Image: Facebook/WXYZ-Detroit

1. Treat Every Camera Phone As If It Were On ‘Photo’ Mode.
2. Never Take A Picture Of Anything You Don’t Want The World To See.
3. Do Not Press ‘Share’ Until You Are Ready To Be Embarrassed.
4. Be Aware Of Who You Share Your Picture With, And That *They* Might Share It With Others.

There are only four rules of selfie safety, and they work for everyone from Bieber-crazy pre-teens and hormonally altered teenagers to drunk frat boys and angry co-workers. They would even work for bank robbers, but only if they paid attention.

But 21 year-old Jules Bahler didn’t. He’s just old enough to own a handgun, and he calls himself ‘King Romeo’ on Facebook. Police believe that King Romeo, originally from Brooklyn, NY, moved to the Detroit area and started knocking over banks in a series of brazen daylight robberies.

He allegedly hit two banks in Pontiac and another in Bay City, stealing about $15,000, and used the money to lay down roots in the Detroit area. He even bought a house with some of the stolen money, but his penchant for armed self-portaiture means he won’t get to see it for a while.

He posted a series of selfies like this one on Facebook after the robberies, and the photos led police directly to him. Uzi carbines are rarely used by criminals, and the Uzi design is so famous that even non-gunnies recognize them instantly. As soon as he hit ‘Share’, King Romeo’s days as a free man were numbered.

I don’t usually hand out advice to criminals, but maybe the ubiquitous GLOCK might have been a better choice for him.


    • The amount of “stupid” that can be delivered from a single “selfie” can be gargantuan. You know, I’ve always liked that word… “gargantuan”… so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence.

  1. They were making fun of this guy on WRIF hardcore the other day. Not as bad as the lady that fired a shot at a McD’s because they forgot her bacon. This town is never short on entertainment.

    • The bacon thing happened in Grand Rapids, unfortunately MI is full of all kinds of stupid, just drive down any metro area road.

  2. I’m in the process of buying a house in Ohio. Last night I spent 5 hours on the phone, after and extensive 3 month long e-mail chain, trying to explain that all the money in my bank account is, in fact, mine. HOW IN THE HELL DID HE BUY A HOUSE WITH STOLEN MONEY?!

      • Then the cost jumps astronomically as the city mandated inspection mandates every little flaw be fixed AND the home be updated to current “New Construction” codes (not the codes that were on the books when the house was built.)

    • If all money had serial numbers, then it could be traced and criminals couldn’t … Oh, wait.

    • He likely spent less than $10,000 cash, which means he didn’t even have to fill out a Currency Transaction Report that goes to the IRS. There is a reporting requirement at $3,000 but those forms are kept by the bank/company being paid.

    • The downpayment alone on my house required three-four months of bank statements and an affadavit signed by myself and my grandmother (and notarized) that the cash gift she gave me for Christmas was not for the downpayment on our house, and none of the funds being set aside for the downpayment came from that gift. In fact, any money going into my bank account that was not part of a direct deposit from my paycheck was questioned.

    • I was thinking the exact same thing. Banks won’t lend when there’s “unseasoned” assets involved in a deal.

    • Peirsonb:
      Your finances are heavily scrutinized if you are applying for a mortgage. Paying cash for real estate is an entirely different sort of transaction.

    • I don’t think you actually have to “buy” a house in Detroit… you just have to pick one out that you like, occupy it and start paying the property tax.

  3. An agent of the FBI told me once that they catch more criminals because of the criminal’s stupidity than because of the FBI’s intelligence.

    • They’d kind of have to. Historically speaking their arrest record would end up in the red….

  4. So nice of criminals to do the work of the police by getting themselves caught… haha!

    I’m intrigued by UZI carbines, but last time I saw one in person, it was jamming like crazy. A guy brought to a “move and shoot” night at the range, and every other round, it was stopping. Not sure if it was more a problem with either the gun, the magazines (he had 32 rounders), or his ammo. Very sad.

    • I,ve owned an Uzi for years; IMI manufacture. Thousands of rounds, not one FTE, not one FTF. The AK of the pistol caliber carbines.

  5. “He’s just old enough to own a handgun…” And old enough for a mandatory 25 year sentance.

    See you when you’re 46, Romeo.

    • Don’t be pessimistic. He’s up on three counts, “two banks in Pontiac and another in Bay City”, which should mean he gets out when he is 96.

      • Don’t be optimistic. This is the American legal system. This moron will be back on the streets in less than ten.

      • Long P. Many states run a sentences together ( box car ), so he could be out in 21 yrs and 4 mo., if they have an 85 % law. But. I’m guessing from experience he will be there for at lest 25.

        • IIRC bank robbery is a federal offense, probably based on the federal interest of protecting Federal Reserve, FDIC insured banks. Federal courts should handle the trial, and federal sentencing rules should apply.
          I suppose the Feds could choose to let state courts handle a trial and imprisonment for bank robbery. It seems that they want to be able to declare anything a “federal matter”, IF they choose (they have that ‘interstate commerce’ rationalization that seems to cover anything they want it to cover).

    • A Public Service Announcement for TTAG Readers:

      The Four Rules for Reading TTAG:
      1) Treat every post as if it is loaded.
      2) Always point your coffee-filled mouth in a safe direction.
      3) Keep your finger off of the mouse button until you are ready to scroll down and read.
      4) Always be sure your screen and keyboard are properly waterproofed, and completely impervious to liquid damage. Make sure other items close by (important papers, pictures of loved ones, your breakfast, etc.) are not in the line of fire.

      Thank you for your attention.

    • Well, it’s not as if he’ll be getting any for the next quarter-century at least, so your wish may well have been (for practical purposes) granted.

  6. Can someone please explain to me why people post pictures of themselves doing stupid/criminal things?

    • It’s nothing more than a 21st century high-tech version of the famous last words, “Hey y’all, watch this!” The internet is just a 24-hour party for those with a desperate need for attention.

    • I recall seeing a recent poll of high school students in which they were asked what their number one goal was in life. It wasn’t making a lot of money, or finding love, or having a successful career, or serving their country.

      The most popular goal (by far) was being famous.

      • That explains a lot of the “mass shootings”. One wacko gets his name and face all over the media, then thousands of copycats think “I could do something like that and be famous too”.

        • So by not publishing their name/face many would be discouraged?

          You know that feeling when you have been saying something for years and you get it confirmed? Having that now.

        • Neither you nor I were the first nor the last to think or say it.
          Maybe someday the profession of journalism will adopt a policy of not giving these psychos the fame they want so badly they are willing to both kill and die for it. If they can keep rape victims names from publication out of respect for their privacy (and fear of public outrage) they can do something similar to discourage triggering more violence from the unbalanced.

      • I remember 10 years ago when I was in high school we were asked if we wanted to be wealthy or famous. Everyone chose to be wealthy.

  7. Well duh. Houses are selling for ONE DOLLAR in Gary,Indiana. My home value is down 80percent. Pretty EZ to pay cash for a house in “marginal” area…especially if you got an Uzi on your hip. LOL

  8. and Shannon and the busy bees @ MDA will write a press release decrying how a “child” under 25 got another gun . . . .

  9. Enough with the harsh comments guys … can’t you see that he hid his identity with his phone? He took appropriate precautions. And you can even see that he was starting to turn his life around. After all he bought a house and started cleaning up the city of Detroit. They should give this guy the keys to the city.


    • They should give him the key to the city. Robbing three banks is far less criminal than the shit the current and former “leaders” of that city have pulled…

  10. I guess he forgot he wasn’t in Mexico. You know, where the government is part of the cartel, and take pride in such ridiculous selfiess.

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