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Now that Guyana’s gun amnesty has lapsed, the government is cracking down on “those suspected of having illegal guns.” What burden of proof do Guyanese police require to detain and interrogate citizens suspected of possessing illegal guns? Probably the same as that for citizens suspected possession of gun parts – also a crime punishable by a five-year jail sentence. Did I forget ammunition? That too. Despite the anti-gun policing, reports, “Guyana’s 2010 homicide rate as 18.4 per 100,000 people — the fourth highest murder rate in South America behind Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil. Guyana’s murder rate is three times higher than the United States’.” Will the crackdown stem “gun violence” like that on display in the video after the jump? What do you think? . . .

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  1. Wow. Family friend or alcohol ingestion notwithstanding, that guy looked pretty cold on the video. Just shot him.

  2. What is the over/under on how long it takes for some massacre by Govt sponsored groups to take place?

  3. As far as the “turn in” goes, only the law abiding turned in their guns. It would be the same here. As far as the shooting goes. WTH is an “illegal” gun?

    • Exactly. As stated in the first video: NONE of the guns surrendered during the “voluntary turn-in period” had any connection or link to any crime.

      In other words, people who follow the law, followed the law. People who don’t follow the law, didn’t follow the law. It’s also likely that they created some new criminals out of previously law-abiding citizens who were smart enough not to turn in all their guns and leave themselves defenseless.

      • The problem with that course of action, of course, is that even if you risked becoming a criminal by not turning in your weapons, and even if the government in its legendary efficiency does not link you to a weapon or ammunition, if you are forced to use any of those weapons in self defense you may live to tell the tale – in a court of law where you will be sentenced to live a few years amongst the friends of the person you shot in self defense.

        Win-win, for the statists.

  4. No officer they’re all gone. Tragic boating accident. These are not the former gun owners you’re looking for. Move along.

  5. Wow! What a hair do (or don’t) on the black woman. You could probably hide an Uzi in their, along with half a dozen extra mags.
    Other than that, maybe we should send our lovely “lady of the night” D. Feinstein down there to tell them that gun control really works!

  6. Look closely at Guyana, because it’s the perfect illustration of Obama’s vision for the United States of America. Guyana is a third world sh!thole with one of the highest suicide rates in the world.

    • It’s rather disturbing watching our country make a “fundamental transformation” into a banana republic.

      Obama has made un-constitutional executive orders, government corruption, political incarcerations (mohammed videomaker), and political government harassment (Lerner) into an accepted form of politics that is actually cheered on and supported by approx 30-40% of the residents and its MFM.

      I weep for the country that will be left to my kids and grandchildren.

      • I can’t stand Obama either, but the EOs have been going on since day one….

        The most obscene violation of all our principles, that finally negated the entirety of The Constitution and BoR is Patriot. Every one who signed off on that should be tried for treason. Secret closed courts, detention without trial or charge, secret prisons, completely unaccountable spooks. We have become a banana republic with cool toys.

  7. If a society is in such a state of chaos there is a supposed need to confiscate firearms from the otherwise law-abiding citizenship I’d assert a civil war is in progress and non-violent disarming would be impossible.

  8. throwing the BS flag !!

    bogus reporting on murder rate.

    everyone, i mean everyone, knows the US has the highest murder rate in the entire world, every day in every way.

    • But they’re not industrialized or some other meaningless buzz phrase to filter out any countries that they don’t want listed because the data makes their story an obvious lie.

  9. What kind of absolute lunatic would believe that taking guns away from the good people will do anything other than make this problem worse?

  10. 186 guns turned in? Population 800,000. So if just 10% of the population owned a gun they turned in almost 1/4 of 1%. That’s enough to say it was a huge success and the crime rate will be close to zero. People won’t even need to lock their doors when they leave home now.

  11. 186 guns? ………..pffffft, BIG deal!

    Sounds like a big city “buyback” or two here.

    Single guy busted here with 7,000, and quite a few chainsaws……….

  12. To answer RF’s question: it will appear to do so on paper, because the people killed or injured by police and paramilitary forces “enforcing” the law will not be counted in “gun violence” statistics cited by credulous sources in the USA.

  13. Ha, ha, 186 guns and 2000 rounds, I think my brother has almost that many guns in his safe and I have at least 2000 rounds just in .45. That ought to put in big dent in the crime rates down there. Ha,ha again.

  14. I want to see the interview with the guys that are going to be executing the “crackdown” on behalf of that bada$$ politician in the video. Bueler?

  15. “The gun used in the…shooting was said to be an illegal firearm that committed the act.”
    And there’s the problem right there. Those darn illegal guns ‘committing’ shootings.

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