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Guns America: Akdal MKA-1919 AR-15-Style Shotgun Sucks

Robert Farago - comments No comments


gunsamerica.com reports that their SHOT show preview of the Akdal MKA-1919 lit-up their website like the Christmas tree at 30 Rock. So the firearms blog pursued a review of the AR-15-style-that-doesn’t-use-genuine-AR-15-parts shotgun like a lingerie marketing maven chasing Candice Swanepoel. The result (of the gun review)? As my father used to say, “another myth exploded.” You don’t need to be able to read between the lines to see that the Akdal MKA-1919 makes a great club (rather than an excellent self-defense shotgun). But it helps. To wit: “Out of the box performance hasn’t had a great reputation, and our test gun didn’t work that well either . . .

The MKA-1919 needed a couple boxes of shells to run fairly reliably. Out of the box every magazine had at least one stovepipe or failure to extract until about 40 rounds in, which comes out to 8 magazines. This was with Federal target loads. Now she runs pretty well, but still experiences an occasional stovepipe jam. Once the gun looses up a bit more and comes apart and back together for cleaning, it will probably run reliably, but in today’s American firearms market, you really aren’t going to make it unless you can produce out of the box reliable guns.

But at least the Turisk scattergun’s better than the I Double M (It Must Be Modified) Saiga. Seemingly.

The 3 Gun customizers who have been working on Saiga guns for more than a decade seem to prefer the Akdal MKA-1919, so take that for what is worth. Saigas nearly always need serious work for hard shooting . . . The gun doesn’t work so good right out of the box . . . After my initial excitement about this gun at SHOT Show, it is something of a disappointment.”

Ya think?

Tags Shotguns
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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Guns America: Akdal MKA-1919 AR-15-Style Shotgun Sucks”

  1. Pity. I was just about to put one of these on layaway at my local shop. But I’m just not dropping $700 or $800 on something I have to tinker with to get it to work right.

    Maybe if I could someone else figures out a working fix.

    • My Saiga .308 runs like a top, my Saiga 12 ran great and I sold it to buy the .308. The guns run great if you don’t tinker with them. And if you do tinker with them stay away from Crapco parts and mags. If you want to compete with a Saiga you have to dump cash into it, they aren’t imported in a condition that makes competition easy. So complaining about spending money on 600 shotgun is laughable.

  2. Regarding the ongoing practice of making cute allusions or references in a post utilizing a non sequitur, random model or pin-up girl…

    …Keep up the good work.

  3. 40 rounds is 2 boxes which is about $16. I can live with that small a break in period (heck, I had Kimbers that required more). I would only consider this gun for 3Gun matches, so I would need to know how it holds up after 500-1000 rounds.

  4. I have one of these. Actually only shot 2 mags of 3″ slugs then tried walmart 71/2 target loads. After the 2 mags of 3″ no issues. At least 300 rounds through it in one day. I did take apart and clean/lube before doing this. So far, very HAPPY!

  5. Kahr pistols require (both by maker recommendation and what I’ve read from owners) a break in period, yet owners generally seem happy with them. I would still consider buying one of these – if I could.

  6. I have 2 Saiga 12’s.One 2008 and a 2011.Both run 100%.I do not like the drum mag
    used in the shot gun,it’s cuts into load time and bulky.I guess a day on the range shooting is fine,but in terms of reloading and engaged,ill pass.I learned one thing,each one is independent.The 2011 needed gas ports opened more,2008 runs 100% stock.Both guns are ready for self def in confidence.

  7. WTF? See I would definitely rather have a gun in hand than a cop on the way in 45 min, “Oh I see your a younger punk how bout I smack you into next week for calling me about being assaulted.”

  8. Yeah, so he shoots skeet. Shotguns have accounted for more gun murders every year dating back to 2007, except for 2010 when rifles accounted for one more murder than shotguns.

    Let’s put the arguments that he doesn’t shoot that often or that this is photoshopped to rest. Let’s promote the fact that he shoots a weapon which is used in more murders than the dreaded Assault Rifle.


  9. I’m not a sports fan. I accept my shortcomings. But it’s hard for me to get into the level of emotions that seem to be associated with soccer. No pun intended, but it’s completly foreign to me.

  10. Guess you didn’t read your manual. Break in with at least 4 boxes of buckshot befor shooting light loads. Broke mine in right, then ran 200 rounds of walmart 71/2 loads thru it. I LOVE MY MKA 1919 , and every one that shoots it does too. It is just one of those guns that are just fun to shoot. Oh, and 9 out of 9 pellets of 00 buck in target at 50 yrds ain’t bad.

  11. I bought my MKA-1919 about 2 months ago..I’ve put 50rds plus through it and haven’t had a single misfire…I love the gun and I’m about the buy the drum magazine…

  12. I’ve had nothing but trouble with my MKA 1919. From not feeding the next round to dropping the mag after every shot. I’ve run probably 200 rounds through it. Lots of modifications from the bushing ring they make you buy “to shoot lighter rounds” (I don’t really consider single ought “light”) to honing the flanges of the mags it still isn’t reliable. I bought it for home defense for my wife, but I’d much rather her use her pistol at this point. At least I got mine cheap through a buddy ($650), but I wouldn’t have even spent that much if I’d known about the headaches. I sure hope I can get it to run flawlessly eventaully as other have experienced

    • I’ve got to wonder if you have one of the early models or one of the new XN models. If you have one of the first generation models, I’m sorry to say they have several problems, especially with light loads. That is not to say that XN models will be trouble free. While I’ve not heard of any issues, I still have not had time to put my new one through all the paces to give you a first hand review. As soon as the new range opens up near me that allows shotguns, I plan to run it though its paces. If it passes, I’m then going to do a 922R conversion so I can legally use the high capacity magazines.

      It’s a lot like when I bought my Mossberg 930 SPX, my current home defense shotgun. I made sure to get a third generation model and had no problems with it, but I heard many with first and a few with second generations that had issues.

    • Steve….I’ve heard you also need to install a lighter spring from other forum submitters. I only shoot hvy loads so bavent had any problems otber than the front ar style sight rotating…so I removed and installed a reflex sight. Is the mag a factorg magazine or aftermarket? Hqve had no problems with mine…..u may need to give an extra slap to the .ag which I’m sure you probably already tried.

  13. If im just running out on a quick errand i appendix carry my Shield in a Gcode INCOG.
    If its going to be a longer outing i usually carry at 4oclock.
    It all depends though. Carring appendix I never have to worry about printing if im bending over or crouching while shopping.
    Using my Old Faithful IWB hybrid holster is the most comfortable for all day though

  14. My new MKA 1919 (bought 5-2014) worked perfectly out of the box with heavy loads. Next I’m planning a billet AR15 lower and a slidefire stock plus left hand charging handguard

  15. MKA-1919-XN: I have yet to run 3 inch shells. I found that the gas piston needs 2-3/4 inch shells with a velocity of at least 1400 fps to operate without a failure to eject. It really likes 1560 fps. The 1600+ fps requires patience (for the smoke to clear so that I can see the target again). Oh, yeah – it has a difficult time differentiating between a 2-3/4 shell and a thumb. (Do one thing at a time).

  16. I bought one in 2012 that had the older magazines with it. The owners manual also said not to lubricate it. It was a piece of junk. However, I bought the gun because of all reviews indicating that they stood behind their product. I sent it in and they sent me a newer one with the magazines that handle both 2 3/4″ and 3 inch shell. With the new one, there was no break in period. It shot light shells from the beginning. The new owners manual also indicated that it needed to be lubricated. Bottom line: it is a great gun. Never had any issues with it. Handles any ammo I put in it.

  17. Don’t be alarmed just shoot 1 mag of 3 inch buck shot threw the weapon and it’ll work flawless all guns have a break in period

  18. Mine ran great right out the box? Shooting tac loads through it since I purchased for home defense? Have a couple regular shotguns for hunting so I don’t see the need to be shooting light game loads through it? Though I did shoot some low brass Winchesters through it just for fun and they cycled without issue? Excellent gun, more reliable than my Saiga 12 was…

  19. I bought an 1919 last spring. It runs fine on heavy slug loads. The mag tended to drop out however I found that I wasn’t “slapping it in” hard enough.
    Light loads are still a problem but who cares? I didn’t buy it for bird hunting.

  20. I got one and love it. It’s my goto turkey gun now. With a truglo #172 choke it puts full load on 12 inch target at 25 yards…….. Federal turkey thug #6. Short,light,easy to manuver thru brush or in blind. Using the factory irons. Mod choke works best with buck. Perfect for turkey hunting just like zombies “Ya gotta shoot em’ in the head!”

    Shoots winchester universal target loads for fun. by the 100 rd box.

  21. I have a 1919, bought it used and had problems with it…after looking at I don’t think it had ever been cleaned, after about 5 hours of cleaning she runs like a champ! Shoot skeet with it now, love it!

  22. I just bought the mka 1919 match pro. It came with 2 gas rings. One for light loads and one for heavy. Its very easy to change them out. I put the light load ring in for lowbrass Walmart ammo. And high power ring for 00 buck and any 3″ ammo (hunting and self defense rounds) the gun came with the light load ring installed. And I fired 250 rounds of various Walmart Target and birdshot rounds with absolutely no malfunctioning. Great gun and we’ll worth my money.

  23. Just bought the mka 1919, reading alot of mixed reviews but for 389.99 you can’t go wrong, break In period or not. Anything worth while takes time to perfect, why would a shotgun be any different. I’m hoping that the model I got is the xn model. I bought it brand new from classic so wish me luck

  24. Shot 70+ rounds of 00 buck through my MKA 1919 in less than an hour shooting hogs from a helicopter. The gun only jammed a couple of times on hot military rounds. Remington, Winchester ran perfectly. It is a great gun that performs well for the average shooter. It is not perfect, but neither are the shooters behind it in spite of what some would have you believe. Realistically, the gun needs to be oiled and cleaned occasionally to perform as one should reasonably expect.


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