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Gun Review: Taurus G2C 9mm Pistol

Sam Hoober - comments No comments

Taurus G2C 9mm

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Gun Review: Taurus G2C 9mm Pistol
courtesy mfr

There’s nothing wrong with cheap and cheerful, which is exactly what this Taurus G2C review is about. The G2C is an inexpensive handgun, to be sure, but don’t write it off too hastily. It actually has a lot more to offer than you’d think.

Taurus renamed the PT111 Millennium G2 as the G2C (for “compact”), then dumped the PT709 Slim and created a single-stack variant of the G2 dubbed the G2S, for “slim.” For those wondering, the name is the only thing that’s different.

Some might accuse Taurus of crossing PT111 G2 out and writing G2C in crayon, and that’s exactly what happened. But then again, who cares? This isn’t a pistol you buy because of what’s written on the slide; you buy it because (let’s face it) of what’s written on the price tag.

And how.

The G2C is a lightweight subcompact double-stack pistol, offering 12+1 capacity in a svelte and slight package years before the SIG P365 came on the market. The frame is black polymer, with textured panels on the front, rear and sides of the grip, with thumb relief divots on the grip and finger indexing divots on the frame above the trigger guard.

The slide can be had in matte black or matte stainless. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of the gun I tested at the rental range, so you’ll just have to make do with stock images. You can say mean things about that in the comments if you like, but my feelings will only be hurt if said comments are a paraphrase or parody of Rush lyrics. Otherwise, they will be disregarded, so I hope you’ve dined on honeydew and drunk the milk of paradise.

Gun Review: Taurus G2C 9mm Pistol
The gun formerly known as the Taurus PT111 G2 (courtesy mfr)

This gun actually has more features than you’d expect for the price. The magazine catch is reversible if desired, and there’s a Picatinny rail for mounting an accessory. The rear sights are adjustable and the front sight is a fixed post. This is a conventional three white dots set-up. The sights are bigger than you’d expect for such a small gun, though not oversized, and easily acquired.The top of the slide (forward of the ejection port) is melted, with a loaded chamber indicator atop said slide.

Gun Review: Taurus G2C 9mm Pistol
courtesy mfr

The gun has a party piece in that it has second-strike capability, rare in striker-fired pistols. Taurus bills it as DA/SA, but it isn’t like actual double-action striker pistols such as the Walther P99 or Canik TP9. Those guns have something like an 8- to 10-lb DA pull if the trigger is de-cocked; the Taurus does not. Single-action, if you want to call it that, offers no resistance but smooth take-up until it stacks and breaks at the end of the trigger stroke, at about 5 lbs. The double-action trigger pull stroke feels like about 6 lbs from front to back.

Reset is not the most audible nor tactile, but isn’t bad. While it’s far from a great trigger, it’s plenty usable and also barely any “worse” than many other striker pistol triggers. I’d rate it about equal to the bangswitch on base model XD and most factory Glock pistols, which I have always found to be lackluster.

Gun Review: Taurus G2C 9mm Pistol
courtesy mfr

The G2C has a tabbed trigger, much like other striker guns, and also comes with a manual safety on the left side of its polymer frame. That’s in addition to the usual trigger safety. The magazine release and slide release are on the left side, and there are two takedown tabs much like many other striker pistols.

What about shooting this thing?

The Taurus G2C is obviously quite light, but the recoil impulse is softer than you’d expect. Loaded, it balances well in the hand and isn’t too snappy, about on par with an M&P Shield.

A small confession: I haven’t been to the range for a while, mostly due to the holidays and other demands on my time. (Being a grown-up sucks, and I would recommend anyone avoid it if at all possible.) As shooting is a perishable skill, I was not incredibly accurate. By the end of my range session, I had progressed from completely hopeless to minute of 6-inch plate at 10 yards.

Gun Review: Taurus G2C 9mm Pistol
Credit: Me! Good lord that was some lousy shooting. I got cute trying to print some groups on the head and the small square and tragedy obviously ensued. I don’t claim to be an IPSC grandmaster or anything anyhow.

I would say this gun is capable of better accuracy than its compact size would suggest, though perhaps not surgical precision. It’s definitely accurate enough for a carry gun.

I ran 115-grain Blazer FMJ brass and American Eagle Syntech 115-grain hardball through the G2C 9mm, with no failures to feed or eject so I don’t have any doubts about its reliability. It’s not rated for use with +P ammunition, though I doubt a limited diet would stress it too badly.

People might sneer because of the name on the slide, but is there any reason to? I’m not fully convinced there is.

A M&P Shield will probably cost about $100 more than the G2C in most stores. A compact to subcompact GLOCK 9mm (26, 43) is about $200 more than the Taurus. In terms of comfort, accuracy and how they feel to shoot, are those pistols worth the premium over the Taurus? Having shot a few Shields and a few GLOCKs…I’m not completely convinced they are.

Specifications: Taurus G2C 9mm

Chambering: 9x19mm
Capacity: 12+1
Barrel length: 3.25 inches
Overall length: 6.25 inches
Overall height: 5 inches
Overall width: 1.25 inches
Unloaded weight: 21.15 ounces
MSRP: $316…but expect to pay more like $250 or less

Where To Buy

Gun Review: Taurus G2C 9mm Pistol

Ratings (out of five stars)

Accuracy * * * 1/2
Admittedly, my shooting was TERRIBLE, but by the end of my range session, it was obvious that it’s more accurate than the price tag would suggest.

Reliability * * * 1/2
150 rounds with no failures to feed or eject. Arguably not a real test of reliability, but it ran without a hitch.

Ergonomics * * * 1/2
Better than you’d think, but not outstanding. That said, it gives you a fuller grip than other pistols of the same size such as the Glock 26 and Shield with flush-fit magazines.

Customize This *
You can get aftermarket sights for it and that’s about it. Some replacement parts (springs and a steel guide rod) can be had through Lakeland LLC, but outside of that, it’s OEM or nothing.

Aesthetics * * 1/2
Name me a good-looking black plastic pistol. Go ahead; I’ll wait. It’s not ugly, but it’s not overly attractive either. Then again, the thing about poly striker guns is they’re workhorses first and foremost, so something tells me that’s not what buyers are concerned with.

Overall * * * *
I know that sounds crazy, but give me a second here. On the gun itself, I’d give it three stars. It isn’t spectacular, but it’s reasonably accurate and easy enough to shoot. Aftermarket support is pitiful.  But relative to the price point, it’s more comfortable to hold and shoot than it should be. It’s also more accurate than it should be. The trigger is on par with other semi-automatics that have more allegedly respectable names and price tags that are double (or more) than the G2C’s. If I absolutely had to buy a gun for less than $300, there’s a very good chance this is the one I come home with.


0 thoughts on “Gun Review: Taurus G2C 9mm Pistol”

  1. I had the PT111 was ok now this gun is awesome Good price… feels great in my hand
    if it’s rebranded who cares


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