Incongruous. INcongruous. InCONgruous? However you say it, surely the picture in the dictionary next to that word should be the “Carry Hawk” revolver, a new Talo Distributors Exclusive Blackhawk .45ACP/.45 Colt Convertible from Ruger.
According to the advertisements by Talo, the “Carry Hawk” is another handgun “designed to Wiley’s specs.” No, it’s not the famous coyote they’re referring to, but the writer and editor, Wiley Clapp. Mr. Clapp’s contributions to the craft have been immense. Between the books he’s written, being the Handgun Editor for Guns & Ammo, and his articles in American Rifleman, he’s been a fixture in firearms literature.
Print media being what it is today, which is about as dead as the trees it’s written on, more people probably know the Colt and Ruger guns he’s associated with than his actual writing. That’s a shame, because Mr. Clapp has walked the walk and I’d hope that folks who are relatively new to firearms will look him up.

The goal for the “Carry Hawk” appears to be a single action revolver that you can carry every day for personal protection, and still keep on the farm or ranch for game or larger threats, like smaller, less irksome bears. Clapp says the “Carry Hawk” is as “at home in a high-riding Threeperson-style holster on a rancher’s hip as it is in the glove box of his GMC pickup.” (Gone are the days when a rancher could afford a new pickup made by GMC.)
What Mr. Clapp describes was accomplished with the very first Colt Model P, and in a smaller, lighter gun. But those Colts, handy and beautiful as they are, are not half as capable as the full-framed Blackhawks. If you tried to run the same loads in a Model P as you can in this Ruger, you’d be very, very sorry.

Capable as it may be, the Ruger Blackhawk .45 ACP/.45 Colt convertible Talo “Carry Hawk” is one of the weirdest single actions revolvers I’ve come across in a long time.
It starts out great.
This is not a small or lightweight firearm. The revolver is built on Ruger’s New Model Blackhawk frame. It’s not the slightly smaller frame of the .357s or the New Model Blackhawk flattops. The top strap, cylinders, and the whole frame measures the same as the newer New Model Super Blackhawk in .44 Magnum.
The upside — and it’s a big one — is that this allows the shooter to not only easily handle the pressures of .45 ACP, but also the heavier 20,000 psi loads, and then some.
Covering the entire firearm is what Ruger refers to as a “black matte carbon finish.” I assume this is a diamond-like carbon PVD finish, but I could be wrong as there’s no more information provided by Ruger.
Note that all the metal is finished this way, to include the Super Blackhawk style lowered hammer and the trigger shoe. The finish is even throughout and gives the revolver a tough looking exterior to match the Blackhawk’s renowned actual toughness.

The only downside is that the finish acts a bit like a chalkboard. Bump it against a tree limb or set it down on the caliche and it’s going to show up nice and bright. All of the photos I took of this revolver were after the shooting and carrying for the review. Tried as a might, I just couldn’t get some of the handling marks to come out.

Ruger is great in that they release their guns — especially their distributor exclusives — with a wide variety of barrel lengths. The “Carry Hawk” sports the shorter 4 5/8″ barrel that has long been popular with cowboy action shooters.
It’s always hard for me to decide between the 5 1/2″ length or the 4 5/8″, but the shorter barrel does look better. (Note that the advertising literature released by Talo is wrong. It is NOT a 4″ barrel, but the standard 4 5/8″ length). It’s also slab-sided, with the ejector housing running the full length and terminating at the muzzle. That barrel is my favorite feature of the gun.

Staying near the muzzle end, you’ll find a big departure from the standard Ruger sights. Instead, there’s a white XS Big Dot setup, which are much more popular on smaller, self-defense minded pistols.
The rear sight is the familiar adjustable rear, but instead of just a notch there’s a single white line in the middle. Turn the teeny screw clockwise on the side of the rear sight and the post, along with your point of impact, moves left. The front is a very large white circle dot, .2″ in diameter.
The traditional use of this kind of sight is to place the dot right over the target and place that front sight dot on top of the rear sight line so that it looks like a lollipop. Because the front dot is so big and bright, you’ll easily see it in low light and it pops right into view as you press the gun forward.
If your goal is minute-of-dude at seven yards, it’s hard to beat. It also works well for failing eyes, as long as you don’t care too much about the rear sight alignment.

The downside is that hold, combined with the large dot, makes precise shooting pretty much impossible. At seven yards, the front sight obliterates a 2″ target. At 25 yards, it covers the entire vital zone of most game animals.
To ameliorate this issue, you can sight in with a more traditional 6 o’clock hold at 25 yards, placing the top edge of the big dot right underneath the target. This will allow the shooter a much more precise hold, and you’ll still be able to use the “hold on target” sight picture on targets right in front of you, as long as precision isn’t the priority.
Moving back behind that super-cool barrel, we get to the cylinder(s).

When it comes to adaptability and flexibility, the only thing that might beat a Ruger single action convertible in .45 ACP/.45 Colt is a Ruger single action in 9mm/.38 SPL/.357 Magnum. Then again, which one wins depends entirely on what you are looking for.
The Carry Hawk features two unfluted cylinders, one chambered in .45ACP and the other in .45 Colt. Unlike the Single Six convertibles, neither of these are labeled in any way, and the only way to tell the difference visually is to look inside the cylinder and see how far down the throat it starts. Or just load it.
The dual cylinder feature is great if you need to purchase ammunition at the store, as .45 ACP is usually more commonly available than .45 Colt, not that you can find either of them on shelves these days. For the reloading revolver shooter, there’s nothing the .45 ACP can do that the .45 Colt can’t. And since this is a full-framed Blackhawk, there’s a whole lot you can do with it. More on that later.
Moving further to the rear, we come to the trigger. Like most New Model Blackhawks, it’s okay. But just okay. The average trigger pull weight, as measured by my Lyman Digital Trigger Scale, is 4lbs 6.2oz. That’s the average over five pulls, and there was a full 3 oz. of deviation from the top and bottom pull weights.
This particular revolver’s trigger doesn’t have the grit and slight catches some Ruger single actions are plagued with, but it does have a long bit of squish before the hammer falls. The Ruger New Model Blackhawk is one of the more difficult single action triggers to get light and crisp, without backlash, and usually takes a competent gunsmith to get it just right. It’s worth it.
So far, so good. There’s a solid “working gun” theme here.
Then, right there at the back, everything goes awry.
Gone are the hard lines of the slab sided barrel. The fullness of the unfluted cylinder is abandoned. Right there, right where you’d expect the long vertical line of a Ruger Bisley grip to emerge, it curves quick, and abruptly ends.

What you have instead is the most striking thing on this revolver…the bird’s head grip. It doesn’t fit the look or feel of the rest of the gun at all. Visually, I love it. It’s different and seems totally out of place with the barrel, frame, and cylinder, and that’s why I love it. Visually.
In the hand, not so much. It’s just too small for me. The plow handle is maybe better when shooting a heavy load with both hands for precise shooting, but just maybe. For the heavy .45 Colt loads, the Bisley grip is where it’s at. You don’t find John Linebaugh putting out a single action in .475 or .500 Linebaugh in anything but the Bisley grip frame for good reason.

For shooting light loads or any of the .45 ACP loadings, the bird’s head grip works just fine. Heck, single-handed on a 230gr 800fps load, it rolls nicely. But if I try to get my full hand on it, the higher grip makes the lowered hammer spur dig into the web of my firing hand, and is particularly uncomfortable for the heavier (20,000 psi) .45 Colt loads. It also doesn’t work at all for me if I put on work gloves. Again, it’s just too small for my hands.
But hey, options are great. There are lots of people who shoot single actions well who absolutely love and swear by the bird’s head grip. It’s certainly diminutive, and if your goal is to conceal carry a large frame revolver, it’s a comfortable way to go.

The scales on the grip are a beautiful black micarta, accented with a silvery Ruger medallion. They look absolutely perfect on this gun. I’d love to see black and white micarta grips on more Ruger factory revolvers. The material looks great, and is as durable as it gets.
Together, with the flats of the barrel, the 4 5/8″ length with the full-length ejector housing, the finish, the micarta grips and the un-fluted cylinders make for a gun that looks great. I’m not sure I would have put all of those together, and if you described it to me, I’d say hard pass. But I’d be wrong. The whole is more than the sum of the parts on this one, and all of that really adds up on this gun.
I fired a few different kinds of leftover .45 ACP round for accuracy testing, but there was no need beyond that to test for reliability. If the round will chamber, it will fire in .45ACP just as it does in .45 Colt. I fired some .45 ACP, and even some .45 Super for this review, but I spent most of my time with the far more versatile cowboy cartridge.
That cartridge in this revolver will fire everything from the easy-on-the-wallet and easy-on-the-wrist 185gr soft lead Cowboy Action loads moving at 700fps, to so-much-fun 255gr home cast bullets pushed by 37 grains of black powder…all the way up to the show-stopping fully capable 300gr hard cast round with a muzzle velocity just touching 1,000fps.
This is the extreme versatility that justifies carrying a single action Ruger for so many people. Beyond the style, “pointability” and reliability, it’s the fact that you can put such an incredible variety of loads through a single action Ruger. And that goes double for this dual cylinder revolver.

Because of the sights and the slightly shorter sight radius, precision shooting suffered a bit with the “Carry Hawk” compared to my other Ruger single actions, including the convertible .45s. That giant front sight, even with a 6 o’clock hold, made precise shooting more difficult.
At 25 yards, I couldn’t get any round to print better than 3″ with a five-shot group, averaged over four shot strings off bags. The groups themselves told the tale. If the horizontal spread had matched the vertical spread, then several groups would have hit the 2″ mark.
That said, everything I shot went around that 3″ mark. That goes from Remington’s Golden Saber and Black Belt .45ACP rounds, to the aforementioned 300gr hard cast “Ruger only” load. I would expect that a more traditional sight set-up would lead to more precision. If the shooter wanted to change the big dot and the rear notch, it’s a very simple and inexpensive process.
The cylinder gap measured at .004″ with a feeler gauge. The bore diameter was .451″. The cylinder throats for the .45 Colt measured five at .453″ and one at .452″, and the .45 ACP measured all at .452″, using a minus pin gauge set.
I ran out of Cerrosafe, so I couldn’t take a cast of the forcing cone. That said, I hammered a soft .454 ball down the bore and it measured at bore diameter, so we know the forcing cone isn’t smaller than that.
I’ve now measured dozens of New Model Blackhawks made in the last 10 years or so, and whatever tight cylinder throat and forcing cone issue Ruger used to be known for appear to be resolved. When it comes to the relationship between cylinder throat, forcing cone, and bore diameter, Ruger is building Blackhawks for success.

As it is, if you want to use this revolver to hit the vitals on a pig or a deer at 25 yards, I would think a competent marksman would be successful with a wide variety of loads. A 255gr hard cast bullet moving at a moderate 1,100fps, put into a 6-inch circle, would take one of our little Texas Hill Country white tail deer at 35 yards easily, and from just about any angle.
I’ve killed several deer at 25 yards or less with a .45ACP 230gr semi-wadcutter bullet, and had pass throughs on most of them. Then again, a big doe here will field dress to 90lbs…usually less. On pigs, a 300gr hard cast bullet spells doom for even the biggest feral hogs around.

The finish, dual cylinders, and barrel alone make the “Carry Hawk” worth the purchase. I’ll swap the sights and I’ve already ordered a Bisley grip frame from Brownells to replace the bird’s head, but again, that tiny grip works well for a whole lot of other people.
This is a weird, weird gun. And I like it because it’s weird, and because it’s a .45 caliber Ruger convertible Blackhawk.
Specifications: Ruger Blackhawk Convertible Talo Distributor Exclusive “Carry Hawk”
Caliber: .45 Colt / .45 ACP
Finish: Matte Black
Barrel Configuration: 4-5/8″ Slab-Sided
Rifling Twist: 1:16″, RH, 6-groove
Grip Frame: “Bird’s Head”
Grip Panels: Black Micarta “Gunfighter” Profile
Front Sight: XS Big Dot white dot
Rear Sight: Adjustable V-Notch Lollipop
Overall Length: 10-3/16″
Weight: 39 Ounces
MSRP: $889
Ratings (out of five stars):
Style and Appearance * * * * *
A class all it’s own. There’s really nothing to compare this one to. Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder.
Reliability * * * * *
Ruger single action. I say again, Ruger single action.
Accuracy * * *
The mechanical recipe for precision is there, the sights just don’t allow for it.
Overall * * * *
The Ruger “Carry Hawk” is a fever dream of an idea, exceptionally well executed.
Looks like a cowboy gun with derringer grips…just sayin’.
Birdshead grips originated with Darringers, but they were fairly common on Colt Peacemakers. Billy the Kid used one.
Ruger has been putting them on guns since about 2001.
Only 120 years after Billy’s death.
I agree with Debbie. I find good birdshead grips both elegant and ergonomic, but this J-frame-sized pair – on a revolver bigger than a 2011 or Glock 40 – looks like a Photoshop fail.
“9mm/.38 SPL/.357 Magnum”
Taurus already makes a revolver that is convertible in 9mm/.38 SPL/.357 Magnum. These are the types of guns I would be getting now. Any firearm that is convertible to as many different calibers as possible.
A well made break action 12 gage shotgun, can fire 20(?) different calibers of ammunition. The Judge revolver and the S&W governor can both fire 8 or 9 different calibers of ammo.
There are caliber adapter companies out there that make this possible. I know because I have some of their adapters for my guns.
Ruger has been making them for decades. In fact, the 357 / 38 / 9 mil was my first revolver, and that was before Al Gore invented the internet.
“and that was before Al Gore invented the internet.”
Thanks for the info. I didn’t know that Ruger made such a gun. But their .327 federal magnum caliber cowboy guns do look very exciting. Especially one with a 7.5 inch length barrel!!!
I’ve got a pair of Single Sixes at a smith now being rechambered for 327FM.
Yep, in 81, my buddy bought the Blackhawk Convertible 9/38/357 and I bought the 41. I wound up selling him the 41 later on and bought my Vaquero 357. I loved the 41, wish it would have taken off better. At that time I didn’t reload. Wish I had started reloading before I sold it. The 41 is a better caliber.
I have a buddy that is an absolute deer and antelope slayer with his 41. That was my instruction to it. Fantastic cartridge.
My experience with the Judge revolver is that you had best be nose to nose with your opponent if you expect to do any damage. I suspect that the weak rifling needed for shot shells was not conducive to solid round accuracy at all.
But maybe I just got a lemon.
FWIW, over the past ten or so years I’ve fired at least ten different Judges and PDs and have found visually apparent variations in their accuracy at 7-10 yards, although I can’t attest to the condition of the barrels in all instances. I currently own one blued PD 2” barrel and one SS Judge 3” barrel / 3” cylinder that both shoot freehand single-action consistently within 4” at ten yards with jacketed ammo and a clean barrel (i.e., w/o lead / copper fouling).
Well, I liked it until I saw the sights. Bleh.
If it had a nice deep square rear notch and a standard size tritium dot up front…
“The average trigger pull weight, as measured by my Lyman Digital Trigger Scale, is 4.62oz.”
Um, I’m fairly certain you meant “lbs.” there, not “oz.” A <5 ounce trigger pull would be so absurdly light it would practically go off if you looked at it funny.
Then again, I suppose it did work for Richard Boone…
Yup. 4lbs 6.2oz. Thanks for the catch.
Gotta chuckle about how much the barrel wavers while he’s holding it. Proves how important a two handed grip is.
One can become quite accurate will a single handed grip but it takes a lot of practice and exercise and still your aim will wobble all over what makes the difference is that you shoot on the fly and only when your eye/brain coordination tells you you’re on target. That’s why all the practice.
It is quite intriguing, but I would not be wont to touch off full-house loads with that grip. Ouch.
However… a Carry Hawk in .327 FED with eight (or nine?) shots… I just might want that.
I do believe there is a ‘single-seven’ version of this revolver in .327 Magnum – certainly an interesting piece!
There is. For the working cowboy (though I’m a goat Man) it’s probably the best revolver on the market. Sadly, they are very difficult to find.
Goat Man – The Next Marvel Superhero. Not to be confused with the Men Who Stare at Goats.
I had the Vaquero birdshead in .44 magnum and despite my XXL glove size it was quite comfortable to shoot, although I only shot 180gr loads. It had checkered grips that may be slightly different. I now have an Uberti 5-1/2″ birdshead and that grip is fatter than the Vaquero’s. I’d like to replace the .44, but I’ll probably opt for the .357 version. This Blackhawk would make sense if you need Ruger only power. It’s the same weight as the .44 Vaquero (the .357 is a little less) but the Vaqueros are 3-3/4″ barrels.
Or if you’re just looking for something a bit different in a SA revolver.
I have several Ruger SA revolvers and like them all for plinking and all-around fun, but I can’t recommend them for self defense against bad guys. Ejecting spent brass and reloading takes far too long. After shooting six rounds, you’re dead meat.
And please, spare me the BS about how nobody needs more than six rounds, or you’ll sound like Andrew Cuomo.
That’s why you carry lots of them. Not lots of bullets, lots of guns.
NY reload, FTW!
Many days I could carry two .38 snubs better than I could carry a G19, but that’s just me.
I’ve watched documentaries where the criminals boast about carrying 4 guns at one time.
The lobby scene in The Matrix comes to mind.
I could see not recommending A single action for self defense, but would have no problem recommending THEM for self defense. Six rounds not enough? Carry another revolver.
In all seriousness, everyone gets to assess their own threat level and arm (and train) themselves accordingly. For most people that means no gun at all. For some that means a pocket gun that’s far from optimal. There are still many people in the west who carry SAs for defense and they’re still effective tools at stopping a fight. And if you’ve ever watched a cowboy action shooting video on YouTube you’d know better than to mess with a cowboy. But yes, you’ll need a large boulder to hide behind for a minute or two when it comes time to reload. Still, have you had your cholesterol checked lately? Any cancer screenings? Odds are these are much more likely to save your hide than bullet #7.
“Odds are these are much more likely to save your hide than bullet #7.”
Well put, Gov., well put.
“And please, spare me the BS about how nobody needs more than six rounds…”
I don’t think that was mentioned here… however, it is always sensible to acknowledge edification from our forbearers- sometimes just having the gun is enough. Sometimes it only takes one shot. Sometimes six is ample. Other times multiple full-capacity magazines aren’t enough. On a really bad day… you might have to call in the fast movers.
Options are never a bad thing- but having something is essential.
I don’t NEED more than six rounds, but I certainly WANT more than six rounds. YMMV.
Does this mean they are making firearms again?
Did they stop?
I have had a new model Blackhawk convertable, 7 1/2″ barrel in .45LC/.45ACP for several decades and have taken Mule Deer out to 100 yards+ with no problem. My favorite hunting load is a 225 grain Hornady FTX with 26.2 grains of WW296 powder. Hornady’s load spec w.WW296 is 26.2 to start with a max of 27.2 grains of 296. Take my word for it, You DO NOT need more than 26.2 grains!! Anything heavy and the gun is “decidedly uncomfortable to shoot”!! plus the accuracy goes away.
That wouldn’t be the bullet I used, but assuming you can hit what you’re aiming at, there’s no reason it can’t get the job done. That recipe you’ve listed is generating more much energy at a hundred yards than a .45 ACP does at the muzzle.
It definitely does! It’s not a load I would want to shoot all day. Other than the test loads and sighting it in, I keep these, loads for hunting Deer& Elk( thicket & brush hunting).
I really improved the trigger of my Ruger by bending the legs on the hammer return spring. I only let certain people shoot it because it only takes a whisper to go off
I don’t know about that finish and the birds head grip on this one but that stainless Talo convertible model looks pretty sweet. The RSR group or lipsey’s convertibles with the bisley grip would be my choice. I’ve only shot a 45colt blackhawk with a bisley grip but that grip made recoil go away completely, not that factory 45 colt loads are very stout to begin with.
This looks like a restomod the old west rejected.
I have the same view of the Bird’s Head grip as you do–they do not fit my hand. I prefer the classic Colt design. I also like the adaptability of the .45 Colt to multiple bullets and loadings. Colt designed the round to hold 40 grains of black powder, but that was too much for soldiers of the day so they dropped it to 35 for factory loads.
According to the regs the Army specified an all up weight, including rider and all equipment, of 200 pounds. They restricted the troopers to a max weight of 140. Any more than that and you were infantry or artillery.
At the time the .45 Colt was issued the army was penny pinching to the extreme so practice ammo was very limited. Large caliber hand guns and carbines combined with little to no practice and slightly built troopers did not make for excellent shooting skills.
I try hard to fit 40gr of FF in, but no can do. 37 it is.
Thanks for the review. It’s an interesting looking gun.
But not attractive to me. I dislike bird’s head grip. For me, they reduce the fast handling characteristics of a thumbuster. At least in one-handed shooting.
I would much prefer that stainless Flat Top keeping in the photo.
What I really want is a Flat Top with a Sheriff’s -length barrel in 45 ACP or 40.
Been asking Ruger for it and also Lipseys. They always tell me ill like what they’ve come up with……5his one sure ain’t it.
Meh. I’ve always thought that Ruger was overpriced but did make a well designed and good looking pistol.
Not this thing.
Who do they think is buying this thing? Some jewelry maker? I can’t think of too many men I know who wouldn’t have hands that would not fit that grip.
Me especially. At almost a thousand? No thanks.
Ruger overpriced…
If Ruger is anything, it is not overpriced. It’s the best value for a single action on the market, and it has been for decades.
I agree (about these – their polymer semiautos and “American” bolt rifles are very competitively priced). Ruger has achieved a marvel of marketing, though not to the level of HK.
Both started out after WWII by mastering the cheapest means of mass production (investment casting for Ruger, stamping for HK). Ruger has moved from being the budget manufacturer of cast guns to being considered a mainstream / quality manufacturer, while HK has taken it a step further into the “premium” / “choice of the elite” market segment. Ruger was quality all along, but they have somehow managed to continue selling while jacking up the prices on some of their products far faster than inflation. A beautiful stainless Vaquero was my first handgun purchase in the mid 90s, cost in the $300s (500s today).
Now they have taken the approach of introducing dull-finished “entry level” guns, for what they used to charge for their mainstream product lines back when they were the entry-level guns – except in this case, where it’s a lot more.
This is a horible example of a good birdshead, i think Rugers Single 7 with a birdshead grip and 3.75 inch barrel would be cool, or the Birdhead Vacaro’s with a 3.75 inch barrel also..this meh, and i own and carry Ruger Blackhawks, To those who say i;ll die reloading, lol. Not yet!
You’re as likely to die reloading as they are to die clearing a jam.
My absolute favorite semi auto malfunction, and I see this nearly every time I go to a crowded bay area range, is the person getting the wrong grip on their pistol and when they bring it up the mag falls out.
Bloody marvelous.
When I first started shooting AR15s I discovered on a couple of occasions that the button that’s right where the crossbolt safety is on my 10-22 is actually a magazine release. Oops.
Familiarity with your weapons system is vital. If you shoot aspirins out of the air at cowboy action matches you probably should carry a single action revolver for self defense.
I never ever had to reload yet in the “real world”, weird….
Yet all the tacticool kids say im a dead man walking.
I dunno, when the first round to go off is 300 grains of plus P
I hope the tacticool kids brought hearing protection.
“Together, with the flats of the barrel, the 4 5/8″ length with the full-length ejector housing, the finish, the micarta grips and the un-fluted cylinders make for a gun that looks great.”
Sez you. I think it’s effin ugly, especially with that ridiculous birds head grip.
You know Ruger, when people asked for more “tactical” revolvers we meant a better competitor to the M&P R8 – Not this obsolete abomination…
“…handle the pressures of .45 ACP, but also the heavier 20,000 psi loads,…”
.45 ACP is a 20,000 psi cartridge.
“heavier (20,000 psi) .45 Colt loads” is what it actually says.
The .45 Colt is not typically a 20k psi cartridge.
Better than the plow handle grip would be the 1860 Army grip that the Italian mfgs are putting on Colt Clones.
Uberti’s Grizzly Paw, EMF’s Alchimista come to mind, particularly with the turned down hammer spur; about halfway between an 1873 spur and a Bisley spur. Great for American sized man hands.