This is becoming more of a problem every day . . . Patients must choose: Medical marijuana or gun ownership
The town drunk can buy firearms. So can someone who has been involuntarily placed in a mental hospital for a short stay. But anyone who wants to treat their Crohn’s disease with medical marijuana is forbidden from owning a gun.
OK, so author Sam Wood got that part about the involuntary commitment wrong (the ATF’s form 4473 doesn’t make exceptions for a short length of stay) no matter what a single court may say. Expecting mainstream media outlets like the Philadelphia Inquirer to get all their facts right in a piece bout firearms is probably asking a little much. Anyway . . .
Pennsylvania is preparing to roll out a statewide program in early 2018 that will provide medicinal cannabis products to patients suffering from 17 serious health conditions.
But some sick people will have to make a difficult decision: Is taking the medicine worth surrendering what gun-owning advocates see as an enshrined constitutional right.
You shouldn’t have to make that choice. But you do. Despite 29 states having legalized medical use of marijuana. So far.
(U)nder federal law, all forms of marijuana remain strictly forbidden. The DEA considers it a Schedule 1 drug, on par with heroin and LSD, with “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.”
The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives regulates the sale and ownership of guns and ammunition across the nation. ATF spokeswoman Cherie R. Duval-Jones said any use of marijuana is a disqualifier.
“There are no exceptions in federal law for marijuana purportedly used for medicinal purposes, even if such use is sanctioned by state law,” said Duvall-Jones.
Maybe users are planning to lie on their 4473 forms, but . . .
In Pennsylvania, firearms dealers must conduct a background check on each customer. A registry, administered by the state police, identifies medical marijuana patients.
“If you’re a card holder, you’ll be flagged,” said state police spokesman Ryan Tarkowski.
And don’t think that holding onto any firearms you already owned before qualifying for medical marijuana is OK. Certainly not in the Keystone State. Or other states such as Hawaii.
The state police spokesman strongly suggested that patients consider the consequences of holding onto their weapons.
“It’s unlawful to keep possession of firearms obtained prior to registering,” (state police spokesman Ryan) Tarkowski said. “The Pennsylvania State Police is not in the business of offering legal advice, but it might be a good idea to contact an attorney about how best to dispose of their firearms.”
It will take federal legislation to change the prohibition on gun possession by medical (let alone recreational) marijuana users. And while a proposal to do that has been kicking around Congress for years, don’t expect any movement on it any time soon.
When I left my comment yesterday there were 60 something others. I follow the link today and there are zero comments. Shenanigans?
Hmmm…what angle should I try on the drop test?
How about this. Given the number of concealed carriers has risen from 4 million to almost 15, is it possible the increase is due to not checking the gun correctly or the tsa sometimes confiscating a pretty gun just because?
That man is black in all the right places.
Guns are in the constitution, pot isn’t!
As mentioned get high without the gubmint. Don’t involve the feds. Has EVERYONE reading this ALWAYS been 100% truthful on their tax returns?!?
Just let folks carry on the plane. Given the ultra low crime rate of CCW permit holders it makes sense. They aren’t going to wig out and shoot up the plane.
It’d be like having thousands of extra Air Marshals. And the bullet causing the plane to rip apart and suck people out is a myth.
See? Saying Merry Christmas with a stack of Visa Gift Cards is NOT lazy and inconsiderate.
I wonder if a caliber change is as simple as a fore end swap? Fingers crossed!!!! Ruger would make a killing.
Wanna cure cancer? This would help. Instead of taking the time get out the cleaning supplies, do the cleaning, clean up after the cleaning, and put everything away, you put one of these in, pull the trigger, boom, you’re done, in a few seconds. Now you have more time to research cures for cancer, or to make some more money to donate to someone who will, or to do something to help prevent cancer in yourself. It’s simple economics. Go read Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. Technology is a win-win, everybody benefits. I need it in 20-gauge.
The owner’s manual for the RPR is already up on Ruger’s website. I was thinking about building a 10/22 with a chassis, but this at less than $500 would be cheaper than cobbing together the components.
For the 10/22: $200 for 10/22; $250 for 10/22 chassis, grip, buttstock, forend; $30 for MOA rail, and $70 for trigger work would make the 10/22 project a $550 rifle (without a barrel upgrade) , where this RPR would come in around $400-$450 with a barrel already threaded for a suppressor and a trigger to adjust to 2.5lbs.
This seems to have a better barrel lock-up system, and with the handguard is free floated. I think I’ve made my decision.
That’s a big supressor…compensating much?
The Constitution does not apply in socialist territory. We are one vote away from being all socialist territory. A Socialist Republic will not be bound by The Constitution or any other laws, rights, freedoms that we once had.
Sadly, I was one of those idiots. Long story short my 10 year old had a friend coming over to play unannounced. I had my CCW out. Instead of putting it away properly I shoved it in my work bag.
The next day I got a last minute call to fly for work. You can guess the rest.
FBI confiscated the gun. Received a $500 fine, lost TSA PreCheck and have a federal firearm offense against me.
During the day of court there were 6 other idiots like myself who had a very similar story.
So the question boils down to , do the police have the right to search you because you are doing nothing illegal?
The answer is no!
Here is a rough draft of what i am submitting. feel free to cut paste and edit as you see fit for your submissions
In the wake of the mass killing in Las Vegas many people have come out in favor of banning a firearm accessory known as a “bump fire” stock. I cannot state this clearly and forcefully enough. I am NOT now, NEVER have been, and doubt I ever will be, in favor of any form of legislation or regulation that infringes on a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms. I served in the military and swore an oath to support and defend the constitution of the united states. The Constitution was conceived of to protect the peoples liberties from the government, not to provide a “right to safety” despite what many people seem to believe. It is impossible to legislate or regulate away the evil in a person’s mind or heart, and attempt to do so are futile. You cannot disarm or disable those who would do harm to others, only those who would be law abiding citizens. The killer in Las Vegas broke the law against murder 58 times, and committed countless other crimes, during his attack. Evidence at this point seems to indicate he intended to continue doing so should he have survived and escaped. None of the laws against killing his fellow men and women stopped him.
The questions the government has asked deal with commercial transactions, and have no bearing on the definition of machinegun (“The NFA defines “machinegun” as any weapon which: “shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.” The term also includes “the frame or receiver of any such weapon, any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, and any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person.” 26 U.S.C. 5845(b).”) The device in question does not meet this statutory burden, as determined by the ATF previously, and attempting to regulate it into a machinegun on the basis of commercial transactions steps far outside of the regulatory authority of the agency.
This device makes it easier to repeatedly engage the action of a firearm. Many other devices perform the same function, such as light pressure triggers (3lb vs 10lb pistol triggers for example), or replacement springs on bolt action rifles (Lee Enfield rifles come immediately to mind). Simple training can achieve the same results. If these get re-regulated as machineguns none of them are on the machinegun registry. Which means every single one that has been sold becomes an automatic felony, in effect turning this regulation into an ex post facto law. These laws are prohibited by Article I, Section 10, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution.
completely random note: as of 1000 on 12-30-2017 none of the commentsw seem to be available for veiwing
Medical marijuana cards are a joke. Yes, you are legal to buy from a grower but that grower will sell to anyone. I’ve seen it personally.
I don’t smoke and don’t really care what others do. You want to smoke and own a firearm? More power to you. I know the people I shoot with don’t and that’s all I need to know.
“Officers who patrol dangerous neighborhoods, where people carry guns and use them in crimes, need to be armed themselves. But officers who patrol bucolic campuses where very little crime and even less violence occurs —campuses like SUNY Adirondack’s — don’t need the capacity to kill.”
^ This is just too stupid for words.
Yesterday I was searching for a word to describe the mentality of Mr. Doolittle. After a lot of hard work and help from other TTaG commenters, I decided upon the description, “delusional quixotic idealism”. That term describes Mr. Doolittle.
The rest of us, who operate in the real world, will be armed, thank you very much.
“There’s No Need for College Campus Police to be Armed…”
That’s true, until it’s not.
99.9% of the time it’s true. How much do we care about the .1%? If the .1% happens, will the same people that don’t care about it today suddenly start caring and wanting to write “common sense gun control” laws that won’t do anything?
I think MecGar makes most of them…
Glock makes some…..
Walther made some ……
No off Brand crap…..not worth it to have cheap mags
Nixon included marijuana in his anti drug law and war on drugs because the people that smoked it did not like him(he also open up China-which has ruined our economy).
I stopped using pot when I was about 25 or so, because I witnessed someone pull a gun and rob someone for a $10 bag of pot.
I did not own firearms at the time, but that made pot serious business(as far as I was concerned) and it just wasn’t worth it.
Apparently, the man-child has been a habitual swatter. He needs 25-30 years in the Kansas State prison to come to his senses.
I hope that loser spends the next 40 years in a medium security prison.
Secondly, I live on a large property my driveway is two hundred yards long; I’ve lived there for five years NOBODY has EVER come up my driveway to the house (Except UPS If I’m expecting a delivery). IF I hear knocking/banging on my door at night, There’s a 99.9999% chance I will be armed If it’s the police/swat/atf or whatever I’m gong to die for no reason but being prudent trying protecting my family. What do you do? MR govt. Thug drunk on power kicks my F***ing door down in the night……….Our rights are paper thin. The tree of liberty is withering, most rather be comfortable……………..
If Obama had a son, he would look like Tyler Barriss. (Seriously, he looks more like Obama than the average thug does.)
It is interesting that no one has gotten into trouble misusing their pistols. It clearly defines a pistol as a firearm designed to be used with one hand. Acording to the same logic if you use two hands to fire your pistol you are altering the design intent and in violation of the decried use.
Effing GD Yankee bastards.
“OK, so author Sam Wood got that part about the involuntary commitment wrong”
No, he got it right — he said “placed”, not “committed”. There’s a big difference. Being placed involuntarily has nothing to do with the courts; it can be a 48-hour hold if the police think you’re suicidal, for example. Commitment is when you’ve been adjudicated mentally ill, i.e. some medical yahoo drug you to court and got the judge to lock you up for treatment.
I have seen both carbine and rifle used to describe this firearm. It is one or the other, not both. And paying $1,599.00 for an AR-15, especially these days, doesn’t seem very wise to me.
Happy 2018 from AU.
I hope your year is better than ours.
A number of posters here seem to agree with individuals being forced to choose between medical freedom and going to public/private schools. We are own worst enemy.
How about some consequences for the cop who killed an innocent, unarmed man based on what was basically an anonymous phone call. If this is an example of the way we can expect interactions with the police to go then perhaps all citizens should take steps to protect ourselves from a fearful, incompetent police community.
I call bullshit.
I can admit that there is a legitimate reason for manning an maintaining SWAT teams. However, I see no reason why every little po-dunk city police force needs one. The same goes for Explosive Ordnance Disposal.
If there is a legitimate need for SWAT it should be maintained at the County Level. (possibly State level for those Eastern-seaboard states that are smaller than counties). If the boys in blue get in trouble they can call the guys in khaki.
At least Sheriffs are elected. Police departments generally don’t answer to anyone.
A squirrel = defensive gun use? Seriously?