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Gunmen Open Fire On Crowd With Kalashnikovs in Marseille, France

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

After a recent comment by President Trump, the French Foreign office let it be known that they’re very happy with the country’s strict gun laws that make it extremely difficult for les Francaises to get their hands off firearms. Unfortunately, those laws don’t seem to have deterred would-be terrorists much.

THREE gunmen armed with Kalashnikovs have opened fire on a crowd in France — with police reporting at least one person has been injured.

The shooting happened in the French city of Marseille just after five o’clock this evening local time.

The men, armed with the machine guns and wearing hoods, arrived in three vehicles before opening fire on a group of young people.

A gun battle with police then took place.

The gunmen took off after exchanging fire with police and are still on the loose.

0 thoughts on “Gunmen Open Fire On Crowd With Kalashnikovs in Marseille, France”

    • Goodness. I know AK47s are inaccurate rattletraps but three men open fire with them into a crowd and only one person is injured.

      These terrorists would have done more damage throwing rocks.

      • Factory AKs are 4 MoA or better, which is the standard of accuracy for most 20th century infantry rifles. Most shoot better than that. It’s just that most AK users in the world don’t know how to use the sights properly, probably never zeroed them if they do, and/or can’t afford the ammo and time expenditure to become proficient marksmen. Those who are capable marksmen aren’t given AKs and sent on suicide missions.

        I recall an anecdote from the Rhodesian Bush Wars where Rhodesian troops kept finding enemy AKs with the rear sight set to 1,000m. When enemy soldiers were questioned about this, they revealed that they didn’t know what the range adjustments were and just thought the bigger number made the gun more powerful.

        • AKs with the rear sight set to 1,000m

          I never noticed AKs had a 1,000m setting. I just never imagined the Russians were such optimists.

        • I heard that story before about the African morons with their sights set all the way up.

          AK47s have sights that go out to 800m, and the AKM has a sight that goes out to 1000m. None of that matters when you just spray into the air and shout Allahu Akbar so that God will guide your bullets into the hearts of the infidels.

      • Yeah yeah, we have all heard that joke about Kalashnikov rifles, however the truth of the matter is the they are the most popular and successful weapon system in the history of the planet. They are plenty accurate as a battle rifle and accurate at a 100 hundred yard far enough for battle field use. It’s not a sniper rifle, it’s a battle rifle.

        • Aren’t battle rifles supposed to shoot full power cartridges? Like FAL, CETME or Garand. AK 47, AKM and AK74 all shoot intermediate cartridges – isn’t it what’s called assault rifles?

        • The only reason the AK platform is so widely used is because the Soviets handed them out like Trick-or-Treat candy for little more than a promise that they’d be used to cause “civil unrest” that might further Communist interests.

      • AK are not inaccurate. But if they were shooting in automatic mode and spraying it then no wonder. I own bunch of AK rifles and they pretty accurate

  1. Well. I’m so shocked that a country that bans guns had another terrorist attack. I am FLABBERGASTED I tell you.

    What? Sarcastic? Who, Me?

    • Maybe the bad guys couldn’t read the ‘no guns’ signs. Obviously a lack of education cause this to happen. 😉

  2. This is not a difficult problem just go to the root of the problem. Kid shoots up school because because hes deranged and shows warning signs. Kids don’t shoot up schools cause they have easy access to guns otherwise school shootings would happen everyday for real. Primitive foreigners shoot up native westerners cause they hate them, not because the have easy access to AKs because they DONT!

    • actually in most countries that have very strict gun laws it is easier for the criminal to get arms than it is for the law abiding. the problem with making it so hard to get something (and it can be applied to most anything, guns, knives, explosives, cars, alcohol, drugs etc etc) is that it creates a black market and then while the law abiding wont go down that path because they dont wish to break the law the criminal has no qualms about that. as for the moslems in france, after the paris attacks they raided a few mosques and found huge stashes of guns and ammo and other weapons as well. they only raided a small number of them and then stopped and did not bulldoze those mosques either. Why?

      • We can be thankful for the ever ineffective Islamic combat strategy of ‘spray rounds without aiming and Allah will guide the bullets to smite the infidel’

    • With only 1 person injured this will not be listed as a mass shooting. On top of that, some countries do not categorize terrorist attacks the same as other mass shooting events. Although arguably most if not all mass shootings prime reason is to terrorize.

    • Incidents like this are rare.

      The only people that deny reality are paranoid fruitbats like you that hold onto the mythical fairytales like “more guns, less crime” and “dgu’s” like cinderella and the three-little pigs they are fair tales.

      France and the rest of the world can go months to years without incidents like this.

      American cant go 22 days let alone 22 mintues without some paranoid creep like you going off.

      Who is going to protect us from you “freedom loving americans” when you snap?

      Im more afraid of right-wing nutcases like you than some religious radical and mountains of evidence prove that people like you are actually the problem and cause of more incidents that some religious radical.

      • Incidents like this are rare.

        John below pointed out 3 other instances in the past 3 years, Full-auto Kalashnikovs in one city.

      • So they are apparently so rare the France had more people die in “mass shootings” in 2015 than the US, despite having a fraction of the population.

      • I guess if you’re afraid of us you should exercise you’re rights as an American and tool up to defend yourself. Because we’re not giving up our guns. If you commies press us we may have to use them to correct you, but we’re not giving them up. So figure out another way to feel safe.

      • Katie! Bar the door! He’s baaack! It’s that idiot that can’t think, read, or write! Yeah, the stooopid fool!
        Don’t be so harsh with him. It’s not his fault he was born with half an ant brain.

      • Another troll heard from. If you are that concerned move to Australia, where the gov seized civilian guns. Shortly there after they had two ‘terrorist’ incidents…. hmmm

  3. Before the EU, it used to be legal in France to carry a small caliber handgun without a license. Back then .22lr, 25acp and .32acp handguns were regularly carried and the crime rate was a tiny fraction of what it is now. The EU with it’s unelected bureaucrats is now the 21st century version of feudalism.

  4. Just more peace loving Muslims just feeling uncomfortable in their
    new country, just prepare to enslave or murder the non-believers nothingg to see, get your heads back in the sand sheepiles

  5. I thought the French gun control regime guaranteed that nobody could have a gun unless they were associated with the government and/or given a very rare special permission by said government.

    Yet here are these terrorists, shooting AK-47s at French citizens.

    There are only two possible reasons for this:
    1: No government can keep guns away from bad people who really, really want them.
    2: The government let these fine folks have “assault weapons” on purpose.

    Which one is it?

  6. http://www.news.com.au/world/europe/marseille-shootings-hooded-gunmen-armed-with-kalashnikovs-fire-on-police-ahead-of-french-pm-manuel-valls-visit/news-story/a378b0c1227558677bca6a4178a5f053
    “Police say many murders in the city are linked to turf wars between multiple rival gangs battling for control of the drugs trade in the city’s poorest neighborhoods.The violence, they say, is aggravated by the easy availability of high-calibre weapons, with Kalashnikov automatic rifles being the murder instrument of choice. In 2013, Mr Valls, who was then interior minister, had said that entire neighborhoods were “abandoned to the dealers.”

    Thats weird I thought just last week they said they were happy with how their gun control was working. So which is it Gun control works or the criminals get easy guns?

  7. It must be a Fake News Report as Kalashnikovs and most any other firearm is strictly Verboten in France as much of occupied europe,so it simply couldn’t happen in a firearm free utopia,yeah right.

  8. Ban assault rifles (the real select fire ones)! We did, why hasn’t France gotten these weapons of war off the street? Uncivilized Europe! Since the NFA was implemented, crimes committed with assault rifles and machine guns are pretty much statistically zero, the only criminals with machine guns we still have are all those fools with bump stocks, but we will soon send them all to jail as well! Three gunmen with AKs? The US doesn’t have these types of crimes! At most maybe a Muslim husband-wife team but never three. And if our police arrive in time and don’t wait around outside, the perps don’t make it out alive. Apparently neither the suspects nor police can shoot.

    Just me mocking those who say Europe is immune. I think you should be able to open carry a full auto mp7 or tp9/mp9 in the US and Europe personally, and on the flight in between.. No bump stock needed if you have the real deal.

  9. Funny, neither Reuters nor AP report this incident. I guess they have simply classified as gang violence and not terrorism, and therefore unimportant.

  10. Where’s our boy Crisco preaching the wonders of importing culturally incompatible savages from active war zones en masse?

  11. Was it the French reboot of the old American TV “A-Team” series?

    How can three men with AKs firing into a crowd only injure one person?

  12. French government simply allows muslims to “practice” their religion. Killing all non-believers is just one way of showing their faith and they have to allow them to express
    their religious beliefs…onto innocent public…
    Now that’s what we call “exercising free religion” and it’s coming to this side of ocean too.

  13. These incidents may become as common here as overseas (some might argue they already are). Large cities with their crowded conditions are easy targets for terrorists whether by guns, IED’s or simply a rental truck. You can’t bring millions of people here from “there” without “here” becoming “there”. Once again “gun control” does not prevent criminals from obtaining and using guns.

    • Story hidden like shooting that left 1 dead, several hurt, at Clayton County schools performing arts center in Georgia on Friday. We are told what the liberal socialist media decides to tell us.

      Glad that only one was hurt so far in France and those three sprayed an prayed and allah didnt help

  14. Fake News, didn’t happen. Nope not in France, they’ve got gun restrictions. Where’s trueamericanpatriotagainstamericans when you need him/ her/ it?

  15. Interestingly, France is a good example of the failure of gun control. Before the EU, one could buy bolt action and semi auto rifles without a background check, all you needed was money. Buying handguns and full auto required a background check but I understand it was neither time consuming or costly. After joining the EU, legal gun ownership is much more tightly restricted and crime has gone up markedly.

  16. “Witnesses to the incident describe the gunmen as wearing gloss white armour and helmets that integrated full masks with black eyes and accents and the vehicles they fled in where described as levitating with vertical wings and emitting a high frequency pitch.”

  17. Only article I saw said shots were fired into the air, and the injury was from someone being butt ended with one of the rifles

  18. 1 hr ago

    PARIS — Police officials say a group of people, some armed with guns, shot into the air in the French city of Marseille and tried to corner officers who responded to the sound of gunfire.
    Christophe Reynaud of the Marseille police said one resident was hit in the head with a butt of a gun and slightly injured during the incident in the Busserine district on early Monday evening.
    Reynaud ruled out terrorism as a motive and said the shooting probably was drug-related.
    He says the group drove away and has not been apprehended.

  19. A French government official was asked about refugees having AK47s and he replied: Nier aux Musulmans la possibilité d’avoir des armes comme ils le font chez eux est une discrimination!

  20. they’re very happy with the country’s strict gun laws that make it extremely difficult for les Francaises to get their hands of firearms.
    But for the Fuzzy Muzzies, not so much.

  21. Never happened.
    There are no guns in France. Ask any frog……um Frenchman. French person even..
    Now this cant happen in Switzerland. Too many guns there.

    • To be fair, the only modern mass shooting in Switzerland was a guy shooting up government officials. I’d acquit him on sheer chutzpah alone.

      • Sorry didnt hear/read about that one.
        So I guess to me.
        It also didn’t happen.
        PS: my bored response in being a bit sarcastic.
        No luv here for the United Europe deally.

  22. Why don’t we want to be disarmed? If you can’t keep people from shooting at us — like in France — we want the option to #shootback.

  23. Laws and tradition notwithstanding, the bad guys here and elsewhere, perhaps more “elsewhere” than here, seem to have little trouble obtaining such small arms as they desire. Strange, isn’t it, or is it, given that the bad guys, for some reason or reasons, seem less than impressed by such restrictions as might be imposed by the law, whichdoes appear to impress the law abiding, at the moment anyhow.


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