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Hands On With the New Bond Arms Stinger Derringer

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Bond Arms announced their new aluminum frame derringer, the Stinger, earlier this year. It’s Bond’s slimmest lightest gun, perfect for concealed carry and we had a chance to play with one at NRA on Saturday.

Bond Arms Stinger derringer

The Stinger is about half the width and just over half the weight of Bond’s popular standard size derringers.

Bond Arms Stinger derringer

The aluminum Stinger weighs 12 oz. while Bond’s steel Texas Defender is 20 oz.

Bond Arms Stinger derringer

It’s also considerably thinner. I slipped one in my pocket and it just disappeared.

Bond Arms Stinger derringer

The Stinger is available in 9mm or .380 ACP for $379 and is shipping now. Bond also plans a steel frame version that will be just as thin, but 4 oz. heavier, while costing only $279. The steel Stinger should hit stores in the fourth quarter.

Bond Arms Stinger derringer
The aluminum frame Stinger is about half he width and weight of Bond’s standard derringers.

Bond Arms Stinger derringer
The new steel frame Stinger will hit stores in the fourth quarter of this year.

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