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Andrew Lyons, 38, said he was grabbed by the throat and punched in the mouth by a male youth after opening the door of his Marklin St home at 11.30pm Saturday night.

As he was fighting off his attacker, he noticed there was a gun pointing directly at him by another offender.

“He lunged toward me and grabbed my by the throat and punched me in the mouth,” the father of three told the Herald Sun.

“Then two other guys stepped up onto the landing and one had a rifle with a scope on it.”

Mr Lyons said he lunged back at his attacker, causing him to fall over and allowing the dad enough time to lock the front door.

We interrupt this harrowing tale to bring you a headline from Reuters dated October 2016: Australia data shows gun controls a huge success 20 years after mass shooting. 

It stops being a huge success when it starts being you. And your daughter. And four of her friends. So, locked door. Thugs on the other side . . .

A shot was then fired into the front entrance of the home, with the bullet traveling through the lounge room and striking a wall on the opposite side of the room.

“I just ran straight to the kids’ room and locked the door and then ran to my daughter’s room,” Mr Lyon said.

Now there’s a scenario for you: an unarmed defenseless father and five teenagers hiding from three intruders who’ve shown that they are ready, willing and able to use deadly force.

Thankfully, the home invaders left. They’re still at large. And Australians are still defenseless against armed criminals. Anyone care to repeat the Australian model of gun control here? The scary part? The answer to that question is yes.

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  1. It was never a huge success. Their downward trend in violent crime started before their gun control laws (same for the U.K.) and crime spiked immediately after, then continued the downward trend.

    Countries with no such laws experienced no interruption to the same downward trend.

    • Law Enforcement in both the UK and Australia state that criminals freely possess and use firearms as long as they don’t get caught. Heck, they don’t even know how many firearms were never surrendered by good people let alone criminals.

      In England knocking over mom and pops and other businesses with easily obtained handguns is on the rise. They acknowledge that the handguns are sometimes only replicas, but many are real. Property crimes have been rising in both UK and Australia since property owners can no longer defend what they have. Gangs in Australia prey on tourists and locals. Rapes and other personal crimes have increased since personal protection was banned. The Muslim population in Australia has grown greatly with both legal and illegal immigrants, and their radical elements have been victimizing citizens. Organized criminal elements, especially involving drugs, have used firebombs in order to enforce their will upon a disarmed public. Things in the UK and Australia are not the fairly tale anti-gun people here would have us believe.

      In the UK, increasing numbers of police officers are being trained and armed. It is obvious that there will never be enough police officers to protect everyone. So what do the Brits do? A person can hardly leave home for any reason without appearing on multiple surveillance cameras. In the UK, Big Brother is Watching! … and still people get robbed.

  2. Your right this doesn’t happen in Australia. It doesn’t happen there on a daily basis like it does here

    Spare me your lies Robert Farrago and spare me your fake news BS.

    After the PA tragedy in 1996, PM John Howard saved hundreds of lives thanks to measures passed that saved many Australian lives.

    Australia has suffered no mass killings whatsoever after the Port Arthur attack. Your a brainwashed sheep to think the crime, murder and suicide rose after the buyback program.

    I recall John Howard giving neo-nazi creeps like you and the fascist NRA what for.

    I don’t see the country turning towards fascism or a nightmare Orwellian police state frauds like you claim is happening.

    Whats the matter with mental health checks?

    What is the matter about criminal background checks?

    And how many shootings happen here everyday versus the Australia which has a homicide rate lower than any industrialized 1st world country in the world.

    I’m safer walking the streets of Melbourne than any-town US.

    Nobody in Australia wants guns to be unregulated where any criminal or nut-bar can walk freely at random armed.

    An armed society is an oppressive one.

    It’s easier to run, fight back and survive against a criminal/nutbar with a knife or baseball.

    • Have you been to an Australian college campus lately? Fascists left and right. Leftist fascists, but fascists none the less.

      • Fascists are leftists. So are communists and every other totalitarian ideology. It’s all part of the big lie to say that fascism is right wing.

        • Yes. Fascism is a form of socialism. It is legitimately “right” only in the sense that it is the right wing of the left wing.

        • I always tell the confused that the only thing to the left of Fascists are commies, and anyone who labels Fascists as right wing is clearly a communist.

    • “After the PA tragedy in 1996, PM John Howard saved hundreds of lies thanks to measures passed”

      So, like, maroon, since Howard saved hundreds of lies in 1996, you feel justified in leaving some of those lies here? What a loser.

      • I guess people like you can never stomach the truth.

        After the incident in PA, Many Australians agreed to the 1996 NFA law and the mandatory buyback.

        The biggest lies people like you believe in the fairy tale called “defensive gun use” or “guns saves lives”.

        Where do you think criminals in the US have been getting their weapons?

        How hard is it to keep a gun locked in a bolted down safe under lock and key when it isn’t in use?

        • I’m getting so sick of this.

          Its not very hard to lock up a gun but that’s besides the point.

          Defensive use, sporting use, overthrow of tyrrany, sporting purposes, collecting hobby, all are also beside the point.

          The right to bear arms is a fundamental human right, just as the right to one’s own opinions. It needs no justifications, no good-use arguments, and certainly no explanations or rationalizations to appease someone else’s sensibilities.

          “With rights come responsibilities” is a popular phrase. And also misleading. Better to say, “with rights come repercussions if they are abused.” But I don’t expect you to accept that either, frankly.

        • So you’re blaming us for the actions of criminals. Do you blame women for providing sex to rapists, too?

        • The biggest lies people like you believe in [sic] the fairy tale called “defensive gun use” or “guns saves lives”.

          I’m confused…
          How can they be a fairy tale, when there are tens of thousands of documented events every year?
          Is this some massive conspiracy involving the local police, FBI, and tens of thousands of Americans?

          Interestingly enough, even the lowest estimates of unreported defensive gun use in the USA are several times our murder rate (regardless of weapon). The most widely accepted estimates exceed the murder rate by a factor of ten.

          “If it saves just one life…”

        • Time to get your diaper changed, you’re so backed up your mouth is pumping out shit like Linda Blair!!!

        • Three Facts “The Resistance” is unaware of:
          1. New Zealand had the same drop in crime as Australia but had made no changes to their gun laws.
          2. Compliance with the law in Australia is estimated to be no more than 20%.
          3. Australia has no 2nd Amendment — trying to repeal our 2nd Amendment here would result in a vicious civil war that would make the last one look like a Pollyanna Tea Party.

    • Criminals want gun control laws and anti guns laws because they do not apply to them, same with polititions.

    • FYI, Australia’s homicide rate is 1.3/100,000. That’s more than twice that of Switzerland, the second most heavily armed industrialized nation on earth. Suck it.

      • Here you go.

        I don’t see that 3rd world Switzerland on the list.

        And Australia does have a murder rate lower than them and new zealand combined.

        Got any more fairy tales anti-american scumbags like you claim in real, Cause my favorite is the “study” about “defensive gun use” which like the three little pigs is fiction.

        • Three of those countries (Norway, Austria (NOT Australia), and New Zealand are more gun friendly than the average developed country. In terms of gun rights, they’re not quite the US or even the Czech Republic, but if gun ownership and availability of modern gun technology were indicators of violence, these three countries should be on the opposite end of the list.

        • Guns possessed by people act as a deterrent against Democide. Democide (death by government) is the leading cause of unnatural death in the last century. What is worse, a dozen people killed by a psycho with a gun or millions killed by a psycho with a monopoly control of all the guns. I will take my chances with the psycho that does not control all the guns.

    • “I’m safer walking the streets of Melbourne than any-town US.”

      Just curious: Where are you now? Are you on in the utopian, crime-free paradise of Melbourne, or are you transmitting from your mother’s basement in the U.S. where you are afraid to walk the streets?

      • Mmm… nah.
        2ASux’s style is quite different: he rarely resorts to name-calling to (attempt to) validate his claims.

      • I don’t think it’s 2Asux. 2Asux has a different style and knows the difference between “your” and “you’re”.

    • There’s a lot to unpack there. Start with this . . .

      The right to self-defense — armed or otherwise — is a natural, human right. It should not depend on arguments about social utility or the tyranny of democracy.

      That’s how the framers of the United States Constitution saw the right to keep and bear arms: as an individual right that cannot be trumped by government, regardless of good intentions. That’s how I and tens of millions of Americans see it now.

      Whether or not an armed assault — or any other violent attack on innocent life — is a daily occurrence is besides the point. Do you think the father attacked by armed thugs said, well, that’s OK because it doesn’t happen every day?

      As for Australia’s “freedom” from mass slaughter, you’re deluded if you think gun control laws will stop the next attack. Or any attack by criminals, crazies or terrorists. Who will find a way to carry out their evil intentions, whether by bomb, gun or truck. And will find little to no armed resistance — until and unless armed police intervene.

      Keeping in mind that correlation does not equal causation.

      Defensive gun uses are a thing. A quick Google search of defensive gun uses” reveals that the lowest number of US DGU’s is 60k p.a. Other studies peg the number at well over a million. Not that it matters (see: above).

      You say “Nobody in Australia wants guns to be unregulated where any criminal or nut-bar can walk freely at random armed.” Yes well . . .

      Criminals get guns. From legal gun owners. Sure. And?

      If you think criminals aren’t going to get guns when legal ownership is banned or made onerous, read the post again. Or Google “armed robbery Australia.” Here’s a stat I pulled from government stats for 2008: “During 2008, there were 5,686 incidents of armed
      robbery recorded in Australian states and territories.”

      Finally, I have no doubt that Melbourne is a relatively safe city. I’ll even grant you that it’s safer than an equivalent-sized U.S. city. There are many reasons for this. Suggesting that gun control laws make it so may be comforting, but it’s entirely unscientific.

      Suffice it to say, I carry a gun everyday in case I’m attacked, and I live in a safe city. Because violent attacks are binary. They either happen or they don’t. And if one does, I can defend myself, my daughters and other innocent life by force of arms. As is my right. And . . . wait for it . .. yours

    • An armed society is an oppressive one? Who exactly is doing the oppressing? BTW the correct quote is “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.”

    • There were mass shootings after the 1996 law.

      Please spare us your emotional drama, we don’t care what a non-immigrant alien says.

      My cat’s opinion is more of a concern than that of a non-immigrant alien.

    • “It’s easier to run, fight back and survive against a criminal/nutbar with a knife or baseball?” That wasn’t true for me when I was 20 years old. I’m small in stature and have never been athletic. Now, I’m 71 years old. I am, however, a pretty good shot. A baseball bat might work for me but only if I’m the one holding it and I hit the other guy from behind before he knows I’m there. I suggest you think about the people around you. How many could you fight off if they chose to attack you? Better not annoy the others. Whether you live or die is their decision, not yours.

    • Anyone else think The Resistance and Cisco Kid are the same person? They both sure sound like copy/paste from liberal fodder.

    • No mass attacks/murders since Port Arthur?

      Snowtown murders – 12 murdered
      Monash University Shooting – 7 shot, 2 murdered
      The Wynarka Bones Mystery – 2 murdered
      Lin family murders – 5 murdered
      Hectorville siege – 6 people shot, 3 murdered
      Hunt family murders – 4 people shot to death
      Logan shooting – 3 people shot to death
      Moama drug deal shooting – 2 people shot to death
      Sydney Siege – 7 people shot with 3 people dead
      Cairns child killings – 8 people murdered
      The Curtis Cheng slaying – 2 people shot to death
      Port Lincoln Wharf murder–suicide – 2 people shot to death, 1 suicide drowning
      Ingleburn shooting – 4 people shot, 2 to death
      Backpacker murders – 2 people murdered, one wounded
      Sydney family – 3 murdered, 1 suicide
      Melbourne car attack – 6 people murdered, 30 injured

      And arson seems to be popular…

      Childers fire – 15 murdered
      Churchill fire – 10 murdered
      Quakers Hill nursing home fire – 11 murdered

    • That’s good till you need them to defend your country. Britain had to ask for thousands of privately​ owned guns from us during WW II. We sent them to the home guard. I will keep mine thank you.

      • Imagine, in a land that has 10 of the deadliest snakes in the world; along with saltys, roos, devils, etc; you can’t have self protection against them, let alone against bad humans. Yep. What happens here doesn’t happen there because the people have no right to self defense.

    • You are deaming mate. I live in Australia and you are talking nothing but crap. Australia is nothing but a country of victim’s now. We can not defend ourselfs and if we do we end up getting charged and the crim gets a slap on the rist. Also Australia has had a couple of mass shootings since 1996 so stop with the bullshit, and take your little Johny howard saved us all crap somewhere else. When you get car jacked or robbed by one of the gangs of young Sudanese men that are in melbourne and other citys then you will wish you had a gun to protect yourself with. Because thats what is happening in Melbourne. Australia is not a safe place anymore so pull your head out of the clouds and open your eyes. Ohh and there is a shit load of shootings in Australia every bloody day. Just because it isnt at a school or college and isnt more than 5 people dosent mean there isnt happening.

    • You are dreaming mate. I live in Australia and you are talking nothing but crap. Australia is nothing but a country of victim’s now. We can not defend ourselfs and if we do we end up getting charged and the crim gets a slap on the rist. Also Australia has had a couple of mass shootings since 1996 so stop with the bullshit, and take your little Johny howard saved us all crap somewhere else. When you get car jacked or robbed by one of the gangs of young Sudanese men that are in melbourne and other citys then you will wish you had a gun to protect yourself with. Because thats what is happening in Melbourne. Australia is not a safe place anymore so pull your head out of the clouds and open your eyes. Ohh and there is a shit load of shootings in Australia every bloody day. Just because it isnt at a school or college and isnt more than 5 people dosent mean there isnt happening.

  3. Over my rotting corpse. Dangerous freedom over safe and peaceful subjugation. I’ll protect myself and my family just fine, thank you.

  4. A few facts from Australia (ok I’m in Oregon being a tourist but still an Australian gun owner who really dislikes the current laws)

    There have been several mass killings since 1996 including at Childers ( where I used to work. I knew every emergency worker involved)

    Magazine size for most of us is 10 rounds

    Auto and sem auto is legal if you want to do the paperwork

    There are officially more guns now than before the buyback plus officially more shooters

    Legal owners are the most law abiding people as they are in most of the world

    I doubt if above troll has ever been to Australia or talked to an Australian gun owner

    • Why would he bother to talk to Australians about Australian gun control?
      He already knows everything he needs to know. Any new information might upset the stability of his carefully constructed belief system.

  5. Most home invasions like the above are over drug deals. Fairly common among the bikie gangs in Sydney

    Ok they might have come to the wrong house but not many honest people get visitors at midnight

    • That used to be true in my city. In the past year there have been several home invasions where the victims were just lucrative targets.

  6. You always here about the Port Arthur attack and how there has not been a mass shooting in OZ since but what and when was the largest shooting before PA? I mean I don’t think before or after PA OZ had a bunch of spree killings. I don’t think OZ was unsafe before PA and I don’t think it is unsafe after.

    I do think there are a bunch of SKS’s (as well as other semi-autos) buried or floating around the outback that many want to pretend got turned in but didn’t. And the fauna in and around OZ scares me way more than an armed citizenry ever would.

  7. The right to defend oneself from harm or death is a natural right. How is one expected to exercise that right without any means by which to do so?

    Thanks to Australia’s gun ban people there are unable to defend themselves with firearms. They perhaps can use knives and clubs? I’m not sure. Too often the bad guy has a firearm, so nothing else matters.

  8. Before Port Arthur probably Strathfield in Sydney with 8 killed and six wounded in August 1991 one man with SKK

  9. Once again, I call upon our readers here to go look up Australian murders by arson.
    Ban fire.

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