I’ve come to my senses over the last few years when it comes to the 1911. I used to think of it as a dated and archaic design, but the more I learned about firearms design the more respect I have for the firearm. I now own a couple copies myself, a nice Wilson Combat and an okay Springfield. That Springfield always irked me a bit, though. The gun is inexpensive and it shows in the details, but it would take such little effort to make that ~$500 gun feel like a $1,000 gun.
When TISAS sent us an email and offered to send us a copy of their ZIG M1911 A1, I was looking forward to seeing if the Turks could succeed in providing a quality budget-priced 1911 where the Americans had failed. As soon as I opened the box, I was impressed.
The ZIG M1911 A1 ships with everything you see here. On the firearm itself, the finish is a slick feeling parkerization that makes the gun feel almost velvety in your hands. Everything looks proper and feels good.
One of the things that really irked me about the Springfield was the rough edges on the side of the trigger and the safety. Five seconds on a grinding wheel would have fixed that, but alas that time was not taken. With the ZIG M1911 A1, all of the control surfaces (like the trigger and the safety) feel properly rounded and without any roughness.
That finish extends to the slide and frame as well, but not the grips. Those are… okay. The cocobolo grips on a Springfield 1911 are better looking, but these Turkish walnut grips are functional. They have a light lacquer layer on them, and that’s about it.
With the rest of the external features, they are exactly what you would expect from a USGI style 1911. The sights are fixed and terrible, the grip safety is the A1 style without the beavertail, and the serrations on the slide are vertical instead of the more pleasing slanted version.
On the inside, you can tell that this is a budget 1911. The recoil spring is a bit undersized in diameter, the barrel is a little scratched up especially around the linkage, and overall the quality that you see in a Wilson Combat is pretty much nonexistent. That doesn’t mean that the gun is bad, it just doesn’t have the same look and feel as a multi-thousand dollar version and is something to keep in mind.
Out on the range, another issue rears its ugly head. The trigger is crisp and clean in terms of the takeup and the break, but it is extremely heavy. As TISAS is a European gun maker, they made their gun to European standards. That means instead of having a nice four or so pound break, the trigger breaks at a knuckle-busting 7.5 pounds. Getting accuracy out of a gun with that kind of trigger is difficult, but not impossible.
This five round group was the best I could get out of the gun, using admittedly terrible Independence ammunition at 15 yards. With a 7.5 pound trigger that’s about as good as I could expect, keeping everything within the X ring of a standard B-27 target. Mostly.
During that afternoon, I did run into a couple issues that made me question the reliability of the firearm.
The first problem I ran into was a failure to eject. This case got stuck during the extraction / ejection process, and was only removed after the judicious application of a pair of needlenose pliers. To be fair I was testing a new experimental magazine in the gun at this time and not using the one supplied by the manufacturer.
The reason was that the MEC GAR magazine included with the gun was allowing the rounds to nosedive into the feed ramp, and would cause the gun to jam. It only happened with the first couple rounds in the magazine, and the problem disappeared when I switched to a Wilson Combat magazine.
Moral of the story: the gun is very picky about magazines. Buy Wilson Combat mags and you’ll be fine.
The TISAS ZIG M1911 A1 is a budget handgun that gets more things right than most other 1911 handguns, but you get what you pay for. The gun is picky about which magazines it likes, and as with most things in life it prefers the more expensive ones. Can’t say I blame it.
It also doesn’t have the fit and finish of a nicer 1911 handgun, but it is functional and feels better than some of the other offerings on the market. I’d put it on par with the low end Springfield stuff, but Ruger’s SR1911 is still head and shoulders above this gun in almost every way.
If you just want a budget 1911 for shooting stuff or you’re looking for a good starting point to customize your own 1911, this is a fine choice at a good price. But if you want the best 1911 experience possible, you might want to spend a little more money.
Specifications: TISAS ZIG M1911
Caliber: 45 ACP
Action: Semi-auto
Barrel: 5″
Magazine: One 8-Round Magazine included (takes standard 1911 mags)
Street Price: about $425
Ratings (out of five stars):
Accuracy: * * * *
For the price point, I can’t complain. My other 1911 handguns shoot better, and I believe this one would as well if the trigger was worked on just a little bit.
Ergonomics: * * * *
Everything feels smooth and silky, but the grips are a little wonky.
Reliability: * * *
The gun is finicky, but you can make it run reliably with the proper application of money.
Customization: * * * *
This gun’s parts seem to all be compatible with standard 1911 parts, so replacement shouldn’t be an issue. Some gunsmithing might be required to get everything to fit though.
Overall: * * * 1/2
You have to be aware of what you are buying here. As a budget 1911 for general farting around, this is about as good as it gets. But there are definitely much better options available for just a little more money, like the SR1911. Or the Springfield Range Officer series. A great beginner’s handgun for sure.
A TTAG 1911 review isn’t “complete”, without giving JWT a crack at it. 😀
That trigger pull is a deal breaker. I’m not going to sacrifice capacity, weight, and reliability when I don’t even get accuracy.
Accuracy looks decent to me. You say you shot at 15 yards with crappy ammunition? Was this free hand or off of a sand bag?
Can’t a gunsmith smooth up the trigger? I’m sure you would be better off just buying a better 1911 for not much more, but this looks serviceable.
I wouldn’t mind seeing more reviews from other people to see if they find the same issues with magazines and any other problems that might arise.
I do my accuracy testing for handguns offhand standing, as the gun is intended to be fired. Sure we could set up a ransom rest and do it off sandbags and such, but only 50% of accuracy is mechanical. The rest is about how the shooter interfaces with the firearm.
A gunsmith should be able to clean that trigger up with ease and at that point you’d have a 4 star gun. But we review guns as-is, not as they could be.
To be frank, I always use Wilson Combat magazines. It seems that no matter the 1911, they just flat out work every time. When people do have issues with 1911’s it’s usually magazine related. Oh and they love their oil. keep em lubed and generally they run great. Even the cheap ones.
Yep, that’s the key with 1911s they love oil. I’ve been using WC lub for fifteen years. Fifteen on a WC protector & now on a Tisas 1911 9mm…
I want to know if my 7 round clips will work in the Tisas .45 1911
It says it has a 8 Round clip but will all my 7 Round clips work
Dennis McGuire
I bought one of my first 1911’s as a budget gun. A Rock Island, GI model. Decent gun, but some of the issues similar to this gun you reviewed. Then I went to a Kimber 1911, much bether fit, finish, and reliability.
Now I just picked up a used Wilson Combat KZ-45 polymer/steel 1911. 10 round mags with the grip width and length the same as a regular capacity 1911. Just… wow! Smoother action and trigger break is noticeably better than my EDC Kimber 1911, and my Kimber is better than most 1911’s that I’ve owned.
Better accuracy than my Kimber and a much smoother feed, no k-chunk, as the round is fed into the chamber.
I’m sold. I got a good deal, but I can see the appeal of a new Wilson combat pistol.
Ah yes, that k-chunk! I know it well. My Kimber was not at all reliable until I replaced the recoil springs with ones directly from Wolff, and now it is very reliable. It didn’t help that the feed ramp was coated with Kimpro, but k-chunk or not, it now feeds and returns to battery.
Looks like a good truck gun, and maybe a good tinkerer. Nick, how would it compare to, say, a GI spec RIA?
The classic 1911 is a government speced pistol that a GI would carry. Anything else not used for competition shooting is just an over priced tricked out toy.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Ahh, more accurately; very accurate, very reliable, very lethal, over priced tricked out big boy/girl toy.
I’ll probably get another Wilson Combat 1911 once I finish building my house.
Won’t perform any better than a Springfield Milspec in a DGU.
Hmmm, well tdiinva, if you’re into 1911’s , I don’t need to explain it. If you’re not into 1911’s, there’s nothing I could say that would explain it.
But that’s thar’s the beauty of being an American, we have the choice, without needing to explain it.
I’m into 1911s as combat pistols not works of art or high priced custom jobs. The 1911 is a working man’s pistol.
I understand tdiinva, there is only one acceptable way of looking at the use of a 1911 and that is your way. Anyone else that disagrees or sees it differently is wrong.
That the definition of a bigot. The same way a tyrant or a liberal/progressive thinks.
Your overwrought reaction shows you to be humorless. You are certainly free to take my post as a 100% serious. It is my opinion and like certain orifices everyone has one but you are certainly free to spend any amount of money you would like if it makes you feel better. Calling me bigot over this makes you sound like some campus social justice warrior. Perhaps narrow minded would have been a more appropriate use of the language.
Sorry tdiinva, your kind of shooting with a shot gun, your kind of all over the map with the derogatory comments.
Maybe you can clarify. Are you saying you were being narrow minded about your attitude?
Look sport, I wasn’t the one to get personal. And when you did you misused the language. You seem to want to get affirmation for your decision to spend $3k on $750 pistol. You have every right to spend the money that way regardless of my opinion. But since this is the Truth About Guns your decision to proclaim that you did that is open to public comment. If you don’t like my or someone else’s response then follow the don’t ask, don’t tell rule.
LOL. Sport? Umm, no tdiivna. You were and are the one that was “narrow minded” in your declaritive, there is no other 1911 except a working man’s gun statement. Your are the one that has a problem with a gun that costs more than what you think is acceptable. Not me.
Then, when I simply point our your narrow mindedness as similar to other tyrants and liberal progressives, which it is. you start shot gunning insults.
Time to look in the mirror tdiinva.
How does this compare to the Umarex Regent? I noticed them selling for under $300 on Gunbroker(and stainless). Or is one Turkish 1911 pretty much the same as another? Never had much interest in a 1911(or an AR) but here we are with bargain try em’out prices…
After shooting a full size 1911 range gun, I had to go out and buy one. Sweetest, smoothest shooting handgun I’d ever shot. I’d pick up one of these Turkish guns because they are cheap and functional, and the grips are easily replaced with something nicer. But I live in California, and these will never make the roster.
Typical almost worthless Foghorn “quickie” TTAG gun review – only one shooter, limited brands of ammo and magazines tested, no mention of number of rounds fired, no mention of weight, dimensions, etc., was a sandbag used, what was largest group size, did the reliability improve over time, could the feed ramp use polishing, was the gun properly lubricated, did slide lock open reliably, any problems on disassembly, etc., etc., etc.? Foghorn must be too busy counting his money.
I had about 14 people testing the gun. Ammo included Independence, Wolf, and Winchester, only malfunctions were magazine related. We put about 500 rounds through it, and the malfunctions listed in the review were the only malfunctions encountered. Shots were fired standing offhand, as usual. Firearm was maintained as per the user’s manual, lightly oiled.
I’m currently writing up a Texas Gun Trader listing for one of my firearms to pay off some bills, as I am way over my head in debt.
Just because we didn’t mention it doesn’t mean we didn’t test it. I’m trying to be less Joe Grine-y in my reviews, being succinct and to-the-point.
S**t, or get off the pot review. I really liked this one. No fluff, just bullet points. Great job!
Thanks. All of this additional information should have been included in the original review. You can tell whether a review is any good or sufficiently instructive from the comments and especially the questions that follow. How long did it take to write your follow up info? Not long I imagine. Perhaps a gun review “checklist” would help. I don’t agree a “budget gun” deserves a “budget review” as one poster maintained. Sounds clever but it doesn’t help one make up one’s mind whether to buy or not to buy a less expensive piece. So then a really expensive gun deserves destructive testing and a PhD thesis? Not true either. This review seemed rushed and incomplete. Constructive criticism should be welcomed. Plus add a little sarcasm or humor and the criticism gets noticed. I actually have one of these guns and could have written a more informative review given the motivation. Some reviews on this blog appear to written more for entertainment than for useful information. Although not this one. Lately some titles appear misleading or contain factual errors. Other subjects chosen seem solely for the purpose of poking a hornet’s nest. Those I tend to skip. Again, just feedback that you can consider or ignore. I like informative gun reviews stressing truth rather than marketing as TTAG implies. We have lots of magazines for the latter. Remember the recent rave magazine reviews of the Remington R51?
One of the beautiful things about the internet is if you don’t like it, you can leave. It was free for to view this content so what do you have to complain about. Also, what money?
Yeah, I know, don’t let the door hit you in the ass. What money? It was a joke that must have been way over your head. Sorry I didn’t include a smiley face for your benefit. My constructive criticism may just result in more informative reviews from Nick. Then again, maybe not. Maybe my standards are higher than yours. Hang me. One of the beautiful things about the Internet and blogs is that it’s all (mostly) free and my constructive comments and humor were free. I didn’t charge TTAG a cent. If you don’t like it, you can leave as well. When comments get really nasty and personal, I go elsewhere anyway. Lighten up.
Budget gun
Budget review
Wilson $2,000-$3,000
I want to know all
I am glade review Nick Leghorn there so many people review same thing over and over these days high price 1911 lot people can not afford or none new lower price handguns made buy company’s like TISAS . I appreciate honest review on this firearm.
Don’t forget that the barrel is supposed to be cold-hammer forged. I picked up one of these on sale about a year ago for $349 plus free shipping and a $22 FFL transfer fee. Mine came with the walnut grips pictured as well as a set of thinner black plastic ones, which I prefer. Mine also came with two 8-round MecGar Magazines.
I am not a big 1911 fan, but I figured it to be a gun that everyone should own at least one of, kind of like the ubiquitous Glock 19 (and I am not a Glock fan either). Additionally, I decided if I was going to own one, I would prefer it to be a GI style, as a nod to the greatest generation. Given my intentions for the gun, cheaper was better, so after reading some reviews I settled on the TISAS. As Nick says, it is a budget 1911. However, that is all I need it to be. It is a plinker, nothing else. I have no intentions of using this gun for defensive purposes. Mine has run flawlessly through 300 rounds of WWB and Hornady Critical Duty. While the trigger is as heavy as Nick describes, I found my accuracy better than he did.
TISAS also sells other variants that have upgrades such as beaver tails, improved sights/grips, skeletonized trigger/hammer, two tone, etc. And for not that much more money. If you are looking for a budget 1911 just to have one or a solid base for a project gun, it will be hard to beat the TISAS.
+1 Charles. Sounds like you and I might have bought them at about the same time, that’s the deal I got from Bud’s.
I’m happy with mine. I’ve only put 100 or so rounds through it, but I’ve had no issues and the accuracy is acceptable (to me). It’s fine for plinking, and it was a good value for the money.
Yep. Got mine from Buds.
Thanks for mentioning the Ruger SR1911. I got mine for $604 new and best of all, I won’t have to grind, polish, buy expensive magazines, or change the sights. The fit and finish is excellent. This pistol is an unbelievable value, never had a single issue with all kinds of ammo. The “value” foreign-made 1911s wind up costing more after you make all the necessary improvements.
+1 here. SR1911 needs nothing but ammo. I do have a Citadel 9mm that has been perfect also.
Definitely a better buy than the Cabot.
For me personally, there is just something wrong about a 1911 that isn’t made in the USA.
CZs and european poly guns are fine with me, but if you want a 1911, buy domestic.
Because America, goddamit.
Please do your review on the Taurus pt1911! I’ve heard great things and I like that it had a checkered front strap. I want to know where it stands in comparison to the Ruger.
They’ve been “reviewing ” the Taurus 1911 for 2 yearsLOL …most everyone likes the metal(pt92,100,945 ,1911) that Taurus makes. Pretty good bang for the buck…
Was all ammo ball FMJ or was JHP run through her? I have several 1911’s from a used Springer I got for helping a friend move to an ed Brown custom that would get me a divorce if Zimbabwe had not sold it because it was ammo picky jammed with every hollow point. I tend to use federal, cor-Bob or Winchester personal defense, just because that’s what I usually get handed.
Also would like another. 45 besides my 4506 that eats my star line reloads
I’m curious as to the year/model Springfield you’re having issues with.
My Springfield MILSPEC has been great. Got it in January and have about 1300 rounds through it with no cleaning, my own “test” to see how it does. I’ve had 3 failures to eject. Two were in the low 200 round count right when I switched to PMC ammo and 1 last Sunday with Federal HP. All running shooting star mags. None of the sharp edges that Nick talks about. I got it for 599 plus fees and think it’s a great pistol. Time to clean it….after one more trip to the range tomorrow. I want to get it to 1500 rounds.
The Tisas is a POS. I went through three and all had issues. I lost transfer fees on two trying to get a decent one. You get what you pay for.
SLANTED serrations are more appealing? bullcrap.
i actually bought this gun before reading the article (spoiler alert: I have no regrets) and I have a few notes about it. When it comes to the trigger I had no problem with it. Though it did take a lot more weight to squeeze it, I felt it fired clean and true. As for the grip, I liked it but I already had ordered a new grip with soft rubber feel so that helps a lot. The biggest complaint I have is if you don’t clean it after shooting, the Zig gets very picky about ammo being chambered. I normally use Tula and after a day of shooting they started to jam. All that aside, I enjoy and even identify with this pistol.
Thanks for the review.
I’ve owned my Tisas 1911.45 for a little less than a year.I found fit and finish to be on par with other much more expensive 1911s I looked at.my has been 100% reliable after the first 100 rds. prolly over 500 rds now.
the trigger initially was less than satisfying. ..but,after breaking it in by spending lots of time dry-firing and shooting,its definitely better now.
I’m debating on a trigger job,but I’ll wait a bit.ive fired FMJ exclusively.
I could not be more pleased with Tisas. I’m 61 yrs old and have owned and fired 100s of handguns in my lifetime.but,til now.never a 1911?
I’m glad I found the “perfect” pistol for me.mart
I wanted a cheap 1911 so I could give my WilsonCombat Full size 1911 Protector some down time. I bought Tisas 1911 9mm. Just $400 from a well known online vendor. Have done some upgrades: sights, barrel bushing, trigger and flat recoil wire all from Wilson. Sometimes with good ammo, and if I dig in I can put five shots in the ten circle. But most of times I get a damn flyer. But that’s me not the gun. I use Wilson mags and it digest everything I feed it with hiccups far between shots.
My first 1911 and I love it. Used white fingernail polish to highlight the front sight and that was a big help. I’ve probably put 500 rounds through the gun and I pretty much blow the center out of the target at 15 yards. It’s true about the magazines, I threw one away because it gave me fits when feeding, the rest are all Wilson and they are perfect, no further issues on feeding or ejection. The trigger pull is fine for me, no complaints. I have fired a lot of other handguns over my years on this planet (73) and this one is just fine. I would highly recommend this gun.
I own 20 1922’s, and I have learned one thing about them. They are fussy about magazines, and
ammo. No matter which ammo you use, or which Magazines, they will be persnickety about it.
Or, which caliber. My one 1911 detested was my Taurus Super .38. It hated any magazine
and Taurus wanted about $80 dollars to ship it to them for their “Lifetime Warranty”,
My favorite 1911 is the .22TCM/9MM.
I’m a long time die hard fan of the 1911 for many years now. I’ve owned a different version for almost every price they’re available in. I do have my favorite & I gets a lot of ammo run through it.
I also enjoy teaching others to shoot or helping them to improve their skills. The 1911 is a serious consideration for anyone wanting a handgun. If you want something inexpensive to try on for size. Since it’s compatible with replacement parts, a novice can make changes & upgrades over time.
My first thought was it’d be a good weapon for teaching beginners. If it got a scratch of flaw, it won’t leave the owner heartbroken.
If the trigger is too much for beginners or anyone else, it’s a 1911. There’s an incredible amount of replacement & custom parts to choose from. This might be the perfect 1911 for new shooters or shooters who are new to John Browning’s masterpiece.
Players in the National Felons League go only an average of seven days between a member being arrested for…..whatever: drugs, assault, gun charges, domestic violence, murder.
Where do I go to protest the NFL’s ongoing assault on America?
Pretty EZ to skip football if you’re a Bears fan. Die NFL…
Am I the first?
Anybody else notice, they talk loudest about “compromise” when we’re starting to get some “consensus?” We all start agreeing that making it a bit harder for whack jobs to shoot up churches and schools would be a good thing, and they go right to “Y’all gotta compromise, just a little, and just make all y’all’s guns shoot slower.”
It’s like it isn’t about winning, it’s about beating (down) us.
The thing on comments it only an opini simply saying I coulda have bought a fancy spancy we’ll know name ie. Smith. Colt, even ones Mfg in Ga. but I buy a gun for simple protections. Care for brand names the problem with America is we are name driven. I could care less who mfg the Gun as long as it meets my requirements simply put when I load shoot and the bullet come out the end of the barrel and then the gun has done what it is supposed to do. The GUN IS PERFECT. in happy with the gun end of story. Worth to money.