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Gun Review: CZ P-10 C

Jeremy S. - comments No comments

“Improving on Perfection” CZ-USA boldly proclaims, promoting their new P-10 C. I’m sure CZ’s lawyers would swear that the slogan is all about making their guns better. Clearly, it’s a shot over GLOCK’s bow. A claim that begs us to nitpick the heck out of this gun. Game on!


Nestled in the CZ’s lockable plastic box: small, medium, and large backstraps, two 15-round magazines, a cleaning brush and rod, a factory test target, a cable gun lock, the owner’s manual, and . . . a boring-looking gun. Gone are most of the P-07/09 series’ aggressive styling cues; the hard lines, angles, tails, rails, swoops, and loops.

I think Jon of The Gun Collective was right: if you want to take a chunk of the Civic’s market, you create a Corolla. (Well, he was mostly right; the Corolla predates the Civic by six years.) The CZ P-10 C may not be exciting, but neither is Gaston’s gat. A little less polarizing and a little more pedestrian can have mass appeal, or at least mass acceptance.

Check out the photo above. Which is the P-10 C and which is the G19? Time’s up! The GLOCK’s on the left. It’s hard to tell from the photo, but the CZ’s grip texture squares are a bit larger and sharper. The corners and edges are closer to true 90° angles. The P-10’s grip is just as comfortable as the GLOCK’s, even when shooting bare-handed outside in sub-freezing weather. But the CZ is hands-down — actually, hands stuck right in place — grippier.

The P-10 C (left) must have the fattest, burliest barrel lugs and locking block to ever appear in a pistol of this sort. It looks like it could eat the GLOCK equivalents (right) for breakfast.

Also up in the nitrided steel slide: the flat coil recoil spring on a polymer guide rod, the striker and striker block components, a healthy extractor, and the aforementioned land-and-groove rifled barrel with full-width lugs. Slide rail inserts, lugs, pins, and everything else inside the frame is beefy, too.

The ambidextrous slide stop is a unique design that I haven’t seen before. It’s a hoop of solid steel that engages the bottom of the breech face rather than a little notch in the slide. Likewise, the trigger bar is a hoop of solid steel that runs around both sides underneath the slide stop.

CZ has never paid much attention to tool marks in non-wear, non-visible areas; the P10-C is cleaner than the norm for them. Note how thick the slide is at the nose where the recoil spring seats. Like the barrel lugs, this is more than twice the steel I’m used to seeing. I feel like I could drive railroad spikes with the P-10’s slide components.

Except for the striker assembly, maybe. Nothing wrong with it, but I’m sure CZ could have figured out how to include more blocks of steel here. Also a missed opportunity to go with a spade-shaped striker face so even spent brass looks GLOCKed.

Another characteristic found in fired GLOCK cases (especially from higher pressure rounds): the “GLOCK smile.” That’s a slight case bulge from the lack of full case support above the feed ramp. CZ chose not to emulate this, either. The P-10 C rocks a very well-supported chamber. It’s still generous in its diameter so as to function with utmost reliability — a match chamber it is not — but case support is as good as it gets.

You field strip and reassemble the P-10 C exactly as you would a…wait for it…GLOCK. CZ has molded a single recoil slot into the accessory rail. The rail itself is square rather than weirdly angled, but it’s still more reminiscent of the Austrian handgun than other CZs. While we’re on Teutonic topic [ED: still], the P-10 C fits most G19 holsters. It’s designed to function perfectly in LE/Mil retention holsters such as those produced by Safariland, making a PD’s [theoretical] switch from GLOCK to CZ that much easier.

The P-10 C’s steel magazines lock into the gun via the rectangular slot on the front face, up near the top. P-10 C mags will work in the P-07, but not yet the other way around. It looks like soon all the P-07/09/10 magazines will have the front rectangle cut and be compatible with each other. In other good news, MSRP on the P-10 C mags is a competitive $35 a pop.

Also worth noting: the P-10 C “auto forwards” — releasing the slide from lock upon firm insertion of a full magazine. Some shooters assume this is an error or a design flaw; it’s there on purpose.

Those mags find an easy home in the grip of the P-10. The frame has some decent magwell taper molded in, and the backstrap extends down to the level of the baseplate of an inserted magazine. Although you shouldn’t be missing your mag insertion, the backstrap acts as a backstop funnel for when you do. There’s also a lanyard hole.

The P-10 C sports a cool looking trigger shoe. It lacks silly anodized colors, but otherwise looks like an aftermarket hop-up part. I appreciate the fact that the safety blade depresses to almost flush with the front of the trigger — so close, CZ, so close. This avoids a pet peeve: when a trigger safety blade goes too far (e.g., Ruger American) or not far enough (e.g., GLOCK).

The P-10 C’s backstraps aren’t just slapped on top of the frame; they slide on a rail. A pin across the bottom locks your hand-size-appropriate backstrap of choice to the frame.

Grip that sucker and you’ll note that you can get your hand up nice and high on the gun — but not as high as on a GLOCK® brand GLOCK. The P-10’s frame is thicker under the back of the slide. In a massive deviation from CZ’s norm, the slide rides outside, not inside, the frame rails.

Not to be overlooked: the shape of the P-10 C’s “undercut” trigger guard. It’s wide, curved, and deep enough to fit a real person’s finger. It completes the confident and comfortable grip feel along with the mini cube texture that keeps hands velcroed in place.

While the ergonomics of the P-10 C’s grip shape don’t feel the same as a CZ 75’s — a gold standard — they’re still great. Everything comes to together perfectly: the light palm swells, curved backstrap, room under the slide, lack of finger grooves, and a grip angle that points naturally. There are guns I feel I’d have right on target even with my eyes closed. This is one of them.

For those who shoot eyes open, the P-10 C’s three-dot sights glow in the dark (after being charged by a light source). They’re also machined from steel, rather than popped-out of a plastic mold. Production versions of the P-10 C will use the same dovetail as the CZ Shadow 2, which opens up options for all sorts of adjustable competition sights, tall suppressor sights, and more.

The P-10 C’s trigger is a recipe for success. Keep much of the GLOCK’s creep but polish it smooth, drop the pull weight down to four-ish pounds, tweak the break so it’s cleaner and less “springy,” and include a fantastic reset that’s tactile, audible, and really short. This is a trigger that begs to be shot fast.

Challenge accepted! I plowed through the first couple magazines shooting way faster than I normally would. Pop-pop-pop-pop-pop, rapid fire, like I was late getting home. I don’t know much about aliens, but it’s safe to say that’s a dead Avatar dude right there.

This 26-ounce pistol shoots so flat with such great grip control and low muzzle rise that keeping track of the front sight is child’s play. Recoil impulse is soft, too.

Feeling good about accuracy potential, I plopped out a sandbag, slapped on a Lasermax Spartan, and used it to help me stay on target at 25 yards. Alchemist Z-Clean, which fires a 100 grain zinc projectile, kicked things off with a 1.9″, five-shot group.

Sellier & Bellot in 115 grain flavor, which I believe is CZ’s factory test ammo, turned in a 1.21″ group.

CapArms’ 147 grain subsonic offering was good for a 0.92″ spread.

And good ol’ 115 grain Blazer Brass effectively tied for first with a 0.91″ group, except with four of those shots sharing the same hole I simply must declare it the single-group accuracy winner. This is incredible accuracy from a 4.02″-barreled “duty” pistol.

I burned through a few hundred rounds for this review, ranging from the Z-Clean to the cheapest reloads on the market to the 147 grain extra shiny ammo from TTAG’s ammo sponsor, CapArms. Not one single hitch or hiccup of any sort. CZ obviously has a good reputation for reliability, and the P-10 C feels bulletproof.

My only functional gripes with the gun: the slide stop catches firmly and demands concerted force to use as a release, and the magazine release buttons want to be pushed straight inwards, rather than rolled down onto by the thumb. Both of these issues were apparent when paying close attention, but went entirely unnoticed when having fun on the range.

The CZ P-10 C carries like a slightly heavier (2.4 oz heavier, to be exact) G19. While the CZ’s frame is taller than the GLOCK’s, the difference shrinks to nearly nothing once you insert a magazine. The curved heel of the CZ and the more vertical grip angle may even make that grip heel corner ever-so-slightly less likely to print.

The first wave of production CZ P-10 Cs should be hitting dealer shelves around Christmas. This might even include some FDE variants (as above). After that, expect a .40 S&W model (holding 12+1 rounds) and suppressor-ready flavors.

Bottom line: It’s better than a GLOCK 19. It just is. In every last way it’s better. The CZ P-10 C shoots flatter, faster, and more accurately. It’s more comfortable, points more intuitively, grips better, has a better trigger, better sights, and beefier internals. While I could personally take or leave the fully ambi mag release and slide stop, it’s still a plus in the CZ’s column. Personally, I like my magazines better sans plastic overmold, too. And at an MSRP of $499, it’s less expensive by a hundred bucks.

I did not foresee replacing the G19 MOS on my hip. Least of all, actually, for the P-10 C, which visually underwhelmed me when I first saw it in photos and even in person. But its prowess on the range is undeniable. I shoot it better and more confidently than most other pistols, which is an experience that was also shared among other shooters. Plus who are we kidding, it’s still better looking than a GLOCK.

Specifications: CZ P-10 C

Chambering: 9mm Luger (.40 S&W coming soon)
Magazine Capacity: 15+1 (12+1 in .40)
Frame: Fiber-reinforced polymer
Trigger Mech: Striker-fired, 4 to 4.5 lbs
Sights: Metal Three-Dot
Barrel: Cold Hammer Forged
Barrel Length: 4.02 in
Weight: 26 oz
Overall Length: 7.3 in
Safety: Firing Pin Block Safety, Trigger Safety
MSRP: $499 ($516 in .40) Around $500 via Brownells

Ratings (out of five stars):

Accuracy * * * * *
In the compact duty gun category, it’s a laser beam. Both mechanical accuracy and practical accuracy are incredible.

Reliability * * * * *
Strong, smooth and confident through 300 rounds of mixed ammo and no lubrication at all. I’m heartened by the beefy internals and the general simplicity of the action parts.

Concealed Carry * * *
This may be a “compact” gun (that’s what the “C” is for), but like the G19 it’s no single-stack pocket pistol.

Ergonomics * * * *
A marked improvement in every way over the benchmark, but still not CZ’s finest.

Customize This * * * *
There’s a decent, quality aftermarket for CZ parts and custom work. Sights are easy to swap on this gun and there are quite a few options. Considering it fits GLOCK G19/G17/G22/etc holsters, the market is practically limitless.

Overall * * * * *
OK, I’ll say it. This CZ P-10 C is a better gun than the G19. A five-star gun in every way.

An important note: The pistol reviewed here is a pre-production pistol. CZ-USA stated that only two minor things will be changed between this gun and production guns: a slight change to the slide bevel, and the rear sight dovetail will be a Shadow 2 one instead of the P-07 style cut. It’s supposed to be identical otherwise.

To be thorough, though, a production one off the distribution racks will be arriving here later this month and another one will be arriving at Tyler Kee‘s FFL. I want that furry curmudgeon with all his Apex-tuned M&P experience to weigh in on this gun, too. That follow-up article will have Tyler’s thoughts plus trigger pull comparisons between the P-10 C and some other pistols, and if anything is materially different between the production guns and this gun then it will be made known here as well.

The 147 grain subsonic 9mm ammunition for this review was provided by CapArms. Their sponsorship of most of TTAG’s review-related ammo needs is a huge help, allowing us to review more guns and more gear more thoroughly.

Photo of author

Jeremy S.

Jeremy is TTAG's Deputy Editor, working mostly behind the scenes but, when he attempts to write, he focuses on comprehensive gun & gear reviews. Jeremy strives to collect objective data whenever possible, and looks to write accurate reviews that reflect the true user experience. He lives outside of Austin, TX.

0 thoughts on “Gun Review: CZ P-10 C”

  1. Another point in its favor: The barrel looks to be traditionally rifled rather than the Glock’s polygonal, so it shouldn’t have issues with lead bullets in reloads.

    • This is a very persistent myth.

      Lead bullets work fine in Glocks and other polygonal barrels (fun fact: Glock is kind of a hybrid polygonal barrel, it’s not a true polygonal).

      The myth stems from Glock’s manual where they say to not fire lead bullets through them. It’s theorized that they said this as a CYA as they were worried early on from “Glocksplosions” that happened mostly on .40 S&W Glocks before they strengthened the chamber.

      The issue with lead is it creates a lot more fouling than jacketed bullets AND polygonal rifles create tighter seals around bullets than traditional rifling where excess gas can bleed through the grooves around the bullet. Those two things combined will lead to more back pressure than you care for, but that’s only if you plan on shooting hundreds if not thousands of rounds without ever so much as brushing out your barrel.

    • Glock switched over to lands & grooves rifling with the Gen 5s and supposedly the newer Gen 4s have traditional rifling too (oval “3D” mark on the barrels)

    • Really,. They look completely different to me. The slides look nothing alike. CZ has front serations and totally different shape than the plain Jane, Glock squared off slides. The grip angle is different and the ejection port looks totally different. To each his own I guess.

  2. Looks like a winner to me, unfortunately they went to far with their cues from Glock and put on a U-rail instead of a pic.

    Otherwise looks like a solid entry, wouldn’t mind grabbing one, kind of like how it looks.

  3. A Glock copy. How original. Price point is good though for what it does. Seeing how the internals are “beefier”, seeing that Glock doesn’t seem to have a problem with reliability for parts breaking, seems like they just made it heavier without any added benefit.

    “Bottom line: the CZ P-10 C is better than a GLOCK 19. The P-10 C shoots flatter, faster and more accurately. It’s more comfortable, points more intuitively and grips better. It has a better trigger and sights, and beefier internals.”
    Seems like a lot of opinion/shooter’s preference to be a “bottom line”.

    • A review is inherently an opinion piece. Right?

      …but except for the “points more intuitively” part, I actually don’t think there’s much opinion in what you quoted. I had instructors and shooting range employees/RSOs shoot this thing — three of whom EDC G19s like I do! — and they all IMMEDIATELY shot this gun faster and more accurately than their Glocks. Appreciably so. It shoots crazy flat. Two of the three said on the spot that I just cost them $425 and they’re shocked — shocked I tell you! — that they think they’re going to replace their EDCs with a P-10 C.

      • The original article didn’t state that multiple firearms instructors shot it as well and were in agreement with you. That makes it much more “bottom line” than a single shooter’s thoughts (no offense). FYI that would have been good info in the article!
        I enjoyed the rest of the review.

    • You want a purely objective, drier than a vanilla wafer review? Read American Rifleman. For some educated opinion based on firsthand experience with the item in question, read TTAG.

      • American Rifleman isn’t objective. Anything bad, they don’t publish the review. Anything bad from one of their main advertisers gets a decent review.

        • I noticed the comment about American Rifleman, and I agree that they are not totally honest in their reviews or objective. I have a friend who writes for about 12 different gun mags. Well known and told me that if is reviewing a gun for publication, either he won’t write the review if it’s bad or try to soft soap it. Manufacturers don’t hesitate to drop advertising if one of their products gets a bad review. Remember, it’s a business. When he does tests and reviews for government agencies he can be totally honest, because that’s what they are paying him for. Knowing this, you can “read between the lines” on some of the mag reviews on a gun that’s less than spectacular.

      • I have the CZ P-10 and agree with your review. My ECG is a Gen 5 Glock 19 and has over 2,000rounds without a misfire or malfunction. Thus, will probably continue to carry the Glock until I get a few more thousand rounds in my CZ. The CZ seems to be a little more particular about ammo than the Glock. My 19 eats everything but the CZ will not chamber some of my reloads, although no problem with all factory ammo I’ve fired. Ironic that I enjoy shooting the CZ more than the 19, possibly because of the trigger pull, extra weight or general feel in my hand.

    • Can we please stop calling every striker fired polymer gun that come out a Glock copy? Glock was not the first to make a striker fired polymer gun (that goes to the H&K VP70). What happens is these companies see a market (striker fired, polymer frame) and create a gun to fit it. They may have some Glocks sitting around to see how Glock managed to get it to work, but no more or less Glockes then S&W, Rugers, Walthers, H&Ks, etc.
      Glock is not the genesis of the market, it was just the first commercially successful model. Yes, Glocks are good guns for some people, but your snobbish attitude that because you like the most bland, overly referenced pistol out there is really annoying.

      • Alien comes down from mars and inspects, handles, and shoots these two guns and I’m telling you, he chooses the CZ.

        Dan I agree, and it’s certainly annoying. If there’s enough room in the market for every car company to have a sedan or an SUV or a minivan, there’s room for all the players to have a polymer framed, striker fired pistol. Nobody complains when Nissan comes out with a new Quest that “Toyota invented the minivan and it’s stupid that everybody keeps copying it.” And, as you point out, in this case it’s also factually wrong since HK was selling a polymer frame, striker fired gun for something like 12 years before Glock made its first. They may be the biggest, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily invented anything or have more claim to this format that other companies.

        HOWEVER…if you ever could make a strong “they copied GLOCK” claim, the P-10 is up way high on that list. It’s specifically designed to replace the G19 for people (as it will for me). It fits the same holsters, has the same takedown process, has almost identical looking grip texture, and more. Hell, the gun’s slogan is “Improving on Perfection” so I think it’s clear that getting a piece of that sweet GLOCK market share was the target. I like the slogan, though, because it’s both deferential/humble by recognizing that GLOCK is the 800-lb gorilla here and conceding that this gun borrows a lot from the GLOCK design (I think CZ putting this right out front also takes some of the thunder away from the “they copied GLOCK” ‘haters’), while at the same time it’s confident and bragging that this gun is an improvement over the G.

        If we can manage to get ourselves over the politics, though, and look at these two guns just as mechanical tools without worrying which came first or what logo is on either, I honestly have a hard time believing anybody would choose the GLOCK as the better gun. Aside from aftermarket parts support, I cannot think of one objective area in which the G outperforms the CZ (torture testing TBD). Boycott and whine all we want about who copied who, but the politics don’t affect the fact that one product is better than the other.

      • “Can we please stop calling every striker fired polymer gun that come out a Glock copy?”

        No, we cannot, when most of them have MANY more similarities with current Glocks than the original Glock ever had or shared with the abortion that was the VP-70Z. It was an unlocked/straight-blowback action, with a fixed/non-tilting barrel, a fully-double-action SLIDING trigger action (with true double-strike capability) that required approximately 20 pounds of pressure to fire, a European-style heel magazine release, a double-column double-feed magazine (top round is only retained by one feed lip), and a rifle-style behind-the-trigger-cross-bolt safety like a friggin’ Ruger 10/22.

        In comparison, many/most of the current Glock copies have the same or very similar: frame compositions, locking systems, firing pins, trigger actions, trigger pull weights, trigger pull motions, trigger safety mechanisms, magazine releases, disassembly procedures, magazines, etc. Heck, in at least one early case, some parts from the copy would interchange with the same parts on a Glock.

        Call them what they are; copies. Improved copies? Maybe. Cheaper copies? Usually. Better copies? Probably not, but only time will tell.

        I see that Jeremy was also answering the same comment at about the same time (I type slow). Some good points in his comment, as well, and as usual.

        • I guess Glock now knows how the original 1911 manufactures felt when all the “copy colts” entered the market. Well, maybe not, I don’t remember all the sour grapes from shooters when cheaper domestic and import 1911’s flooded the market at 1/2 (or less) the price of a Colt. The CZ is cheaper and better than the Glock, spend more for less if you like.

  4. With every new plasticy Glock or non Glock brand Glock that comes out I become more and more satisfied with my decision to become a revolver guy.

  5. Nice to see a good competitor to the G19 which is my EDC. I’m a bit bigger guy and don’t have any trouble CC’ing the 19, but as far as concealability goes there are better options out there, and this doesn’t sound like one. Glad to hear it’s a solid shooter though.

    There’s not many guns out there any more that I feel like I “need”, however I’ve always had an interest in the CZ P-07.

  6. Great review! That accuracy is truly amazing, and even a die-hard Glock fan like me can admire it. But that’s probably the last nice thing I will say about this pistol.

    About the same size, but still 10% heavier (!), and sits higher in the hand (“more vertical grip angle”), which means it will bounce a bit more due to the higher bore axis over the arm.

    I note one thing missing in the specifications, and that is width. If they aren’t bragging about it being thinner or the same, that probably means it’s thicker than a Glock — and that ain’t good.

    Metal roll-pins in a plastic frame, including the one that holds-on the backstraps? Those holes will be hogged-out by pin scraping in short order.

    Just another cost-cutter Glock copy/also-ran, although again, the accuracy is interesting (if universal).

    Jeremy, any way you could check the width for those of us who are curious?
    Anything you can do is appreciated.

    • It does not bounce a bit more. We can argue theoretical physics all day, but this gun shoots softer and way flatter than a G19. Not even close. As mentioned in another comment, I had three other experienced shooters who EDC Glock 19s shoot this gun and all immediately saw that they could put more rounds on tighter target faster with this gun. Right out of the gate. All of us stated independently that it shoots flatter, softer, more controllable, more accurate, can really keep track of the front sight, etc etc.

      Yes, it’s 2.4 oz heavier. I realize that’s ~10% of the unloaded weight but let’s not act like this puts it into 1911 territory. Obviously this weight is from copious (excessive) amounts of steel, though.

      Width is more important to most when carrying, so you’re right to hammer on that. I don’t have a stat for it but I’ll measure the production one myself when it comes in. Keep in mind this gun fits in G19 holsters. Width of the slide and frame where it goes into a holster is effectively identical. If there is any difference at all between the width of the P-10 and a G19, it’ll be the width of the controls (P-10 being ambidextrous, it’s likely slightly wider across the control surfaces) or maybe because the P-10 has a slight palm swell. But again, they fit the same kydex holsters.

      • Thanks for the response, and you’ve (again) made some good points. I guess I’d like to see some high-speed drills against the clock (by shooters who are better/faster than I, and less biased) before I’ll believe the softer/flatter-shooter-than-a-G19 thing, as it seems to somewhat defy the reality of a higher bore line, but perhaps they’ve sprinkled-in some other magic to somehow make this work.

        Which will suck if true, because then I’ll have to buy one. Dangit.

        • The “bore axis” being some sort of 100% determinant of follow up speed, is simply unfounded myth. Straight up muzzle rise is much more predictable, hence trainable for, than recoil driven muzzle movements in other directions. Which all guns will have, since not all recoil moves straight back (hand geometry, flesh density, slightly varying grip, joint angles….)

          Compared to a very high bore axis, what a low one gives, is an increased ability to not lose the front sight during recoil. But once straight up and down recoil is low enough to not lose the front, followup speed is no longer improved by taking it further. In fact, contorting the frame and grip to some unrecognizably weird shape just to gain another fractional millimeter of “low bore axis”, will at some point turn out to be detrimental.

        • Bore axis is the most overrated stat in the pistol world. It only one of many factors that goes into how a handgun behaves.

  7. Currently own a P-07 Duty and have previously owned a P-01 (regrettably sold a few years ago….). Having said that, I am not a CZ fanboy ‘per se’ but they do shoot very nicely and just feel so right in the hand. If I was in the market for a striker fired pistol, this would be on the shortlist for sure.

    Just picked up a 5.5″ .44 Magnum Ruger Redhawk this week though, so am not buying any more guns for a while!!

  8. I’m definitely in danger of being a CZ fanboy, but have made a rational choice to carry a Walther PPQ as my carry gun. I have been following any news I can get my hands on about the P10c because I am very interested in testing it as a potential replacement for the PPQ.

    • It’s not unlike a PPQ that shoots significantly flatter and is visually less distracting from behind (the shape and height of the rear of the PPQ took me some getting used to). I was very accurate with the PPQ, but with this gun I can shoot faster with better control while maintaining equal accuracy.

      • Jeremy, thanks for the video and review.

        Objectively, how does the trigger compare to the PPQ? Seems like a lot more creep, and a bit longer reset than the PPQ as well.

        • I’ll graph them both when the production P-10 comes in, but you’re exactly right. More creep and reset travel than the PPQ. I think it’s closer to a Glock in total travel but it’s way smoother and crisper and the reset may be shorter. Trigger shoe feels nicer, too. Reset is great. Feels like a glock trigger with Ghost connector, but less springy.

    • Your locals obviously don’t know how to deal with guns if they don’t carry at least one CZ model and I personally would not do business with them. I like a good selection at the places I shop and not just glocks, smiths, and Rugers.

  9. Just 8 months ago I bought my first ever gun, a Glock 19. The other gun I was considering was the full size all steel CZ-75 B. I hope CZ comes out with subcompact (Glock 26 size) and full size (Glock 17) versions of the P-10 so I can have an excuse to buy one soon!

  10. My full sized is a CZ-75 and am looking to replace my conceal carry with a CZ. However, I am a fan of all metal frames and DA/SA triggers. Is there any chance you guys will do a review of the CZ 2017 RAMI sometime soon? I happen to find better quality reviews here in TTAG than other websites.

      • YES!!! I enjoy reading your reviews. I just picked up the SP01 a month ago and I love it. I am looking into adding something smaller for carrying. I have been all over the place from XDS/Shield, to a P320 and a P938, and I keep coming back to CZ. I am down to the P-10C, Rami, and P-07.

  11. “Bottom line: It’s better than a GLOCK 19.”

    Oh, my my my. The Glock fanboys must be squealing like pigs right about now. If you took their pictures, they’d all look like paintings by Edvard Munch.

  12. Jeremy,

    A request: Can you take some overlaid shots with the P-10 D and the Glock 19? It would be interesting to see the exact size comparison, especially in height. The CZ looks taller, but without a direct comparison, it’s hard to tell. CZ hasn’t published a height dimension.


  13. Think we’ll be seeing a version with a milled slide? Combined with a threaded barrel? Wild guess on when that version would be available?

    • It may be less size-efficient, but it seems to be more performance-efficient. The way I see it, it would only be “basically a Glock” if it didn’t perform significantly better or worse than a Glock in critically-important ways. Based on Jeremy’s review, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

      • Yeah, Frank, that’s exactly it. “It’s a glock” doesn’t describe the gun because it absolutely doesn’t feel like or shoot like a glock.

        “Same action, same cartridge, same capacity in a chunkier package, right?”

        Are we really at the point now where we’re attributing the Browning short recoil tilting barrel design, the 9mm Luger cartridge, and a 15-round capacity to Glock? I assure you, Glock has no claim on these things and didn’t invent any of them. As for “size efficient,” the P-10 is 2.4 oz heavier but comparable otherwise (same length, same width, effectively a wash on height with a magazine installed). So knock it on weight, sure, but I’m not sure size is a valid argument. There are certainly many places in which CZ could reduce the amount of steel in this gun haha.

        • Not that they invented it, just that the GLOCK 19 seems to be the smallest/lightest package you can get that action, cartridge, and capacity in.

          I’m impressed with that size efficiency, which I don’t think anyone will (or can) improve on. Now ergonomics is an entirely different beast, but I like to nerd out over the scientific things like efficiency. 🙂

  14. I think there have been better pistols than a Glock 19 for a while. This new CZ definitly looks superlative. The Walther PPQ is the current top dog for striker fired. The CZ P-01, P-07 are better shooters than the Glock. I think what keeps selling Glock is the aftermarket support. Don’t get me wrong the G19 is a fine combat pistol but it has been surpassed years ago.

  15. I’m curious now. How did they soften the recoil impulse? Is it all the weight added to the slide?

    If you care, can you strip the gun and see if all that weight increase is put into the slide to spread the recoil over a longer time?

    And I think the recoil spring is lightened as well, isn’t it?

    Oh and the auto-forwarding, how can I defeat it? It bugs me to no end. Doing that on a partially loaded mag is a great recipe for a misfeed.

  16. All this Glock comparison and bashing made me think of something. Jeremy, do any of you TTAG writers know when the Glock gen 5s will be on the market

    • We’ll keep an eye out at SHOT Show, but I haven’t heard anything. Other than the leaked photos of the FBI G17M or whatever it was designated. I heard a rumor that the ambi slide stop was causing big problems (was the source of the recall) and they had to go back to the drawing board.

  17. In the “Glock comparison” market, any thoughts on the P10C compared to Canik’s TP9 line now that the Elite is set to hit shelves soon as well and directly compete with CZ and Glock?

    • I’m super impressed with the TP9 series. Awesome guns even if they weren’t such a screaming deal. But they’re way bigger and clunkier. Taller grip frame and taller slide puts it in a whole ‘nother size category.

    • Oh, it’s in there 😛

      “Everything comes to together perfectly: the light palm swells, curved backstrap, room under the slide, lack of finger grooves, and a grip angle that points naturally. “

  18. Not generally a fan of striker pistols, being a CZ fanboy though I might give this one a look. Nice review.

    Any plans for a thumb safety variant somewhere down the line e.g. the Ruger American?

  19. What is the commetariate’s general opinion on the Glock style takedown levers versus a pivoting/swiveling take down lever or pushing out a takedown pin?

    I’m still ripping up my fingernails manipulating the Glock/S&W-SD9-VE style takedown system as compared to the simple and elegant flip of a VP9/P226/M&P lever. Even pushing out the takedown pin on a CZ75/1911 is less digit damaging than Glock’s emery board.

    Is it cost reduction, a stronger system (hard to believe that sliding a block out of the way could be stronger than a beefy removable pin), or just following in Gaston’s perfumed footsteps?

    • You are slightly pulling the slide rearwards before pulling down on the disassembly levers, right? The slide needs to go like 1/8″ to 1/4″ rearwards — obviously not far enough to set the striker — to relieve pressure from the locking lug. Use your right hand to squeeze around the rear sight around the back of the slide and squeeze it rearwards ever so slightly, then your left hand to pull down on the levers. There’s almost no resistance on them if the slide is pulled slightly to the back.

  20. Too bad that clunker isnt a real Glock, but just a cheezy Glock copy. Why buy a Glock clone when you can buy an authentic Perfection Glock? Its like buying a KIA K900 and pretending you bought a Mercedes S class. You can keep telling yourself you have as good as a Mercedes, but you really are just a deluded fool.

    • I EDC a G19. I carry a G20 when I’m in the woods. I understand the appeal of a GLOCK. …The P-10 C is going to replace my G19 — once it truly proves itself to be reliable enough — because it’s a better gun. I’m not married to a brand (I also carry a Beretta Nano when the G19 is too big and if I’m really short on space I carry a Taurus TCP). CZ isn’t exactly a fly-by-night newcomer, either; it was founded at the end of WWI (1918) and has been making handguns since at least as far back as WWII. Plus, if you think there are a lot of Glock clones out there, it falls short of how many CZ 75 clones there are. That gun is basically tied for the 1911 for most copied/cloned handgun design ever.

      • Keep telling yourself that KIA is a Mercedes. You could even get a tri star and put it on the hood. And put a Glock sticker on that CZ clunker and “feel” like its the same.

        Its not about “brand loyalty.” Its about decades of proven reliability and Perfection. CZ didnt get into the polymer game until late. And a Taurus? Really?

        Whats the diff between a Taurus and a rock?

        You might actually hit what you aim at with the rock.

        And the rock wont shoot you in the ass if you drop it.

        NO, NONE, NADA respect for Taurus.

        • Guys like you are the reason Glock has stopped innovating and sticking with a “good enough” design everyone else has surpassed in the past 5 years.

          And did you really imply that a company that deals in steel and alloy would have a problem making a gun out of a more forgiving easier to work with product like plastic?

          Go stroke your gen 2 and assure it it’s perfect, the hand gun market has advanced considerably since then.

    • Since your glock is the best gun in the whole world does it have second strike capability like my Walther p99 or sar k2p on a light primer strike or did glock invent this second strike capability and sell it to Walther you think it’s the best gun because you don’t know any better it’s not 1994 things change ford made the first cars does that make them the best and everyone who builds cars copied ford makes about the same sense as your statement

    • I heard the Blue Label Glocks will be going up in price in January.
      Still a good deal, but not as good as they were.
      And the wait can be loooong.

    • When saying it is effectively cheaper by $100, Jeremy obviously doesn’t mean that Glock street prices are $100 over the CZ’s *MSRP* – which is how you got to Glock selling for $600. He’s talking street price vs predicted street price. The difference is $150 when comparing MSRPs.

      • Pretty sure MSRP on a standard Gen4 G19 is $599. That’s where my “$100 less” comes from. MSRP vs. MSRP.

        At any rate, even looking at decent retail prices a Gen4 G19 is usually ~$539. Normal going rate on a CZ P-07 is about $449 and its MSRP ($510) is $11 higher than the P-10’s. So I think we’re still looking at ~$100 difference in average ‘street price.’

        So roughly speaking, yes, it’s “a hundred bucks less.” Special law enforcement pricing notwithstanding (Glock Blue Label… I don’t know if CZ does something similar, but they do have a completely different law enforcement catalog).

        • And the 500.00 new Glock will always be worth 400-425.00 used. Whats that 450.00 new CZ gonna sell for used? Most likely Taurus territory, around 300-325.00 if that much.

          CZ makes some nice metal frame guns, but why bother with their Glock clones? Just to save 100 bucks then lose it on the resale?

        • Used CZs have a better resale than Glocks due to blue label and GSSF pricing. Even the plastic ones. I’ve bought several used and sold several. CZs demand a higher price point likely due to supply: everyone is selling glocks at this point to chase new Wonder guns on my local gun forums, police trades aside.

  21. Dang Jeremy, you offended the Glock 19 guys! Even though I’m a Glock guy, I’m not offended because I’m also a Ruger, S&W, and Sig guy. My closest “CZ” will hopefully be a Dan Wesson Specialist .45.

    Anyways, I appreciate you telling it like it is. Glock guys stil love their GLOCKs and 1911 guys still love their 1911s.

    • I’m a Glock guy, and I wasn’t offended either. To be fair, I’m also a Sig, Beretta, and (gasp!) Canik guy. I have many other brands in my safe as well, but they are more for collection’s sake than anything else.

      I don’t get the hatred people spew when an opinion is stated about a firearm that may be better than one they own. I’ve never been a CZ guy, but the P10C may change that. I will definitely buy one when they become available and let my own experience be my guide.

      • I’m not kidding Canik and Sar arms make some quality firearms that are reasonably priced have both canik tpv2 and sar k2p and think both are better than glock for close to half the price my opinion not knocking glock but sig h&k Walther CZ all are higher on my list than glock so is S/W and Ruger

      • New Canik tpv2 cost 311 dollars out the door new Sar K2p cost 287 dollars out the doors have over 500 rounds out of both without a single problem accurate and reliable two great guns for the cost of one glock both have second strike capability unlike the glock

  22. Questions for the author:

    1. Do the mags “spring” out of the magwell when released (like metal CZ pistols)? Or does the mag release button have a mush feel and slow mag release, like the Glock?

    2. What is the finish coating of the slide?

    If I missed these topics in the article, I apologize.

    • Mags spring out. Glock mags are as reliable as it gets, but I prefer the non-plastic-coated variety and these CZ ones (made by Mec-Gar I believe) are great.

      The slide, barrel, and most or all other metal parts are nitrided.

      • That’s the one thing about the Glock that I don’t like. I still carry a Glock, but I will be looking at this CZ very closely. Thanks for the response and insight!

  23. I will wait and see. I want to handle and shoot one before giving up my money but if as good as all the reviews I have seen then CZ will get some more of my money.

  24. I’m interested, Right now I have 3 Glocks a g17, and 2g19’s, both the g19’s were bought new, one about two years ago (grey frame) and the other about 3 weeks ago (green frame) both had brass to the face ejection problems right out of the box, both needed a Apex extractor to mostly (not completely) fix the issue..as soon as one of these CZ’s shows up at my LGS, I’m probably going to buy one..I’m sick and tired of buying Glocks that need fixed right out of the box!

  25. A .357 Sig version would catch my attention. CZ is a great firearms company that I have long admired. I expect that they did great work when they designed this pistol and that it will work as well as their other offerings. However, chambering the P10C (or any of their pistols) in a stronger cartridge would make it more desirable to me.

    • I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of CZ chambering .357 SIG. They are making a .40 S&W version of this pistol, though, so you could buy that, buy a separate 9mm barrel, and rechamber that barrel for .357 SIG. *Assuming* the 9mm barrel will fit in the .40 frame — and I’m willing to guess at this time that the external dimensions of both barrels are identical, but certainly could be wrong there — this would work. You’d have the correct size breech face, extractor, and magazine for the .357 SIG (because all of those measurements are identical to the .40 S&W) and then once the 9mm barrel was re-chambered for .357 S you’d be perfect there as well. There’s a ton of extra meat around the chamber of this barrel (one reason I’m guessing it’s the same externally as the .40 barrel).

      * do at your own risk, this will void the warranty, etc

  26. Any knowledge on whether they will be producing a full sized version to compete with the G17? I read somewhere last month that the P-10 “C” was specific in naming to designate the compact version of the line (unlike the P07/P09 naming), and that if sales are robust, a full size may be put into production.

  27. All that is missing is aftermarket sight support. I am not sure what sights (if any) will fit the Shadow 2 dovetails on the production model. I would be looking for the high visibility night sight variety. Something like the Ameriglo ProGlo’s, Trijicon HD’s (or better yet, the new Trijicon HD XR’s) and Truglo TFX Pro’s. I am sure XS sights will be available as they seem to have the most broad brand coverage. Fingers crossed.

  28. Why do I get the sinking suspicion that the CZ P10c. Which fixes about 90%-95% of the “Grips that Military Ordnance Boards had with the Glock 19. At price that is $100 less than a Glock 19. May just be CZ’s idea to Compete for the M9 replacement contracts and CZ just decided to drop it on the commercial market While the politicians screw themselves? It will be interesting to see how the commercial market reacts to this Poly Striker, in a Glock saturated market.

    • There are 10-round mags for the P-07 so I’d bet they’ll become available for the P-10 as well. Worst case could be cutting a little rectangle in the ‘front strap’ of a 10-round P-07 mag so it locks into a P-10. Other than that notch, the mags are identical.

  29. Is the grip any smaller than a G19?!?
    The G19 is just a hair too big and rectangular for me (but the M&Ps feel too long front to back of the grip).

  30. Could you put that lasermax spartan on your glock 19 and print some groups at 25 yards? I didn’t see accuracy testing on your glock 19 review and thought it would be interesting to have that side by side with the p10c.

    • Slightly delayed. CZ-USA thought production versions would be showing up around Christmas but the shipment they received were some factory testing guns that had gone through high round count and other torture testing. The first shipment of true production, new guns for sale is supposed to arrive at CZ-USA extremely soon now apparently (once that happens, it’ll probably be a couple addititonal weeks for them to get through the distribution channels).

      • Thanks for that update Jeremy. Appreciate it. I’m ready to purchase with cash in hand. I am willing to put a deposit to any CZ online dealer. If you find anymore information, please, please contact me. Thanks again.

  31. I’m convinced that without the Glock grip angle, you’ll never find a pistol that gets your hand as high on the gun as the Glock. It’s a fair trade, though, as I don’t really care for the Glock grip angle. If they cut the plastic as high on the P10 as it is on the Glock, the grip would probably be awkward with the trigger being as low as it is.

    • It’s not actually the grip angle that makes the most difference; it’s the fact that Glock’s tang is cut about 1/4″ too high.

      Almost every other pistol has a tang level with the top of the trigger opening. Glock’s backstrap extends ~1/4″ higher, with almost no tang to prevent slide bite. It almost seems like Glock based his original design on single handed target pistols and their features (steeper angle, high tang, thumb rest under slide stop, and finger grooves once they were added).

      All of these ‘features’ are detrimental to a modern, thumbs forward grip, and must be trained around. Anyone touting low bore axis is blind to these more important problems, IMO.

  32. I’ve owned several CZ firearms, rifles and pistols, including the 75B, the P-09 and the 452, and all are first-rate. I’ve since acquired a Walther PPQ M2, which I feel tops all the Wonder 9 strikers. A 5-star gun and close to perfect as you can get. I never could warm up to a Glock.

    Jeremy said in initial review that the P10 would be “available around Christmas” and here it is mid-January and an internet search for availability comes up zip. My local gun shops don’t carry CZ’s and will special-order but if I could find on-line (are you listening, Buds?), I’d add to my cart. CZ says it’s shipping but the guns are nowhere to be found. If and when they finally hit the shelves, $425 would be my target price. I still think the PPQ can’t be beat but am eager to see if I’m wrong.

  33. Most of us will agree that competition drives the evolutionary process which in turns creates improvements, whether we’re talking about guns, cars, laptops, beer, etc. Individuals or companies that ask “what if” and then implement change are necessary and welcome. It’s understandable for people to grumble that such and such is a “copy” and in doing so degrade the copy, but it’s all part of the process.

    This review on the CZ P10 C, and many others since November-ish of 2016, says a lot about CZ and their new pistol and their desire to innovate where innovation is needed. It also says a lot about Glock. Notably- how they as a company have sat on their success and ignored the evolutionary process. Everything the P10 addresses, and the Walther PPQ for that matter, shows that Glock has been negligent in improving on the G17/19 for decades. (Changing texture on the frame year to year doesn’t count in my opinion.) Addressing the mushy trigger and Glock-block ergonomics was a no brainer…something Gaston and company should have fixed 10 years ago.

    But here’s a big hurdle for CZ- government contracts. That’s where Glock is still king in the industry and will be for some time. Sale’s support, agency support, armorer support, parts support. That’s where Glock has the choke hold on the 9mm (and 45 ACP for that matter) audience. Granted, CZ is planning ahead with the fact that the specs on the P10 C match those on the G19. So you can use the same holsters. That’s good and all but using the same holster doesn’t trump…

    …Glock reliability. This isn’t a hurdle necessarily for big companies signing contracts with other big companies. (Those people holding the pens and signing the bottom line are sometimes far removed from the product for which they are signing) It’s the hurdle CZ faces with all of the men and women, cops, service members, concealed carry citizens, gun lovers, etc., that have trusted their lives to the reliability that is synonymous with Glock. I’ll speak for myself…over the past two decades as a LEO patrol officer and SWAT member I’ve never had a weapon induced malfunction with one of my Glocks. Pick a model number, any model number. Tens of thousands of runds. It’s never happened.

    You can be any XYZ company and bring a great gun to the market and display it, demonstrate it, T/E it, hype it, abuse it, do photo shoots, put videos on the web and do everything you can to prove that it’s the next best thing. And everything you say about it might actually be true and warranted. But you can not do that AND overcome a relationship based on reliability, performance, trust and dependability that millions of people have with their Glocks.

    I’ve never fired a CZ weapon of any kind but if the above review is true it definitely deserves consideration. As a Glock user/owner I do not blindly submit to the idea that the G19 or 21 or any other Glock model is ‘Perfection’. I would welcome an improved trigger, better ergonomics and better muzzle control. You’d be stupid not to.

    But this most recent iteration of the 9mm semiautomatic pistol by no means signals the end for the G19 or any other 9mm regardless of the brand. It just shows that change is necessary and change is the only constant in the world. And those that fail to adapt to change, well, we’ll see what happens to them.

    Anyways, all this over a 9mm? When CZ makes a striker fired 45 ACP to go against the G21 then we can really talk about change.

    • Shot plenty of Glocks, sure great pistol. They are not for me. I’d buy a PPQ 45 before even considering a G21. The trigger on any Walther out of the box is better. I think they (glock) want to improve. All the aftermarket things that one buys after their purchase is crazy. When I goto my local ranges I love to rent different pistols. Before I purchase I like to shoot the pistol.

    • Glocks are extremely reliable, no doubt about it, but they do not have the market cornered on reliability anymore. That argument for Glock has grown old and stale. Most modern firearms made by reputable manufacturers (you know the ones ) are every bit as reliable and in many cases superior to Glock’s in many ways. If Glock thinks they can just keep feeding off of a reputation of reliability without making any real and substantial advancements in their handguns very soon then they will be left behind. People will eventually leave their Glock’s and go to what are obviously superior products. In fact, it is already happening.

  34. Thanks for the review. So, two questions: how’s this compare with the M&P 2.0? Any word from anyone on when these are shipping? I heard “around Christmas” (2016) but know shipping dates are notoriously fickle. SHOT 2017 has come and gone but haven’t seen hide nor hair of one of these in local shops yet.

    • As far as I know, CZ-USA is still waiting on the first container of production guns from CZUB and expecting them very very soon (like 2 weeks ago haha). I think they’ll arrive on dealer shelves while it’s still Q1, which is CZ’s current stated timeline (“in Q1”).

  35. There no doubt in my mind the CZ 10 is designed to go after Glock’s market. Even to the point they put the slide rails on the out side of the frame to make the gun easier to rack giving up stiffness and less recoil due to lower bore axis.

    If the CZ 10 is as accurate as CZ-75 P-09 it resembles it will out shine Golck with the better trigger and 2 to 3 inch 100 yard groups using a machine rest and Red dot.

    Before CZ does very well in Law enforcement they will need some one with some experience carrying that gun in the field to show there are no problems like the ones they had with the CZ-75 p-07 Duty.

    The smaller grip will be a hit with the ladies.

  36. As a 33 year lawman, with 25 years of Glock armor, and instructor experience, I always thought Glock was the end all for guns. My 1st generation 17 had 47,000 rounds through it before an internal spring break. Can’t beat that. Until (breaking my own heart) I was introduced to the M&P9.Out feels, out shoots the Glock in every way, and with 8000 rounds through it without a single malfunction, it IS as reliable. I was just about to purchase an M&P9c when by chance I read this review. Damn! Now I’m gonna have to do some research! Thank you Jeremy, a good read! Jack

  37. It may be better than a G19, I have zero problem with that claim. CZ is fantastic.

    But is it so much better that if someone already owns a G19, they should sell/safe queen the GLOCK and switch over?

    I am always for the “buy another gun” approach, but if someone is on a budget and can sell off a G19 and get this CZ, would you recommend they do that? Because THAT is a huge endorsement.

    Also, kudos for typing it out as “GLOCK”. That’s the way it’s trademarked and I’m impressed when people know enough to type it correctly.

  38. My LGS has a P10C in the case starving for attention, 489 price tag, nobody’s interested. Been there a month. CZ’s don’t sell well in my neck of the woods (northern WI) despite their vaunted reputation elsewhere. I have a P-09, which earned 5 stars here and have to agree it’s a first-rate pistol.

    I handled the P10 and wasn’t impressed. The trigger seemed gritty and the overall quality did not seem up to CZ’s high standards. The internals looked rough, like CZ was forced to get production models out to keep up with the demand. Lots of hype for this gun led to great expectations. So maybe a letdown was inevitable.

    For 300 and change, the best gun for the money is the Canik TP9SA. It’s on a par with my P-09 in all aspects and 200 bucks cheaper.

  39. So, I’m in the market for something that could serve double duty (if possible) as a fun gun to shoot and carry at times. Seems like the more I read and watch, the more confusing it gets. I liked the Canik TP9SF Elite I handled yesterday, but can’t stand those sights. They had a barely used Canik TP9SF for $250, I just know nothing about these guns and I doubt there’s much support for them. I thought the FN9C was the way to go, but that trigger felt as gritty as the old M&P, maybe it gets way better with break in? Then I read great reviews about the CZP10C, but not a gun hardly anyone buys, so if I try to resell it or trade it I’m screwed. I think the PPQ has a higher bore axis and would be too large to carry than the others. The Beretta APX felt nice, but again, a bit too large.

  40. Own a gun store but wasn’t familiar with the CZ P10C. Have a 75D in the store just for comparison. Guy asked to get one in but we couldn’t, so he’s transferring one to us. Got the gun in and got to feel it a bit. Nice feel! I was a G19 guy but the grip just doesn’t fit my hand well. Now I carry the 1911 I built. So I am very familiar with the G19. Other than the backstrap being a big large, and maybe they have a smaller one in the box, the grip felt great! My finger lays flat on the trigger rather than reaching for it like on my G19. And the trigger pull? I think it’s the best striker fire trigger I’ve ever felt, by a lot (save some custom jobs). Stock? It’s by far the best. Short crisp reset. Not spring sounding or snap sounding like the glock. Not mushy like the XD series. This was positive, crisp, clean, barely any overtravel, and short reset. Excellent. I don’t tend to buy guns for myself. Have a few. Shoot them all. This one I might buy for myself though. Very impressed. Just need to see how it shoots.

  41. This woman is seriously dense! Guess she’s never heard about those gun holder thingies called “holsters”. Any right thinking human being that is carrying a firearm for protection against other humans or wild animals “is not” going to pack that weapon deep down in their pack. Critical thinking lady….learn it…..live it! Maybe you’ll survive a few more years, although I kind of doubt it. They do say though that the meek (and stupid) will inherit the earth….so you could just hope for that.

  42. Excellent and honest review. Mine should be here in a couple of days. EDC is the GEN 5 19, but after shooting a friend’s CZ P10 immediately ordered one. Not sure that I will switch for my CC, but will certainly give it a workout before deciding. Just had the Glock at an advanced course at Gunsite and with over a thousand rounds fired and no misfires, stovepipes or failure to feed issues, it will be hard to switch. But I’ve always had a fairly open mind when it comes to personal protection (former cop and military), and long time 1911 fan.

    • Had my new CZ P10 on the Range today and it did fire without the magazine in. Excellent accuracy when I fired it for the first time from 5 yards to 15 yards. And as everyone says, good trigger pull. HOWEVER, found that it didn’t chamber my reloads completely preventing the slide from completely closing. It did function perfectly with a box of 50 Federal HST 147 grain Tactical. My reloads work perfectly in my Glock 19, 34. 17, S&W Shield, Beretta and M&P. And not only didn’t the round chamber was next to impossible pulling the slide back to eject the live round that was incompletely seated in the chamber.

  43. So sick of all the Glock blah blah blah hype. It’s an overrated gun, no it wasn’t the first polymer, yes it’s reliable, yes it has a lot of aftermarket options, but it’s like holding a 2X4 only less comfortable. And can anyone tell me why Glock simply can’t get a decent grip angle worked out in their design at some point….maybe by Gen7? The grip angle on a Glock is really terrible and I cannot understand why it’s never been addressed. Plastic sights that could be improved upon, at least the Gen5 19 has a hi slide release but not ambi mag release, all those back straps to choose from and not one helps the grip angle…yes I’ll mention it again! Glock is reliable, is it the end all, be all of polymer striker fired handguns?….absolutely not and just because many companies are coming out with their own polymer striker fired handguns doesn’t make them Glock copies, or lower quality, it means there’s a market for them and not everyone is a glocktard. Glock has been around for quite a while which it has going for it in the reputation and option department but give Springfield XD a little more time and they will have the same reputation…followed by (insert your favorite polymer striker fired brand here). Which brings up another question, I get that when you have something right you stick with it, i.e. McDonalds Big Mac, Burger King Whopper, Coca Cola Classic….you see where I’m going with this….but just because you make one thing very well doesn’t mean you can’t venture into another design perhaps?…unless you don’t have anything else to add to the industry and you are a “one pump chump and shot your wad”, pun intended….then have a smoke and go to bed because you’re done and nothing left to offer.


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