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Gun Review: SIG SAUER MPX Pistol

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The SIG SAUER MPX might be the most anticipated new “rifle” among TTAG’s readers. Sight unseen in the civilian market, they awarded it the highest honor last year naming it 2014’s Best New Rifle, and now after months of delays the first guns are assembled, boxed, and shipping out. Wanting to avoid the same kind of kerfuffle that surrounded the Remington R51 launch, we chose not to review the gun based on pre-production models and instead waited until the production version was available. Thanks to our friends at SIG SAUER we here at TTAG were given exclusive access to the first ever production MPX, as well as full access to their team’s collective knowledge and expertise. So, does the finished product live up to the hype? . . .

Let’s start with a little overview of the history behind the MPX.


There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that the MP5 is the best-selling pistol caliber SMG in history. The gun is iconic, used by military and law enforcement agencies worldwide. Heck, back in the 1980s you couldn’t swing a dead cat without running into a movie or TV show where the gun was being used in some manner. It’s just the epitome of cool.

While the appearance of the MP5 is a timeless classic, fifty years on the actual mechanics of the gun are starting to show their age. Stamped and welded receivers are no longer the state of the art design feature they once were. And roller delayed blowback is cool, but there are some major issues when switching between projectile weights that impact the longevity and reliability of the system. With the aging MP5 stockpiles of the world becoming more and more expensive to service, SIG SAUER wanted to develop a replacement weapon system that filled the same role but was easier to use and maintain. Their solution: the MPX.


The overall appearance of the MPX might seem familiar. That’s because it was designed to mimic the most popular firearms platform in the world. Just about every law enforcement or military organization in the modern world uses some derivative of the AR-15 / M-16 design, and even if the design is different, the manual of arms is mostly the same.

The side-mounted bolt catch, AR style safety, and push-button magazine release are staples of every modern infantry weapon design, and in an effort to keep the training as simple as possible they incorporated these same controls into the MPX. In short, if you can run an AR-15 or M-16, you can run an MPX.


That design concept goes more than skin deep. Not only is the AR-based training compatible with the MPX, but some of the parts are as well. Instead of re-designing a new trigger, the MPX takes a standard AR-15 trigger pack — that’s good, because the trigger it ships with is a terrible standard MILSPEC-style trigger. Whatever your favorite rifle trigger may be, it will comfortably fit in the MPX and let you have that same trigger pull on your rifle and your PDW.


Along the top of the rifle is a full-length Picatinny rail, which is great for mounting optics and other accessories. As it comes from the factory, there will be a set of flip-up iron sights but you’re probably going to want to replace those with something better like a red dot.

The forend for the first run of MPX firearms will use this SIG-specific attachment system, which is unique to the SIG SAUER line of guns. Starting in Q2, they will also be available with standard Keymod forends as well (~$100 as a replacement part), and carbon fiber versions, too (~$300). All guns will ship with a handstop and two rail sections that fit the wonky attachment system, by the way.

As for handguard lengths, there will be a 4″ option for the “MPX-K” version, a 8″ handguard for the 8″ pistol, and a 10″ handguard for the 16″ rifle. I might actually recommend getting a replacement 10″ handguard for the 8″ pistol for those who own pistol silencers, as the handguards are big enough for a typical silencer to fit underneath. Or, heck, get a 4″ barrel and a 10″ handguard for maximum rail space and minimum overall length. That would be pretty awesome.

The grip is also interchangeable with the AR-15, but that’s where the similarities stop.


The bolt and bolt carrier are similar to the AR-15 system in that it uses a cam-based locking mechanism and a series of lugs around the bolt face to lock the breech, but how it moves about is very different. Where an AR-15 has the recoil system located in the stock, the MPX uses a recoil system that’s housed completely within the upper receiver.

The bolt carrier group is attached to a set of springs, which recoil against the rear of the receiver and push the bolt back into battery. This system allows the gun to operate normally, even when the stock (and/or brace) is folded, and eliminates some of the weight of the gun by chopping down the overall length of the bolt carrier. In addition, the lowest lug on the bolt face has been extended to ensure that the bolt reliably picks up the next round from the magazine.

Oh, and there’s a rubber dealie on the rear of the lower receiver to keep the metal gubbins from beating themselves to death. Which is nice.

The upper receiver has been changed as well. Not only has it been re-designed to take the new recoil system, but the upper has been reinforced to take the repeated stress of full auto fire. The all-aluminum upper has a steel insert where the bolt locks up, adding extra strength and durability to the upper to resist wear as the cam pin rotates during the locking and unlocking phases.


Instead of a direct impingement system like the AR-15 or a blowback system like the MP5 and CZ Scorpion Evo 3 S1, the MPX uses a short stroke piston system that’s fixed to the barrel. Kinda like the M1 Carbine, actually. That piston system keeps the extremely dirty pistol caliber gasses contained mostly within the barrel, which keeps the receiver much cleaner than with the other methods.

It also makes the gun more reliable, as the gun is no longer depending on friction or tuned springs to cycle properly. Also, since the gas required to cycle the action will change with different barrel lengths, fixing the gas system to the barrel allows for a properly tuned gas plug to be issued straight from the factory instead of needing to mess around with your gun at the user level.

Did I say barrel change? Yeah, barrel change.


The barrels on the MPX are designed to be easily removed and changed out. Remove the handguard (take out the front takedown pin and they pull straight off) and then un-screw two small screws and the barrel comes straight out. SIG SAUER says that there will be three barrel lengths available: 4.5 inches, 8 inches, and 16 inches. The ability to swap from one barrel length to another depending on what you want to do is major, and will be even more of a benefit when the .40 S&W and .357 SIG conversion kits come in.

Let’s bring it down for a second off the hype train and have some real talk about this specific production civilian MPX. The gun has been delayed for months due to an engineering issue that has been resolved for 9mm but not quite yet finished for everything else. The decision on SIG SAUER’s part is that rather than keeping the gun on hold indefinitely, they have decided to release the “Version 1” of the MPX — available only in 9mm with no guarantee that 40 S&W and .357 SIG will ever work in it — and have a “Version 2” available sometime next year with all the bells and whistles. They hope to be able to provide a conversion kit to get the “Version 1” MPXes up to the “Version 2” caliber change spec, but again there’s no guarantee.

But really, for anyone thinking of buying one, did you actually want to shoot anything other than 9mm? Neither did I. And in the meantime, quick barrel length changes are cool for those planning on filing a Form 1 for their MPX.

One last thing about the barrel is the threading. Instead of using a normal thread pitch, SIG SAUER in their typical SIG SAUER way decided to use a 13.5×1 metric left hand thread pitch for their barrels. This means that normal flash hiders and muzzle devices will not fit, which is both good and bad. It’s good because you won’t be tempted to put a 5.56 muzzle brake on the 9mm (~.38 caliber) barrel, but it’s bad because your silencers and associated awesomeness will need a custom thread pitch adapter to properly mount. For those like myself and Jeremy S. who own a Mystic X this is as simple as calling up Liberty Suppressors and asking them to cut us a custom mount, but if your can is a fixed thread version then this could be an issue.


Back to the external controls on the gun, everything is fully ambidextrous. There’s a bolt release and magazine release located both on the left and right side of the gun, and the safety selector is ambi as well.

The receiver is cut to allow their nifty collapsible stock to be used on the gun, but you don’t have to use it. The rear of the MPX has a Picatinny rail cut into it, allowing you to mount basically whatever you want. The pistol version will come from the SIG SAUER with either a pistol arm brace on a side-swinging knuckle, or just a plain Picatinny rail on the rear. There’s also a NFA version for those who don’t want to engrave their MPXes, FYI.


The magazines have been custom designed by Lancer to actually work. Most engineers I talk to say that the key to firearms design is to find a magazine that works and then design a gun around it, and SIG SAUER seems to have done just that. SIG SAUER isn’t a magazine company, so they asked the best in the business to make it happen and the result is not only functional but beautiful. The guns will ship with one magazine, and more will be available shortly in varying lengths and capacities.

Price on new replacement magazines? $55 each. Expensive, but this is the only gun that takes them (for now), and as more people buy the gun the price should come down as well. Hopefully.

Disassembly of the gun is easy and painless. Pull a few pins and the whole thing comes apart, even the handguards. The whole thing is very easy to clean and maintain, and replacing parts is a snap.


The gun looks awesome, has some killer features, and seems to be well built, but the real test is whether the gun runs out in the real world. To find out we took the MPX out into a wet and cold Georgia morning to do some accuracy and reliability testing.

The R&D guys say that Aguila ammunition won’t run in the gun, but we fed it a steady diet of nothing but Aguila for a little bit and the gun didn’t even hiccup. In fact, just like the pre-production MPX that we’ve been playing with for months, the gun ran without a single issue. The only problem I found with the MPX was that unmistakably terrible stock trigger. To be fair, the gun is designed as a close range PDW, but still a better trigger would be appreciated.

Even with that trigger, though, accuracy is pretty nice.


This target was fired from 15 yards, and for an 8 inch pistol caliber carbine that’s pretty darn good. More accurate than the CZ Scorpion Evo 3 S1 pistol to be sure. Since the majority of the variability is in the vertical component rather than the horizontal, I get the feeling that the ammunition (Federal 115 grain standard ammo) is to blame, and the gun is capable of much better accuracy with better ammo. Even as-is, though, it put all five rounds practically through the same hole.


Kevin Brittingham tried as well, but his group wasn’t as impressive. And yes, I’m posting this just to poke fun at his marksmanship and for no other purpose.


The gun looks great, shoots great, and feels great. It meets all of the expectations that I had for it. So let’s talk about the use case, price, and how it stacks up against the competition.

The biggest question people are going to ask is what good a pistol caliber carbine really is. To me, this is pretty much the perfect home defense gun. I’m a strong believer that a full-length rifle is pretty much the worst choice for a home defense firearm. The reason is that the weight of the gun and the length of the barrel make it awkward and heavy to maneuver in the confines of a home or apartment. Try holding your rifle in one hand aimed at your bedroom door and a cell phone in the other while trying to dial 911 and you’ll see how difficult that can be. The compact form factor of the MPX eliminates nearly all of those concerns, since the shorter arm makes the weight much easier to handle.

SIG MPX, c Nick Leghorn

While home defense use might be the main reason for some to buy the gun, the biggest reason is going to be the cool factor. Everyone and their brother own an AR-15 these days, and while having the coolest AR-15 on the range is nice, what’s even cooler is to have something legitimately different. The MPX is an absolute blast to shoot. There’s no doubt that if you show up with an MPX rather than “just another AR-15” you’re going to be a popular guy.

Finally, for those who just like to shoot, the 9mm cartridge is a pretty darn good choice. The prices on 5.56 NATO have been fluctuating wildly over the last few years, but no one has seriously presented any proposals to ban standard handgun ammunition. Generally, 9mm prices stay pretty steady and fairly low, which means that even when the next Evil Black Rifle (TM) ban is inevitably proposed, you’ll still be able to find something to shoot.

The pistol versions of the gun will run $1,648 with the brace and attachment and $1,378 without the brace. That’s MSRP, not street price, which will be considerably lower. There are two competitors for the same market, and I’d like to tackle each individually.

The obvious competition is the POF-5. The Pakistani-made semi-auto H&K MP5 pistol is a 100% officially licensed copy of the original, and works identically to the real deal. It has all the same features, takes all the same parts, and looks factory fresh. Compared to the MPX, the gun is decidedly out of date — stamped and welded sheet metal receiver, old style action, no attachment points for accessories, and old magazines. The gun clocks in at $1,400+ retail (NOT MSRP) without the brace and $275 more with a brace, so already the retail price of the gun is higher than the MSRP of the MPX. In short, there really isn’t anything to recommend the POF-5 over the MPX from usability to price. The only place where it has the MPX beat is that MP5 magazines are easier to find, but not necessarily less expensive.

The newest entry into the market is the new CZ Scorpion. It does all the same things that the MPX does, but with a little less swagger. Instead of aluminum and steel, the Scorpion is mostly plastic. Instead of a proper gas system, the Scorpion uses a heavy blowback action. And while the MPX is svelte and ergonomic, the Scorpion isn’t exactly the most comfortable thing to hold. But it works, and for $849 MSRP it works for a lot less money. Just like choosing between a Ford and a BMW, you can often get similar specs at a lower price, but the fit and finish definitely won’t be in the same solar system.

I like the MPX. I’ve liked it since the first day I saw it. And now, if you’ll excuse me for a moment, I’m going to go buy one.

Specifications: SIG SAUER MPX Pistol

Caliber: 9mm
Action: Semi-auto
Barrel: 8″
Weight: 6.1 lbs
Length: 26.37 Inches
Magazine: Two 30-round magazines included
MSRP: $1,648 with brace, $1,378 without

Ratings (out of five stars):

Accuracy: * * * * *
For an 8″ barrel pistol caliber carbine, this is pretty awesome.

Ergonomics: * * * * *
Everything about this gun feels perfect in your hands.

Reliability: * * * * *
No issues. We fired hundreds of rounds through the production guns and thousands of rounds through the pre-production versions without a single issue.

Customization: * * * * *
The bolt and charging handle can’t be easily swapped, but everything else is up for grabs. New stock? New barrel? New trigger? Why not?

Overall: * * * * 1/2
I’m knocking a half a star off for the God-awful trigger, the proprietary accessory mounting system on the handguards, and the whole “Version 1” issue. But even so, on its own merits, this is a fantastic firearm.

0 thoughts on “Gun Review: SIG SAUER MPX Pistol”

  1. So, summary – “does the same things the CZ Scorpion EVO does, at twice the price. And it’s a year late”.

    Sig Sauer had a winner – a year ago. Now it has a competitor. It’s like going w/ a S&W MP15 or going w/ a Daniel Defense DDM4vX . . .

    Thanks Sig Sauer for allow us all to become your beta testers for only $1800 or so !

    • Yes, the Scorpion does basically the same thing for cheaper. But having tested and reviewed both guns, the MPX is better in every single way. From the operating mechanism to the look and feel of the gun, you’re getting a better product. Not saying the Scorpion isn’t worth the money, but just like the difference between a Ford Focus ST and a BMW M3 there are a lot of people willing to shell out the extra bucks for something not made of plastic. Myself included. Although I own a Ford Focus.

      • The MPX is pretty freaking sexy looking, and the AR-15 trigger, safety, and grip are pretty huge factors in my mind. I just got the Form 1 back for my CZ Scorpion Evo this morning! It’ll be an SBR fairly soon. I’ll still consider picking up an MPX though, and either doing a Form 1 on it (4″ bbl w/ 10″ handguard exactly as Nick mentioned, so I can run the Liberty Mystic underneath the handguard for that integrally suppressed look) or, better, buying the version that’s already integrally suppressed from the factory and counts as a 16″ bbl because of it. One stamp. I’d really only go the Form 1 route instead of buying the factory SBR to save time — use the gun in the meantime, get the stamp back in like 50 days, rather than waiting for transfer from Sig to dealer, then 90+ days for Form 4 from dealer to me, and not being able to play with the gun that whole time 😉

      • Just to offer a different view here, I probably prefer a straight blowback action in a 9mm carbine or PDW. Not sure why I’d want to complicated the works with a gas piston system for a caliber like this. I’d expect better ultimate reliability from blowback, and there are certainly far less points of failure and it’s way less expensive to manufacture. I could see the gas piston setup being slightly quieter suppressed due to a longer delay before the action opens, but the Scorpion is quieter than I expected, probably due to the substantial mass of the bolt. It’s not like I’m out there “Operating,” so reliability under all sorts of crazy, adverse scenarios really won’t matter, but I’d probably go w/ blowback action if it did.

        Also, yeah, the Scorpion is mostly plastic in that fiber-reinforced polymer is actually “plastic” by definition. That includes fiberglass, carbon fiber, G10, etc. It can be stronger than aluminum. In some cases it’s stronger than steel… heck, it has even replaced some steel elevator cables (carbon fiber polymer plastics). Aramid composite is used in armor plates. At any rate, yeah, this doesn’t mean that I don’t completely agree that aluminum typically looks a lot nicer and usually feels nicer, too. But you pay for that and it doesn’t mean that it’s stronger, more durable, etc. And the Scorpion is FRP, not ABS 😉

        I hope to own an MPX also! It’s a damn sexy looking gun. I understand why it’s more expensive than the Scorpion and the price difference seems justified.

        Agreed that a suppressed SBR form is an ideal HD firearm. Hearing safe, shoulder-stabilized, easy to aim and control, short & maneuverable, able to mount optics and other stuff, etc. I know there’s debate about using registered NFA items for HD purposes, but I’m comfortable with it personally. 30 rounds of 147-grain Federal HST or other top-performing, subsonic, 9mm round? Sign me up.

      • But having tested and reviewed both guns, the MPX is better in every single way.

        1) So the $55 MPX mags are better than the $20 CZ mags?
        2) So the MPX action is going to handle more types of ammo than the CZ? Don’t recall CZ saying they had any known ammo incompatibilities right out of the chute. (Would anybody bet that there won’t be more MPX ammo issues when customers start playing in other untested operating conditions?)
        3) The sights on the CZ sure seems to bring something new to the table compared to what on the MPX?
        4) So you can slap home the charging handle on the CZ, whereas on the MPX….uhh cant do that.
        5) So the cleaning and maintenance on the MPX is better/easier than the CZ….I’m betting it ain’t.

        You took it a “bridge too far” when you said “it’s better in every way”

        • The Lancer-made MPX magazines are better. They’re way more expensive, but they’re definitely better. Granted, no issues at all so far with the Scorpion mags (though my feed lips do show minor wear already) but I prefer metal feed lips and metal mag catch hands down. Price is a factor in value. Price is not a factor in whether one thing is better than another. IMHO.

          My Scorpion dislikes hollow points. It seems to be an issue unique to my example, though, as I’ve seen them feeding w/ no issues in various YouTube videos and CZ-USA has done testing and had no issues. Still, mine doesn’t like them and is actually at CZ-USA right now getting tuned up to remedy this.

          Cleaning looks better on the MPX. The Scorpion ships with a bore snake because that’s really the only way to get to it. There isn’t a straight shot into the chamber. See pics HERE. It’s definitely easy to break down, but not easier than the MPX, which also requires just a single, captive pin to be pushed out for it to break wide open like an AR.

        • Well I’m not going to get into a pizzing match with somebody who has shot both…but…..

          I don’t place a >2X value on metal feed lips.
          HP issue…well that is an interesting tidbit of info.
          I’d still contend that the simplicity of the innards of the CX makes it easier to clean. I use a flexible OTIS system to clean so straight thru access doesn’t matter to me.

          I’ll just end noting that saying “better in every way” is swinging around red meat.

        • I don’t think I know this saying (swinging around red meat). Is that a direct translation of a saying in another language?

          At any rate, yeah, it’s very subjective. If you ask 10 people if a polymer handgun or a metal handgun is better, you’ll get mixed responses. All of those people will be correct, though, because it’s subjective.

      • Just like a BMW its expensive and has just as many problems as a ford focus but damn the BMW has heated seats and that back up camera thingy! 🙂

        I’ll buy one of course but I may wait until the cool factor is gone a little because you know the problem is going to be hyper high prices because so many people want it. Right now I want to form 1 my scorpion Evo and my CSA 380 scorpion so I have a family unit. Then once I get the MPX it can be the rich uncle SBR 🙂

  2. You’re right, I just don’t get pistol caliber carbines and machine pistol looking things if I can’t have a full auto setting.

  3. Does the upper have replaceable changing handle latch inserts, like the MCX? I could see me firing this a lot more than wearing out a MCX upper.

    • From the pic of the charging handle, there’s definitely a roll pin there. I’m guessing the latch part is likely a standard AR-15 piece.

      BTW — rear charging handle like an AR? Maybe a miss on this point. The MPX is a brand new design, and in 2015 I think everyone wants non-reciprocating, forward charging of some sort. Carrying over a bunch of AR-15 stuff is a great idea, but why keep this aspect that basically nobody likes?

      • That is a great point. I’d like to see a side mounted non reciprocating charging handle on this, maybe even reversible like the SCAR.

    • A camp carbine is the perfect firearm when you’re sitting around the fire after the hunt, or leaving the tent/cabin at 3:00 AM to take a pee. A folding shotgun is better for close threats, but the carbine will take out nusance critters out to about 100 yds. I have two: An M1 Carbine with a Fed Ord underfolder, and an Uzi that I would trade in a heartbeat for something lighter and more modern.

  4. The thing is, I don’t see how much of a market there can be for this, when for between $500-$700 you can build a 9mm AR, with all the modularity that entails.

    • I think the only advantage of the MPX over a 9mm AR-15 is that the MPX will operate much cleaner because it has a gas-piston system rather than direct (gas) impingement. That is hugely important to me … although not so important as to spend an extra $500.

      • Since the 9mm AR is blowback, there aren’t any pesky locking lugs to clean. With my Colt 633 DOE clone, I basically just pull the bolt, spray down the chamber with breakfree, wait 15 minutes, and swab the sucker out. Bolt wipes clean easily too. Not much of an issue even though it runs super filthy. You’re basically not worried about it until the bolt face gets so caked in carbon it won’t feed properly, and that probably takes 1K rounds of dirty surplus. I’m just guessing, as I’ve never had mine fail on me.

        Though being blowback, it does kick a bit more than the MPX would. Just means it moves the barrel 1/16th of an inch instead on 1/32nd. 9mm AR pistols are basically recoil free…

    • Doesn’t the 9mm AR still have the buffer tube that precludes using a side or under/top folding stock? Correct me if I’m wrong, and then I’ll get one!

  5. I think you have to also compare it to 9mm AR’s. I like the MPX, but having a 9mm AR (JP GMR) I’m not sure what I’d get with an MPX that is enough benefit to make me purchase an MPX in addition to a 9mm AR. If I didn’t have a 9mm AR, I would look hard at this.

    The whole version 1,2 stuff is spooky as hell though, and not so much for potential of not having the caliber change. I wonder about the problem, and how “solved” it is for 9mm. I do have to give them respect to letting us know up front. However, I would still be waiting till at least some regular joe’s have some time on them before I would feel comfortable putting down money.

  6. Even though the gun probably deserves it, this seems like a very kiss-ass biased “review.” Esp. with the again-still grudge against Remington mentioned whereas SIG obviously bent ove4 backwards in a way the realistically won’t for everyone. At least this review is one of the more thorough ones, if not the most unquestioning. Very glad the price is coming in lower than, $1500; HK’s MP7 is gonna be destroyed by this thing once aftermarket conversions in PDW calibers start getting out there.

  7. Most engineers I talk to say that the key to firearms design is to find a magazine that works and then design a gun around it…

    Uzi mags work. So do sten mags. Why not design a gun around those? Also they are super cheap and I don’t have to go out of my way to find and buy some rare and costly “lancer” mag.

  8. Oh. You wanted Ambi controls cheap magazines, a rail system, easy takedown and mags that work in your pistol? I wonder if there is anything like that on the market?

    *Cough* CX4 Storm. *Cough*

    Beretta always does it better and sexier.

  9. I hate to say it, but this comes off as a seriously biased review. I’m not very impressed With the MPX at that price point, especially with how terribad Sig has been on launch products in the past.

  10. 5 stars for customization? No wonder you got the first one. This review just blew away my old belief that TTAG was neutral. I mean, we all suspected that Nick had a man crush on Kevin Brittingham, but this confirms it.

    • How quickly can you swap the barrel on a typical AR-15 rifle? How easy is it to change the handguards? Or put on a new stock? For the MPX, all of these things can be swapped in mere seconds and without any specialized tools. I’d say that’s pretty awesome, but you’re welcome to your opinion.

      • Well……………..I can swap the barrels out pretty fast on a typical AR, for less than the MSRP of the MPX. Pull 2 pins, swap uppers. Voila, .223/5.56mm to .300AAC in under 10 seconds. 😉

        The MPX is cool, but you guys are gonna catch s**t on any Sig review, because y’all just can’t seem to hide the fan boy bias.

        • I’m surprised you harped on the customization rating. I don’t see any way that rating couldn’t be five stars. Compared to the MP5 and CZ Scorpion Evo, and most rifles and pistols on the market, this thing allows you a ridiculous amount of options for customizing just about every part on the gun. It could have been 100% proprietary, but it uses an AR grip, AR safety, AR trigger group, its own stocks or AR stocks, quick swap barrels (no requirement for the expense of a complete upper when the barrel alone can be swapped in a minute or two), quick swap handguards, lots of places to mount accessories, etc etc.

          I don’t see it, guys. This is unquestionably a 5-star firearm for customization capability. It’s way above the average here.

        • Aw, come on Nick, changing uppers, changes the barrel. you left yourself open to that one. Take off the Sig/KB blinders, they’ll still send stuff for T&E. Hell, maybe you should have dumped all over it, and wrangled another free trip out of it.

      • Nick – if it’s anything like the rollout of P320 – you won’t be able to actually get any of those barrels, or any sig specific parts for a long time. I still can’t find any decent caliber conversion kits for my P320, had a heck of a time getting a specific size of the grip, and can’t get a replacement recoil spring.

        So yea, the interchangeable parts like barrel swaps are great. If you can actually ever get the barrels… At least you can use a standard AR trigger so not going to get stuck there.

        • Unfortunately, I think you are totally spot-on about SIG not offering any conversion kits for either the MPX or the MCX.

          SIG is historically slow to offer parts or what have you. Way back when I chose 10mm for my caliber for day to day carry, I went to Glock because they offered conversion barrels in .40 cal and .357 sig. Ten mm is still not available everywhere but I can get .40 cal easily, so i’m rarely without ammo. Glock made good on their promise to offer three caliber’s for my 29SF.

          My fear is SIG will drag this out and we won’t be able to get the stated calibers they say the MPX will convert to. My local gunstore had one in 9mm and it was so cool looking and their price was good too. They also said SIG has no current plan to offer the MPX in any other caliber as of late Dec. ’15. They can’t score any of them other than 9mm.

          SIG is supposed to make a conversion kit for current owners of the 9mm MPX to be able to convert to another caliber when it becomes available. We’ll see when all this takes place.

      • They said the same thing about the Sig 556XI but so far it’s turning into another ACR. So how quickly CAN one change the barrels, handguards or stocks if the parts are non available?

  11. I haven’t read a single reply yet from anyone rushing out to get one. Or even a reply in agreement with the review for that matter. Interesting.

    • I’m running out to get one. No brace though, screw that. I’d prefer the K version ideally. I’ve been wanting one of these ever since they were announced. To hell with the review, I’d buy it on looks, brand, and caliber alone. The CZ looks like shit compared to this btw. With this I can look at the mp5 guys with a big f-you. Modern design for the win. Probably just over $1000 once the dust settles on the initial scramble after release.

      • You think the MPX is a big f’you to MP5 owners? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I have a legit MP5 (FA), and the MPX is purely a wannabe. Enjoy teasing mall ninjas though, I’m sure it will be the high point of your range days. 😉

    • I want one – but after how hard it was to get any parts for the new P320, I think I’ll wait a couple years till the version 2 is out and production of the extra barrels catches up with demand.

  12. Good luck buying one there is a line over of people that have paid or put deposits down that is over a year old. Also that assumes that Sig has actually produced any to sell, which at this point I’ve seen nothing to prove that they have. Only thing they seem to have been able to do is put out misleading facebook and instagram posts claiming shipping and dates that come and go w/o anything actually being shipping. So much to the point where on the sigforum post regarding it “I was talking to our SIG rep today and when I half jokingly asked what the release date was he grimaced and said never. It’s not that he thinks they are never coming out. He just has no idea when it will come out and has gotten fed up with giving out dates that have so far all turned out to be wrong.”

  13. Aren’t arm brace pistols back to novelty status these days? I have yet to see anyone show any of those pistols shouldered since the ATF changed their mind on them.

    • Those are pretty decent groups for a heavy pistol held at arms length, even with a forearm brace. Who knows how much you could tighten those up if you were able to use an actual stock and get a cheek weld on it.

      • With regular ammo, I’m able to get similar grouping from my Evo, and for a whole hell of a lot cheaper. Plus, I didn’t have to wait forever to get it. (hint Hint Sig: You’re late to the party. You announced this damn thing before then Evo hit the market. Good luck crowding it out now).

    • As the owner of a gun store I have to say that they seem to be the only guns selling. Most of the people I talk to could care less about the ATF opinion letter and those that talk badly about the braces or braced guns generally run out of the store for fear of their own shadow…or helo’s flying overhead. 😉

  14. Oh wow. I knew Lancer was making the magazines for this (awesome! …other than apparent price point), but it looks like they’re involved with the lower receiver as well. Recognize the right-side magazine release and bolt release from the L15 Lower?

  15. “The biggest question people are going to ask is what good a pistol caliber carbine really is. To me, this is pretty much the perfect home defense gun. I’m a strong believer that a full-length rifle is pretty much the worst choice for a home defense firearm. The reason is that the weight of the gun and the length of the barrel make it awkward and heavy to maneuver in the confines of a home or apartment. Try holding your rifle in one hand aimed at your bedroom door and a cell phone in the other while trying to dial 911 and you’ll see how difficult that can be. The compact form factor of the MPX eliminates nearly all of those concerns, since the shorter arm makes the weight much easier to handle.”

    But it is better (@ w.a.g. 21″ OAL) than a 7″ OAL pistol? Especially if you use it LEGALLY, and don’t shoulder the brace…………………

  16. 6.1lbs? The UMP is 5.2lbs, and the Colt SMG is 5.8lbs. I don’t want to say “fail”, but this gun seems to be way heavier than it should be. Why bother with a more complex piston operating system if you’re not saving weight by cutting the BCG mass? The review is bizarrely silent about this sans an unsubstantiated claim about reliability, and I don’t know why.

    There’s also a lovefest on the magazine choice for reasons that aren’t really explained. They’re $55 proprietary mags from a single source. They are not going to get cheaper without competition. This is not a good thing.

    This is a horribly fanboyish review, and does not even come close to what I expect out of TTAG.

    • Lancer mags are the tits, no question about it. Yeah, they are expensive, and proprietary(in the case of the MPX), but so worth the money. Buy a couple for your AR15(if you have one), and see for yourself. You’ll be glad you did.

        • Yeah they are tits and they’re also $12 to $17 for the AR. Of course, the volume is significantly higher for that. SIG chose Lancer for the MPX magazines and I’m super jazzed about the choice as well, even at $55 a pop. It’s a fairly expensive, high-end gun and it deserves a high-end magazine that functions flawlessly and holds up, both of which these should do. At least it ships with two of them. I’d be a bit miffed it came with only one. Three would make me super happy and also surprise me. Two is “fair,” or at least standard.

          And in NO way does this mean other manufacturers won’t jump into the game! If the MPX proves a popular seller, I’m sure other companies will fill the void for inexpensive magazines. No reason why Magpul couldn’t join in on the fun and start making ’em for under $20 and such. The aftermarket has “saved us” from expensive OEM magazines many times in the past with perfectly functional, less expensive alternatives.

  17. Nick, maybe you should look up the definition of the word ‘awesome”. You’re not 15 anymore and Jeff Spicoli’s moment was 33 years ago.

    • Yeah, it’s that same look that most on here get when they review a new GPS equipped AR stock with the “radical” new improved design. gag.

  18. I am pretty new to this SBR stuff so a few questions: Is this a pistol or an SBR ? Looks to me like, without the stock, it is a pistol and with the stock it is a SBR. How does that fit with Federal laws? Would I need and SBR license if I put a stock on it but not if I did not? Suppose I would also need to check with my WA state laws to see what they say, if anything, about this. Like if it is legal for me to own one in my state. Thanks in advance for any feedback on this. Still learning.

    • A stock would make it an SBR, but what you see in the photos is an arm brace. It’s designed to strap to one’s forearm to help stabilize a large pistol like this or an AR-15 pistol when shooting it one-handed. So whether it’s on the pistol or not, it’s legally a pistol. The ATF has recently said that you cannot legally shoulder one of these arm braces.

      Should you want to put an actual shoulder stock on it, SIG will either need to sell the MPX with a 16″ barrel so it’s legally a rifle, or you’ll have to either buy it as a factory SBR and go through the process of paying your $200 tax and registering it under the NFA (doing a Form 4 through your dealer), or buying the pistol version and filing a Form 1 with the ATF (same $200 tax) to receive permission to build it into an SBR. SBR ownership is legal in Washington State. I just got the Form 1 approval this morning to turn my CZ Scorpion Evo pistol into an SBR (and am a WA resident). Silencers and AOWs (Any Other Weapons) are legal here as well. No other NFA items are, though (no machine guns, no Short Barrel Shotguns, no destructive devices, etc).

  19. Great… maybe that means I’ll actually see the mCx SBR go into production sometime before the world ends… /sarc

  20. So its heavier than the Scorpion EVO. 5lbs vs 6.1lbs
    It costs over $500 more than the EVO. MSRP $849 vs MSRP $1,378
    Its mags costs over twice as much as the ones the EVO uses. $20 vs $55
    Its more complex than the EVO.
    It uses a worse charging handle than the EVO.
    The factory sights dont look near as good as the EVO ones.
    They both use a unusual barrel thread, neutral point I guess.
    The version 1 / version 2 stuff doesn’t sit right with me for the price they are selling this thing for.
    Heck you can build a 9mm AR for less than either the MPX or Scorpion.

    I was interested in the MPX back when they were hyping it up, but now I see there are other options that do exactly what I want for far less. Plus I have had HORRIBLE luck with US made Sig products. My 522 went back 3 times and still never ran worth a damn with any ammo, and my Sig 556 was a hunk of junk, poor fit and finish, didnt like half the mags I tried in it.

    I am sure the MPX is good, but this review screams fanboy hype train. The fact that it was already made your “Rifle of the year” when it wasn’t even released, and the fact that the first production gun ended up in your hands really doesn’t help look unbiased either.

    • Dude what on earth is it with the “rifle of the year” thing that bothers people? It was an open poll. We all voted for it. There were thousands of votes. It wasn’t selected by TTAG, it was selected by the folks who read TTAG and chose to vote.

      • I think what you’re hearing is a loud segment of the market that has been burned by Sig in the past. Myself included. I understand that I’m probably a minority in this respect, and Sig did take care of me at every turn, so I can respect that.

        I’m just incredibly “Sauer” and very skeptical about the launch of this product, after hearing so much about the 556XI and how it will be awesome.. Only to be let down significantly with how bad of a rifle I got in the end. I felt sorry for customer service more than anything, because they tried their best to help me and I can appreciate that. In the end, I opted for a complete refund and left it at that. They did good on me there.

  21. The MPX sounds pretty fantastic: I really like the gas-piston action, quick and easy take down and parts swapping, and compatibility with many AR-15 parts.

    Unfortunately it is way too expensive for my taste. I would rather own two Baretta CX4 Storms or three Kel-Tec SUB-2000s for the same price … and have magazines which are compatible with my primary handgun (assuming you carry a handgun that matches the magazines).

    You could also go the route of purchasing a carbine conversion upper for Glock handguns but that requires the use of a Glock handgun and the total cost doesn’t end up being much less expensive.

    • I gotta agree. It looks cool, but not $1400~ cool. For that kind of money, I’d just save another $200 and buy a Tavor, which is way more cool.

      Honestly, you shouldn’t expect any rifle/carbine shooting 9mm with a price point over a grand to sell well. You buy something 9mm to save on ammo, not to completely nullify those saving with an expensive-ass gun. The only people who end up buying it are people with tons of disposable income, which is a niche market, or those people who just gotta catch ’em all, also a niche market. And while I want to be the very best as much as anyone else, I gotta agree with the above, I look at that and think of all the less expensive guns I could have with that same amount of cash.

  22. While I was excited when this was first announced, it’s taken far too long for it to come to market. Now, after buying an Evo, I’m wholly uninterested for the price they’re asking. Only positives on this in my opinion are the customization and that they’re going to build a factory SBR version. I’m still waiting on ATF to decide if the Evo will be 922r regulated as an SBR. Here’s hoping they decide quickly. (Yeah I know, “bureaucracy” and “quickly” don’t go together).

  23. I picked up a POF-5 over either the evo or the sigs likely flop. MP5 might use an older style of construction, but the operating system is far from finicky and generally eats anything you feed it. Don’t need to adjust to anything bullet wise and is very simple to break apart. Operating system is a bit more complex then general blow back, but recoil is negligible and accuracy is great. Rather spend the money on a tried and true design that can be updated through the years than something that has not stood the trials of time nor made by a company that can keep its QC in check. If this was the SIG of years ago I would be thrilled, but so far their recent products have not been worth the second look.

  24. If an American company made something similar to the EVO (composite body, blowback, 9mm, 30ish round magazine, folding stock, etc) with a 16″ barrel it’d sell like a single stack Glock. Instead we’re stuck with 9mm ARs and goofy “pistols” that if held wrong carry a ten year sentence. #FirstWorldProblems

    • Agreed the laws on shouldering are insane. I’m curious how a BG full of holes will be able to tell the Po-Po how the gun was held 🙂

  25. I wonder what ever happened to the Brügger & Thomet MP9 civilian variant: the TP9? If I were to purchase a 9mm home defense gun and wanted to make the most of the real estate that I was provided with, I would want a firearm that is fed through the grip. I would jump on one in a heartbeat.

    • They’re on Gunbroker in ones and twos, for around 2k new or 1k used. Be advised, the grip is weird (and unchangeable), the trigger sucks (and always will), the safety is cross bolt, the charging handle at the rear, takedown kind of complicated, and the recoil higher than a gas op (recoil action). Not many replacement parts options, either.

  26. You see SIG, this is why you don’t sell the people what they need instead of what they want. Are they excited about a civilian legal and importable MP7 in a more practical chambering and layout? No. They compare it to much larger AR blowbacks based on looks and convenient parts compatibility, and ignore all the important advantages because of cost. Even though that extra 600$ cost is for functionality that is quite literally not available to us anywhere else. It’s always easier to sell a bigger, louder, flashier gun than one which is just right for our uses but costs about the same to make.

  27. I want one as an SBR. My only question that I am debating is how short of barrel and length of fore guard? When will they be available, so I can purchase? I want a 9mm SBR with a retractable stock. I already have a Tirant 9S and a Tirant 45, either way, I have to buy a conversion piston with a 13.5×1 left hand twist for the Tirant 45 and a 9mm 13.5×1 LHT piston for the Tirant 9S. What length MPX would you get in my situation and why?

    • You will not want a piston. Since the barrel is fixed, you want a solid (fixed) mount. Pistons are only required for barrels that move, such as on pistols with Browning-style recoil actions.

      Doesn’t much matter what barrel and handguard length you get. My personal preference would be the shortest (~4″) barrel and longest (~10″) handguard. This would allow for as much of the suppressor as possible to be under the handguard and give it that really cool, integrally-suppressed look and also keep the total length to a minimum since tacking on 10″ of suppressor is going to bring the total ‘barrel’ length up to carbine territory. Additionally, it’ll be easier to keep ammo subsonic. With the 7.72″ barrel of the CZ Scorpion Evo, I’ve found that a couple of 147 grain ammo brands that I assumed would remain subsonic often don’t.

  28. First thing is that you dont want a piston booster with a fixed barrel. It will beat the shit out of a gun with a fixed barrel. Have them make you a fixed 13.5X1 LH piece that replaces the piston booster. I would go with the 8″ forend and pick up the 4.5″ barrel when available.

  29. “There’s also a NFA version for those who don’t want to engrave their MPXes, FYI.”

    Can someone add more comments to this? I’m looking for the sbr version. Are you saying it will have the engravings already on it or will the true sbr be released at the same time?

    Also, will this also be a cabelas exclusive for the initial release like the mxc?

    • When you turn a firearm into an SBR, you become the legal manufacturer of the SBR. Therefore, you must engrave your information onto it (i.e. name or name of your trust, city, and state). If you buy a “factory SBR,” meaning a firearm configured as an SBR by the original manufacturer, nothing different is required for the engraving whatsoever. It will have the identical engravings (or roll marks or whatever) on it as any other firearm from that manufacturer — the identical engraving as all of the non-NFA MPXs, in this case. So company name, location, caliber, serial number…

  30. i liked them when they were first introduced, but the price is a turn off for me. I own 2 DDM4’s V7/V11 a Scar17 (which by the way, being made mostly of plastic didn’t keep the price low on this) and multiple HK and Sig handguns. But for a Pistol caliber carbine, it seems a bit steep since the whole PDW is a compromise in and of itself. I paid $400 for my Sub2K $650 for my CX4 and $960 for my FN PS90. So the price on this is more than I’m willing to pay for.
    My other problem is Sig itself when it comes to their rifles. Handguns no problem but when my SSG3000 was discontinued at no notice and couldn’t find any spare mags to save my life, the 556XI is unveiled I was going to pick one up the they already basically replaced it the next year with the MCX I just don’t trust sig to deliver on their promises of supporting their own platforms anymore

  31. The MPX looks to be a fine weapon, and I’m a big fan of Sig (I own the MCX pistol/SBR-in-waiting, and a P226 MK25), but if I had only one choice, I think the “big brother” MCX is the better pick. Actually, the MPX pistol is heavier than the MCX pistol. 6.1 lbs versus 5.75 lbs (both with the SBX 15 & w/o magazines) according to the Sig Sauer website. And, the MCX pistol is more versatile. You have CQB capability with the MCX by using subsonic 300 Blackout ammo, and when you want a longer and more powerful reach, just switch to supersonic. Of course there is a 16” barrel you can slap on the MCX for an even longer, more accurate reach. Sure, 300 Blackout and 5.56/.223 ammo costs more than 9mm, but it has been shown that a 22LR conversion kit can be made to function in the MCX, which I’ll try next. As far as cost, the Cabelas MSRP is $2300 for the MCX versus $2000 for the MPX, but you get two calibers versus one, respectively. The MPX’s advantage is that it can be made into a very small package by using the smallest barrels IF they become available. I may eventually get an MPX (as I said, I am a big Sig fan), but I think I’ll wait until the crazy price feeding frenzy settles out.

  32. Weights listed on the MPX are not correct and the MCX is heavier.
    MPX pistol is 4.2 lb
    MPX with arm brace is 5.2 lb
    MPX SBR is 4.8 lb

  33. I almost bought the New SIG MCX rifle with 2 different barrels from Cabelas for $2,299 but when I saw how much PLAY and how much Light I could see between the upper and lower on a YOU TUBE video I Decided that Piece OF SH_T Rifle Aint going to get a Red Cent from ME !!! Even my PWS Mark 114 is Made Better than That, its a long stroke piston rifle and the upper lower dont have so Much play between them that you can see a whole bunch of light Like that Pathetic New SIG MXC 🙁

  34. The CZ scorpion is beginning to show up in metro Atlanta. No signs of the MPX

    I wish glock would make something like these already, with the trigger of their pistols. After Internet research I bought a TNW Asp. It uses the same magazines as my glock pistols, it is built like a tank, and it cleans easily. I am also a left handed shooter and this was the only option that will eject to the left.

    This is significant if you have ever shot a block back rifle and are a lefty. When I shoit my keltec sub2000 I would have to hold my breath because the gas and dirt were so bad. I am selling the keltec and will SBR the TNW.

  35. I find it annoying that standard triggers suck in so many new guns. Why can’t manufacturers get the trigger and the magazines right on the OEM models?

  36. I have an MPX, and if that means I’m biased and unable to give an objective, positive comment, then please stop reading this now and skip straight to the accusations of me ‘being-a-shill-for-Sig’.

    With that out of the way, here is the thing. I already own a Beretta CX4 in 9mm, and I love it. I find it extremely favorable in terms of ergonomics and general ‘shootability’. It points well and feels good. Very reliable with its blow-back operating mechanism.

    BUT… and here’s where the ‘but’ comes in… it is a blow-back, which means that when you put a suppressor on it, the extra back-pressure created by the silencer pushes a lot of unburned powder, debris, smoke, and ‘grit’ from the ejection port. Normally that stuff would get thrown out of the muzzle and the shooter wouldn’t even notice it (unless they were being shot, and then they still might not notice it for other reasons).

    I don’t have a CZ Skorpion, nor have I held one or handled one or shot one… but I do know that it, too, has a blow-back mechanism. And sure as shinola, if you put a silencer on the end of a blow-back, you’re going to get an increase in port noise and ejection port particulate. That’s not some isolated phenomenon, that’s true of EVERY blow-back mechanism, and it is the dominant reason why you don’t see too many suppressed 380 pistols.

    Now if you were to purchase a CZ, SBR it, and never use a silencer? I’m sure you’d be a happy camper, just like I was with my Beretta CX4. Relatively low cost unit shooting relatively inexpensive center-fire ammunition, combined with very high-reliability… it’s just a victory. But once that silencer comes out… You’ll want a locked breech.

    THIS is where the Sig shines. It’s high-quality and looks nice, but that by itself may or may not justify the price difference between the CZ and the Sig… but reliable semi-auto action with a locked breech for better suppression? YES. Yes, yes, yes.

    Despite what some of the earlier comments say, it isn’t ‘shill activity’ to praise a product. And the idea that the CZ is a viable competitor for the MPX in terms of being a two-stamp gun…. no, they are not competitors. For that particular chore, the MPX doesn’t really have a competitor right now since even the 9mm ARs out there also blow-back.

  37. “I get the feeling that the ammunition (Federal 115 grain standard ammo) is to blame, and the gun is capable of much better accuracy with better ammo.”

    It is! I got mine yesterday and went straight to the range (of course). Shooting 124 Montana Gold JHP’s, I got clover leaf groups at 15 yards. That was using the OEM sights and sort of braced up on a bench (not sandbagged). Using a coin, I quickly zeroed the point of impact at 25 yards. Zero failures of any kind during my first range session.

    An EOTech 512.A64 now sits atop my MPX. I have not shot it yet but surely the groups will improve even more.

    Apparently, the trigger has been improved in these later shipped models. I have a couple of Geiselle SSA’s sitting in my parts bin and I am not sure that a change would even be an improvement.

    This is quality kit here for all the reasons Foghorn states. You get what you pay for. If you are looking for cheap, look elsewhere. If you are looking for quality and performance, here you go.

    Cant wait until my stamp comes back for the AAC can I bought for it. I will feed it a steady diet of 147 JHP subsonic ammo from now on. Also going to go ahead and submit the Form 1 for when the collapsible butt stock becomes available.

    A Streamlight TLR-1HL and some extra mags will round out the perfect home defense weapon. This thing is just off the charts cool, fun to shoot, and by far the most high quality SMG that I have ever handled.

  38. Every time I search for the Sig Sauer MPX I’m directed to the page for the machine pistol. A deeper search seems to indicate that the 16″ version is the weird open baffle thing.

    Are they going to offer a true 16″ carbine version of this or what?

  39. Christmas is coming up and I have been a very good boy. 🙂

    I was thinking about getting a CZ Scorpion Evo and having a 16″ barrel fabricated, but I like Sig too, and I believe the 516 carbine will be more accurate than a cobbled Scorpion carbine, and cheaper too!

    Anybody looking for a low round (about 100 total) Vector Uzi carbine complete with scope mount and multiple mags?

  40. Charlie the cz is more accurate I owned both guns but the difference is minimal at best.
    The mpx is sweet as honey but the cost of and availability of magazines is a major issue it’s the primary reason I sent it to another home.
    3 mags are like 200$
    Cz 3 mags 65 $
    If your going suppressor then nick is correct mpx is for you if not the cz is the better cheaper option.
    However get the hbi saftey and trigger spring kit to max the Scorpions potential so add 40 ish dollars to the price.

  41. Flash forward 10 months and all the sheeple are acting like the information posted here is brand new and shocking. I guess I was the only one to actually read and comprehend this post in March 2015. Even respected members of this community are making outlandish post on Facebook about this issue. WTF?!?

  42. I’m stunned that people still trust SIG after they turned a promising weapons system like the SIG556 into complete garbage by switching from Swiss and US sourced parts to junk from the lowest Asian sweatshop bidders just a few years ago.

    I bought an early SIG556 crammed with SWISS and AMERICAN parts,it was a real winner and I recommended that others follow suit only to have SIG do the switcheroo and sell tons of junk rifles full of parts too shabby to even be worthy of a good clone of the rifle I had initially bought. I looked like a total dumbass to my forum pals and IRL shooting buddies who ended up with SIG boat anchors at my recommendation and I still haven’t lived it down.

    Anyone who would trust SIG with their hard earned money needs a helmet and and orange safety vest with their name an address pinned to the back in case they get lost and need to be sent home.

  43. Really well done article. // My CZ Shadow Target came with a 13# main spring and 11# recoil. I had to go to a 17# main spring and 13# recoil spring to reliably fire the 22LR rounds. // After reading a lot of differing opinions on line I got the standard fiber optic front sight sight for a CZ75. With a slight adjustment to the rear sight, the point of impact now matches my 9mm CZ slide. // The Kadet would not fit my kydex holster that had been made for the CZ75 SP01 Shadow. From the bottom of the dust cover to the top of the slide, the Kadet is 0.073″ taller than the standard 9mm slide. With a heat gun I slightly reshaped the holster for the Kadet to fit. When I swap back to the 9mm slide I have to tighten the retention screws. I wish the CZ engineers had been more precise.

  44. Im sorry. Im not sold on this at all. All these so called gun experts keep saying its a baby of an MP5 and an AR. This is not true at all. Its a short barrel AR that shoots 9mm on a gas operated system. Its nothing like the MP5. Looks or operational wise. And i for one am sick of companies claiming something is new and groundbreaking and all it is rally is another AR. So people need to stop comparing it to an MP5.

  45. Just shot my MPX and I like it! A lot! No gripes, no bitching about it. Question will be answered in the long-haul: Is it the successor to the MP5? The bolt hold-open feature is a plus over the MP5, as facilitating a reload.

  46. The states have no obligation to enforce Federal law. The Feds can make Federal funds dependent upon following Federal instructions. The Feds cannot order state or local employees to assist them. Texas should do the same with machine guns.

  47. My favorite part of the article is, “But really, for anyone thinking of buying one, did you actually want to shoot anything other than 9mm? Neither did I.” That was hilarious, I laughed for several minutes before I could finish reading the “review”. The author is obviously a 9mm fan-boy who doesn’t recognize that it’s not the only popular caliber. A quick glance at any number of forums will tell anyone willing to look that many gun owners would love to buy an MPX, as soon as it’s offered in .40, or .45ACP. While 9mm is a perfectly adequate cartridge, there are still plenty of shooters that prefer a more substantial caliber. I like the style, the familiar features and the bolt hold open, but like many others, I have no interest in owning one until it’s offered in .45ACP.


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