Home Crime and Punishment Happy New Year, Chicago Style: 513 Homicides in 2019 (and That’s an...

Happy New Year, Chicago Style: 513 Homicides in 2019 (and That’s an Improvement)

Chicago Police Twitter 1
Image via Chicago Police Twitter

The good old Windy City, formerly America’s “Second City” before droves of residents began moving out year after year because of the violent crime and ever-rising taxes.  Chicago rolled into 2020 with 513 homicides for the year 2019.

So much for a new mayor and a new police superintendent getting a handle of the mayhem.

HeyJackass.com (yes, a real, non-satire website) has the dope.

Image by HeyJackass.com

The good news is the total number killed declined from 2018. Again, from HeyJackass.

Preliminary 2019 Totals (vs 2018)
Shot & Killed: 460 (-7%)
Shot & Wounded: 2294
Total Shot: 2754 (-7%)
Total Homicides: 513 (-13%)

Meanwhile, the fake news media reporters have outdone themselves spinning alternative numbers on behalf of the Democrats who run Murder City, USA.

From the Sun-Times

Lori Lightfoot urged Chicago police to close out 2019 with fewer than 500 murders

When Mayor Lori Lightfoot met with top Chicago Police Department officials a week ago, she had a number in mind: 500.

Lightfoot pressed the police brass on what they intended to do to keep the 2019 body count in Chicago below 500, police sources say.

As of Tuesday evening, the police department’s murder count for the year was 492. Officials say they’re hopeful that total won’t surpass 500 by the time the new year begins at midnight.

The 2019 murder total is expected to be the lowest since 2015.

What didn’t the Sun-Times mention, aside from the massaged numbers below the psychological threshold of 500?

Image by HeyJackass.com

Yes, the CPD’s abysmal homicide clearance rate: 12.2%. In other words, if you murder someone in Chicago, you have an 87.8% chance of escaping arrest for the crime.

Don’t entirely blame the police for this. The homicide map from above shows a strong correlation to the “no snitch” culture on the streets. Real life isn’t like the Chicago PD TV series where they always catch their man.

Here in the real world, if “nobody saw nothing” at crime scenes, it makes it tough for police to do their jobs. What’s more, it also emboldens criminals to ignore the law.

And then there’s the racial makeup of those on both ends of the violence. The Sun-Times neglected to mention anything about that, either.  Even though blacks only make up 30% of the population, they are very disproportionately represented as both victims and perpetrators of violent crime in the city.

Image by HeyJackass.com

Unfortunately for the vast majority of law-abiding Chicago residents of all races, those bad actors victimizing others make it harder to work and raise a family unmolested by crime.

For what it’s worth, the city voted 83.7% for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. But Chicagoans are nothing if not politically engaged. While some parts of the nation struggled to reach a 40% voter turnout, Chicago had an amazing 101.3% voter turnout in the 2016 election.

Yes, both violent crime and rampant, endemic corruption both remain alive and well in Chicago.


  1. I wonder how (wink, wink) they achieved amazing 101.3% voter turnout?
    It must have something to do with Republican Gerrymandering and that loathesome Electoral College.

      • You sound like you have extensive experience in spousal betrayal.

        Not the least surprising for a Leftist twit like yourself… 😉

  2. 6 shot on New Year’s Eve in Chicago

    And from HeyJackass! we have the following stats so far this year:

    Week in Progress (12/29 – 1/4)

    Shot & Killed: 4
    Shot & Wounded: 24
    Total Shot: 28
    Total Homicides: 6

    That’s an average of 2 per day killed in Chicago. And if that trend continues, then we’re looking at over 700 homicides in 2020. Not looking good.

    • I was literally in Chicago (only passing through, thank God) this week. Let out a sigh of relief when I was outside state lines again and far away from that hot (cold?) mess.

      • I Haz A Question – “I was literally in Chicago (only passing through, thank God) this week. Let out a sigh of relief when I was outside state lines again and far away from that hot (cold?) mess.”

        Yeah, no doubt! Have only been there once, and have no plans on ever returning.

      • I often work in Chicago and even like to go there for fun. Yesterday I took my wife and kids to see Phantom of the opera at Cadillac Pallace. No dead bodies to be seen (except on the stage).
        As the map clearly shows, there are good parts of the city, bad parts and then there are really bad parts, where you should not go.

  3. New news today as reported from NPR.

    Although its well known that most guns used in homicides in Chicago are run into the city by gun runners buying up guns in States that have lax laws it was revealed today that the U.S. gun runners are now moving right on through Chicago and running even more guns to Canada. Canada’s gun crime rate has gone up because of it and the guns were traced right back to the U.S.

    When gun crime crosses borders from the U.S. to Canada, Canada to be sure will be putting pressure on U.S. Law makers to pass Universal Background checks for the sale of all guns.

    • If gun violence rates in gun grabbing states are high due to allegedly lax gun laws in neighboring states, then why don’t those neighboring states with allegedly lax gun laws themselves ever have such high gun violence rates?

      • I’ll take “things stupid rednecks say” for 1,000 please Alex…and the answer is “Republicans in backwards states only sell guns to felons from enlightened cities.”

        • Aww, poor little Demmie can’t honestly answer the question.
          So you’re saying that most of the shootings in Chicago are done by felons? That says more about Illinois and Chicago in particular.
          Too bad 2018 Trace Data sourced the weapons recovered that year to….Illinois.

      • We keep asking this question every time leftists like Dracula use the stupid “iron river” arguments. Still no answer.

        • Sarcasm requires panache in delivery.

          You’re like 7-Up : “Never had it, never will”…

      • TTAG has a ‘vampiric’ ‘guest’.

        So we put Huntmaster on “Troll Patrol” and sometimes his trigger finger gets a little itchy.

        It’s just a flesh wound, rub some dirt on it, and carry on.

      • They want what everyone wants – freedom from violent thugs attacking them… 🙂

        • You don’t have that freedom, but you do have the freedom to defend yourself from said attacks. Had to translate that for the thinking impaired. You’re welcome.

        • As usual, not a damn thing about guns.

          Because widdle ‘peeegee’ isn’t capable of talking guns. No, he insists on pushing his anti-science sh!t no one wants to hear.

          Hey, a-hole – NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR IT.

          Are you too stupid to understand that? Go masturbate somewhere else, boy…

        • Geoff, you need a diaper when you post? Sometimes old people have trouble controlling their bladders when they get excited, there’s no shame in that Geoff/Greta.

    • NPR doesn’t report news. It’s a 24/7 hard left propaganda machine. Snopes has more credibility than NPR….well maybe not😂

      • Wow…you came up with a relevant comment without any reference to vaxx or meds, or the Goeff/Guesty/Miner/whoever fiasco.

        You get a Scooby snack.

        • “Yum yum.”

          Figures you like dog food, from all of that humping my leg like a 12 year-old you do… 🙂

        • Greta, I bet you hump a lot of inanimate objects like the temperamental teenager you worship…….

    • “Sorry, Leroy. I can’t sell you this stolen firearm from the back of this here van without a backgroud check”
      Is really what you think will happen?
      If you believe that I’ve got some cocaine to sell you.

      • Sounds like a plan, but then their would be no need for as many lawyers, judges or police. So that wouldn’t work Chi Town. Just think of the loss in tax revenue to pay all those pensions.

      • “How about we execute murderers and drug dealers in a public arena every month?”

        As long as widdle ‘peegeee2’ is up against the wall as well… 🙂

    • Vlad Tepes – “New news today as reported from NPR.

      “Although its well known that most guns used in homicides in Chicago are run into the city by gun runners buying up guns in States that have lax laws it was revealed today that the U.S. gun runners are now moving right on through Chicago and running even more guns to Canada. Canada’s gun crime rate has gone up because of it and the guns were traced right back to the U.S.

      “When gun crime crosses borders from the U.S. to Canada, Canada to be sure will be putting pressure on U.S. Law makers to pass Universal Background checks for the sale of all guns.”

      Oh, you mean like ‘Fast And Furious’ when obummer used that scam of sending all of those firearms down into Mexico? Only to have some of them used against federal agents and others? Yeah, that sure worked out real well, now didn’t it?

      Take a hike, you insipid dolt.

        • “he dresses all frumpy like and depends upon tuck’s for relief.”

          I do believe I’d prefer having terminal hemorrhoids than ever vote for a Democrat…

      • How about putting a little vicious creativity when insulting our trolls?

        The personal touch goes a long ways in getting one’s point across (to someone with a pointed head, like every Leftist that ever existed)…

        • If you are in Illinois ( or one of the other states where you can legally smoke a doobie ) click on this, take a few tokes and read the latest missive from one of the token trolls on here like Vlad or Tuck.
          If you get wasted enough maybe whatever they are saying will make sense for at least as long as whatever you are smoking last.

  4. The no snitch rule has resulted in street justice and not criminal justice. A lot of the people who were murdered were probably murderers themselves. Or just innocent bystanders.

      • If someone ever weaponizes a disease-virus, someone in the Mideast will likely be who finances it…

        • If such a thing happens it will happen naturally in a country with a relatively undeveloped medical system.

          Or in some vaxxxers walking bio weapons lab, sorry, I misspelled “child”.

          “i ReD bIoLoGy stuFs oN Da wEbZ!!!” might be one of the more dangerous things people mutter these days.

      • We also bagged the head of Hezbollah in the same strike…

        • That’s what happens when they’re dumb enough to meet at a convenient central location instead of using Skype.

        • More likely how the results of a successful dove hunt look.

          Kinda *shredded*… 🙂

  5. For about five years everything in Chicago has been telling the police that attempting to actually do their job is a mistake. Not only will the violence continue but if ‘society’ ever decides enough is enough it will take a lot of effort and time to move the momentum back onto proactive policing instead of just responding to calls and taking a report.

      • This particular bot is especially annoying. No contribution ever to any conversation. Just weak attempts to get anyone to click on the storefront. For some reason, Dan and TTAG has never blocked it.

  6. What is a *hill jack”, I think I’ve got redneck figured out, kinda sorta because it’s definition has morphed slightly thru the years. And tailor trash/white trash is easy enough, but I have clue not on what a “Hill Jack ” is. I’d actually like to see the racial slur ” river rat” used more often.Vlad could you possibly weave RiveRat into one of your comments.

    • River rat is ray-ciss?

      I always associated that with being dirt-poor…

      • I always associated it with whitewater rafting and tubing. I know a lot of the outfits have it as part of their image.

    • I think a hill jack is a hill folk jack of all trades. Might not even be an insult. I know for a lot of us being called a cracker is fine. Same for folks born in Georgia.
      But it is funny to find folks who get upset at the word cracker. Heck the fair up in Tampa even has an area called Cracker Country.

      • In the Ohio (Ahia) and West Virginia (West Virginny) area’s a Hill Jack was a poor white guy that had at least 3 cars jacked up on cement blocks while he worked on them with his bare feet sticking out from underneath when he was working on it. Most of the time he never succeeded in getting any of his cars to run more than a few minutes.

        And by the way Hill Jack is not racist as the people mentioned were a mixture of so many races they themselves could not tell you where their ancestors came. I have met quite a few that were of Scotch Irish Ancestry. I could explain how I know but then people would all be yelling racist at me. I might add their original music and fiddle playing can be traced to Scotland. NPR once did a study on their migration from Scotland to the coal mining areas of the U.S. mostly W. Virginia.

        I once had a conversation with a West Virginian and the language barrier became hilarious. He was trying to tell me about his Uncle Earl but I thought he was talking about changing his oil in his car because I knew they pronounced “oil” as “earl”. When I finally figured out what he was talking about we all had a good laugh. Another word they use is “Boyd”. It really means Bird. The phrase “dead on” is pronounced “Daid On” The word tiger is pronounced “Tager” Its best to use an interpreter when traveling through the state. Understanding Klingon or Romulan or Vulcan is easier.

        I might add this is not a U.S. problem or phenomenon as when traveling through Britain I encountered 50 different dialects, some fathomable to me and some I could not understand a word of and I found out even the Brits have trouble communicating with all of the dialects. I found 5 different German languages and they have the same problems. And if you think this is bad in China they have 250 different dialects and 175 different ethnic groups not including the conquered and enslaved Tibet.

    • See my explanation below in regards to Hill Jack. As far as River Rat , in this area the term is not used and not even known. Most people in my area would probably think it means a poor person living on a raft along a big river or a group of professional hobby rafters.

      I found out the term Hillbilly is known even in Japan and they know what it means in regards to U.S. people that are called that. I sometimes think foreign people know more about the U.S. than do its own citizens. But then again considering our low level of primary and secondary education its not surprising at all.

      • Dude, you’re only purpose here is to bitchslap the real forum communist. Otherwise you’re not entertaining.

  7. Obviously 95% of the victims are POC because of all white supremacists running around and killing them. Maybe I misread the pie chart – it wasn’t labeled. Was it saying 95% of the of the 12% of the perpetrators that get caught are POC?

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