The way the day was originally scheduled, Robert’s post about the rubber band man would be the last thing we published this year. And I just… I can’t let that happen. So instead, please enjoy this video of exploding watermelons. Have a happy New Year.


      • I certainly would leave that show early should I attend it in the first place. Audiences don’t make good backstops.

        • You’d think they would work fine as long as they are properly lined up and you are using expanding ammo so you don’t damage anything behind them.

  1. Back at’cha, guys, and thanks for an interesting year.

    -written from a hotel room in Denver, courtesy of United who canceled my connecting flight home. So I miss New Year’s Day at the range with some friends and family. Grumble.

    • You got a jump on the rest of us! Three minutes to go here…I’ll be among the last people on the planet to celebrate the end of this shitty excuse for a year. May 2013 bring us all something better.

      • 2013? What the hell? I’ve already forgotten what year it was. Is.

        Blame it on the whiskey. But at least it’s good whiskey. Dry Fly Washington Wheat, distilled in Spokane, WA, from wheat that was probably grown less than a mile from my house. Doesn’t get much better than that.

  2. Still a bit over an hour away here in the great Pacific Northwest, but what the heck.

    Happy New Year everyone.

  3. This year is already on track to crush 2013! Looking forward to the purge of congress! Never forget! Never forgive! Happy new year to all! May it be better than the past years, but not as good as the ones to come!

  4. Exploding pumpkins FTW!

    Sometimes we need a little reminder of just how FUN this whole gun thing really is. Self-defense and the Second Amendment and everything, yeah…but principles on their own won’t make you laugh like Foghorn did when that second watermelon exploded into pink vapor.

    That’s why I love this stuff.

    • Being realistic…none. (Dammit.)

      Being optimistic…a lot.

      A Marlin 1894 in .357, a Ruger SP101 to go with it, a Springfield XDs-9 for CCW, a Springfield XD-9 duty model for the awesomeness of it, an AR-15 of some sort as a middle finger to the gun grabbers, an AK for the awesomeness of it, a Mossberg 590 Flex, and SOME GODDAM .22lr AMMO because I haven’t been able to find any for a decent price since last January.

      How ’bout you? If 2014 is as good to you as it should be, what would you be buying?

    • Any chance someone will make a carbine that fires the Lehigh Defense .45 Colt 220gr Maximum Expansion? Now THAT would be something in a 30 round standard magazine or even a nice Henry Rifle lever action.

  5. I’m kind of an antisocial fucker, so once or twice I’ve almost decided I hate this place (because there’s people in it), but I also love this place.

    To RF, Nick, Dan, and all the people who make TTAG what it is: a big, drunk, New Year’s THANK YOU for making this the only site on the web that’s worth checking every day, every hour on the hour. Sometimes you irritate the fuck out of me (and I’m sure I’ve done the same to some of you), but I’m glad you’re out here on the interwebs.

    Gun people are the best people. May 2014 be good to all of us.

  6. Um u missed bad on the first shot. Lets hope your sponsors don’t visit TTAG. Anyway thank you for giving me hope for change (not like we are used to hearing from DC) and I wish u all the best in 2014.

    • Missed it by “THAT much…”

      Well, it’s hard to get the sights on target when you’re giggling.

  7. RF, Dan, Nick, et al., thank you so much for this site and for all you do, and thank you for letting all of us be a part of it.

  8. A big, fat, drunk Happy New Year from your surly Irish civil rights activist in North Carolina, Excedrine! 😉

  9. Anybody thinks californians are anti gun ought to be in the east bay at midnight on New Years eve. 10 round mag limits and nfa rules apparently don’t apply here.

  10. Happy New Year to all from an outpost in the Formerly Free state of Maryland!
    May freedom return soon.

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