Ruger LC9 Review

I like small guns. I find that that whole James Bond deep concealment thing strangely appealing. “I may be wearing a form-fitting black tux, but I still have this tiny pistol with which to kill you.” The idea of a highly deadly mouse gun may not be pure fantasy, but it’s close. The chances of fending off a bevy of bad guys with a pocket pistol are about the same as the odds of crossing the Atlantic in a Sunfish. It’s doable, but you’d have to be extremely talented and incredibly lucky.

No wonder James Bond traded his .25-caliber Beretta 418 for a .32-caliber Walther PPK. Which should make the new Ruger LC9 better still. It’s a small handgun with seven servings of 9mm stopping power. What’s not to like?

Aesthetically, the Ruger LC9 has it going on. Like it’s slightly larger sib (the TTAG reviewed SR9c), the new LC9 is a slim and sophisticated piece. It’s got great taste. Ruger’s toned down the SR9c’s garish graphics. And it’s more chillin’. The Arizona gunmaker dropped the striations on the front of the c’s slide and added a swoopy swage line. Reflecting its beyond-the-call-of-duty (black ops) attention to detail, the SR9’s snout tapers inwards at the end of the barrel. As someone funny used to say, schwing!

Relieved of any obligation to accommodate an under-snout light, the SR9’s got a stylishly sculpted nose. It morphs seamlessly into an elegant, elongated trigger guard—that allows for fast, unfettered access to the fingertip go-pedal. The LC9’s Ruger-standard color-contrasting ode to alcoholics—“loaded when up”—is the design’s only jarring element. Otherwise, the Ruger LC9’s good to stow.

Provided you don’t mind schlepping 17.1 ounces of handgun hither and yon. To put that in perspective, the Ruger LC9 weighs 2.5 ounces more than the Kel-Tec PF9. Or 6.3 ounces less than the Ruger SR9c and 4.4 ounces less than the twice-as-thick Glock 26. More experientially, Ruger’s smallest nine weighs about the same as a can of Campbell’s Homestyle Chicken Noodle Soup—and it’s a lot easier to hide on your person. In fact, you can slip a buck naked LC9 into your pocket and your gun-aversive amigos will still be happy to see you.

By the same token, if you’re looking for a featherweight firearm, Ruger’s LC9 weighs 7.7 ounces more than their wee LCP. Of course, you’d have to be tokin’ to compare the LC9 to the LCP. Although they’re both hammer-fired locked-breech single-stack handguns, the former chambers 9mm cartridges while the latter is home to .380 ammo. When it comes to stopping bad guys intent on murder most foul, you want bigger bullets. And you want a gun that can handle the more stout recoil that firing larger caliber projectiles entails. So you want a bit of heft.

Even so, the LC9 is a snappy little thing. Thanks to the base plate’s grip extension, it’s easy enough to get a proper hold of the gun. But keeping her nose down for follow-up shots requires a steady hand, a proper stance and a death grip; the checkering on the front of the LC9’s frame leaves a lasting impression on your bottom three fingers. After a while, it starts to sting the body electric.

I know: you don’t complain about the ride as you’re falling to earth underneath a parachute. But I’m not a big fan of the “shoot occasionally, carry daily” philosophy espoused by mouse gun makers. I’d rather stake my life on the old adage “practice makes perfect.” If shooting a gun is like shaking hands with a cactus, you ain’t gonna practice often enough to achieve more-than-merely-adequate proficiency, and I reckon you can’t have too much proficiency in the armed self-defense department.

That stat about most gunfights happening at less than 10 feet? It’s an average. Some are closer. Some are farther out. You want to bet your life that your date with destiny will happen at bad breath distance? Me neither. Hitting a target center mass beyond 10 feet with the Ruger LC9 will require some serious range time. Luckily, the LC9 is a highly accurate gun, and the sting is more annoying than off-putting. So there’s no reason why an LC9 owner shouldn’t fire off a hundred rounds at a time, and lots of reasons why he or she should.

Including the fact that you only get eight (seven plus one) chances to stop a threat to life and limb. It’s important not to get carried away by the idea that the LC9’s ammo is clearly superior to .25, .32 or .380 for self-protection. While nine’s a big step up, an LC9 owner still needs to accept the truth about their gun: solid hits are no guarantee of immediate threat cessation. Which is also true for a .40, .45 or .357, only less so. You figure out how much gun you can carry, you pays your money and you takes your chances.

Judging from my experiences at the range, the LC9’s reliability isn’t an issue. Our T&E LC9 feasted on 500 rounds of a variety of ammo, including Independence, Fiocchi, Hornaday, Wilson Combat and Blazer. Thanks to proper three-dot sights, target acquisition was similarly stress-free. Despite a sight radius shorter than Tom Cruise, lining-up a target with the LC9 quickly becomes instinctive. Crimson Trace makes a handy nose-mounted laser and there’s always point shooting for close quarters combat.

Although I’m a regular shooter (all hail Activia), I’m better at making love than war. Still, I know a valuable tool when I see one (so to speak). The video below was taken after about an hour of gettin’ to know you time, from just over 10 feet. That’ll do, pig.

Unless you need to reload, ’cause the LC9 only comes with one magazine. Ruger’s website offers Italian-made spare mags for $32 and $37 (flat butt plate or extended). Given that the LC9 that clocks in at four bills, Ruger should have pushed the proverbial boat out and thrown-in an extra metaphorical life preserver. Or bit the bullet, upped the price and included two spare magazines. At the same time, LC9 owners with spare mags are hereby warned that this genre of gun guarantees that you’ll leave a large DNA sample in the mag well at some point in your shooting adventures.

As you’d expect for a pistol that may spend most of its life lingering in pocket lint of owners who see their dentist more often than a range safety officer, the Ruger semi-automatic has a looooong double-action-only trigger pull. How long? It makes War and Peace seem like a graffiti tag. The point at which the LC9’s trigger breaks is so close to the frame that there’s no point trying to get a feel for it. It’s best to simply pull the LC9’s 6.3 lbs. trigger revolver-style, in one smooth movement. There’s no stacking or sticking, so mastery is yours for the taking.

Provided you’ve got a mag in the gun (there’s a magazine disconnect safety) and switched off the frame-mounted safety. The latter design “feature” is the most compelling reason not to add a Ruger LC9 to your arsenal. If you’re left-handed, say no more. If you’re right-handed, let me put it this way: a self-defense pistol with an under-slide safety is like a condom with a tiny hole. The cost of failure is too high to take the chance.

Setting aside this issue (for the benefit of 1911 owners with frame safeties the size of small airplane wings), it’s practically impossible to re-engage the LC9’s manual safety with your right thumb. And that’s without an adrenalin dump turning your fingers to flippers. Ruger probably added an extra degree of difficulty to prevent an unintentional “safety on” situation knowing that the vast majority of LC9 owners will switch it off, period. Thanks for the thought, but not having a frame-mounted safety would be the ideal solution.

Of course, James Bond doesn’t have that problem (or the spare tire). Civilians are well advised to choose a self-defense gun that doesn’t require a lot of thought, encourages daily carry, enables accurate shooting and provides the most and greatest stopping power you can handle.

For me that’s a 13-round Springfield XD-M 45 with a spare magazine that weighs as much as the Ruger LC9. For you, a Ruger LC9 with a lightweight spare mini-mag or two may be a better choice. The LC9 doesn’t hit like a brick through a stain glass window, but it will penetrate windshield glass and pass the FBI’s penetration test. The LC9’s cheaper to fire than a .380 and a whole lot better than nothing.

Come to think of it, the LC9 would also make a mighty fine backup gun. If it didn’t have a frame-mounted safety. Finding the perfect concealed carry piece. Not so easy, eh Mr. Bond?


Caliber: 9mm Luger
Capacity: 7+1
Sights: Adjustable 3-Dot
Barrel Material: Alloy Steel
Barrel Finish: Blued
Barrel Length: 3.12 inches
Slide Material: Through-Hardened Alloy Steel
Slide Finish: Blued
Grip Frame: Black, High Performance, Glass-Filled Nylon
Price: $443

RATINGS (out of five)

Style * * * * *
Black goes with everything; Ruger’s house style gets even more suave and sophisticated.

Ergonomics * * * *
Slim fits, and the pinkie extension makes all the difference. Star withheld for overly aggressive checkering on the front of the grip.

Ergonomics Firing * * *
This is not the range toy you’re looking for. Still, not too punishing to practice. Highest quality ammo (e.g. Wilson Combat) helps reduce felt recoil.

Reliability * * * * *
Fired everything fed without complaint.

Customize this * * * * *
Crimson Trace makes a clever snout-mounted laser. What else do you need?

Overall Rating * * * * 1/2
Make the frame-mounted safety an option and we’re there.



  1. I had a nagging doubt when I first saw pics that the safety was a wee bit small. Now it’s confirmed. That aside, I am always impressed by the accuracy Ruger can eek out of their weapons. Guess that’s why they’re the most popular hand gun manufacturer. Thanks for the great review oh fearless leader.

    • Your finger probably slipped on the keyboard when you were typing “eke”, and it wrote “eek” instead. (That’s a little sound Betty Boop makes when she sees a mouse.)

    • I just bought one and shot about 20 rounds with it. I really like it. However, Couple minor problems. The slide is very stiff and with a round in the gun the slide loaded pop up failed to popup. Seems the slide did not close completely. A lite bump with my thumb closed it
      I bought a two extra Magazines and heck the springs are so stiff that I could not get 7 rounds into the Magazine non of them. 6 in one and 5 in the other two. On the LC6 I opened the slide and just let it store for a few days. The Magazines I loaded them up with 5 rounds and will let them soak for a few days then go to the range and fire about 100 rounds through it. Oh I did Disassemble a clean out all the grease. Funny thing the pin when I removed it with the Key flew out and ended up in my hair. be careful as it went flying. Other than what I really like the LC9. I just need more time with it at the range.

      • Bill you’ll have to take apart the Magazine and re-align the spring. My LC9 had this issue with the one it came with. Took the Mag apart and fixed the spring and it accepted all 7.

      • I had the same problem. The problem solved itself after the first few times I reloaded. All the springs come into their own. The whole gun is so tight it needs plenty of break-in time.

        Do some reloading and dry firing.

          • Kent,
            I bought plastic bullets, caps. Several different calibers for my four pistols. However, when my daughter selected the LC9, the gun shop fitted her for it. She dried-fired it a few times at the counter. I think a few dry fires wouldn’t hurt it, but again, go buy those caps. They’re cheap enough.

  2. I think the size is right on: bigger than the ittybitty 380s while still compact enough for pocket carry. I think this gun will do very well for my purposes.

    • Love the line drawings, but they rarely show the relative widths of each pistol. To me the thickness tells me how hard it will be to hide under regular clothes.

  3. Ummm, .380 auto IS 9mm – 9×16, IIRC. Makarov is 9×17, Parabellum 9×18.

    But the 9 will throw a longer, heaver bullet…

    • You’re a millimeter in length short.
      Parabellum – 9×19
      Makarov – 9×18
      .380 Auto – 9×17

      • Thanks, Joe. That’s gonna be my excuse, too. 🙂

        Sure didn’t mean in any way to demean Robert or the LC9, esp as I have an LCP on my person as I type…

        • The .380 is so named because the case is .380 diameter. The bullet is same diameter as the 9mm Parabellum.

  4. I have the LC9. I love it. I spent weeks exploring pocket/ankle rockets and kept coming back to this one. That annoying safety feature you refer to as a deal killer is not fair to this little weapon. I actually like that feature and encourage its use. My LC9 is carried in a Fobus KTP11 holster just to the right of the center of the small of my back, with the butt facing my right hip. When I draw, with a round already chambered, it’s simply a gesture of throwing that safety down as I bring the weapon to bear. I like knowing it’s engaged for the simple fact that if it is wrestled from my body, that person is automatically going to squeeze the trigger & then panic when it does not go ‘boom’. This just bought me valuable time to regain control of that weapon, draw another weapon, or ‘un-ass’ the A.O. in a hurry. I think you are needlessly faulting this superb little weapon, but I do agree that unless you are commiting to range time and familiarization drills, it’s best to leave the safety disengaged, and if you’re going to do that, you should encourage an empty chamber style carry. The Ruger LC9 is an easily concealed, shooter friendly weapon, combined with a Fobus KTP11 holster & a Fobus 4500P dual mag holder, you are ready for any scenario that forces you draw.
    Just my two cents worth to a great overall review… keep up the informative good work!

    • Holy jeez! a little touchy about your baby aren’t ya? And listen folks I’m all for being safe. But carry with an empty chamber? Really? How realistic is that? If you are in a situation that you need to draw and fire your weapon to protect life or limb you are going to need that first round RIGHT NOW! Advocating carry with an empty chamber is like saying you should only carry a dull knife.

      • “When I draw, with a round already chambered, it’s simply a gesture of throwing that safety down as I bring the weapon to bear.”

        Besides the fact that the empty chamber carry is a long military and police tradition for 300 years and standard practice with many military organizations including the Israeli Defense Forces, the commenter made NO mention of empty chamber carry.

        • Everyone has a different style I guess…I can chamber a round faster on the LC9 than flip off the stiff safety…it depends on how you practice.

        • Three hundred years ago if you didn’t have ‘one in the chamber’ then you had better have plenty of time to load it as all weapons in 1813 were muzzle loaders. This also brings into question this ‘300 years of tradition’ you speak of. Also – you can REALLY – using two hands (as is necessary) retract the slide, release more quickly than you can flip the safety off with your thumb? Sorry, don’t think so.. The whole purpose of concealed carry is ability to produce the weapon rapidly and fire, not produce the weapon, chamber a round (“Gimme a minute..”)
          and then find your target ( he will be on your head by then), and fire. I strongly recommend you reconsider your position on this subject.

        • 36 years in Army and the combat arms—you are a damn fool to carry an auto pistol for self defense with an empty chamber. Takes two hands to rack that first round in before you can even start bringing the pistol to bear on the threat to pull the trigger. Your attacker is not going to wait until he or she attacks you to put a round in the chamber. Why wold you wait until you are attacked to do so yourself? Just saying!!!

    • Had the same experience searching for a comfortable concealed carry gun in 9mm. Kept coming back to the LC9 and the Shield. Price difference was a factor, but what made me decide was putting each one in my IWB holster back by my right kidney. Hands-down winner was LC9. Went to the range today, but had to use the outdoor lanes – closest butt was about 40′. Oh, well, maybe I’ll get a shot on the paper, if I’m lucky. Braced the gunhand on a rifle rest, and, bang, first shot in the 9 ring! Started shooting Weaver-style and was delighted at results. This one is an every-day keeper. Hate to give up the prestige of toting my Kimber Ultra Carry, but don’t miss having to pull up my pants every few steps!

  5. Just purchased mine two day’s ago, I also found the Trigger Pull a little on the heavy side !!, and “Lumpy ” to boot, I’m seeing 7 x 1, but no one has said if it’s safe to carry with a full house, and the safety off ?, carried the Walther PPK/s for near hand 40 years, just got too heavy, as my waist became more mature, I was hoping the LC9 would help me out.

    • George, you can easily add a new trigger for $68. Look up Galloway Precision on Youtube for videos and reviews.

      It takes it from stock to about a 4.5 to 5 lb trigger.

      You can also remove the magazine disconnect safety and manual safeties quite easily, although I would never remove a manual safety on any gun.

      If you own a 1911, a manual safety is second nature.

      • I have the Galloway trigger mod. It does remedy the loooong trigger pull and moves the break forward. I like that aspect. But it is not perfect. The modified hammer reduces the length of hammer travel in that the hammer isn’t pulled back as far before being released. This results, or can result in light strikes. This hasn’t been a problem for me using Federal Hi Shok ammunition but is a problem when shooting ammo with hard primers.

  6. – Slide mounted? The safety is obviously frame mounted.

    – All you no-safety folks will think the safety is stupid right up until the time you drag the zipper pull on your jacket into your holster and discharge a round that enters mid-thigh, and exits through your ankle.

    – I don’t know about stained glass, but 115 gr. Corbon DPX works pretty good against windshield glass. 1225 fps. out of a 17 oz. package that is as easy to carry as a snubby, shoots through car doors, windshield glass, gypsum board, etc., and still handily aces an FBI denim/gelatin test on the other side…

    That’s pretty hard to beat, IMO. Try that with a .380, or .38 spl.

    These little single stack nines are sweet. If I have to practice more to master the little fistfuls of fury, that is time well spent. Good thing 9mm is cheaper to shoot than the alternatives.

    • – Frame. I mean to write frame-mounted (did in other paces). My bad. Text amended.
      – Wow. A zipper pull ND. I am so getting Foghorn to see if he can recreate that one. With snap caps Thanks!
      – The stain glass reference was a quote from M when he gives Bond his Walther. Still point taken; I didn’t mean to leave the impression that it wasn’t a “serious” round. Text stolen and amended.
      – Agreed. Cost consideration added as well.
      – If you’re interested in reviewing guns, ping gutruth@me,com

        • Exactly, how do you carry a revolver safely? Do they have a safety on them now? A DAO pistol has the same function as a revolver. You do not start pulling the trigger while in the pocket. Every time I see the gun show accident, I have to wonder if some one else put a round in the chamber. Every gun that I have seen at a gunshow has been checked at the door, by a cop, to make sure there are no rounds in the gun.

        • Raven, there are no such things as firearm accidents. Someone, did something, they should not have done. Guns don’t fire by themselves. A finger has to be in the trigger to make it fire. If you re-read the Burress story, you will see that he was pulling his Glock from his pocket, and oops, his finger “accidentally” found its way into the trigger…and voila, another accident. Right? Wrong. How many times have we seen stories about someone cleaning their gun and it accidentally went off. Really? That’s like saying I got in my car, floored it as I was backing out of my garage without looking, and ran over my neighbor. I’ll just tell the cops it was an accident.

        • Yes, these are not “accidents”. They are examples of carelessness. I think the term careless puts the burden right where it belongs, on the individual. The Glock has three safeties that make the gun impossible to fire until a finger rests against the trigger which disengages the first of the three safeties. Apply a slight more pressure and the second and third safeties release. Add a slight bit more pressure and then the gun can fire. No accidents here, just careless gun handling.

      • I don’t want you on my Bond trivia team. It’s “…hits like a brick through a plate glass window”, not stained glass.

    • LOL What are the odds? You would think it’s dumb to walk around without a hardhat on until you inadvertantly walk under a construction sight, and a brick falls on your head and cracks your skull.

  7. Thank you for your outstanding overview of the Ruger LC9. It really helps a lot to people like me who is considering to purchase a gun without any standard to compare. I agree about the Corbon DPX 115 grain…awesome ammo!


  8. I just got one these this weekend and put a hundred rounds through it without cleaning it first, just swabbed the barrel. It worked every time. Sights were close and recoil IMO was less than PF9 Keltec. I carry 1911’s and a CZ75 compact regularily so the safety is no problem. The trigger on the other hand will require a bit of practice. It’s just like my revolvers except it breaks closer to the rear. Overall, for 350 bucks and being so easy to carry, I have no regrets about getting one.

  9. I bought one 2 weeks ago and I love it! I put 100 rounds down the pipe the day I bought it without a hiccup. Last week I put another 200 through it, again zero malfunctions and my grouping was pretty impressive. I am definitely a fan of the LC9!

  10. I’ve had the LC9 for about a month now (I own 7 Glocks, a sig, an H&K and several Smiths). After about 500 rounds, I can say that the LC9 is a good weapon for its purpose (concealed carry, single stack 9, with a threat within 21 feet). I know many shooters and CC individuals bemoan the safeties and the “Loaded when up” tab; however, after several visits to the range, I found the gun to be an effective (when loaded with the proper ammo), reliable weapon. It has become my second favorite CC , behind my G26.

  11. Is this gun small enough to carry in your pocket? How would you compare it to the Kahr PM9 so far as concealability, accuracy, recoil?

  12. I also own a LCP; it is an excellent pocket pistol. However the LC9 is just a tad too big. I am not familiar with Kahr weapons; however, I actually took my LC9 and my Glock 26 to the range today. At 21 yards, I had a fairly tight spread for center mass on a Silhouette target with my LC9. However, using my G26, my hits were much tighter, almost all in the ten ring. (I strive for double taps in under a second and a half.) An explanation might be the LC 9’s sharper recoil and much longer trigger pull. The LC9 is lighter and narrower than the G26, making it a more comfortable concealed carry.
    I’ve put over 500 rounds thru my new LC9 with no malfunctions. I’ve also put thousands of rounds thru my G26 with no malfunctions. In my opinion, the LC9 is a good weapon. The Glock 26 is a better weapon. For me, the ultimate question to ask a shooter or concealed carry individual is would they buy the weapon again. My answer for the LC9 is yes.

  13. I have an lc9 and like it better than my lcp. The LC9 stoved on the first shot and has not burped since. I went through 3 lcps before I learned to grip it tightly. I still like my lcp , but the stronger 9mm lc9 is great. I would not consider it a mouse gun, maybe a warf rat or badger gun.

  14. Just bought the LC9 yesterday..what a nice weapon. Dry firing ..yes the trigger pull is long but oh so smooth at least on mine. My serial number is 320-15xxx the one above in photo is 320-17xxx so I have one earlier built ? The mags are made in Italy and I checked the springs very strong and that’s good. Coming from a service issued weapon Beretta 92fs with decocker the safety on the lc 9 will be of no problem to me ..I don’t appreciate the loaded sign that appears up on the top of slide nor the other locks etc but we have to live with these liberal elitist’s that make these very ignornat laws in Calif any event a over all “winner” as Charlie would say…

  15. Robert, we appreciate your link to our image overlay. We have looked into these micro 9mm pistols a bit more lately. I am impressed how Ruger smoothed off the entire LC9. The Sig is a lot more boxy than we originally thought. The Kimber was nice, but felt somewhat odd in the hand (thin grip with wider slide). The price difference amongst these guns is MIND BLOWING!!! Not sure how Sig can ask almost 2x what Ruger asks.
    We want to try out another Ruger LC9 because the one we tried out had a lot of play in the slide mechanism. It could be manipulated side to side and did not feel as sturdy as the LCP. I still wish Ruger would have sized it down more. It is pushing the limits of a pocket pistol. Granted the print of the Sig is pushing those limits as well.

  16. You said it yourself that the trigger pull on this weapon is extremely long. Knowing this, you could probably do without switching on the manual safety at all if you hate it that much. What really is the difference between a weapon without a manual safety and you not switching this safety on? You really think that “trigger safety” does anything other than make for a good advertising gimmick?? So basically, my point is that the frame-mounted safety IS optional. It’s optional if you choose to use it or not.

    Also, I have no clue why you would choose to use a hip holster for a weapon like this. This is a pocket gun, full stop. My pocket gun is the S&W 642 5-shot DAO revolver for when I’m with my girlfriend. If I’m not out with my girlfriend, I’ll wear my 1911 via a hip holster, but I don’t even have a hip holster for the S&W, just a pocket holster. And please, invest in an undershirt for goodness sakes!! lol

    And just a bit of advice, try to practice pulling your shirt and drawing with the same hand in one clean motion. Don’t rely on the pulling your shirt up with your weak hand thing that I know some instructors like to teach. It’s a bad habit. Imagine if your weak hand was disabled or you’re using it to fend off a knife attack or a physical attack from someone, will you be able to pull your shirt and draw your weapon smoothly in that situation since you practice a method that requires the other hand??

    Anyway, don’t get offended, obviously you know what you’re doing, and like I said, I know the method you have chosen is a legitimate method that many well qualified instructors like to teach, but I’ve always taught to always be prepared for the worst. In this case, it’s to be prepared for the possibility that you might not have that other hand available to pull your shirt out of the way.

    Anyway, good review on the weapon. None of the places here have them, I’m waiting to see one in person. The thing that concerns me the most is the trigger. If the trigger is just long but smooth, that’s no big deal, but if it’s sloppy or isn’t consistent, that’s a deal-breaker for me. The trigger on my 642 is not extremely long, but it’s very heavy. But it’s also very smooth so it’s not that bad.

    • The worry: that the LC9’s safety WILL be engaged (somehow) and the owner won’t know it until he or she’s in a self-defense situation. Even if they figure it out, at the point, switching that little thing off will be next to impossible.

      Thanks for the heads-up on drawing technique. Noted and logged.

      • Really?? It’s next to impossible to switch the safety off? Are you on drugs, I own an LC9 and holding it in my right hand with the safety on engaged, it’s as easy as a school girl on prom night to switch off with a quick flick downward of my thumb, it couldn’t be more easier. So I’m not sure if this guy has ever held an LC9 in his right hand before, but believe me when I say with 100% certainty that flicking the safety off when needed couldn’t be smoother!

        • I can second that. The safety is easy to flip off with thumb. It requires definite intent to put the safety on, which is good. It is easy to turn off which is also good. And for those who prefer, the safety can be left in the off condition.

    • WOW! OK, so I know I can be a bit of a smart a$$. But really? Is everyone gonna go through here and pick apart this guy’s review? I’ve read down to here and so far I’ve learned that if I don’t turn on the safety I’m gonna shoot myself in the leg with my zipper. But if I insist on carrying without engaging the “safety” I carry with an empty chamber so the bad guy will be safe from me being able to quickly draw and fire. And I should imagin I’m handycaped everywhere when I train or the one handed zipper nd monster could get me. LOL You people are so freakin funny! Well, your hearts are in the right place. God bless your pointy lil heads.

      • yeah! what he said! haha. the armchair quarterbacking in the handgun world never ceases to amaze me, especially since most of the people commenting online haven’t written reviews themselves (and some haven’t even handled the guns in question). grain of salt, folks. and as that hyped tactifool always covers his tracks with, YMMV.

        (great review, and your ability to write as well as entertain shone through for an enjoyably read.)

  17. One clarification question on the frame mounted safety. Does the reviewer imply the weapon’s thumb safety will actually fail, or that the operator of the LC9 will fail to deactivate it and leave the LC9 on safe mode when intending to aim and fire. Thank you.

  18. It was love at first sight. The pistol is accurate and because I concentrate so much on the long trigger pull, I don’t even notice the recoil. Maybe old age has dulled my senses, but the recoil seemed very manageable to me. Regarding the safety. I carried a revolver for years and never did find the safety. I own Glocks and M&Ps sans safeties and don’t feel the need for one. Great review by the way!

  19. Bought the lc 9 two days ago. Since then I have put 450+ rds or so through it. I am a leo so I depend on my weapons for my personal safety and safety of others. I am also a long time combat firearms instructor and will be carrying this in the field as a back up weapon on my curent high risk detail. This weapon is extremely reliable and accurate. I found it to have no defects. Yes it has too many safety gadgets of which you don’t have to utilize them if you don’t want. Manual safety decockers turn keys lawyers safeties all a waste in my opinion but just forget them. The only item on this weapon I am altering will be the mag release block which inhibits the firing of the weapon if the mag is disconnected or drops .. I need a weapon that will still fire when the mag is either in or out of the mag well. So beyond that I am recommending this weapon to all my counterparts based on reliability , accuracy, concealment -size and weight and oh yes when shooting the recoil is so much better then in similiar weapons single stacked nines I wouldn’t have a KelTec or Kahr based on their finish feel reliability and accuracy non existant….but each person certainly has his own right to his opinion.. that’s mine and I depend on firearms for a living..some of my guy are carrying the s&w Bodyguard 380 spec law enf model with safety removed by S&W with super vel ammo .. It’s no good .380 doesn’t have the wound efficiency or penetration close to a 9mm..I wish you all a great year and stay safe..

    • I got rid of my lc9 because everytime I fired it my middle finger would hit the mag release button and the mag would drop out. Also the mag would pull out with a minor amount of pull pressure with out the mag release button engaged sent it back to ruger but the problem persisted. I would not buy this gun I would stick with the Taurus tcp .380 or a compact kimber.

  20. Having needed a “summer” carry alternative to my thicker Glocks 19 & 26, I found what I wanted in in the LC9. The slim flat design, and lighter weight easily made this my every day deep concealed carry choice. Having looked closely at the other micro 9mm, such as the Kimber Solo($$$$), Kahr PM9 ($$$$), I felt the LC9($$1/2), for the considerable difference in price, offered quality design, reliability, and punch.
    Many reviews have bemoaned the safety, loaded chamber indicator, and the long trigger pull, but a couple of boxes of 115gr FMJ later, and some concentrated practice, the pistol is a breeze to draw and shoot. The loaded chamber indicator is a non issue either during the sighting, carrying, or drawing process. My 7 yard slow fire groups were all 1-2″ at most, and only 2-3″ during rapid fire. At 25 yards, a slightly different story, but still able to put 90% of shots on the 18″ target with some grouping. Still working on the 25 yard distance and improving. Not a tack driver at that distance, but I wouldn’t want to be standing down range either. The gun is combat accurate at 7 to 15 yards though, and that’s as good as I hoped it would be.( Actually a good deal more accurate than I am). I like and have found no fault with the adjustable sights.
    There were ZERO malfunctions through 200 rounds, and the ejector throws casings another 5 feet further than my Glock 26. Recoil is snappy but not unmanagable. Not for the wimpy hand however. I did not try a light grip like some have, so I cannot comment on the possible effects. I have trained with the safety and find it easy to locate, easy to disengage, and feel somewhat better with it pointed toward my tool box during carry than I do my Glock.

    Coming from a bit of a Glock Advovate, overall I am pleased with my purchase, and given some training, I carry it with confidence.

    So…if Glock comes out with a single stack slim version of it’s reliable design which is as concealable as the LC9, I’ll probably buy it, but I think I’m also holding on to this little gem.
    Good Luck, and stay (be) safe!

  21. It’s funny, after years and years of collecting larger guns, I have spent the last year hunting down mostly truly concealable and COMFORTABLE guns to carry. To that end, I have purchased a Kel-Tec PF-9, Taurus TCP 380 and am eyeing a used S&W 32 HR mag airweight (already have the 442). I admit, I did pick up a PT-111 used and it’s nothing special, just goofy heine – 8 sites… works and is relatively accurate just a bit…..odd…..clunky comes to mind….

    Bottom line, I think this gun has something going for it and I am comparing this to my PF-9 mostly. I have finally mastered the PF-9 where I can throw double-taps fairly quickly and accurately to 7 yards and on a good day, 10. The gun is accurate enough, anything that flies is my fault and no one elses, ergo the practice.

    However, I have to tell you that the PF-9 KICKS…..even with Wally-Mart 115gr hardball!!! NO joke. Those of you that own one will probably agree. This gun is reliable but, not ultra refined. I’m constantly looking for ways to make the action that much smoooooother. No matter, if functions fine with certain hollow points but, I never go past 115 grains due to recoil. It’s enough already and that’s at a range with no andrenalin pumping (Read: not in front of a real bad guy).

    So, I have to believe this pistol will be a bit better at handling the 9mm and quite possibly, the 124/125 grain HP’s out there. Plus P’s? Probably not. I just believe that smaller, short barreled pistols and revolvers should be practiced with double-taps. The MV is not up to 4″ or 6″ standards and there is something to be said about that.

    If this thing can digest 124/125 grain HP’s without any undue recoil, it’s a winner…better to get 2 in the thoracic cavity QUICKLY than to anticipate the unpleasantness of a plus p in a bad situation? Just me. All the range time in the world is never, ever going to completely get me ready although it will go a long way to developing rote memory. I just want to give myself every chance possible.

    The same can be said of the .38 snubbie (442). It’s not really pleasant to shoot. I recently tried some 110 grain Hollow Points and they did, indeed, help. That’s exactly why I am looking at the .32 HR mag. I want to develop such natural shooting instincts with all my short guns that it’s almost instinctive shooting with 2 quick pops before I start checking the condition of the recipient. I think it will do. OSS is fine but, 2SS are better? Especially if they are, for the most part, within 6 inches of each other, center mast. Not too many people can take that kind of abuse if fired in under a 1/2 second me thinks. Your results may vary.

    I want to pick one of these up after the hype dies away. As it relates to the others, the .380 is a joy to carry but, doesn’t leave all that much in the confidence department… just seems so……light when it goes bang? However, I do find myself carrying it if NOTHING else fits the bill so it DOES have a place…..better to have one when needed than need one and not have it? Said a different way, I want to shoot him/her before they shoot me…..even if it’s a .380!!! And boy, does it conceal!!!

    No matter, this one looks like it might be the ultimate in concealed carry. Small , yet packs a sufficient punch with the newer ammo selections…..KAHR size withouth the KAHR size price! Now that, might be a winner. Thanks for the professional write up. I will try that safety as you mentioned to see how hard it is to manipulate. If the trigger rivals a revolver, I’ll just treat it like the other auto-revolver, PF-9….pull, point, bang….repeat….the bang part anyhow….

  22. Hi Robert,

    I’m a female and about to purchase my first gun, and it will be for CC purposes…. would you prefer the Kahr cw9 or the Ruger Lc9? Sig P290 is in the mix too. Just want your opinion.
    Love the Kahr due to the fit in hand and trigger pull – cop husband is seemingly bigger on Ruger or perhaps Sig. What’s your take? Rachel

  23. If you don’t like the frame safety then don’t use it. Just leave it in the firing position. I just don’t understand folks who get their shorts all in a bunch over a safety. I’ve ready enough accounts of people accidentally shooting themselves when putting a gun into their pants to know that a safety isn’t a bad idea. And if you are going to carry a gun, then you should be getting to the range and practicing at least once a month.

  24. I haven’t purchased an LC9 but I have handled one at the gun shop more than a few times. The gun shop owner told me he can’t keep them in the shop & next to the LCP its one of his best sellers. I actually have 2 LCP’s and I like them a lot Ruger has hit the mark with this one & the thought I have had is maybe Ruger has done it again with the LC9. The LCP is an easy carry gun & having two allows for a quick “reload” without an extra mag to handle. As a gun nut I am always looking (excuses, excuses!) but when I saw the LC9 for the first time it caught my interest. The LCP has a bite and although I haven’t shot the LC9 it is definately easier in the hand than the LCP especially someone with big hands. I don’t have a problem with the safety and it wouldn’t keep me from buying one. I think a safety is a good idea actually. When I carry my LCP’s I don’t have a round in the chamber & I practice racking when I pull so it is a reactive thing. If I buy an LC9 & I end up carrying it I might use the safety or I might stick with the racking methond I am use to. Not sure about a two gun carry with the LC9 but I don’t think when the lead is flying and especially near or at you a extra mag is an option either.
    I have carried a .32 1903 Colt which is heavy when comparied to the LCP or the LC9. I can be very accurate with 1903 & its an easy gun in the hand and the recoil is mild. I have retired it to my “field” gun when I walk in our pasture or woods.
    Rob Drummond

      • Yes you are right about the potential of a a loaded round being fired if a 1903 were dropped. That is one reason why I don’t carry one in the chamber & train that way. But it is a nice handling pistol.
        Rob Drummond

    • Rob – I am replying to you because of your comments about carrying with an empty chamber, and racking as you draw. A good friend and I had a discussion about this same practice recently. He adopted this method, for safety reasons, after reading some things about how the Swiss military trains their personnel in this fashion. I am looking for a new carry piece, and one I really like is the Sig P238. I have decided against this piece because I feel I would have to carry with an empty chamber — because I usually carry in a Smart Carry holster/pouch, and wouldn’t be comfortable with a cocked and locked SA pistol in this position — and the “what if” is, what if I were in a situation where I had been attacked and only had one hand available to draw and fire? Being able to draw a loaded weapon and fire into an attacker could be the “life or death difference.”

      I’m not attacking you, just asking if you’ve ever considered this scenario in your decision to carry with an empty chamber?

      • Hello SentryAgent,
        Thanks for your comment and sorry for a late reply. I have considered the risk of having only one hand and like you I have had this discussion with a friend. He prefers the loaded chamber but because his is a revolver it’s a different issue. This friend of mine has dual citizenship with Israel and has had experince with the Israel armed forces. The Israels train using a racking method with every firearm they use even when they pick one up on a battlefield. When I carry the Colt 1903 it was certainly for safety reasons that I didn’t have one in the chamber. But I have have practiced this method a lot and I am comfortable with it. I have a Ruger SR9C which is a nice carry gun although I haven’t carried it yet (can’t find a holster). With the safety I might consider using it. I know a couple people who like me use the racking method and practice one hand racking with the rear sight on their pants or belt. I haven’t tried that yet.
        Rob Drummond
        Hillsboro, NH

        • I might try that business of one-handed racking with belt or pants. My only question is how many times did this method drop your pants at the range before you got the knack of it?

  25. Got my Lc9 three weeks ago sent it back next day.They had to replace the Blocker lever, Front sight ,Hammer and Trigger bar. Front sight was and upgrade. Just got it back. Shot 50 rounds and it stopped fireing completely. Just retuned it requesting a new one. Not too happy with it so far.

  26. it’s interesting reading through all these posts. I have been debating the LC9 vs the LCP. one guy here said that the 9mm will shoot through car doors, windshields etc and is soo powerful, and that the 38 won’t do that, like it’s substantially a less powerful gun. but can one not get a decent +p round for a 38? and really if you are talking shooting an intruder at 6,10, or 20 feet, would not a LCP do the job just as well as the LC9 if you hit him in a decent spot? so it really comes down to how comfortable it is to carry. I have a kel tec P11 and it is in the same size range as the LC9, just slightly too big, barely too big. but then again I feel like the LCP is so damm small. i’ts a hard choice and I have gone back and forth on it. but since I have the kel tec I think I will try the smaller, true pocket pistol LCP. I really wanted something that is so very convienient to just grab and go and not mess with fancy holsters that take time to put on. but then I read about ohh, a 38 won’t stop a crazed crackhead, you need a 45 etc, but for me I just need something that I will carry every day and is still going to do it’s job if needed. any opinions on the two guns compared would be appreciated.

    I also heard something about the LCP’s trigger pull as not as long and smoother than the LC9?

  27. Haven’t spent the time to read other comments. Just wanted all to know the safeties work flawlessly. Not an issue. Use or don’t. Bought a Hogue Handall Jr. grip hoping it would add a little more to the grip size without over doing it and add more comfort. A+ rating for both concerns. Cheap investment. Worked so well they could add it as a value added feature to the purchase of the gun. Also ordered a DeSantis “The Nemesis” pocket holster. Beautiful. DeSantis and Hogue are two affordable and dependable companies. Ruger, add both of these to your gun package. Save us all the time and effort.

    • sid, I too just bought the rubber grip for either my kel tec or the LCP, it’s cheap so why not? and those little pocket holsters are great. looks just like you have a wallet on you unless your pants are very thin, then one can sort of see the handle but if you cover that up with a nice long shirt your ok.

      as far as the LCP vs the LC9 thats why I went with the LCP since reading a lot of negative comments on the LC9, although I”m sure it’s a fine gun. I love the quality of ruger products, they just feel good when you pick one up, ergonomics I guess you would call it

    • adding a grip glove made a world of difference in the way it fit my hand. The trigger on mine is very smooth, just loooooong. but with practice not a problem. Ruger rates this gun as holding a 2″ group at ten yards from a sand bag rest.

  28. Follow up to Jim Nix, April 20, 2011. I bought an LC-9 and I’m selling it ASAP. Initially, overall loved the gun, looks, feel, sight picture and accuracy. Like most DOA pistols, the trigger pull is L-O-N-G but predictable. Didn’t like the small thumb safety, loaded chamber indicator, internal lock or the fact that the trigger will not function without magazine installed. Without the magazine installed, the trigger just moves on the trigger spring, like in neutral (more on that later). The internal lock requires a special “key” that has to go through a hole in the frame (not centered well on the gun I received, so somewhat difficult to use). When the internal lock is engaged, the trigger will not function since it, again, goes into a sort of “neutral” like when the magazine is not installed (note this is the second “safety feature” that causes the trigger to not function by putting it in “neutral”). Took the gun to the range to put 100 initial rounds through; first 89 rounds were flawless and the accuracy was very good. Round 90 Failed-To-Fire. Tap and rack did not solve the problem, second tap and rack did not solve the problem. Unloaded and field stripped; could not see a problem. The symptom was a “free-wheeling” trigger like the trigger was in “neutral”. Nothing else except the trigger would move; no internal contact with anything else except the trigger spring. No resistance, no clicks, no hammer fall, nothing. As far as the trigger is concerned, the pistol was in the same condition as if there were no magazine installed and/or the internal lock was engaged. However, the magazine WAS installed and the internal lock WAS NOT engaged. Sent the pistol to Ruger and they returned it with a replaced hammer catch, hammer spring and manual safety plunger. They reported firing 40 rounds with no malfunctions. They provided no information on whether the problem is permanently fixed with redesigned, different or better parts. As far as I can tell, they replaced the broken parts with the same, albeit new, parts that failed. Here’s the question in my mind: With 40 rounds fired, is this pistol good for another 49?; or, 149? I conceal carry 7-days a week and I will not risk my life on this pistol’s future dependability. It is one thing to have a mis-feed, jam or failure to fire with a dimple on the primer (all of which can/should be corrected with a tap and rack); but, to have a complete fire arm failure after 89 rounds is unacceptable. Period. P.S. I love my other three Rugers and I’m not slamming Ruger. It is obvious from other posts that there are many success stories and satisfied owners. All I know at this point is that Jim Nix’s and mine quit running unexpededly.

  29. you are one of those FLAME DELETED who don’t like manual safety. Well if you are so clumsy to train yourself to disingage, keep it off . just don’t put down a neet feature.

  30. the glock is not twice as thick…….not even close……..and three more rounds……and two mags…….and a reliability rep which cant be matched,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,give me glock

  31. I have been carrying a full size service pistol concealed on my skinny arse every day for over five years now and finally caved and went pocket size with the LC9 for the summer, I would not have if it were not for the frame safety (which comes off easily and instinctivly). Yes I hate the magazine disconnect and the jumbo red flag loaded chamber indicator could be a lot more reasonable or just gone along with that key lock, but I want that thumb safety because I am only human. Careful though I am there would be a hole in the wall and perhaps a neighbor if my piece was a cursed Glock that one groggy morning. Just the same I could snag a fingerfull of trigger pulling the thing out of my pocket. You are not superman, you are that person who looks at you in the mirror. Be safe.

  32. Honestly, the whole idea of a safety is sort of ridiculous, especially on a small pocket carry gun. It is meant to be used immediately. Taking a gun “off” safety is not a learned reflex. It’s just like all of these folks that don’t like to carry a gun with one in the chamber or one in the cylinder…makes no sense. You might as well just throw the dang thing at the attacker. What they use to tell us at the academy was ” your safety is keeping your “f” ing finger off the dang trigger!”

  33. I just bought the LC9 today and put about 100 rounds through it. The trigger pull is so long. Can the pull be adjusted, i.e. shortened? I would appreciate any comments out there.

    • Eric at Galloway Precision does great work to soften and shorten the trigger pull. I had mine done and love it. It made the gun soooooo much better.

  34. I have had the lc9 for about a month or so ,the first time I shot it the groups were tight and it was quite accurate. After about 400 rounds I hate it the weapon shoots low about 6 inches at 7yds grouping is about 4″ at the same distance and seems to get worse the more rounds I put through it. I do not trust this weapon to safe my life. I will be sending it back to ruger and hopefully they will fix it if not I will have an lc9 for sale. About the only things I can say is This weapon is a great size and I have not had any malfunctions yet.

  35. Of the features I don’t like, it’s the magazine safety and key lock safety. They already provide a pad lock to secure the weapon, so the key lock seems like added mechanical complexity that could be just another thing to fail. Sub-compact 9mm pistols tend to have a higher risk of mag ejection due to their small size and compromise ergonomics, but the mag safety should be manageable as long as you familiarize yourself with the pistol enough at the range. Another thing I’ve noticed is that when you rack the slide, you have to mean it, both forwards and backwards. With my Springfield XDM 9mm, I can be gentle with the slide and it feeds fine. With the LC9, the spring doesn’t seem to ensure the slide goes all the way forward if you rack it gently and let the recoil spring handle moving the slide forward. You have to rack forward and back aggressively enough so that is works every time. But then again, I don’t know if that is just the LC9 or all the sub-compact / micro 9mm pistols. I also noticed that my extra mags seem to vary in the strength of the springs. Not a big deal, just something I noticed. My Winchester RA9B hollow points feel like they chamber smoother when I rack the slide than my Federal HST’s, which kind of stick when I rack sometimes. (Maybe the HST’s have a slightly wider cavity opening?) But then again, I’m often too gentle with chambering the first round…

    All that said, I like the ergonomics overall and the fact that the frame is well rounded off. It is also very slim and comfortable to carry. I don’t expect any snagging when carrying concealed. I don’t get why anyone is complaining about the manual safety. To me, that’s a non-issue: use it or don’t.

    The design overall seems good enough that the quirks experienced by the early adopters of the pistol (like me) should be easy to remedy (e.g. replace a spring or some simple part) and I expect the pistol to improve over time like many other designs did. For right now, however, I haven’t had the pistol for very long, so time will tell how well it works out. So far, I like it, but I won’t quite bet my life on it until I’ve had more range time (that’s me, not the fault of the gun).

    Between a .380 and 9mm luger, a .380 is better than nothing but really it’s not worth it compared to the superior 9mm luger. Amongst all acceptable pistol rounds, what matters most is shot placement. The problem with the .380 is that it is on the border of being an unacceptable round. Its wounding ability and penetration is sub-par. The LCP and similar .380 pistols do have the advantage of truly being able to fit in the pocket and are still useful and worthwhile due to that.

    However, if you do get a .380 DO NOT think that a +P .380 round is going to make up for the weakness of the .380: it is the exact OPPOSITE effect. Penetration is determined most by sustained MOMENTUM, NOT SPEED. Making a lightweight round faster typically will cause the round to under-penetrate (assuming the material it hit is a person). Don’t take my word for it, look at real ballistics research. Here’s a physics analogy: If you jump into a pool or lake from a 10ft diving board, you’ll splash into the water. If you jump 10,000ft out of a plane into the water, the speed at which you’re falling will cause the water to react by acting like you’ve just dived into concrete pavement. The reason is that “penetration” is related to “displacement”. A bullet (or person diving into water) penetrates by pushing material out of the way, but different materials disperse at different rates. The material won’t disperse faster than it is able to, and if you try to make it do so, it won’t and it will temporarily act like a harder material. By the time the dispersion catches up, your bullet has expended a lot of energy, and for it to continue penetrating it still needs to have momentum behind it. That’s why the “slow” .45 is so effective: because it isn’t so fast that it causes problems with dispersion and it is heavy enough to retain momentum. But it all depends on the material. The .45 is easier to stop with body armor compared to some smaller and faster rounds. In the case of the .380, although I’d like to recommend using a heavier grain .380 rather than +P, I’m not familiar with the reliability of the .380 in heavier grains but I’d recommend that people look it up before deciding between 9mm and .380.

    • .380 single stack is pocket perfect and plenty formidable for defense, especially at likely engagement distance. Don’t burden yourselves with myths and rambo hype. 9×19 is great, but it’s overkill for pocket pistol engagement distance. Instead, opt for the comfort and efficiency of 9×17 (380 acp) in a Sig 232 format and you will be confident and well armed.

  36. I’ve had my LC9 for a couple of months now and have run around four hunrdred jacketed rounds through it without fail. I also ran a small box of 147 grain Winchester self defense ammo through it without fail. Gun is pretty accurate at close range, 7 yards or less. I am happy with it so far. Sorry to see some gun failures by the two posters on this blog. You hope that’s not going to happen to you when the need arises.

  37. LC9 difficult to fire. (ser number: 320-xxxx)

    The problem is the length of the pull, narrow trigger and closeness to the frame at the hammer release point. The long pull makes it difficult to keep the weapon on target. You are forced to use the tip of your finger on the trigger which makes pulling the trigger even more difficult (long pull plus tip of finger).
    If you pick the gun up in a hurry (for self defense for instance), the natural stable position for a narrow trigger is in the first finger joint. As you pull the trigger your finger wraps around the narrow trigger. Then because of the closeness of the trigger to the frame at the hammer release point, your finger contacts the frame on both sides. You try to squeeze harder but you are simply applying pressure to the frame. After you work out what is happening, you can force the first finger joint flat (not comfortable) or you can use your finger tip (unstable).
    Hopefully, it can be adjusted.

    Recommendations for future compact pistols:
    A wider trigger. Less chance of contacting the frame and more stable operation in an emergency (especially for the inexperienced).
    Shorter pull. Long pull on a compact pistol is always going to make it a little difficult to operate with any accuracy. Long pull is not easy for people with short fingers or the ladies. My wife was keen to try the gun but instantly disliked the long trigger pull.

  38. Like you, I was pretty excited when the LC9 first came out – excited for all of about 15 minutes. That is, until I discovered it had the manual safety and magazine disconnect “features.” Those are deal breakers for me. And I generally like Ruger firearms. For serious purposes, however, such guns need to be as close to point and click devices as possible. Any of you who have been around competition shooting much have seen people flub/miss on safety disengagements. And that’s just from the pressure of competition. It’s nothing like the pressure of a life/death situation. To S&W’s credit, such “features” are options on the M&P line. Hoplophobes can get theirs loaded up with “safety” features while those of us who know what’s going on can opt out. Hey Ruger, why not make those “features” options on all your pistols that have them?

    • Hehehehe……………..
      sooooooooo……….there are those of you “that know whats going on” and
      those of us “that don’t know what’s going on”!………interesting.

      My experience during that little SE ASIA conflict (in the 60’s) is that I personally witnessed at least a dozen “accidental discharges”, by officers, none the less, some with injuries and ZERO AD’s when the safety was used…………..

      I NEVER saw any of our guys shot by the enemy while flipping the safety off!
      We trained to flip the safety while drawing……’s very easy!

      NOT my opinion…….just a fact!

  39. First off, very good review!

    I’ve had my lc9 for a bit under a month now and am very satisfied with it. I don’t care for the magazine safety or the key safety, I would have more peace-of-mind without those features, but I actually like the manual safety on the left side of the frame. It’s down to fire, which feels natural to me. Every handgun I’ve owned that did have a safety has been down to fire. And for some reason I just feel more comfortable with a loaded pipe and a safety on. Actually, I know the reason: it was drilled into me from the time I started shooting a bb gun at 6 years old. Dad always said “leave the safety on ’till you’re pointing at the target” and his teaching has stuck with me.

    I’m not saying a gun without a safety is inherently unsafe. If you keep your finger, or other objects, off the trigger you should be fine. But I feel safer, more comfortable, and at peace, with a manual safety.

    I do think if you’re going to use a safety on more than one handgun it’s important that they each operate the same, from the perspective of your thumb. With practice it becomes as natural a movement to find it and flip it off as it is to find the trigger and pull it. Imagine if some of your handguns required you to push the trigger forward to fire while others required you to pull it back! Similarly, why complicate matters by owning some handguns with safeties that are up to fire and some that are down to fire? Pick one and stick with it. Yes, it limits your options when considering new purchases, but that can be a good thing if you have a sweet-tooth for handguns.

    And please, if it has a safety train to use it, if for no other reason than this: if you train not to use it and somehow it gets flipped on you will likely stall for a split second (or a couple seconds) if, under the stress of a life threatening situation, you pull the trigger and nothing happens. It will take a moment to realize the safety was unexpectedly engaged and flip it off, and that moment will come after you decided you needed to fire, and after you failed to fire your weapon. It will not be a happy moment, but if you live through it, it will be a memorable one.

    Train to use the safety and it won’t be a problem. If you won’t train to use it, buy a gun without one.

    I need to put more lead downrange (only at 100 rounds right now) but so far I’ve had no malfunctions. My lc9 seems to hit about two or three inches low and left of point of aim at a mere 5 yards; a little disappointing. It could be me, but I think it’s the sites. I shot the lcr (Ruger’s composite framed revolver) on the same trip to the range, which also has a long heavy trigger pull, and I did not have the same problem.

    If my lc9 keeps hitting low and left, I’ll drift the rear site just a hair and look into options for adjusting elevation. Perhaps I’ll start by trying different ammo. I was told, and have found it to be true, that slower heavier bullets tend to hit higher at close range, supposedly because they leave the muzzle a fraction of a second later as it rises during recoil than do faster moving lighter bullets, which seems to make sense.

    My lc9 fits nicely in most of my pockets. I do have a couple pairs of “more stylish” jeans with pockets too small for it, but it rides nicely iwb so that’s not really a problem for me.

    I’ve had no problem with the recoil, and have not experienced any pain from the checkering, which is sharp, but I like that. It seems to give me a better grip on the small gun, which I carry with the flat-base-plate mags that only leave room for two fingers.

    Well, like I said, I like it. I am looking forward to the next time I can get to the range with it. And I enjoy carrying it daily.

  40. I have guns with and without a safety. I love my Glock 19 just as much as I love my CZ 75. I don’t consider myself biased either way.
    However, I get tired of hearing the safety haters being holier-than-thou. All you safety haters who insist that “under stress” you will forget to disengage your safety, lets consider the other side of the coin for guns with no-safety. You will be under the same stress and do you really trust yourself to have your finger off the trigger in a stressful situation? When your in a situation where something bad is happening or about to happen, I’d bet my bottom dollar your finger will be on that 6 lb Glock trigger and not resting on the side of your frame. The odds you don’t notice how much much pressure is on your trigger is just as great or more than one who forgets to disengage the safety. Stop thinking that because you don’t have a safety that you are going to handle a stressful situation better – your not. And let me tell you, if you AD in a stressful situation your either going to drop your gun or invoke a response from the assailant and I hope you can recover fast enough to protect yourself.

    Another thing that drives me crazy….All these instant gunfight scenarios that people use to defend not having a safety are TV and Hollywood myths. I’ve worked as a corrections officer for 14 years and even with the worst sort of people, you have a little more time than you think to “prepare for battle”. Its rarely a instantaneuos situation.

  41. Let me make myself “PERFECTLY CLEAR”…there is no such thing as an Accidental Discharge!!! Lets walk throught the scenario:

    Idiot number #1 pulls his handgun out

    Idiot places his finger on the trigger

    Idiot places enough pounds of pressure on trigger for it to fire

    Idiot fires the handgun

    If you pull the trigger the gun will fire



    For all quality handguns, whether Kimber, Glock, Sig Sauer, and even Ruger, my advice is KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOU HAVE SIGHT ALIGNMENT AND ARE READY TO FIRE! I spent 14 years with a State Police agency and had stressful situations and I still handled my handgun (Glock 22 or Glock 27) in the same manner THAT I WAS TRAINED IN no matter what the situation. Safety on handguns are for idiots that don’t know what they’re doing and the type of morons you see at the range that bring their firearms in cases. I load all my weapons and keep them loaded to and from the range. But, I also don’t live in one of the Communist States either.

    • Are you trying to say that a handgun with a safety is only for the “morons” because I think there are a few 1911 enthusiasts that may disagree. I’m not terribly sure of the point you’re making in the second part of your comment ( I do completely agree with your first point about negligent discharges) I’m an LEO and Army Special Operation Forces Vet and carry my weapons to the range in cases….not the one I’m carrying at that moment of course..and I have no issues with external safeties. Also just to stay on topic I’ve got an LC9 and the safety is easily swept to the off position for me and requires littl thought on my part. I easily qualified with it as an off-duty carry gun. Thanks for your time

  42. Robert

    Thanks for the review. Wonderful information and thanks to all the people who bothered to cheer or jeer. You all have more experience than me (except maybe Rachel).

    I have a Bersa Thunder .380 which I carry and am confident in. It shoots well for me and I can take it apart in the dark. Sorry folks it has 3 safeties which have a purpose around my 7 year old daughter. Generally I only use the one thumb safety and do practice draw and release.

    Most of my comments are for ladies and newbies.

    1) Ladies here is a very practical fashion video re concealed carry for you after you make your purchase:
    It has info on multiple pistols and revolvers and clothing from shorts to gowns.
    I learned some things too. 🙂
    By the way, when camping, canoeing, or hiking, a fanny pack is pretty good

    2) Robert, in the second video, what did Sammy say right after the target attacked you? (For my wife and Rachel’s sake).

    3) Try before you buy.

    Be patient. Don’t run down to the store and buy an LC9 because of these reviews or the salesman. Or your brother in law. Once lady bought a 12 ga with pistol grip and took it to the range for the first time. She bruised a lot of sensitive body parts and said she was going to go home and beat her brother in law over the head with it.

    Some club members and friends will actually let you put a few rounds through their pistols (showing off their toys) while others consider them as sacred as a toothbrush.) Some ranges have rental guns so you can try some out before you guy. One let my my wife shoot a first release new Seagate right out of the box (she affects me the same way.) Even if you cannot find your exact gun to try, use a similar size and caliber so you can see if you really want something in that genre.

    At the very least, in the shop, take steady aim at some small object in the shop and squeeze the trigger. If you keep it on target and it pulls smooth, it will probably work on the range.

    As others noted, guns go bang. More like kaboom explosion. And they kick. I deliberately shoot with both eyes open and no flinch, but I tried a snubbie .357 and had such a bad flinch and trigger panic after the first round I couldn’t stand to shoot the rest of the box. Took a box through the Bersa to get over it.

    3. Patterns with new pistols

    Different triggers and grip shapes will yield different target patterns.
    Whenever I try a new gun, I like to use a target with multiple circles and with the Idiot’s Guide at the bottom. Down right = jerk trigger, etc. Basics review is helpful. The multiple circles allow me to correct and shoot a new spot for corrected form. I also use a sharpie on a standard silhouette target, and check between each mag change.

    In the shop, a Taurus 140 appealed to me on the range, the trigger had a little bump at the end which made my shots pull down to the left. Yes I could have learned to correct, but why have different technique for each pistol ? Shot an HK 40 alongside my usual pistol and actually shot better with the stranger. If not for the price, I would be carrying it and not writing this reply. No learning curve needed, just a bigger checking balance.

    4. Never waste a round.

  43. To L.A.

    You are SO wrong. Accidental discharges can and do occur. I had one happen to me many years ago. I had a Llama .380, modeled after the 1911. I loaded the gun, chambered a round (finger most definitely OFF the trigger), flipped up the thumb safety and the gun discharged. Again, my finger was NOT on the trigger at any time. The only thing I did after chambering the round was activate the thumb safety and for whatever reason, the gun discharged. Whether a mechanical failure of the gun or not, it was an accident. So your blanket statement that there are no accidental discharges puts your credibility into question.

    • OK, how is this going to happen on a DAO pistol? If you have ever fired a LC9, I do not understand how it will fire without having a finger on the trigger. I am not anti safety on this gun, but having fired one only 50 rounds, I can’t see how it would fire without intentionally pulling the trigger with your finger, with the long pull it has.

  44. I’m waiting for the excitement (Read; hyped price of new toy) to come out of the statospshere) to buy one. I have handled two to death to get as close to a good feel as I can on this pistol. At present I do own a Kel-Tec PF9 and despite what some folks say, “it ain’t that bad”…’s no precision made pistol but it DOES work. The thing I do not like about the Kel-Tec is that it kicks like a mule.

    I practice double-taps on all my small guns (442, LCP, PF9) and due to the recoil on all but one, I tend to load quality hollow points, Non +P rated. What I trade off in performance I believe is negligible coming out of the short pipes these pistols have in common versus the accuracy of two, quick, well-placed shots in the thoracic cavity as far as 15 yards on the range.

    To be sure, in a real life situation I don’t believe anyone is going to stand there like a silhouette so I expect that out of a double-tap, I might get lucky to get on somewhere near the middle and another somewhere near a limb?

    The Kel-Tec carries well and you hardly know you have it. I’ve even carried in the front pocket in a Uncle Mike’s pocket holster, no real problem. I want something with SLIGHTLY more heft and grip so I can get a better grip. This pistol seems to fit the bill and I’m pretty sure I could even handle plus p’s if I so choose. For now, it seems the 124/5 hollow points will suffice. In the LC9, they should be that much easier.

    I continue to look for the perfect all around carry pistol in 9mm that is still under $500. So far, this looks like the odds on favorite. The KAHR seems to be a piece of beauty but, it’s just too damn expensive. The Sig’s, same problem. Besides, I like mine thin and thinner.

    Nice to see Ruger is responding to the market. I really wish Glock and Springfield would step up and come up with a slim model, single stack as well to compete. nothing over 7/8th’s of an inch wide to include lasers, safeties, phat-ass grips, doodad’s and other innocuous castings and name plates. 7/8ths, or less or put it on a machining diet. And for God’s sake, keep a 3-dot sight, will ya? It CAN’T cost that much? Built-in lasers, always a nice touch.

  45. Very helpful info. I own a LCP and LCR but feel like my hand is too big for the LCP. I have a hard time firing it with the long trigger pull. I have been told the LC9 is better. It seems to fit pretty well in a front pocket but is a little more noticable than the LCR. Agree with you about the frame-mounted safety. Pretty sure I want this firearm.

  46. In search of a concealed carry gun I shot the LC9 and the LCR (.357 config) side by side today.

    Regarding recoil I like .45 auto and .357 magnum. I don’t like .44 magnum. I did not enjoy shooting the LCR using .38 range ammo in 158 grain semi-wadcutter config. I very much enjoyed, had fun even, shooting the LC9 with 115 grain FMJ’s. Shooting the LC9 was fun, just as I like shooting.

    Trigger pull on the LCR was nice. Trigger pull on the LC9 was more difficult (long as indicated above). I had to stick with it. At 7 yards the LCR shot just above POA and the LC9 shot high, left POA.

    In the end I would be more likely to do drills with the LC9 as it was fun!

    happy hunting, dv

  47. I purchased the LC9 and love this sub compact gun. It’s a good size for a concealed weapon for being a 9mm. It’s very comfortable to use and I highly recommend it. I also purchased a Versacarry clip instead of a holster it reduces 75% of the holster bulk.
    It’s very comfortable and can be used on right or left side and can be used with any 9mm weapon and at a good price!

  48. Just got mine today for $300.00. Going to the range tomorrow to try her on for size 🙂 Thank you for the review, it sounds like it is going to be a fun target shot and ample protection!

  49. Had an LC9 for about 5 months now, like it better every day.
    Hits where I tell it to. No feed or eject problems. This little
    Ruger eats everything I put in it. (Haven’t tried Pizza yet!)
    Like the pros tell you, a smooooth pull on the trigger and
    there will be no flyers.
    This Ruger has replaced my Super .38 for summer carry,
    for obvious reasons, as I live in Texas. In the winter, it will
    be a great backup.
    Other than 1911s, all I have are Ruger guns. Dependability
    personafied!!! My next Ruger will be the Ruger SR1911.

  50. After carrying a Walther PPK as an off-duty gun for 25 years, I recently decided to move to a small 9mm as a backup to my Sig. My first choice was the Kel Tec PK9 because of the many excellent Internet reviews. For me, that was a mistake. After 85 rounds, which resulted in an embarrassing silhouette target with rounds randomly strewn all over the place, the extractor broke. The ammo was White Box 115 grain with no +P rounds. I realize any gun can have a bad apple occasionally, but I was also very disappointed by the poor quality of the Kel Tec, including a terrible bluing job, a painful trigger, and a cheap plastic follower that was seriously chewed up by the barrel.

    Luckily, my gun store is very officer friendly, and they took back the Kel Tec and replaced it with a Ruger LC9 for a little less than $100. The Ruger is an amazing improvement for me. The finish and overall quality are remarkably better. Oh, and it shoots right where I want it to. I qualified the first time I ever shot the gun at over 90% including the rounds from the 25 yard line. The Kel Tec shot five inches left at seven yards. I have no idea where the 25 yard rounds went. Again, this is just one gun and there are probably many wonderful PK9s out there, but the Ruger, for me, was a vast improvement.

    • Sorry, folks, I just noticed that I wrote Kel Tec PK9 when I meant PF9. Luckily I had it only one day and I must have repressed the actual name!

  51. I am looking at buying this gun for my wife’s first ccw. She has shot most of the guns I have but never had one of her own. The review was helpful and well written. I have also enjoyed the comments. I’m not a “safety on” kind of guy and don’t really want one on a belly gun. But you shoot how you train. If you train to flip the safety to fire, you will do it when it counts. I also am not to concerned with the sights. This gun to me is a shoot right out of the pocket into center mass of the bad guy 5 feet in front of you. When I take my wife and kids to the range the target is 15 feet away and they practice hand/eye target shooting. Shoot as soon as the gun comes up. They all after a few mags are doing a good job. We as kids were taught with flashlights and bb guns. Point and shoot. All in all I’m looking forward to buying the LC9.

  52. I just wan to thanks you for the info! I bought my LC9 4days ag, I will have it in my hands on Sep 22nd I’m really looking forward on taking it to the range armed with your info! Thank you….

    Raul Sandoval

  53. Well written article, very quick..(As I read, why do I hear the author speaking with an English accent? Must be the wit.).

    Just brought home my LC9, agree with the article’s pro’s and cons. Been carrying a Colt Officer’s .45 ACP that while small, weighs a ton, and has been slowly removing cartilidge from my wrist for over a decade. So I’m used to small packages that bark sloppily.

    Have to tell you, this thing is gonna be a breeze to carry. Very comfortable, but it’s a Ruger, and all my other Rugers get shot a lot, I expect no less from this one. For me, this is the one I’ve been waiting for.

  54. I just got my LC9 yesterday and took it to the range today. I like it a LOT more than the LCP that I had previously. No misfires, fairly accurate and of course a lot less recoil than the LCP. I like a small gun that will fit in my pocket. This fills the bill. I had a 40 caliber Taurus PT101 which was extremely accurate and reliable but I don’t like leaving a gun in my glove compartment when I leave my car for any length of time. This gun doesn’t seem to be overly heavy to carry. The price was great too.

  55. Got the LC9 last week, took it out for a test run before I carry it, after the tenth round of factory hardball ammo the firing pin broke, there was no rounded tip just a flat surface which hardly dented the primer. I got this gun to replace the LCP, but now am shy of doing so.

  56. That was a great review! Exactly what ” the consumer” needs. An honest appraisal of the subject, informative and funny. Keep them coming.

  57. A great review and accurate summary of the LC-9! I purchased mine in May, and look forward to carrying this November when Wisconsin legalizes licensed CC. The conformal Crimson Trace laser maintains the streamlined feel and is extraordinarily easy to install (took a non-gunsmith like me less than 10 minutes to complete).

    A fine weapon for the purpose.

  58. purchase my first conceal carry pistol lc9 ruger. its a great pistol with a purpose .conceal and deliver a 9mm. easy to shoot easy to clean. love it very ppk .
    cost 325 cash. fun to shoot not much recoil. like it. dead on from 10 ft.

  59. Great review, but I don’t get the conclusion. ” Come to think of it, the LC9 would also make a mighty fine backup gun. If it didn’t have a frame-mounted safety. Finding the perfect carry piece. Not so easy, eh Mr. Bond?”
    …..IF the safety bothers anybody just don’t use it. The heavy trigger pull is a safety like a Glock.

    • The problem is that it’s there. There’s always the possibility that it could be activated. In fact, a LOT of shooters use the safety. They turn it off, practice, then turn it back on. They do NOT practice turning it off and on. So, when push comes to shove, the gun she don’t fire. And they have no idea why. They should offer the gun without the safety, at the least.

  60. Robert, I enjoyed your review of the LC9 Ruger. I have a Springfield Armory 45, a Beretta 92fs and I am looking at the LC 9 for possible carry pistol. Your comment and the safety disturbs me, however, and I hope you can clarify what your meant when you said “the cost of failure is too great to take a chance.” Did you mean that the actual safety might fail to disengage thereby making the weapon inoperabale or did you mean that the operator might fail to disengage the safety during a stressful situation? Thanks for your time,

    Steve Royal

    • I mean the safety may be on when you need it to be off. And you can’t turn it off because you’re pumped-up on adrenalin.

      If I carried this gun, I’d have the safety disabled. But that’s me.

      • I like your review but i do not agree with your idea about the safety. Safety is very important thing for a gun and it saves lives. If a person wants to own a gun, there are so many things they need to practice and learn to use the gun. One of those things is learning and practicing how to use the safety of it. Once you practice enough, you will learn very quick how to use the safety as soon as you grab the gun. I personally dont use this gun`s safety at all because long trigger is a good safety for this gun.
        What you are saying is kind of like `dont lock your door when you leave your home because you may loose your house key and lock yourself out! So it is much better to built the houses without a door lock, that way we dont lock ourselves out.` 🙂
        i think it is a great gun and i think EVERY gun needs to have a safety no matter what.

      • I think it would be better to explain to the reader that this is a personal preference and not something inherently wrong with the gun. I have shot several hundred rounds threw my LC9 and have used the safety and I don’t find it hard to disengage, certainly its harder to re engage but in my opinion engaging the safety isn’t part of emergency operation. Many like a safety, im ok with it. It does make it more sense in a gun that’s likely to be shoved into a pocket. At least it could be acknowledged that many would like the feature.
        The rest of the issues and non issues you’ve brought up can be addressed as personal preference again.
        The mag disconnect is very simply removed. At least some in California appreciate they have a nice offering from Ruger that they can buy in that state. The trigger is long but its not heavy. theres a nice trigger bar that’s available now for $35 that shortens the stroke up from both ends. The gun feeds 100% which is more than I can say for the almost $700 xdm I recently bought. What ive seen is too many reviews by people who seem to think this is a range gun and must fire several hundred rounds every time out with it. It is not a range gun. The texturing offers a great grip. People who work for a living will never notice the abrasion or whatever else seems to ail you with the grip and dna comments. AS far as weight its comparable to other small single stack 9`s, No its not a glock. and wont print like one either. Some like myself included would not find the slightly wider glocks and xdms and other doublstacks a good choice for a summertime ccw. And that’s a prime reason some wont even go for the LC9 over the LCP. the khar goes for more than double the lc9, so does the little sig 380. some might not have a budget for a $1000 pocket pistol. just sayin….

        • Terrific point. Personal preference can be much overlooked by people who love one feature or another. Just be glad we still have choices. My LC9 works just fine for me.

  61. I bought this gun to have a small, reliable, yet fairly powerful CCW. After putting maybe 600-700 hundred rounds through it, I like it more every time I shoot with it. Using Federal and Blazer ammo, it has yet to jam or misfire, so reliability is not as issue. Accuracy also seems very good for a small handgun. I do a lot of dry fire and grip practice, and every time I pick it up I pull down on the safety tab with my thumb, trying to make it a muscle memory thing. It’s all I can do unless/until I tear into it and void the warranty. I agree it should be optional and I wish it wasn’t on the gun. It is, however, very intuitively placed right where your right thumb can slide it down. For $329, I’m very satisfied with the gun.

  62. I DO shoot a 1911 and am qualified to manipulate a thumb safety so I like the fact that its there as an option. The takedown gate is cheesy on mine and takes practice to get to function consistantly but does after awhile.
    One more point about thumb safety, If you shove the LC9 in your pocket or holster with authority it will come out of battery! Thankfully it has a slide lock safety!…..sigh Glock,XD owners….what are we gonna do?

  63. I bought the LC9 because of its size and supposed reliability. However, I’m experiencing soft-strikes and subsequent misfires. I’ve sent it back to the Arizona factory, but it still misfires when using Sellier Bellot ammo. It’s been suggested to me that this ammo has a harder primer, but that seems lame at best. A combination of the ridiculously long trigger pull and the misfires, the reliability I was seeking isn’t there. Is anyone else experiencing these same issues?

    • Had the same problem, light strike no-fires. Got it back from the repair center – same issue showed up right away. Having lost confidence in the gun for CC, I requested a replacement gun or refund. The gun was replaced and about 100 rounds have fired OK. However the new gun was returned sans my magazine. They are supposed to send a replacement. I like the gun-easy to shoot, accurate, concealable – I just hope it will be as reliable as the LCP. In the meantime, I purchased a Glock 26. With a Don Hume IWB holster – a great carry. Ruger says not to use SB, foreign made, or surplus ammo. I have used Federal FMJ, Winchester FMJ, Golden Saber, Hornady FTX, and Corbon 115 gr. +p; all worked ok in replacement gun. Ruger tests their firearms with Black Hills ammo.

  64. If you are only shooting 10 or 20 feet there is not going to be that much difference between the 380 and a 9mm the lcp is a perfect carry pistol NO safety to worry about,just have to pull trigger with middle part of finger if you have medium or larger hands

  65. I was just looking into buying a lc9 but after reading these posts I believe I’ll pass.
    i am very happy with the lcp, 10 to 20 feet nobody will figure out it’s not a 9mm from sound or impact !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or the size of hole it will leave

  66. took my lc9 to the range run 50 rounds at 21 feet could not hit the target was shooting aprox 2 feet low had 4 other guys run a 100 rounds same results sent to ruger 7 weeks ago havent seen or heard anything very disapointed also heard of a few others with the same problem

  67. I bought my wife a LC9 for her to upgrade her purse gun from her Taurus 38 Special. Unfortunately on the third round of the third magazine the extractor flew off and the gun jammed big time. Cabelas where we purchased it nicely sent it to Ruger for inspection and repair but it’s been over 5 weeks now and still no word. Needless to say I’m very concerned about the reliability of this gun for my wife if we do ever get it back or a replacement. I have always liked everything about Ruger but unfortunately in this case so we can sleep at night she will have to keep carrying her reliable old 38!

  68. My experience of firing both guns is that there is simply no comparison – the 9mm blows the .38 auto away in terms of imparted energy – it isn’t even close.

  69. My last comment shouldn’t be taken as an endorsement of the LC9 for carry. I’d recommend a baby Glock in 9mm (the 26) or a wheel gun chambered for 357 🙂

    But I guess it’s what weapon system you’re comfortable with and how competently you can deploy it in a crisis. Practice, practice, practice, under stress, become really proficient, and a .22 might do you – it’s not about size anyway, it’s about placement.

  70. “At some point you’ll leave a large DNA sample in the mag well”. What exactly is meant by this?

    • You’ll jam your hand into the mag well during loading/reloading, pinching your hand between the magazine and the gun.

    • That’s a not inconsequential problem. If you really hurt yourself you may be hesitant about reloading and screw it up (reload = pain). To be fair, it’s a problem for any small nine.

  71. If you knuckleheads cannot train you brain to turn off a safety then how in the hell can you train your brain to keep your finger off the trigger??? I read these articles all the time about your inability to remember to flip off the safety, but no problem remembering to keep finger off trigger!!! You guys are only fooling yourselves and will eventually hurt yourself or someone else. You are dealing with a deadly weapon, not some toy, and you better believe that there is good reason for the term “accidents happen”. If you guys are too stupid to understand this then you have no business carrying a gun. What will it take; accidental discharge killing one of your kids, shooting yourself in the foot or dick depending where you carry it. You guys need to grow up and realize that this is not the OK Corral and you ain’t Wyatt Earp. You guys think you are too bright to have or need a safety on a deadly weapon capable of ruining your life or the life of someone else. Hell, why don’t you take the safeties off all your rifles and shotguns? You don’t need them because you guys can remember to keep your fingers off the trigger. Would you consider taking your son out hunting for the first time and handing him a gun with no safety or you walking beside him with a gun with no safety taking the chance of tripping and shooting your son? What a bunch of IDIOTS!!!

  72. I’m not an idiot and yes I can keep my finger off the trigger, so as not to discharge the WEAPON. A carry WEAPON pistol doesn’t need an external safety
    and no your Opion is not fact no matter how much you believe it. So simmer down Mr know-it-all.

    • I am sure that I do not know it all, but I am bright enough to put a safety on my weapon!!! You have fallen for the myth that you will be perfect EVERYTIME and you will NEVER not remember to keep your finger off that trigger and ofcourse, you have a LOOOOONG trigger pull, so you are safe… Are you trying to tell everyone that you have NEVER forgotten ANYTHING in your life EVER??? If you are that perfect, than maybe you might never forget… Is that what you are saying??? I doubt that is true as none of us are perfect and it will only take once and I hope it does not end in tradigy… Since you think there is no need for a safety I will relate to you what happened 9 months ago… My neighbor was showing me his new Glock and when he went to holster it, he did not have his finger completely off the trigger and his finger hit the top edge of the holster causing his finger to push the trigger back and BANG!!! Missed his foot by inches!!! He is a very bright guy, but in his joy of showing me his new SAFE gun (Glock has 3 safeties right?) he did not remember to keep his finger off the trigger!!! Don’t try to justify it by saying he is a idiot and does not deserve to carry a gun… The fact is he had an accident, by his own hand, but an accident none the less… He sold the gun and used the money to repair his hardwood floor… Might I mention that is daughter was sleeping upstairs!!! I guess he can not join your club of perfect people that will ALWAYS remember to keep their finger off that trigger right??? Like I said before, you are dealing with a deadly weapon and accidents CAN and WILL happen… I don’t understand how you guys put more value on not having a safety on your deadly weapon, vs the safety of everyone else around you… Some of you seem to more dedicated about your 16 year old daughter learning to drive for the first time and trying to ensure her safety as much as you possibly can, so she does not have an accident, rather than be mature enough to put a safety on your weapon to ensure YOU will not have an accident and there will be no accidental discharge, possibly killing you daughter by your own hand!!!… Does that make sense to you??? Why don’t you grow up and realize that you are not perfect, nor is that gun, and if you want to shoot yourself fine, but we are out there also, and would appreciate you not shooting us…

      • No, I guess he can’t join the club. His finger shouldn’t have been on the trigger at all during holstering, let alone while he had it on display. If someone is that unsafe, a safety isn’t going to keep them from hurting someone.

        • That is exactly what I am talking about… He wasn’t thinking about what he was doing and the gun did exactly what is was supposed to do; it when bang… Ever spill a cup of coffee in your lap and stain your pants?… Are you unsafe?… Are you not qualified to hold a cup of coffee?… If you are that unsafe, might I be worried about you spilling that next cup of coffee in my lap?… My total point is accidents happen, period… Ever do something you did not want to do and hear yourself muttering the words “how could I have been so dumb”… Even the absolute best of you have had an accident… Look up the word if you need to, but the internet is full of accidental discharge videos including those involving police officers and veterans… Are all those guys too dumb and unsafe to own a gun too?… I cannot believe all the talk about gun safety and still the willingness to shove a deadly weapon down the front of your pants or in a pants pocket, with no safety… Ask a certain football player if he wished his gun would have had a safety on it… Shoot yourself if you must…The fact of the matter is, if that trigger is accidentally pulled for ANY reason, it will go bang!… With a manuel safety it will not!… Come on guys, are you really trying to convince yourself that the little bit of effort, physcially and mentally, it takes to flip off a safety is not worth the added safety you would give everyone around you?… Sure guys it is real easy to remember to keep your finger off that trigger while you are standing in front of your mirror admiring your quick draw, but when you find yourself scared and stressed, with a shaking hand because it is not pretend anymore, I bet remembering to keep your finger off the trigger nonsense will go right out the window…

      • My opinion is that manual safeties on self-defense guns are superfluous and can be just as dangerous as not having one at all. How many times have dumb-asses shot holes in walls, (and people) and then stated that they thought the safety was engaged or the gun was unloaded? Most modern pistols have multiple internal “safeties” to prevent a misfire or accidental discharge because the firearm was dropped or impacted.However, my opinion is just that. There’s really no right or wrong regarding a manual safety on a hand gun, and there’s nothing moral or immoral about safeties either – it’s just a matter of personal preference.Regarding the guy who shot a hole in his floor holstering his Glock, perhaps he didn’t practice holstering his pistol when it was unloaded first. Firearms, like a lot of potentially dangerous endeavors, require practice in all aspects.Then again, maybe this person shouldn’t own a firearm. Just like how there’s folks out there who shouldn’t be driving because they are a danger to themselves and others on the road, there are people who shouldn’t own or handle firearms because they are not dedicated to safety and the on-going training requirements that are necessary as a responsible gun owner.

        P.S. That football player that you refer to was carrying an un-holstered Glock in a bar in his pants illegally. There will never be a lack of fools who do stupid and senseless things with firearms, just as there will never be a lack of idiot who drive under the influence of drugs and/ or alcohol or people who text while driving.

        • Agree with you about people thinking that had the safety on when actually it wasn’t, but I might suggest that those reports are far scarcier than the ones involving accidental discharges because of the lack of a manuel safety… Glock says they have 3 safeties on their guns, but the fact of the matter is, they will go bang if that trigger is pulled for any reason, right or wrong… What good are those 3 safeties???… My girlfriend’s cousin is on the Sheriff Department and says he has wittnessed an accidential discharge at the range involving another officer and his Glock… Doesn’t get more responsible than an officer of the law, on duty, and at the range qualifing with his pistol… Once again, ACCIDENTS HAPPEN… As far as Plaxico carring that gun illegally, you are correct, but that does not change the fact that the gun would not have discharged if the gun had a manuel safety engaged… No one expects or chooses to have an accidential discharge, that’s why they are called accidential!…Your choice of carry is your business, but all I am saying is a gun with a manuel safety is a much safer gun than one without period…

          • The “accidental” discharge of a Glock firearm was obviously due to the trigger being pulled. That accidental or more accurately a careless discharge is a result of carelessness and unsafe gun handling practices.

            There is some truth that a gun with external safety may be safer as long as the safety is engaged but the safety doesn’t correct the unsafe habits that caused the careless discharge in the first place. Once the safety is off then placing the finger on the trigger can still lead to the gun being fired before the target is acquired.

            I recently found that I had developed a bad habit of putting my finger in the trigger housing of my Glock and actually resting m y trigger finger on the trigger. In my case it was due to a lack of formal training. I discovered this dangerous habit at the range when shooting a pistol with a lighter trigger than my Glock. The unexpected discharge happened with the gun pointed down range as I was aiming at the target. It was a wake up call that made me realize a very unsafe practice. The remedy for me is training and practice to develop safe gun handling practices. Keep your finger off the trigger and there won’t be and “accidental” discharge. The three safeties on a Glock make it pretty much impossible for the gun to fire unless the trigger is pulled to release each of the three safeties.

            I own pistols with external safeties and some without (Glocks and Beretta Nano). I prefer the older Gen 3 S&W pistols that have double action/single action triggers and also have external safety.

            • Chuck is absolutely correct. I have that bad habit of resting my finger on the trigger. The Ruger LC9 has a long trigger stroke, but my Taurus 24/7 45 does not. I shot the ceiling at my indoor range. My fault. No one noticed and no one hurt. If you’ve ever shot a target other than paper with a 230 grain 45, the damage it would have done would have been extreme. The incident is etched in my mind and forces me to leave my finger off the trigger.
              A comment about my Ruger LC9; looks like it’s now my gun of choice when I want to carry. I discovered yesterday that I released the magazine when I was firing at the range. Could just be me, since I’m only “legal” for less than 2-years now shooting pistols. Other than that, I love that compact pistol. No jams at all with 114 grain. I’ve purchased luger and winchester 9mm. Easy to clean, comfortable to carry.

  73. Very disappointed in the Ruger LC9. Misfired 40% if the time. Tried 3 different ammunition manufactures (new ammo) and they all misfired almost every other shot. I have no faith in this firearm and would not recommend it to anyone.

  74. I was at the range today and the guy next to me was shooting his new LC9. I asked him about it and it ended up with me firing a few rounds. I haven’t shot a handgun in over a year, and I’ve been doing the shooting thing less longer than a lot of people on this site. Needless to say the first round drilled a milk jug at 25 yards in the rain. The pistol melted into my hand as if Ruger stole a mold of my digits.
    It was light and snappy, which I sometimes like. I hated the trigger though. It didn’t stack and wasn’t heavy, but it creeped like a 30 year old at prom. And the slide release was tough. The owner said he hadn’t bother to use it all day, and advised me to rack the slide. Which I love.

  75. i bought the LC9 for a xmas pressent for my wife. but it has the biggest piece of shit for a trigger pull i’ve ever seen, its too long ,to ruff, like pulling a concrete block over a gravel driveway. if i can’t get a gunsmith to fix it i will junk it, I own other rugers and bought this one for the external safety, but would not buy another ruger if this is any example of there new quality

  76. I recently purchased LC9. Have had other semi autos in various calibers. I like the size and have not yet had any problems with firing. I’m convinced that guns are like automobiles, sometimes you just get a lemon. I have always felt Ruger was extremely reliable, and 99% of the time, you read that people fire hundreds of rounds with no problems. Now I’m not at all saying the firearm isn’t the problem, but I used to do a lot of reloading. I occasionally had ammo not fire in one gun, and fire just fine in another. I think maybe it was the age of the primers, and perhaps partially the firing pin force, or a combination of the two. Thus far, no problems with my LC9 using all factory ammo, and the questions raised regarding accuracy, well if you shot two feet low, and 4 of your friends did too, I’d adjust the sights! Seems the gun is consistent, not all over the place. If 150 rounds hit at the knees of my target, I’d sure adjust the sights if adjustable, if not, then for sure, send that thing back. My LC9 was sighted very accurately out of the box.

    I also understand both sides of the safety argument. Someone said Practice, Practice, Practice… I agree. I also spent 25 years as a paramedic, and most of the deadly child shootings I went to were teenagers, who though the gun was unloaded, removed the clip, but did not understand a round was still chambered. I like the safety feature Ruger has added regarding the removal of the clip, not so much for myself, but certainly to stop some of these senseless killings. Gun safety, and safe gun handling, is all of our concerns. Be familiar with your guns, and render them safe when you are not in control of them. I know, common sense, and I’m preaching to the choir, but none of the parents ever thought those dead kids would bother (or borrow) their guns either. It’s genuinely heart wrenching to work one of those deals.

  77. I purchased the LC9 as my 3rd pistol. My 1st being a Taurus 24/7 45-ACP for good knock-down power. My 2nd was the Walther P22 with Laser for fun. LC9 for the concealing ability.
    My first mistake was attempting to use 124 grain hollow point ammo. It shot hard in my hand and felt like the pistol would explode. After some research, I tried 50 rounds of the 114 grain Ruger ammo, which shot nice groups at 10 yards. I cleaned the pistol and magazine, returned to the range and shot another 200 rounds of the 114 grain Ruger ammo without one jam or misfire.
    Cleaned and lubed the pistol again. Ordered a second magazine and now
    this pistol will serve as my concealed carry. The one I’ll grab when I want to carry, but don’t want friends and family to feel uncomfortable by seeing a larger piece on my side. Fits very comfortably inside the belt line of my pants on the right-rear with the DeSantis inside holster.
    I respect all the comments I read. Once again, this should be considered a good concealed carry pistol or a good back-up pistol.

  78. I bought the Ruger LC9 and it refuses to eject the spent casings, causing the next round to jam. Tried two different magazines, tried two different kinds of ammo, with the same problem. Gun shop says they have never heard this kind of problem before, but have ordered me a new one. I could not get through one magazine without the failure to eject problem.

    • Yes! I bought mine yesterday. It misfired due to the same reason. Failure to eject the last casing. It was so frustrating. I’m sending it back to Ruger today. I don’t wan to give up on Ruger. I like their guns very much. But this is suppose to be a CC for protection. I don’t have the confidence in this particular LC9. I really hope they fix this problem, because I like the feel of the LC9 and it shoot pretty accurate. One of the best 9s I’ve shot before.

  79. All the “long trigger” complainers slay me…imho anyone who complains about the long trigger is more concerned about bulls eyes on paper targets than personal defense. Anyone under stress and adrenaline is NOT going to have a problem moving the trigger to the back of the trigger guard! It will happen in a split second no matter what! Also, I have a solution for the complainers re: the safety. Leave it OFF! At least you have the option!

    • For those of you who only shoot at squirrels in the back yard, the “long trigger” is an aggregation. Galloway Precision will fix that problem for you. As an aside, my LC9 will cycle 9mm CCI shot shells without fail.

  80. I posted this on another review on this site, but I also wanted to post it here. I purchased an LC9 three days ago, and today was the first chance I had to go to the range. I was very pleased with zero FTF’s/FTE’s, and any errant shots were attributed to my inexperience with DA only pistols. I can say that the first shot fired in every magazine was as accurate as any handgun I have ever fired. So, I definitely agree that the LC9 is ‘accurate enough.’

  81. Just got my LC9 W/lasermax a few days ago and have only had one chance to take it out and shoot it, basically to just break it in and loosen it up. I use Sellier&Bellot 115grs. (about $10.50 a box of 50 rounds) as my “break in” rounds. No FTF’s no FTE’s no problems what so ever. I got this pistol as an upgrade to my KelTec P3AT for CC purposes, its only about an inch longer and taller than the KelTec and still fits nicely in my front pocket in a Desantis Nemesis holster. I found the gun to be about as I expected it to be, (I read 100’s of reviews before I bought it) It will take some getting used too. Recoil is very firm but not harsh, and muzzle flip is on the high side but that is to be expected from shooting a formidable round (about 400lbs energy) from a very light pistol. And yes the trigger pull is long and not “good” nor is it horrible. In my little break-in session I was shooting at a paper plate at about 10yds at my “out back” range. Sights seem to be pretty close to on, even the laser (I’ll clamp it in a bench rest to properly sight it later) even so, I hit the plate 38 out of the 50 shots. I didn’t think that was to bad considering it was the first time I’d shot it, and in fact it was the first time I’d shot at all in quite some time. And most of the misses were during four 3 shot rapid fire groups (to see if it was going to jam) it did not. All in all I’d say I’m satisfied with the gun so far, time will tell but I trust Ruger dependability. And the accuracy just comes down to “ME” shooting the gun much more. Because even when I was using the laser, I could hold it pretty steady on the center of the plate, maybe 1/2″ of movement up/down/side to side. But as soon as I started to pull the trigger the laser dot would swing wildly all around right through the “BANG” part of the shot, thats not the gun , thats me!
    So for me,
    CON’s: 1. Trigger pull could and should be “better”
    2. Should come with two magazines, even if it adds to the price it saves
    the customer the hasel of having to order another, or in my case two
    more. Having an auto pistol with only one mag is like having a hammer
    and no nails!
    3. There is no need for the manual safety, no one is going to use it.
    4. The checkering on the front of the grip could be more “comfortable”
    5. The “pop-up” loaded chamber indicater is for complete idiots, or
    maybe “blind” shooters.

    PRO’s: 1. Its a Ruger, pretty sure it will go bang when I need it to, all my others
    always have!
    2. Size and feel of the gun are nice for my purposes.
    3. Nice that it comes from the factory with the lasermax installed.
    4. Having the option of a flat or extened mag floor plate is nice.
    5. Price is reasonable, got mine through “Buds” for $409.00

    Well I guess thats it, just my opinion, add it to the millions of others.
    Other handguns I own: Ruger P95-9mm, MKIII-.22, Walther P22, Kel-Tec P3AT-.380, FNH FNX-9mm

  82. Purchased my LC9 in December of 2011. I love it. I shoot it as often as I get a chance. I carry just about every day. It field strips easily and shoots extremely well (for a $400 pistol). Though my weapons are always out of their reach, as a father with small children, I appreciate the extra safety features. For the price, I think it is a great gun, especially since it is so easily concealable.

  83. I own the Ruger LC9. The only problem I have with it is the trigger. Not the fact that it is DAO, not so much the long pull, but the break so far back against the frame. I also own a Smith Wesson CS9, and CS45. These both are DA for the first shot. No problem with the DA. Also own a Smith 686P, again no problem with the DA there. I installed a Galloway trigger bar and hammer in the LC9 that moves the break forward. That made a huge difference for my accuracy with the LC9. The LC9 is a great little 9mm, it is just the trigger that sucks.

  84. I loved the LC9 at first sight and feel with the Lasermax installed. I had been looking for an upgrade to my very light and ease to carry Beretta 22 cal. . But to be realistic more punch than a 22 is needed.
    Finally got a chance to fire it yesterday. What a nice gun to shoot. All except for the trigger pull, that really sucks. While it’s a very accurate little gun the pull really makes target practice more of a challenge than it needs to be.
    It’s easy to agree that in a tight situation looking for the laser in bright surroundings and trigger pull won’t be a problem, but for practicing it would be great to get the pull better.
    I’ll be looking forward to more reviews on the Galloway trigger upgrade.
    For one being aware there is probably more of a chance to put a round in my own butt than someone elses makes the other saftey features generally ok.
    It’s a great gun for both the guys and the gals. My thoughts are to get one for my wife and daughter once they get their permits.
    I give the LC9 four stars plus. The trigger pull causes a star lost.

    • I agree with Allans comment above. His comment by the way is well put and states the case very well for the Ruger LC9. I installed the Galloway trigger bar and hammer and it improved the trigger pull for me. My accuracy with the LC9 is much improved. However, now that the trigger is quite short compared to the original pull, I would not carry the LC9 without the safety.

  85. Just got my LC9 this week. Noticed that when I tried to reholster without the safety on the slide would partially rack. With the safety on no problem. The magazine disconnect is not an issue–would not expect to be in an extended fire fight. The trigger pull is loooong. The Galoway precision mod might be an option. I shoot at and indoor range..50 foot is the only option–I hit the paper but nothing to brag about–need better glasses and more practice. Need a death grip on the gun to prevent the web of my hand from stinging.– For CC this pistol is great.

  86. Just found the site…Great article – well written and quick wit. I must check out some of the other fare. Thanks for taking the time to share, keep up the good work!

  87. I agree with Mr. Humphreys, 23 years with the USMC with all the hot spots that go along with it, and personally I have never found the manual external safety to be anything but a good thing to a shooter that trains. I have seen them save lives from accidental shootings on several occasions. While not a fan of the mag safety, I expressly purchased the LC9 for the frame safety. Much better than my PF-9.

  88. Sad to say that without mag disconnect,loaded chamber indicator and
    the needless safety (they aren’t needed on revolvers are
    they?)these pistols could not be sold in California. This is why
    PF9 cannot be sold here..except to police. Factor the added number
    of customers in the Golden State and the looming possibility of
    lawsuits from someone who might blame the gun for an AD and there
    are the reasons for the features that some like and some don’t. I
    like it. PS Don’t complain about gun laws and vote for
    Democrats….California is ruled by them from top to bottom.

  89. I love this gun, never jams, or misfires, I would not have a gun without a manual safety, and the safety on this gun is easy to ingage and disingage with your thumb in shooting pos. Not sure if this guy reviewing even held the gun, 10ft is a joke the recoil is next to nothing, grouping in the 10 inch range at 45ft me and my 17 year old son and we vary rarly shoot a pistol much less first time with this one, I have seen people who shoot alot group this gun in 2 inchs at 25ft, why would you practice shooting a gun at 10ft my gosh you can hit the perosn in the side of the ehad with the gun stock at that range. But I got news for you at 45ft your gonna be hit first round with this gun no problem.

  90. If you don’t like the safety, don’t use it. I’m LE and traded a snub nose wheel gun for the LC9 I was very pleased with the accuracy of this 9mm, recoil was nothing to speak of, followup shots were fast and easy. I traded for this gun as a backup and summer carry gun. I don’t like putting a gun in my pocket so I would suggest a IWB holster or belt clip for the LC9. I’ve owned a Kel-tec PF9, didn’t like it. The Kel-tec P11 I use to have was a great little gun, so much so that a friend made me an offer on it and I took it. For me the Ruger LC9 fits my hand perfectly with the mag extension. As far as eight rounds go most gun fights don’t go more then three or four rounds fired by either combatant, unless you’re in a stand-off situation, in that case you better have a rifle!

  91. I absolutely loved this 9mm pistol. Until I rented and shot it.
    Look at the trigger guard, closely. You might notice that the guard gets smaller towards the rear. That’s right, SMALLER. And this trigger lets off at the very rear. I found that I could get used to the loooong pull, but NOT to the fact that my (somewhat muscular) trigger finger jammed in the guard so tightly that I could not get off ANY shot without a conscious effort at overcoming my finger being jammed in the trigger guard. Too bad. I really wanted to like it well enough to buy it. And I am a Ruger guy (almost) all the way.

  92. Thanks for the review! The revered 1911 would be a great carry gun but going to the beach in a trenchcoat to cover it up isn’t an option so I’m going to give the LC9 a try.

  93. Very nice review and in agreement with my experience with the LC9 I bought about a month ago. I like its features with the exception of the very long trigger pull. Even so, it is an accurate little beast. My son and I both shot it two-handed at some 4″ bulls-eye targets I printed up. Thanks to the good sights, we were hitting the black most of the time at about 15 yards in slow aimed fire. Maybe not a tack-driver but plenty good enough for up close and personal combat. I was surprised by this accuracy in view of the long trigger pull. Recoil is not as bad as I had imagined given the light weight of this pistol and the punch of the 9 mm round. As a backup or concealed carry weapon, the LC9 is hard to beat.

    I found that I had to force myself to avoid pushing my trigger finger too far into the trigger guard. Doing that only seemed to exacerbate the long trigger pull problem. Maybe this is only a problem for those of us with basketball grippers for hands? In any case, the Galloway trigger mod seems like a worthy upgrade.

    I do have a question for those with more experience, though. What is the best method of carrying this pistol? I carry my Combat Commander .45 auto holstered, cocked, and locked, which works well. Not sure about the LC9 in this regard. Yes, I would like it to be reasonably fast out of the holster but not at the cost of shooting anything that ought not be shot! Any tips appreciated.

    • Ed-B,
      I’m a rifle hunter for 30+ years, but only a licensed pistol owner for 2+ years. The LC9 was my 3rd purchase. Now it’s my gun of choice, except when I’m hunting and want a better back-up for Coyote, Wolf, while in my blind.
      I have the same dilemma as you in regards to being ready, i.e., “holstered, cocked and locked.” I’ve decided for myself, I rather not have a round chambered with the safety on. I prefer to leave the safety off, with only the need to chamber a round in the event of an incident. I’d imagine comments will follow that you can take the safety off with one hand and it takes two hands to chamber a round, but I just rather not walk around with one in the chamber. Also in my opinion, the chambering of the round holds value to show the aggressor you are serious.
      Once again, just my opinion.
      Enjoy that LC9

      • No disrespect intended, but I have never drawn my weapon as a threat. When I draw my weapon, I have decided to fire two well placed shots to the chest cavity in 1.5 seconds or less. Losing precious time chambering a round is not something I want to do. I have flipped the safety off as the weapon is being brought on target. Were I anticipating a threat, the safety would be discretely moved to the off position while holstered. These comments are of course intended as my SOP for the LC9, and may vary for other designs.

        • [possible duplicate]
          I should have added that I am in Long Island, New York. NY State Full Carry with an administrative restriction by my county. “To/From the Range and Where Hunting is Legal” is rubber stamped on my license. You may stop for a meal to/from. The stigma created by local law enforcement is that they do not want you to have a pistol. They put that hesitation and fear in you. Be that as it may, I’ll have to practice being locked and loaded with the safety on. I know it’s better and you know what they say… if you’re not ready to defend yourself, you shouldn’t carry.

  94. I have used the LC-9 as back up during close range gunfighting classes and found it lacking in two areas as a serious defensive weapon.
    The magazine release not protected and will release in your pocket, leaving you with a gun that will not fire the one round you have available. This happened twice during class.

    The second issue is of course the magazine safety that disables the gun.

    • John,
      Yes, this is a problem for me too. I shot 100 rounds yesterday at my range. I dropped the magazine twice. I’m now trying to add that “thought” to my shooting technique, to remain aware of where my hands and fingers are. But worry that it would happen at the wrong time.
      Other than that, it’s still my gun of choice out of the three pistols I own. My Walther p22 is good for cheap unlimited plinking. My Taurus 24/7 ACP 45 is bulky to carry, but would no doubt stop just about anything. But again, I see myself reaching for the LC9 when I want to carry for the day.
      I might buy a small revolver as my 4th pistol.

  95. Bought one of these at the last gun show. Took it out to the range the next day and ran 4 mag fulls thru it with ball ammo. Shot low and right at 20yds. Got an uncle mikes holster and stuck it in the open center console of my SUV. Gun is black, holster is black and center console is black. You can’t even see it. Open concealment. Don’t like the little pin that protrudes from the frame at the back of the trigger guard. Gun has some muzzle flip due to it’s light weight. Neat little 9mm but wish it was even smaller.

  96. I think Ruger’s official position is that you should not shoot any reloads in this weapon (legal liability, I suppose). However, I wondered if anyone has fired any reloads and how they cycled, either cast or jacketed bullets?

    • I shoot my own reloads in my LC9. Firing reloads isn’t the issue. The quality of the ammo is the issue. There are many reloaders who turn out much higher, more consistent quality ammo than many commercial brands. My reloads cycle my pistols just fine. My 9mm ammo is middle of the road developing close to 1100 ft/sec velocity. I use reloads for practice and target shooting only, I would not use reloads as my self defense ammunition. The high quality commercial self defense ammo available is just too good and designed for the purpose.

      Ruger has no way of measuring hand loads so reloads are an arbitrary and unknown value to the gun maker. It seems reasonable that Ruger isn’t going to accept liability for reloads that my be so under powered as to not cycle the pistol properly, over so severely over powered as to be dangerous, or reloads that are improperly assembled.

  97. I just saw on the news where a guy goes into a McDonald’s with a concealed handgun. As he waits in line, he leans on the small half-wall behind him. The top corner of the wall engages the trigger and fires the weapon. Thankfully the bullet hits the tiled floor. Two people were treated for cuts after being fragged with broken tile.

    Bottom line: I would rather die in a gun battle because I couldn’t manipulate the safety than shoot some innocent person because I refused to engage the safety.

    But thats just me.

  98. I bought the LC9 recently and like it. Here’s my summary:
    Pros: very nice rounding of all edges, excellent for CC. I love the thinness of the single stack and the fit in my hand (large hands). Easy off safety with solid feel, with one hand. Takes my second hand to engage the safety, but that’s ok. Easy take-down, but watch the pin, it pops out and is easy to lose. This is as large a gun as I’d want for CC. Reasonably good groupings. No FTFs so far, but not a lot of range time yet.
    Cons: long trigger pull, as many have noted. Lasermax (option) is too easy to turn on unintentionally. Neither lasermax nor iron sights were accurate out of the box (laser was either factory installed or by dealer, not sure which). When I disassembled and reassembled the mag, it wouldn’t hold more than 4 or 5 rounds. So I repeated several times before it would hold a full mag; not sure what the difference was but I think the spring is finicky how it goes back in (thanks, but it went in the correct direction each time).
    Overall: quite satisfied with LC9, not so much with the lasermax and probably would not have bought that option in retrospect. My wife likes this gun too, and she has small hands. She has no trouble with the trigger on the LC9, although for some reason she can’t work the trigger on the smaller S&W Bodyguard 380 we bought for her.

  99. I bought the lc9 ruger last Saturday and was excited to have my own hand gun. I took it out today and fired off about 50 rounds and have to say I am not really liking the trigger. My husband has the 40 caliber and I like the way his trigger is. I guess I will just have to get used to this one. But overall I do like my new gun. Will be getting my cwp as soon as I can find a class to go to.

  100. I took my lc9 out today to get in some practice and I am starting to get used to the long trigger pull. I am able to hit the bull’s eye and I am always on the target so think that is pretty good. I love my gun and the only problem is that my rear site fell off today. It is a good thing that I saw it fall off or I would have lost it. I do need to find a holster that fits it though. I have the laser on it but have not used it. Fun gun and feel safe with it.

  101. I’ve had the LC9 for almost a year now and it has FTE’s many times. What could be the cause of this and how do I correct it?

    • Call Ruger customer service. They have been very responsive in my experience. Other than the trigger The LC9 has a good reputation and has been pretty much trouble free.

    • I have my LC9 since December 2011. I had the same problem. You can not use +P ammo for one. I have been using 115 grain Luger and never had an extraction or jamming problem again. Anything more than that, call Ruger.

      • I made the same mistake about +P ammo, The Ruger manual states that limited use of +P is OK to use. It is the +P+ ammo that should not be used.

        • cebur19,
          I can’t remember. It was Christmas, My neighbor and friend is NYPD. He gave me the box of +P
          when I told him about my new LC9. Could have been +p+. What a “bang” in my hand at the range with that ammo. The compact LC9 did not like it. Once again, the luger 9mm 115 grain
          has never given me a problem and I shoot often. I also clean it every time I return from the range.

  102. I get both sides of the external safety argument. First there are documented cases of bad guys taking LEOs gun and being unable to fire it because they could not figure out the safety.
    I own a number of pistols suitable for carry. For several months I carried a Sig P225. No external safety. Then I switched to a S&W 3913. Ambidextrous external safety very easy to operate. I had practiced with it some and been carrying it about a week when I went to the range with a friend just back from Iraq. He wanted to show me some drills he had learned at a very high level training site near Williamsburg. The pistol he carries on operations is a Glock 19…and it is the only handgun he shoots.
    For the first coupla drills I did pretty good clearing the safety as the gun came up firing very close to when my friend fired. But in a more complex drill sure enough I drew and failed to wipe the safety. By the time I wiped the safety and fired… my friend had 3 shots on target. As he reholstered his gun he said “That’s why I only train with one gun…the one I carry.” If I had been in a gunfight with him I would have been very dead…with two holes in the center of my chest and one in my head.

  103. I received this gun for Christmas and just shot it for the first time today. I had no problem with accuracy without the laser but the laser combined with the very long trigger pull was tough. Will practice but wanted to know if anyone has had luck modifying the trigger?

    • Tammy,
      I just happened to welcome that long trigger pull. My other pistol has a hairline
      trigger. But as I can read from other comments, you can improve it with a modification. Enjoy.

  104. Yes, the only problem with the LC9 is that trigger. I installed the Galloway trigger mod and the improvement is quite noticeable. It makes the LC9 a great little pistol. Google Galloway LC9 trigger and you will find the website.

  105. I purchased my LC9 in November. I have fired quite a few round with no problems. Like the feel and handle. Not near as accurate as several of you, but will work on that. The long trigger pull is taking some getting use to. I am a “southpaw” and it is easy for me to pull this gun to the right when pulling the long trigger. Finger placement? The clip has not released when firing with the left hand, my hand does not even come in contact with it. A good thing. The safety is a bit of a problem, but lefty’s always have to work around a safety. I can take it off safety with my left index finger or right thumb. Same as anything, more practice and thought. Any other lefty’s like this gun or suggest another? I’m enjoying my LC9. Great little gun to me.

  106. Having trouble getting the slide to completely close after manually chambering a round in my LC9. Anyone else have this happen?

    • Sounds like maybe the take down pin may not be properly installed through the barrel. Remove the slide. Then Re-install the slide assy back on the frame and take care that the take down pin passes thru the barrel.

    • Very Important! I just thought of this. Check the barrel for an obstruction. It may be possible that the newly chambered can’t fully seat because there is something stuck in the barrel. This could be dangerous. Take the barrel out ant inspect for obstruction.

    • Do Not manually chamber a round. Always chamber a round from the magazine so the extractor can properly grab the rim of the case. Chamber from the magazine, then remove magazine and reload that chambered round

  107. Never mind……I realized that if I insert a magazine and chamber a round, then remove the mag and add the 7th round that I’ve got my 7+1. I’m assuming that it’s a safety feature (one of many) on the LC9. Good gun so far, and will be my CCW once my application gets back from the Kansas AG.

    • Bob T
      The LC9 easily became my CCW of choice. I recently shot my 45 and 22LR handguns simply because they’ve been in the safe, sitting. I have only been reaching for the LC9.
      My daughter is near completion of her license. I have suggested she begin looking at UTube videos for comfortable pistols females prefer, but I will recommend the LC9.

  108. I think the issue is that the trigger pull is very long and stiff. This s probably a design feature to avoid premature discharge when using the gun as a CCW.
    However, it is MOST distracting.

    • This is a common question about using +P in the LC9. In a post dated October 24, 2012 I wrote this “I made the same mistake about +P ammo, The Ruger manual states that limited use of +P is OK to use. It is the +P+ ammo that should not be used.”

  109. I have owned my LC9 for over a year now, and I have grown to love this pistol as a CCW. It is perhaps the most accurate gun I have ever owned for this purpose, and I have never suffered a single malfunction during hundreds of rounds fired. As I stated in a post about a year ago, the rear sight did actually fall off within the first seventy-five rounds, but some Loctite resolved that issue. I have even gotten used to the trigger, but I do think I will proceed with the Galloway mod. As to the subject of +P ammo, my manual in rather ambiguous on the subject. To paraphrase, the manual cautions agains a steady diet of +P ammo, and it later states that +P should not be used, primarily due to the lack of pressure standardization of +P rounds.

    • The Ruger LC9 manual states not to use +P+, (Plus P Plus) ammunition. Occasional use of +P (Plus P) ammunition is OK. There is standard pressure ammunition, +P ammunition, and then +P+ ammunition. The +P+ is not to be used

  110. posted positive about this little mouse gun back in July. After several trips to the range and carrying the gun for 6 months, I traded it in on a Glock 26. The Ruger would not group shots inside of 12″ at 7 yds. Muzzle flip was also excessive. Never failed to feed, fire or eject anything I put in it. Just not accurate at all for more than point blank range. My bud in FLA had one of these and the front site keep falling off. He got rid of his too. More like a toy than a tool AFAIC. Love my Ruger revolvers. I’ll just keep my little Keltec 32 in my pocket.

  111. Had one for a week, first time out I found the exact problems noted, except there wasn’t a finger guard on the mags then.
    Anyway the problems were more of a problem to me…and in fact a deal breaker…

  112. I have a LC 9 in lay away i have another 9mm .I have some powerball ammo if you don’t want to kill someone don’t shoot with this stuff. It will blow up a gallon milk filled with water just like a 30-30 will do!For years hard ball is all that we had to pick from.All of this new bullet to pick from is differt.All these gangsters won’t tell about being shot 10 or 12 times.

  113. Read the many posts on this site and found them all interesting. My wife has gone through many handguns and was never satisfied with the feel of any of them until she used the LC9 on the range and loves it. The problem always seemed to be her small hand and not having an adequate grip, especially with various 9mm short models that seemed to be harder to manage than the full size 9mm. To my way of thinking, a small pistol is hard to manage after you have forty or fifty rounds down range, even in the 380 and 9mm. The 40 and 45 cals are especially hard on a small frame, and you can tell this by your last ten of fifty rounds are not as close to center. She has over 500 rounds through hers and has not had one malfunction.

    • My theory was that most of the reviewers who hate the LC9 for it’s trigger were too young to have shot much with a revolver; the Glock generation. Maybe your wife’s experience puts a little hole in that theory. I liked my LC9 right out of the box. However, I’ve made a couple of changes that I feel have refined the pistol even more and they may be useful for her, too. For a few dollars the Galloway steel guide rod and the heavier recoil spring were refinements I liked and they just drop in during cleaning. The first thing I did (and I realize that it’s not for everyone, for different reasons) was to remove the magazine safety. I’m not sure what the relationship is but that one mod very much smoothed out the trigger for me. Just a thought.

      On the other hand, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” can be valuable words to live by.

  114. I just purchased my LC9. I haven’t been able to find enough ammo to give it a through workout yet. I have dies and components on the way so that problem will be resolved soon. I have fired about fifty rounds so far. I have had no problems so far with functioning. The front sight proved to loosen up as the slide heated up and drifted to the left. I understand that this was a problem often encountered with the early guns and the sights are staked on the later guns. I must have gotten a early one. I was disappointed but it is a very easy fix. I am no gunsmith but even I can fix that or I might decided to put aftermarket sights on it. I am sure Ruger would fix it if I sent it back but there is no need for that. Overall I am very pleased with the gun. I have carried a LCP for 4 years now. I am very pleased with the LCP but I like the LC9 much more. It is more powerful and while larger it is still small enough to carry easily under light clothing. I must have gotten lucky because my LC9 has a very good trigger. It is very long just like it was designed but it is also very smooth and consistent. I considered doing the conversion to make the trigger release sooner but decided against it. I bought the gun as a carry gun. I will wait until the components that I ordered get here and load up a thousand rounds of ammo. I will then shoot the gun until I get used to the trigger the way it is. I did the same with my LCP after enough practice I got to where I could put a double tap on a falling plate and hit it with both shots at 15 yards. If I want to shoot a gun with a great trigger I have guns with great triggers. I have many different type of guns for different uses. So I will keep the long trigger pull on the gun that I stick in my pocket. I certainly would not want to stick one of my XP’s with the safety removed and a 3 ounce Jewel trigger in my pocket. Different guns different purposes. Time will tell if the LC9 proves to be as reliable as the LCP but for now I am very happy with my purchase.

  115. I purchased an LC9 the first of July, and have fired 200 rounds through it. The trigger has smoothed out and the gun is very accurate consisent groups at 25 yds of half inch or less. Very nice firearm! Next purchase will be 1911 and Sr45.

  116. Tried one at a rental range. The trigger was, bluntly, hideous, only a little better than a Kel-Tec PF9’s that I also tried, and markedly inferior to a Kahr CW9’s, which I judge only mediocre instead of horrific and unusable.

    Maybe if you have to defend yourself with deadly force it’ll go down at contact range (so why carry a gun at all, and not a tomahawk?) or maybe you’ll need good shot placement to shut down a threat who’s drawing down with the obvious intent of slinging lead at you from twenty yards away. Suddenly that Arrow staple gun trigger doesn’t look so good.

    Then, too, my opinion on such matters is that one carries a firearm because one might need to fight for one’s life with it. If you’re cool with checking off the “I’m armed” checkbox, then anything from one of those little belt-buckle “joke guns” to a Nagant revolver with a 24 pound trigger will do. If you think you might actually need to use it, on the other hand, certain things come into sharp focus.

    …also, John C, 25 yard groups of half inch or less? The LC9 shoots 2 MOA? Damn. I’m a fairly experienced pistol shot and I was fighting the godawful trigger, sweating and cursing and struggling to keep it on paper 100% of the time at 50 feet.

      • The trigger pull. Yes, I can read these posts and other comments on gun blogs, this is an issue,
        but not to all. I must have gotten used to it. Out of my collection, I seem to grab the LC9 first when
        conceal carrying. It wasn’t expensive. It remains in compliance with the Safe Act here in NY with the
        seven (7) round magazine. Parts and accessories are available, such as the laserlyte I just installed.
        I consider the LC9 a nice sized concealed carry. But I do recognize that long sweep of a trigger pull.

        • When I first got mine, my cousin and I went out to the range for some shooting. Neither of us could shoot it well when trying to use “square range” techniques. The trigger just doesn’t lend itself to the staging needed for target shooting. Luckily, we were at my club Action Shooting range so we weren’t limited to 10-ring paper targets. I took it out on a stage and did some running and gunning and that baby performs best when you pull the trigger through quickly and firmly. Focusing on the problem at hand I never noticed the trigger (and didn’t miss a plate!) and I’m used to running those stages with a SA pistol. So that’s my tip: it’s a defensive weapon, not a target shooting pistol. Use it as such and I bet some of these people will get better results.

  117. Okay okay, seriously, you really think James Bond didn’t have a spare tire??? (the only part of the review I disagree with honestly)

    I obviously need to be the voice of reason on that matter and bring up Sean Connery (who was by Hollywood standards of the time, an “old man”) and Roger Moore… They both had spare tires (and man-boobs) that were CLEARLY visible in the love scenes and scenes where Bond was in some sort of swimwear…

    Anywho, this gun is essentially the modern embodiment of the original .32 caliber Walther PPK (now a .380… sadly no 9mm version is available). As all who knock the frame safety on this should ponder, which is harder to disengage in a REAL (non-range… AKA completely imaginary) scenario, a slide mounted safety (as the PPK has/had) or a frame mounted safety that is closer to the thumb???

    Though I will agree, the magazine safety is a pretty useless feature… what if you had a round in the chamber (IE: you count your rounds like a good shooter SHOULD) during a reload and the intended threat that needed to be addressed didn’t heed to the first 6 rounds (you missed or whatever, adrenaline effects suck) and you need to fire that seventh round to end the threat. What then? “Oh, I’m sorry, can you wait while I shove my partially ejected magazine back in my gun?”

  118. I just bought mine got it home fired a clip full. Slide locked back and then could not get it back into battery without using two hands. SO BEWARE. I called Ruger, they stated that the lever on the left side that hold the slide back on last shot is only a catch and not a slide release, you must use two hands she stated. Thats fine I guess for most people but I don;t have two hands.ANd yes I tested it in the store and the two times I hit the not slide release it performed like a slide release. So I’m stuck with a gun I cannot load very fast now. NO review I read before buying the gun mentioned this.

  119. I was looking into this handgun with trepadation as to whether it had the same faults as the LCP. The I saw, “the Ruger semi’s got a looooong double-action-only trigger pull. How long? It makes War and Peace seem like a graffiti tag.” and I knew that it is not for me. I do carry the LCP at times but will have to aim low to hit anything after the looooong trigger pull. I much prefer the feel of a Glock 26 or the Beretta Nano for trigger pull for the 9 mm shell. So I will not be buying a LC9, but if you like it then please enjoy.

  120. “Civilians are well advised to choose a self-defense gun that doesn’t require a lot of thought,”

    If someone is not giving a lot of thought to their gun they shouldn’t be carrying period. I’ve see cops who got their windbreaker drawstrings caught in the finger guard of their carry guns that don’t have external safeties and shot themselves. Why not better teach people to use it rather than bitch about it and belittle it.

  121. I had a LC-9 and the only thing I didnt like was the trigger so I replaced the Trigger Bar with one from Galloway Precision and the Firearm was almost perfect after that.

  122. I bought the Ruger LC9 after owning a Kel-Tec PF9 for a couple of years. The PF9 carried well, recoiled like a spool of barbed wire in my hand and jammed at least once every time I shot a magazine. I dumped it at a gun show last October and invested the money into the Ruger.

    Several hundred trouble free rounds and 6 months later, I can say I have peace of mind with the LC9. Yes, the trigger pull is difficult, but after some practice, I don’t find it an issue. I’ve put Federal Eagle, Federal, WWB and Tula BrassMaxx through it without a single failure. I don’t measure my groupings, but find I can empty a magazine into a tree trunk at 10 yards and cover the holes with my hand. (Minute of chest so to speak).
    Recoil is a tad snappy, but manageable.

    While some folks don’t like the safeties, including the article’s reviewer, I don’t mind them. I actually like the safety below the slide. Keep one in the pipe, draw and “snick”, it’s ready to fire. I also appreciate the loaded chamber indicator. It comes in handy when friends and family shoot the weapon. Let’s them(and me) know it’s still loaded!

    Since I started carrying the LC9 as my EDC, I’ve had an encounter or two when I really appreciated having a reliable handgun in my pocket. (There are crazy people everywhere it seems!)

    I carry my LC9 with confidence and I recommend it to anyone looking for a decent EDC 9mm pistol.

  123. When I read your comment about the manual safety, I knew your opinion was useless. I’ll let you guess what pistol has the most accidental discharges by law enforcement and civilians. Hint: It doesn’t have a manual safety.

  124. whoah this blog is excellent i love reading your articles.

    Stay up the great work! You already know, a lot of individuals are looking around for
    this info, you can help them greatly.

  125. Except for the long trigger pull and the fact, that the magazine release doesn’t drop the magazine, unless you use your other hand to push the magazine up first, then pull it down, it’s a fabulous concealable gun. Maybe it’s just mine that has that problem with the magazine, but that’s what I experience. I do love the similarity in looks to the Walther PPK (James Bond gun) and the fact that Ruger supplied a magazine with the “Pinky Extension”. I’m a tall guy with big hands and that extension allows me to hold the gun comfortably. Well done Ruger!

  126. Love the LC9. First gen. Safety and all. For appendix IWB. No excess worries about NDs into central area. So,easy to sweep off safety.

    Trigger pull breaks near frame, so what. Squeeze in, release out. Very very smmoooooooooth!

    Everything about it makes it totally intentional and on purpose. I know a trembling finger will not get me into,trouble. Plus, they say under intense stress, fine motor skills diminish. So a heavy long squeeze may feel “natural” at that time. Most likely you won’t remember a thing.

    I see guys at range squeeze so slow that their hands are trembling from trying so hard to be still. And it works against them for accuracy. They pull left when hand cramps from the static contraction. Trying so hard to keep sights lined up.

    With the LC9 first gen., one can point shoot fast to get all rounds into the circle. It actually works well this way. When danger is in front, just extend arm and shoot, or just assess situation if threat stops by mere sight of the pistol, as 9/10 DGUs do.

    Of course, the newer LC9s solves the trigger complaints. But I have other guns with “good triggers” already. And do prefer the longer stroke of the LC9 original. It is comforting to know it isn’t so sensitive. Practicing with it makes transitioning to other guns easier. “Working” for each shot with the longer trigger takes little time.

    Criticisms are overwhelmingly blown out of proportion, as the minimal time it takes to adjust assists confidence when carrying. I don’t have to baby it and be mindful of the trigger guard as when carrying my G19 or 26. Yes, Sherpa, you in mind.

    That said, I am by no means sloppy or careless. The four rules always applied. I just like the extra safety offered by design: every shot requires full intent.

    If one wanted to point and take up the trigger halfway, it is very easy to do so, as break predictable. Plus, you can index the hammer on the slide/frame cut and see exactly where it goes off at. To learn the “pull to shot” distance. To know when how far you can actually squeeze the trigger and let back off without firing. In the case a situation deescalates. You can be right there if needed and let off if no longer needed.

    Some don’t advise this, just as most advise not to cock a double action revolver to single action if a self defense situation. Legal problem possibly. But who knows? Cocking a revolver may be a visual deterrent and the BG may know you are deadly serious. (As similar to racking the pump shotgun).

    Some laugh at this “theater”, but how many have actually been in an encounter to say it doesn’t have an effect, versus those who have been facing an adversary where these actions worked favorably?

    I have read about both (questionable techniques) working as strong deterrents to criminals. It is not rocket science. Every scenario is unique. And there are many good ways, not just “The Way”. But basic human nature prefers absolutes. And many will pay lots of $$$ to be told “The Way”.

    Not aiming to split or divide fellow shooters. As long as your gun functions and the criminal sees it you are far more ahead than one who relies solely on 911. No matter SAO, SA/DA, a working firearm in the good guy’s hands makes a big difference in who lives.

  127. So….I just picked up this gun from a gun show in Mesquite today. It was a “blind buy” as I knew nothing of the gun, only an idea of what I was looking for (had in mind a Glock 42 or 19). I traded a FEG GKK-92C for it and have many hours behind various handguns and rifles. After spending the time to read each and every comment as well as the article itself, I believe I will enjoy this handgun as my daily CC.

    The trigger pull doesn’t concern me, as I am very used to the long pull from double action revolvers and the FEG. My dry fire practice tells me this trigger is actually a lot lighter than the FEG, which is a plus. I also subscribe to the saftey feature this presents and will not be modifying it.

    For those that complain about the frame safety and the chamber notification, all I have to say to you is you should not belittle them. After spending many years in the presence and practice of carrying guns, there is only one first rule, that of safety first!

    I well remember my one AD experience where I swore the safety was on when I took the gun from the trunk of the car. I was in a hurry to do building walkthroughs on my security guard shift, and had the gun and my flashlight in the wrong hands. As I was fumbling with my Winchester 12 gague pointed at the ground, my figer hit the trigger and the door opener round hit three inches from my foot. I dug the round from the ground and kept it as a reminder to me that I broke rule number 1. Never, ever, rush proper safety measures. I should have put the gun down on the trunk of the car and double checked the safety before picking it up again.

    I also have other lessons similar, and have lost good friends due to stupid mistakes that never should have happened. In the end, they all tell me that you must practice like you will act given the situation at hand. In the case of this LC9, it means being aware of every feature of the gun, using every feature of the gun, and practicing extensively before judging myself ready to carry daily. I fully embrace every safety feature this gun has and am not about to modify it beyond maybe a few additions (laser sight and soft grip sleeve perhaps).

    As for how I intend on carrying it? I also bought a universal nylon holster that fits very nicely in the small of my back, intend on carrying it locked and loaded, with the frame safety ON. This is a defensive weapon and flipping off the safety is a matter of practice, and takes half a second at best.

  128. LC 9 , great pistol , really reliable , quality magazines , great capacity , looks good , handles well , carries easy , runs everything I’ve put through it with no hiccup . Fair price . I like it so much I got a second one for my wife . The slide is a little stiff for her but she figured it out and as usual , out preforms me on target . Women are good shooters when you get them to shoot . I’m lucky to have my own range on my farm and luckier to have the wife I have . Good guns and good women make a good man .

  129. Bought a techna clip for my ruger lc9 best thing they ever made easy to cc easy to draw i carry the 9 rd extended mag easier to grab and shoot

  130. Good review on the LC9 but I didn’t understand your closing comment where you said this:

    “For me that’s a 13-round Springfield XD-M 45 with a spare magazine that weighs as much as the Ruger LC9.”

    Your comment seems to indicate equivalent weights for these two guns but the LC9 weighs ballpark 18 oz while the sub compact XD-M in 45 cal weighs 27 oz (according to the manufacturers website), which is a whole lot more than the LC9 weighs.

  131. When my wife and I got our concealed carry I took her shopping. She had really fallen in love with the LCP (380) but I wanted her to have more power. She was a great shot with our 357 revolver so the kick of 9mm would be no problem for her. We looked at Smith and Wesson and a KelTec but the moment she felt the LC9 she knew–this was the one.
    The trigger is what I love. What a sweet, light pull! Much better than the LCP action which is too long.
    We all shot it and it grouped nicely at 4 yards. I mean, I could group within 2 to 3 inches easily. Sometimes tighter. My 13 year old son shot 4 out of 5 bulls-eyes his first time.
    My wife quickly got the hang of it and was able to draw from concealed position and hit the bulls eye after about 30 rounds. Once she got the hang of it…she was consistently safe, fast, and accurate.
    The only down side is the fact it only holds 7 rounds, or 7+1. But she loves how she can easily conceal it even under snug clothes.
    Excellent firearm.

  132. A friend recently purchased a standard LC9 and I was able to wring it out for accuracy and reliability. It was 100% in each category. It is only slightly less accurate–not enough to matter–than my Glock 43 which is an exceptionally accurate specimen. On the range, I have never seen a LC9 malfunction unless reloads or non-standard ammo was used. Always buy factory loaded FMJs or JHPs for self-defense. Snappy in recoil? Yes, a little–it’s a pocket pistol firing a full load 9mm cartridge. The trigger was nearly perfect–better than my G 43 until I changed out the connector. Ruger has done a great job with the LC9. I am a L/E and civilian firearms instructor.

  133. The LC9 is just small enough that it is my daily concealed carry. It has been a reliable shooter despite being a gun with so many moving parts. I’ve done the trigger customizations that others would have talked about, but I’ve also done things like rubber dip the spring in the handle so that you don’t hear and feel it make cheap sounding vibration noises when fired. Most guns don’t have a manual safety switch, I like that the LC9 does. I thought I would remove the magazine safety but later decided it was a nice feature to have and it didn’t really affect my shooting. If I had to leave the gun in the car (because of liberals with their no firearms signs) then I’d just take the magazines with me so the gun could not be fired if found.

  134. Bond Arms Bullpup9 9mm Length:5.10″ Height:4.2″ Width:0.96″ Barrel:3.35″ Capacity:7+1
    I lost track of rounds fired over 600 rounds with zero issues.

  135. Good dependable firearm from a reputable maker. Not really that much bigger than my Beretta Bobcat 21A in 22LR. lightweight and in 9MM and very accurate. Like the hard to miss loaded indicator, but the safety lever is little on the small side.
    Overall, I like it and it is very easy to carry and use well.
    Would like to see some tests with it and the newer ARX type bullets.

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