHT make springs for the PX4, not 100% sure or not.

      • When I read your comment “closed minded” comes to mind…..

        Wake-up call: When a reviewer tells you his/her favorite gun it taints the rest of the message they are trying to convey. Whatever happened to leaving ones preferences for their choice of gun checked at the door and let the review of the gun itself decide the outcome? Asking for that to be done is not closed minded. Closed minded is when someone tells me I can’t do that…..

        • So, when a reviewer of anything is honest about their bias, you consider the honesty a problem? I’m just trying to follow your logic here. I think it would be beneficial if journalists would check their bias at the door, but they don’t. They can pretend to be “objective”, but they are not. I actually respect people who qualify their comments by stating what their bias is. Nobody is 100% objective.

  28. I had a client bring his brand spanking new Storm out to my CCW class. When he was firing, he experienced a mis-feed/double feed every 3-4 rds. I was almost sure as to why this was occurring and wanted to test my theory… When I handled it earlier, I noticed that the sheer weight of the slide and rotating barrel system would require a round that was going to deliver enough chamber pressure to cycle the slide properly and eject the spent casing. Sure enough, the Luger ammo he had brought along wasn’t getting it done. I loaded him up with standard 9×19 ball ammo and magic happened! It preformed nicely despite not having gone through the standard 500 rounds of break-in ammo. The Storm seems to be a ligit EDC weapon.

    • I have tried every brand of ammunition I could find on sale, except perhaps some of the steel cases ammo. This included cheap stuff from Slovakia, Serbia, Brazil, Korea, reloads from GA and Freedom Arms, as well as some premium hollow points, and it fired everything with no jams whatsoever. So perhaps something was not quite right with his gun. It is definitely not a requirement to use good quality ammo in a PX4

  29. I have a PX4 Storm, Glock G19 Gen 4 and a S&W SD9VE all in 9mm. I was primarily a bow and rifle hunter for over 50+ years, buying my first handgun about a 1 1/2 years ago. I reload most of my ammo and mix it up with new factory ammo to help replenish lost brass. I heartily agree with you that changing out the grips on the PX4 is a royal PITA. I have short fat hands and absolutely had to switch out to the small back strap. From a grip standpoint, the S&W is the most comfortable for me. Unfortunately, even with the Apex Tactical trigger spring kit, the trigger is still a bear to operate. To me, the Glock and PX4 are relative comfortable to shoot, trigger wise. The big deciding factor for me though as to which one I personally like the best is the ability to accept various ammo loads and brands. I purposely mix bullet weights and brands within a single magazine and fire away at a local range. What I have found is Glock is more sensitive of the three to mixed ammo loads. It more often that not fails to battery one to three rounds per magazine. The S&W occasionally fails to reset the trigger. The PX4 just keeps chugging away bullet after bullet. It seems oblivious to what’s loaded. Let me say right here, that I would not mix ammo in a carry weapon or one that I was practicing my piss-poor aiming skills. But for me it is good way to understand the manufacturing tolerances, sensitivity to non-factory loads and resistance to the inevitable build up of burnt powder residue over the course of several hundred rounds discharged in a single outing. One other caveat to my testing, every single reload that I due is by hand. I individually inspect and measure the case lengths and trim if necessary, tumble clean the cases, hand scrape the primer pockets and brush out the interior of the case then hand load each primer with a hand tool (generally I use CCI and Winchester primers). I use high quality powder which is generally cleaner than factor loaded ammo. I use brand name bullets in hollow point, FMJs, defense rounds and hollow point target rounds. Every loaded round is length checked to insure they are within specified limits. I don’t mess around when my hand or life is in danger. Well I guess you get the point. What brings me to this is I have a S&W SD40VE (.40 S&W) that I’ve shooting and like this caliber round. I have changed out the trigger spring like my 9mm S&W but after plugging a 300 rounds or so through this gun I get blood blisters on my trigger finger. I’m looking at purchasing a new .40 cal handgun and can’t decide on Stoeger Cougar, Beretta PX4 or Beretta 96A1. I’m not ruling out other brands, and to be honest, I’m not a huge fan of DA/SA arrangement of either of these models. I would like some recommendations or potential alternatives. I also real in one of the post that the safety can be disabled to make it a decocker only. Sure would like to find a video or some instructions on how to do this.

  30. I have a Px4 Storm 40 type F that I really like. It shoots as smoothly as a 9mm, which I attribute to the low profile and rotating barrel. The only problem was the decocker/safety levers. They were high and had relatively sharp edges that interfered with a normal process of rapidly racking the slide. It literally hurt if you tried to do it right and was very slow if you adjusted to avoid those sharp edges. The safety was very stiff, which also added to pain if you tried to switch it off with your thumb, which was almost possible to do anyway. I found a simple solution that has now made this gun one of my favorites. I bought the Type G low profile safety and slide lock parts directly from Beretta. I followed instructions in a YouTube video and Viola – the perfect Px4 configuration. It is only a decocker now, no safety, which I prefer. The new decocker part appears to have holes to switch the old safety detention ball and spring to the new lever, but I cannot confirm this – I didn’t try to do it. I like the low profile slide lock lever too. This is the gun the way it was meant to be.

  31. I was reading your review and overall it was great. I wanted to mention about the safety bat-wings, they are made that way for the purpose of assisting in one handed cocking, as to allow them to catch on a belt or strap to free up your other hand.

  32. I’ve owned the PX4 full size in all 3 calibers and currently have the 9mm. My personal favorite caliber wise is the .40 and I’ll get another soon enough to keep permanently now that I’m done experimenting.
    However no matter the caliber this is by far the greatest gun I’ve had the pleasure to shoot. It’s accuracy, reliability, ease of operation, etc. is second to none however a stoeger Cougar 8040 I had was right up there at the top as well but then that gun is/was basically a beretta anyway. In fact, it being a slightly smaller barrelled gun, made it a little nicer for a cc weapon. I’d have to back pedal here and say that 8040F was my all-time favorite gun with the PX4 .40 coming in a very strong second . Wish I still had that 8040.
    This all being said, I understand what those here are saying concerning the batwings and while I’ve been wanting to do the conversion and do away with the safety and install the low pro levers on any of my past berettas, I don’t understand the condemning of this gun or beretta in general because of it. It’s a minor issue in the big picture that I can and do overlook.
    Sounds to me like some glock lovers are going out of their way and looking for a reason to bash an obvious superior gunmaker and/or gun.
    Personally I cannot stand and will never own a glock. I can’t seem to find any redeeming qualities any glock, no matter the model, has over a beretta of any model. There simply aren’t any and I find them without any character. Box like for lack of a better description. Generic guns that fail in comparison on most fronts.
    Keep up the good work Beretta!

  33. I just got a full size non-Inox Px4 storm type F in 9mm. I love it! I would have gotten the compact, but I got this one for a steal from cheaperthandirt and don’t regret it. I don’t see what people are complaining about regarding the safety/decocker. Maybe they changed the design, but mine really does not stick out enough to be of any concern. It doesn’t poke or pinch me so I don’t see any issue there. Those of you that mentioned hating that extra step of turning the safety off are either not very experienced with guns in general, or don’t realize that you don’t even need it safetied once it is holstered. The PX4 makes it so easy to pop the safety off inside the holster it is ridiculous, so just tuck it in it’s holster, pop it off, and go about your day. The decocker is on both sides of the weapon for a reason aside from just being ambidextrously friendly.

    My mags were difficult to load, but I managed to get 17 into both mags my first time. I took the mags a part, cleaned, lubed them, and gave the spring a little stretch before putting it back in. It works for the military and their M-16s, and it works on pistol mags too. Also, whenever the bullets stop going down easily, it is because they require a little roll to stagger themselves into place correctly. So when in doubt, push harder with a little roll action. They’ll go in. Most magazines I leave loaded for 2-3 days, but with these, I found the best way to break them in is to fire, fire, fire the heck out of them.

  34. My wife’s PX4 Compact will not chamber professionally reloaded truncated cone 9×19. It fails to fully close in the action. My 92 handles it fine. Any ideas ?

  35. Dear Dan Zimmerman:

    I found your article when I was researching this model prior to purchase. I learned next to nothing worth knowing from it. And you are the Managing Editor?

    Here’s some tough love for you, Pajama Boy. Stop here if your are the sensitive type.

    Why is a guy who has only been shooting for about a year with limited rifle experience writing a gun review? On a rifle, no less! What base of reference or experience have you acquired that would enlighten the reader? At the bare minimum, readers want to know what size the five round groups are at 100 yards with several different brands of ammo.

    Also, man up!! Getting kind of tired of the girlie man routine that seems so prevalent today. “Minor tissue damage”? Sheesh! I feel like dropping you off at my dad’s house for a week to toughen you up. Join the military or a damn gym at least so then we won’t have to hear how an infantryman’s weapon is too front heavy for you. Offhand shooters actually like a front heavy rifle because it “hangs” better.

    I hereby sentence you to 100 rounds of the 12 Gauge Remington Buckhammer slug fired out of an H&R single shot in 30 minutes or less! Locate an ARMY or MARINE veteran to proofread your copy (and check for whimpering) and stop letting your mommy check it for errors. Then you might stop embarrassing yourself. You sound like you watch soccer on tv for crissakes!

  36. I have had my full size px4 Storm Type F .40 cal since 2009. I have a sig 2022 in 9 mm and have owned a number of other guns, mostly shotguns for hunting. I don’t shoot my px4 very often, so it probably has only around 500 rounds through it. One thing that happened the second time I took it to the range has stuck with me and caused a loss of confidence for me in the gun. I’m hoping to make no one else has had this happen.

    When I shot it at the range the second time, the slide would lock back after each shot. My primary self defense weapon had become a single shot gun! As it turns out, the tiny spring that holds the slide catch away from the slide had fallen out of the gun while I was cleaning the gun after my first trip to the range. After years of cleaning guns, I’ve never seen anything like that happen. I shipped it back to Beretta (at least $20 or $30 shipping) for repair. They returned it repaired but with no explanation, offer to pay for my shipping or apology! I have since looked at that spring and can’t figure how it could have fallen out. I have fired a few hundred rounds through it with no problem since.

    There are so many other good polymer frame weapons out there, I’ve been toying with trading in the px4. I would appreciate insights on what might have caused this and either encouragement that it’s actually a dependable weapon or possibly a lemon I should ditch.


    • No kit needed. Disassemble the levers from the slide, punch out the spring and ball, reassemble and you have a G.
      Time to convert is about 10 minutes.
      Kit sold by beretta is a set of smaller wings on the levers with no spring and ball.

  37. Man did you really have to dog on Taurus like that? I mean it was a pretty good review but Taurus has come along way. Especially their revolves like the 7 shot 357 magnum Taurus Tracker. I have a Glock 19 that I like really good for carry but my Tracker is my bedside gun. Depending on the situation I may opt for my AR15 or my 870 if I know for a fact that trouble is fixin to come through the door. But to inspect a bump in the night or if suprised where I have to shoot from the flat of my back my Tracker is the go to ( reach for ) gun. The fact that it shoots the best one hitter quitter in a combat caliber handgun only helps it’s case. I could see u bagging on a hi point or lorcin or maybe, maybe even a keltec. Although keltec is actually nothing to sneeze at itself aside from its long long trigger pull. It’s price point helps it tremendously. Taurus Tracker goes for around the 600 dollar mark and worth every penny. U might wanna give one a look see b4 knocking them so hard. They are up there w Ruger and Smith in my opinion. God Bless you and your family

    • Let’s be realistic. Taurus may have had some improvements to their quality in recent years, but they aren’t in the same league as Smith & Wesson or Ruger – not even close.

  38. Unfortunately if you have a problem with a Beretta PX4 -GOOD LUCK- getting it taken care of.
    I have one with an OBVIOUSLY DEFECTIVE BARREL (I have pictures showing the cracks)
    I had fired it only to test accuracy (which was POOR) about 20 rounds so I sent the barrel in for replacement after inspecting and photographing the defects.

    -AFTER 6 WEEKS-!! They just told me I would have to PAY for a replacement barrel $195 + $35 labor !!!!!
    Needless to say I will not pay to replace THEIR defective barrel!!
    I now have a junk Beretta PX4 !!!
    I own more than one Beretta . . . . .but I will NEVER buy another !! And I intend to dump all the others to save me future grief should I have any problems with them . . . . .

    • You’re story about your defective barrel seems suspect. Are you leaving something out of this story? Were you shooting hand loads? I’ve owned my Beretta PX4 for almost five years and have never had one failure, let alone barrel or accuracy issues.

      In addition, my first and only experience with Beretta customer service has been very positive. I just sent back a Beretta Nano about 10 days ago because it was choking on certain cheap range ammo, especially aluminum case, from time to time with failures to extract. It never had any issues with self-defense ammo. I bought the pistol back in 2012 and Beretta made repairs outside of the warranty period at no charge. They didn’t even charge me for the freight for the pick up or delivery. The repaired pistol arrived today via UPS.

  39. I have an older military le model px4 .45.it came with the same safety levers as my 92fs.you can get them on berettas site along with a g conversion kit.also changing the grip inserts is easy if you just peel them outward and off not straight down.use the mag loader it works.great gun in .45 acp with 10+1.


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