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  1. Thanks to all those that served and died, and a big thank you for those that served and lived. I am sorry for the loss of your brother’s and sister’s in the forces you served.

  2. To all who have members of their family having made the ultimate sacrifice, the prayers and thoughts pf my family and I are with you all….Happy Memorial Day!

    To those who are part of a legacy of many generations of service with each generation losing one or more to the effort, we understand and greatly honor you…May we never forget and may it not just be this day only, but each and every day!

    A special shout out to SouthernPatriot, a great man and friend, who turned me on to this site and blog. It is great to see the unadulterated truth presented and those that post with truth and humor.

    • thanks for the WHOL5.
      i promise to spill a little of whatever this and that i get into after 14:00hrs.
      and to cry some when the anthem gets rocked at the start of the hockey game. standing, hat off, right hand there.
      if you remember them then they’re not completely gone…

    • Seriously, Anon?

      On this day when we remember the men and women who have died serving our nation in the military this is what you post?

      Pathetic. Disgusting. Shameful.

      • I’ve lost friends and family. I spent a year in Iraq. Yet I found this amusing. Lighten up. Don’t get upset about something that has no effect on you.

        • No, I’m not going to “lighten up” when a guy posts crap like that, disrespecting all who died in service to our nation.

          I have too many family members who fought, were grievously wounded, and mourned their fallen comrades, to make light of this day. I have good friends whose lives have been devoted to service in uniform to our nation, who are haunted by the deaths of their friends in combat.

          This is not the post, time, or place to make stupid jokes.

          If you did in fact serve, then you should know better.

        • any thanks that is genuine is acceptable but not necessary. i took it in the spirit of “like your weekends off? thank the unions.”
          just add that to the list of things i am grateful for.
          it did sound crappy out of context, though.

        • @ Mr McCain

          I did in fact serve. And don’t tell me what I should know. You should know better than that.

          What I was saying is why let somebody you don’t even know, you’ll never talk to, and did something of no consequence, get your panties in a bunch?

    • @Paul T McCain

      Did you serve? It’s always the mall ninja, military wannabe who acts the way you’re acting.

      As I told you on the other thread in which you brought this up: you solemnly stuffing your face with a bunch of hot dogs doesn’t make you “patriotic”.

      • And did you serve? Did any of your friends make the ultimate sacrifice?

        Today used to be called “Armistice Day.” Not “Labor Day.”

    • As a decorated peace time veteran who has died multiple (simulated) deaths in (simulated) combat both at home and abroad, I accept your (simulated) gratitude; it was nothing.

  3. Just so you know, saying “Happy” Memorial Day is just like saying “Happy” Funeral.
    Memorial Day is for the Brothers and Sisters that didn’t make it home, Veterans Day is for the living.

    • Thank you. That’s one of my pet peeves. This is supposed to be a solemn day. Also, many folks confuse the purpose of Memorial Day – this isn’t “Veteran’s Day” – there’s a separate day for that.

  4. I’ve never really understood tagging “Happy” to this particular day. I’m not criticizing but it was a solemn day when I was a kid. Multiple family members who died in the Big War were tearfully remembered. I don’t mean to be part of the whole “offended” crowd, but just wish there was a non-descript secular start of summer day to have parties and BBQ on.

  5. Thanks Halliburton for giving us war and making today more significant than it would be, had we not been fighting pointless wars.

  6. I am happy that, because of the thousands who sacrificed, and especially the thousands made the ultimate sacrifice, our constitutional republic has been preserved and we can live today as free people. We can solemnly and respectfully remember those who died, and still be happy that their sacrifices were not in vain.

    To the extent that our government has been allowed to infringe on the God-given rights that so many have fought and died to preserve, our happiness is subdued.

  7. Well… I’m not particularly happy today, but I know that everyone means well. I suppose it could be thought of as a call to remember the happier memories rather than the negative. I still find it difficult though.

  8. A prayer for Memorial Day:

    Remembering those who have given all for our country and laid the ultimate sacrifice on the altar of freedom; for those who have borne the burdens of deployment; for those who have faithfully served God and country; for those who now wear the cloth of our country and serve with honor, courage and commitment, that we might give thanks for their faithful service this Memorial Day, let us pray to the Lord: Lord, have mercy.

    • Or, you could honor the constitution for which they fought, including the total separation of church and state. I thank the soldiers for keeping us free and honor their memories. I don’t pay tribute to the imaginary, credit-stealing war monger in the sky.

  9. May God bless all those who have sacrificed for our freedom and may he also bless our ongoing endeavor to preserve those same freedoms for generations. The day we stop fighting and hand over our freedoms to a government or politician for the promise of security all that has been sacrificed will have been in vein.

  10. May they never be forgotten

    May the price they paid never be forgotten

    And may those who remain not forget what it was they paid that price for.

    They are now beyond the reach of any possible betrayal other than the one that would happen if we were to forget what it was they were defending.

  11. When I saw the title of this post I was going to ask what Memorial Day is but from the comments I can tell so I say:
    Thank you to all who died fighting for Freedom.
    Thank you to all who died fighting for Liberty.
    Thank you to all who died fighting for the American Dream and the preservation of our Rights
    Mourn the Dead. Fight for the Living.

  12. I was proud to be on the honor guard.
    For our memorial service, we read a list of names of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
    We also read this.

    In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    We are the Dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie
    In Flanders fields.

    Take up our quarrel with the foe:
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields.

    • This is the poem that we recite on Armistice Day every year in Scotland, I was going to put this on but I forgot. Lovely poem, very reflective.

  13. Mike McDaniel, who has written for us a few times of late, posted this over on his home blog, Stately McDaniel Manor, today.

    For those who chose to go when most wouldn’t. For those who knew it could cost them everything. For those who believed America to be the shining city on the hill, the last, best hope of Mankind. For those for whom duty, honor and country meant more than life itself. For those who gave the last, full measure of devotion and those who gave all their tomorrows that we might have today, for them we pray this day, gracious and merciful Father. Give them the peace that passeth all understanding, and may there always be Americans like them.

    Click through to see the most evocative Memorial Day image I’ve ever seen, and probably will ever see.

    • That evokes memories of the times I was privileged to command an Honor Guard team in Central Illinois in the early 70s. We saw similar to that many times. Taps hasn’t sounded the same since.

  14. The CEO of Ares Armor wrote and interesting letter regarding Memorial Day. In essence he spoke of the sacrifices made, and that those in the employ of the federal government have some soul-searching to do regarding unconstitutional orders and laws. I believe we honor that sacrifice by continuing in our fight for Liberty.

    That’s definitely worth pondering. Anyways, I’m back to work.

    Semper Fi,

  15. I suppose it’s not really a happy day…but that we are here and have such things to remember is a good thing.

    My grandpa served in WWII. My dad was drafted into Vietnam as a medic. It was the last thing he wanted to do and he hated every last second of it, but he did his damn job and saved lives. Both of them came home and started families (otherwise I wouldn’t be here). I didn’t grow up on war stories. They’re quiet, kind men who did their best to forget about what they’d had to do — but it was always with them. Still is. Grandpa passed away years ago, but Dad is out there in Southern Utah, still swinging a hammer and keeping his thoughts to himself.

    So here’s to all those who answered when their country called.

  16. Enjoy yourself folks

    “One of the tenets of militaristic fascism in America is the oft-repeated slogan that “you don’t have to agree with the wars to honor those who fight them for us.” Something to this effect is repeated thousands of times during Memorial Day bloviations all across the fruited plain. And it is all complete nonsense. “Honoring” paid killers for the state for participating in non-defensive, unjust wars only serves to make it more likely that there will be even more unjust wars in the future. And it rewards individuals for engaging in some of the most sinful and reprehensible behavior known to mankind.”

    The truth hurts but I can no longer act like Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and all the other self serving holidays that glorify the state and its thuggery is okay.

    • The same mindset that says we are to worship the occupying, militaristic cops and thank them for subjugating us with weapons paid for with our own tax money.

    • Rubbish.

      It is we, the people, who elect the politicians who decide what wars are just or unjust, worthy or unworthy of the ultimate sacrifice. If those politicians make poor decisions, the blame is on us for putting them in that role. We get the government we deserve.

      And for those who answer their nation’s call to leave their families, risk their lives, fight, and maybe come home in a box, I will honor and thank them, regardless of the political justification or lack thereof.

      • No, nice way to shift the blame but I have nothing to do with these wars.
        I don’t deserve any of this shit and I have my support to those who are out there on the front lines fighting against US imperialism.

        To those that go out and kill for the US empire, they don’t deserve any honor or glory for it more than a thug on the street does for fighting and dying for his gang.

      • Well said. In a world where saints are few and depraved thugs and barbarians have their own countries, and spend their time invading their weaker neighbors, and where we elect corrupt bozos like Lyndon Johnson, don’t get nasty with the guys who obeyed the call.

        There’s no problem with trying to stop wannabe evil world empires. Failure to step forth is to follow in Neville Chamberlain’s steps. Intervening is intrinsically messy. The only fault I see in the recent wars is the foolish idea of “nation building”. Trying to make nice little pluralistic Republicans out of people who only understand strong man rulers and ‘keeping your foot on the dissidents’ necks’ is expensive, naive and futile. It is just not in their worldview.

    • “No matter how absurd the state’s lies are, they have always been an easy and expeditious way to dupe Boobus Americanus into supporting its wars.”

      That line is as relevant as ever today and sadly, always will be.

      Good article, David_TheMan; thanks for sharing the link. I’ll be sure to pass this along to a few others to read, also.

  17. This should be a somber day, not a day for backyard barbecues. A lot of good Americans died in wars. Some of those wars were justified, some were not, but the dead don’t know and they don’t care. They fought because their country, or their government, told them to do so, and they responded.

    This should be a day to commemorate those people who gave their lives, or their health or their years, to that service. It should also be a time to commit to no more Vietnams, no more Koreas, no more Bosnias, Kosovos, Panamas — the list is too extensive because this country has been at war more or less perpetually since before its own independence.

    Enough. Finally. Enough.

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