A wise old man once told me that real pistols only came in one configuration: blued steel and walnut grips. The very same man bandied about phrases like “nickel plated sissy pistol” and believed that the .45 ACP was the alpha and omega. When “combat tupperware” started to become en vogue he thought it was a sign of the apocalypse. When Ruger released their polymer framed LCR revolver, he let loose a string of epithets that would have even made Howard Stern blush. Revolvers were made from metal, end of story. While I always took what he said with a grain of salt, I tended to agree with him on this point. Sorry. I should have said “agreed” . . .
The Ruger LCR .357 is a beefed-up version of the original .38 Special LCR. It features a monolithic frame made of 4000 series blackened stainless steel that completely encloses the 1.875” barrel. Attached to the monolithic frame is the piece that has the purists up in arms and holds all the parts that make the LCR go bang: the polymer fire control housing. Ruger reckons the polymer housing cuts down on weight and soaks up recoil. The second key innovation is the trigger. Ruger redesigned the DAO trigger with a friction reducing cam mechanism; which, according to Ruger’s literature, results in a “smooth, non-stacking trigger pull.”
Unlike its .38 special precursor or a Scandium S&W J frame (in the same caliber), Ruger’s 17.1 ounce LCR is no featherweight . But it’s no porker, either. AS you hold the LCR in your hand, the weight seems to disappear into a near perfect blend of balance and point-ability. The recoil-reducing Hogue Tamer grips add to the comfort and, thus, confidence. The thought of lighting off some full house magnum loads in the LCR isn’t quite as intimidating as it is forother small frame .357s.
The LCR’s sights are typical for this class of small-frame revolver. The rear sight consists of a notch and shallow trough through which you line up your front sight. Our T&E model sported a red fiber optic front sight. You can also get it with a typical ramped front or an XS Big Dot, an ideal choice for a stubbornly novice self-defense shooter.
Ruger’s revolutionary trigger has a relatively short pull with an easy smooth pull back. Dry firing revealed no stacking, no grit, no nothing; the cylinder rotated into place with Swiss precision. Milliseconds later I encountered the cleanest break I ever felt on a revolver. An affront to Smith & Wesson fans? Hyperbole? There was only way to find out: take her out for a proper date at the Timberline Creek Rod & Gun Club (aka my mother in law’s back 40).
I brought a variety of ammo, ranging from 158 gr JSP .357 to 125 gr Hornady Critical Defense to Wally World’s Winchester white box (WWB). Loading up my first cylinder of .357, I apprehensively brought the pistol up to bear on the steel target 15 yards away and eased the trigger back. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t flinch a little. While there’s no doubt the LCR dishes out some stout recoil, it’s not the curse word-inducing sensation created by other manufacturers’ lightweight magnum snubbies. I made it through the whole cylinder without wanting to switch to .38 special loads and turn in my Man Card.
One-hundred-fifty rounds later I’d run out of .357 ammo. I switched over to the .38 special, where I found highly manageable recoil. Thirty short minutes later, I’d run out of ammo – and realized I had yet to take any pictures or shoot any video. I was having so much fun shooting this little concealed carry revolver – and hitting what I was aiming at – that I’d completely neglected my journalistic duties.
I came back the next day with a box of both .357 and .38 special and the explicit intent to do some serious shooting with lots of pictures and videos. That intent was short lived; my cameraman/sister in law and I started running some defensive drills from 15 yards all the way in and with each satisfying ping of steel or hole through the noggin of a Birchwood Casey Darkotic Zombie Target the fun factor grew exponentially.
Suffice to say we didn’t end up taking any video until the very end when we finally settled down and captured some media. First off was rapid fire of 158 gr JSP .357 at 7 yards, going for center of mass on the Birchwood Casey Darkotic Splattering Zombie Target.
As you can see, the results are pretty good. All five shots found paper and three of them managed to land within an inch of each other.
Then I loaded up a cylinder of WWB .38 Special, fully expecting the results to be better due to the reduced recoil.
I was a little shocked when I walked up to the target. While four out of five shots were on paper and on target, I had thrown one completely off the paper. The grouping was much larger than with the .357. I don’t have a logical or even scientific explanation for this phenomenon and frankly don’t know if I need one. The bottom line is, if you do your part, this revolver is going to put rounds on target accurately and quickly.
I’ve never called a small-framed snubbie fun before; I’ve sold every one I’ve ever owned. They were all so punishing in .357 or inaccurate in .38 special that I gave up after a few weeks. The Ruger LCR .357 is fun. It’s a relatively lightweight yet accurate revolver with a trigger that beats the snot out of any other double action revolver I’ve ever sampled. It’s easily concealed in all manner of OWB or IWB holsters and rests comfortably therein. And it’s earned a place in the “handguns I’ll never sell” section of my gun safe.
Caliber: .357 Magnum/.38 Special
Barrel Length: 1.875”
Overall Length: 6.50”
Weight: 17.10 oz.
Capacity: 5
Finish: Blackened Stainless
Price: $ 575 MSRP
RATINGS (out of five)
Style * * * *
The Glock of revolvers. Made to do a job, not look pretty.
Ergonomics * * * * *
Feels great in the hands and sports a very comfortable recoil reducing grip.
Reliability * * * * *
Went through over 300 rounds without a hiccup or a cleaning.
Customizable * *
Three grip options, three front sight options and . . . that’s all folks!
Carry * * * * *
Its diminutive size makes it easily concealable. Disappears under t-shirts with impunity.
Overall Rating * * * * *
I learned my lesson about doubting new designs and found a pint-sized powerhouse that’s spending a lot of time on my hip.
[TTAG’s targets are supplied by Birchwood Casey]
I recently wrote the mayor of KCMO regarding his anti-2A stance. I received a politely worded response indicating he intends to persist in trying to disarm the metro area. Fortunately, in MO we have state preemption and any pro-gun control bills are DOA in the legislature.
That was exceptionally well written, with a mix of fact and passion. The gun control laws passed by the statists in CT, and the circumstances surrounding the enforcement of these laws, are indicative of the operation of the civilian industrial disarmament machine nationwide.
I’ve just submitted my Stand Strong photo. This could get interesting, although I pray that it doesn’t.
I’ve actually been looking at the LCR for a “pocket carry” pistol, for those times when an IWB would stick out like a sore thumb. How easy is this to keep in a pocket? Does it make much of a bulge?
(Nice review, BTW)
My .38 LCR rides well in a regular pair of cargoes or khakis. Not very noticeable at all. Last Saturday I pocketed mine and set out on some errands. I ended up cutting the grass and crawling around in the attic to run some wire without a thought on the weapon. However, It’s a little thick to be comfortable in a boot, if you ever carry that way.
Thanks Nick. As long as I’m wearing appropriate pants, the LCR has no problem going into a pocket. The one thing that hinders it in that respect is that if your pants are a wee bit tight then the grip does tend to stand out a little due to its size. However, Ruger does have boot grips for the LCR that are much smaller and still have the Hogue Tamer insert and a good pocket holster can mitigate some of that also.
I was wondering about this new Ruger since I saw it in the shop. It looks wicked awesome. Glad it is a good shooter.
Excellent review – posted to our Facebook page
Epithets, Ryan. He was only hurling epitaphs if he was hucking gravestones. Great review, though.
Good catch. Watch out for flying tombstones!
Good review, Ryan. When these first came out my local dealer offered me the chance to play with one that had not been picked up by its proper owner yet. I declined. I just was not interested or impressed with the idea of a plastic revolver. This review however is why I like TTAG and now I have a need to shoot this thing.
Grammar nazi alert!
I think you meant ‘epithets’ instead of ‘epitaphs’…
Text amended.
I love my .38 LCR. I’ve got a few snubbie .38s to compare it to, including a smith 442. The LCR is definitely my pick of the bunch. Can’t wait to grab one in .357 after this review. I’ll likely trade or sell the 442 to get it.
Sam shoots her Smith & Wesson more accurately when it’s loaded with .357s than .38s. I also wonder what that’s all about . . .
Heads-up: I’m shooting the Smith & Wesson Model 60 Professional stainless steel snub-nosed .357 (with night sights) today. I’ll review it and then send it to you for a comparo.
I’ve always believed that .357 rounds were more accurate than .38 Spls. when fired from 2″ snubbies. .38s seem to need a 4″ barrel or longer to reach their potential. I don’t know why.
Theory: Shooters subconciously grip the gun more rigidly in anticipation of the 357 and more lackidasicly (sp) for the 38s.
But doesn’t gripping a gun more rigidly hurt your aim? I notice when I grip harder I shoot low left cause of a bad trigger pull
I know the thread is old but couldn’t resist leaving a comment regarding the LCR 38. I can’t say that I’m in love with the piece. The muzzle flip /recoil isn’t wonderful. True it’s a very light pistol but I would have preferred more control and better sights. I bought it with the Crimson Laser which is a distraction at 21 feet out. Should have gotten a bigger pistol for home defense like a River GP 100 with the 3″ barrel. Just my 2 cents!
Are the bullets loaded into factory .357 loads the same as factory .38 loads. If they have a longer bearing surface wouldn’t that provide them with better accuracy? Also on a weapon with fixed sights your elevation would most likely be off as well since .357 is moving significantly faster than .38.
I’ve had a .38 version for a year now. Just crossed the 1500 round mark with it on Labor Day. It’s my EDC, and I’ve had no problems with it. Rides in the front pocket of my jeans and looks like a wallet when using a DeSantis Nemesis holster. Highly recommended.
I only have one poly based weapon and that is a Ruger PC9 9mm carbine that I really, really love. Looks like Ruger will be selling me my first poly handgun as well.
I’m in love.
(I didn’t think I’d ever say that about an ugly snubbie.)
Thanks for the review.
Nice, Ryan. It seemed from the viddies that .357s caused only marginally more muzzle flip than .38s. That’s amazing.
Yea it was definitely a welcome surprise.
Load the .357 to hot 9mm specifications with 158 gr JHP and you have a reduced recoil thumper that you can easily keep all 5 shots rapid fire in a circle the spread of your hand at 10 yards while getting almost double the ballistic performance of .38 P Plus that many prefer to use as a carry load.
And yes, the trigger pull really is as good as he states and no doubt does contribute to this accuracy.
The Hogue grips are great for shooting, but not so great for concealing. They tend to grab at clothes and increase the likelihood of printing-through.
And they make it more difficult to grip & draw from a pocket holster.
I prefer wood (or other non-grabby) materials for grips when I carry a revolver.
Just when it looked like the revolver was destined to share the fate of vinyl records and vacuum tubes, Ruger engineers achieve a break-through design. Even the most diehard J-frame fans will now be forced to admit that the little .357 LCR is first among equals.
Vynal records are making a big comeback as are Revolvers which I started carrying in the early 70’s. The odds of needing more than 3 rounds are about the same as being hit by lightning 2 times on a sunny day. Even though we have been led to believe that we all need a 15 round semi auto pistol with a laser, and 2 spare mags,
Show me one time that it was actually needed, the chances of standing there and firing off 50 rounds of ammo, without being cut to ribbons are slim to none.
I traded my 38spl LCR in for the 357 version, as I found the 38spl version to have just too much recoil. Although, to be fair, it was my only centerfire firearm (although I did pick up a 3″ SP101 at the same time). Much more pleasant to shoot, although I do notice it much more on pocket carry. Eh, need to shoot what one carries.
I’m not sure which one I prefer: the SP101 or the LCR. The LCR definatly has more recoil. But the trigger is simply so much better. Neither gun is a real plinker, so, hate to say it: but I think the LCR is my preferred gun.
If Ruger were to make a 20 or 22oz 6 round 3″ revolver with the LCR trigger I might well just buy it on the spot. Heck, even at the 26oz weight of the SP101 I’d buy it–light recoil, brilliant trigger, good balance. Who would need SA with a DA trigger like this?
Purchased a SP-101 .38 snubby for home defense. Was a wee bit heavy for the bride.
Took my gunshop owner’s advice & traded it in for this .357 LCR.
Am delighted with its accuracy and portability.
NICE review, I just bought the LCR 357 today even over the great S&W 442 which was my other top choice and what I had bought my wife, and I love. This gun has a much more refined modern design, the trigger and feel of the gun is superior to the smith. The trigger is one of the best I’ve ever felt. I mean revolutionary good for a gun in this price and size. The hogue grips very nice. I shot more accurate with 38 and my groups were tighter than the review even at 30-35 feet but the 357 is one hell of a bang. The cylinder and mechanics are super fine, and in many ways this gun could be superior to the Smith in many ways and about EQUAL when you average it all out. I bought the S&W bodyguard 380 the day before and just dont like it. I’d like the CT laser but the price is bordering on a ripoff at 299.00 and the grip is not even close to the stock one in comfort and feel. I have 100% confidence this is going to be a much more accurate shooter than the Smith 442 due to just the trigger alone. This trigger is easily 30% easier, smoother and shorter stroke. I just compared again to the 442 and WOW what an ergo difference. This one is just very slightly more concealable for some reason. Vanishes…. I also think the cylinder to barrel mating is tighter and more refined.
Super fun gun. Just shot .357’s and .38’s through it today… I had great groupings with the .38, lots of fun. The .357 kicked like crazy, actually painful. (only shot 10 of the .357 cuz my hand hurt.) Maybe I was tensing up too much.
I will still load .357’s for concealed carry, but will plink w/ the .38’s.
I just took my new lcr 357 out for a test run and I have to say that I really liked it. It packs one hell of a punch and I would recommend that if you are practicing to definitely wear good eye protection. The blow back tends to smack you upside the face. I like to shoot my guns without eye protection initially to see how they perform, especially since when I am in the field with them, I need to know what to expect. I replaced the front sight with an xs tritium front sight and I like it. Your sight picture changes and learning the hold will take some practice. This is due partl because the xs sight is taller than the stock sight, therefore your front dot is disected by the rear groove. The gun was semi accurate at 10 yards, but I will take the blame for that. I messed around with the trigger pull a bit and found m dads old way of a slow and smooth trigger pull will not work for me on this gun. The action is very long and any small disturbance in the trigger pull sent rounds flying. I saw a show on the s&w body guard 380 and the instructors recommended a more deliberat pull due to the heavier trigger pull. I tried that out and found myself grouping much tighter and even grouping reasonably at 25 yards. I also did this with rapid fire and grouped better than “taking my time”. This is a great attribute for personal defense, which is why I got this gun. To answer George’s question, to get a clean extraction from your cylinder, you need to rack the ejector pretty good to clear the spent brass. If there was a flaw to this gun, this would be it. All in all I am very happy with my choice, the gun is powerful, easy to carry, and for the money it is a steal for a firearm of this quality.
Do your self a favor, don’t rack the ejection rod. Just lubricate it good with
a teflon spray. Let the gun break in and it should work fine. Once the gun
gets warmed up the cartridges should almost fall out. The aluminum
cartridges may be a little tighter, but not enough to have to use anything
other than the palm of your hand to eject.
just bought one i’m really hoping to get it out asap!
I love this gun. Its powerful and accurate. I’m not an expert with firearms but I haven’t missed with this baby yet. First 357 round caught me by surprise. There is a kick although manageable. Once I got use to it not a problem. I definately think this is a must buy if you carry concealed. I’ve retired my Glock 22 to home protection only.
Great little gun but it has it’s peculiarities about ammo. In the 400 + rounds since
purchase, I have experimented with many different types of ammo. This gun hates
125gr. 38cal. ammo, especially flat or JSP target rounds. It’s accuracy drops off
quickly after about 25 feet. The only 125gr. that I had any luck with was the
Winchester DPX-1 bonded JHP Hydo Shok 357mag. It was still viable at 50 feet
but the grouping suffered. The best results I achieved was with 158gr. JHP in either
38cal. special +P and 357mag. Even the CCI Blazer 158gr. 357mag JHP, with the
aluminum casings, shot well. These were the best economical target rounds. The
lower power did seem to matter much.
Gave up after a few weeks? It takes YEARS to master the 5 shot snubby.
I’ve looked through all the snubs on the market. This seems to be the best. The Smith and Wesson trigger pull is absolutely ridiculous with an eleven pound trigger pull and even if you get the partially concealed hammer, to pull takes a two hand approach. The Taurus is slightly better trigger pull, but still. The LCR has an unbelievably smooth trigger pull as the article says, and smooth and steady will stack the rounds if that’s what you want.
As far as the recoil of the 357, I guess I’m used to my hunting pistol. Referring to the man card, shoot my S&W 460 then come back and say the recoil on LCR 357 is bad. My 460 makes the LCR feel like a derringer.
This is one fantastic revolver and as far as concealed, powerful protection, it doesn’t get any better than this pistol.
I just purchased a LCR 357.
Hoping what said about it is true.
You like it appearantly.
I’m late to the party but I must say this revolver is my favorite gun ever now but I’m no expert or anything, just a regular dude who can pick this revolver up and hit the target at surprising distances every time for a snub nose.
In my opinion, the Ruger LCR in 357 is the perfect carry piece, for the following reasons:
It’s a .357. Recoil is stiff, but not that bad.
It fits in the front or rear pocket of jeans, khakis, cargo shorts, whatever.
The trigger is the best double action trigger I’ve ever felt. Period.
I’ve put about 500 rounds through it without anything even close to a misfire.
And best of all: “POINTABILITY!!!” The gun practically aims itself!
Highly recommended.
I own the LCR 357, but have never pushed 357s thru it. Why? After I bought it, I was reviewing some google vids. This guy had loaded the LCR with alternating rounds of 38s, +Ps and 357, (I’m not sure what order) and handed it to a woman (at the range). She had no idea what was loaded, where. She fired the first shot and flinched a little. The recoil of the 2nd round nearly took her head off.
I felt his stunt was totally cruel, and potentially dangerous. I also felt, why do I want to load 357s if they have that kind of recoil!? Needless to say, I glad I ran across your video. I will be picking up a box, or two for some long-overdue range time….
I too have one of these great pistols. I found the one great drawback to concealed carry was the rubber grip. Perfect for taming the recoil, but way too sticky to clothing. The fix-get a new grip-they are out there if you look hard enough. I got what’s called the CIA grip. It’s like the boot grip but smooth wood. Awesome. Cost a lot too. I think I got it from Eagle grips(online). Along with a big dot front sight and a great holster from Simply Rugged, this thing will be with me forever.
I’m assuming you carry with 357s. How is the recoil with the wooden grip? In other words, I’ve been wondering how much difference the Houge tamer grip makes.
How did the BG get his swimmers into the squirt gun?
Never mind. I don’t want to know.
If we think trading AWB for Universal Checks is a victory, then we’re as dumb as they think we are. If we don’t defeat Universal Checks, they STILL win.
Oh boy. This legislator thinks that magazines are a one-time use object — disposable in other words!
Now that we can illustrate the flaw in their thinking, I wonder if a simple education campaign would enough to get the legislators to reverse their legislation?
Let’s see. You clowns think that although the Supreme Court recently ruled that the second amendment guaranteed your right to own firearms, somehow the President will defy the Constitution he’s sworn to uphold, and take those guns away. Do you honestly think he has that authority or that he can persuade the military, who’s officers greatly favor guns and themselves are sworn to uphold the Constitution, to do such bidding? Go back to Civics class and read about, “Separation of Powers”. Your paranoid ignorance is as absolutely astounding as it is dangerous in a democracy.
Never heard of projectiles going forward in the case enough or at all to lock up a cylinder. Primers maybe. Sounds like the mighty corbons weren’t crimped at all.
I have the LCR .38 with night sights. I’m encouraged by all of the positive comments on this gun. I used .38 sp 158 gr. Remington ammo and it had too much recoil for me. My hand are small. I’m working on building strength in my hands. In the mean time, is there a smaller better grip I should try? Also, which ammo would be best for range practice? I got it for home protection.
Can anyone comment as to recoil of 357 vs. 45acp? I have no problem with the 45 but have never shot 357. I’m a Realtor and want a Ruger lcr for when I am showing empty houses to strangers! Saw one in 357 with lazer site for $700.
A LOT more kick. .45 is a pussycat in comparison. In fact, most shooters readjust their grip after the first shot of a .357. In other words, it’s a hell of a round if one round’s all you need. If not (.e.g., you miss or the threat continues), not so much.
You wanna know why it’s called Medium? Because it’s not rare and it sure ain’t* well done.
* I love how chrome spell check corrects “aint” to “ain’t”
I recently purchased a Ruger LCR 357 and I normally don’t carry revolvers. I have to say that I absolutely love this gun. I was very surprised to find that my grouping at 15 Yards is so good for such a small gun. I have tried several brands of ammo and I also found that my grouping with 357 ammo is always much better than any of the 38 special ammo. If anyone is looking for a small light weight 357 I highly recommend the Ruger LCR.
I went to the range to scope out a few full-size .40’s for home defense. For strictly curiousity sake, I rented a .38 LCR. At the range, the first rental is $10 and every one after that is another $5. Unfortunately, they gave me a box of wadcutters to use on the range, so there was virtually no recoil.
BUT, the very first ten shots I fired all went through the X ring at 10 feet using the sights. (Forget about the Crimson Trace laser – it was way off – about 10″ from MOA at 5 o’clock, so I turned it off).I love the trigger. For the heck of it, I dropped another $5 and rented the S&W 442 Airweight for a comparsion. Not even close. The LCR was better in every way – even though the 442 had a longer ejection post, it took LONGER to unlatch the cylinder because the release was harder to engage.
Now, I moved the target back to 20 ft and was surprised by the rise in trajectory. I hit the 7 ring. So, I aimed right at the bottom of the 10 ring and got them back inside the X ring. However, for some reason, I was producing two sets of 1/2″ MOA’s that were 2″ apart with a “flyer” in between and 1″ high.
I think that if you want to try the closest thing in a .38 +P to the .357, go with the 158 gr Buffalo Bore hard nose. 506 ft/lbs @ 1200 fps. Those are .357 numbers.
4000 series stainless steel. really? When you start out with a technical error I doubt the accuracy of anything else you choose to make up.
Hogue is now selling the full-size “Tamer” rubber grip for the LCR. Fulls your whole hand and doesn’t leave your pinky finger hanging. It is the grip that comes standard on the newer 3″, adjustable sight, 38 Special LCR – also reviewed here on TTAG. (I expect a .357 3″ version to follow). Hogue has them for sale on their website, and they’ll probably show up at local gun stores and on-line vendors soon (for a bit under MSRP). These grips should make the gun much more pleasant to shoot. They come in black, purple, and pink. But not zombie- hunter green (yet).
I like the tamer grips that come standard on it for concealment, if I were using it as a bedside gun I would opt for the bigger grips.
Though I’ve heard rumors a .357 version of the big boy lcr is coming soon
WEIGHT of trigger pull = ?????
Is the recoil very low for people with (.38,38+P ) small hands and fingers.How low is it compared to S&W model60 .357?Thanx
Yes these men acted recklessly but what gets me is the rifle that was involved, was it necessary to mention it was an AR, does that have any bearing on the fact the men used poor judgment?!