happy new year champagne gun

As we approach The Truth About Guns’ 10th anniversary early next year, we’ve passed some noteworthy milestones. We passed the two million comments mark within the last sixty days. We also just had our largest single traffic day and month in our history.

As always, everyone here at TTAG appreciates the continued support and participation of our outstanding, engaged readership. None of this would be possible without you.

We’re look forward to an interesting — and likely challenging — 2020. So from all of us to all of you have a happy and a healthy new year.


  1. Any chance of finding a new range and enough manufacturers for Texas Firearms Festival 2.0? Even if not in Texas. I made the trip from MI in 2016 and it was awesome!

    • I wanted to go to that event, but couldn’t due to being in a hot sandy place that was not Texas. I would plan to go if they had another. It looked like an awesome time.

  2. Happy New Year! Time to pray more frequently for Virginia and the USA! We need God’s grace more than ever.

  3. Happy New Year to everyone!!! Everybody Dry Fire at home. And get to the range when you can. And take a new person. Plan on taking one class this year. Even a local one.

  4. I am relatively new to firearms; I purchased my first pistol and shotgun late in 2016. TTAG, and all of you, have provided much education, training suggestions, and experience/wisdom. Some good laughs, also!

    Thank you, TTAG, and all of you who post here!

    Health, joy, love, and prosperity for this new year!!

  5. Happy New Year to all! I second Chris T in Ky’s comment! God bless America ! Trump 2020 !!!

  6. Happy new year to everyone at TTAG and everyone on TTAG . Every day you folks give me something to look forward to , be it good news about 2A related info. Or keeping me in the know about anti gun nuts. Great work and cheers !!

  7. HAPPY NEW YEAR, Everyone. ,,,,, I’m thinking this new town I moved to might be A Okay, 24:00 hours she lit up with gunfire and fireworks .

    • Indeed.

      Considering where I was one year ago today, using a walker and over $140,000 in debt and a lengthy recovery ahead, it doesn’t get much better than this. Mostly-healed, debt-free and some cool new guns to play with.

      May the good gun people have a most excellent new year, and may the TTAG trolls all get a combination of incurable venereal diseases, gingivitis, and stage 4 cancers.

      (Spreading the love, wherever I go… 😉 )

  8. Happy new year y’all! Been here daily for years. Always enjoy the banter and discussions. Still miss my daily digest though🤦🏼‍♂️. Stay safe, stay armed!

    • I liked the “captionn this” myself, skip the prize. I also liked the pocket dump of the day even though I ragged on it s lot it was fun to see other people’s ECC’s

      • Hey, Possum; I had both my eyes done a couple of years ago……..It’s nothing to worry about. They were both done about a week apart………….Good Luck !

      • “Going to eye doc the 7th, see about getting my cataracts fixed,,,👍”

        I see my surgeon in two days to get that done. Everyone tells me the results will be amazing. I hope so, driving at night currently sucks.

        And I can afford to get it done thanks to being nearly killed last December 20.

        Best luck on yours!

  9. …happy New Year from the hinterlands of north Idaho. Enjoyed the sounds of neighbor’s “balistic celebration” from across the valley. Looking forward to improving basic health in 2020.

  10. Happy New Year Folk! Let’s not forget in the year 2020, that we’ve just about lost all of our war vets from WWII and Korea. The reason why we have a free nation today is because our Fathers and Grandfathers knew how to shoot! You were taught to shoot by your Father growing up. So in order to keep this great tradition going, you need to take your kids out and start shooting. Start with a pellet gun, then 22 and go from there. When the old timers were drafted, they were already deer hunters. They were outdoorsmen who could take care of themselves and endure hardships. Let’s not let those important skills get lost in the modern world.

    • What’s that you say, I’ve got my eyes buried in Facebook,, then I’m playing video games. no time for that target shooting snd outdoor stuff.

  11. Happy New Year!

    As an original TTAG commenter and sometimes writer for the last decade, I can remember when we had a dozen frequent commenters and just one tr0ll.

    Times have changed.

        • Strange how everyone wants to live a long life, yet no one wants to get old.

          The game is rigged, I fear… 😉

    • Ralph

      I remember the small site numbers.

      Not sure how long I have been reading the site but I did go back to the original pages and read them all years back. First time I had been a hospital patient in 40 years and I had a lot of reading time.

      Have also found that TTAG is banned in about 6 countries while travelling. Hopefully will be back in USA late this year.

      It’s already the 2nd here in Australia and I am going to try get to the range more this year. Knee replacement with complications and house remodeling slowed me down since last July. I did get six hunting trips in before that though.

      Hope everyone has a good year.

  12. I’ve been a daily reader since DEC 2012. There aren’t too many websites that are on that list for me. Hopefully TTAG keeps up the great work. There are a few posts I miss that I wish you would bring back, but they don’t seriously impact my enjoyment. More of a nostalgia thing.

  13. May you all have a happy, safe and profitable 2020, and thanks, Dan, for managing the site. Sometimes it looks like trying to herd cats, but better by far to have it and the voice than not. All the best, everyone.

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