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Gun Review: GLOCK 43 9mm Pistol

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

The firearm for this Glock 43 review was provided by the Kentucky Gun Company.

The GLOCK 42 handgun was something between a huge disappointment and cruel joke on expectant gun guys and gals. A .380 single-stack? Been there, done that, bought the Colt Mustang clone (and sold it for a larger-caliber everyday concealed carry gun).

Now that Gaston’s gang has unloaded freight containers of G42s — which they wouldn’t have sold had they started with a proper 9mm single-stack pocket pistol — they’re finally ready to sell train loads of subcompact 9mm GLOCK 43s. Should diehard Glock jocks and pocket-carrying newbies hold a grudge or buy a 43? Let’s start with a simple comparison.

The Glock 42 and 43 are nearasdammit identical twins. To accommodate those larger, higher-pressure rounds, the polymer-frame G43 is slightly longer, wider and five ounces heavier than its .380 ACP predecessor. Ergonomically, it’s a distinction without a difference. Hold each gun in one hand (gangster style) and you’d be hard-pressed to tell them apart. They’re both single-stack everyday semiautomatic carry pistols perfectly designed for stealth and comfort.

Which is not to say they’re perfectly designed. Glock’s utilitarian aesthetic fails the timelessness test; it’s now about as chic as a Volvo 240D. But shrinky-dinking a standard Glock to near soap bar size certainly increases the cuteness quotient — from none to some. Still, there’s not much, visually speaking, to get excited about.

Except the spare magazine! The G43 ships with both a flush-fit and an extended 6-round magazine. The flush-mount mag offers ultimate concealability. The extended mag may play peekaboo in small-pocketed pants, but it gives deep-pocketed owners (in more ways than one) welcome pinky purchase, increasing the 43’s shootability/accuracy by a measurable margin. If only they could fit one more round in the handle … nope. Six round capacity is your lot, no matter how you get a grip. A large magazine release makes quick work of removing the magazine.


I suspect larger-fisted 43 buyers will go with the extended magazine or go home relatively empty-handed. Or hold the Glock 43 like the Three Stooges held a cup of tea (pinkies akimbo). Yes, there is that: The Glock 43 isn’t for our bear-pawed ballistic brethren — unless they like to practice close-up magic with a little gun. In fact, accuracy observations below are void where prohibited by manual dimensions.


The Glock 43’s biggest advantage over the 42 (other than stopping power): The tiny nine is an ammunition omnivore.

There’s no getting around it: The G42 was a picky eater. While the .380 pocket pistol shoots average pressure rounds of various weights all day long, the 42 chokes on loads that fall on the high and low ends of the pressure spectrum. We forgave it this ballistic trespass with the understanding that any armed self-defender who doesn’t test his carry cartridges for reliability, doesn’t get what he deserves. Or maybe he does.

I fed our Kentucky Gun Company-provided pistol several hundreds of rounds of ammo. The count included Winchester White Box, Federal Premium, Remington UMC and Magtech (both 115gr and 124gr weights). I also ran the 43 with Winchester 147 gr Train & Defend (our 2014 Reader’s Choice Ammo of the Year award winner), 124gr Hornady XTPs, and 124gr Remington Golden Sabers. I didn’t experience a single malfunction, failure to feed, eject or throw lead downrange in a hurry.


As you’d expect for a gun that’s smaller than a pack of Wet Wipes, the Glock 43 is a snappy SOB, no matter what you feed it. Is this a problem? As RF likes to point out, accuracy is a function of distance. If you’re looking for a self-defense gun that shoots minute-of-bad guy at anything from zero to seven yards, the Glock 43 is your new BFF. 

With its very respectable 5.2″ sight radius, you might even want to aim before pulling the trigger. 



Which is not to say Jerry Miculek couldn’t use a Glock 43 to shoot the eye out of a newt at 50 paces. Once you get to grips with the 43, literally, slow-firing the gun reveals a firearm capable of 10-ring accuracy at bad breath-and-better distances. The 43’s Glock-standard U-shaped sights — love ’em or hate ’em — seem extra-large on such a small gun, and that’s no small advantage. TTAG’s JWT reckons all self-defense guns should have standard night sights and that makes a lot of sense. But again, the 43’s best deployed as a point-shooting point blank self-defense gun.

The G43’s trigger is no better or worse than any other Glock go-pedal. We’re talking about a 5.5 lbs. pull with a brick wall to bust through and a reset click that’s as hard to miss as Bruce Jenner in a bright blue dress.

That’s supposed to be a selling point (the trigger, not Bruce’s dress). If you can shoot one Glock safe action trigger you can shoot them all. The longer, harder trigger pull on snub-nosed revolvers and some small semis (e.g., Ruger LC9) is probably a better bet for newbies who lack trigger discipline (i.e. all of them). But then there’s carry.


The G43’s diminutive size, as a 9mm pistol, is its main selling point. It’s the Glock you can holster like a wallet. Not that you should. All guns need to live in a holster that covers the trigger. Here’s one we prepared earlier: A G43 seducing a SHTF Gear inside the waistband rig.


When carried in an IWB holster, the Glock 43 is the very soul of discretion  Slap in the flush-bottomed magazine, rack the gun (being extra-careful not to cover the ejection port), holster-up and tuck your shirt over the gun. Unless a sharp-eyed paranoid OCD gun guy spots the clips (not magazines) you’re as stealthy as a cloaked Klingon warship. Outside-the-waistband types are equally well served. Pop the Glock in the slot, untuck your shirt and Bob’s your uncle.

Bonus! The G43 is small and light enough for pocket carry. If you’ve pocket carried a Smith & Wesson hammerless snubbie 642, the Glock 43 is an easy choice for EDC. If you haven’t, pocket-carrying the Glock 43 is well worth the price of admission. Nothing is as discreet and convenient as pocket carry.

As always, you’ve got to practice extraction. But it’s better to have a Glock 43 and not need it, than to not have a full-size double-stack gun because it was too much of a hassle to carry it.


So what’s not to love? It’s not so much a matter of “Do you take this Glock to have and to hold” as the fact that there are lots of other compact single-stack 9mm fish in the sea, most with lower MSRPs. Some with laser sight options.

Think Kahr CM9, Ruger LC9, Springfield XD-S and Smith & Wesson M&P Shield (which offers greater ammo capacity). Not to mention the option of a frame-mounted safety (which the Glock 43 won’t ever possess). Or the siren song of some sexy little snub-nosed revolvers.

At the end of the proverbial day, the Glock 43’s greatest advantage is that it’s a Glock. It’s not some glamorous wish-list gun. Unlike the finicky 42, the G43 eats all ammo, delivering the “it goes bang every time” reliability that’s the brand’s hallmark. Which creates the confidence that is Glock pistol’s advertised attribute. With the added appeal of easy cleaning (clear the gun first) and a predictable (if not prize-winning) Glock trigger.

All in a pocket-friendly package. Who can argue with that? Not me. The Glock 43 is my new carry gun.


Overall Length: 6.26”
Height: 4.25”
Barrel Length: 3.39”
Width: 1.02”
Weight: 17.95 oz. (unloaded) 22.36 oz. (loaded)
Trigger pull: 5.5 lbs.
Capacity: 6+1
MSRP: $529 (usually less via Brownells or Cabela’s)

Ratings (out of five stars):

Reliability: * * * * *
Perfection, to coin a phrase. Unlike its little brother, nothing made the 43 balk.

Ergonomics (carry): * * * * *
The G43 feels natural in the hand, with a sure grip (with a built-in beaver tail design), particularly while using the pinky extension-equipped mag. Large-pawed shooters who aren’t using the G43 for a back-up gun (probably) need not apply.

Ergonomics (shooting): * * * * *
Comfortable enough to shoot at the range. You know, for fun. More than accurate enough for its intended use.

Customize This: * * *
As a new heater, mods are scarce. That said, there are more holster options sooner than there were for the 42. And given the the number of Glock fans, lights, sights, aftermarket triggers and lasers will be along soon.

Overall: * * * * *
There are less expensive options and a magazine capacity of six rounds isn’t a lot. But the G43 is just the thing for shooters looking for a small, reliable, comfortable, acceptably-powerful everyday carry gun.


More from The Truth About Guns:

Gun Review: Glock 42


This post was originally published in 2015.

0 thoughts on “Gun Review: GLOCK 43 9mm Pistol”

  1. The 43 is only slightly smaller/thinner then the 26. Why would you give up the magazine capacity? I never heard anybody complain about how hard it is to conceal a 26.

    • I am unable to pocket carry my 26 so I must say that it is disappointing that the 43 is not much thinner than the 26. With that I agree with why give up the extra rounds. I will also say that concealing the 26 is not difficult but not always comfortable either especially in warmer regions like Florida.

      • I have to disagree. The 43 is noticeably slimmer than the blocky 26. You can pocket carry the 43, but it’s hard to do that with a 26.

        • I agree. The 26 felt bulky carrying it IWB, I mean it’s as thick as my 17. I ended up selling it and getting a Ruger LCR .357 that never leaves my side or ankle at work. Sure, I gave up 6 rounds, but seeing as I left the 26 at home more often than not I think I made the right choice. I would have kept the 26 and bought the LCR but I couldn’t really afford it at the time since I just bought a house back in december. My only dilemma is whether I’m going to get another a 26 or 43 when I have enough cash to spend

      • I understand why some of you don’t carry a full size or even a larger compact but come on how can burdensome can a G26 be?

        • The answer is quite simple: It depends on how one is dressed, which also includes weather as a factor. When I’m slouching, even in summer, I could, if I wished, carry a Glock 41 inside my pants, in a holster of course, and with a loose shirt no one could easily spot that I was carrying.

          However, on some occasions, by necessity, I am wearing clothes that fit closer to the body. Not tight, mind you, I’m too old for that, but more snug than slouching clothes. That presents and entirely different carry situation.

          I have a Gock 27 (same but for calibre as the 26) and a Glock 43, and I can tell you from experience that, depending on how I’m dressed, the Glock 43 is much easier to carry than a 26/27.

        • it’s simple: you can have a gun with you regardless of attire or weather. it is highly convenient. it’s extremely fast to arm yourself and requires no tucking, clipping, etc.

          no one says you have to do it. you are free to go through the hassle of dressing around your gun, and dealing with it when you have to use the toilet, etc. in order to be able to carry a larger/higher capacity gun.

          but a pocket .380 or 9 means many people are carrying who otherwise wouldn’t. it’s a great option for stealth and convenience.

        • Lots of people do. I work in a service trade that requires a set uniform and appearance that does not allow inside or outside waistband carry and the shirt tucked in precludes the issue anyway. A pocket on work pants is cut much bigger than casual slacks and a bulge on a set of work pants is not a noticeable thing anyway so it works for a lot of people.

        • I love pocket carry and know many people who also do. For instance, when running calls with a fire department and don’t want to risk a weapon being seen by someone, the pocket is always the most ideal. sure you may have to use a smaller weapon but that is so much better than no weapon. Even when not doing these activities though i also pocket carry. I train with what I pocket carry and when I’m not worried about being somewhere where having a gun is an issue I carry a full size.

        • Everything in life is a trade off. I carry only Glocks because I don’t want to get confused. They have the same trigger, grip angle, reliability and I can disassemble one in the dark if I must. What I carry depends on time, place, and manner. Always in a Comp Tac C-T.A.C holster IWB. Same place, same draw, same re-holstering.
          I don’t have to think about draw and presentation so I can concentrate on aim and necessity of discharging a round.

          • Your comments make all the sense in the world. Like Thoreau said, “simplify,simplify, simplify.”
            When reaction time may be important you find nothing unusual when drawing to fire.

        • I have found pocket carry to be a good option while working when the weather is hot and my activity makes belt carry of my G19 undesirable due to concealability around clients and others. Many others in my industry do likewise.

      • I have both the G26 and the G43. The G26 seems more accurate but is bulky compared to the G43. The G43 is a comfortable carry compared to the G26. Accuracy is compromised the smaller the firearm from my experience but I wouldn’t be using either gun to shoot competitively. Great for personal protection and concealment period!

      • Here is the thing with any fire arm used for protection. you have no time to decide if you should pull it out to use it and actually get a shot off or walk away. i body carry my wife purse carries witch is almost pointless. By the time you pull it out of your purse rack a round and fire you are already on the ground and odds are your weapon is being used on you. Just recently she now leaves a round chambered. She carries a Ruger SRC 9. It is defiantly to big to body carry and to big for her to conceal with her breast holster. And she is well endowed to so that poses a problem. She was comfortable with it so that was what we purchased. Now she is more comfortable so now she says she is ready for something new.

        Here are the steps for a women who purse carrys. PURSE CARRY. “A NO NO” “IF IT CAN BE AVOIDED”
        1. Recognize you need to use your fire arm.
        2. Grab your purse
        3. Unzip the compartment the fire arm is in
        4. Pull the fire arm out
        Rack a round “if there is not one chambered, or release safety”
        5. Point and shoot.
        Do you think the user was successful? Doubtful. It took me longer to say it then i could probably do it. So women be carful out there. No matter what you carry it has to be accessible. Men we are bigger and usually do not carry a purse. Just be carful out there and hopefully none ever has to use their fire arm,

        I am looking into the 43 and i am trying to figure out what would be best for my wife, I carry a Kimber 1911.
        The 43 is what i am looking into for my wife i should say. I am comfortable with my 1911. I am just worried about her. She works in Chicago. Does anyone have a better idea of what she should carry from experience? it hold 7 rounds total and she keeps saying to me babe if i used 7 rounds its probably over witch ever way it went. I guess i agree with that in either scenario. So does anyone have knowledgeable information for a women’s perspective that i can pass on to her? Another women would be great for this information. Or a consensus of what women out there are carrying? Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it……

        • I have a G43 and am pleased with it so far. I don’t have a CCL yet but I do feel it would be a very nice option for when I do. We have taken it to the range at least 6 or 7 times and while it isn’t my fave it is accurate. I am thinking flashbang bra carry for myself and will try that first and if that isn’t comfortable then IWB.

          I do agree with your concerns regarding purse carry. I also feel uncomfortable with purse carry due to the liability. If a gun is on your body you have a lot more control over who gets to it (say a child looking for gum in someone’s purse). I don’t want to have to be keeping an eagle eye on my bag every time I am in someone’s home in fear that their kid might snoop or inadvertently get into my bag.

        • Walter CCP Seems like a great gun for a woman. Super easy to rack, low recoil, accurate (fixed barrel) and a great grip.

        • James mentions the suggestion that the lady consider a Walther CCP in 9mm.

          I own 6 Walther pistols and think the PPQ or PPQM2 are the best 9mm I’ve ever shot.

          Based on that and my venerable Walther PPK in .380 I carried during Vietnam, I jumped on the new Walther CCP. Big mistake. Yeah, the gun does use gas pressure to reduce felt recoil a bit. Then again, not much really. Then the bad stuff starts.

          Disassembly of the CCP will soon be a competitive sport. It takes three+ hands to do it. The Walther engineers must have been sleeping when the disassembly was put together. However, by far the worst feature of the CCP is the trigger. Very gritty, stacks at the end, about 6 pounds on my scale. Walther could have done much better. Just put the trigger from the PPQ and the CCP and all would be well. I suggest avoiding the Walther CCP as a consideration until the company does an upgrade to the trigger. Even so, the disassembly will still be a negative for me.

        • Hi am is still looking I was looking into the p238 380 as I was told those were great conceal for women but don’t know but then I was told the Lcp 380 but don’t know they are smaller I shot the glock 380 42. Confused also Clara

        • My wife carries her S&W M&P Shield 9 in a purse holster which covers the trigger, cocked and locked with one in the chamber. She refuses to carry it on her person. It works for her and she keeps it accessible along with all the other junk in her purse. Myself, I carry my G43 in a Sticky holster in my pocket and love it to death.

    • To me, the finger ridges on the G26 kill it for me. Its uncomfortable to hold, and annoys me. The G43 has a straight and slim grip, so my big sausage fingers fit better.

      Plus, it may not be much smaller, but its smaller enough to make a difference when pocket carrying to me.

      But hey, YMMV.

      • I also hate the finger groves on my Glock 23 probably why I will switch to a M&P or grind the dang things off and kill the warenty and resell value

    • I’m not a Glock guy, so I’ve never handled either pistol. But just looking at the numbers, you’re right, it doesn’t look like there’s much reason to prefer the 43 over the 26. A tiny bit bigger to get four more rounds (and the ability to use extended mags) seems like a no-brainer. Maybe the 43 conceals a bit better than the 26 (more than the slight difference in dimensions would seem to indicate)?

      • Glock 43….17 oz empty, 20 oz loaded (7 rounds)
        Glock 26… 21 oz empty, 26 oz loaded (11 rounds)

        Quite a bit of difference for EDC.

      • It took Ruger three incarnations of the LC9 to get it right, but the LC9-S Pro is pretty damn near perfect for a single stack carry 9, if you don’t like manual safeties. And it’s trigger is undeniable better than any factory Glock. If you don’t think so, you haven’t shot them both. As craptastically long and heavy as the DAO trigger on my original LC9 was, the striker version is at the other end of the spectrum, deep in ‘awesome’ territory.

        And yet…for some reason, the Glock still tempts me to trade in my Ruger. The fact that there are US Special Operations forces carrying Glocks (by their choice) into battle, along with countless cops and feds of every stripe, adds undeniable street cred and mystique to the brand. Maybe if I knew their were SEAL teams out there with Ruger backups in their pockets, I might not be such an unfaithful bastard to my current gun.

        • As far as I know, SEAL teams aren’t rocking Glocks. I’ve just heard that MARSOC guys are. SEALs typically carry the p226 or HK MK23. Your point stands though, some special operation groups are choosing to wield Glocks for very good reasons.

    • Until I picked up my Glock 43 I carried a Gen3 Glock 26 in a StealthGear ONYX IWB in the winter or a StealthGear Appendix IWB in the summer. I didn’t think that 4 ounces and that slightly thinner profile would make that much of a difference. I was totally wrong. It’s a huge difference. Everything from bending over, to driving around all day is better. I was super paranoid about printing, but that’s gone with the 43. I am a convert. Summer carry for me is the Glock 43 with a spare mag in a cargo pocket (until I get the StealthGear AIWB mag carrier – yes I am a SG fanboy, they are awesome after all) gives me 12+1. In the winter I will carry the Glock 26 IWB and the the Glock 43 in an ankle rig. Thumbs way up for the Glock 43!

      • It’s probably psychological because I doubt you could tell the difference between a few ounces and tiny fraction of inches on something carried on you body. I bet if you started carry a Beretta Nano, which is noticeably smaller, you would say the same thing about the G43.

        I carry everything from a Nano to a full size 1911 and while I can tell the difference between the extremes none of the guns have proven to be particularly burdensome for long term daily carry. For most of us it’s all in the head.

        • For IWB carry, ounces probably won’t add up to much, but even a few mm of difference in thickness can be noticeable.

        • You are incorrect about weight perception. A few ounces may not seem like much, but what the human perceives is weight differential *percentage*. Five pounds seems like a lot, right? But bench press 300 and then 305, and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Five pounds on your handgun would be as obvious as a naked woman in church. Conversely, if you were holding a tiny needle, and suddenly that needle weighed a *quarter ounce* more, you’d instantly feel the difference. And wonder what the hell was going on.

          Here, you have a nearly 23% difference in weight. That’s huge. That’s yuuuuuuuge. If you hefted one in either hand, you’d immediately know which one was heavier.

    • Agreed.

      As pistols go…G26 for CCW. For every other handgun need, G17.

      I have my fair share of handguns. All of them besides my 2-G17’s and G26 collect dust in the safe. They tools to me, and those two Glock models are some great tools.

    • I’ve got a deposit on mine ! The G 26 is a little fatty. Body shape matters allot , but for myself, a quarter of an inch makes the difference between carrying ” Glock confidence ” or another highly reliable pistol. I can’t wait until the .357 sig model comes out !

    • The Ruger LC9″S”is better than the glock
      Steel sights
      Better trigger…steel also
      Comes in two styles safety no safety
      Very accurate

      • I thought so too until the guide rod assembly in my LC9 fell apart after just under 500 rounds. Ruger rebuilt the gun, no charge. But the trust is gone. My G30 has 1000’s of rounds fired no issues. Trading my LC9 for G 43 tomorrow.

    • I guarantee the 26 is much more accurate than the 43, and is much easier on the hand. You have to love the way the 26 shoots. A tad bigger but not enough to make me downsize.

  2. Actually got to handle one in a hardware/gun store. It was a little thicker than I was expecting. Truly a cross between the G26 and G42. I think I like the way my G42 feels better tho. That being said I will keep pocket carrying my LCP or G42 or IWB and/or Ankle G26.

    I would buy a G43 later this year for the hell of it tho. Just to put it in the pile with the rest of my Glock collection.

  3. Hmmm… How long before we see the 43 regularly at the local gun store? I bet it will be a while yet. My guess is probably a year or more. What do you guys think?

    • Picked one up local for $450, doesn’t seem to be a huge (crushing?) demand for these like there was for the 42 last year.

    • Not sure, but you can find them readily online now. I saw one on GunBroker yesterday for $440. With shipping and FFL transfer you’ll be around $500 out the door.

      • Dan,
        I’ve been looking for a carry worth .380 but all the ones I look at seem, well, anorectic. Is there a .380 with decent magazine capacity, say 12 or better that you would recommend. Of course I want the impossible; one that is as small and light as possible, yet doesn’t leave the pinky hanging around like classic Victorian Lady sipping wine.

        • By the time you get to a 12-round capacity, most .380s are pretty much the same size as a same-capacity 9mm, so there’s not much point. The niche for the .380 is super-tiny pocket guns, so that’s where manufacturers are concentrating.

          That said, the Beretta 84FS might be what you’re looking for.

        • The CZ-83 has a 12 round mag. I think there is also a double stack Bersa Thunder in .380. The thing is however, those guns aren’t that small, or light. You might as well carry a SR9C,M&P9C, or Glock 19.

      • Nope. It’s a great little gun. It was only a disappointment in that it wasn’t the 9mm everyone expected.

    • I think the .380 is a perfectly acceptable defense round, but the limitations on my disposable income require a pragmatic approach to caliber selection.

      9mm ammo is (enexplicably) less expensive and easier to find. Range brass is abundant and I already have the reloading dies. I can load a lot of ammo on the cheap, which leads to more practice with the gun, which leads to better accuracy when the SHTF, and I can use the same ammo in several guns.

  4. Lessee, now, my LC9 weighs the same, holds one more round, has eaten everything I have fed it (though I am sure that is not as diverse as yours), has a green laser, and cost $459, $70 less than this 43. Plus, it has the added advantage of not being a Glock! I fail to see why I would want this, although I will seek a side-by-side to see if the 43 is any smaller than the Ruger.

    • The front sight of my LC9 flew off during its first range trip.. it seems like rugers quality is just not there with the LC9 iv owned my p89, and sp101 for years and fired untold amounts of rounds without any failure.

      • A sample size of “1” is hardly the way to make a decision on something. Yes, it does suck that your LC9 wasn’t up to snuff. How did Ruger handle it? Have you had any issues since then?

    • I’m sticking with my LC9s. One extra round, 9-round mags for backup, and I can pocket it just fine, thank you!

      • I second this. When I was shopping for a carry gun I fired 1 mag through an lc9 and decided the trigger work had been done by a caveman with a large rock.

    • Find a LC9 or LC9s rental at a range… after about 1000 rounds they are shot loose… rattle like an old jalopy. I’d rather own a pair of Hillary’s panties.

  5. The continuing popularity of .380 pistols, despite the “their OK, but . . .” comments of reviewers, is because they meet a specific market demand. There are lots of new shooters whose small stature, upper body weakness, arthritic hands, make shooting 9mm or larger calibers problematical. 110 pound women and elderly gun-owners find that the .380 round is a good compromise over smaller rounds when shooting a small chassis handgun. And then there’s the rest of us who just don’t mind carrying a .380.

    • I am 70 years old I shoot my 1911, M&P 40 and 3 different 9mm including the Glock 26 with no problems I do practice once a week at the range

    • Garrison, the logic you put forth has lead a lot of gun store clerks to recommend tiny .380s to female shooters, who then find out that the gun with the worst recoil is the gun that weighs the least. I have shot .380s with recoil ranging from mildly annoying to downright painful, because there’s so little mass to absorb it.

      • my wife’s first was a PK380. Wonderful grip, easy rack, large enough to absorb the recoil and longer barrel for greater velocity. But the same size as my Shield.
        We just got the 42 and she loves it as well. It may be a little snappier but she doesn’t notice because of her experience.
        Now the 43 with the same mass as the 42 May be just bit over the comfort range.
        Per STB410 we switched to hydro shock in the short barrel 42 but stay wth crit def in the PK
        What does he recomend for the short barrel 9?

  6. People really need to stop praising GLOCKs for “going bang every time”. Reliability is a standard, not a lofty goal in the clouds untouchable by anyone who isn’t named Gaston. You wouldn’t praise yourself just for showing up to work everyday, but that’s exactly what you’re praising GLOCKs for; doing their job.

    • I can tell you have never been the proud owner of a Remington R51. While I own a R51 it has been at Remington since mid-2014. Currently have a couple of LC9s that I really like, but will eventually buy a Glock 43 just to fill out my 9 mm assortment.

      • In the workplace analogy, the R51 was the guy who had a good resume, and looked good on paper, but told the boss to go fuck himself about an hour into the shift.

        • I still like the idea of the R51, the wife and I bought one right as they were released. Seemed to work OK manually cycling rounds through it but never took it to a range before sending it in for the recall. Fast forward eight months of BS and the wife has an LC9 and I got a shiny new R1 out of the deal.

    • Everytime one of my friends experiences a malfunction at the range, I remind them: If you’re not shooting a Glock, you need to practice failure drills.

      • I have plenty of friends who say things like “Ya shoulda got an [x]!” whenever I have difficulty with or need to fix something I own. Well, they’re not so much “friends” as they are “obnoxious people who annoy me and who I do my level best to avoid whenever possible.”

        I own a Glock 23, and it does go bang every time. So does my Bersa, my XDs, my Rossi, both my 1911s and my LCP.

      • I am 69 years old and shoot every Saturday since I was about 30 years old. 50 rounds a week as a minimum, usually double that.. I have shot thousands of rounds though my several Browning HPs over about a 45 year period and have never had one hiccup. I now shoot mostly Sig P226 and P229’s, again I would guess several thousand rounds over the last 6 years or so with out one single failure. Glock is a reliable handgun, but it is simply one of many. I have tried really hard to like the Glock but the trigger is simple horrible. Have bought 3 over the years but end up giving them to my sons. For carry, I have found the S&W Shield and Walther PPS excellent, and recently purchased the Performance Center Shield and it’s trigger is fantastic. Nevertheless for most times of carry Sig 938 is perfect for me and I recommend it.

    • There are very few people who can say they were at work on time every day for twenty years. That’s the difference. I prefer to trust my life to that kind of reliability.

  7. Great little gun. Will get one soon. Have the 42 and 26 already. Depending on what I’m wearing or where I’m going. Besides, the 26 is too big for the wife. She has the 42 herself and wants the 43. Win win.

  8. My Ruger LC9s Pro is thinner, cheaper, has a better trigger and holds 7+1. Y’all have been drinking Gaston’s koolaid.

    • DITTO on that my brother.. or a 9+1. GREAT little rig, sweet trigger, and it bangs as good as anything, “no jams or flaws that you don’t need, Ruger LC9 is,…bad ass feed”. Don’t trade it for a Glock 43.

  9. Looks like a solid gun. But at the same time I’ve just never really been impressed by any of Glock’s offerings. And this firearm is just more of the same old same old.

  10. In a direct comparison, I prefer the LC9s lines and trigger pull. I’ll never understand why Glock continues to put that ugly (and to my mind, useless) Euro-hook on the front of the trigger guard. It adds bulk and does nothing to aid concealment. As for the .380 caliber, it can be made lighter and smaller than a comparable 9mm, and the recoil per weight is always less. Those on the lower end of the human physiology bell curve often find this to their advantage.

  11. I fired a loaner at the range last week. It’s a Glock. It’s a nerdy Gremlin but as faithful as your hunting dog.

  12. I don’t see any benefit to the 43 over my Beretta Nano which is even more concelable and I picked it up for only $350. The only downside of the Beretta is the unfortunate name…you hate admitting that what is in your pocket is a Nano.

    • My Nano has been rusting away in my gun safe because I’ve been unable to find a gunsmith worth a damn so I can make it not be a choke-a-matic. (Last clueless moron I tried simply told me I was the problem, even though he himself had a failure to extract during his test firing, and knew that I had had other people shoot it and have prolblems with it.)

      I understand mine is unusual for a Nano that wasn’t made the very first year of manufacture, but it’s still a brick and it’s easier to just buy a new gun than to try to find a gunsmith who actually knows what he’s doing who’s willing to screw around with it.

  13. Awful pricey for 6 rounds and NOT under an inch thick(like pretty much every tiny 9). But they’ll sell millions…

  14. “There’s no getting around it: the G42 was a picky eater.”

    I must have gotten a happier one. My G42 has been fed a wide variety because I’ve heard this so much. Yet, I’ve not yet found anything that causes mine to hiccup. It has a been a very reliable, accurate, well-shooting firearm. YMMV, mine certainly does.

  15. Living in KA the closest I will get to any new semi auto is looking at photos.
    Did buy a LC9 before they went off the approved list and mostly just because it was going off the list

  16. buy a American made 1911a1 , and use the extra money for ammo …. jobs for US…..never like Glock guns.

    • Last I checked, Rugers, S&Ws, and Kahrs are all made in the US, and all have 100 years of technical improvement over old slab sides. The GI 45 was a landmark for its time, but hell, the Hi Power was a better, more advanced pistol from J M Browning.

  17. “These guns also feed everything I put into them with no issues.”

    “But they’re not a GLOCK.”

    “This pistol is even more compact, just as reliable, has a higher capacity and a good trigger.”

    “But it’s not a GLOCK.”

    It sounds like the Apple fanboys who respond to everything other devices do better and cheaper with “But it’s not an Apple!” Don’t get suckered by slick marketing and brand hype. Go with what works for you, and then whatever you go with; shut up about it unless the manufacturer is paying you to do otherwise.

  18. I ordered a Glock 43 through a LE Supply that is one of the largest Glock distributors in the U.S., the price before tax was $358. The pistol arrived at the LE Supply and I made the trip to the big city to take delivery last week.

    Since I’m not big on buying anything sight unseen, I checked out and handled the new Glock at the LE Supply store before closing the deal. My immediate reaction when I first picked up the Glock 43 was that the pistol was much larger than I expected, about the size of my Glock 26, so I did a hands on side by side comparison of the 43 and 26 that revealed the Glock 43 is only marginally narrower while every other dimension is essentially the same as the Glock 26. I couldn’t even feel much of a difference in weight as I held and compared the two empty pistols. To say the least, I was underwhelmed that the only real difference between the Glock 43 and Glock 26 is that the 43 is marginally narrower and a couple ounces lighter,

    All the hype that the Glock 43 is “just slightly larger” than the 42 is very misleading, I was disappointed to discover that the Glock 43 is a 6+1 pistol “just slightly narrower” than a Glock 26, other than that, the two pistols occupy the same space.

    After the hands on assessment of the Glock 43 my take was; I just don’t get it, what’s the point? I have no use for a pocket/backup 6+1 capacity pistol that is jumbo sized when compared to my Kahr CM9 that also has a 6+1 capacity.

    For anyone entertaining the notion of carrying a Glock 43 as primary concealed carry weapon, it just don’t understand why it would make sense to choose the 43 with a 6+1 capacity that is only one sixth of an inch narrower with an empty weight only two ounces lighter than the 26, especially when you consider the 26 affords a 10+1 capacity and will accept standard 15 and 17 round Glock 9mm magazines.

    The LE Supply said I was under no obligation to buy the pistol I ordered if I didn’t like it, so I opted to pass on the purchase of the 43 since it is for all intent and purposes a single stack 26 with a 6+1capacity.

    Did I mention that I just don’t get it, what’s the point?

  19. I like my G26, and carry it often. In situations where I want less bulk, my Kahr CM9 fits the bill perfectly. I do like the Glock’s trigger, but as far as normal DAO goes, the Kahr is as smooth as they come. I don’t see any reason why I would replace it with the thicker, heavier and pricier G43.

  20. To me, the Glock 43 is ideal for someone that A: Wants a single stack 9mm and doesn’t already own a competing firearm like a CM9, LC9s, Nano, Shield, XDS9 etc, and/or B: someone that owns and carries other Glocks (26 or 19 come to mind) and want a single stack 9mm that has an identical feel, sight picture, manual of arms and most importantly (imho) trigger squeeze. Which reduces the learning curve with any new firearm. That was my logic when I picked one up. BTW with my GSSF membership the Glock 43 was $411 after tax. More than competitively priced vs the competition.

  21. Glocks are tools to me, nothing more, and until now the Glock 26 has been the best tool for its job IMO. I do not consider myself a Glock fanboi. Truth is, I don’t really enjoy shooting handguns these days but I am a long time Glock user and immediately started carrying the 43 as soon as it proved out with 200 flawless rounds of 147g Winchester Ranger.

    There is a huge difference between carrying a 26 and 43 especially in thickness and weight. Over past several years, I’ve lost weight and prefer appendix carry so thickness is an issue. This lead me to a brief run with the M&P Shield until I unfortunately struggled with mystery cases of the mag falling out while being carried that I couldn’t solve. So, I started carrying my 26 again until the 43 came along. I expect the 43 to be my EDC for a long time. As soon as the fad passes I will pick up a used one for “backup.”

    • “There is a huge difference between carrying a 26 and 43 especially in thickness and weight”. Not true, absolute BULL$#IT.

      • There is no bullshit about it. Glocks with measurement is at the slide lock hump. The rest of the grip is .95 and the actual slide is about .89 in width. It is thinner than a shield for the most part. Light than a shield and definitely wayyyyy smaller than a g26. I sold my g26 after carrying the 43 for a month.

  22. Dan sure knows how to stir the pot with the wild hyperbola about transportation containers that Glock used for their merchandize. However, it is a fact that G43 faces an entirely different competitive landscape in 9mm than G42 does in .380. In the .380, there’s no SCCY. The Kel-Tec .380 is dire – does not even have a slide stop. But their single-stack 9mm is much better. I think I might have tried to make this point in TTAC comments before, but it is apropos here. The G43 is going to be more successful than G42 in terms of units sold, that much is likely. But it’s not going to capture as much market as G42 has. And BTW, other manufacturers figured that out and started to chase Glock. After the G42 appeared, we had a scramble to present Taurus Curve, Remington RM380, SiG P290RS. It’s a gold rush, started by G42. But G43 arrives into a place long staked by others.

  23. I’d love to see a shot of a J-frame in that same holster on top of / underneath the G43 in its holster for comparison. Currently I carry a 642 comfortably in the pocket…

  24. Never been a fan of Glocks, they just don’t point right for me. My Sig 938 Holds 7+1, is smaller, Metal, and weighs about the same.. Ill stick with that..

    • I spent the past week training and shooting pistols. The G43 was my fav. The worst gun I shot was the Sig 938. I couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn. The salesman really pushed it, took $200 off the price and told me I would get used to it, It was a “no brainer” in his words. But last night I found many articles on accuracy issues re: Sig Sauer. I’m ready to go (almost) with the G43 but I still wonder if I would be happier with the G42 because it’s smaller and lighter. A “finicky eater” means nothing to me. 380s should run hard ball, period.

      • I bought a Glock 42 .380 because I was never happy with other “mouse” sized guns in terms of grip, reliability and snappy recoil. So, when I handled the slightly larger Glock and it felt good in my hand, I decided to give it a try. I am so glad I did. All my previous complaints and problems went away. It could be carried easily, was accurate and completely reliable. I have used five different brands of ammo, including most recently Walmart’s Perfecta brand. Out of the box, in almost a year and over 500 rounds, I have never had a single malfunction related to the gun. The only malfunction was caused by my holding the gun too loosely after rapid fire target practice. I got a failure to eject and realized immediately afterward that my mishandling was the cause.

        Based on my experience, when I carry, particularly in light Florida summer attire, the Glock 42 is always my first choice. Ballistics testing shows that if you select your ammunition
        carefully, FBI penetration standards can be achieved. My 42 has never been “finicky” about ammunition and I give it five stars in every category.

  25. I just shot one side by side with my PM9 this past Sunday. The Kahr has less length and height, which makes it slightly more concealable to my mind. I like Glock triggers simply because I have shot thousands of rounds through a Glock at work and I am used to them. It’s hard to justify dumping my PM9 for a Glock 43, it’s been my carry gun (pm or mk9) for the last 8 years or so. But if I get a longer range session with it I may be a convert.

  26. Good review. My ’43 just arrived at the LGS, and I will be picking it up this week. I don’t expect to be pocket-carrying this one; an IWB holster is already on order.

    Of course…the Klingons didn’t invent the cloaking device. That was a Romulan creation, traded in exchange for a bunch of D7 battle cruisers and the anti-Federation alliance. The Roms deserve the credit for that one!

  27. Guys, Glocks measurements are at the largest points. I have a CM9 and just got a 43. They are almost exactly the same size despite the slide length. The 43 is actually a bit thinner and only an ounce heavier. It’s easier to conceal in a pocket than the LC9 and is easier to operate than a CM9. I’m not a fanboy. I just want people to know that it isn’t a big as the specs show.

    • The numbers and hands on comparison prove otherwise.

      Kahr CM9 length 5.3″. Glock 43 length 6.26″.
      Kahr CM9 width 0.91″. Glock 43 width 1.02″
      Kahr CM9 height 4.0″. Glock 43 height 4.25″
      Kahr CM9 unloaded weight 14.0oz. Glock 43 unloaded weight 16.19oz.
      Kahr CM9 weight 18.3oz. Glock 43 loaded weight 20.6oz.

      The reality is that nearly a full inch difference in length alone means it’s indisputable that the Kahr CM9 is significantly smaller than the Glock 43. Take a look at this graphic to decide if you believe Jared or your lying eyes: http://www.triangletactical.net/2015/03/18/glock-43-compared-to-other-pistols/

    • You’re not listening. Everyone is using Glock’s specs. They measure at the largest point while Kahr measures at the smallest points. Look at Hickok’s video. He measures everything. Look at my thread below where I show pics of my measurements. The only big difference is the slide length, which isn’t that big of a deal for pocket carry. Yes, the CM9 is technically smaller, but not enough for me to justify keeping it over the Glock. I have no dog in this fight. I’m actually a Ruger fan. I just want people to realize that the Glock is pretty small.


      • You’re not listening, I’ve held both guns in my hands side by side and the Glock 43 is nearly a full inch longer than the CM9 and no amount of denial is going to change that.

        Enough with all the bull$#it, just tell the truth and say you prefer the Glock 43 no matter how much larger it is compared to the CM9, but stop trying to p!$$ down our leg then swear up and down it’s raining.

    • Not much real world difference?

      Kahr CM9 length 5.3″. Glock 43 length 6.26″.
      Kahr CM9 width 0.91″. Glock 43 length 1.02″
      Kahr CM9 height 4.0″. Glock 43 height 4.25″
      Kahr CM9 unloaded weight 14.0oz. Glock 43 unloaded weight 16.19oz.
      Kahr CM9 loaded weight 18.3oz. Glock 43 loaded weight 20.6oz.

      Real world numbers prove otherwise. The reality is that nearly a full inch difference in length alone means it’s indisputable that the Kahr CM9 is significantly smaller than the Glock 43 and any claim to the contrary is a myth. Here is a graphic that visually dispels that myth: http://www.triangletactical.net/2015/03/18/glock-43-compared-to-other-pistols/

      • I have been reading through the comments, and the battle going on with Jared. What we really need / want to know is the shoot-ability comparison between the CM9 and the G43, all size comparisons aside. Someone once said “Speed is fast, accuracy is final”, so accuracy matters more than size whether at 5 feet or 5 yards.

  28. Hickok agrees with me. The CM9 and 43 are virtually the same. My measurements don’t lie. Slide length isn’t that big of a deal for pocket carry. I’m selling the CM9. The extra slide length is worth it to not have horrible magazines, a stiff slide, and a long trigger pull.

    • “My measurements don’t lie”. Not sure which, but apparently you, your measurements, or both are lying since you insist on repeating the same bogus line of bull$#it over and over. I’m a Glock fan, haven’t been without one since 1987, and currently own 3, but your lame line of bull$#it won’t alter reality or convince anyone not legally blind that a Kahr CM9 isn’t significantly smaller than the Glock 43. The new Glock 43 is for all intent and purposes a single stack 6+1 capacity Glock 26 which is why it’s is on the large side for a pocket pistol. If I ever get the itch for that size Glock 9mm pistol with a 6+1 capacity I’ll just unload 4 rounds from my Glock 26 magazine.

      • Did you watch Hickok’s video or look at my pictures on my thread? The Glock is only larger in the slide and 1 ounce heavier. That’s all I’m saying. No lies just observations.

        • The Glock 43 is larger than the Kahr CM9 by nearly a full inch in length, omit or deny that irrefutable real world measurement all you want, it only proves you’re delusional to keep insisting that the Glock 43 isn’t significantly larger than the Kahr CM9. I really wanted the Glock 43 to be about the same size as CM9, but it’s simply not true as I disappointedly discovered last week when I went to the LE Dealer to buy the 43 I’d ordered after believing all the hype. A hands on side by side comparison revealed the Glock 43 was only marginally thinner than the Glock 26 and NEARLY A FULL INCH longer than the Kahr CM9. Here in the real world, NEARLY A FULL INCH is significant for a pocket/backup pistol and was a deal breaker that caused me to pass on buying the Glock 43 I ordered.

    • BS. I laid my CM9 on a G42 – that’s right, the smaller cousin of the G43 – and the G42 .380 was slightly bigger than the CM9 9mm.

      So i know from hands on experience that you are wrong,

  29. I’m pretty sure I’ve been agreeing with you concerning the length. Why can’t you admit that the other measurements are equal? Why is it even that big of deal to you?

  30. I’m glad Glock came out with the 43. Went to my local fun store picked it up felt it big difference in size and weight compared to the other models. Was ready to purchase when I seen the new Ruger 3 inch LCR Wow 15 ozs great balance love the grips. So no deciding here purchased both. Happy boy here!

  31. Having held one and pulled the trigger, I find nothing about the 43 to choose over my Kahr CW9. And I might get over how hideous Glocks look if they didn’t point at passing aircraft when I bring one into firing position.

  32. It’s not a grudge… It’s having a brain. Everything Glock is trying to do with the 42 and 43 is already being done much better by pretty much everyone else in the business…

    Quit being snobs and compare the Glock 43 with the PT709. Glock loses in every way.

    • Really? A Taurus? The Glock 43 loses in every way to Taurus PT709? I think I’ll do just what you suggested and compare the two. But I doubt seriously I’ll ever again be impressed by any Taurus. I’ve owned 3 in my life (still have two), all purchased new within the last four years. None have been the PT709, but for what I still do have, .380 & .45, they don’t even come in a distant 2nd to any Glock, I own (8).

      And there’s nothing snobbish about that, for I’m the biggest cheapskate ever, and I would much prefer to pay less for “as good” or “better” quality with the purchase of anything. But in my experience thus far, I’ve not gotten there with a Taurus.

  33. You pocket carry a G26 or a G43? Really? What size baggy-ass ghetto pants are you wearing? I can’t even pocket carry a P3AT, and I’m 6’4″ 215lbs in size 38 relaxed fit with a belt… Prints all over the place…

    • you need a Talon pocket holster. Get the wallet style – it works in front. Or an Uncle George.

      Your gun will look like a phablet in your front pocket, and no one will even give you a second look.

  34. First of all- I’m a Glock guy. Won’t deny it. I have carried/used handguns made by Beretta, Sig, Colt, Springfield, Ruger, FN, S&W (I own a 340PD and stainless 686 I will never part with), etc. I have 25 years combat arms experience in the Army (just regular Infantry type) and 14 years (and counting) with law enforcement (patrol/narcotics). Glocks were preferred overseas (when select units could obtain them) and my department switched from Sig to Glocks years ago and never looked back. Yes, they don’t ‘look’ as good as a 1911 or p226, but they perform and are reliable. Our department performed a 3 month evaluation several years ago looking to compare our Glock 17/21 issue weapons with any possible follow on replacements and nothing compared (all things considered). I carried a Glock 21 for many years but recently switched to a Glock 17 (more ammo/better accuracy under stress) and ALWAYS carry a Glock 26 IWB (backup/off duty). I have a Glock 42 but like the author stated- it is VERY selective on the ammo it likes without experiencing double feeds, etc (and I sent it back to Glock for ‘repair’). That said- I have put several hundred rounds through the Glock 43 and it has worked flawlessly. I carry it for UC operations and when I need/want to carry in my pocket. The Glock 26 is just a little too big for true pocket carry but when IWB 26 carry wont do, the 43 works and I trust it. No- I don’t work for Glock but trust my life in their handguns every day. For my two cents- if a Glock 26 doesn’t work for you, go with the Glock 43. There is a noticable difference when carrying it all day long.

    • Thanks Mark. I love my 26 and will never part with it but also want something for pocket carry. Looks like it will get down to getting a 43 in hand /pocket to see how it feels. I have never liked the way Glocks look but hey it’s a tool and a very affordable and reliable tool.What more could you honestly ask for, which is why the dimensions, on paper at least, are disappointing me. I know Kahr makes many smaller pistols but I can not bring myself to by a weapon from the Moonies.

    • Finally someone i read something from that gives some kind of direction. Not this one is longer this one sucks char my arm block my leg. Geez guys we come to a forum for help. Thank you. Sometimes people do not come here for themselves but for information for someone else. Thank you for posting this one. I appreciate it

  35. Everyone has a threshold for what they can carry/conceal satisfactorily. Mine is, apparently, smack dab in between the 26 and the 43. I had a 26 – sold it. I could not get comfortable with IWB or pocket carry. Pocket carry especially… it was like a pocket dictionary flapping around in my cargo shorts.

    The 43 – totally different story. It was just skinnier and lighter enough to make me happy. Me. Not everyone. Me. If I could make the 26 work, of course I would rather have the extra rounds. Who wouldn’t?

    Also, I carry the same one gun always. Dressed up, jeans, shorts, IWB, pocket… whatever. I want to be totally familiar with the exact same gun no matter what the circumstance. The 43 works for all those circumstances.

  36. I waited a long time for the Glock 43. When I fired it I was way disappointed. The gun was too snappy. It wasn’t a comfortable shooter like the .380 Glock 42. I’m purchasing the Glock 36. I rather have a .45 if I have to deal with only 6 shots and so much snappiness! Besides I still have my Glock 26 with 10 rounds. Not worth the tradeoff.

  37. G43 is bigger than other pocket nines, just like the G42 is bigger than other pocket .380s.

    I already own a Kahr CM-9 and a Sig P938, both of which are smaller than the G43.

    G43 is the fat chick that arrived late to the party.

  38. Waited awhile to comment on this thread. Have owned Glocks since ’89, carried various models (22, 21,27) as a part-time LEO/ security contractor for years. Carried them as edc for ccw, 26, 27, 19, 36, 30s. Still do, in addition to other pistols. A little over a year ago, when the hype over the Glock 42 turned into disappointment when it turned out to be a .380, I bought a CM-9 for Summer carry, and for times when printing was not an option. It has been a very reliable pistol, and reasonably accurate. I just don’t care for the long trigger pull. I’ve carried Glock 26 and 27 models and they are chunky, but they are manageable IWB. So is my 30s, which replaced the Glock 36 I had for about a month.
    Here’s my take: I think the 43 is much like the 36. It is only marginally smaller than the higher cap model it supplements. That’s why I got the 30 s vs the 36. You gain 4 rounds for about an ounce of weight difference unloaded. I’ll probably buy another glock 26 before I buy the 43 and save the lesson I learned when I bought the glock 36. For me, I like the ability to use the larger mag from my glock 17 as a back up.

    • Update: Sold the CM-9, waiting to pick up my 43. After comparing side by side with the cm-9 and a 26, decided the 43 is the way to go. I don’t care what the numbers look like on paper, the 43 is easier to conceal than the 26, and the trigger is far easier to shoot rapidly than the Kahr. ymmv.

  39. I just got this. It’s my first glock. I dont care for the plastic feel of the gun, but i havent heard anyone say anything bad about them. I just wanted a good backup 9mm. Because 2 is one and 1 in none! I like how this tiny gun can fit in my pocket, or fit in my boot!

  40. I own a G43. I have other handguns, in most brands and flavors, from Berettas to Sigs to Rugers to Dan Wesson, Colt, Springfield, etc. I own various Glocks. The G43 is considerably smaller and lighter, and disappears comfortably in a tuckable inside-the-waistband holster. A capacity of six doesn’t bother me; I’m comfortable carrying a five shot revolver, and a six shot semi-auto isn’t a hardship. I don’t own a G26 presently, but do have a G27, and the G43 is considerably more comfortable to carry.

    It’s proven very comfortable and easy to shoot, and for its size, surprisingly comfortable. The trigger isn’t great, but I added a ghost connector, which made for a much better pull, and Trijicon HD sights. Otherwise, it’s largely stock.

  41. I’ve fired both the 42 and 43, actually purchased the 43 impulsively. The 42 made little sense to me, it’s a pocket pistol that requires a holster as its easily discharged loose in a pocket with its lighter SA trigger. As a pocket pistol I carry a Pico which has a DAO trigger, is more compact, functions well, and is surprisingly easy to shoot. Not say the 43 is bad, simply that it doesn’t fit the criteria I require in a pocket pistol with its block build and glock trigger. The 43 I literally only owned for a few days. It competed with my Nano. Again many of the same issues arise. The 43 like others have said is almost the size of a 26 or 27, in that case I may as well pack my 27. Between the Nano and Pico I find may compact needs meet, both are ambidextrous, the Nano has an 8 round option if I don’t mind a small IWB holster or a the slim 6 round if I want to drop it in to my pocket. The Pico is tiny compared to the 42 and I feel safe with it loose in my pocket. I’m not say Glocks suck, I in fact own a few, I just think they missed the pocket pistol mark.

  42. Update #2

    Picked up the Glock 43 a couple of weeks ago. It has become my summer EDC. As far as a comparison to the Kahr cm-9 I sold, it is far easier to clean, magazines are much more reliable, trigger is a glock, and it is virtually the same size, regardless of what some of the glock haters say above, it fits the Hume IWB holster made for my cm-9. The same leather holster also fits my para elite carry 3″ 1911.I did not buy this as a pocket pistol. It required no break in. It carries great.

  43. I have an ass load of Colts, Sigs, HK’s, Rugers, Smiths, Khars, Glocks blah, blah, blah. I’ll spend hours cleaning and admiring them over the weekend.

    Mon-Fri I carry for a living and I will pickup my no frills, aesthetically challenged Glock every time. I’ve put thousands of rounds through my handguns without incident. I have no reason to not trust them.

    My Sig P320 will always be at the top of my spank bank! My Glock will always be on my hip! When I’m not working, I’m carrying the 43. I’m not a fan, just a realist.

  44. Tried out the G 42. Feed it about three types of ammo. FMJ, JHP, Self defense ammo, light 115 Target ammo. 124 NATO , and some 147 stuff I had. No problems. Not sure where the issues of not feeding come from. BTW this was a range rental unit.

  45. I have shot the Glock 43 and this is the only Glock I have ever shot that I HATE with a passion. Accuracy and handling is garbage. What a peace a of crap. I will stick with a Revolver if I want a small CCW.

  46. Yep. I LOVE my Glock 43. I’ve already put 600+ rounds through it and I still love it. Cloaked Klingon warship is exactly right. Great review!

  47. Bah… Glock should have made something the size of a Rohrbaugh for only 6 rd capacity. A true micro Glock. For all this screwing around you might as well carry a G26 with a ClipDraw, and if thats too much for you to conceal you need to eat some hamburgers. The G42 and G43 are major let downs from this Glock fan.

    If anybody at GLOCK is listening, how about make the upcoming G44 a G19 size Gen2 (yes Gen2, no finger grooves) style frame with a G26 size stainless slide? Pretty please?

  48. My Baretta Nano is easier to conceal than ANY Glock. It shoots great and can easily handle +P ammo. I love Glocks’ and own several, but concealing one is never easy.

    • How? They are the most minimalist gun out there for the most part. When people say this, I visualize those blackhawk IWB holsters that people wear OWB.

  49. I stand in front of people and teach every day for 8 to 12 hours. Standing 5 foot seven, every millimeter counts when you have 50 pairs of eyes watching you every moment. I own a Glock 26 as well as many others, but firearms like the Glock 43 or car CM series make a huge difference in the visual appearance of a tucked in shirt. I am fairly certain many comments on these forums are made by people only looking at their own lives. We all have different requirements and situations, and in my every day life. I carry 9mm or bigger and must have a tucked in shirt with the absolute smallest footprint possible.

  50. This a damn fine review, and the witty snark you possess makes me wish I could produce something similar, sadly my wit only makes others think I’m either stupid or demented.

    As a non-Glock guy I find myself on the outs yet again, I appreciate the stone cold functioning ability of Glocks but when I hold them it feels as if I’m trying to grasp a brick, there isn’t a single Glock which has ever felt right to me.

    So it’s the M&P Shield for me, I don’t know how the Shield stacks up against the Glock other than anecdotally: I’ve put every type and variation of 9mm round on the planet into that thing and it’s never let me down, and the accuracy is phenomenal. I also like the manual safety since I’ve never felt completely comfortable charging the weapon and putting it on my hip.

  51. There needs to be one correction or rather add-on to this. With a two minute swap out of the magazine end plate, you can add one more round making my Glock a 7+1 = 8 rounds for a single stack COMPACT conceal and carry. I purchased mine from ‘hopticusa.com’ and though it was a bit trickier than other end plates, I got it installed in just two minutes. If 8 rounds can’t get you out of trouble, you might need to move faster. BLUF, the Glock 3 is an impressive little power-punch and with an end plate swap-out it adds one more to my game.

    Oh and BTW, did I mention the end plate is billet aluminum and can be used to bash a head should you be that close and all 8 rounds are gone..?

  52. I bought a G43 for my wife and she loves it. I like it because I can still wrap my bear paw around it with the pinky extension. The only bad comments i have seen come from people who are,obviously, anti-glock. IMO I don’t care what a gun looks like or what kind of grooves it has on the trigger(as I will probably no notice in a life or death situation) it is about what the person holding the gun likes.
    All well manufactured firearms will go bang when the trigger is pulled. So IMO put hands on some weapons and pick the one that feels best to you. All of the weapons discussed will do the job when needed. It comes down to what the shooter feels comfortable with.
    The reviews in this post have turned into nothing more than a brand battle.

    • Thank you tree top. That is what i tell my wife all the time. I needed to hear this instead of all the bickering that was going on about all these different guns. I wish i would have scrolled to the bottom of the page. You and John said the things i needed to hear. I appreciate it thank you

  53. Just one simple comment. I too bought a 43 for my wife. She had 3 failure to feed (FTF) in the first box of 50. I am not impressed. For an every day carry (EDC) I expect it to fire every round. I am only posting to see if others have experienced similar problems.

    Using a full magazine the first round fires, but the second FTF, thus leaving a closed slide with no round in the chamber. Not good for an EDC or any other firearm.

    Yes, out of the box, always the second round.

    • I have heard the story’s of people having the same problem. I ask a blue label dealer about it and she told me she contacted Glock and asked about it. Glock told her to lock the slide to the rear and leave it like that for a couple of days. You might want to give it a try.

      • I think we found the problem.

        I was always taught to slap the magazine in to make sure it snugs home. I taught my wife this, but she balked at the motion indicating she knew how to secure the magazine. After I successfully fired 100 rounds of ammo from her pistol without a single misfire and then had her fire it after making sure the magazine was properly seated . . . . .no more misfires.

        I admit, it was an easy way for me to shoot a 100 rounds with her pistol.

  54. I would be interested in seeing how the STI Perfect 10 ranked as a truck gun. I’ve even seen a 5in version called the Nitro 10 that is a double stack. 2 options that might be considered if there isn’t a budget.

  55. This reply is for Clara. I’ve owned and shot both the LCP and the Glock 43, and I sold the LCP and bought another 43 for my wife. It has significantly less recoil than the LCP, which was actually a bit painful to shoot.

  56. I have both the G26 and G43. While I certainly prefer the higher capacity of the G26, there are times and scenario’s where I struggle to comfortably conceal it. It’s those times where I reach for the G43. Am I in love with it? No, but it has successfully consumed every 9mm round I have fed it without a single issue (so far). I do agree that it’s not the best looking gun aesthetically, but I don’t carry a gun for it’s aesthetic beauty. I carry a gun hoping it will successfully go bang if and when I ever need it. The 43 fits that need for me when i can’t conceal a my G26. I’m a leather guy at heart and opted for an MTR Tuckable IWB holster with dual clips (from here: http://www.gunnersalley.com/glock-43-holster/). The 43 literally disappears for me in that rig to the point that even my eagle eyed wife can’t tell I’m carrying. Do I like the lower round capacity as compared to the G26? No, but I can make the trade-off work.

  57. I’ve carried full size pistols, j frames and subcompacts. I’m carrying a Glock 43 full time now. I keep toying with the idea or getting a micro 380 or another j-frame. Tonight was a big deciding factor for me. The carried my Glock 43 all night (about 8 hours of activity) through a nice dinner, a walk around our local aquarium and I didn’t even notice I was carrying. At one point I took my oldest son to the restroom and when I adjusted my shirt he mentioned that he didn’t even notice I hada gun. I told him that was a good thing. One thing I’ll mention is I live in southeast Texas where a 100 degree weather and 100% humidity is the norm. I’m a large guy (6’4″ 300lbs) with back problems and for me to carry a full size pistol is impossible. I like the Glock 43 bc I have end up with no reason not to carry besides quick runs to the store in basketball shorts. I usually steal my wife’s tcp 738 for that and leave her with my Glock or H&K. For me that makes the Glock 43 worth the investment. Having had to pull my gun on one occasion and narrowly avoiding a second I can say without a doubt that carrying even a 6+1 capacity gun is better than not having anything at all. Even if you’re not totally enamoured with your carry gun. I think sometimes we project outer experience and choices on others. It’s natural, but at the end of the day I’d rather know someone is carrying a small minimal capacity gun than letting themselves be a victim by not carrying at all.

  58. I have a Glock 17 and a Glock 42. Both are are excellent pistols, dependable, shoot any of a number of different brands of ammo without issue. I really like the Glock 42 a lot. I have carpal tuned and mild neuropathy in my dominant hand and can shoot the .380 Glock 42 comfortably. It is also the easiest to carry in Florida lightweight clothing. My experience with the Glock 42 was not at all like the author described in his report. I’ve got nothing but praise for the gun. I tried the 43 with a two round extension and liked the gun, but it is not something that is comfortable or easily carried unless you’re wearing cargo pants or some jeans with large pockets.

  59. Well they need to get back on with the 5 mm mag. Seems that this ammo needs to be put back into production as it’s hard to find and costs an arm and leg to buy….

  60. Re Doctors and Guns: Which are more deadly? I still like the stat that just one of Ted Kennedy’s cars has killed more people than ALL of my guns put together.
    And really, who cares what HuffPo and Airyheaded Huffington has to say about ANYthing?


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