I like things that work well. Whatever it is, it had better work every time. “It” can be anything – a car, tools, electronics, firearms, bank cards, whatever. I don’t have the time or the patience to deal with finicky possessions. A finicky firearm can be a nuisance, but it can also get you killed. So when it came time to choose my home-defense howitzer, I had my work cut out for me. Should it be semi or pump, full-size stock or pistol grip, 12-ga or 20-gauge? No matter what, I had to find one that performed to my strict level of standards. Period.
I recently purchased—and then sold—a Remington 887 Nitro-Mag Express. I was hesitant about purchasing another new Remington. While I’ve had great luck with 870 shotguns in the past, I was hearing negative comments about the brand’s quality as of late. To reduce the possibility of reliability “issues,” I was considering a used Remington. Until my neighbor offered to let me borrow his Mossberg 500.
I’d never even handled a Mossberg before; it’s something long-time Remington owners just don’t do. Imagine a Glock guy going to the range with a new S&W M&P. Lost souls would be figure skating in Hell, pigs would be radioing for landing clearance, and holding my breath would finally make my grandmother give me more candy.
The experience sent me deep into Mossberg territory. I settled on a Mossberg 590 12-ga with a 20” barrel. This gun was fully decked out and priced to go. It looked bad-ass. I had to have it. I took the Mossie to the gun range on the same day I picked it up. Instead of feeding it a couple boxes of slugs or buckshot, I took the advice of my local gun shop guru. I picked up a full 100-round case of #6 bird shot and headed over to the clay bird range.
The top gun behind the gun counter said doing so would “break in” the gun well. More to the point, if “anything is going to break, it will break within 100 rounds.” While I didn’t much like hearing “break” in a conversation about my new home-defense shotgun, I took his advice and gave it a whirl.
One hundred rounds and 100 clay birds later I made a few conclusions. First, this Mossberg would make a great dove hunting gun. Out of the 100 clay birds thrown (50 Report pairs for those who shoot clays), I probably hit 50 to 60. Not great and certainly not record breaking, but respectable for the first time out with a gun, and certainly respectable for a 20” barreled shotgun with an open choke and ghost ring sights! The second thing I learned was that this Mossberg had quite a few advantages over the 870 Wing Master I shot as a young teenager. Speaking of ancient history . . .
The Fortune 500
The Mossberg 500 was designed in 1960 and began production in 1961. The company made a slight modification made in 1970, changing the single action-bar setup to a double action-bar. The theory: two is better than one; two actions bars should be less likely to bind than a single action bar.
The differences between the 500 and the 590 are few but important, as they mean barrels cannot be swapped between the two models. The 500 magazines are closed at the muzzle end. The barrel is held in place by a bolt that gets screwed into a threaded hole into the mag tube. Model 590 magazines are open at the muzzle end, and the barrels fit around the magazine tube. It is then held on by a nut at the end. The Model 500 magazine facilitates easy barrel changes, as the barrel bolt only holds the barrel in place. The Model 590 magazine facilitates easy cleaning and parts replacement, as removing the nut allows removal of the magazine spring and follower.
There are two other primary 500-based models: the 505 and the 535. The 505 is a scaled down version, designed for young or small-framed shooters. The 535 is a beefed up 500/590, designed for 3.5” magnum loads. With the appropriate parts, the 500 can be a field gun, a slug gun, home-defense weapon, a trap/skeet gun, or a .50 caliber muzzleloader. Over the years, Mossberg has also sold “combination” sets, with a single receiver and more than one barrel.
First Impressions…
For anyone used to shooting O/U or SxS shotguns, the Mossberg 590’s tang-mounted safety is in a familiar and logical location. I always had beef with the back of the trigger-guard safety of Remington shotguns, but it was never much of an issue. After shooting double barreled shotguns for over a decade, I don’t know if I could deal with a trigger guard mounted safety. Perhaps it would be OK with a pistol grip shotgun, but I decided on a standard stock about the same time I decided on semi vs pump action.
This 590 has a standard black synthetic stock and with a LOP (length of pull) of 14-1/2”. Although shouldering this weapon is comfortable and natural, smaller framed shooters or those who prefer a shorter LOP should try before they buy. Mossberg offers many stock options; get one directly suited to your size and preference. There are also many aftermarket stock options, including pistol grip, M4-style, and even thumb-hole variants.
At 7-1/4 pounds, the 590 is a tad heavy for a full day of field use. I can put up with a heavy CCW piece, but I’m a snob when it comes to hunting rifles and shotguns. Too many years of hunting with O/U shotguns have spoiled me. Regardless, I could live with the Mossberg 590’s weight knowing this particular firearm’s roll in life. In fact, the Mossie’s weight has it advantages, particularly when it comes to firing high-brass slugs and buckshot.
Ghost ring sights are far from new to me, but I’d never used them on a shotgun. On the Mossberg 500 that I’d borrowed, the only aiming device was a gold-bead. Even with that simple setup, I was able to put four out of five slugs on a 5” target at 25 yards. The bead sights are adjustable and easy to use, but the rear aperture is quite large. Long-range shots need practice and a steady hand.
At the Range…
Successful clay bird shooting proved that ghost ring sights are not prohibitive for shooters looking to hit moving targets. While they’re not as easy to use as gold-bead sights, the ghost set-up’s rear ring allows relatively quick target acquisition. Since my initial purchase, I’ve taken the 590 dove hunting on two occasions: once for myself and once as a backup for a junior hunter.
Most Mossberg 590 buyers will never use the shotgun for migratory bird hunting. They can rest assured knowing that the 590 works equally as well with slugs and buckshot in a tactical role. Out of the box, the 590 shoots slugs and buckshot with deadly accuracy. Even though I’ve never hunted with slugs, I could hit 50 yard and 100 yard targets with relative ease. With a scope, in areas where only shotgun hunting is allowed, a Mossberg 590 would be a fantastic deer hunting gun. Again, not the gun’s intended use, but possible.
I can’t imagine most home-defense situations occurring at anything more than 25 yards, so I did a good amount of testing at these ranges and less. Using Remington Slugger and Winchester PDX1 ammo, I was again impressed with how well this gun shoots. While not a MOA precision rifle, the 590 is certainly MOI (minute of intruder). With Winchester’s PDX1 ammo, you can bet anyone on the business end of this 590 will (or should) think twice about making any rash decisions.
On a side note, the PDX1 ammo worked great. For those unfamiliar, Winchester PDX1 ammo is a combination round – containing both buckshot (three rounds of copper plated 00) and a 1-oz slug. I was a little skeptical about its performance, but the target above looks exactly like the target pictured on the PDX1 box. Take a close look and you can see the small #00 sized holes on the perimeter of the target. The spread is acceptable and is probably perfect for this distance. At 25-yards, the #00 spreads too wide to be truly effective, although the slugs still shoot accurately.
Shooting high-brass all day, I became very fond of the thick rubber butt-pad. Recoil with high-brass is present, although not punishing. If you forget to hold the stock tight to your shoulder, then you’ll get a not-so-gentle reminder to do so next time. As I mentioned earlier, the weight of the 590 helps with recoil. Standard 2-3/4” birdshot is barely noticeable as far as recoil goes, and I would say that it is lighter on recoil than my old Remington Model 11 (which is a copy of Browning’s semi-automatic A5).
The trigger on the 590 is a tad heavy and it stacks, but the break is crisp. Again, considering the shotguns intended role, it’s a non-issue. Shooting slugs out of a 20” non-rifled barrel is far from what I consider to be “accuracy driven.”
Cleaning the 590 is a straight-forward affair. The magazine nut unscrews, allowing the magazine spring and the barrel to be removed. The trigger group simply requires one pin to be pressed out with a punch. The bolt, action bars, slide, and other parts are easily removed and cleaned.
The only gripe I have with the 590 is the heat-shield. Cleaning and oiling behind the heat shield can be difficult, and requires four Allen-head screws to be removed. For hunting or use in humid areas, I would likely leave the heat shield off. For home-defense or 3-gun competitions, the heat-shield is fine.
I doubt the Remington vs Mossberg debate will end any time soon. But here’s the bottom line: I’ve had zero feeding or extraction issues with the Mossberg 590 pump action shotgun over 1000 rounds. Simply put, this Mossberg works and works well.
Ratings (out of five)
Style * * *
I would prefer the phosphate coated version, but this one was a great bargain. Very little bling factor – nothing fancy and nothing shiny. The heat shield adds a little “tacti-coolness” for those looking for that, but it can be removed.
Ergonomics * * * * *
The 590 will fit almost everyone. Right handed and left handed shooters alike will appreciate the tang mounted safety. The magazine release is behind the trigger guard and away from ones fingers as you work the slide back.
Reliability * * * * *
Never had a single problem so far, and I don’t expect to have any anytime soon. The pump-action is great. You can switch from buckshot, to slugs, to birdshot without worrying about cycling issues or setting adjustments.
Customizable * * * * *
I held off for a while, and then added a Tac-Star 6-round saddle mount. I keep this puppy loaded with #4 and #00 buckshot in the magazine, and keep 6 rounds of PDX1 in the saddle. You can get foregrip lights, rail and rail attachments, 100’s of stock options, etc.
Overall Rating * * * * *
For home defense, the Mossberg 590 is hard to beat. The action is not as smooth as my old 870, but it works perfectly.
Price: $419 via Cabela’s.
As much as I hate to say it, I don’t necessarily have a problem with mandatory firearm training.. As long as a license to purchase the firearm is also a national CCW as well. I think that would be a pretty damn reasonable compromise and it would at least cut down on some of the dumbasses with guns.
However, we all know how Government regulation turns out.
“Signs? We don’t need no steenkin’ signs!”
“Is it twoo what they say about CCW? It’s twoo! It’s twoo!”
Very interesting and deep review, congratulations.
I recently bought myself a Beretta, silver pigeon 5 12 bore 30in M/C, it costed me around 2000 pounds, but was definitely worth it. I practise clay shooting on my spare time and no one can beat me since i bought it. Is good at pointing and very well balanced. Have you heard about it?
The Silver Pigeon is a great gun and is beautiful looking. For clays, that gun would be hard to beat, although it is too bulky, heavy, and long for hunting. For home defense, you would be better off leaving that SP in the safe, and getting a synthetic-stocked, short-barreled shotgun. Then again, you sound like you’re across the pond, so ANY gun you can get is a big deal! Happy shooting 🙂
Great choice. I have had a 590A1 for about a year. However, mine is the shorter 18.5″ model with a speedfeed stock. I don’t know if its the barrel length difference or that I need more practice but I had trouble busting clays with it. I probably just need more practice!
Pat: Concur fully, My Winchester 1300 began to experience FTF’s and I lost confidence in it. Debated between the 870 and the 590A1. Went with the 590A1 ’cause I carried one in the service and never had an issue. Plus pricepoint was right. No regrets on purchase.
I own both a mossberg 500 and a remmington 870 and the mossberg 500 is more reliable from my experience. I have put about 500 rounds through the mossberg before cleaning it and it fed and ejected every shell with no problems. On the other hand my remmington 870 is a really nice shotgun but I have found it dos not eject 3 inch shells reliably. And the remmington 870 does need to be cleaned a lot more often for it to function reliably.
I would rather trust my life with the mossberg 500 than the remmington 870. And the mossberg 500 is a less expensive shotgun.
Nothing really says “You’ve broken into the wrong house…” like looking at the business end of a 590 wearing 8-14 inches of bayonette. It has been known to cause perps to reprioritize their lives.
While the MOSSBERG itself has been, & continues to be a fine “general” service weapon (for even Hunting, of course), Please contribute which pump models u own in .223 for home defense… or which pump pistol u carry to defend ur life.
All the Military’s AR’s r pumps too, arent they?
Hmmm… wonder why not?!!
@Duckdown – not sure what you’re trying to get at. Are you saying that pump shotguns aren’t worth much because they’re pump action? Comparing actions between 3 very different types of guns is far from apples to apples. One could choose, and I’m sure there are many successful cases, where bolt-action rifles have prevented theft, murder, vandalism, etc. I’m sure the same can be said about a SAA pistol. Modern semi-auto weapons, particularly rifles and pistols, are what I go for most of the time. In a home defense situation, a pump-action makes sense. It is simple, never jams, and as I mention – just plain works. Semi-auto shotguns are far too finicky for home defense use. I can shoot #4 buck, followed by #00 buck, followed by slugs, and never worry about cycling problems. I can switch from 2-3/4″ rounds to 3″ rounds with the same non-hassle as previous.
Also, military demands are much different than home-defense demands. I need something to protect my loved ones at all costs. I don’t have a platoon of soldiers to back me up. With the exception of maybe the M1014, most semi-auto shotguns don’t have the cycling reliability necessary to handle 2-3/4” #4 buckshot, followed by 3” #00 buckshot, followed by 1-oz slugs. And I can’t speak for you, but for me, shooting buckshot or slugs out of a shotgun does not demand the need for semi-automatic operation. I have one more than enough clay-bird events with a Winchester 1300 pump action than many of my friends with $2000 Benelli’s. As the Rabbi talks about all the time – most successful self-defense situations follow the “mindset, skillset, then toolset” hierarchy; toolset being the last in line.
Not wanting to get into it in the comment section of a gun review, but using a .223/5.56 round for home-defense just isn’t an option for me (or most people for that matter). One kid (soon to be two), neighbors on all sides, and a stucco finished house means .223 ammo at ranges of 25ft or less just doesn’t make sense from a safety or liability standpoint. Should an attacker or intruder enter and then leave the house, I’m sure as hell am not going to chase him down the street. For $350, the Mossberg 590 is a fantastic home defense option. Your mileage, as always, may vary. This was a gun review, and not a “which gun should you use for your particular home defense needs” review.
Plus, nothing says “Get the f**k outta my house!” like the sound of a pump gun action as it loads a round into the chamber. Has to be one of the most recognizable sounds around.
And nothing identifies your position and tells the perp or perps what you’re packing like a shotgun racking. I love tactical shotguns, but running silent is a better bet. Excluding the sound of my house alarm and barking dogs.
Appreciate ur Candor, Patrick.. and ur thoroughness… Keep writing! U doin good. : )
Well Thank you! I appreciate the fine words…
The most terrifing sound in a quiet darken house is the rack of the 590. Have your wife do it(unloaded of course) and you be in the next room. It scared the bajebbers out of me, I almost left!(pun intended). My 590 has “00” in it. It’s companion is a Colt 1991A1 compact with Crimson Trace Grips. Combination is hard to beat.
At close range, I’d take a pump shotgun loaded with 00 buck any day of the week over an AR…
I loved using and owning my 590 , untill the Australia gov one day (1995) said , you can not have them anymore !! Bastards …..
OffTopic: You should immigrate. We need to keep at least one free country around. The only way to do that is to populate it with free people.
OnTopic: I just purchased a 590A1 for 3-gun and hunting and it should be in by the weekend. I’ve handled them in stores and have borrowed 870s at matches. I was worried about the cylinder bore and LR slug performance for deer hunting but thanks for to your review I feel a little bit more reassured.
I went with the 51660 version.
I have a 590 and it is a great gun. My only complaint is that after about a month the last round always failed to chamber. It happened no matter how many rounds I loaded in the mag tube. I keep the gun fully loaded for the month I owned it and thought that may have weakend the spring. I did a little research and found that this is a common problem with the 590. Evidently from what I have read the springs in the Mossbergs suck and wear out fast. I understand that springs do wear out but have never seen them go bad that fast.
I just read your review, and couldn’t agree more. i have a 590 23 inch with a standoff/breacher barrel (the price was too good to not get, despite limitations of it, just had to for $250) and 8-rd mag tube and i can defiantly agree on the reliability of this fine shotgun and versatility. My 590 has taken well over 1000 rounds (2x a week at the range for targets and trap/skeet) and i have yet to have ANY issue with any thing. while i have heard that the spring loses tension, i have never kept a round in the mag tube for more than a few hours max (water fowl hunting probably was the longest), which could contribute to my luck (altho for what its worth, in my opinion having a side-saddle with shells is almost as good as having one in the magazine). Only issue i have ever had is that the weight is a bit, but that is totally offset when you remember how it will always work. As for comparison to the 870 and 1300, i give the edge to this beast of a shotgun. while all three will get the job done, in my experience, only the Mossberg can always be counted on, first time, every time.
I’d love to hear more about how one should keep this gun in the house. I recently purchased the 590, and I keep mine in a case unloaded. If someone were to break in, I realize I’d need to get to the location of the gun, open it, load it, and cock it before I would be ready. While I’m not into keeping it loaded for reasons of wear and safety, I’d like to hear how others keep it.
I keep my loaded (but without a loaded chamber) with 4x #4 buckshot, followed by 4x 00 buckshot, and 6x 1-oz slugs on the saddle-mount.
You spendthrifts and wastrels! Go further down the Mossberg line and you come to the Maverick 88, which has similar fittings, but a BETTER safety (IMHO), which won’t get accidentally knocked on or off while moving around. I bought a 28″ barrel Field version, but later added an 18.5″ barrel and a Limbsaver butt pad. This is the simplest, cheapest solution for home defense or slug hunting (no choke to damage the barrel with slugs). It might not be as fancy or slick as a high grade 870, but works better (no lifter to get in the way) while reloading during combat, and apparently smooths out nicely over many hundreds of rounds (I’m not there yet). If you have to fire off enough shots that the barrel heats up unbearably, you’ve got more problems than your shotgun choice. I feel safer with mine.
I have two 590’s. My first I purchased in 1990, a standard model with bead sight. The second 590 is a ‘mariner’ which I got I think in 1994. Other than the finish it is identical to the first. I was Unit Armorer and the 590 never made it to my unit before I got out of the Army so I feel like I missed out. I am sure this is why I got the first one.
These are our ‘bedroom’ guns. I’ve lost count how many rounds I have put through them both. I do not care for the ‘improved’ trigger assembly of the 590A. I understand how this was a ‘battlefield’ improvement and that is fine by me in that setting. But between the two I like the original better – even with gloves on.
I am not too keen one ghost ring sights for a shotgun – even when shooting slugs. A shotgun should be ‘pointed’ not “aimed”. Ghost ring sights force ‘aiming’. Even with the bead sight my 590’s are as accurate as the one in this article when shooting slugs. I will admit, though, with slugs you do need to ‘aim’ rather than ‘point’. But with a little practice I can keep the slugs on a 6″ paper plate @ 100 yards even with the bead front sight.
First I know nothing about shotguns. Second I need one for mome defesne and another for protection against animal predators like Bear, grizzly, mountain lion, wolves etc. Can I buy a Mossberg 590 in 18.5 barrel and add a 28 inch barrel to it? is that doable? Thanks
posting from Canada here. just sold my Mav.88 this afternoon to a young hunter after upgrading to a 590A1. that trigger sure is heavy, but last night at the range I was shooting Hornady and Federal #00 it did not seem to be a problem. just a thing.
kinda sad to see my 88 go, because like someone else pointed out, boy was it ever smooth! I also had the 18.5″ bbl and a limbsaver slip-on in place of the factory butt-pad. it was a good setup for sporting clays. I hope my new 590 can fill the space left over.
I say go ahead and spend the $80 to $100 to thread your barrel to accept Rem Chokes. Then you can add the tactical choke for a fear factor (cool factor) or a modified for clays and doves. That is the only thing this shotgun is missing
Inability to swap chokes has been the only thing holding me back from getting a Mossberg. Where did you get your barrel threaded?
Aimpro is THE place for Mossberg mods. Send them your barrel and they can install chokes.
Im looking at purchacing a pump action shotgun for home defense, and maybe some plinkin in the woods. Im not partial to a particular name, although I do like the tactical look. My budget is 200 to 250. Any suggestions are welcome.
Tom you might have decided by now. My Mossberg Maverick 12 gauge, 18.5 barrel, was $189 plus tax, title, and paperwork. Totaled up to something like $212. I replaced the factory stock with an adjustable stock w/pistol grip, $78 or so total for that. (I like a shotgun that feels like my truck looks and runs, dented and used, yet reliable.)
Thanks nomad, I havnt sqeezed the trigger yet. I did begin to give up on getting a response from this site. Ive been looking online a lot and reading reviews. I read reviews on this gun and it sounds like what I’m looking for. Ill try ranch and home store or maybe walmart. Thanks again for taking your time to respond.
How about mentioning some basic, specific information about the weapon you were doing? Read an entire review and 10,000 comments and don’t know how many rounds it holds…
That is really sad, to read a review and not have you cover the most basic information
In all the discussion about different types of ammo for the shotgun, no one mentioned (presumably non-lethal) rock salt. Is that not a meaningful option?
seems to me keeping a 100 yr old design around must mean something. I know for a fact nobody argues with the business end of a 45 canon. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Patrick Carrube – If one’s intended purpose for a tactical weapon is home defense AND there are others (wife, kids, etc…) living with you, the LAST weapon I would choose is a shotgun. The scenario that makes me say that is; one of my loved ones has been taken hostage and used as a human shield. I’m simply not willing to take that 20-foot precision head shot with a shotgun to end the threat. Since I doubt I’ll have the opportunity in this case to switch weapons, I choose to use the overall best tool for the task. An AR 15. Additionally, my experimentation has led me to conclude that a 55 grain 5.56 x 45 round fired from an AR 15 will only penetrate three 5/8” sheets of sheet-rock, and that’s without passing through body tissue. Over penetration might be a risk in some circumstances, but it’s a risk I’m willing to accept. The possibility of getting a flyer from a buckshot round that hits a loved one is not.
Thanks for a great read. I realize it’s dated, but it reassured me that I made the right choice years ago with a 590s
The best thing about Mossberg 500/590 is a huge number of upgrades available.
My friend has a Mossberg 590…Brand new …never been used yet
PROBLEM… The rounds are sticking in the tube… will not fill the receiver… cant chamber a round
I broke it down for him, oiled and creased all parts reassembled, rounds are still sticking