Honey, I Shrunk The GLOCK! It may look like GLOCK left a G19 in the dryer too long, but this little gun is absolutely adorable. If it weren’t for the .380 chambering, I’d want one desperately . . .
The semi-staggered magazine might be called a ‘one and a quarter stack,’ but it still only holds six rounds of diminutive 9×17. Glock’s factory guy told me that no extended pinkie-rest magazines or baseplates are planned (by GLOCK, anyway) because that would defeat the CCW purpose of Gaston’s Littlest Grandchild.
It’s got an MSRP of $399, but the street price will probably be closer to the law enforcement price of $319. So here’s the question: is the little GLOCKling gunning for the .380 Ruger LCP, or is it the engineering proof of concept for a future G44 in 9×19 caliber that will challenge the Ruger LC9 and Remington MIA on their own turf?
I definately agree with “train, train, train.” In my world USPSA is for practicing under stress, and IDPA is for practicing using civilian-world scenarios.
All else is situational. Two examples:
In the mall parking lot I am moving to cover, not shooting unless point blank range forces me to……….too many innocents involved.
In my working world of Desert Storm 91, and Panama, (does this sentence mean I am getting old and demonstrating my age?) the answer was “light’m up,” then move. There’s a reason in military combat the action is called FIRE and Maneuver, not the other way around.
The key is, as the marines say: Adapt and improvise…..be prepared for the situation.
How in the world can that only hold 6 rounds of .380? Especially when the XDS holds 5 rounds of .45 in a similar sized frame.
5 rounds of stacked .45 is about 10mm taller than 5 rounds of .380 and about 1mm taller than 6 rounds of .380. Unless they make one of those mystical .9mm guns, you are not gonna fit much more in there.
The XD-S also holds 7 rounds of 9mm Hornady Critical Defense in a narrow single stack magazine. That’s one more than the Glock’s wide semi-staggered magazine of 95gr low velocity rounds.
Carry gun? Tough choice…
Well that’s certainly cheaper than the Mustang or P238, though I think those other options are smaller.
Did you just write that the “street price” will be closer to the LEO price?? If so, I’m probably down for at least one. Will be a good one for my wife.
LOL, hell no.
To quote the ever quotable John Witherspoon:
“Now Sean, I hear a girl down at the office got you p*ssy-whipped…
You got to reverse it. Don’t be p*ssy-whipped, whip that p*ssy. Like this here, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.”
Looks like it should hold more than 6 rounds judging by the distance from the bottom peep hole to the floor plate.
AWESOME, frickin’ AWESOME! I need one!
For under 4 bills even poor folk can afford it. Some people simply need a simple reliable gun and they aren’t POTG. This gun and a box or 2 of shells will bring endless hours of peace of mind to those people. And if they ever really need it, it will work.
It’s not a gun I’d do backflips over. But there’s lots of people out there that would like glock brand glock reliability at a good price.
Got to shoot it and the 41 back a couple weeks ago.
What a beauty. Zero recoil. Doing head shots rapidly at 15 yards was easy.
I definitely want one.
It’s also a great gun for teaching, women and children. Think about it.
It weighs 20ozs empty and has a 3.4″ barrel, It’s as big as a PPK. As far as the trigger, Nic was playing with a SHOT show floor model. I’ll wait to shoot one before I jump on the “it has a crappy trigger” bandwagon.
He’s probably got a stash down in Venezuela that he got from Chavez that she knows nothing about. They deserve whatever misery they can inflict on one another. I give it six months.
Could you use this with 100 round Surefire mags?
If you meant to fire only from prone then sure. I don’t know what you’d hit as you’d be sitting in a crater trying to aim from the bottom of a hole but it certainly could be done. It’d be a fun hernia story for sure.
If a child looks “just like” its ugly parent, trust me – the child is ugly.
I give my firearms up for no one, in any situation, ever, period.
That looks like a toy.
That’s HILARIOUS! Oh, and I doubt they’re “glued” to the hub, literally speaking. Probably an electrostatic weld. I wouldn’t plan on ever cleaning the mags, though.
No, come to think of it, I bet you can. The floor plate stays attached to the hub, is all.
Very disappointed with Charlize. But, its a free country and her choices are her choices.
As for Sean Penn, he’ll feel pretty foolish about the time she dumps him….
It’s pretty sad when you realize that two standard capacity 30 round magazines taped together (with one facing “up” and the other facing “down”) is much more practical, less expensive, and actually contains 10 more rounds that this thing.
Note: I am not knocking this 50 round magazine, only the law in New York and other states with their silly and arbitrary limits.
Except the NY limit is 7 in the mag.
If Optimus Prime was a rifle…
I have been waiting for a 5″ PPQM2 also; I have the regular PPQ in 9MM with the euro style paddle mag release, I love it, its one of my carry guns but I do love me a longer sight radius.
A Remington 710 in .270 that would jam up and fail to eject a spent casing every three shots or so. I sent it into Remington and three weeks later they sent it back saying it was A OK, I took it out to the range the same day and the very first round did it. Needless to say I didn’t have that rifle very long.
The creature pictured is a White Rhino.
I think FAB Defense needs to keep a better eye on their design department. They must be playing Borderlands 2 constantly.
“Question of the Day: Would You Give Up Your Guns for Charlize Theron?”
Uh…fuck no.
Perhaps they could get George Lucas to endorse it and call it the ‘Death Star’?
Manufacturers have gotten way too carried away with the mouse gun fad.
we’re only complaining because that was the information that was given to dollars per round.Plus why would you ever let public shoot or even guys from TTAG shoot something that you haven’t quite gotten wright yet just doesn’t make any sense. knowing darn well that they’re going to do a review on it you would at least thought that they would have giving you some ammunition that would have gone off.
Get her to buy you guns, she got the cash..
Yes another AR I couldn’t afford. Would rather have three stag arm 3g for same price.
Did they fix the weight issue? I ordered a MR556 as soon as I could and when I got it, my first reaction was that I would need to hit the gym to build up some arm strength.
Hopefully the key mod rail and a better barrel profile have shed about 2 pounds off the damn thing…
That is… I have no idea. Interesting. 🙂
As if Beretta 92s weren’t hard enough to carry concealed…
You can’t buy one because the Govt. does not want you to have Guns equal to what they have to come after you..
When the check the Registration address of where you have your gun.
The amount of ALIENS references in this thread has restored my faith in humanity.
“I say we nuke freedom group from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”
Ok I’m not charging for this patent….
I’m waiting for the bluetooth model to display it as an overlay in the corner of my red dot display.
I’ve got to be brutally honest: What I’m seeing represented out of the SHOT show this year is utterly underwhelming.
One black rifle after another. Whooooopie. The Remington R51 turns out to be vaporware-ish. S&W has a custom revolver with a lack of finish. A mini-me Glock. More and more black plastic everywhere. And that Sako rifle with the $17K price tag – what an absurd and obvious way to bilk the taxpayers.
The Korth is a very nice piece, but the variant you examined has a stupid wanker rail on it, ruining the classic lines of a revolver. Putting a wanker rail on a revolver is in the same league of aesthetic crime as putting a wanker rail on a lever gun.
The bright side is you’re making me glad I decided to not attend. It’d just be more depressing in person.
Unfortunately the link to the decision doesn’t actually seem to work 🙁
There is hope after all in Cali!
The coincidence of this incident with our upcoming state legislative session is troubling when coupled with yet another frothing urban-district representative introducing an irrelevant and unwanted measure…
Kalifornia’s days as numbered just like our whole nation, if they keep going down the same path. Here’s Kalifornia’s Debt Clock:
I’ll skip this one cowboys. John Wayne wouldn’t shoot any Soviet crap nor would Chuck Heston. Why would anyone want to buy a crudely made piece of junk from a country that despises us when you can buy American or from an allie that produces good quality firearms? I don’t get it.