The M14 was the last U.S. standard issue, select-fire infantry rifle chambered for a full-power .30 caliber class cartridge. Less than ten years after Uncle Sam issued the M14 to the troops, the M16 succeeded the “United States Rifle, 7.62 mm, M14.” And yet the M14 remains in service, for three reasons: durability, reliability and accuracy. Springfield Armory’s semi-automatic M1A is all that and a bag of chips and you don’t have to enlist to get our hands on one . . .
With its walnut stock and Parkerized metal, the Springfield M1A is a line-by-line clone of the as-issued M14, from its flash hider (or a muzzle break in AWB states) to its butt flapper. While the M1A is a semiautomatic-only rifle it’s close enough to the fully-automatic M14 to make the most grizzled Vietnam vet turn all dewy-eyed.
The Quest for (Select) Fire — and Back
Popular culture has decided that a submachine gun is any automatic rife. In fact, the term refers to a fully-automatic rifle that fires pistol-caliber cartridges. Throughout much of WW2, U.S. infantrymen used submachine guns to great effect. While soldiers could lay down a curtain of fire the guns proved to be underpowered (i.e., not lethal enough) in many circumstances.
The Browning BAR—designated “Rifle, Caliber .30, Automatic, Browning, M1918″—had plenty of power. It fulfilled the Army’s need for effective, full-power “walking fire.” Shot from a tripod or lightweight bipod, the M1918 (and subsequent variants) were effective light machine guns. When fired from the shoulder or hip, not so much.
What the War Department really wanted (and the boys in OD or khaki really needed): a lighter full-auto firearm that was handier that the BAR and yet more powerful than a submachine gun. The perfect replacement rifle would also have a manual of arms close to the M1 Garand so troops and armorers would need minimal retraining. In other words, our fighting forces needed a select fire M1 Garand.
The War Department turned to Springfield Armory and its top designer, John C. Garand, to create the new battle rifle. Designated T20E2, the rifle was developed by Springfield Armory and ordered into production in mid-1945. Hearing about the U.S. Army’s plan to equip a bazillion infantrymen with a select fire battle rifle, encouraged by two atomic bombs, the Japanese Emperor surrendered immediately.
As soon as the guys with the rising sun flag ran up a white one, the War Department cancelled the order for the T20E2 and abandoned the field. A Belgian arms manufacturer filled it with a rifle it called the Fusil Automatique Léger. We know that rifle today as the brilliant FN FAL. The world came to know it as The Right Arm of the Free World.
The Right Arm of the Free World could have been the M14. It should have been the M14. But there was no M14. It hadn’t really been shelved so much as back-burnered.
The American arms manufacturers had been dealt a setback, but there wasn’t a lot of quit in them. Development of the select fire Garand slowed, but didn’t cease during the late ‘40s and early ‘50s. After many fits and starts, SA devised the T44 series, which was to morph into the M14. Eventually.
While the Ordnance Department was resting on its laurels (that’s the fleshy part of the human anatomy just below the tailbone), FN was forging ahead. Guessing that adoption by the US would lead to a host of NATO contracts, FN wisely granted the US government the right to produce an Americanized version of the FAL domestically at the grand cost of exactly zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada. Which was actually less than what the DoD wanted to spend.
The Army held shoot-offs between Springfield Armory’s T44E4 and the T48 (the designation for the American FAL) in 1955 and 1956. And the winner was . . . nobody. The final test was deemed a tie. A year later, the US decided in favor of – surprise! — the T44E4 as the standard US service rifle M14.
With the aid of a calculator, I was able to determine that ten years had passed since the War Department had canceled its order for the T20E2, and $100m had been spent on the military’s bumbling quest for select fire. And yet, not a single rifle had been issued to the troops who needed them.
When the production M14s were finally issued, they weren’t all that wonderful. There were, uh, glitches. Most were fixed. By the time that the M14 was issued in significant numbers, the year was 1962 and the Cold War was getting warm in places like Cuba and Vietnam.
Initial Marine units dispatched to Vietnam in 1965 were carrying M14s.
While the soldiers and Marines loved their M14s, the rifle—like its FN FAL competitor—was overwhelmed in full auto mode by the power of the 7.62 NATO round. Uncle Sam issued many with their selectors pinned. In semi-auto mode, the rifle was deadly accurate and punched through the jungle flora with ease.
Still, such a big rifle was unhappy in tight spaces. Thanks to the hot wet climate of Southeast Asia, the Army had to replace the M14’s wood stocks with composite. The additional cost factored into the Army’s decision to phase-out the M14, starting in 1966. It was replaced by a little black rifle that many of the troops believed was made by Mattel and many soldiers and Marines just plain despised.
Springfield Armory Inc. (unrelated to the Springfield Armory that closed in 1968) began to produce the semi-auto M1A around 1974 using surplus GI M14 parts. The M1A launched SA, Inc. as a top shelf firearms manufacturer. The rifle has been popular ever since.
First Impressions
From the moment I removed the tester from its factory box, I knew that I was holding a real rifle. I’ve had the same visceral reaction to battle rifles from World War II, also crafted from actual wood and blued or Parkerized metal. What all those rifles have in common is real firepower and real weight. The M1A has both of those in spades.
Based as it is on its military daddy, the M1A is built like the proverbial brick outhouse. The rifle’s wood is solid, denser than the fluffiest Playboy bunny. The metal is beefier than a Triple Meat Whataburger. Every component seems like it was made from 2” frontal armor salvaged from a decommissioned tank.
The M1A Standard could be made lighter by shaving metal here and there or using composite materials like the SOCOM II variant. But then it wouldn’t feel like an old-school battle rifle. Shake a typical AR and it sounds like something a baby might enjoy teething on. Shake the M1A and you’ll hear nothing except your tendons popping.
The M1A is also a big rifle. While not as long as, say, a Mosin Nagant, the M1A is over 44 inches in length. It will never be confused with a jungle carbine. While the M1A is no more designed for urban warfare than Donna Feldman, in open country the rifle’s 22” barrel creates a long sight radius, promising accuracy well beyond the 300-yard “theoretical” accuracy limit of the carbine-length M16.
The first M14 prototypes had wooden hand guards. WHich caught fire during rapid fire endurance testing. As the M14 wasn’t spec’d by the military as a secondary source of kindling for the troops, the Army replaced the wood by vented plastic. Alas, those plastic guards proved too flimsy for combat use, so they were in turn replaced by solid, ridged plastic hand guards like . . . the one on Springfield’s M1A.
The M1A is as muzzle heavy as an Irish Setter. A full ten round magazine moves the balance point slightly aft. With a loaded twenty round mag the M1A would probably be better balanced than Nik Wallenda. I couldn’t test my hypothesis; the Commonwealth of Massachusetts discourages the possession of large(r) capacity magazines through the imposition of custodial sentences.
The M1A’s front sight is a straightforward military blade with protective ears. The rear sight is adjustable for windage and elevation, but there’s only one aperture. The peep sight—barely 1/16th” in diameter—looks to be useless at close range but effective at distance.
Yanking and releasing the M1A’s operating rod handle required no more force than charging my old man’s 1959 Johnson Sea Horse 10 HP outboard. Unlike dad’s old blender, the M1A starts on the first pull. Releasing the handle produces a sound that reminds me of a bear trap slamming shut, only without the bear. It’s loud, authoritative and intimidating. In fact, the rack of a twelve gauge pump sounds like a jingle bell compared to the metallic percussion of the M1A’s rotating bolt as it slams home.
OK, it’s built like a tank, or maybe from a tank. But how does it shoot?
The Yin
Due to some seriously crappy New England weather, I first shot the M1A at 25 yards, indoors. Short distance shooting isn’t much of a test for an old school battle rifle, but it gave me an opportunity to get familiar with the controls. While loading and firing M1A is mostly intuitive, deactivating the safety by placing your finger inside the trigger guard is about as unintuitive as it gets.
I was shooting offhand, since I had little desire to prone myself out or sit my booty down on a range floor covered with enough lead dust to block nuclear fallout. In this stance, the sling’s the thing. Someone ought to tell Springfield to include one with the rifle. [ED: mission accomplished.]
As expected, the M1A’s little peep sight was a problem. Between the tiny aperture and the rugged front blade (with its bat-shaped ears) most of the target was obscured at 25 yards. Keeping the barrel-heavy rifle’s muzzle steady and the sights on target was a challenge. Zeroing the M1A was, as they say, “a process.”
I enjoyed every minute of it. The flapper, designed to help retain the cleaning stuff stored in the buttstock, damped the recoil of the 7.62X51 cartridges. This rifle that dishes out the punishment on the muzzle end only.
Once the weather broke, I was able to tote the rifle out to the West Barnstable Town Range, where I fired off about six boxes of 7.62 NATO happiness before the sky opened up and another dose of Massachusetts Liquid Sunshine closed out my session. As expected, the rifle proved to be very accurate. But that’s the least interesting part of the story.
Return to Ia Drang
Before I even had a chance to load, I noticed someone nearby who looked ready to take a trip down memory lane. My cohort was peppering a target at fifty yards with his Ruger M1911, shooting from a sandbag rest. While I was busy uncasing the M1A on the hundred yard line, the pistol shooter saw the rifle and I saw that he saw. I knew that look. I motioned for him over.
I recognized his walk. I’d seen it before on a hundred guys who’d spent their time in the rice paddies and forests over there and in the woods over here. It was a walk that wouldn’t snap a twig or trip a hidden wire.
“Bob” fired off a few very accurate shots and smiled. “It’s like meeting an old friend.” He carried an M14 back in the day, before the military transitioned to the M16. He loved his M14, claiming it was a thousand yard gun. While I don’t believe that anyone should actually love an inanimate object, I guess it’s alright when the object saves your life.
Bob’s son, who’d been shooting a heavy-barreled 10/22 Target Model to good effect, took a few shots with the M1A. So did the son’s friend who’d been plinking away with a Marlin .22. The father said, “It’s a man’s gun.” We all nodded. Bob went back to his spot on the fifty yard line smiling. When he left 45 minutes later, he still was. So was I.
The Yang
The M1A was born to shoot at distance. The further away the target, the better the small peep sight works. Of course, if offhand shooting is tough at 25 yards, it’s really tough at 100 or more. So, I brought out my handy little WinMart sandbags for a bit of nonverbal support.
I’d zeroed it at 25 yards, so I was a little high with my first three slow-fire shots at 100. I’d forgotten to bring a spotting scope, so I had no idea if I was even on paper until I took the walk downrange. Once I realized that my shots were pretty well centered but up there, I made the necessary corrections. Thereafter, I had no trouble depositing the next two shots centered and less than an inch apart.
It soon became apparent that if I kept up the protocol of walking out to my target to check my shots every time, I’d shortly trample out my own personal game trail and piss off the other shooters at the line at the same time. I needed instant feedback, so I lined up about 20 discarded shot shells that I found scattered about. The M1A proved to be a shot shell killer supreme, launching one after another into near earth orbit with ease at the slightest provocation.
Rapid fire accuracy at 100 yards proved to be very good as well.
This group of five shots – four in the black — was fired as quickly as I could manage to acquire the target and pull the trigger. The rifle isn’t punishing to shoot and there’s no muzzle blast. But muzzle rise is pronounced and it does take a microsecond or two to get the gun back on target. Here’s a viddy of our friend and TTAG commenter Greg from Allston shooting the M1A, from a tripod rest. You can see the obvious hop.
Warts and all (and there are damn few warts), I enjoyed this rifle more than anything else that I’ve shot in many years. While its accuracy is excellent and the build quality very robust, what I liked most about it was the sense of holding history in my hands. What I liked least: I’d have to send this rifle back to SA when the testing was through. Fortunately, that’s a correctable situation.
The odds of me having to tote a rifle in battle are about the same as snagging a long weekend on the French Riviera with Salma Hayek. But if I did — go into battle, that is — I’d feel secure with an M1A. In the Commonwealth we can’t use rifles to shoot Bambi. The only feral pigs around here are in the General Assembly. But if I could hunt with the M1A, I would.
As a vicious and enthusiastic destroyer of paper and other targets, I’m confident blazing away with the M1A at distances further than I can see. In fact, there’s not much that I want to do with a rifle that I can’t do with Springfield Armory’s classic M1A.
Model: Springfield Armory Model MA9102 Standard M1A
Caliber: 7.62 X 51 NATO
Magazine capacity: 10 rounds
Materials: Parkerized barrel and magazine, walnut stock
Weight empty: 9.3 pounds
Barrel Length: 22″
Overall length: 44.33″
Sights: Blade front, adjustable aperture rear
Action: Semi-automatic, gas operated, piston driven
Price: MSRP $1739 ($1409 at Bud’s Gun Shop when in stock)
RATINGS (out of five stars)
Style * * * * *
75 year old styling never looked so modern. If you like the looks of the M1 Garand, you’ll love the looks of the M1A. It’s sleeker than the pot-bellied Garand and the muzzle device of your choice really dresses it up. The wood has a bit of figure, too. It’s not AAA Grade Fancy, but it’s still decent stuff.
Accuracy * * * * *
I never shot much better than 1.25″ groups with the iron sights and basic milspec ammo. I did not fire this rifle with optics, but I expect that it would shoot 1 MOA or better out of the box with a good scope and good target ammo.
Ergonomics * * * *
Compared to the M16 that replaced the M14, the M1A is too heavy and too long. Compared to the M1 Garand that was replaced by the M14, the rifle is lighter by about two pounds and far, far easier to load because of its external magazine. It comes to shoulder naturally and seems to become part of the shooter’s body.
Ergonomics (firing) * * * * *
The safety works as it’s supposed to, but I didn’t enjoy having to put my finger inside the trigger guard to deactivate it. The cheek weld is great, and aligning the sights is virtually automatic. Shooters who prefer a single stage trigger will be disappointed in the box-stock trigger. Those who prefer a two-stage military style trigger will love this one as much as I did. It’s totally free of creep and breaks cleanly at around 5 pounds after 3/16th inch of feathery takeup. There’s muzzle rise to be sure, but recoil is well damped. The short LOP worked fine for me, but shooters with the wingspan of a California condor will need a butt pad. For the rifle, that is.
Reliability * * * * *
A half dozen shooters pumped two hundred rounds of Federal XM80C through the M1A in three range sessions, firing the gun dirty, with zero issues. Despite the archaic feed system, there were no misfeeds, no stoppages, nothing bad at all. Sometimes archaic is good. I can’t imagine this rifle ever letting me down.
Customize This * * *
It’s more customizable than one would think. The flash hider can be swapped out for a muzzle brake and there’s scope mounts available from a few manufacturers. Variants of the M1A are offered by SA including “tactical” models, and there are many aftermarket goo-gahs, stocks and unnecessary accoutrements awaiting purchase by those with more money than taste. But please, shooters, if you buy a Standard model, just keep it standard. Okay?
It’s a truly classic rifle. The only way it could be any better would be to restore that functional selector switch.
Hiding nearby is Mr E.V. Lambert of Homeleigh, The Burrows, Oswestry, who has presented the narrator with a poser by choosing a very clever way of not being seen. Although we do not know which bush he is behind, we can soon find out.
I can’t bring myself to pay $100 a month to work out when I use the great outdoors as my gym, rain or shine.
Yup, sounds like the first thing I’d rip out of any new gun I buy. There has not been a safety device made that you could not override with the right tools and half a brain.
Good for you Tabby and keep up the struggle. The residents of NYS have labored under so many regs for so long that it’s just another piece of garbage to deal with.
As far as all the abuse being heaped upon New York State lately – I understand completely – but please remember the long suffering denizens of all the counties resisting and rejecting this monstrosity, practically all of them north of Metroland, are as freedom loving as anyone. In defense, I’d like to present a copy of a resolution filed in opposition to the Safe Act which demonstrates the true sprit of real New Yorkers outside the urban jungles as well as the upscale enclaves of Manhattan and some newly gentrified suburbs fallen under the spell of the grabbers. I find it inspiring, even in the belly of the beast, free people struggle on. There’s still some brave and free citizens out there – just not enough of us.
Town of Genesee resolution calling for repeal of the erroneously named NY SAFE act
Passed unanimously March 19th 2013
Resolution 3-19-13a of 2013
A resolution condemning the manner and passage of the erroneously named NY SAFE Act and supporting repeal of state legislation infringing on the second amendment of the Constitution.
WHEREAS the members of the Town Council of the Town of Genesee, New York have been elected by the approximately 2,000 residents of the Town of Genesee as their representatives; and
WHEREAS said members have taken an oath; indeed the very same oath as the members of the Senate and Assembly, as well as the Governor, of New York State; to uphold the constitution of the State of New York and the Constitution of the United States of America; and
WHEREAS said constitutions contain clauses protecting the individual, inalienable, God-given right of the citizens of the United States of America and the citizens of the State of New York to keep and bear arms without infringement; and
WHEREAS on January 15, 2013 the Legislature of the State of New York passed the erroneously named NY SAFE Act which contains multiple violations of said rights; and
WHEREAS this passage occurred within a period of less than twenty-four hours of introduction to the legislature, thereby not allowing the mandatory three day review period; and
WHEREAS this avoidance of the mandatory review period was accomplished by the Governor’s declaration of a Message of Necessity; and
WHEREAS the reasons listed by the Governor in his request for said Message of Necessity are wholly inadequate, completely inaccurate, and without justification; and
WHEREAS the aforementioned infringements upon the rights of the citizens of New York State will have no effect in reducing crimes committed with firearms; and
WHEREAS the sacrifice of freedoms for the illusion of security secures neither;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Genesee of the County of Allegany of the State of New York hereby condemns the manner in which the aforementioned legislation was passed and finds the actions of the Governor deplorable and unbecoming of an elected official and representative of the people of New York State; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town of Genesee demands a public apology by the Governor for his abuse of the legislative process of the State of New York; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town of Genesee demands the complete and total repeal of the NY SAFE Act of 2013 in its entirety by the State Assembly and State Senate members; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town of Genesee demands the State Assembly and State Senate, in the very near future, consider legislation which repeals various laws currently in place that infringe upon the rights of the citizens of the State of New York to keep and bear arms, including, but not limited to, the following:
Firearm magazine capacity limitations;
Requirements for permits to carry a firearm concealed;
Limitations on the aesthetic appearance of certain firearms, erroneously referred to as “assault weapons;”
Restrictions on locations where firearms can be carried, both openly and concealed, including State Forests and Parks; and
Restrictions on other arms constitutionally protected under the second amendment including knives, pepper spray, swords, air/spring rifles, etc.; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town of Genesee finds these aforementioned and any other infringements upon the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms unconstitutional and illegal; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town of Genesee hereby urges nearby towns to enact similar resolutions urging the State Legislature to action; and be it further
RESOLVED, that certified copies of this resolution be delivered to the following individuals: President Barack Hussein Obama; Governor Andrew Cuomo; Senator Kirsten Gillibrand; Senator Charles Schumer; Representative Thomas Reed; State Senator Catharine Young; State Assemblyman Joseph Giglio.
A motion to adopt the resolution was made by CP Bluhm, seconded by CP Sherman.
Roll Call:
Supervisor Barnes – Aye
CP Holcomb – Aye
CP Cannon – Aye
CP Sherman – Aye
CP Bluhm – Aye
The Clerk declared this 19th day of March, 2013 that the foregoing resolution was duly carried.
Rebecca Torrey,
Town Clerk
I bought the rossi 44M version of the above, 5 shot, 2-ish” barrel. I love it. It’s very civil with specials, and FUN with mag loads. I’ve shot heavy weight rounds from it, and it’s a bit punishing, but lighter loads (which are probably better for def anyway) are not too bad.
You don’t want to shoot it all day, but with ammo like it is these days, who can afford to anyway.
I wish I had a chrono, so I could see how fast the pellets are flying.
PS, this is my new daily carry…
and when I go to the range, I always look forward to shooting it. When I can afford its meals!
After re-reading this review, I know I have to get my M-1A back. For reasons I won’t go into I had to, regretfully, sell it, with other weapons I owned in 1990. While I will replace some of my previous acquisitions, I probably will never reacquire them all.
The M-1A will be replaced. As with all things, money is the deciding factor.
I do have a question. Since I don’t foresee me doing “battle” in open countryside, I live in Jacksonville, Fl, and with recent events, I can see me needing to protect my family and property in case we get a damaging hurricane. Urban warfare.
I do own a 1976 mini-14 (1st replacement), my first AR-15, 1911A1 (replacement) and various other 45LC, 45acp, 9mm in semi and revolvers. The majority of my collection are .22LR’s. I want to stay with technology I already know, keeping the learning curve minimal. Beginning to regret buying the AR.
A little about myself. Retired Navy, hence my fondness for the M-1A. 60 yrs old and definitely not in shape (overweight). Last week fell off a ladder and dislocated my left shoulder.
With these physical limitations, and other medical issues ( read missing body parts) I don’t know if I’ll be able to “shoulder” a std rifle. Any recommendations as to which variant would you recommend?
Would love to get in touch with anyone in Jacksonville to talk about this.
Thanks for listening.
OK, I agree, but I don’t like it, WHY? because I’m not getting younger and now I have to have one! My goal to gun collecting? Having one of each! This means I’ll have to put off painting the house till next year, hopefully the wife will understand.
I do see the M-14 going any wear as for Wally1s thoughts id say get one they’re a good all purpose rifle and accurate and reliable. And alot softer on recoil than a G-3.
Actually there is another Garand 2.0 around: the Italian BM59.
The Italians took the nice Garands provided by the USA after the war and fiddled with them a bit.
A detachable magazine was added, a selective fire device and the Spaghetti M14 was born.
While they were at it they re chambered the thing in 7.62 NATO.
The BM59 remained in service well until the nineties. A pity there are tens of thousands of them earmarked for destruction, even if it would be feasible to disable automatic fire and sell them on the civilian market.
I had an m-14 with auto selector and bipod, 45 auto , and a shotgun In sicily on guard in 1973. Never saw anyone who could hold it down on auto but if you turned it sideways and grabed the bipod one legged it was a thing of beauty. Better yet 3 to 5 rnd bursts
I finally went and bought a M1A and havent shot it yet but I bought SCAR 17 last year and love the power of it. I think if I want to reach out with power ill stick with a .308 and if im in close quarters ill stick with a .223.
To think, the MEN of colonial Massachusetts chased the cream of the British Army 26 miles from Concord to Boston and kept up harrassing fire with use of personal arms and todays asshats gave up their hard won rights to become European style peasants all over again without so much as a whimper makes me slightly sick to my stomach. Spent a few years living in Boston back on the 80’s times have changed “may your chains rest lightly on your shoulders and may posterity forget that you were our brothers.”
I have wanted one since the day I was leaving the firing line and a Lance Corporal was entering the range walking proudly with his M14. My M16A1 was great but, well. 30 years later I have finally decided to own one. Saving up.
IS the M1a a M1 grand chambered for 7.65 M.M. N.A.T.O. with a detachable magazine or is it a M 14 have shot the M 1 for years love it most accurate rifle ever shot need a replacement weapon very worn. Live in the Spartanburg South Carolina area near the old Camp Croft In years past had access to much 3006 ammo. Have seen M14 fail due to hunting ammo or hot rounds the bolt is lighter than the earlier M1 but the 14 is lighter if lightly loaded for hunting [ not much ]
In short love the older M1, bandoliers are required and limit you to eight rounds but only two shots will be required hunting White Tail deer at up to 300 yards the weapon is use full farther than can shoot using 180 gran bullets and open sights .
In short is the M1A the same action as the M1 Grand or is it a M14 ? Please Advise a dummy Redneck hunter in upstate South Carolina
Please Advise
Robert Walker
While physically similar to the M1 Garand the M14/M1A is actually a totally revamped design. There was a rifle that was basically a Garand modified to use a box magazine, the Italian BM59. The M1A is actually a semi-auto only version of the M14. They were originally manufactured using surplus military parts mounted on a new receiver.
The key to keeping your M1A happy is to use the proper ammo. 7.62x51mm NATO and .308 Winchester are not identical. The military round uses slightly thicker brass in the case and the chambers on the rifles are a bit larger than their commercial counterparts and have a bit longer throat to allow for variances in ammo. The powders used in commercial rounds aren’t always chosen with semi-auto rifles in mind. The M14/M1A is more forgiving of powder choice than the Garand but can still have trouble digesting commercial ammo for that reason. There are some ammo makers who do load with semis in mind so all is not lost. Just be careful because commercial primers can be a bit more sensitive to impact than military primers are. If you’ve ever chambered a round in your Garand then extracted it without firing you may have noticed a small dimple in the primer where the firing pin tapped it when the bolt slammed closed. The M14/M1A does the same thing.
Get yourself an M1A. You’ll love it as much as your Garand once you get used to it.
Read reviews like 30 caliber and have used M1 grand for years needs replacing gonna try a M1A prefer 30-06 hope do not need two shots [ white tail ] wonder if the M1-A can be re-chambered for 30-06 this may be the Quintessential Rifle.
Robert G. Walker
Don’t need to reconfig. the M1a to .30-’06 [which is impossible, btw] since the 7.62NATO is a shorter analogue to the hoary old classic made possible by powder chemistry advancements. And unlike the Garand, you don’t need to fit a special gas plug to fire 180gr bobos due to the White’s gas-expansion system used by the M14/M1a vs. the Garand’s direct impingement gas handling.
Have used M1 Grand for years needs replacing going to try M1-A wonder if it can be re-chambered for 30-06 Guess not much difference in 308 but like 180 grain ballistic bullets .
Will commit later on results.
Robert Walker
Please Santa, let my M1a come with a muzzle *BRAKE*. I don’t want to shoot a rifle with a broken barrel like all those other poor saps out there who’ve put muzzle breaks on their guns.
PS – Thanks for the link to Donna Feldman. She may not be built for urban assault but she’s definitely configured for CQB [Close Quarter Bumping. ;)] Never heard of her before [seems she doesn’t do much modeling for gun or motorcycle rags], but she’s a long cool drink isn’t she?
I’ve owned both the M1 Garand and M1A and loved both. Primarily I was a competitive shooter and they were both used for NRA High Power Service Rifle matches. Both had their strengths and I’d be hard pressed to name one my favorite at the exclusion of the other. Sadly both had to be sold when I needed money.
My brother had the misfortune of owning a Norinco clone of the M1A. It never shot well (4MOA at best) and suffered from some serious defects. One I recall in particular was the day we were at the range and his rifle stopped cycling because the end of the operating rod had blown through. It was also extremely picky about magazines where my M1A would happily work with any mags you could get your hands on.
Someday I hope to replace both of those rifles.
I carried a “M14” that was accurized into a M21 befor the M16A2 entered the field. I carried many weapons in the Army but the M21 was my favorite followed by the 1911, the M60 and the 90mm Recoiless Rifle.
If you could hit what you were aiming at you didn’t have much more trouble. If you did you went for the head, drugs and all.
What can I say about the SA M1A that hasn’t been said already…nothing! By far this is my favorite rifle in my collection, in fact I love them SO much I own two of them! One is a National Match with a Leupold Mark 4 4-15x mil-dot scope, bipod and all the fixins.. Reach out and touch something at 700 yards? No problem! The other is a SA “Loaded” with just iron sights which is my go-to rifle for having fun and blowing up water jugs, concrete blocks ect..
Every time I’ve taken either one of these gems to a local range the range master on two occasions (different range master) said to me “You have the finest firearm out here” to which I just smile and say “I love this thing”. Every range trip also results with at least one or two fellow shooters to stop by and ask about it, admire it and generally drool over my shoulder. M1A Bring Enough Gun!
A few yrs ago when I had mentioned to a co worker that I used an M1a for deer hunting, he promptly started running me down for using an” assault ” rifle and a high capacity magazine to hunt deer. I was taken a back by his out burst and then ask him politely ask him what the difference was between the m1a with a 4×12 scope and a 5 rd magazine ( legal in this state ) and a Remington 7400, 30-06 with a 3×9 scope and 4 rd magazine ( which I used a week later ), other than one has a dull finish and the other has a bright finish. What was the difference between the two? I told him if one was an ” assault ” rifle then so was the other one. but with him being an expert and me being a dumb sort of a guy, what do you expect.
Well I just finished reading about 3 dozen comments and basically everyone likes the M14 in one way or another , No one dislikes it and that should tell you something. I was issued an M14 during the good old days , but they took it back and gave me some little plastic black thing , when I came home in 1972 I did not buy a rifle for 10 yrs only handguns , and when I did it was not an AR15 , finally after 43 yrs , last week I purchased an M1A and I can’t explain how I feel except to say I feel warm almost to the point of crying , I had a SSGT , Force Recon , punch me in the face once for leaving my weapon unattended , I have had a weapon with me ever since , and now finally its my old M14 with a twist.
I have a NEW M1 Garand that came from the CMP in Alabama. It is beautiful and very accurate with the peep. I do have a M1A that is very accurate with the hood sight and I enjoy shooting very much. The add in a rebuilt 1903 A4 a new stock, Criterion barrel, with the 8 power Marine scope I find all three a lot of fun to shoot. Each rifle shoots a modest load from a manual in the 30.06 and the .308 for the M1A. I have shot the M1A in competition and had a blast but did not win. The other two are shot very little but for the fun of hitting the steel plates hanging at distance. For competition in known distance I use the AR 15’s for service and Match Rifle competition. I love the wood guns.
Great article. Dig the author’s sense of humor. The M1A is a fine rifle and I’ll never forget the first time I got to shoot one. An old-timer at a local range let me squeeze of a few rounds using iron sights. I was a high-power scope fan, and I simply had no idea a rifle could be so accurate with just iron sights. I nailed a 300 yard gong repeatedly, and then bought an M1A of my own the following month.
My standard model sports a lighter black composite stock, a CASM scope mount and a Leupold Mark 4 scope. I plan to pick up a new sling for her and more magazines, that’s all she needs.
I am a Viet Nam veteran I went to Viey Nam in 1965. I carried the m14 for the first few months, then I carried a thompson with four ammo pouches , each with five thirty round clips. I was at the battle of Duc Whoa when 3,800 Viet Cong tried to over run our base camp. There were about 60 or 80 americans and some very brave arvn soldiers who didn’t back up one inch.l got a small scratch; no other american was hurt.
The M14 clone, including the M1A are great rifles. They can be modernized & upgraded to fit your mission. Barrel lengths from 16.25″ to 22.00″. NEW USGI magazines are produced by C.M.I.
One of my M14s in a Blackfeather “RS” chassis imported from Canada.
M14 selector 1967 fort benning fort Eustis 68 queen yuwn m1a wife surprise me 4 years ago love it locking at 700xcr
In the summer of 1967, was a Marine at Parris Island…At 500 yards open sights, prone position, my M14 rifle shot 9 out of ten bulls eyes. The Marine Corps at that time, taught proper marksmanship skills. After acquiring point blank range on our M14, everything else depended on your skills…..An M1a will do everything more of its trained shooter….Awesome weapon. Well worth the money and reliability!
EXCELLENT article..!
I’m retired under military disability, and have been shooting C.M.P. and High Power competitions off and on for a few years now. I first started C.M.P. with the local club’s M1 Garand, and LOVED it. I first shot a Garand, and a 1903 Springfield with my grandfather at a young age. Although I never understood his fascination with them, he was teaching me, and I was so caught up in the fact that I was out with “the men” learning what they all had learned at my age, that my excitement got the better of my mind, and I forgot everything if I didn’t hear it more than 3 times in a row (EVERY safety command).
I digress, I’m purchasing a brand new, “loaded”, National Match, M1A In January. I know my scores will be irrelevant and not count, but the adjust-ability of the stock is what I need the most as my neck and left arm go numb after only a few minutes. I have wanted an M1 since grandpa passed away and the rifle that was to be mine, went a different route. I know the stock is not traditional in it’s “plastic fantastic”, pistol grip, modern form, but I think it’s an incredibly affordable alternative to my full on custom, dream build, and it’s all M1 underneath.
I thank Springfield for bringing those memories back, and making it possible for me to get back to C.M.P., and High Power next summer.
I own and operate an M1 Garand, and i can honastly say that i am very good with it, i can hit targets at 900 yards with ease. The down side to it is the 8 round clip, the ping is fun but the capacity is to low for me, the other real downer is paying over a dollar per round, I don’t want to ruin history by changeing it from 30-06 to .308/7.62NATO. With the similer sight picture of the M1A along with 20rd Mags and cheaper ammo, it seems like a good alternative. The issue for me is the cost, i know that money buys quality and that it will almost certainly be worth it but right now i am saveing for a NM M1 Garand so i can participate in competitions. Maybe ill pick up an M1A in a year or two.
I have been trying to decide whether to buy one of these and after doing much research and reading lots of articles, I am getting a national match version tomorrow……one of the biggest thing that stands out is, of all the information I have read, no one has anything bad to say about an M1A (well some complain of the weight). I am looking forward to shooting and owning apiece of “history”
The M-14 was the first weapon given me at Fort Bragg. Then another at Fort Leonard Wood. I qualified with it at both places. At Fort Benning, the gave me a M-16A1. I qualified Expert and the badge is in my dresser after 40 years. I purchased an M1A several years ago with a supply of 20 round magazines. That was before Maryland told me I couldn’t own one. It sits proudly next to my Garand and three ARs. They are all deadly accurate and a great deal of fun. Every time the Middle East heats up and ISIS is in the news, my “anti-gun” neighbors want to know where they can buy a gun and if I will teach them how to use it. Background-Checks? No problem. I’ve got nothing to hide. But if the subject of gun-bans comes up……What guns? I got rid of them years ago!
I an a proud owner of an M1A Scout Squad and I love the rifle, it prints at about 1.5 moa with cheap 150 grain fmj, I wish I could have carried one during my tour in ramadi. Recoil is negligible with the comp and rubber buttpad and even scoped and loaded the weight doesn’t bother me, besides most of my time outside the wide was spent in a hmmwv so weight wasn’t a serious factor. A co. 1-9 inf. Keep up the fire.
I agree with every one the M1A is a great rifle. I have all ways wanted one since the 70’s and 40+ years later i got one a model MA 9226. But i had a little bad luck with mine i fired two rounds and i noticed the bolt not closing all the way on the 3rd round. So i pulled back on the bolt and it was stiff so i took it home and broke it down and noticed the roller on the bolt was jammed up they didn’t get the snap ring on it right and it broke the ring. I called S.A. told them about it and said i think everything is ok it just needs the roller put back on the bolt and would it be ok to just send the bolt to them instead of the whole rifle they said yes. After about the 2nd week and not hearing anything i emailed and didn’t get any response i emailed so more but got a little angry with the last email. The 3 rd week they called and said they need the whole rifle that the bolt was cracked. I mailed them the rifle the next day. Same thing again after 3 weeks of hearing nothing i started emailing them but NO REPLY again they never told me anything until UPS drove up on the 4 th week with my rifle finally. The rifle is extremely accurate, very light recoil and after a couple of thousand rounds has not missed a lick. I love the rifle it is my favorite rifle to shoot but i didn’t like Springfield Armory way of keeping me in the dark and the time it took for them to repair the rifle. I had a Ruger SR 1911 that the barrel lock up wasn’t right so i sent it back and in less than 10 days i was shooting it with the barrel lock up was perfect and they kept me informed also. If i had it all to do over again I would not be buying from Springfield Armory not because its not a good rifle it is a well made firearm but because of the SORRY CUSTOMER RELATION THEY HAVE, i will never buy any thing else they have because of this. Just thought i would let some of you know that might be thinking about buying from this company. Surely they don’t treat everyone like that are they would go out of business but they did me and for that if i ever do i have a problem with it again and they do me like that again I will sell it and buy me one from someone else I came close to doing this any way but it shoots so nice i backed out for now. I HAVE TO SAY THE M1A IS A GREAT RIFLE I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT, and i have a lot of different type rifles in 308~7.62 x 39 ~ 223 FAL-HK 91 & 93 Mini-14 & 30 AR-10 & 15 Galia – AK’s – M1’s I have heard alot about the SCAR and its all good it may be a better rifle i don’t know, i have heard they feel awkward to some and it does look awkward the M1A was made for me fits like a glove I guess because i was used to my Ruger Mini’s and M1 Garand.. With my M1A if i can see it i can put a round on it most every time with open sights unless its getting dark i can’t see anything with the NM sights i can use one of the other rifles and still pick out a target in low light but not the M!A this could be a problem NO IT IS A PROBLEM IN LOW LIGHT, does any one have this problem with there M1A ? All i can do is change the sights i guess but i hate too because it is a tack driver in good light.
Bought a used M1-A from a co-worker. Blew him away when I won the bet. Field stripped and reassembled it blind-folded. (paid for the beer) It was stock with more magazines that a doctor’s office. Plus about 500 rds. First time out from a rest. 1.5″ at 100 yds. My 60 year old eyes weren’t as sharp as they used to be but I was well pleased. As you said when I first picked oneI was 40 years younger it was 1963 ll over again. God I loved that rifle then and I do now. It shoots almost as good as my 4 screw 03-A3. (guess I’m just too old school [or just too old]) The 03-A3 put 5 rounds in a 2 3/4″ group at 250 yds (Hand loads and the rear sight was replaced with a Williams peep.) but that was with 30 yr old eyes. I used to say that glass was for sissies but I guess it’s for sissies and old men, sigh. Can’t bring myself to do it to the 03 but guess it will have to be done for the M-1A as I want to see what it will do when I can see both sights AND the target at the same time. If it’s worth shootin’,it’s worth shootin’ with a .30 cal…or better.
This is one of the worst articles I’ve read on Truth about Guns.
I won’t go into the specifics, but I was tempted to quit reading after the first mention of the “butt flapper”, but struggled through only to see this near the end: “The flapper, designed to help retain the cleaning stuff stored in the buttstock”, Really? Butt Flapper? I know that some will think that’s minor, but it’s a feature that describes the actual role that the M14 was supposed to fulfill and hiding “cleaning stuff” ain’t it.
It’s as though the reader is so proud of all his ridiculous and inaccurate analogies, and hero worship based on Hollywood that he had to resort to just making up “stuff”. His history is a bit confused, and there is simply no point in comparing the M14 to the M16; the M14 (M1A) has it’s own history. It should be noted that the M14 has stayed Army inventory for various reasons and mods. I note that little is mentioned about the gas system, which is often overlooked on the M14 series weapons. I come to this site for some objective views about firearms; this one was a misty eyed stroll through an imaginary world.
There is much confusion about the pros and cons of the M-14 rifle. The pros come from veterans that used them in the field. The cons came from the official military that were under DOD and political pressure for new small arms weapon system contracts (SAWS). The DOD/military complex come up with a whole list of bogus deficiencies, from to long & heavy to it kicks to much!
The truth be; as a U.S.Army veteran from the 1960s and one of the 2 automatic rifleman in our rifle squad, I can say without a question that the M-14AR (fully automatic) was fantastic! Called the poor man’s machine-gun,it fired the same round as the M-60 MG. The14AR could lay down a stream of lead that would cut through a brick shit house at 1000 meters. We wired truck wheel weights to the bipods, also put them in the holes behind the butt-plate, that made the14 as solid as the old BAR. Even loaded up the the 20 round magazine with four 7.62 tracers for the MG look.
Heavy and to long? Well, you don’t know how good of a weapon a rifle is until it runs out of ammunition. A bayonet thrust and butt stroke from an M-14 will protect your ass, try that with any of M-16s and copies.