We’ve reported on Gunspec before — they’re the guys that are trying to make searching for guns and gear easier on the Internet. But what I didn’t realize was that they were actually putting out some good content on their blog. A few days ago they put up a post with a visual comparison of all the reticles available from the major scope manufacturers, and it’s pretty darn nifty. Make the jump for their infographic, skimmed lovingly from their blog, or click here for the PDF from their site. For some reason I find myself really attracted to Millet’s Donut-Dot reticle for hunting, but see which one you like the best . . .

[h/t smokyboys]


  1. So, Aimpoint seems to have an abundance of options for consumers…

    Not good or bad, just made me do a double take and laugh while scrolling.

  2. For the manufacturers that might visit this article….. Mil Dot reticles are great, if you have mil turrets. Mil Dot on MOA turrets is dumb, stop doing it, you know who you are.

    • Tim, could you explain the differences in the turrets for ignorant people like myself please?

      • As far as I understand, mils and moa are just two different systems of measurement like meters vs yards. Imagine seeing meter hashes on your reticle but having to adjust the reticle in increments of yards.

  3. Damn, that’s some sexy lookin’ scope reticles! Yepppppp.

    Love the design of seeing them side by side.

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