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According, Hip-Hop Against Gun & Gang Violence Week started Friday, as proclaimed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the New York City Council and Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano. The Source marks this historic occasion by providing readers with a bullet point summary of the Empire State’s Constitution-defiling SAFE Act (not set to music). They also point celebrants to for a list of events tied to this week of anti-gun activism. None listed. But Hip Hop 4 Peace is number eight on the Hip Hop Summit Youth Council, Inc.’s list of projects and programs, as follows . . .

The purpose of this project is to improve the image and unity within the Hip-Hop Community while reducing crime and violence in our schools, home and community. Celebrities, elected officials, community and business leaders will educate our youths about the consequences of illegal firearms, gang violence, criminal activities and war.   Celebrities will produce PSA’s, visit schools, youth centers, prisons and housing projects to reinforce our message and offer incentives to participants that help us in our efforts to reduce gun crimes, war and violence.  There will be support from our Artists & Student Mediation Board and Senate Minority Leader Malcolm Smith’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Gang Violence Prevention.  Participants that are incarcerated, recently released from jail, on parole, probation or a work release program will have an opportunity to volunteer their time towards mentoring at-risk youth and mediating disputes that could lead to violence.

Nothing like celebrities making themselves feel saintly and an unaccountable reward-a-con program to stop gang bangers from gunning each other down I always say. We’ll scan the news for those elusive Hip-Hop Against Gun & Gang Violence Week events and keep you posted. You know, if we find any.

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  1. Maybe they can start by disarming their body guards? Didn’t P Diddy get into a shootout in NYC awhile back?

    And after they tackle this issue, maybe they should promote the following:

    Hip Hop Against Degrading Women Week

    Hip Hop Against Irresponsible Spending Week

    Hip Hop Against Drug Use & Sale

    • If you’re referring to a few days ago, no shootout. Diddy $ (I mean &) crew were basically SWATTED in his limo. The only crime involved was possibly on the part of the cops.

  2. when celebrities visit schools, they should be required to disclose gun ownership, security arrangents, and crime stats in their suburb. .

  3. I’ll believe it when they’re rapping about good will towards all and feeding the hungry. Or something like that.
    Hypocrisy at its finest.

    • Some of ’em do, but tey don’t get a lot of airtime.

      One guy awhile back lambasted all saggy-pantsers…

    • It’s the sound of drive by shooting and getting pulled over. Blasting crappy music is great probable cause. Want to guess why I know that? Stereotypes. They’re based on reality.

  4. Hip hop speaking out against violence
    is like
    Ronald McDonald speaking against Big Macs.
    Walmart asking you not to shop.
    Mothers against Drunk Driving
    giving you a drink And the car keys.
    The Brady Coalition buying you a gun.
    Get a Fu<king grip on reality folks.

    • The same could be said about country or rock. Especially country. Hell, country is so similar at this point they’ve started sharing slang. I mean, “Honkytonk badonkadonk”? Come on.

        • He made it overt by combining the two, but the general themes have often been the same. Outlaws, pride in a poverty-stricken home, fighting for manly things, feeling threatened by the mainstream crushing homegrown authenticity. Whether you’re keepin’ it real or a little more country than that, you’ve got more in common than you think.

          And now, both have become basically pop culture shadows of their former selves. Both genres now have a lot of songs about affecting the lifestyle without actually living it… which are generally drowned out by your pop songs “featuring” rappers and your “country” songs by Taylor Swift types. Although with regard to Taylor Swift, she’s completely made the transition to full-on Pop.

      • Other than some regrettable songs about domestic violence I don’t think country has too many songs like “Gimme the Loot” or “Murder was the Case”

  5. “Hip-Hop Against Gun & Gang Violence”

    is like:

    “Virgins against celibacy”
    “Priests against Prayer’
    “Butchers against Meat”

    need I go on?…

  6. Shitfilter’s full!
    What a bunch of clowns, do they really think they are taken seriously? I mean as ‘artists’ or even as people ‘representing’ anything?

  7. Hilarious… considering what Mr. Sean Combs did to Moses Michael Levi, formerly Jamal “Shyne” Barrow:

    For those not familiar with the case, there was a club altercation involving guns. Shots were fired, people hit over stupid ish. Combs was just as guilty as Levi, but used his money and influence to escape punishment. Levi was sentenced to 10 years in prison and later converted to Judaism.

    So yeah… eff Sean Combs “anti-violence”.

    And contrary to what some folks might think, plenty of hip hop musicians are pro-2A. For example, Ice-T:


    • Studio gangster suck. Eazy – E was the last who truly walked and talked the real thing. Everyone else since….Wannabes.

  8. everyone is missing the last paragraph – this is a way for “celebs” incarcerated, on probation or parole to work with youth. TRANSLATION: we will get your warden or parole officer to lay off your a$$ if you do us a solid and lie to your homies that guns are bad.

  9. Geez, sooo many jokes I can’t post here…
    Now I’ve got the giggles. These people continue to crack me up!

  10. There’s a limited future in claiming that crack is only illegal so as to keep a bother down.

    There’s a future in keeping ones constituency alive and not being relegated to the past as neighborhoods break the code of silence and rat on rats.

    Things change, we’ll see if this is an example of that.

  11. Are we back in the late 80s or early 90s? Don’t we know already that hip hop messages have no effect.

  12. I did about 15 seconds of that clip. Let me be the first to say that it is horrible. Coarse, gross, and violent. It sounds as if it’s the anthem of demons.

  13. Oh, you guys! If you think that Waka Flocka is hip-hop, you couldn’t be more wrong. There is a difference between hip-hop and rap. There is a difference between responsible rap artists and irresponsible rap artists. That very same parallel exists amongst firearm owners. Every time I read articles about hip-hop, rap, or rappers and the replies that follow, I am stunned by the generalizations and stereotypes that lace the discussions. This is not unlike the misinformed opinions you see in the MSM about guns and gun owners. As hip-hop pioneers Public Enemy once suggested… Don’t Believe the Hype!

    Become informed! Learn a little more about that which you speak and be careful not to become just like the hypocrites that you so fiercely lobby against.

    • Please provide a link to a suitably gangsta (gun oriented) YouTube video so I can swap out Mr. Flocka’s work for something more appropriate. Please send it to [email protected]

      • More appropriate in what way? If you want your post to support some assertion that some “gangsta” rappers look, dress, and sound like ass-clowns then feel free to leave Mr. Flocka’s work up as a shining example. If, however, you care to show a more conscientious side of hip-hop, a side that many TTAGers apparently don’t believe exists (based on the commentary), doesn’t necessarily promote ass-hattery, and actually explores how violence impacts inner city youths, feel free to use Lupe Fiasco’s song… Jonylah Forever. Email sent.

  14. Yeah, it’s really easy to stand back and deride this program, buy even if it only saves one life it’s worth it.

  15. The Right to Bear Arms is an HONOR proven to belong to Free People and (but) that right MUST be HONORABLY kept.

    Have you been to any modern Arms convention lately?

    At a modern arms convention the kind of small arms that the Control Nuts oppose would be found, for sale in a corner of the basement.

    The modern arms that are traded are astonishingly deadly, capable of Mass Destruction-squared.

    Pitiably, humans often stale inhuman treatment of other humans by maintaining a “MAD” – “Mutually Assured Destruction” condition.

    From history and experience, many of America’s Founders knew and understood MAD and thus they wrote and summarized the Second Amendment in only two simple and clear sentences.

    The Second Amendment did not allow ONLY hunting arms, nor only antique arms, nor only modern arms.

    For a Free State of Being: A Militia for defense is not only for defense against any foreign of domestic government as many states represented foreign governments. It is not only for defense against any enterprise seeking to enslave weaker persons and, not only for personal defense against robbers and murderers: The Right to Bear Arms is an HONOR proven to belong to Free People and (but) that right MUST be HONORABLY kept.

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