pro-gun protest sign

By Lee Williams 

When Gov. Ron DeSantis signs HB 543: Concealed Carry of Weapons and Firearms Without a License into law, few Floridians will even notice. The sun will continue to shine. The citrus won’t fall off the trees, and the streets most certainly will not run red with blood. 

The legislation . . .

Authorizes person to carry concealed weapon or concealed firearm if he or she is licensed to do so or meets specified requirements; requires person who is carrying concealed weapon or concealed firearm without license to carry identification & display upon demand by law enforcement; prohibits person who is carrying concealed weapon or concealed firearm without license from carrying such weapon or firearm in specified locations; authorizes nonresident to carry concealed weapon or concealed firearm in this state if he or she meets same requirements as resident; provides person authorized to carry concealed weapon or concealed firearm without license is subject to specified penalties for possessing such weapon or firearm at school-sponsored event or on school property.

HB 543 was just introduced this week, yet it’s already creating confusion because of comparisons to constitutional carry. 

Twenty-five states have already passed constitutional carry, which is usually defined as unlicensed or permitless carry, in which law-abiding gun owners can decide for themselves whether to carry a defensive firearm openly or concealed. 

HB 543 accomplishes half of that. There is no longer a training or licensing requirement, but there is no open-carry option. The bill requires firearms to be carried concealed, which has led to some debate about what to call the legislation. Is it constitutional carry? Is it unlicensed carry? Is it something else? 

What can’t be debated is that HB 543 is the single largest expansion of gun rights in Florida since 1987 when “shall-issue” concealed carry permitting was introduced in the state. The bill removes the need to obtain a permission slip from the government before carrying a defensive firearm.

Tactical concealed carry purse off body
Courtesy Tactica

For law-abiding Floridians, this is a major restoration of their civil rights. They no longer will need to submit to fingerprinting, mug shots, and background checks, like a common criminal, before bending a knee and begging the state to sell them back some of their constitutional rights for $97. 

To be clear, pro-gun advocacy isn’t going to stop once Gov. DeSantis signs the bill. There will still be much work to be done. Floridians will need an open-carry option, since carrying a firearm openly is exactly what the Framers had in mind when they wrote the Second Amendment. Open carry is the bearing part of our right to keep and bear arms. Anything less is an infringement.

The remnants of the Parkland bill still need to be cleaned up, too. The gun rights of 18-20-year-olds need to be restored, and Red Flag laws – which are patently unconstitutional – need to be repealed. 

False narratives 

Much of the media’s angst toward HB 543 has been focused on the removal of the training requirement, even though that mandate likely would never have passed strict constitutional muster. After all, the government doesn’t require training before entering a voting booth or a house of worship. 

As a result, some anti-gun journalists (BIRM) have labeled the bill “untrained carry,” which couldn’t be further from the truth. Floridians understand that carrying a defensive firearm is a heady responsibility, and many seek out professional training long before ever holstering a handgun. 

By far the single most laughable claim is that the bill will make it easier for criminals to carry concealed arms, as if there are gangs of unarmed thugs waiting patiently in their seedy lairs for the governor’s signature on the bill, so they can finally carry guns without breaking the law. Criminals have never cared about gun laws and they never will. 

The media conveniently forgets this is nothing new. It has all been done before. Constitutional carry, unlicensed carry or whatever you prefer to call it, is already the law of the land in half of the country. The horrors that these pundits predict will befall Florida haven’t happened in 25 states. Far from it. However, the biggest sin committed by these doomsday prognosticators is what they aren’t saying. 

HB 543 will save lives, which is something not one of the cable TV news actors has ever mentioned. The bill allows law-abiding people to legally arm themselves right now, without waiting for a license to be processed and approved.

This immediacy likely would have saved Cassie Carlie, who was last seen alive March 27, 2022 in the parking lot of a restaurant in Navarre, Florida meeting with her boyfriend who was the father of her 4-year-old daughter. Carli’s body was found two weeks later in a barn in Alabama, buried in a shallow grave. Her boyfriend was arrested and charged with her murder. 

During the weeks preceding her death, Carli expressed concern about her personal safety, her family said. She was afraid of her boyfriend and likely sensed something was wrong.

She planned to apply for a Florida concealed-carry license, but was never able to complete the lengthy process. HB 543 would have allowed the 37-year-old single mom to legally arm herself without waiting for a government permission slip, and could have saved her life. 

That’s the real benefit of this bill. It’s a lifesaver. It makes it easier for good men and women to defend themselves. Marine, author and legendary trainer, Col. Jeff Cooper, said it best: 

The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.

Since HB 543 does not allow for the carry of rifles, the good men and women of the Sunshine State will have to issue their corrections with pistols. HB 543 allows them to do just that, without anyone’s permission. 


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.


  1. Yeah, I remember that shit from 1987. I had already had a couple of DGU before and after FL CCW. Then I was exempt from CCW for 25 years. I’m supposed to be able to carry legally carry in all 50 states now. If I comply with a couple of regulations. I carry a loaded firearm everywhere I go. I do not comply with any government regulations.

    • I carry everyplace where I am not subject to search/metal detectors and the law be damned.

      • Casinos are becoming big on metal detectors. I’m talking the local places that are in decent suburbs by airports. Some of them have it set up like some courthouses, you turn the corner and bam, metal detector. You expect it at a courthouse but in the suburbs of Chicago? I never cared about a permit when I owned a business in Chicago and either did the Chicago cops.
        When I was able to get a permit I was very comfortable about carrying already but now I’m legal. Whoopee!
        The casinos are still a big no go, they have 100% legal signage.
        A lot of places have don’t have legal signage so you can just ignore it.
        The law is a two way street.

        • You expect it at a courthouse but in the suburbs of Chicago?

          I’d expect it anywhere that has 2600 shootings and 700 gun related homicides in a year…

        • The suburb is Des Plaines and the Rosemont PD is 500 feet away. Other then the occasional drunk/Po’ed gambler there is not much real violence there. If you set the detector off then it’s pocket dump and then a wanding.

          There are also 2-3 gaming board agents who are Illinois State Police who pulled the cushy jobs roaming the floor 24/7. They are all armed.
          If I could blame it on Chicago I would but most of the “gamblers” at the Des Plaines casino are tourists. There are a lot of convention centers and hotels around that casino. Waukegan, Illinois is opening a casino and that place should be a hoot, I would be in shock if they didn’t have detectors.

          Gary Indiana had two casinos and another was a mile away in East Chicago. There were no shootings at any of the three of them. Gary Indiana had the name: “Murder capital of the world” in 1994 and they opened the casinos in 1996. They got rid of the two “boat” casinos and built one on land.
          No metal detectors and usually no armed gaming board agents.

          I expect a metal detector at any courthouse but I used to go to Vegas at least twice a year. One trade show in the winter and a summer fun visit. When they started with resort fees and then when they stopped waving resort fees, I stopped going.

          Even in the shadiest/seediest casino in downtown Vegas (the El Cortez) and the OLD Binion’s Horseshoe (where you had to wade through 2″ of piss in the bathrooms never had metal detectors. Now on weekends just to get on Fremont Street you have to go through a metal detector.

          Time are changing, they used to just have cops on bikes in downtown LV.

    • Gadsden Flag, You said, “I carry a loaded firearm everywhere I go. I do not comply with any government regulations,” and We Shoot Commies, you said, “I carry everyplace where I am not subject to search/metal detectors and the law be damned.”

      What you described is a felony in 25 states, illegal possession of a deadly weapon, and if caught, you’ll not only go to prison, but you’ll also lose your gun rights for life! In my state, illegal possession of a gun has a mandatory minimum of, IIRC, ten years in prison (plus losing your gun rights for life).

      Here in the People’s Republic of New Jersey, if you have even one hollow-point bullet in the trunk of your car, it’s a felony (which has led to crooked cops sometimes planting hollow-point bullets in the cars of out-of-state drivers , so it’s best to stay the hell out of New Jersey. It’s a shithole state here).

      Your comments also sound like an answer to “Tell me you’re white without saying you’re white,” because black people know that if THEY get caught with an illegal gun (or even a LEGAL gun with a CCW permit, like Philando Castile), before they get sent to prison, they’ll be beaten and/or shot by the cops and be lucky to survive. If someone is black and carrying an illegal gun the way you described, cops will shoot them first and ask questions later (and if they survive, they’re looking at years in prison after they recover from your wounds and get out of the hospital).

      Heck, even when they’re carrying their CCW permit, blacks still get killed by cops for telling the cop at a traffic stop that they have a concealed carry permit! Remember Philando Castile, who got stopped by a very nervous trigger-happy cop and as soon as he said he had a CCW permit, the cop shot him dead in his car in front of his girlfriend and four-year-old daughter. See

      • There are a lot of folks that do not live in places like the Peoples Republic of New Jersey. In FL businesses can put up all the signs they like but none have the weight of law, the state designates establishments whose sole business is serving alcohol, areas where alcohol is served in restaurants, courthouses etc. the only ammo that is prohibited is steel core armor penetrating and I’m not aware of open season on black gun owners in this state…

      • Carrying concealed on your person without a CWP here in South Carolina is a misdemeanor for first offense. Of course everyone may carry in their vehicle locked and loaded without a CWP.

        Went out of New Jersey on a cruise to Bermuda once. I’ve been to NYC several times also. It always amazes me that people choose to live like that. Stacked like a cord of wood. No thank you and keep those people up there with their effed up gun laws that only hurt innocent people.

      • Felony be damned. Someone is going to get busted, convicted, and appeal through the system, and finally get to the Supreme Court. And, the conviction will be overturned, with the offending laws stricken down. It’s just a matter of time.

  2. “By far the single most laughable claim is that the bill will make it easier for criminals to carry concealed arms,”

    I have not read this bill, but I would bet my left nut that it does not authorize convicted criminals to carry.

    Besides, with Soros DA’s letting them out of jail free it’s easy enough for criminals to carry anyway.

    • Its almost like when LE has to detain someone and they find they’re armed they check their background to see if they’re prohibited from possessing a firearm. These people are NPCs…..

    • the MOST laughable claim is that citrus will fall from the trees, not enough citrus trees left in FL to worry about that…

    • I copied this to paste and say pretty much the same thing. I would love to ask some idiot rep what was holding off the criminal from their concealed weapons before? I hate these people!

    • Going through the process initially is somewhat of an effort, though I wouldn’t describe it as lengthy or onerous. I was able to go to the local Dept of Agriculture office, have my background check run and electronically fingerprinted all in one visit.

      • A CCW is pretty painless in Florida. I remember when my son applied. It arrived a couple of weeks later.

        • In Illinois you take the IL class which is 16 hours over two days and then you can apply for other CCWs like out of state Florida.They take electronic fingerprints. I want say that the Utah out of state is actual ink prints. You end up paying more for the printing and out of state fees then you do for the Illinois class plus you get to watch 16 hours of Massad Ayoob’s “Judicious Use Of Deadly Force” from 1990 and a bunch of come-on’s for concealed carry insurance and lock boxes. The 5 year refresher is 2 hours of pretty much common sense stuff and changes to the laws. Then you get to qualify on a range which is 70% at 5 yards, 7 yards, and 10 yards. 7 hits minimum out of 10. It’s been a while since I did the 16 hour and I did the refresher six months ago and got my new CCW in December. January 11th the governor
          signed a bill which took away my EDC, 15 round magazines tops and my EDC was 16. Anyway I have four CCWs which cover the most states possible but other then my Illinois three are put away, I don’t jet around the country anymore.

    • My renewal was 47 bucks, took a selfie with the iPhone, did it all through their website, good for 7 years…

      • “plus you get to watch 16 hours of Massad Ayoob’s “Judicious Use Of Deadly Force” from 1990 and a bunch of come-on’s for concealed carry insurance and lock boxes.”
        You’re effing kidding me!

        • muckraker,
          I wish I was but that was the first CCW and they have to fill the two day 16 hour course threshold. Plus when they introduced concealed carry in Illinois a big part of the class was selling BS that you really didn’t need. At first there were a bunch of people who were teaching classes, that has dwindled quite a bit.

          The range qualification is a sick joke for anyone who is familiar with shooting a gun on a range, 7 (out of 10) hits on a B27 silhouette target at 15, 21 and 30 feet (21/30)? A B27 target is 24″ x 45″. It’s really something that could be done with your eyes closed.

          Anyway the boring class satisfies the need for the Florida non resident permit which adds a few states. The two hour refresher class is basically just a 2 hour BS fest. The state fee is $153 for the CCW and the class was $40 for the refresher.

          Anyway in response to MADDMAXX I find Florida in general to be a hole. I consider it the hot and humid armpit of the USA but I don’t have to deal with it. They take my money and it adds a few states that I can carry in.

        • I find Florida in general to be a hole.

          Ohhhh, you hurt my feelings, how will I ever get to sleep tonight…..

        • I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, I have been to Florida four times and just found it to be over hyped. I grew up in Chicago, used to have four seasons, one of which is extremely cold. Used to it, It was -10 a few nights ago. Was out and about at 5AM but my car has great heat.

          Florida is hot and I can deal with that, been to Vegas when it was 112 and it wasn’t unbearable. Florida 95 plus the humidity is no fun at all. I would also say that Vegas has become the quite the hole, the crime is through the roof, they are running out of water plus I’m getting older.

          20-25 years ago you bet $50-$100 and the casinos asked you want you wanted. Now if you bet the same, you have to ask them for comps and that’s just wrong. They started that resort fee nonsense and at first they waived it. You had a host who took care of you. Now it’s crime central, the strip is woke and anything you wanted was comped, I never paid for food or even a suite.
          Now it’s bad games with messed up rules, attitude from casinos and a bunch of drunken bums. It’s a dying hole plus you pay for everything.

          Done the Disney, Sea World thing and couldn’t wait to get out of there. Have friends down there who were pretty normal up here who sit around and get drunk all day. They retired early to become alcoholics. Had a aunt and cousin that lived there, both now dead, worse vacation ever. My friends parents had a condo in Clearwater when we in our early 20’s, I had no idea it was the headquarters for Scientology.

          Anyway four visits and no fun but the Florida CCW adds other states to where I can carry and the Illinois class covers the time, you just have to add prints and the fee. It’s more money but you gain some states.

        • I’m not trying to hurt your feelings,

          Guess you are not familiar with sarcasm… I really don’t care what you or anyone else thinks of FL. If you come to FL just for all the touristy BS that’s too bad, I’m here because I still enjoy riding my motorcycle and the thought of having to lock it up for four or five months out of the year is unacceptable to me, I also have a home in Southwestern VA where I spend the HOT months. We all have our own reasons for being for we are but if you are trying to present Illinois as the state of perfection, I might have to go into my experiences with the Illinois Kommie DOT and State Police as a long-haul trucker and the ass deep snow I’ve had to plow through up there because they didn’t maintain their roads, but I’m pretty sure you’re not trying to do that, so I’ll just end with Illinois the home of Chicago…

        • I’m not defending Illinois and especially not Chicago. Illinois sucks, the crime from Chicago is spilling out into the suburbs and a ISP trooper by Rockford is the only cop that ever lied to my face and then gave me a ticket for 6 mph over. I have had many cops lie to me but then they gave me a warning and that was that.

          To get supervision I had to drive back to Rockford and go to driving school. I could do it online but I would have to pay for the online class AND the one in Rockford plus the cost of the ticket. 15 years ago that added up to $300 for 6 mph over. No sarcasm and no love for the state police, the state or Chicago. I am going to a big hit on my house to get of this hole of a state.

          This no longer the state I was born in, grew up in and settled in. I know that any state will accept my Illinois permit as proof for their permit, Wisconsin comes to mind. Truth be told I will probably move to Indiana or Iowa especially after the a hole governor pulled his nonsense but OTOH I don’t see it holding up after everyone and his mother sues.

          I thought he might pull some nonsense but I just threw a lot of money into my house because he had 4 years to go after the 2A and all he really did was go after the FFLs and not much else. Why should I take a big hit because a bunch of Karens had their parade ruined? I hope the Bs backfires and we get rid of the FOID and then I’ll stay. I know I will vote for a different sheriff the next election though, I thought the guy was weak but I didn’t think he would fold.

          Illinois is FAR from the state of perfection but I think the governor overplayed his hand and it could actually help the 2A cause. He’ll be gone next year, the egomaniac thinks he can run for POTUS or replace Kampala. Yes the roads suck but he did double the gas tax but the one thing he ignores is the bridge on I-80 that crosses the Des Plaines river in Joliet is ready to collapse. He also raised the price plates. Tax this, tax that but that’s the entire USA.

          My entire point was metal detectors are popping up at casinos, it’s here and in Vegas. We have no beef, I do pay for a Florida CCW and that adds to your tax base. I like Desantis and would love to see him as the next POTUS if he chooses to run. I’ll vote for him in a second and maybe the USA can return to some form of sanity.

        • Rob S, Oh, I see. The facts are out. You accuse a police officer of lying because you were doing 6 miles over the limit. Here’s a hint. You broke the law. If you only went six miles over the limit, you would not have had to go to Driving School. And what number offense was it? How many points were already on your license? Accept the fact that you were WRONG!

        • Walter E Beverly III,

          While I shouldn’t reply to a stalker I fully admit and admitted I was going 6 mph over. The ISP lied because he stated that if my record was clean (we don’t do points in Illinois) that he would write me a warning. My record was and still is spotless so there’s that and ANY moving violation goes on said driving record and then your insurance rates go up.

          Was I wrong? No. The convoy of boats was going 5 mph under on a two lane highway, it was early in the morning and I was actually going through Illinois from Minneapolis to LaPorte County, Indiana on business and didn’t have time to mess with a long convoy of small boats going UNDER the speed limit 15 years ago.

          Regarding our last conversation you wondered why I had an attorney on retainer. It’s because my garage is bigger then your house and some morbidly obese man such as yourself would love to fall out their service van and on to a car that costs more then your house. Go eat, you look hungry.
          “I’m a NRA range safety officer.” OK Yoda, go call dacian a DUNDERHEAD, that’s about all you contribute to this forum but don’t follow my posts from days ago and make just idiotic comments. You accused me of calling you names as I recall but I don’t believe that I did.

          Buh Bye

        • Rob S, ROFLMAOBT! I’m not surprised that your beloved State of Ill doesn’t have points system. Seems that most states do. There is also something called the ‘Interstate Compact” regarding drivers. Kind of shows how backward that ‘progressive state” really is. If the ISP officer said your record was blemished, I am more than sure it was.
          You are the ONLY person I know of who “thinks” that going over the speed limit isn’t speeding. You’re A joke on wheels.
          With your ‘tude, I am not surprised that you would have an attorney on retainer. To check out whether or not i AM A CRSO or an NRA certified instructor, it is rather easy to check. But maybe you should have your “attorney” do it for you?
          You did resort to name calling. But then the lies seem to flow from your fingers like water over a dam. Calling me “morbidly obese” is not name calling? On what planet? I am sure you think anyone who is even a lb over weight is “morbidly obese.” Time for your nappy, boy?

        • ROFLMAOBT?
          You are easily amused but I doubt your floors could take the weight.

          “If the ISP officer said your record was blemished, I am more than sure it was.”

          He said I my record was clean BUT there is a section of Rockford called the bypass where he said he had to write the ticket because it was so dangerous and BTW Illinois uses the LEADS system. Since he said he would issue a warning if my record was clean he lied, end of story. The $300 for 6 mph over was a principle thing, he was probably looking for a bribe.
          This was 15 years ago and a distant memory but you weren’t even part of the conversation, you just decided to add your opinion and I don’t care.

          He was later hit in about 2013 on the roadside by a SUV filling his quota, It made the papers and local news. That’s called Karma. I consider speeding to be when I am going 207mph and know my exits. 55mph on the the bypass, cruise control set, it’s one of the biggest speed traps in the state as I found out. I drive through Rockford because it’s a hole like where you live, do some landscaping for that shack.

          What exactly is wrong with you? I don’t care what you are or think you are. You have a social media profile and you are easily over 450lbs and live in a 70K house that’s a dump. That over 450lbs makes you morbidly obese. I don’t care what you are and am not going to run you through LexisNexis to find out. You are basically some kind of weird stalker who loves to pile on dacians or Miners idiotic posts. That’s all I know about you and care to. I know my wife could easily kick your ass and that’s about all I need to know.
          I don’t care about you, you almost seem like an old, fat homosexual.
          I don’t care about CRSO or NRA nonsense but you don’t seem to comprehend, the NRA is done. Do you write Wayne letters? I don’t care.

          Go eat and take your insulin.

        • ROFLMAOBT?

          You are easily amused but I doubt your floors could take the weight plus I actually had to up what that meant, it seems to be a blogger thing.

          “If the ISP officer said your record was blemished, I am more than sure it was.”

          He said my record was clean BUT there is a section of Rockford called the bypass where he said he had to write the ticket because it was so dangerous and BTW Illinois uses the LEADS system. Since he said he would issue a warning if my record was clean he lied, end of story. The $300 for 6 mph over was a principle thing, he was probably looking for a bribe, it’s Illinois.

          This was 15 years ago and a distant memory but you weren’t even part of the conversation, you just decided to add your opinion and I don’t care.

          The ISP cop was later hit in about 2013or 2014 on the roadside by a SUV filling his quota, It made the papers and local news. That’s called Karma. I consider speeding to be when I am going 207mph and know my exits. 55mph on the the bypass, cruise control set, it’s one of the biggest speed traps in the state as I found out. I drive through Rockford because it’s a hole like where you live, do some landscaping for that shack.

          What exactly is wrong with you? I don’t care what you are or think you are. You have a social media profile and you are easily over 450lbs and live in a 70K house that’s a dump. That over 450lbs makes you morbidly obese. I don’t care what you are and am not going to run you through LexisNexis to find out. You are basically some kind of weird stalker who loves to pile on dacians or Miners idiotic posts. That’s all I know about you and care to.
          I don’t care about you, you almost seem like an old, fat and lonely guy who could be a shut in.

          That could be of some help to you but really I DON’T CARE.
          I don’t care about CRSO or NRA nonsense but you don’t seem to comprehend, the NRA is done. Do you write Wayne letters? I DON’T CARE.

          Go eat and take your insulin.

          Buh Bye

        • Rob S, It seems you think that your 6 miles over the limit is no big thing. You even go to try to intimate that the officer was looking for a bribe. It could well be that you are lying about your driving record, but as such are not public record we will never really know. To hear you talk, one would think you walk on water. Seems you think that speeding is no big thing. Well, the National Driver Safety Council disagrees with you. That the State of Ill uses the LEADS system is more proof in my eye that your driving record leaves something not to brag about. When the Judge assessed your fine at $300, was he looking for a bribe too? For a guy who “doesn’t care about my opinion”, you sure have a lot to say. Two whole posts. ROFLMAOBT! That you would say that the officer was hit by that errant driver was something good? You are one very sick puppy. Get help. Your snobbery is overwhelming your ability to exhibit common sense. But as they say, common sense is not common.
          AS to the NRA you can thank them for Heller, McDonald, Bruen and a host of other decisions. But then your problem with the NRA is overwhelming your good sense.
          Never have been on insulin, but it seems you are off your psychotropic meds.
          Get help before you do something really stupid?

        • OK Waldo, ROFLMAOBT!
          Just make stuff up that I didn’t write.
          Judge? National Driver Safety Council?

          Buh Bye

        • Rob S (as in STUPID). Now you are most certainly making yourself out to be one very STUPID liar. You do know what a Judge is? He’s the one that fined you $300 (or so you say). As to the National Drivers Safety Council? You haven’t heard of it? i’ll bet you never took the Defensive Driver’s Course? Hey, if you ever take it, you can get a discount on your car insurance, if you have car insurance.

  3. People who claim this sort of thing makes it easier for felons to carry……do they believe they cannot operate a motor vehicle without a license? Not simply that according to the state they MAY not but that they actually CANnot.

    I can’t relate to this complete lack of reasoning.

    • NTEXAS, I understand, I was a LE firearms instructor for a very long time. However, the Second Amendment doesn’t say anything about training.

      • I think training is great, for people who want training. People who are doing it to check a box on a form will quickly forget everything in the class, and it’ll be like it never happened.

        If you want people to be safe with guns, then encourage a healthy culture around gun ownership, where people can ask questions and learn. Encourage mentoring of young people and new gun owners of all ages.

        Government mandates will do nothing.

  4. Allowing people to carry deadly weapons without prior safety training and also of the laws of their state on when you can and cannot shoot and thorough vetting is asinine and rooted in the usual Far Right Stupidity and paranoia.

    Civilized countries either outlaw concealed carry or have very heavy restrictions and their result was an astronomically lower homicide rate.

    Put a gun in the hand of a naked ape and he will use it for the most trivial of reasons. Road Rage alone is reason enough to severely restrict it.

    Concealed carry causes more homicides that it saves (Europe proved that) because it emboldens psycho’s and bullies and people wishing to be wannabe cops as in the George Zimmerman debacle and later the racist punk Carl Rittenhouse who provoked a fight with protesters by waving an assault rifle in their faces. Two of just thousands of killings that never would have taken place on those two occasions.

    Florida’s new law history has already shown will result in an even bigger bloodbath compared to what they currently have. Again prior history has proven this many times before.

    States that have enacted right-to-carry (RTC) concealed handgun laws have experienced higher rates of violent crime than states that did not adopt those laws, according to a Stanford scholar.

    Handgun in waistband
    Right-to-carry laws are linked with higher violent crime rates according to research by Stanford Law School Professor John Donohue. (Image credit: Ron Bailey / Getty Images)

    Examining decades of crime data, Stanford Law Professor John Donohue’s analysis shows that violent crime in RTC states was estimated to be 13 to 15 percent higher – over a period of 10 years – than it would have been had the state not adopted the law.

    • ahhhh again from dacian even more asinine rooted in the his usual Far left stupidity and paranoia.

    • As usual, dacain, you’re full of it. Who even talks the way you do? You sound like goebbels writes your screeds.

      Your entire comment comes down to one thing. You hate people freely exercising their civil rights. Typical of a fascist.

      No doubt you would have kicked Rosa Parks teeth in if you had been on the bus that day.

    • “Concealed carry causes more homicides that it saves …”

      A lie.

      “Florida’s new law history has already shown will result in an even bigger bloodbath compared to what they currently have.”

      Another lie.

      “States that have enacted right-to-carry (RTC) concealed handgun laws have experienced higher rates of violent crime …”

      Hat trick! Three lies in a row.

      “Examining decades of crime data, Stanford Law Professor John Donohue’s analysis shows that violent crime in RTC states was estimated …”

      Figures lie when liars figure.

      • You forgot one.

        “Carl Rittenhouse who provoked a fight with protesters by waving an assault rifle in their faces”

        Another blatant lie there with scads of video that shows the the real story. Of which, proves Dacian/Vlad/etc/etc the Liar to be the pathologically dishonest shitbag he is.

        • And another one: his name is “Kyle.”

          Seriously, dacian repeats so many lies that even I can’t keep count.

        • Yes, but pointing out the extraordinarily obvious isn’t normally my style.

          Though he doesn’t repeat, he’s only copy/pasting the same inane garbage bereft of fact over and over.

    • dacian the demented dips***,

      Have you booked your flight to Eurotopia, yet???? What are you waiting for??? Like I said, we can’t miss you, if you won’t GO THE F*** AWAY. Leave. Now. Don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya. ‘Bye. Auf wiedersehen. Aloha. Adios. Au revoir. GO THE F*** AWAY.

    • Yep the PRO-NAZI/FASCISTS still earning its “PAY” by being a good “LOYAL BRITISH SUBJECT”!!!!

      Your panties still in a twist!!!!

    • Day-Cee-Anne, have you cleaned your room yet? I swear, I’m going to pull the plug on your electricity, and block your trashy phone from using WIFI!

      Speaking of naked apes, WHAT WAS THAT GOING OUT THE DOOR AT 2:00AM this morning? I couldn’t tell if it was even human, let alone male or female. I know that you have no self respect, but, I don’t want you humping stray animals from the neighborhood. That’s disgusting, and the neighbors talk!

      • Take it easy on David Hogg I mean “Dacian” I mean Ha-Ha-Ha,-HaaarVaard didn’t allow his mommy to tag along and share his room so he’s been keeping “busy” with that other mental case, Jarron Bloshinsky alias “Jazz Jennings”, until their recent breakup or so I hear.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, If nothing else you are predictable. “Dangerous weapons” ? Using your logic, we should have safety before you can purchase a hammer, screwdriver, chain saw, or even a simple kitchen knife?
      Safety is common sense.

    • Doesn’t this loser’s bosses need him to get their balloon back? He can go back to his communist anti-gun flatulence later.

    • For someone who is allegedly oh, so highly educated, yet cannot get Kyle Rittenhouse name right. Did you watch the trial in which Kyle was found “Not guilty?”

    • Ok, show of hands. How many have been convinced to change their opinions based on this pap smear’s blathering posts? None? Ok, now how many have actually waded all the way through one of his blathering posts? Still none?
      Looks like pseudointellectual carp loses again. Why not go back to Huffington Post where your cut and paste skills and overuse of the word “quote” would be more appreciated?

      • 99.9% of the time I skim right past Dacian’s pontificating. The vast majority of his data has been proven wrong too many times to count. The very little he rarely gets right, is open to subjective interpretation, which makes it useless in a debate with anyone.
        So along with Miner and Afbert, the Brits are coming, I usually ignore their vitriol.
        Doing my best to with the occassional lapse when they post something so absurd and divorced from reality that I can’t help but pounce.

  5. there are millions of ordinary law abiding people who carry a firearm every day, without a permit and legally in their constitutional carry states, and with a permit in ‘beg to get your rights issue states’. its pretty likely an anti-gun person has been near or interacted with these gun carriers and never knew it and probably/maybe on some sort of daily basis. And guess what.. the anti-gun person is just fine as are others around them, the gun carrier didn’t shoot them by running around waving a gun while picking out targets on some blood thirsty rampage and still no rivers blood in the streets like anti-gun claims will happen.

    But mention that a person can carry without a permit in a bill or in the media and suddenly the anti-gun people are like “Gasp! No Permit! No Training! Rivers of blood in the streets! I feel unsafe! Help, its Armageddon!”

  6. ahhhh again from dacian even more asinine rooted in the his usual Far left stupidity and paranoia.

    • Speaking of over the target…
      Biden said shoot down the spy balloon over the United States and his general’s said eff you. What a clown show.

      • his general’s said eff you.

        Actually they (General “white rage” Mildred) gave him a sippy cup and told him to go play in the corner…

  7. Training? What training? How ’bout that Dickerson Drill? People who have paid thousands for supposed training can’t do what Dickerson did. As far as I know, the only training Dickerson ever had, was his grandfather taught him to shoot.

    Lemme think about my own training. My stepdad taught me more than even the Navy taught me. Seriously, 8 years in the Navy, and maybe I honed my pre-existing skills a little, but Uncle Sam really didn’t teach me anything.

    We need more fathers, mothers, and grandparents teaching their kids how to handle weapons. By the time government gets around to mandating some kind of training, it’s far too late. The skills should have been learned soon after learning how to ride a bicycle.

    If government wants to be involved in firearms training, they should get involved late in elementary school, or in junior high school.

  8. This is the first step in the right direction. This is not 1791. This is the 21st century. We don’t have the common acceptance for the personal ownership of cannons. We also unfortunately don’t have the wide acceptance for personally armed watercraft. That was widely accepted 200 years ago.

    This is a good 1st step, and it’s better than not having anything at all. If this passes as it’s written, there is nothing wrong with going back for more.

    Getting your rights back is a piecemeal effort. The gun grabbers certainly understand that because they will work in a piecemeal effort to take it away. Bit-by-bit.

    And gun rights people need to learn that we need to get our rights back bit-by-bit.

  9. If you’re not allowed to open carry in Florida after hurricane. Then why can’t you open carry a spear or a bullwhip?
    Or how about open carry a sword or a machete? I would think they sound of a bullwhip being thrown might be a deterrent to some looters.

    I’m sure this sounds ridiculous to most people. But I would certainly try it to see if it would make the looters go away.

    • Between DC v. Heller and Caetano v. Massachusetts, no honest court could uphold a knife ban or ban on less-lethal arms. (At lower court levels, Singas v. Maloney comes to mind.)

      But sadly, honest courts aren’t as common as we’d like. I don’t know anything about KY, but some states still need work there.

      • Sword carry is covered under all weapons carry in Kentucky. Our carry permit is for weapons. Not just guns. I sometimes open and conceal carry a 6.5 in glock survival knife. I’m looking for a longer edge weapon to carry.

  10. ‘The Right to Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed’. All ‘gun control’ laws are designed to limit the rights and freedoms of law-abiding citizens, they do not affect criminals because criminals break any law at will. There were plenty of guns around before we had mass shootings. It isn’t the gun’s fault.

  11. I’ve been a training counselor for the NRA for close to 20 years now. I still believe you can get your permit without having to pay a state fee, but I believe everyone needs to be trained in the proper use and safety of a firearm!!!

    • I have to agree with that totally, but unfortunately, too many people don’t bother, thinking they know it all. We have a few of those types here.

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