As a kid, there was one toy I frequented more than anything with a barrel or trigger: LEGO® blocks. With these ingenious Danish creations, I was more than merely a defender of good and an avenger of evil; I was in control of literally everything. Pre-packaged kits for planes, trains, cars, municipal buildings or even spacecraft ultimately morphed into a custom-made (for me, by me) LEGO city nestled upon a discarded, three-tiered entertainment center. What made this possible? No, Benjamin, not “plastics;” modularity made this possible. Enter the SIG SAUER P250.
The idea of modularity in firearms certainly isn’t new. In the strictest sense of the word, it refers to the nineteenth century innovation where parts created for one gun could be used in another (a helpful thing on the battlefield). But modularity within the same gun – taken to the extent where the entire grip frame is rendered nothing more than accessory itself – is a fairly new concept. The latest iteration: the SIG SAUER P250 semiautomatic pistol.
Available as a full-size, compact, or sub-compact model, the P250 is basically a firing mechanism (“Fire Control Assembly,” SIG calls it) which quickly and easily drops into one of several available polymer grip frames. Each grip frame is specially-sized for different shooter’s hands, and includes a cut-out “window” through which the firing mechanism’s serial number can be viewed.
Connoisseurs of combinatorics will be interested to learn that the full-sized model and the compact model each have three available grip frames, while the sub-compact gun makes do with only two. SIG renders the firing mechanism in four popular calibers (9mm, .357 Sig, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP). Along with the grip frame, only the magazine and barrel must be changed to jump from compact to sub-compact. Add the longer slide, and you can leap up to the full-sized model, as well. And so I leapt at the chance to sample the SIG several weeks back when a friend let me shoot his 9mm version.
No leaps are necessary when it comes to the gun’s physical description. The P250 typifies “modern autopistol” in a burst of genericism that not even Glock’s brickish silhouette can match. Yeah, the grip frame’s integral accessory rail and curved/textured front trigger guard both add a modicum of definition to an otherwise banal visage. But compared to other modern semi-autos, this SIG stands out about as much as a soccer mom in a Target check-out. And not a hot soccer mom, either. Just a nice-looking one with a pretty smile and a pleasant personality.
Personality, however, goes a long way (with guns as well as soccer moms). On the range, the P250 wins you over with double taps that warrant double takes back at the lady who looked so plain just a few minutes ago. Even with the largest of the three available grip frames fitted to my example, the small hands I’ve been cursed with clutched this SIG more positively and more confidently than any high-cap grip I’ve ever held.
Complimenting this tactile comfort was a magnificent double-action-only trigger. Much like Glock’s boom-button perfection, the P250’s trigger exhibited virtually no stacking. The absence of over-travel paired with quick, predictable reset rounded out the ergonomic delight.
Our test gun boasted an extended, threaded barrel. Combined with the gun’s discernible top-heaviness, the extra weight made for absolutely minimal muzzle flip and quick target reacquisition (the excellent three-dot sights didn’t hurt, either). With decent-quality factory ammo (SIG’s official company line is “no reloads, no hand loads”), the P250 didn’t miss a beat, delivering more tight groups than the LA branch of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Given its modularity, I halfway expected the P250 to be a compromised designed that felt and performed like a collection of similar-but-not-seamlessly-interacting parts which would produce decent-but-unimpressive results. Happily, I was wrong.
The SIG SAUER P250 did not – in my experience, anyway – fall into the frustrating gaps that lie between different shooter’s preferences. To the contrary, SIG appears to have anticipated these preferences exactly. Modular or not, fine engineering coupled with a final product that looks, feels, and shoots as good as the P250 will mitigate any complaint from the odd Goldilocks who doesn’t find the gun “just right” in one of its myriad configurations.
It looks like I might have a new favorite toy.
Model: P250
Action type: Double Action Only
Caliber: 9mm Luger
Capacity: 17-round magazine
Barrel length: 4.7″
Overall length: 8.0″
Weight: 29.4 oz
Grips: Interchangeable polymer
Sights: Three-dot SIGLITE® night sights
Slide Finish: Nitron®
Frame Finish: Interchangeable polymer grip shell with stainless insert (various colors)
Current Value: $640-$712 (retail), depending on caliber and configuration
RATINGS (Out of five stars)
Style * * *
No new ground here: If you love the look of modern autopistols, you’ll love the P250. If you don’t, you won’t.
Ergonomics (carry) * * * *
Full-size, compact, or sub-compact, the P250 seems just as easily carried relative to its direct competitors. The fact that one firing mechanism can be convertible into each of these configurations widens its appeal in this category.
Ergonomics (firing) * * * * *
Very SIG-like, which is to say, very good. If anything, the modularity only makes it better by delivering a high degree of instantaneous customization.
Reliability * * * * *
SIG says “To Hell and Back,” and plenty of folks will vouch for that reputation.
Customize This * * * *
Double-edged sword here. The gun’s inherent modularity provides a bespoke weapon in seconds, all the various-sized grip-frames have an accessory rail, and there are several trigger and barrel options (this example’s was threaded) available from the factory. Still, it’s not a 1911, and outside of what the manufacturer offers, pickings seem slim. But it is a three-year-old design, and the availability of custom options will probably increase once the P250 has been on the market for a while (assuming it’s successful).
It’s not all things to all people, but it’s a lot of things – a lot of the right things – to a lot of the people who want a gun like this. In other words, it hits the sweet spot on the target, and more than likely, the sweet spot in your collection.
I really like the Sig-Sauer pistols. They won me over from my Glocks years ago, & have just about tied with my all around favorite, the 1911 styles pistols. However, I just cannot justify breaking ranks with the traditional model Sigs, such as the 220, 229, etc. They work extremely well, are far more accurate, right from the box, than most semiautos; reliability is off the charts, in that I've never, ever (!) had any kind of jam or failure to feed/fire from any Sig pistol that I've ever fired, nor has any of my Sig-shooting buds. And this incudes pistols that are dirty, sweaty, various quality handloads, mixed loads of various configurations, & worst of all, perhaps, fouled & dirty magazines. Of course ANYONE should try and LEARN what what best for themselves!
I recently purchased a Sig 250 9 mm. Yesterday I went to the range with it for the first time. I am wondering if I am doing something wrong……….seriously or if being a female my arms are too short. I find that when the cartridges eject they come back at me and land on my chest, mouth and hit my face. I put in about 50+ shots and still had the edge when I fired. Could it be because it is new? I love everything else about it but was not happy about this. A friend had a Springfield XD 40cal and I had nothing like that happen with that gun. All the casings went to the side not back. I would appreciate any info in this that more experienced gunsmen might have for me. Thx.
My wife and sister had the same problem. I do think it is shorter arm issue and that casings tend to eject upward. I love my 250.
I don’t know why shorter arms would have that effect. More than anything, make sure your non-shooting hand is gripping the gun as tightly as your shooting hand to stop the gun from popping up from the recoil.
I agree about your last statement, however I think you rated this gun way to high the SiG P250 has a number of problems from FTF, FTE and mag problems not to mention the recent recall for the trigger bar . It seems you had good luck with your test but I halveto ask did you run this gun hard like a COMP shooter , a L.E.O or just take it for day on the range?
I like my sigs alot. I presently own a p250 in 9mm with mod. I also own a p220 in 45 a nd a p226 with interchangeable barrels in 357 sig and 40 sw. I think the sigs are more versatile than any thing I own and are more accurate than my rugers and glocks and more value for the money. I have put 5000 plus rounds through the p220
My Sig P250, .45 ACP full size is a sweet, sweet, dream. About 1,000 rounds now and not one FTF, FTE, or anything else. I also have a Sig P250, .45 ACP, Compact and it is just as sweet. The best, finest pieces I have ever had the pleasure of using. Magnificient ! ! Thank you Sig Sauer for producing such a masterpiece.
The Sig Sauer p250 is a very innovative and well thought out design. It paves the way for the future of firearm design………………………….GO SIG
The one thing that makes me like the 250 alot is once you master the trigger it makes you a better shooter,not only with the 250 but wait till you pick up a glock or something da/sa i know the trigger is very long but with no other safety i really dont find it a problem .
to follow up on my earlier post,a friend of mine brought up the thing about the FBI,and some other law agiences disregarding the sig,as i looked at the FBI report i did not see where it actually says the 250,but the artical is there,dont know it right of my head but you can do a google search on it.but i have to believe it has something to do with the shooters,just because there LEOs or FBI doesent mean they can shoot.AND in all respect i maybe can see if you put 100 rounds through a glock and went straight to the 250 some folks might have trouble.I myself like the dao trigger yes it is long but man it is smooth,i have actually felt DA/SA pistols that in SA felt alot worse.I am not a cop nor have i had military training but i have been to 3 different shooting classes.I shoot about 100 rounds per week,with splitting those 100 rounds between my 3 main guns,glock 19,S&W M&P,and the sig 250. as i said before the sig will make you a better shot.anyone who has these two guns try this a sig 250 then shoot a ruger lcp and see what happens to your groups with the lcp,i guarantee tighter groups with the lcp.And before i get attacked on this yes i own other sigs yes i know it dont feel like other ones.and yes it would be nice to have the SA option but it does’nt.and what would rather plink with a 500 gun or you 1500 doller gun that you dont even want finger prints on much les a accidentel scratch,by someone who just has to look at everybodys gun and he’s using a hi point,HAHA dont laugh everybody knows what ime talking about.The 250 is a great gun,I am very interisted with peoples opinions about this gun with so much bashing going on on the net.feel free to e-mail me ime open to all [email protected]
Ijustwantyoutoputaspaceafterpunctuationmarks. Like that.
I just purchased a P250 compact 40S&W from a local chain sporting goods retailer for $399. Right out of the box, I shot more than 100 rnds of a lower grade, name brand target ammo in one visit to the range without a single faiure. I was skepticle about buying this gun at first becasue of all the mixed reviews, but with the Sig name and a price under $500, I didn’t think I could go wrong. I am now convinced this was a great deal and I love my P250.
I have since ordered the small grip as mine came with a medium and the mag relaease is a slight stretch for me. The new grip was $45 from the sig website.
A note of warning, when buying accersories for the P250, make sure you order the right part as there is two types of rails, the new flat rail may not work with accersories made for the older rounded rail.
man i must have got ripped a new one i paid over 500 for mine but it has night sights which really dosent matter to me,new grip for 45.00 cool thats good to know.mine is second generation when all of the 250s were at least 500 or more dont know what the difference is,but it is still a great gun
I just received this in an e-mail from CDNN Sports.
They are selling a SIG P-2022 for $399.99 and a P-250 for $359.99.
This is the web link to their advertisement:
Just purchased my new Sig P-250 9mm Compact w/3-Dot Night Sights from CDNN Sports for $359.99. Extra Mag $29.99, shipping in Tx $17.98 = Total $407.88. Bought through FFL friend so all thats left is Tax & his profit. Incredible Price!
Thanks Alfredo!
I bought a full size p250 .40 caliber a couple of days ago and finally I got to the range today and boy was that a sweet shot. I only fired 70 rounds through it but let me tell you, I’m a happy camper. Mine was manufactured in December 2010 and probably all the bugs that this model originally came with were taken care of, but it is and most importantly, it feels like a sig. I used to own a beretta 92fs (9mm)and even though is not polycarbonate and surely is a great and accurate gun, the recoil was much stronger on that one than on this one, being a .40 caliber.
Field stripping this gun is just super easy, and the fact that you can exchange calibers is just a plus. For $389 including shipping, it makes it even better.
When started shooting, I noticed the a little pull downwards, but it was actually me getting used to the DOA trigger (much better and smoother than my .38 Taurus 2″ revolver) and any other double action handgun I’ve shot before, but after ten rounds, and at forty ft. from the target, the grouping was outstanding.
I was using “blazer” ammo and it ate ’em all.!
Hope to come back here with more good news very soon….
Important note…This is not a top of the line sig but it’s much more that you’d expect for the money and as good as you’d expect from Sig Sauer.
Somthing to consider before purchasing any Sig weapon…the Sig customer service is seriously lacking. I have tried to order extra mags for my P250. The first attempt, I was sent the wrong part as the Sig store websight lists the incorrect part number for mags that fit the new grip style. First they blamed the mistake on me, but after walking them through the web page they realized the mistake and agreed to send me a new mag with a return label to send the incorrect mag back. As a courtesy, I ordered two more mags to ship with the replacement. I received a shipping notice that all three mags shipped. My credit card was billed. However on receiving the package, it contained only on mag……I have found that the reps are less than freindly and there is obvioulsy significant incompetence in there order/shipping process.
This worries me becuase if I had to ship a weapon back for repair, what kind of service would I get????
I’m in the process of getting the P250 9mm full size, but have found that Sig either does not make or I just can’t find a full size 9mm threaded barrel for it. Am I just not finding it, or am I S.O.L for another couple years? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Received my P250 today & put 30 rounds through it immediately after taking it out of the box. Very satisfied with this pistol, has tight grouping pattern and is very comfortable in my medium sized hand.
I have a .45 fs, 9mm compact, and recently bought a 9mm fs kit. I have Sig P229 E2 SRT, Sig 229/6 in both DAK and DA/SA, M&P, Beretta, Glocks, and several 1911s – my carry gun out of all these choices – the P250 fs.
My compact was manufactured in June of 2010, unfortunately within 50 rounds I started having extraction problems. I called Sig, they emailed me a UPS overnight shipping label and off it went. It was back in 10 days! they replaced the extractor, the trigger bar, the hammer, and the safety lever. So not only did they fix the problem, they completely updated the gun! All at their expense – didn’t cost me a dime. Talk about customer service!
Since I’ve got it back from Sig, I’ve put 800 rounds through it without a single issue. After switching the FCU to a full size frame, I put another 500 rounds through that combination, again without a single failure or problem of any kind!
FWIW, Sig says all guns manufactured from Dec 2010 on will have all updates.
I absolutely love this gun. I had little appreciation for the modularity of this gun until I wanted the fs 9mm. I found a guy that had a fs kit that came as part of a 2sum that he no longer wanted and we agreed on a price that was advantageous to both of us. He shipped it via USPS for $8! No FFL, no overnight UPS!
I removed the FCU from the compact (easily I might add) and installed it in the fs (again easily I might add). But the big question is will it shoot? You betcha! I made this video because a guy claimed you couldn’t hit any thing past 7 yards with the p250. Well, I nearly doubled that distance and did the video.
I recently called Sig to order a FS frame with a small grip. It was in stock, $46, and should arrive this week – got something in mind for it.
Becasue the grips are so inexpensive and not a gun, a number of owners have modified the frames by shortening, painting, converting and they are quite impressive.
BTW, the P250 has now been spotted in a FAM’s holster at an airport. The guy got to talk to the FAM and he had nothing bad to say about the P250. So apparently Sig worked out the probs with the FAM’s P250s and they have been issued for service.
I really like the p250!
Just popped open my new P250 FS in 9mm. Took my 16 yr old daughter with me to shoot for the first time. She did great with it. We also shot my new Sig 522, what a nice, fun toy!! I think she is “hooked” on the hobby now. I have to say, no FTF/FTE on either weapon. I am very impressed and pleased with the quality, feel and performance of both. I will now look to add a .40 S&W caliber to my P250. Paid $359 plus Tax for stainless slide model. Highly recommend! I do own P220/P226/P232/SHR970’s as well, so I am a FAN!! All great stuff…….
i have owned i sig 250 9mm now for about a month purchased it new from a local shop.
out of the box the pistol wasnt even close to hittin a single thing after adjusting the front sight i am now on but i am experiencing double feeding where it is not ejecting the spent casing i have already put about 500 rounds through of various types of ammo no matter what i use the gun will still double feed. i do clean the gun after i put alot of rounds through it. any suggestions
Have a pro gunsmith examine it. Then send it back to SIG. Pronto.
As with many auto pistols if you are not holding with a firm grip the slide will not cycle correctly. Make sure your support hand is wrapped tightly and try locking your elbow on the firing hand. Good Luck!
Looking to get a good quality gun at value, and I have been thinking about getting the P250 .40 compact. this would be my first handgun and looking for an opinion on how this would work as a first gun?
Bought a Sig P25o Compact 40 about a month ago, and put 200 rounds through it with out any problems. Versus my Glock 22, the ergonomics are much better. I realize that the Glock is a full size frame, but Glocks in any size just don’t seem to feel as good in my XL hands as do other guns such as Sig Sauer and CZ.
I was skeptical about the long, double-action trigger; I thought it might impede accuracy and speed. However, it does not. It’s one of the smoothest double-action triggers I’ve ever encountered. I was also skeptical about this new design. That’s why I waited a few years for them to work the bugs out of this new concept. I’m glad that I did. (I’d like to buy the new P290 subcompact, but I may wait to hear some reviews first.)
The rear left night sight failed shortly after my trip to the range. I notified Sig customer service and they emailed my a UPS shipping label. I sent the slide only back to Sig and within 10 days they had the slide back to me with brand new, rear night sights. I have other Sig Sauer firearms, and with the exception of having to wait on hold for a few minutes, I have never had problems with their customer service. (The recorded woman’s voice that first answers when you call Sig is very strange. She draws out her words, e.g., instead of saying Sig Sauer, she says “Sig Sauerrrrrrrrr.”)
Enjoyable read. Thank you for the info.
I’m looking to buy a P250 fs in either .357 or .40. This will be my first handgun and I was wondering how much I can expect to pay for it. And I haven’t seen any comments on the .357. Should I just go with .40 or .45 instead of the .357 ???
If you are interested in buying a SIG SAUER handgun you have made an excellent choice. The SS P250 can be configured in many different versions, subcompact, compact, full size, the three sizes, and at this printing, four calibers, 9mm, 40 smith and wesson, .357 (not magnum), and 45 ACP. Of the four the .357 has the most knock down power but is also probably the least used caliber. Its power is between a 9mm+p and a 457 The 9mm has the m1ost shells for ea h magazine.
.357 Sig ammo is not cheap and not as readily available as either 9 mm or 40 cal. 9 mm is the least expensive and easiest to find.
This is my First post. I just bought a Sig P2022 a couple weeks back. The SA/DA trigger was very strange to me at First. To me, it felt like it went too far back when it was cocked. Any ideas on the trigger? Everything else was great, though. I installed the Large back strap, and it felt great in my XL hands. I’m now looking for a CCW Sig. I was looking at the P290, but it is $600.00 and up, and has no accessory rail. So I started looking at the P250 subcompact. Has anyone used one? How does it feel/shoot? Will it fit XL hands? Does it have a rail? Is it in the same price range as the regular P250? How does it compare to the P290’s size? Any info would be appreciated.
The P250 subcompact will run you about the same as the P250 Compact. If you want a great value for deep concealment, the Kel-Tec PF-9 is hard to beat. I have XL hands, so you’ll have to simply get used to smaller guns are settle for carrying a large one. I looked at the new P290, but the dealer wants $600. My Kel-Tec was almost half that cost, and for the “philosophy of use”, I can’t justify shelling out $600 for a subcompact without a track record. Kahr’s are also great concealed options – check out the CW and CM 9’s.
to me accuratcy is big a priority with the kel-tec the trigger squeez is ungodly and thoes high tention springs are asking to break but if you fix thoes problems you still have a weapon useless at 50 meters lucky for us most shoot outs happen at distences less than 20 meters when it comes to protecting the ones i love spending the money isnt a problem
amen brother if ur gonna go cheap u might as well go highpoint there more heavy to beat someone with wen it jams or just plain when it comes to protecting my family friends and myself ill dishout the extra on the sig i also dished out on the range officer made by springfield its a 1911 model if u never shot one i highly reccomend it love at first
I recently purchased my SIG SAUER P250, COMPACT, from the firearms dealer in Oklahoma, to a Elliccott City MD, Specialty Firearms retail shop that agreed to accept the transfer of this pistol.
Our Maryland state law requires a expended shell casing, as well as a barrel lock; both extra expensive and both easy for criminals to get around. Having shot .22s (all kinds), .32s, .357s, .38s, 9mm parrabellums, .357 mags, .040, .44 short colt, .44 long colt, .44 mag, .45 ACP, and .410, 3″ hand guns, I have to say the P250 COMPACT is a well balanced, self defense tool that can be effective in stopping crimes and in averting dangerous situations with its presence. German and a few other Western European nations with higher population densities as well as learning the folly of letting governments confiscate its law abiding citizens’ firearms, has resulted in a limit per adult male in some of these countries of the number of hand guns, shotguns, and high powered rifles each adult may own. Consequently, we find packages like the SIG SAUER pistols, that to date, can be configured into four different calibers an three different sizes for a total of twelve different pistols, with each playing a role the best fits its current requirement for its person and those he is guardings well being.
To my fellow American’s that have left parts of themselves and their lives on fields of nations throughout the Middle East and beyond, I ask that you realize what you have done is in its purest form, a proof, a donation, and a statement that leaves pencil pushers, that leaves report writers, and that leaves any real assessment of truth penciled in as shadows following the truth, and seeking the outcome of the result.
Few, if any men or women in this case, realized the answered the response whose reply led to the truth, or a partial truth, . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………?
That post reads like a random sentence generator with “nationalism” settings set to “medium” and “ignore proper apostrophe use” set to “yes.”
I just received an email flyer advertising the 250C for $329.00 new. That said, I wanted to know if it’s best in 9mm, .357 or .40. Also, how do you tell, exactly, when it was manufactured. Will it be on the label on the case? Serial Number?
Anyway, for $329.00, could I really go wrong? I’m sure it has the standard everything so it will be pretty basic. I own a number of compact pistols now so the DA trigger doesn’t really scare me. I like their holster offering as it could work as a cross-draw in the winter and thus, more comfortable in a car. It has the ability to cant at almost any angle so it’s a nice custom fit.
That all aside, for $329, is it worth it? Am I reading this right? Any chance that these are old gen 2 models?
P250C 40 Cal. Update:
The rear sight failed for a second time a couple of weeks ago after about 150 rounds. It seems like a coating or seal is popping off, and the tritium is then compromised. I sent it back to Sig Sauer last week and just got it back today – very fast service.
However, I’m starting to question Sig’s “To Hell and back reliability” tag line. I’ve had a Glock 22 for three years and have never had any problems with the pistol or with the after-market Trijicon night sights I installed.
Regarding price, I paid $430 for the P250 40 Cal. including the tritium night sites. (Included only one magazine.) I have the Gen 2 model. The grips are different than Gen 1 and the magazines are not interchangeable. The Gen 1 has a rounded style rail, whereas the Gen 2’s rail is square.
Someone asked about a good concealed firearm. I would suggest two options: A S&W J-frame snubbie or a Kel-Tec PF-9. Both are reasonably priced, but require lots of practice to master, especially the snubbie. (The J-frame works great with Crimson Trace grip laser sights.)
Took my new FS Sig P250 9mm to the range today, I put 900 rounds through this thing without a FTF/FTE. Definitely like the feel, may try a different grip though. had a nice close spread @ 7yds, & managed to get decent shots off @ 15 yds.
the 1 thing i hate about this gun. i can not find a left hande paddle holster. it sucks
Hey Mike, I just looked up Galco Holsters and tyhey have a Yaqui Paddle Holster for Sig-Sauer P250 Compacts in 9mm or 40 S&W. That’s about $70 bucks or so, and Galco is great for quality and service. Happy shooting!
galco for sure its like puttin ur most comfy shoes on ur gun gota few one for my 1911 is fantastic.
I had the same problem at first. I’m left handed also, so I can relate on just about all the problems us leftys run into. I have a new version 250c in 9mm. The holster I use is a Galco leather holster ( cop series ). If I remember rite it cost around $80. Sorry I don’t remember what web site I ordered it from. If you want email me back and I send you some pics of it, if you want. Love my sigs 5000 + rounds through my 250c 9mm no failure of any type.
Found this thread on the ‘net today, and just had to put in my 2 cents. I purchased a Sig-Sauer P250 9mm several months ago and have been very pleasantly surprised at how utterly reliable, accurate and sweet-handling this piece is. I only have one problem: My wife, who, in addition to having lousy taste in men, loves shooting almost as much as I do, and I made the “mistake” of letting her try my P250 at the range the other day. Well, long story short, she now has my 9mm Compact, and she has retired her Ruger SP101 357 mag. Of course, this gave me the excuse I needed (yeah, right!) to trade my old Glock 21 for a P250 Compact in 45 Auto. Now we’re both happy! PS: she’s 67 years old and can out shoot most of our male friends half her age!
The sig p250 is in its second phase, the first was a pushed product with many problems and the second is starting to become known as one of the best DAO auto pistols ever. Interestingly enough, the pistol tested in this article is a first seriest gun.
You can tell the two series apart by a few things, the sig logoon the grip is no longer in the middle but rised slightly, the bottom of the grip has square notches instead of round ones and the dust guard necks down on the first series where it stays full width on the second.
Anouther cool thing is the longer full size barrel will fit the compact and sub compact as well as the bigger mags making a very “tacticool” looking sub compact with full size accuracy.
I advise everybody go and shoot the new series of p250 and see for yourself, you will not be disappointed. By the way I own a p250 and have thousends of rounds through it, the only problem I have hade was failure to lock back after last round but stretching the mag spring handled that.
so I already own a custom engraved P229 in .40 which I love and so does my wife, which is what is making me find her own Sig… this way i get mine back. She doesn’t just go to stores and look around. she wants to be a subject matter expert when she goes in. That way she knows exactly what she wants, and gets exactly that. She is interested in a 9mm compact. How is the grip for a set of small hands? She thinks my P229 feels almost perfect, does the P250 have basically the same size grip? With the compact 9mm does it suffer the same recoil as the small pocket 9mm’s that have flooded the market? She is just tired of shooting her Walther P22 Target model .22LR (she said she is debating on selling it to fund the sig, or may keep it for cheap target shooting), while I play with my .40 any help is appreciated. Thanks, Zombie
The only thing you might have to change for her with the 250c is the trigger. Sig has a shorter pull trigger option that places the trigger closer to the grip n normal position. Love mine have had it a year or so, no jams or any other problems. Good luck on your hunt for your wife’s perfect pistol. My wife loves her 4th gen. Subcompact Glock 9mm mainly because of the wait, along with all the options it comes with. If your wife holds the glock and doesn’t like the short grip, they make extended bottoms for the 3 ten round mags ( that r included ) and adds space for a pinky and three more rounds. Hope my ramblings are helpful.
I never pass up a chance to put off my 2 cents on other people. I own a Kimber carry elite,a gen 3 Glock 19 9mm,a S&W .380 bodyguard and a springfield xdm .40. I love them all. But Sig Sauer has made me cheat on all of them. My kimber was worth every penny it cost me but I love it more than my mother in law, So I don’t shoot it much. The others are common,predictable and boring. So I bough a Sig 250 compact 9mm with a .40 kit when they first came out. It has had some minor problems but nothing that cost me anything to fix. Since all the bugs have been worked out I’ve put 10,000 of both 9mm and .40 combined rounds through it with no problems, I just replaced the 9mm barrel and gave it to my wife. I bought a brand new model from cabelas in 9mm,Took it to the range and put 250 rounds through it and almost took it out to dinner that night,My heart was fluttering and I was weak in the knees. What a sweetheart she is and my wife is becoming jealous. I would have gladly replaced my Glock when I was deployed for the Sig 250. If you have $400-$450 laying around spend it on a NEW model you will know what love really is.
i have a sig P250 .45acp compact i have fired 5000+ rounds through it when i bought it brand new i was shooting it and had the problem where the brass was ejecting and hitting me in the face i thought it was just me but when i tried to correct myself the same problem it was only after i fired 500-600 rounds through it that the problem stopped after that and shooting was amazing and then at around 2500 rounds i changed barrels and the same problem hitting me in the face since then i have seasoned barrel and had no problems. any problems in this weapon happen in the first 500 round give or take a box or two if you season the barrel this weapon is the best handgun money can buy the more you fire it the better it will get i have owned and fired 200+ handguns and hold no biases to any of them but one thing i can say is in a life or death situation my money is on the P250 in almost any situation
just bought sig p250 compact. Crisp, clean shooting. It came with .40 and conversion barrel to .357 cal.
So of course I had to purchase the 9mm to complete the set. Anyone know if I can put a threaded full size 9mm barrel to be used as well? Too bad it only comes in a black polymer frame. (still learning)
I just bought the brand new sig sauer p250 compact along with all conversions.
have shot .40 and .357. It has got to have the worst trigger or hammer release of all the guns I own. it only releases the trigger at the end of the trigger pull. Way too far back.To the point I can feel the rear of the trigger guard simultaneous with the hammer release. I also bought a sig holster for the p250 c and doesn’t fit either. Seems like the integrated pic rail is hitting the bottom of the molded holster. I am no expert but Sig needs to redesign the firing mechanism or trigger with more of a trigger release alot earlier. Lover the pistol, hate the trigger…
PMshear is right on…. I was specifically looking to see if there was a .22 conversion for the P250. I do not see one. If Sig was to make a .22 conversion for this pistol it would be a hugely poular option.
My wife bought a p250 subcompact in 9mm for her concealed carry weapon.After shooting hers I went right out and bought a p250 compact model.We both qualified for our permit with our 250’s.As far as accuracy, they had to count 30 holes in our target at 15 and 21 feet,they could only count around the middle because there was only one big hole in the center.This is a solid pistol at a good price,I also would give it a 10 score.A 22 caliber conversion would make it even more versital and cheaper to shoot.
After reviewing several guns online I decided on the P250. I picked up the P250 2sum pack with both the full size 9mm, and the sub-compact for an awesome price ($569.99). What an awesome gun, I love everything about it and am 100% sure I bought the right gun. Feels great in the hand, and DAO trigger really helps you focus on the target as you squeeze. The 2sum package make the gun even more versitile. I have a full size for home defence and in about 2min I can switch to a subcompact for concealed carry.
i put one in layaway today 9mm with the option to change my mind on sumn else but after reading all the comments its safe to say a sig p250 will b ridin on my hip very soon it feels great the way it is now and ill probably never change anything about it. it really feels that great in my hand. cant wait to put some rounds through her. thanx to all for convincing my great choice.. but does any one think $529 is to high? it still aint gonna change my mind.lmao
I am SERIOUSLY considering this p250 and from the sounds of the comments I really like it more and more the more I read! I don’t have a pistol as of yet and that is why I am looking at this one! It has many options and won’t break the bank to get started and even add diff calibers later. Was thinking of starting with the 9mm as that would be the cheapest to plink around with, plus it has the biggest mag capacity. This is for a carry pistol and was thinking of going with the compact! Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance for any insight…
i think the standard size is awesome feels great. subcompact not enough barrel for me but thats a preference thing feel it out see what u like best. i dont believe your gonna go wrong with either took me some searchin to find the standard all i could find was subcompact got lucky and my gun store ordered me one and im in love.lmao
I bought a 250 compact,9mm, w/3 clips $450. Love the feel/looks!!haven’t shot it yet! Did homework and seems to be a good deal!! Can’t wait to blow some shtuff up!!!
I’ve had my fair share of pistols, from Glock, Taurus, to Rugers and S&W and I have yet to find a single side arm I have loved more then my Sig P250. I carry the compact model and it has been flawless as far as dependability and accuracy. For anyone out there looking for an amazing firearm with a price that doesn’t make you cringe, I would absolutely recommend this one. It just doesn’t get any better.
Just got a .45 compact model p250. 100 rounds aluminum case blazer fmj. No problems so far. Maybe try some gold dot jhp next time. It was my first time ever shooting .45 and it was great. This handgun is so wonderfully simple in so many ways. It has no confusing controls for more novice shooters. The safety is your control of your trigger finger and the nice “safe” DA pull with a hammer, no full or partial cocked strikers. Trigger was pretty smooth, but a negative is the break felt a bit fuzzy, not really crisp, just smooth all the way. The take down lever works better with a little oil on it. That lever is crazy stiff out of the box. The compact slide has a plastic guide rod. Wish it was steel, but seems to work fine. Only change I am making is to add a strip of grip tape for indexing of the trigger finger. It’s smooth plastic and it really should have something better there for a finger rest. I am a novice. I have only shot Kahr PM9, Ruger Gp100 with .38spl. This is my favorite so far. Thinking of getting a full size 9mm, and maybe a full size .45 slide to be able to swap back and forth. Really like being able to order any parts other than the trigger unit and have it sent without FFL involvement. This gun may have sucked a couple years ago. But give it a chance if it fits your desired manual of arms.
Very informative, entertaining and well-written review. I started reading truthaboutgun articles a while back and now its my go-to before purchasing a new gun. The authors’ reviews are the reason I purchased my SW M&P15 Sport( thats right-the cheapo model that Ive put over 1500 rounds through without a single problem and the same gun that I kill coyotes with at 300 yards) and most recently a Sig P250 in 357/40. Keep up the good work guys, its very much appreciated.
Update: I have had my p250c 9mm for about a month or so now and have fired probably close to 300-400 rounds through it!
the only issue that I have found and the ONLY malfunction that I have had to date is that when the clip is full (15 rds) and there is 1 in the chamber, making it 15+1 like it is advertised, it doesn’t fully rack the slide after that first shot. So now I just carry it as a 14+1 and that hasn’t given me any problems yet.
Only other thing is that mine consistently shoots 2″ low as well, probably going to call Sig and see what my options are!
Even with all that considered I still love this gun and it is a decent ccw weapon, worn on my belt I usually don’t even remember it is there! that is GOOD!
Does it bug anyone else when you try to trade or sell your new model P250 40 that you’re told it’s a piece of shit and how they can buy one here and there for $225 ! WTF ? I KNOW this new model P250 is an excellent gun and worth allot more than these douchebags are claiming. This is why I hate sheeple, turds that follow whatever the crowds says and follows it blindly without any individual thought process of their own.
Update: I have had my p250c 9mm for about a month or so now and have fired probably close to 300-400 rounds through it!
the only issue that I have found and the ONLY malfunction that I have had to date is that when the clip is full (15 rds) and there is 1 in the chamber, making it 15+1 like it is advertised, it doesn’t fully rack the slide after that first shot. So now I just carry it as a 14+1 and that hasn’t given me any problems yet.
Only other thing is that mine consistently shoots 2″ low as well, probably going to call Sig and see what my options are!
Even with all that considered I still love this gun and it is a decent ccw weapon, worn on my belt I usually don’t even remember it is there! that is GOOD!
I have a sig p250 40s&w which i just got today from the gun store here in manila. It really is a handsome piece of work. I hope it shoots as good as it looks!
I was recently given a P250 as a birthday gift. While checking out the new toy I noticed that the front sight is slightly off-center – a few mms to the left. Is this normal? Although I enjoy guns and my moments in the range, my knowledge about guns is somewhat limited. However, I did handle a few types and models myself – to include HK45, Taurus PT111 and Glock 17 (which I am most comfortable with). I fired a few rounds using the P250, and most fell right of the target, which is a different story when I’m using the Glock pistol. Can you comment on this? Thanks!
I own 3 second gen P250’s.. the truth is they are tough. accurate. reliable. All the bugs have been worked out through the first gen. Although I have seen many who have great first gen models straight out of the box! and those who had faulty models sent them back to sig and they make sure you are taken care of with either a new gun or they fix the problem 100% and send you a few mags for the trouble! THAT IS SIG SAUER SERVICE!!!.. I have fired all calibers and in many of the configurations offered and I would recommend them to anyone. I personally like the Full-Size .45 slide on a Compact frame BAD ASS! I also enjoy the classic compact 9mm setup. Im actually glad they have such a bad reputation because that keeps the cost low for the people who actually know the quality of the P250. I mean everyone I have seen talk crap about this model, I have let fire and after they use and experience the glory of the pull of the trigger and how solid it racks em in. They are sold!!! Most of those people own them now. I own many different handguns and even glock! and when the time comes to “nut up or shut up” I’m going to grap my P250 and my X-grip Extended Mags and go to town!!! Thats my 2 cents.
Wow iv dealt with this. I had a neighbor put a sticky note on my car for my 5.56 decal saying “Tear it off a**hole.” Needless to say I posted “F**k off” on his windshield. Last I heard of that.
Missed this review before I bought mine last year. Like this gun more and more every time I shoot it. The P250 Compact in 9mm has become my vehicle gun, residing in a cup holder in my center console in it’s included holster. Love the simplicity of the DAO and the fact that it is restrike capable. It’s like shooting a 14 shot revolver only better. The only con I have found is that the best mine will shoot so far is 2″ groups at 17yds off the bench with handloads. Hornady Critical Defense and Critical Duty will group a little tighter. Current production models do not look exactly like the gun in the review. The magwell and mags are a little different.