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Gun Rights Policy Conference: Random Thoughts About Buildings and Food

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I’m not a very good public speaker. I tend to get a little . . . carried away. “You need to smile,” a random audience member told me after my tub-thumping speech on “Breaking the Establishment Media’s Stranglehold.” “You look so sad and angry,” she added. To which I replied “I AM sad and angry.” Hey, they spelled my name wrong. And I’m not that sad. As I told the conferees, there is no establishment media stranglehold. At best it’s an increasingly ineffective chokehold that looks more and more like a pro wrestling move every day. I’m glad to be doing what I can to nurture America’s resurgent gun culture. Even if it means . . .

Watching a beautiful woman in high heels shoot a rhinoceros. It was so wrong on so many levels—including the fact that I was gob-smacked while standing next to her loving husband (not shown). Even stranger: I had almost as much lust in my heart for the Laser Shot simulator.

Let’s face it: the Second Amendment Foundation’s 2012 Gun Rights Policy Conference was way short on guns and babes. Or anyone under 55. Or people of color. But there were notable exceptions.

Last night, I made some major inroads on a bottle of Stoli with an African American gun rights advocate at the Hyatt bar. Michael Moore set me straight on Chicagoland’s seemingly interminable march towards concealed carry. “It’s gonna happen,” he insisted. “We have right on our side.”

Also in attendance: Bobbie K. Ross. The African-American lawyer is inflicting her Valley Girl inflections on the American Bar Association’s Second Amendment Civil Rights Litigation Subcommittee. Which didn’t exist until she made it so.

It may be time for me to rethink my prejudice against pro-2A OFWGs. Especially after one of speakers asked “How many of you are at your first Gun Rights Policy Conference?” About three-quarters of the attendees raised their hands—despite obvious signs of arthritis.

Unless the 10-minute speaker’s rule is a new development, we can rule out the theory that the newbies replaced folks who died of boredom. So what we have here is a genuine gun rights movement, populated by passionate people who have plenty of time on their hands. And a few miles under their (straining) belt.

I reckon things are changing. Check out the camera crews above, complete with a YFWG and diversity. They were trawling for sound bites from George Zimmerman’s attorney Mark O’Mara, whose speech was to the mainstream media’s twenty-second attention span what the Titanic was to maritime safety.

Never mind, ’cause TTAG already tagged and bagged him in the hallways. See what I mean about mainstream media’s stranglehold? We’re harder, better, stronger, faster. Or is that stronger, better, faster?

Definitely faster. And we can report O’Mara’s rant on about Stand Your Ground technicalities (and refusal to say anything about George’s case) from a “proper” gun rights perspective. Oh, here’s the thing about that: O’Mara is not a gun rights guy.

“It may not please you but the Second Amendment has already been amended,” O’Mara opined. “We have the right to keep and bear arms reasonably . . . It’s reasonable to create laws that keep guns away from felons and kids.”

No. No it’s not. A point I made during my rant. As well as highlighting the fact that we, Americans seeking to fully restore our Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms, now have the motive, means and opportunity to counter arguments against our position. We can be heard.

And it’s true: we’re winning, In the courts, in the media and, slowly but surely, in the culture. Not to mention the fourth floor of the Orlando Airport Hyatt Hotel. Which serves food so good it could hold my attention even if Elene Symeonides was sitting across the room. In theory. Anyway . . .

I won’t go into all the details, but Project Appleseed emerged triumphant in their fight to display an actual honest-to-God rifle in a room overlooking the TSA’s 4th amendment defilement. How great is that? FWIW, it makes me happy.


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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

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