The Ruger SR9c is a deeply sexy handgun. Our two-tone tester’s perfect proportions, sleek striations and over-sized alphanumerics say Bond, James Bond, in a way that even the Walther PPK can’t match. In fact, the rugged yet suave Ruger shares many of the Bond gun’s best bits. It fires the most popular cartridge of its day (9mm), the thin frame and diminutive dimensions conceal easily and the gun oozes elegance. Did I mention that the SR9c is a good-looking gat? If it had any more sex appeal I’d have to buy a separate gun safe to keep the Austrians at bay. If you know what I mean . . .
The Ruger SR9c fits. The web of your gun hand sits perfectly under the SR9c’s slide, eliminating the need to “choke up” on the love handle. The righteous Ruger also lines up with the axis of your arm with unconscious ease; assuring proper positioning for another oft-neglected firearm fundamental. If you rest your trigger finger as high up on the barrel as poss, the Ruger’s ridge (between the frame and the slide) is home sweet home. If you prefer a curved back strap, simply remove, reverse and reattach the SR9c’s previously straight backstrap. Et voila!
The only ergonomic issue: the SR9c’s drum-tight slide and short height (4.51″ all in) makes racking the slide a decidedly dicey proposition. Using the hand-over-slide combat method, there’s no way you can avoid running your hand across the slide stop and safety. Combine a really firm grip and less than ideal positioning and this bitch bites. [Sam claims slide bite accounts for her too-loose grip in our opening snap.] This is the only pistol I’d consider pinching and grabbing the slide from the rear—which I don’t do for various strategic reasons.
Ruger ships the SR9c from Prescott, Arizona with two magazines: a California-compliant ten-round mag and a 17-bullet refill. While you can buy extensions for your baby Glock and XD Sub’s mini-mags, the SR9c’s fifth finger rest is standard equipment. Right answer. The extra pinky purchase makes all the difference for 10-yard-plus accuracy and adrenalin-addled confidence closer in. Unfortunately, the SR9c’s mag add-on looks like, well, an add-on. Fortunately, only OCD sufferers will notice, and the smaller mag’s addendum doesn’t diminish the gun’s concealability.
The same cannot be said for the 17-round magazine with its slide-on grip extension. The longer mag instantly transforms the SR9c from a compact to a full-sized gun. Forget barrel length (girls). Hiding that big honking handle is . . . problematic. On the positive side, the longer mag instantly transforms the baby Ruger from a compact to a full-sized gun. That big honking handle enables a perfect grip and contains plenty ‘o bullets. Carry two extra extra-long mags (as you should) and you’ll have 44 lead projectiles at your disposal. The Ruger SR9c is two guns–carry and home defense—in one.
Both of which shoot like Rafael Nadal plays tennis. The SR9c is an amazingly accurate, thoroughly consistent pistol. On the reliability front, regular readers will recall we had a double feed issue with Remington 15-grain UMC cartridges; a problem that’s nearasdammit impossible to fix in the heat of battle. Turns out the bullets were seriously short coming out of the factory. We fed the Ruger SR9c everything else we could find on the shelf at the local bullet emporium, including Vollmantel, Independence, TulAmmo, American Eagle, Winchester White Box, Hornady Critical Defense and Remington Golden Saber. No problems whatsoever. Except putting the gun down.
After firing well over 1000 rounds through the SR9c, I can state unequivocally that the little Ruger is the best semi-automatic the company has ever made. Some of you might indelicately suggest that’s not saying much. Try this instead: the Ruger SR9c’s as fine shooting as an equivalent Glock, Springfield, Smith & Wesson or any other mainstream pistol you can name. Maybe better, thanks to the SR9c’s aforementioned dimensions (less than an inch thick, excluding the safety) and the recoil-reducing dual spring plunger system. And a fantastic trigger.
On the initial run of full-size SR9s, the trigger was horrendous, perfect only for a True Grit remake. The SR9c’s go pedal is radically different from both the early full-size SR9s (since re-engineered) and its direct competitors. Surprisingly (literally), there’s no take-up. None. Pull. BANG! Once the trigger resets, you’re straight back to the break. Add in a relatively light trigger pull (5.2 lbs) and you have a compact 9mm semi-automatic pistol that shoots like a 1911. I won’t say rapid fire is child’s play, but anyone who takes more than three seconds to send the SR9c’s ten bullets downrange needs to lay off the Oxy.
The SR9c’s sights are for sore eyes. Of the three dots, the front circle is the largest and brightest, leading the shooter to put his or her focus where it should be: at the front. It’s easy to get an initial sight picture and not at all difficult to regain it after firing. The SR9c’s wind and elevation adjustable sights need tweaking straight out of the box. Once that’s done, your target’s gone, baby, gone. If you can’t hit what you’re aiming at with an SR9c at combat distance, you’re not aiming properly, squeezing the trigger in the proscribed manner or holding the gun as she begs to be held.
And now politics. Actually, before that, sex.
OK, so, the Ruger’s frame-mounted safety switch is completely inappropriate for a defensive handgun. It’s easy enough to disengage the ambidextrous safety with the thumb of your gun hand before punching paper down at the range. But I’d rate the chances of switching the safety off in a gunfight at no better than 50 percent. That’s IF you remember to do it. And to do THAT, you’ll have to train using the SR9c’s safety. Every. Single. Time. Because the safety switch is so small, chances are you’ll leave it off at the range and, perhaps, switch it on when you carry.
See the problem? If you don’t practice with the safety at the range, you might go to shoot the Ruger in an emergency, forget about the safety and . . . no bang. By the time you realize what’s wrong, if you realize what’s wrong, it’ll be too late.
You could leave the SR9c’s safety off entirely and forget about it. But then you (or someone else) might engage it, leading to the problem described above. Would you take that risk? In the same way you can overlook your partner’s character flaw (flaws?) in deference to their many wonderful maybe even singular attributes, ignoring the Chicklet from hell to enjoy one of the finest compact guns made is a no-brainer. Unless you’ve got the kind of brain that obsesses about such things. In which case it’s a ball—I mean, deal breaker.
Why? Dear Lord. Why? The Arizona gunmaker had enough sense to improve the SR9’s obstreperous mag release with a D-shaped design. Why not forgo the slide-mounted safety and bring the noise to Glock? A Glock gets along just fine with just a trigger safety (a feature also found on the Ruger). Oh well. Let’s chalk it up to the fact that the Ruger is manufactured in the Land of Litigants and the Home of the Ambulance Chasers, and let Glock retain its claim on cold, clinical perfection. For most people, the Ruger is close enough for rock and roll. More than that, the SR9c’s a deeply desirable firearm. Love conquers all. Except when it doesn’t.
Caliber: 9mm Luger
Grip Frame: Black, High Performance, Glass-Filled Nylon
Length: 6.85″
Height: 4.61″
Width: 1.27″
Weight: 23.40 oz.
Barrel Length: 3.40”
Twist: 1:10″ RH
Price: $525 msrp
RATINGS (Out of Five Stars)
Style * * * * *
Ergonomics (carry) * * * * *
Slim, trim and totally in. With the ten-round magazine, you’re good to stow.
Ergonomics (firing) * * * * *
You’ll want to familiarize yourself with the tight, quick trigger, but once that’s done anything else will seem slow and mushy.
Reliability * * * * *
I’m giving it the fifth star despite problems with the suspect Remington ammo. Otherwise, not a hitch or glitch.
Customize This * * *
You can slot white lights and laser units (e.g. Insight’s X2L) into the rail that’s molded into the dust cover, but why would you? This is a carry piece.
Perfect, save the frame-mounted safety.
Of course, let’s judge this publication -one of the oldest sportsmens mags btw- by what is obviously supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek blog post. All the while let’s trumpet how AWESOME and NEW and EDGY we are…..
I love ya TTAG, but stick to more meaty posts.
Not another Sundance movie:
Who are the most dangerous thugs in our society?
(1) Politicians and government bureaucrats including bad (arguably most) cops.
(2) Violent outlaw gangs who do not value life.
(3) Violent criminals who rape, rob, and murder.
… and probably in that order.
Did I miss anyone?
“Why do you ask, Two Dogs F——?”
Hello, love the design are you currently selling this product or near future?
I love mine, the perfect carry piece.
Please pardon my replying. I could not find out how to post an original one. I am a new to CC (have my CC) and handguns. Grew up with rifles and shotgun. Retired & concluded I needed to protect myself & wife. So got my CC & a Glock 26 Gen 4 – despite the Ruger ravings of a long-term friend who is a Ruger-man. I like the Glock. Got a Blackhawk Serpa holster for it. Working on improving my shooting accuracy & consistency before I CC. I want to do everything I should do & be prepared for CC.
I am now looking for a Home defense 9 mm. This is a great Ruger information site. I am convinced on buying a Ruger this time – either a SR9 or SR9c. Am thinking of switching my CC to Ruger and keeping Glock 26 for home defense. But am having the debate with myself can I CC a SR9 or a SR9c better. I am older – old if you like – 5’10’ carrying a little too much weight. Any advice and experiences will be appreciated! I would like to buy both. But my wife thinks I am spending too much on guns, ammo & holsters now; but I am working on that. Got a Ruger SR 22 in hopes she will join me in learning how to use safely and effecitvely a handgun in home defense; knowing she will never carry one. She is small, slightly handicapped with other health issues – so a 22 is best for her. Thanks all!
In my opinion you can’t go wrong with the SR9c. It is inexpensive for the gun you get. It feels good in the had and is very accurate. It comes with two magazines and is just fun to shoot. Throw in a manufacturer that backs all of it’s products and it’s customer service is very easy to deal with. I own two SR9c’s along with my Kimber, and Walther. If you buy one I think you with be a happy owner.
Given how old the comment is, a reply might never get read, but just in case…
In one of Mossad Ayoob’s old columns reprinted at Daily Caller, he suggests that if you for some reason must use a .22 for home defense, “use Stingers [CCI’s hypervelocity .22 round], aim for the head and neck, and just keep on firing.” [I’d add ‘as long as you can’].
Believe me when I say , Doug , If you can shoot ANYONE in the head cleanly with a 22 at a defensive distance of under 20 feet , they’ll drop like a polecat in a garbage can . That little 22 caliber 40 grainer will bounce around inside their skull like a steely in a pinball game and produce the mother of all headaches just before they leave the realm of the living .
This is a tough shot however , therefore we have the aim and empty theory . A 22 cal. won’t drop a bad guy if he is determined on getting to you , in most cases , but it will kill , these little pills make lots of little erratic paths , bouncing off bones , ripping through muscles and making so many little bleeders most surgeons will give up trying to find them before you bleed to death . Loss of blood is usually what ends life in any gunshot trauma .
I own both and I would go with the compact . I have one for my wife and one for myself and we practice
( compete ) with each other with these a lot .
Buy 2 extra magazines for practice ammo .
Run 2 to 3 boxes of ammo through it before you’re ready to depend on it .
Load both magazines you’re going to keep for home defense with Critical Defense + P ammo , chamber one round and insert the 17 round into the pistol and you can engage the safety and relax .
Real fine shooting gun , nice trigger , reliable , accurate , good capacity and great value .
I own lots of Ruger fire arms , rifles , revolvers , shot guns and pistols , you can’t go wrong with anything Ruger .
My wife has enough physical problems she is classified as handicapped and is in constant pain with difficulties standing up and walking much. I had the Ruger SR9c and the SR22; then purchased a Ruger LC9c. Took my wife to a good range. She tried all 3 Rugers, the Glock 26 I have and a few others (do not remember what the trainer said). With weak small hands the Glock 26 and LC9C 9mm were difficult for her to handle – shoot accurately. She shot better with the SR9c & SR22. But she said she would keep the SR22. I am trying to talk her in to the SR9c – so far no movement. But I think I will buy another one anyway. I shoot better with it than the Glock 26 and Ruger LC9s. We have a finished basement where she spends most of her time. So thought we’d just keep a SR9c with 10 rounds there if she does not want it upstairs for her. I cc most of the time around the house (the LC9s mostly – sometimes the SR9c some in Alien IWB 2.0) – same for when I/we go out anywhere. I’d prefer the SR9c, but my built and with a tight gun belt it still droops and “prints” more than the LC9s. My wife has not driven for 5 + years after multiple surgeries – thus she depends on me & does not cc.
I have a SR9c that I carry everywhere “legally”, I too have a couple of years and pounds on me. I have found that a 4 in. horizontal carry Belly-Band works very well, and a little back support is a plus . I’ve had my SR for about 4 years and have had no issues. I love this weapon.
Love mine too. My first 9mm was the Ruger LC9. Couldn’t hit crap with it. Then I was looking at the SR9C and like the way it felt in my hand. I bought it and went to the range and was hitting my target 10 out of 10. I wouldn’t trade this gun for anything!!
I got mine on 9.24.10 and took it to the range and I really like this gun. I have been carrying it for the past couple days and it feels good but it’s still a little big for my size so it’s hard for me to conceal it perfectly. I paid $419.99 for mine at a brick and mortar store NIB.
The safety should work for me as a 1911 guy (I already carry a 1911 subcompact).
I also think that if you decide to opt to not have an external safety then you should be very careful on holster choice to avoid any "soft" holsters like the smart cary or any other non-rigid holsters. It is just too easy for something the get caught up in the trigger and ….
This thumb safety is a must on this pistol with this trigger. The Glock has more initial take up but otherwise similar. This gun is an improvement over the Glock safety wise and a much softer shooter. The only down side I see is the extremely stiff recoil spring.
I totally agree, when I was looking for a second handgun I just seemed to keep being drawn back to the SR9c. I own a Glock 17, my feeling are exactly the same. I like & am used to the Glock’s aim & bang without having to do anything. But, the Glock has some decent take up that allays my fears of an accidental discharge. While the SR9c has the same trigger safety, since there’s virtually no take up I would not feel comfortable carrying it like my Glock as the lack of take up makes me feel the slightest bump could make it go off. I practice with the safety, & it’s quite easy to get used to flipping the safety off as you bring the gun up to fire.
It took some time but I got used to carrying the Glock whether in a holster or just slid into my pants with a round In the chamber. I don’t think I’d have that same level of comfort with the Ruger. Maybe that’s a negative, but I think the overall performance of the SR9c far outweighs this minor issue,
I got a chuckle when I read your comments concerning the thumb safety on the SR9c. There is a very easy solution. The gun owner has to be smarter than the gun.
If you are that worried about not being able to remember to disengage the safety in a high stress situation then you would probably be better served with pepper spray.
Absolutely right. Anyone who is capable of mastering the muscle memory to always keep their trigger finger in a safe position on their Glock and to safely holster no matter the stress is capable of learning to always switch off the safety when drawing or readying their firearm. I’m not an idiot, Farago! I am capable of training to the point where it’s difficult for me to point the handgun without making the instinctive movement to switch the safety off. A manual safety makes holstering the handgun quickly while under stress or on the run much safer, and it can be mastered. So many fools believe a manual safety cannot be mastered. This is obviously a false belief, as any 1911 master or rifleman will tell you. I can learn to switch the safety off an AR-15, can’t I? For the incompetent, I don’t recommend a manual safety for a carry gun, but for those who are willing to train to competence it is a very valid option. Switch it down every time you ready the handgun, and you must train to the point where you are incapable of forgetting as it is second nature.
“But I’d rate the chances of switching the safety off in a gunfight at no better than 50 percent.” Farago, that you are incompetent does not mean everyone else is incompetent.
Agree. I have the SR9C and LC9S. Love them both. External safety not a problem.
Bought mine about 4 weeks ago at Gander Mountain on sale at $399, NIB.
I wouldn't harsh the safety as much as you have. It's well situated for my hand shape and my thumb can engage or disengage it easily while held in the firing position. The internal ball detent keeps the operation of it crisp and it delivers a sharp audible 'click' in either direction.
So it's a training issue. The trigger pull is so light and there's almost zero takeup, so I actually like the safety and use it, even though prior to getting the gun I was thinking I'd probably leave it off. Nope – leaving it 'on' for normal carry.
Ruger sells a Mitch Rosen holster for the SR9c that's a perfect fit and makes the gun easy to conceal. You may get other holsters, but I strongly endorse the Rosen for CC. All my other observations match those of this review. Very good-looking, accurate, and totally reliable. Eats all ammo I've tried without any FTFs or FTEs. As reliable as my wheelguns.
where can i get the holster at.
please tell me where i can find the mitch rosen holster
Another extremely comfortable CCW holster option is the strapless shoulder holster made by Stoner Holsters. It is very similar to a belly band but worn higher, the pistol positioned beneath your arm. This is the most comfortable CCW holster that I own. It works with numerous pistol sizes. So comfortable you forget that you are wearing it.
I have one, bought it for $399 and I love it.. I just want more full 17rd mags and their hard to find with the extension.. I actually preferred this over the glock because I want another safety.. I practice taking the safety off and cocking it before I fire at the gun range.. I've never been in a gun fight tho so I dont know how it all goes down, I guess maybe we'll see some day and i'll come back and leave my comments here haha
The Sr9 magazine will fit the SR9C, you’ll just need to purchase the grip extension that goes over the mag.
Well I guess you have made up my mind for me, with all the fine handguns out there Glock, Sig-Sauer, Smith & Wesson, it was mind boggling what to pick.
This article and a few others I found on YouTube helped me decide on the Ruger ST9c in black finish.
Hello Joseph, I bought my SR9c four months ago. The first thing I did was take it home and completely stripped it down and cleaned it. I not only cleaned the frame and slide but removed the firing pin to clean the packing grease Ruger ships with it’s new guns. It’s also a good idea to clean out the area that the firing pin sets in the slide. Since you’ll have the gun apart it would be a good idea to polish the feed ramp. Once you put that “Bad Boy” back together get ready to enjoy your new gun. When I took mine out for the first time I shot six different brands of ammo ranging from 115 gr to 124 gr. I even shot three boxes of German ammo that was over 30 years old and not one FTF or FTE. The gun is very accurate and I attribute it to it’s trigger and build quality. I have had my CCW for eight years so my focus has been to carry for personal protection. I first bought an LC9 for summer carry. After a while I was looking for another gun with more capacity but still good for cc. I researched all the small cc guns on the market and came back to Ruger. The reviews on the gun were mostly positive so I took a chance and bought the SR9c in the black finish. it’s not often that you buy something without ever trying it and it exceeds your expectations, the SR9c did just that. it shoots better than my Walther P5 my Taurus 357 and shoots as well and is as much fun as my Kimber .45. When I got the bug to buy a new gun it wasn’t hard to decide on another SR9c except in stainless. it had everything I was looking for in a gun so why take a chance on another brand. Not only does it have a lifetime warranty but it’s made in America. If you haven’t bought one yet take a chance…I think like me you will be pleasantly surprised.
I would normally agree with Robert about the “frame” (not slide) mounted safety, except that the trigger on the SR9c is light enough, that I am grateful for it, espescially when carrying off body. I agree with ALL of Roberts points, it’s a sexy, well made and reliable carry piece. I have put about 5,000 rounds through it with not ONE failure. Now for a compact SR40… be still my beating heart.
From your keyboard to the gunsmith’s monitor:
Ruger SR40c
After a little practice with the SR9c if you rack the slide using the front serrations only it become a very easy gun the rack. Keep away from the rear or get bitch bite. I can now load rack and shoot this pistol as easy as any other ones I own. Just keep fingers behind muzzle opening.
I just bought my today and can’t wait to take it to the range. I have read tons of reviews on this weapon and found them mixed. Some people complained about the double spring and tough slide pull, while others complained about other trevail componets. I saw the gun at a local pawn shop new in the box and try as I may I couldn’t resest the urge to purchase it…now I must hide it from my wife lol.. But thus far I found it to fit my hands much more comfortable than the XD 9 and it will most likly become a replacement for my Sig P238 .380 for concealed carry at least depending on my dress. I still love my sig best damn .380 I have shot but I like the ablility to carry more ammo of the SR9c. Great Reviews I found them useful in knowing what to expect when I get to the range, and while carrying. Thanks,
Just purchased my first SR9C as I have owned the big brother for over a year now. I like the thing, the comment about the safety in my mind is bogus. If you know your hardware, then it will work for you! I always believe in getting intimate with my weapon! Saves lives down the road!
Shot mine for the first time today. 200 rounds without a burp. SWEET piece of equipment!! Can’t wait to go to the range again!
I just purchased one today black and silver. $507 out the door. I can’t wait until wensday when I get to pick up my baby =] I’m exited because I’m reading great reviews from many people!
My 1911 is the weapon under my pillow for the sole reason that it has an external safety. Glocks are for cops.
Too many people do not know to keep their fingers off the trigger.
ive had my glock four years and ive not had a problem with the lack of a safety
Great review. Agree with all of the points. I use a crossbreed holster, and it is easy to conceal. Reliable, good trigger. I shoot tactical and have been accurate with it to 25y. I find the sights okay but a little small but it is a CCW. It is easy even when thinking about it to forget the safety but it is easy to disengage. Amazing when using the 17rd mag it feels exactly like a full size pistol. Great CCW.
put bout 250 ,or so rnds thru it ,brand new.cleaned it prior,feild strip only. couple ,fail slide to close,few fail to feed,first couple mags.. that was using really OLD ammo,stuff i havent dug up in ??10 yrs , reloads frm gun show. after that it was 0 malfunctions!!!!!!!!!! using both cheap 115s,124s,and win 147hps,accuracy didnt impress me tho. bout 15yds,,,but it was dusk,and my eyes arnt what they used to B!! best acc.was with 115 gr hp i got frm collins cartridge co,conroe ,tx..also good in XDmini. cleaned and waiting for better acc next time to range,fingers xxx.LIKE this little gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ben waitn for a safety on a good plastic gun!!! hope good cleanin fixes any advivce for acc. carry round???
I bought the SR9c for all the ergonomics you described; however I do feel the SR9c needs the manual safety and I strongly urge all owners to use it.
I say this because other than the manual safety, the gun has no safety because the small “inner trigger” controls the contact point with the sear.
One might suppose the “inner trigger” only releases the “outer trigger” and then with a bit more take up the sear is addressed; but not so.
When the “inner trigger” is made flush with the face of the “outer trigger” the gun goes bang; therefore it is no more inherently safe than a cocked SA revolver.
Grabbing to slide at the front avoiding puting fingers in front of barrel on serations the SR9c becomes east to rack the slide. Takes a little practice but after a few minutes of practice if becomes easier than racking the slide from the rear.
bought my sr9c at a gun show today in Hampton Va, for $399.00 NIB, haven’t shot it yet but I also own the standard first release sr9 as well so I already know it’s a good piece. I will look for a new holster to take advantage of it’s smaller dimensions tomorrow. My standard is polished and black, I got the smaller one in all black, and it’s damn sexy! lol, haven’t had any problems with the double spring force on the slide, or catching my digits on the safety on either side but I think familiarity is a must to be smooth with this gun and I’ve had almost 2 years prior practice so it falls into place in my hand like an old girlfriend from years past…..and I’m spent! lol
SR9C very good. Perfect, save the slide-mounted safety
I love this gun, the sr9c is the best gun i have fired so far. i put about 500 rnds throw it and all i can say is ”’ WOW “” the gun fits my hand perfectly in every way and i love that it has an external safety, i use it and so should u. i would recommend this gun to all my freinds and family for CC and home protection.
Go to for an array of holsters.They have a fobus with the Ruger molded in the holster for $24.29 among others.
I ran a couple boxes of the Remington UMC through my full size SR9 and my Glock 26 – same problem. It is definitely the ammo. I have never had ammo problems with either gun before. I really like my full size SR9 (very thin) but the length of the handle makes it difficult to conceal. It looks like the SR9c will replace my Glock 26 (also a nice gun – just a little thicker) as my daily carry. Robert, very good job on the review.
Thanks for the kind words. Send the remaining ammo back to Remington and tell them how much you shot. They’ll send you a refund or new ammo.
This is no doubt the best handgun of 2011 hands down. Saftey is everything unless you watch to much tv. This sweet lil baby has got the stuff if your serious about concealing a weapon.
Only people who want everyone to see they have a gun will hate it. The SR9c is a pleasure to own and will be enjoyed by all who have one for years to come, till the next lil piggy.
ive got a ruger sr9c in layaway at my favorite gun dealer i traded a snubb nose .357 for most of it now just have to pay out the smaller remaining balance the 9mm ammo is cheaper and less recoil and more than likely more accurate i like to have something round that my mom and other smaller people can shoot.they just dont like the recoil on my .40 glock i love it and the added power boost has done good in my altercation with a 5 feet cottonmouth that decided to go swimming with my mom. but i have always loved rugger and ive shot my step dads model 94 and i loved it i just hope the ruger will hold up to its name and my hopes
Just got the SR9C yesterday from Gander Mountain, on sale for 450.00 Went to the range last night and all i can say is wow. Only thing I found was out of the box it was high and to the left,but other than that WOW
the sr9c is a huge let down. I went to the range where they had just replaced thier renter guns earlier in the week and the gun literally fell apart in my hand after less than 200 rounds through it. It also light struck the bullet twice failing to ignite it. My best advice is to skip the cheap way out and get a quality gun like a springfield.
A friend’s SR40c developed a light strike problem after about 500 rounds. Per some investigating on the net, we removed the internal magazine safety (the little U shaped piece that keeps the striker from working if the magazine is removed from the gun). So far, it seems to have resolved his light strikes. I removed mine from my 9c just to avoid this becoming a possibility. Yours may just need this piece to be thoroughly cleaned (or removed if you hate not being able to fire the gun after the magazine is dropped out).
I bought one last spring (2010) and consider it my touchstone for “fun” shooting. Its 9mm cartridges are full center-fire yet pretty easy on the wallet. I love its weight, heft, and feel. I really like its trigger and sights. Plus, with its 17+1 capacity, it’s right for home defense. I mention how much I like it to friends, but many can’t get off the idea that they need a Glock or Springfield XD. Plus, you can use the 10 round mag for carry. All around, I’m very happy with mine!
A little off topic, but I have a box of the Remington 9 UMC (yellow box from BassPro) and have had nothing but problems. Of course, all sales are final on ammo… but when you Google this stuff you still see the gun rags and the shops praising its virtues. One would think Remington would stand up to this and make it right!
bought my 9 c about a year ago and have fired around 500 rounds thru it w/no problems at all . very comfortable piece to shoot and great as ccw. really like the x-tra 17 round mag. and would like to purchaase a couple more for rangfe use to save loading time.
Sid; I’ll swap my 17 for your ten rd mag even up! what say you.( new never used)
I am looking for my first handgun for CCW, and I have narrowed it down to two: the Taurus 9mm slim, and the Ruger sr9c. I don’t want to carry it in my purse, and I have small hands…sure like the weight and the feel of the Taurus, haven’t had the Ruger in my hand yet. Any thoughts on the subject?
Taurus seems to come up with more reliability problems (across a range of their weapons) — at least according to what I’ve read (never owned one). Before someone else says it, the SR9 has been recalled once already. I’m sure you’re going to find pro/opponents of both, but given those two choices, I’d still say go with Ruger.
Right, and buy American!
Between a ruger and Taurus there is no comparison.
I own a Taurus model 94 .22L revolver. I’ve owned it for less than a year and it’s already been sent back to taurus twice for repairs. The first time was a faulty firing pin resulting in shallow/light strikes. When I got it back it was missing a pin in the grip so the fit was sloppy. I fabricated a pin myself to correct the problem. The second time I sent it back was not even a month later, the transfer bar broke and caused the whole gun to seize up. I hadn’t even put 1500 rounds through it yet.
I just put an SR9c on lay away at gander mountain yesterday, on sale for $449 (had to lock in sale price before today). My dad owns 4 Rugers and never once have we had issue with them. When get another opportunity I’m getting rid of my Taurus 22 and trading up to a Ruger Single six L/M or an SP101.
I own a Taurus model 94 .22L revolver. I’ve owned it for less than a year and it’s already been sent back to taurus twice for repairs. The first time was a faulty firing pin resulting in shallow/light strikes. When I got it back it was missing a pin in the grip so the fit was sloppy. I fabricated a pin myself to correct the problem. The second time I sent it back was not even a month later, the transfer bar broke and caused the whole gun to seize up. I hadn’t even put 1500 rounds through it yet.
I just put an SR9c on lay away at gander mountain yesterday, on sale for $449 (had to lock in sale price before today). My dad owns 4 Rugers and never once have we had issue with them. When get another opportunity I’m getting rid of my Taurus 22 and trading up to a Ruger Single six L/M or an SP101.
I own a Taurus model 94 .22L revolver. I’ve owned it for less than a year and it’s already been sent back to taurus twice for repairs. The first time was a faulty firing pin resulting in shallow/light strikes. The second time I sent it back was not even a month later, the transfer bar broke and caused the whole gun to seize up.
I just put an SR9c on lay away at gander mountain yesterday, on sale for $449. My dad owns 4 Rugers and never once have we had issue with them. When get another opportunity I’m getting rid of my Taurus 22 and trading up to a Ruger Single six L/M or an SP101.
I own a Taurus model 94 .22L revolver. I’ve owned it for less than a year and it’s already been sent back to taurus twice for repairs. The first time was a faulty firing pin resulting in shallow/light strikes. The second time I sent it back was not even a month later, the transfer bar broke and caused the whole gun to seize up. I’ve never had any issues with my Rugers though.
I just had to comment on the ruger sr9c, I bought mine in January and have taken it to the range several times. I have had no problems, is very accurate, and very easy to conceal, I went to the range with a friend of mine who is a big xd fan but after shooting my little sr9c and watching my tight groups he was impressed. I think it is just as reliable as any gun out there. The review was right on.
Just picked up my sr9c today, sweet! Will clean it before i head to range hopefully tomorrow. Will let know how it performs
Very good review site. I have had my SR9c for about 6 months…it is now my main concealed carry weapon. I have put aprox. 800 rounds thru it with zero, zip, nada issues. This is a very accurate gun…it makes me a much better shot that I am if that makes sense. I get tight 2 to 3 inch groups at 25 feet all day long…it is a joy to shoot. I love the way it fits my hand and it is very easy to carry…all day, every day. I carry in a fobus paddle holster (purchased from the Ruger website for about $20) in the winter weather…since it has been getting warmer I am now using a IWB Don Hume is for the M&P 9mm but works fine for the SR9c. As far as the thumb safety goes…I am pleased that Ruger had the wisdom to provide it. The trigger on this gun is very light….I carry with the safety on…the thumb safety is easily reached and “clicked” off when I draw…I practice unloaded all the time. Just pretend it’s a 1911!! This is a fantastic gun…..if you get one you will not be sorry.
I bought one for my girlfriend several months ago and she loves it so do I. I’ve been saying this all along that I really think
this gun is every bit as good as the top competitors in strickerfire semi auto namely Glock 19, Springfield XD9, S&W M&P’s ect, ect…. I guess this guy must have just gotten hold of some bad ammo cause we’ve put well over 800 rounds thru this bad boy so far and it has never failed. Fires 100% everytime!
Glad to hear about that issue with Remington bullets. I put about 550 Remington UMC rounds through my SR9c at the range the other day, and I was surprised when I had a jam. That thing’s usually perfect.
I find it unfortunate that you don’t like the 1911 style safety. I’ve heard others say that it’s hard to get to, but in my hand, it’s actually really comfortable to slide my thumb up or down and engage/release the safety. I do practice with the safety at the range–practice until you can’t get it wrong, as they say. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. I wouldn’t want a gun without something more than a trigger safety, though–I’ve heard a lot of stories of Glocks misfiring for silly reasons, all because it only had that trigger safety. As my buddy says, “a safety on the trigger is like putting the combination on a sticky note on the outside of your safe.” But hey, to each his own.
Great review, appreciate the time and thought you put into this.
I’m a soft, dang-near 60 year old woman, and the sr9c is my first gun ever, had it about 3 months. At first I could not rack that slide, but after shooting several hundred rounds through it, it has loosened up considerably. Also, took some racking tips from Kathy Jackson, author of “The Cornered Cat”.
My only problem with the gun is that I can’t keep it out of hubby’s hands… it’s become his favorite!
Dang, it’s purty!!
Like a bonehead, I bought this gun without doing any research. I saw it, compared it in the gunshop to the Glock and the XDm (liked the Ruger trigger a LOT), and it was so much more comfortable and thin in my hand without being too small. It was only $399, so I bought it on impulse. Freakin’ WOW!! What a lucky purchase. This thing shoots so sweet, the trigger is even better now than on day one, and no failures yet with 300 rounds (I even shot with packing grease in it for first clip just to see what would happen…no problemo). Another cool thing?…I could cover the spent brass on the ground with a large pizza. This tells me the extraction of spent shells is CONSISTENT. I think Ruger absolutely nailed it. You can argue against the safety, whine about the loaded indicator, or be annoyed at the firing pin block when the mag is out; but, c’mon, which of these things is a big issue? I will say that reloading and trying to drop the slide with your thumb is almost impossible…so reloading is a two-handed operation with this gun (by the way, it seems to be breaking in and is possible to do now…where the day I bought it there was NO WAY). The trigger is heavy enough to carry it like a Glock I suppose, but the safety is so easy to wipe (ok, not like a good competition 1911 extended, but still nice) and having the safety on is a potential bonus if your gun gets snatched (don’t laugh, it happens, and the safety being on in that case buys you a few seconds to react, while I don’t find it slows my draw and fire at all when engaged). Anyway, I love this gun and would recommend it to anyone. Being a 9mm, you have the option to go standard pressure with minimal recoil or with the +P loads to get some real stopping power. I think the 9mm is a perfect match for a light concealable gun like this. Double-taps are a breeze with standard loads. The best feature of this gun? Reliability? Size? Versatility? The trigger!
Love that gun Goin to get mine today
Had a Sig P-239 and it was heavy to carry as a CW. (40 caliber) Sold it and purchased the SR9C. Good carry weapon. (CW) Good reviews on this weapon I also have a Ruger LC9. Also a good CW. I shoot better with the SR9C. As a person who carried the 1911 for years the SR9C has some of its traits. Use to the slide manuel safety so glad its there.
Just purchased this, love it!
I got my SR9c as a Christmas gift from my husband in 2010. The reason we decided to get me a gun was for personal safety and the fact that I wanted my own weapon. At the dealer’s I tried gripping a few subcompact guns and neither felt as great as the SR9c in baby small hands. The sexy look had lots to do with it too! The first time I fired it at the range it was difficult to pull the slide back. I will see how it goes after a few more practice sessions. I still have to tilt the gun to the side to eject the mag, but that’s only because my hands are so small. I love the double safety because I noticed a couple of times that the first safety slipped into the fire position, but that’s due to the storage. Overall I love this gun. Now all I need is a good concealment holster.
I just traded in my taurus pt140 in toward the sr9c and couldnt be happier. For whatever reason the way I held the pt140 while shooting it caused the clip to occasionally drop out. So it wasn’t going to work for me, after getting the sr9c I cant imagine carrying anything else. As for the guy who claimed it simply fell apart in his hand, why don’t you tell us what exactly happened insteaed of making a claim like that with no explanation. I’ve shot everything from Hi-Points to Kimbers and put upwards of 10,000 rounds through them and have never had a gun” fall apart”in my hand.
I bought my SR9C for a father’s day present to myself. I read as many reviews as I could before the purchase and was not disappointed! I have fired 350 rounds through it with only one missfire. That was 200 rounds into my first session with white box ammo. What do you expect for $19.84 for a 100 round box. The next session was flawless! The double spring loosens up and now easy to rack. The thumb safety was a feature that helped me decide on this gun. The trigger is like butter! This is my CCW. It goes with me everywhere.
I just picked one up at my local firearms retailer here in NJ. It was priced high at $465, I’ve seen it for $398 at buds gun shop. Only thing is, the 17 round mag is illegal here, so it only came with one ten round mag. That sucks balls. I’ve been trying to find a “Jersey legal” 15 round mag, for it, so far to no avail. I got the stainless slide, real purrty. Fits great in hand, as it practically begs to be held. As it is a deadly weapon, I don’t mind the extra safety features. Yes, the streets can be tough, but it’s not like I’m walking through a free fire zone in Danang. Lol
I just bought my Sr9c 8/3/2011 and love this thing. Grouped two clips at 30yrds @ under 5″ out of the box, beside one chili pepper from a nose itch. Very happy with it. I’m a big guy and can carry in my front pants pocket without notice. No bulkier then my cell phone. Wife didnt even notice for hours till I removed it for sleep time. Great carry, but I’d hate to need a long clip with only having the short for carry.
Bet Plaxico Buress wishes he had purchased a gun with a safety! Just me, but I won’t purchase a semi-auto that doesn’t have a manual safety. The Ruger fit my hand well and at my age I don’t worry if I’m not cool at the range because I don’t have a Glock. Just don’t like trigger or overall feel of Glock. Just my 2 cents.
I love my Sig P238 for pocket carry but wanted a pocket/small 9mm. I was eager to buy the Sig P290, Kimber Solo or LC9 but didn’t like the blocky size and feel of the P290, the price of the Kimber and HATED the LC9 trigger pull. I was advised to give the SR9c a try by a very knowledgeable salesman at the Dallas gun show and was very impressed– enough to sell my XDsc .40 (still have my full size XD .40). Love the feel of the SR9c and I’m looking forward to saving money on some ammo!
I was between this and the S&W MPC and i chose this mainly because my gun shop was out of the S&W but am i glad that i did. It fits great in my hand, and easy to conceal. I plan on taking it out to the range this weekend. It was also much cheaper, only payed 359.00 for it. Couldn’t be happier.
luv everything about the SR9C. Feels at home in the hand with nice wt and looks. Easy to get a comfortable grip fast. qualified CWP 100% after shooting only 50 rnds prior to qual. First time shooting handgun since USMC 1962 ( M1911 a1 45 cal.) I simply can’t put it down. next purchase- LC9. handled it today and I’m hooked.
Bought new Ruger SR9C last month. Fired 200 rounds of Winchester 115gr target ammo through it no problem. Went back to range this week. Nothing but problems. Trigger would not reset at least once in every mag.
Now it is back at the factory. When it comes back, I my trade it in. Don’t know if I can rely on it when it counts.
Went to gun show this week and talked to some of the sellers. Every one of them have had to send 1 or 2 back for the same reason. This is also the new style trigger.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Just bought mine on a totally impulse purchase. I’m used to revolvers, but this fun just say sweet in my hands. I got mine for 400.00 and it came with three clips. Standard ten, ten with the fifth finger extension, and the big brothers seventeen. I have big hands, buy want the concealment, so I bought.
I get to pick it up next weekend and I am going to purchase quality ammo based on these reviews.
I’m excited!
Nice review but you failed to describe the gun’s action, DA-DAO-SA, etc. Do not own a SR9 but those I handled had poor trigger pulls and the gun didn’t feel right.
After the P85 type series, the polymer types, Ruger semed to go down hill. Did hear of the U.S. Army buying a Ruger auto for their Armoured Forces, don’t know which Ruger it was.
Just got my new SR9 c on 10-19-11 took it home,cleaned the factory oil & dirt out of it. After i`ve geven it a proper lube & going over , i took 50 rounds of Winchester and Remmington`s &headed for the range. At 77 years old , I`ve shot a lot of handguns but I`ve never had a gun jam & stove pipe ,try to dbl load like this one, ever. I do believe i`ts got a lot to do with the HIGH return spring tension,and it`s realy HIGH. She`s going to the gun smith for his looksee on Sat. just to be sure.
There is never not a round in the chamber. Loaded chamber indicators are for lawyers.
“I’m giving it the fifth star despite problems with the suspect Remington ammo. Otherwise, not a hitch or glitch.” – I always here people blame “suspect” ammo for FTE/FTF issues…Meanwhile I’ve shot thousands of every kind of crappy ammo on the planet through my GEN 3 Glock 19 with NO PROBLEMS. Glock got the formula right for the GEN 3 9mms. Anyway, my next purchase is a SR9C, beautiful, lightweight, American made, and with a safety. Nice review and excellent website, Thanks
We had a bad batch of UMC. Too short.
Just being a smart a$$.
If you admit that it was the ammo and not the gun, please update the review to reflect that, so it doesn’t imply a defect with the gun. I think you owe that to your readers and to writing an accurate review.
The BEST carry gun made to date. I’m experienced with all sorts of handguns; shot them all my life. Lived with them in military and police career. That said, I very much like the 1911 style safety. There has been more incidents of accidental firings with Glocks than any other semi-auto pistol. I like a safety. Use it when you practice and you’ll use it when you need it.
I suspect that it’s because there are far more Glocks in use than any other semi-auto pistol.
Check out the USA trigger system of the Springfield XD, it’s similar to the glock, but features and additional safety mechanism that needs to be depressed by firmly grabbing the grip for the trigger to function. I’d like to know what your opinion is of that. Would that make any difference to you?
my mistake, I didn’t realize that the 1911 had a similar safety system until I looked it up. I tried to edit my statement but seemed to be too late. The XD seems to have a trigger system similar to a cross between a glock and a 1911, except without the hammer or saftey-switch of the 1911. I like that I don’t need to fumble with a safety, but don’t need to worry about hammer-related accidental discharges, and it features an additional safety mechanism to what the glock has, to prevent firing even if the trigger system is somehow accidentally depressed by a thumb or pen (if it were carried in a purse for example) or something else. Just my opinion. I’d like to know what other’s think of the XD’s trigger system/mechanism.
Those frame mounted controls look way tiny and smooth. Pity the foo who plans on stroking that slide release after emergency reloads. Another reason to rack the slide after reloads. Or even that thumb safety. I like thumb safeties; I grew up training on thumb safeties, and find them automatic. Many accounts have indicated that lives have been saved when the assailant grabs your gun and tries to shoot you without disengaging your thumb safety. The reviewer is dead-on; if you got a safety, you must engage it every time you draw, so as to build muscle memory. Good review, exceptionally well written.
I have owned the SR9c for over a year and I have to say, even with my large hands, it is the best fitting compact I’ve ever handled. My wife and I already had a SR9 first gen. . I initially didn’t like it, but my Wife did, and it was for her. But after shooting a few rounds, I quickly fell in love, that’s why I chose the “C”, also, because mags and ammo interchange. I am equally at home with the short or long mag on the “C” and I can change them up randomly and it feels just as at home in my hand. I ditched the pinky extension (comes with short mag) the first day as it prints more, for concealed carry. You don’t need it at all. I never thought I’d say that about a compact, because every other one I shot felt like it needed it for stability. This IMHO is an excellent handgun and I’m thoroughly pleased with it.
Retired military policeman and CID specia agent and civilian police major in a 200 plus police department. Military—carried the Colt 1911 and Colt snub for over 22 years in the miliary. Carried the .45 Colt commander in civial police for over 20 years. Lot of different back-ups. Now carry the .45 Colt new agent and the Ruger sr9c. Ruger is a good shooting gun but does not have the knock down power of the Colt .45. Goodback-up gun though.
This is my first 9mm. I love it! Everything about this gun is amazing. The slide does pull a little hard, but nothing I can’t handle. The safety is easy to operate and is a necessity in my book. Overall, this is the sexiest gun I will ever own.
This is my first 9mm. I love it! Everything about this gun is amazing. The slide does pull a little hard, but nothing I can’t handle. The safety is easy to operate and is a necessity in my book. Overall, this is the best gun I will ever own.
Just purchased my Ruger sr 9c about a week ago. so far I am very impressed with the weapon, small easy to carry inside the waistband, the safety could be a little easier to use,but not a huge issue. fits great in my hand,shoots fantastic, i say Ruger gets an A+ from me. my last was a Ruger P85 mark 2 what a big the sr9c you won’t be sorry
I owned a SR9 and had a problem with the Cam block pin walking out. I sent it back to Ruger and they put in a new pin. It did not fix the problem. I traded it for a S&W M&P and never looked back. The Smith is a heck of a gun. But I did like the SR9 and thought about the Compact version. I have a Kahr CW9 and although its OK I loved the way the SR felt in my hand. Now I have a chance to trade for a Ruger SR9c and the only problem is that the cam block pin falls out when tipped on the right side. The owner is sending it back to Ruger to be fixed, but I have my doubts. Maybe they have fixed the problem and are not telling us about it. I called and was told by Ruger that its not a big issue. But if you google it there are more than a few who are upset at this issue. So its not a small thing.
Just bought one for my wife. She has small hands however it seemed to fit very nicely for her. As for me, I liked the fact it has all the bells and whistles for her. Almost every review I read was positive. My only issue with this gun is dropping the slide with my thumb when a new mag is inserted. It seems to be a two handed operation! This obviously slows the whole process down during speed loading. That being said, she shoots with her left hand, so this is not an issue for her anyways She has her own technique. The slide pull reminds me of my dessert eagle tension wise! Anyways aside from her getting used to that initial slide drop she loves it. Everything else 5 star!
In the manual, it states that the lock is a slide lock and NOT a slide release. The release is meant to come from racking the slide back and releasing and not by hitting the lever on the left side.
With that being said, give it some time and it will wear in enough to where you can release it with your thumb if desired.
My SR9C chambers the round much more successfully by racking the slide. Training has also taught me that slide releases on pistols and differ from one to another. Racking the slide will always work and should be your primary method. God forbid you ever need to pick up an arm you are less familiar with in a defensive situation, the training you have practiced over and over again should serve you well. What you dont want is to pick up a pistol when you need it and have your training fail you because the slide release was in the wrong place.
I have posted on other blog’s comments the following notion. While crime rates have been falling in recent years, is it possible that attempted crime have either remained steady or even risen? That is to say that with more folks armed and able to stop a crime, nothing is reported. I believe the attempts will start to fall eventually but if suddenly we were all relieved of our guns, perhaps a lot of attempted crimes would become crimes and those statistics would shoot up quickly. What say you?
Well, the 100 rounds through the boat and a few flash-bangs was still good police work, wasn’t it? Who knew? At least now we know Boston can be closed down for a day without any major side effects. Interesting.
A bit late to this particular party, but….
Earlier today took my wife to LGS to encourage fondling of a Glock 17 as candidate for a nightstand companion. I’m thinking 17 rounds + picatinny mounted laser on an Austrian gun was a great replacement option for her J-frame 5 shot revolver. Long story shortened, we left with the SR9c, outfitted with Crimson Trace grips. She MUCH preferred the ergos of the Ruger over Glock, despite all the tricks Gen4 wizardry could offer!
Fired 200+ rounds of 5 differing weights and varieties of 9mm without hiccup one! I fully agree with your comments about slide bite, but she won’t need to manually work slide (I hope) in a crisis situation! (And my finger will heal soon.)
I’m not ready to give up my Glock 23 for EDC, but maybe… after a few more range trips…. well, we’ll see.
I was initially comparing the Ruger SR9 to a Springfield XD for a first time buy. I liked the looks of the SR9, but ultimately the XD won out (for what I personally was looking for) with it’s larger capacity mag and other features. Trust me, I’m not knocking this gun, I’m just saying which route I decided to take – and it might be a good comparison for other first time buyers to think about before making the decision of which gun to buy and if this one is best for them.
Wow, maybe I should have tried the SR9 before buying my XD. I see see from the video that it doesn’t really have a long trigger pull, and since I sometimes twist my writs downwards or to the left (due to the long trigger pull of the xd), I think I might be more accurate with the SR9. It’s too bad the SR9 doesn’t have the same USA trigger system. The highly reflective metal of the slide also makes it less concealable in my opinion, and the reflectiveness is maybe not something all that desirable if someone has just broken into your house in the dark,and you’re not trying to give away your position immediately; it could possibly give away your position if a ray of light (from moon light for example) hits it.
Robert, you may have missed one of the important elements of this pistol. The thumb safety design is brilliant! It reminds me of the CZ-82 safety in the sense that it is easy to manipulate but is low in profile and positive and not likely to be switched off by accident. The idea of a thumb safety is good one with a striker gun with a light/short trigger pull. One of most important considerations is to avoid holstering mistakes and resulting AD. I see holstering mistakes frequently at IDPA matches where clothing wants to find it’s way inside the holster with the Glock being holstered. Fortunately, IDPA protocol requires clearing the gun at the completion of each drill. It does however demonstrate that under mild stress, we can make little mistakes.
Now I’m scared to go to a mall without my AR and my load carrying equipment.
One thing I find interesting here on TTAG, is that when these poll results were posted above…so were the actual questions and the demographic breakdown. Usually poll quotes are “175% of everybody agree that guns are bad and want them destroyed to save the bunnies and kittens.”
Thanks to RF and TTAG for providing usable data.
Nice review. I do have my doubts about this system. As Kirsten knows you can have cross winds in long range shooting such as 20 East west mph at 100 yards out and then 15 mph west east at 400 yards and your target is at 600. GIGO as was mentioned earlier. How about switchable winds. Many a time I have let off on the trigger just as I felt the wind switch from 15 easterly to 15 westerly in an instant. My cheek and a treelimb told me everything about the change. If you read the log books or recounts of the 1000 yard matches or 600 yard matches you find conditions could be quite challenging with many a competition shot in changeable conditions. So far what I have heard is simplistic that would untrain or create bad habits for shooters.
You shouldn’t have had that gun. You should have called the police after something bad has already happened. Don’t you know that your gun could have been used against you?! How dare you protect yourself. /SARC/
Props?….I think I’d sell all those broke-a$$ guns at the next NYC gun buyback day and let the movie industry suck it the next time they needed guns to make their big money movie. If average Joe with a birth certificate can’t have them then nobody gets them…nobody.
So my question is whether there is similar legislation covering said drivers licenses and marriage licenses? Or is the Constitution “Full Faith & Credit” clause all that it takes?
I can’t wait to get this in californ….nvm.
Picked up a Ruger SR9C a few weeks ago and made the right choice. Being a girl and having small hands, I looked at this one and a 9mm Shield, and the Ruger won. I wanted a 9mm for home defense, range practice, and ccw. Seems to fit the bill for all. Trigger is amazing. Out of the box mine seems fairly accurate. A couple of things I had problems with were, the ridges in the slide were sharp enough to that I sliced my finger. Carefully filed the sharp edges down and that problem is gone. Second thing is for some reason the brass comes back at me and either hits me in the face or lands on my shoulder regardless of ammo brand. 410 rounds through it so far and had one double feed but I think it was the Federal ammunition but will keep an eye on that one. Overall I like the firearm very much.
Carrying the SR9c right now – at home. ALWAYS armed. It’s a good policy. I don’t worry about the safety. The 1911 gurus carry their piece with a loaded chamber and the safety on, and then train to draw, release the safety and fire (if necessary). Am I missing something?. Use the safety and train to disengage when appropirate
That’s why I like handguns like the Glock. You don’t have to worry about the safety, just draw and fire. I like my rugers and S&Ws etc. but having to worry about taking the safety off is just extra for me. I have trained with guns that have it and I will go all day just fine but before the end of the training day I will at some point end up forgetting to click the safety at least once. I can just see me doing that when I have tunnel vision or in the middle of a bad situation. I would rather stick with a duty weapon that doesn’t have it to worry about.
I have and Really Like the Ruger SR9C; looking to get a second one. Have the caliFarcia compliant model with loaded chamber indicater and the manual safety. Both are EXCELLENT Life Saving Features. the trigger is Light and Fast and obedient to the Safety, a very lifesaving factor. Accuracy is WOW!!! As I stated to S&W, Ruger Your SR9C is a definite HOMERUN!! KUDOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Getting another one ASAP
Some SOB stole my LCP w/Crimson Trace. I replaced it with LC9C yesterday. empty drills show the safety to be a non-issue as everything else I have has one. I bought this because, of all the compacts i checked, it and a Sig had the only ambi safeties and I shoot left handed. Looking forward to taking it to the range. BTW: $319 NIB.
How many gunfights has the author been in that he has forgotten about the safety? How many gunfights has the author been in in total? I am guessing the answer is 0 to both. So he just makes sh*t up about the safety on a gun. Listen if he is too stupid to learn how to use a gun then fine he pick something else, or probably more appropriately, not carry a weapon at all due to his diminished mental capacity. And the Glock trigger “safety”, is not a safety. Hence Glock leg syndrome.
Been thinking about a home defense/CC weapon for my fiancé. I travel 4-5 days a week out of town, and she doesn’t care for my Judge or .357. So we went to the local range that rents any gun for $10/ hour plus range fees, and you can switch weapons as many times as you want. We tried tried Glocks, Springfield, Taurus, Kimber, Kahr. And finally the Ruger SR9c. We liked it so much we spent another hour just shooting the Ruger. Went out to the store connect to the range and bought 2. We spent $888.47, came with both 10 and 17 round mags.went back into the range and shot our new purchase Rugers (yes with packing grease still in) although a little stiffer, shot just as amazingly as the rental and my fiancé is happy. I guess my point being, whatever firearm you decide on, try to find one that fits you and you purpose for owning it before you buy it.
I was really surprised how well this Ruger pistol performed, so much so that I replaced my SIG P239 for daily carry with the SR9C. More rounds, just as accurate, no DAO trigger, lighter to carry.
The safety is a non-issue, since I do practice taking it off when at the range. After 10-20 times, you realize this is a no-brainer. Besides, if a bad guy situation develops in front of you (instead of happening immediately), I’d take the safety off while it was still in the holster.
This thing just shoots like butter.
I purchased the SR9c because the price of ammo for anything larger was through the roof and hard to find a couple of years ago (when the idiot Fed Gov’t was trying every trick they could to ban/restrict gun ownership). I had already had the SR40 and was pleased with how accurate it was and knew the 9mm had to be equally accurate. Needless to say I was not disappointed, especially once I nailed down the fundamentals of pistol shooting learned from the book “The Perfect Pistol Shot!” I am now achieving multiple shots in approximately a 2″ area on 6″ shoot-n-see target at 10yds (not under pressure but simply well-aimed, controlled shots in an attempt to better my overall marksmanship). The SR9c is a jewel! I challenge anyone who dislikes it too backup, regroup, and take another look at it. My only regret was that I waited too long to buy it and the magazine restriction prevented me from getting the high-cap mag that traditionally came with it.
I have had mine since they came out. And I love it. I also love the thumb safety. I totally disagree with you that the thumb safety is a problem. Train with it and it is not a problem. I do not believe the “trigger” safety is enough. It is to easy for something to get in there and push both the trigger safety and the trigger as light as the trigger pull is. It has happened with Glocks. But if it had the safety like the SR9c, those would not happen. And thinking it being small would cause it to be forgotten to be used while shooting and practicing is ridiculous. The one reason I bought the SR9c to begin with is because it did have the thumb safety. And one of the reasons I do not like Glocks. The other reason is the fit. The Ruger fits my hand perfectly. The Glocks do not. And I even owned a few thinking I would get use to them and never did. But I agree with you on everything else about the SR9c. It is great. I love it. I am waiting for the SR45c but I am not sure it is going to happen. If it doesn’t, it would be a shame.
I am going to put my two cents worth on this one . For a police carry I probably would prefer a Glock or a 1911 ,but for my wife . I prefer and she prefers this pistol over everything we’ve shot and everything we own , which is a fair amount of firepower . 17 + 1 we feel is really enough for her purposes of self defense with proper on coarse training and Hornady xtp ammo or double tap + p and she is good to go and as far as releasing the spent or jammed mag and replacing with another and disengaging the slide to chamber another round . practice this with all your fire arms on a regular basis . Remember Murphy’s law .
This was the first 9mm I bought my daughter. My wife liked it so much we got her one too. This has the very best go pedal I have ever felt in a striker fired pistol. If you don’t like the mag interlock, just remove it. Remove the slide rear door, pull out the striker, and remove the interlock. Reinstall the striker and reinstall the rear door. Job done. We do it all the time for 1 shot 2 fire drills at the range. This is simply the finest 9mm on the market in my opinion.
I have the latest edition full sized on layaway so I started looking for a holster. I’m left handed, and the only halfway decent tactical type holster I can find is Fobus (Blech). I’ve read that M&P holsters will fit these guns, can anybody confirm this?
I bought the SR9 about a year ago for home defense. I probably put 750 rounds through it and it shoots as great today as the day I bought it. I now am looking at upgrading my carry gun from a 380 to a 9. I’m going back & forth between a FNX 9C or a Ruger SR9C. In my head I’m thinking about trying another brand but if I love the SR9 so much then why not get the 9C. I’m leaning towards the SR9C because I love the SR9 so much and for the price I cant go wrong. In the long run it will save me $$$ because I already have 4 17 round mags that I use for my SR9…
I would like to add my response. I shot it beside my xd and while i like the ruger a lot i would not take it over my xd. I always use perfecta ammo, the cheapest you can buy. Ive fed thousands through my xd along with every other ammo out there and have had 0 problems after the break in. I mean 0. However the sr9 had numerous ftf and fte problems with the cheap ammo. My buddy does not clean to well so i took it home and completely stripped it down and had it back to factory cleanliness. Back to the range and same problem with the perfecta ammo. Ftf or fte once every mag. Wouldve been my next gun if not for so many problems. Loved the feel, loved the sights, loved the 17+1 over my 16+1. It couldve been the gun was to far gone before i cleaned it. Anyone ever fed perfecta with no problems on a well maintained sr9?
I think I have changed my mind and its going to be a SR9c!
I wont have a glock, do have a Steyr, great trigger, but just cringe every time holstering it, IWB.
OWB would be fine, but that is not cc!
I have owned this gun and I really like it, but for some reason it shoots low from the factory. My S&W, Springfield, and Glock I am very accurate with, but not with this gun. Any thoughts…
The big question is: Now that I’ve given him my wallet, and he asks what’s in my other pocket, do I give him my gun too? That’s the hard one. Any thoughts?
I bought a SR9c about the time I was getting my CC. Also have a 9e and now a LC9s Pro, because my son was getting his CC and I gave him my SR9c for Christmas. Been carrying the LC9 and like it, but really missed the SR9c!! End of story– my new SR will be here next week! This gun is great!