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Let me sum this up for you: this is quite possibly the most gimmicky gimmick gun that I’ve ever seen in my life. There’s no way that this is practical in any way, shape or form. The grip is too big, the trigger sucks (especially since you need to pull both simultaneously or else it won’t fire), and while there is a single set of target sights it didn’t look — even in the promo materials — that both rounds landed anywhere near each other. But for some reason, the booth was busy and people liked them. Go figure. More photos after the jump . . .

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  1. Step aside 24K gold-plated Desert Eagle .50 with 10″ barrel.

    The new king of highly questionably taste with even less utility has has arrived!

  2. Looks unwieldy and ultimately impractical. I’d be interested to know how many of these puppies they actually sell.

    • Product placement is everything.

      Get Ze Ahhhnold to carry one in an over-the-top cheezefest of an action movie. Associate gun with memorable movie catch-phrase.

      They’ll be flying off the shelves.

    • If they can sell Gold Deagles in tiger stripes, why not this? This thing will be in a thousand youtube videos before the year is out.

  3. I look at this like I would look at some of the supercars and hypercars on Top Gear: insane, impractical, ridiculously expensive, and completely awesome. Given the money, I’d buy two.

    • +1

      I can see a cheesy re-make of ‘THE KILLER’ or ‘HARD-BOILED’ with this gun already.

      “One man.. two hands… three hours… and his FOUR BARRELS OF VENGEANCE”

    • There was a movie not long ago that had almost this exact thing except with a standard size frame and single trigger. The bad guy carries it of course

  4. Just wait…it’ll be on the next season of Top Shot.
    Somebody at work showed me a video of this thing a week ago…I never thought I’d call a variant of the 1911 “impractical”, but I did. That thing’s got a bulkier grip than my old Ruger P90! Who knows, people might buy it… I’m still surprised the Taurus Judge was as successful as it was.

  5. I just can’t believe they dumped the money into tooling up to make this big bastard with any hope of making that money back.

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