Along with the M&P pistols and rifles, the Smith and Wesson folks brought out a few other goodies, ranging from flashlights to press kit USB devices shaped like ear plugs. An item that caught my particular attention: their Pro Series 1911 in 9mm. Ever the gun junkie, I approached the Smith rep about carrying the pistol for the morning. Ever the ballistic crack dealer, he happily obliged. Galco fit me with a holster and mag carrier on the spot. It rode my hip and I put the Smith and Wesson Pro Series 9mm 1911 through it’s paces. More pictures and some YouTubery after the jump . . .
First things first; the Pro Series 9mm 1911 feels just like my .45-caliber 1911. Like any 1911. Weight, form factor, ergonomics – they’re all right in line with the timeless classic that is the brainchild of one John Moses Browning. The Pro Series 9mm 1911’s factory standard front strap stippling is a huge plus; it’s aggressive enough for a positive hold, but not so bad that it hurts to hang on to. Here’s my first go with the gun from 50 yards.
I was a might impressed with the steel shooting, and equally as happy with the pistol. The operation of the slide on the Pro Series was tight (in a good way) and smooth.
The trigger time went down after the pistol had ridden on my hip for a few hours, during which time I dove into the dirt and rolled around doing prone drills. It completely slipped my mind that I was wearing the brand new Pro Series and not one of the M&P’s. In hindsight, that was a bugger move on my part. Luckily, the Galco holster I was wearing held the weapon high and tight enough in that it didn’t touch the ground (much) while I was testing my flexibility.
For the short half-day I was able to carry the pistol, I was impressed. Not so impressed as to run out and snag one off the shelves, but impressed to the point where the Smith and Wesson Pro Series 9mm 1911 stands out as one of the highlights of the day’s events.
The highlight of my time within the highlight of the pistol? Heh; see below for some in-line plate shooting – six plates, each successive hidden by the one in front of it. The name of the game is patience, and front sight.
Yeah, but how does it shoot at 400 yards?
Why would anyone want to shoot a 9mm 1911 at 400 yards ?? Seems kind of silly to me, maybe your just making a funny.
No +P+ JHP’s?
Shot +P HP’s too – but the videos here are with Double Tap Ammo’s 147grn FP 9mm +P rated at 1050 FPS in a 5″ bbl.
Less than 1200 fps? Perish the thought!
Glad to see it didn’t get that goofy scalloping treatment that other S&W 1911’s received recently.
Did I miss this; How much $? This could be a suitable sub for my future purchase Springfield Armory PX9130LP.
That external extractor just looks so out of place on a “1911”.
It would be more interesting if it had a slim grip like the Springfield or Para 9mm 1911s. Does it?
9mm 1911…Oh boy, why not just get a Hi Power? I thought the point of the 1911 was to have a slim .45 caliber pistol, making up for the lower magazine capacity with the more capable larger round. A 9mm 1911 is like a fish with a bicycle, or a feminst with a man not Phil Donahue.
Ah, but Hi Power frames crack from 9mm +P+!
You sure about that? I’d check with Stephen A. Camp first on that one.
All good and well, but why have the SAS filled their armoury with cracked frames? I love the Hi Power-I just won’t trust one until they have a stronger frame.
My guess is because they are shooting thousands and thousands and thousands of +P or +P+ rounds in training. One of the SEAL teams wore out their 686 revolvers from constant magnum loads in practice (according to Richard Marcinko). All guns wear out after heavy use.
Well,maybe you are independently wealthy or have a connection with an ammo maker. I have to buy my own. Shoot a hundred rounds of 9mm and a hundred of 45. One hell of a lot cheaper than two hundred of 45. A whole lot the same feel. Sure recoil is different but the gun is the same. And as I said, shoot a few hundred a week and the 9mikemike pays for itself pretty soon.
1911 pistols are for .45 ACP and Super .38 only.
Anything ‘mm’ in that pistol is just plain wrong.
Point taken and respected, Gerard, but I do shoot thousands of rounds! I practice slow, accurate fire, then sight reference and finally point shooting. I like to be zombie ready at all times!
OK, so you don’t like the cracked frames of the Hi Power, get a Glock then.
Got one, and an HK VP70Z and a Beretta 90-TWO. Hence the 1500 rds of +P+. Thinking hard about a Para 9mm NiteHawg.
Post-1996 Hi-Powers are built on investment-cast frames that are much, much harder than the old forged frames. Browning builds the .40 version of the BHP on the same frame, and I have not heard of a cast BHP frame cracking yet.
Thanks, I’ll take that advise-I love the Hi Powers.
There is just something unique about a tuned and tweaked High Power. When you have the right ammo, the right strength recoil spring-all in unison, it is so fast and accurate.
well you can say 9mm don`t belong on a 1911 frame but there there and i own one so thats good enough for me i also shoot circles around those guys with the glocks and the 92fs at the range there excuse is well i can hold 17 rounds i laugh and say you need 17 rounds i hit what i shoot at the first time around pro 9mm awsome gun and acurate as all hell i`ll put mine against any 9mm 15y ards to 50 yards
I recently purchased one but seem to be having many jams. I’m using premium ammunition. It came with Wilson combat magazines and I’m wondering if I could have a bad magazines