There’s something to be said for using teeny tiny bullets zipping along amazingly fast for taking out small game. Especially when your target is similarly zipping across the field in front of you, being able to hit that moving target is made much easier with faster rounds. Varmint hunters have known this for ages, and that knowledge has popularized calibers such as the .204 Ruger and .223 Remington (the lightweight versions) for small game. And that’s where Mossberg’s MVP comes into the picture . . .
It seems like Mossberg has been trying to work their way into the rifle-hunting market for a while now. Mossberg’s shotguns are well known and well loved for everything from home defense to bird hunting, but their rifle line has been downright nonexistent until more recently. With the introduction of the 100 ATR and the Mossberg MMR, Mossberg started making their way into the market for larger game, and the MVP seems to be Mossberg’s effort to get into small game as well.
The MVP was unveiled at NRA 2011, and TTAG was on the scene, not that we paid much attention at the time. In fact this is the only picture I snapped of the rifle at the time. I believe the original thought I had when I saw it was “gimmick” and the reason was the magazine.
This rifle, while using a bolt action, takes standard AR-15 magazines. And the reasoning is actually pretty sound — it lets you load up your rifle with a ton of ammo and reign death and destruction down on your chosen hunting grounds for longer without reloading. If you’ve got the perfect vantage point for annihilating a bunch of gophers you don’t want to be caught having to reload while the last one gets away and ruins your golf course, and this rifle gives you that ability. It’s an interesting feature, but as we’ll see it may not be the most useful thing to have on your gun.
Wait a second…
This rifle takes standard AR magazines…
I wonder if…
Ahem. Yes, apparently a Surefire high capacity magazine will fit. Good to know. (So do Magpul PMAGs, Lancer AWMs, and Mil-Spec aluminum magazines.) Moving on . . .
So, what other features does this rifle have, other than taking an AR-15 mag? Well, the bolt (or at least the handle and firing pin assembly) seems to come straight from the short-action 100 ATR — with some slight modifications.
The AR-15 magazine was designed to sit much lower in the receiver than normal hunting rifles, and so the next cartridge coming off the magazine is a little bit too low for a normal-style bolt to pick up. Mossberg’s solution to this problem was to design a bolt with a lower half that splits open and a lower section that digs down into the magazine to grab that next round.
The impact of having a magazine that sits that low is no bueno for reliability. I had more than a few instances where the round ended up off center and the bolt failed to chamber the round on the first try. I get the feeling this is due to the spring in the mag “popping” the round up as it leaves the feed lips, causing the round to lodge slightly sideways rather than feeding smoothly into the chamber.
The bolt itself looks great at first glance — the handle feels nice and grippy and it looks very pretty — but once in action, it’s not as pleasant as it would seem. It takes more force to get the bolt open than I’d like, requiring a firm grip on the bolt handle to crack the thing open rather than giving me the ability to simply use the side of my hand as I prefer. That’s not to say it’s terrible, just very heavy for such a light and small caliber.
Other things lifted from the 100 ATR series include the adjustable trigger, which uses that two-stage “LBA,” or “Lightning Bolt Action,” design with the little metal bit that sticks out in front. It’s a popular design for the trigger of budget-priced guns these days and it works pretty well. The trigger pull itself is adjustable from “OH GOD” to “dangerously light.”
Sure, there are also the factory-standard Weaver-style scope bases. We could talk about them as well, but far and away, the best thing about this gun is the benchrest-style stock.
If you know me and my rifle reviews, you know the one thing that pisses me off more than anything is a bad cheek piece — specifically, one too low for a rifle that was designed from day one to use a scope.
When I saw this stock, it was like the heavens opened up and I could hear angels singing. With the right cheek weld, I could actually get a proper sight picture through my scope. It was perfect. Perfect in a way that, normally, you’d need to invest in a replacement stock or a cheek riser to get on a factory gun. Kudos to you, Mossberg.
OK, this review is getting a bit long, so let’s dump some more facts on you, rapid-fire style. There are sling studs so you can mount a bipod (or actually use them for a sling, I guess). The 24-inch-barrel has a 1:9 twist for light projectiles and while it’s a VERY heavy profile, it does have some fluting for weight reduction and barrel harmonics black magic. There’s a nice target crown for precision shooting. And the laminate stock is free floating, with grippy panels on both sides of the fore-end as well as the grip. That just about covers it, I think.
But the real question is how well the thing shoots.
This WAS a 1 MoA 50 yard three-round shot group, but as is becoming a tradition, the last two shots made it a 2 MoA group instead. With the right ammo and some patience I have no doubt that this gun will perform at 1 MoA or better. In fact, after this I went on to put about 40 rounds on a steel target 250 yards away one after another within a 10-minute time period. The barrel was blazing hot, but the PoI hadn’t shifted noticeably at all, thanks to the heavy barrel profile.
When I first saw this gun, “gimmick” was the word that came to mind. And, for the most part I think that holds true. The AR-15 magazine compatibility is nice, but in the end it seems to cause more problems and slow the shooter down more than a custom designed detachable magazine would.
But on the other side of the coin, the idea of using a standard AR-15 magazine for a varmint rifle is pretty ingenious. Instead of having to design an all-new magazine that may or may not be available in the future, Mossberg went with a magazine that would definitely be available for MVP customers for years to come, no matter if the rifle was a success or a flop. And THAT is pretty smart.
Here’s the thing, though. If I wanted a fast-shooting, high-capacity rifle for prairie dogs or other varmint hunting, I’d grab an AR-15 instead. Sure, it might not be as accurate or push rounds as fast, but it won’t be a one trick pony like this rifle here. You don’t even have to go far to find a suitable replacement — the Mossberg MMR is a pretty damn good choice.
If your state restricts your groundhog shooting playtime to bolt-action rifles, this is a good option. But if you’re free to shoot what you want, you might want to consider your alternatives.
SPECIFICATIONS: Mossberg MVP Varmint 27700
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO (test rifle in .204 Ruger)
Barrel: Medium bull barrel, threaded barrel, fluted
Barrel Length: 24 inches
Barrel Finish: Matte blue
Overall Length: 43 inches
Weight: 7.75 pounds (empty)
Capacity: 10-round magazine (included), takes standard AR-15 magazines
Stock: Laminate – Sporter
Sights: Weaver-style mounts pre-installed
MSRP: $668 (about $500 street)
RATINGS (out of five stars):
All ratings are relative to other similar guns, and the final score IS NOT calculated from the constituent scores.
Accuracy: * * * * *
Free-floating, long and HEAVY barrels tend to get this kind of rating. My group was a little rushed, but with some time and patience you can definitely get 1 MoA or better.
Ergonomics (Handling): * * * *
The magazine release is a little awkward, but otherwise a solid rifle.
Ergonomics (Firing): * * * *
Very nice indeed. Almost no recoil. But the bolt is rather tough to cycle.
Reliability: * *
There’s something about the combination of a heavy follower spring in the magazine and a funky bolt design that keeps this from chambering 100% of the time.
Customization: * * *
There’s not much you can do other than throwing in a different magazine or mounting a new scope. The LBA trigger is adjustable (which is nice) but there aren’t really any aftermarket parts yet.
Overall Rating: * *
The magazines and the stock put it ahead of the competition, but the reliability issues and the sudden realization that for about the same money you can have a Remington 700 or a little more for a Mossberg MMR that will do the job just as well means (according to the rubric) that two stars is the best I can do.
Full Disclosure: This rifle was provided by Mossberg for the purposes of reviewing for the site. It is en route back to Mossberg.
Special thanks to Dutra Arms in Spring Branch, TX for being an awesome FFL!
More from The Truth About Guns:
Gun Review: Mossberg Patriot Predator Rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor
Gun Review: Mossberg MVP Predator
New from Mossberg: MVP Precision Bolt Action Rifle
Hands On with the Mossberg MVP in .308 Winchester
Shooting stances are a lot like men’s ties, they go out of fashion but come back 30 years later in a different color
Trying to decide between a G26 and a P99 AS for a summer carry (Tucson weather) and I’m thinking this review moved me closer to the Glock
The only women who consistently complain about not being able to meet the standard because “misogyny” are those whose skills and talent demand that the standard be lowered in order to them to meet it.
I have been in IT for 20 years and have seen it time and time and time again. As well, my intense and copious research proves this to be true: Women ruin everything. Especially male-oriented job standards.
#backtothekitchen!! (unless you’re a woman willing to meet or exceed the standards of the job as it stood before the standards were lowered at women’s insistence)
When I saw the MVP at the SHOT show (replete with quad-stack magazine) I had high hopes for it as a possible light scout rifle; a junior-varsity version of the .308 Ruger Scout Rifle.
As my then-toddler daughter used to say, however, “but it not.”
If the AR magazine doesn’t function reliably, the whole raison d’être of the gun evaporates. Maybe with more testing it might have worked better with another magazine brand; that would make it reliable but still not *universally* reliable. And that was the whole point, right?
And I’m not sure where the 24″ barrel comes in handy. Even the most exotic .223/5.56 loads are optimizes for rifles no longer than 20″.
IF the feed reliability issue can be addressed (maybe by loading 30rd mags to 25, or a lighter spring, or…?) the first thing that I saw in it is a weird but cool “insurgency rifle”.
I have been preached to about the evils of having loaded magazines sitting in my safe. I tried out magazines that have been empty for weeks and had many malfunctions. On the flip side, I find that if they are left loaded to capacity, I have yet to get a double feed, volcano, ftf, or any other magazine related malfunction in my AR. Not sure if the same can be said about bolt action with AR mags.
The problem is in some states you are limited to a 5-round mag for hunting with a semi (even varmints) while you have no limits on bolt actions. That is where this rifle shines.
AZ was this way until about 1 month ago when our new law went into affect allowing you to hunt with a semi with any size mag.
Mr. Horning touches on the subject of my question. Are 30 round mags prohibited in Cali. or just the semi-auto rifle with a hi-cap mag? Is this rifle going to be useful for the purpose of giving Cali gun banners fits, a la the bullet button?
If nothing else, I see some good coming in being able to point out the blanket statements about hi-cap mags are incorrect-a-mundo. As if accuracy is a big thing to gun banners.
Won one of these rifles at the REMF dinner a few months back. Took it to the range last week and was pleasantly surprised. Once I got it dialed in it consistently shot groups at a 100yds in the red with most touching each other. I doubt most other 223 rifles will do this without some mods. I really had no trouble with the loading although I only used metal mags. I hear it doesn’t like plastic ones. I did take some time and cleaned it a few times between shots in the beginning but later on ran numerous 20 rd clips thru it with little or no effect on accuracy. Really a great rifle from Mossberg.
I have been looking for information on this gun and between the actual article and the opinions rendered I’ve come to conclusion I’m grabbing one. The writer had some good points but I’m an experienced shooter and waited for you guys in the field to way in. Everyone sounds extremely happy with their guns and that’s the opinion that counts.
Get one Gary. Prices are down, too. I now own two; the 18.5 and the 24 HB. Check out the Mossberg MVP Patrol rifles also.
I’m really shocked at the comments and issues that the writer here brings up. I’ve been shooting my MVP varmint for as long as they have been on the sales floor now (bought the first one in California) and I haven’t had any issues with rounds not feeding or anything of the like. I will NOT use Pmags in it because they don’t seem to seat well, but I generally shoot 10 round magazines and shoot 2, five round groups. My MVP is one of my favorite guns, and at less than 1/4 the price of my Remington 700, it regularly shoots 1/4-1/2moa groups with factory reloaded 55gr Vmax ammunition from BVAC or Freedom Munitions. These aren’t even nice handloads, they are factory reloads. If your gun isn’t shooting sub-moa, you’re probably the weak link, not the gun. Even cheap PMC is shooting 1 to 1 1/4″ groups at 100 yards. 50 yards should be in the same hole pretty easily.
Funny. My 16 yr old gets a handgun holstered on his waist every 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Somehow he hasn’t been irresponsible with it. His room however is a totally different story.
I want to oder a bolt assy of MVP VARMINT 223 I need some help.. thank you
My Mossberg mvp feeds flawlessly when I’m using it’s 10 round magazine it comes with. In the book it comes with they mention to use magazines with anti-tilt. Seeing as I used 2 other 30 round magazines that didn’t have the anti-tilt knob on the back of them and had missfeeds happen while using them. I held the magazine forward with my left and worked the bolt with my right hand while shooting and using those magazines. Didn’t have any missfeeds after that either. So I guess you’re either restricted to using the mag it comes with or finding mags that have a anti tilt feature. Which I hadn’t heard of until now.
DEREK. I do not know what anti tilt is. Can you explain to me please? Also how will I know if my mags are anti tilt?
Geo I never heard of anti tilt magazines either, but from what I read, the follower that pushes the bullets up out of the magazine prevents bullets from tilting the tips downwards. I noticed on the 30 pmag I was using, some of the bullet tips were kind of pointing down. I’m currently looking for a magazine that has a anti tilt follower, and I want the magazine to look kind of like the back of the Mossberg 10 round magazine. I read a article somewhere that said the cheap old thermold magazines work well in the Mossberg mvp as well.
Will look up anti tilt on internet. Thanks, GEO.
The metal mags I am using keep the bullet tip up when loaded. Also when I push the bullet out the next one also has the tip up.
GEO, Derek,
Almost all quality after market magazines have anti-tilt followers including the Pmag30, Troy mags, and H&K steel mags. There have been several evolutions of anti-tilt followers introduced to Mil Spec (Gov Issued) AR mags as well. Military issued (or surplus) 30rnd magazines with a Black follower ARE NOT anti-tilt and have been replaced for almost a decade. The first replacement follower, a dull seafoam/olive green color was anti-tilt but still had issues. The latest and currently issued magazines have an improved Tan anti-tilt follower that is very reliable. Your rounds should sit level on the follower and not canted up or down. Just as important as a clean rifle, your should clean your magazines as well. Dust combined with oil and carbon will settle into the magazine and cause even the best anti-tilt follower added friction (grit) that may cause it to improperly guide and cause the rounds to be canted as a result.
Ok thanks.
I purchased a Mossberg MVP .223/5.45 Nato 24″. It has produced sub-moa groups with about anything I put thru it. It really likes 63 gr. “green tip”. I’m going to buy the 7.62/.308 next.
Dennis, What are your shot groups and the distances? I am looking at the Mossberg 4×4 .308 bolt. It is around $600. Hope it is as good as my 5.56. Had it since sept. 2012 and still holding groups with in 3 inches at 300 yards. The only thing I am doing is upping the power of my zeiss scope that is 3.5x 10x 44. Will stay with the zeiss.
I have a vortex 6-24×50 on my mvp varmiter, I like the 50mm objective it gives me a wider field of view at longer ranges.
i purchased the predator .308 version, bought an AR10 mag and have had no issues with chambering what so ever. then again, i only bought Gen2 Magpuls so maybe i just inadvertently got the exact right thing. I had a remington 700 with no floor plate and really hated having to cycle out each individual round. Cutting out the stock and making a floor plate isn’t an option for me since i have no workshed or tools to do it with. the MVP works exactly as i would want and expected. i would give 4 1/2 like the predator review, half a star taken due to weight and lack of aftermarket options but the latter will be fixed in about 6 months im sure.
Hi. Here in the UK its bolt action only so this and the Ruger scout are better than AR15 bolt actions we are stuck with.
I hand-load almost everything I shoot, I have used Mag-pul, the original and other metal mags in my MVP Varmint with absolutely no issues after I worked the bolt probably 100 times, it was stiff at first but then worked great after use, I fired and cleaned after every round for 20 rounds, then fired 5 and cleaned for 20 rnds. then cleaned it after every 10 rounds. I do the same with any small caliber high powered rifle, such as my AR’s or Mini’s. It is flawless, and one of my favorite rifles. Sorry all that have had issues with Mags, but mine never has, I would buy a few Mag-puls and try them out.
I disagree whole heartedly with this review. I have the Mossberg MVP with the threaded barrel and it has been a joy to shoot and works reliably. It is dead on accurate and it feeds reliably from both Magpul and aluminum mags. I prefer the 20 rounders.
While it is true that the bolt is stiff at first, after a break in period it cycles quickly and easily. I mounted a Nikon scope on mine, along with a Harris bipod, and a YHM silencer and this gun has become one of my favorite shooters.
I often take it over my AR’s as the bolt action conserves ammo and provides a different experience. Also the fit and finish on this little gun are amazing especially since I paid less than $500 for mine.
I just bought Mossberg and what I experienced is:
magazine feeding problems and bolt problems which seems to be too loose and moves backwards too far. I consider to change/make new bolt stop and make it 10,3mm longer or to make an extra rail. Such problems shouldn’t appear if Mossberg had just one, real engineer involved in production of this rifle.
Had it about 2 years but only shot about 5 sessions,100 each time. Failure to feed on many I instances. But o pretty good when using original ,10 Rd magazine. Glad to have read other opinions. Hope if shooting more will break in ,maybe to speed up place process without damaging accuracy or function. Can use ,,20 and 30 mags for carrying ammo. In Armageddon scenario. Will experiment or hope get ideas to solve problems. Or will send back to Mossberg . As they must BV e aware of problems and could probably solve things.