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What Happens When You Shoot Silly Putty Through a Shotgun?

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Here’s yet another ammo experiment we’re happy to leave to TAOFLEDERMAUS. He’s testing some shotgun slugs made of Silly Putty and wrapped in thin glass.

Watch what happens when they get shot at various targets at, oh, 800mph. Why? “For science!”

0 thoughts on “What Happens When You Shoot Silly Putty Through a Shotgun?”

  1. California, which has registration in all but name, already has passed a law that will require retroactive registration of all firearms not previously subject to registration, which is all long guns purchased prior to 2014 and all handguns prior to 2000. Firearms that are not serialized will require application to the DOJ for issuance of a number, which then must be engraved on the firearm. As it is, there have been cases of police seizing (and refusing to return) “unregistered” firearms under the false belief that “unregistered” firearms are illegal.

    Now that Senator deLeon has announced he will challenge DiFi for her Senate seat, the only opposition to a gun grabbing Gavin Newsome landslide is the former mayor of L.A. (shoe name I cannot spell). At present, there are no Republicans who have the exposure (name recognition) necessary to challenge either one.

  2. “Canada found that its long-gun registry costs billions of dollars while doing nothing to reduce crime or save lives.”

    …and the grabbers will respond –

    “They weren’t doing it right. We’ll do it *smarter*!”.

    And when we say – [concerning gun registration] “I am a law abiding citizen. Not a sex offender!”

    They will respond – “Good point. You are *now*. What is the serial number?”…

  3. Will people ever learn the difference between having the right to do something, and having the legal authority to do something. Should seem obvious by now that they are not the same thing.

    I’m a voluntarist, it’s like anarchism, but for adults.


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