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I haven’t watched the ISIS decapitation video of American photojournalist James Foley. But I read, which regularly posts pictures of the mutilated bodies of Mexican drug thugs and innocent civilians. With police and government collusion, psychopathic criminals are kidnapping, raping, torturing and/or killing tens of thousands of disarmed Mexicans. One American is decapitated and the world is shocked by Islamic terror. Shocked I tell you! You could say, well, Foley was American. Guess what? “Nearly 70 kidnappings of U.S. citizens were reported to the U.S. Embassy and consulates in Mexico between January and June of 2014 . . . 71 Americans killed in Mexico in 2012 and in 2013 the number increased to 81.” Note: the cartels are here, in America. The Islamic terrorists, not so much. Yet. Make the jump for Mexico questions travel alert issued by U.S.-cites EPN’s “impressive results” (reprinted with permission) . . . 

Mexico’s government, questioned the travel alert issued by the United States in which it cites warnings of the risk of violence prevailing in 19 states. Mexico’s position is that the information must be contextualized and detailed to be useful to US countrymen.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) pointed out that the security strategy of President Enrique Peña Nieto has achieved “impressive results”, as reflected in the reduction of 22 percent in the number of incidents of kidnapping, compared to last year .

On Friday, the State Department of the United States revised its warning to American citizens traveling to Aguascalientes, Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Durango, Mexico State, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Zacatecas.

However, the Mexican Foreign Ministry insists that the results of the security strategy have already had a positive impact both on trust and the welfare of foreigners visiting the country.

He stressed that the warning itself recognizes that Mexico is the most visited international destination for American citizens, and even pointed out that the figure of 20 million tourists in 2013 was exceeded.

The State Department explained that replaced the travel warning to Mexico issued on 9 January last, because American citizens have been the target of crimes including murder, kidnapping, carjacking and assault with a deadly weapon on several entities.

He said there were 71 Americans killed in Mexico in 2012 and in 2013 the number increased to 81.

However, he acknowledged the work of President Enrique Peña “has engaged in a broad effort to counter the organized criminal groups engaged in drug trafficking and other illegal activities.”

Although last Tuesday, Interior Minister, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, headed the Regional Centre Zone Safety Meeting. He reported that this area was intentional homicides fell 32 percent during the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2013. Chong is the only source citing a decrease.

However, the State Department of the United States reported in its warning that the number of kidnappings in Mexico “appears to be increasing,” citing published by the Ministry of the Interior statistics, in which he noted that in 2013 the kidnappings throughout the country increased 20 percent.

“The states with the highest number of kidnappings were Tamaulipas, Guerrero, Michoacán, State of Mexico and Morelos. In addition, a study widely reported by the agency responsible for national statistics (INEGI), Mexico suffered an estimated 105 thousand 682 kidnappings in 2012; only 317 thousand were reported to the police and even that has been implicated in some chaos. ”

Below is, in part, the warning from the state department:

The number of kidnappings throughout Mexico is of particular concern and appears to be on the rise. According to statistics published by the Mexican Secretaria de Gobernacion (SEGOB), in 2013 kidnappings nationwide increased 20 percent over the previous year. While kidnappings can occur anywhere, according to SEGOB, during this timeframe, the states with the highest numbers of kidnappings were Tamaulipas, Guerrero, Michoacán, Estado de Mexico, and Morelos.
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Additionally, according to a widely publicized study by the agency responsible for national statistics (INEGI, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography), Mexico suffered an estimated 105,682 kidnappings in 2012; only 1,317 were reported to the police. Police have been implicated in some of these incidents. Both local and expatriate communities have been victimized. Nearly 70 kidnappings of U.S. citizens were reported to the U.S. Embassy and consulates in Mexico between January and June of 2014.

U.S. citizens are encouraged to lower their personal profiles and to avoid displaying indicators of wealth such as expensive or expensive-looking jewelry, watches, or cameras. U.S. citizens are encouraged to maintain awareness of their surroundings and avoid situations in which they may be isolated or stand out as potential victims.

Kidnappings in Mexico have included traditional, “express,” and “virtual” kidnappings. Victims of traditional kidnappings are physically abducted and held captive until a ransom is paid for release. “Express” kidnappings are those in which a victim is abducted for a short time and forced to withdraw money, usually from an ATM, then released.

A “virtual” kidnapping is an extortion-by-deception scheme wherein a victim is contacted by phone and convinced to isolate themselves from family and friends until a ransom is paid. The victim is coerced (by threat of violence) to remain isolated and to provide phone numbers for the victim’s family or loved ones. The victim’s family is then contacted and a ransom for the “kidnapped” extracted. Recently, some travelers to Mexico staying at hotels as guests have been targets of such “virtual” kidnapping schemes.

Of particular safety concern are casinos, sports books, or other gambling establishments and adult entertainment establishments. U.S. government personnel are specifically prohibited from patronizing these establishments in the states of Coahuila, Durango, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas.

Carjacking and highway robbery are serious problems in many parts of the border region, and U.S. citizens have been murdered in such incidents. Most victims who complied with carjackers’ demands have reported that they were not physically harmed. Carjackers have shot at vehicles that have attempted to flee. Incidents have occurred during the day and at night, and carjackers have used a variety of techniques, including roadblocks, bumping/moving vehicles to force them to stop, and running vehicles off the road at high speeds.

There are indications that criminals target newer and larger vehicles, especially dark-colored SUVs. However, even drivers of old sedans and buses coming from the United States have been targeted. While violent incidents can occur anywhere and at any time, they most frequently occur at night and on isolated roads. To reduce risk when traveling by road, we strongly urge you to travel between cities throughout Mexico only during daylight hours, to avoid isolated roads, and to use toll roads (“cuotas”) whenever possible.


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  1. Mexican cartels kill Americans for an ultimate goal of obtaining money. ISIS uses money to fund their ultimate goal of a caliphate and to extinguish America. It’s different alright.

    And ISIS are very likely here by way of Mexico.

    • I wouldnt say ISIS nessescarily, as they are the newest generation of Al Qaeda in Iraq. But some variation there of has been here for a long time

  2. I kind of think that the murders of Americans in Mexico would get similar attention if they started to post videos on you tube like ISIS does.

  3. So, if for any reason I find myself going to Mexico, I am bringing a gun and a machete with me. The gun is to kill anybody who tries to hurt me. The machete is to make it look like the kill was done by a cartel hit squad.

    • Don’t forget that Mexico is a Gun Control Paradise ™. Mere mortals are not allowed to possess a gun – only police and military of various flavors. Oh, and cartel members too I guess. FYI – A US Marine found this out the hard way; he’s stuck in the slam down there.

      • Not quite. If it’s the same guy I’m thinking of, he made a wrong turn on a road on the US border and couldn’t find a place to turn around, and he happened to have a firearm in the car. So, they stopped him at the border, he told them he had a gun and was looking for a place to turn around since he accidentally made a wrong turn. Then they arrested him and charged him with smuggling contraband into Mexico.

        • And they did him harm. Like I said, that’s what the gun is for. The machete is to make it look like the Mexican cops stopped the wrong car driven by the wrong people. Maybe write something cryptic in Spanish just to really screw with everybody’s heads. The more it looks like an episode of Breaking Bad, the more likely it is to be swept under the rug.

    • “if for any reason I find myself going to Mexico, I am bringing a gun”

      Good plan, then you can stay. For free! In a Mexican prison. That will be fun.

      Better plan: Never for any reason ever, go to Mexico. (Or other places you would be arrested summarily for having a gun, like: Maryland, New Jersey, New York, California, Connecticut, man the U.S. is shrinking)

    • We may not have a choice, with the way the Federal GOVT views the border( It’s Secure!), Mexico may be coming to us.

      • A while back, some guy had a great idea. We can open the border in southern Kalifornia, and wait. Then when their all up here, we slam the gate shut and rush down there through Arizona, again slamming the gate shut behind us.
        The Mexicans will love Kalifornia, It’s practically gun free already!

  4. We use to go to Mexico once a year for 10 days about 300 miles north of Acapulco to a secluded resort on the pacific, a place very similar looking to the end of Shawshank film only with a few more modern buildings and a pool. We went there from 97-2001 then in 2005 and again in 2010 and that 2010 trip was our last as we were chased, shot at and victims of a attempted kidnapping by a supposed group that worked with the Sinaloa cartel whose home base was 300 or so miles to the north. Our guide/host whom we used every time we went there except for our first time in 97 eluded this group which consisted of two toyota 4runners and a old chevy van that looked modified with big tires. They shot at us with ak47s as I know the distinct sound and the Isuzu suv we were in was littered with bullet holes after. We only survived because we had a great guide who did some action movie style driving and we made it to this “national park” where Mexican police had a presence. It felt what I imagine being in a war zone would feel like only we were unarmed. After it all we notified the embassy and both Mexican and American authorities and that’s it, nothing was ever said or done, no notice in any paper or travel alert. I wrote our guide thanking him again and sent him some goodies and told him we were most likely never coming back because not being able to be armed legally there just wasn’t an option for us and the fact the state dept, embassy or anyone for that matter didn’t seem to give a crap I just wasn’t going to put myself in that situation again. I imagine the number of Americans murdered, kidnapped and assaulted or missing is much greater than the gov stats show.

    • You realize theres ways to acquire firearms then leave them behind when you go to Mexico right? The DOS and consulate personal probably actually cared but are sesesnitized to things like ypur expeierience just because its thier reality.

  5. A few years ago we had a couple out of town Mexican men shot in the back of the head. Execution style. A few blocks away…and barely a mention on the local news. I don’t need to go to Mexico-it’s already here. Yeah I’m way more concerned about south of the border.

  6. I used to spend up to four weeks a year in Mexico, for business and vacation. I loved Mexico and Mexicans. I still do, but I’m never going back.

    • I love Mexico and the Mexicans as well … and I am never going back either.

      It is really a shame. Mexico has some spectacular scenery and weather. I’ll miss it dearly.

    • Same. Did a fair bit of camping and fishing in Baja, years ago. Felt safer than in parts of the US. If you broke down someone would always help, and the locals were generous to a fault.

      After DEA Agent Kiki Camarena’s execution, things changed. You could feel the drug presence in places like La Paz, and Loreto, and Cabo, and the vibe was completely different, tense.

      The last time I drove Mex 1, I counted 12 roadblocks, each by a different group of variously; Army soldiers, Federales, Judiciales, and unknown others in black uniforms.

      It wasnt about checking the gringos, it was about protecting their turf from the competition, presumeably to get their cut on what was passing thru.

      I know people who still go to fish, surf, and commute, but they travel at less busy times, with more than one car, and avoid the bad areas, at bad times, very carefully.

  7. He stressed that the warning itself recognizes that Mexico is the most visited international destination for American citizens, and even pointed out that the figure of 20 million tourists in 2013 was exceeded…He said there were 71 Americans killed in Mexico in 2012 and in 2013 the number increased to 81.

    So that’s a murder rate of about 0.4 per 100,000 — about 1/10 of what it is in America. click here

    • I had the same general thought that something like 80 murder victims out of 20 million visitors is really low.

      That said, I believe it is still slightly higher than the murder rate if you are not a criminal and live in a rural or suburban location in the U.S.

      • There are potentially more Americans murdered in Mexico than murdered by so called “assault weapons” here in the states. Since Mexico is more dangerous than “assault weapons” we should ban Mexico! It’s for the children.

    • I’m sure the 81 Americans; before they were killed; with who knows what potentially horrendous rape and torture before hand; felt relieved that they were an odd statistical anomaly.

      I’ve carried a weapon now for over seventeen years with a much better understanding of the saying that the definition of a free person is one that is free to carry an effective weapon for self-defense.

      When I have to disarm for any reason now; I truly see myself as being enslaved; where another amorphous government entity now dictates to me that my life means absolutely nothing and that if I am attacked or killed during the time that I am disarmed; well, too bad; you are dirt anyway. Only us, the anointed ones are allowed to carry weapons any where and everywhere, or have armed security to guard our special selves.

      The idea of going to a slave state or country that denies me the right to KABA while I’m on “vacation” is so bizarre to me now. How could I “enjoy” a vacation knowing that the government apparatus and the people that allow it are so debased, so degraded, so contemptible that they see their lives as having no worth while their masters ride around either with their own “legal” weapons or guarded by armed guards paid for with money taken from their own enslaved population?

    • Which sounds all sciencey and stuff, until you actually do some, well, science that isn’t propaganda. Or sheer ignorance.

      The US per capita murder rate is based on the majority of ‘Murricans who spend 365 days a year right here in the US of A. That .4 per 100K is based on a rather limited number of folks who, on average, are in MX less than a couple of weeks per year.

      “I only spend 2 weeks per year in a war zone and my risk is 1/10 that of being at home for 52 weeks.” Which makes your risk for the full 52 roughly (other variables) 26 times higher.

      This is what happens when you’re 43rd in the world in education. Wake up people.

    • Graph Fail.
      You have mistakenly made the logical absurdity of comparing the murder rate in the U.S. (i.e. citizen to citizen murders) to the murder rate, listed in the article, of American tourists reported murdered in Mexico. These 2 ideas don’t correlate. You have compared apples to oranges and somehow come to the conclusion that Mexico is safer then America? Which is wrong. Here is an article on the top ten murder rates by country, (spoiler) Mexico is higher then America by almost a factor of 10:

      Now coming up with a graph to disprove you is really hard because apparently country governments don’t track and report, and then simply organize on a graph for us, which countries receive from them the most tourists that then do not return. Probably because if you could just look up a list of where the most American tourists are murdered that country would die without the tourism income. But here is an article that shows a Canadian Government map of the World describing how dangerous different countries are to travel to. Spoiler: On a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being “Just don’t go there” and 1 being “safe”, America = 1. Mexico = 3. Iraq = 5. For me personally Mexico also gets that 5.

      In short. Murder rate higher in America then Mexico, my butt.

  8. Why do you say the Islamic terrorists aren’t much here yet? Who knows what has come through the southern border these last few years. I think it’s naive to think the well funded ISIL does not already have members here.
    Something bad is going to happen.

  9. The last time I was in Mexico in the late 90’s, I looked around and came to the conclusion I’d seen enough of the Third World experience. It might have been fun when I was single and able to move quickly, but once married and to a woman who has little to no situational awareness, there is no possible upside to visiting Mexico.

    If you’re an American who likes visiting Third World paradises, by all means, go to the closest one (Mexico) and save money on travel. But there’s little you’re going to see and experience there that you can’t get in an American inner city, from the gun control to the racial violence. Maybe the chance of kidnapping is higher in Mexico, so there is that upside on the entertainment scale, as well as the whole border crossing experience.

  10. Robert if you think Islamic terrorists are not here in the United States then you must be blind. Seriously, dude?

    • Davey, he knows, the article is to inform, educate, and comment upon.
      If you have insider info, or personal experience to share, or a link to other open source info, like the borderbeat RF has ben citing here, the blogs and some brave press reporting in Mexico that the StateRunMedia is studiously ignoring, then please share, as it helps everyone else here.

      Thats the Truth About Guns…get it?

  11. What part of Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution does the current occupant of the White House gleefully ignore?

    “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”

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