Home » Blogs » Happy Obama Day: 10 Killed, 60 Wounded In Chicago Gang Violence This Weekend

Happy Obama Day: 10 Killed, 60 Wounded In Chicago Gang Violence This Weekend

John Boch - comments No comments

Illinois celebrated its first ‘Barack Obama Day‘ on Saturday. Meanwhile in the former president’s adopted home town, gang violence ran rampant. With high temperatures and low self-control, the city’s criminal class kept hospitals busy. By the end of the holiday weekend, 60 were wounded and 10 had died.

Operating from their standard summer season playbook, Chicago police blamed illegal guns for the carnage rather than they city’s gangs.

From ABC News Chicago:

Dozens of people were wounded in shootings across Chicago since Friday, police said. One paramedic described the evening as “a war zone.”

Since midnight, police said 43 people have been shot, six fatally. Since Friday at 5 p.m., 60 people have been shot, nine fatally, in shootings in Chicago.

34 of the shootings and five deaths occurred between 10 a.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. Sunday, according to police. During one two-and-a-half hour-hour period, 25 people were shot in five multi-injury shootings.

Happy Obama Day: 10 Killed, 56 Wounded In Chicago Gang Violence This Weekend

Mayor Emanuel and friends must have contacted the news outlet because clicking that original link takes folks to this new story:

But the Internet is forever.

Need another example of how the mainstream media minimizes the crime and gang violence in Rahm’s paradise by the lake? Here’s a shot of the front page of the Chicago Sun-Timeswebsite this weekend, highlighting the city’s really important news.

Happy Obama Day: 10 Killed, 56 Wounded In Chicago Gang Violence This Weekend

Lollapalooza celebrated its 25th anniversary this weekend as well. One hundred thousand mostly young people paid $335 plus taxes and fees for general admission to come see the concerts.

But HeyJackass.com reports the time, address (and neighborhood), along with the sex and age of most of the victims:

Friday 8/3
1:55p 100 E 113th, Roseland, M/25
3:10p 7600 S Kingston, South Shore, M/23
3:35p 11300 S Carpenter, Morgan Park, M/21
7:15p 400 S Kedzie, Garfield Park, M/66
7:55p 7700 S South Shore, South Shore, M/30
11:00p 3000 W Jackson, Garfield Park, M/17
Saturday 8/4
12:05a 3700 N Troy, Irving Park, M/25
12:40a 12200 S State, West Pullman, M/26
12:55a 1700 N Mason, Austin, F/20
12:55a 1700 N Mason, Austin, M/22
1:20a 100 N Oakley, Near West Side, M/25
1:30a 9800 S Greenwood, Pullman, M/21
4:00a 3400 W Huron, Humboldt Park, F/41
4:00a 3400 W Huron, Humboldt Park, M/41
11:55a 6800 S Wood, Englewood, M/58
11:55a 6800 S Wood, Englewood, M/47
10:50a 5900 S Maplewood, Chicago Lawn, M/38
1:35p 600 E 76th, Grand Crossing, M/25
2:30p Woman Killed by Pitbull, Pitbull Killed by CPD
3:25p 3900 W Madison, Garfield Park, M/26
5:30p 500 E 92nd, Chatham, M/22
Sunday 8/5
12:05a 3700 W Altgeld, Logan Square, F/20
12:05a 1600 S Avers, North Lawndale, M/13
12:05a 1600 S Avers, North Lawndale, M/16
12:05a 1600 S Avers, North Lawndale, F/17
12:05a 1600 S Avers, North Lawndale, M/25
12:20a 4100 W Cullerton, North Lawndale, M/18
12:40a 1300 W 76th, Auburn Gresham, F/14
12:40a 1300 W 76th, Auburn Gresham, F/17
12:40a 1300 W 76th, Auburn Gresham, F/17
12:40a 1300 W 76th, Auburn Gresham, F/19
12:40a 1300 W 76th, Auburn Gresham, M/18
12:40a 1300 W 76th, Auburn Gresham, M/19
12:40a 1300 W 76th, Auburn Gresham, F/21
12:40a 1300 W 76th, Auburn Gresham, M/35
12:50a 900 S Karlov, Garfield Park, M/29
12:50a 900 S Karlov, Garfield Park, F/30
12:50a 900 S Karlov, Garfield Park, M/30
12:50a 900 S Karlov, Garfield Park, M/43
1:00a 4800 S Paulina, New City, M/26
1:30a 3200 S Keeler, Little Village, M/26
2:25a 4700 W Gladys, Austin, F/28
2:25a 4700 W Gladys, Austin, F/29
2:25a 4700 W Gladys, Austin, F/41
2:35a 1300 S Millard, North Lawndale, F/17
2:35a 1300 S Millard, North Lawndale, M/11
2:35a 1300 S Millard, North Lawndale, M/14
2:35a 1300 S Millard, North Lawndale, F/17
2:35a 1300 S Millard, North Lawndale, M/17
2:35a 1300 S Millard, North Lawndale, F/21
2:50a 200 S Pulaski, Garfield Park, M/14
4:15a 1600 N Leclaire, Austin, M/19
4:15a 1600 N Leclaire, Austin, M/21
4:15a 1600 N Leclaire, Austin, M/37
4:15a 1600 N Leclaire, Austin, M/?
5:45a 12100 S Bishop, West Pullman, M/33
6:50a 100 N Leclaire, Austin, M/32
6:50a 100 N Leclaire, Austin, F/21
6:50a 100 N Leclaire, Austin, F/27
6:50a 100 N Leclaire, Austin, M/30
6:50a 100 N Leclaire, Austin, F/34
12:10p 700 E 93rd, Chatham, F/30
12:45p 4500 W North, Humboldt Park, M/62
4:15p 7600 S Union, Auburn Gresham, M/17
7:50p 2700 S Dearborn, Douglas, F/?
7:50p 2700 S Dearborn, Douglas, F/?
7:50p 2700 S Dearborn, Douglas, M/24


Happy Obama Day: 10 Killed, 56 Wounded In Chicago Gang Violence This Weekend

In the above photo from the Chicago Tribune, police look over the scene of one of the gang shootouts. Note the discarded empty liquor bottles that outnumber the shell casings.

Of course, Chicago police say they have the remedy to Chicago’s violence problem: going after the “illegal guns.”  From the re-cast ABC News story:

Police say the violence is unacceptable and they say they continue to take illegal guns off the streets.

New flash: it’s not gun violence. It’s gang violence.

Dear Chicago Police Department: How about taking violent criminal predators off the streets? Chicago’s gang members don’t fear law enforcement or the criminal justice system. One life-long resident told the Tribune as much:

One man stood by himself, leaning his back against a chain-link fence on the north side of 16th Street, watching police work the large crime scene to his east. He estimated more than 1,000 people had been there. He talked freely but did not want to be named. He’s lived in the neighborhood his whole life.

“I know the rules,” he said.

The man had been on his way out when he heard the gunshots, he said. He commented on the brazenness of shootings he’s grown accustomed to.

“If they shoot you, they don’t even run,” he said. “They just walk away, they ain’t trying to run.”

As hard as they try, the Chicago Police Department has identified and charged criminal suspects in just 13.7% of homicides (47 of 342) this year. In fairness, they don’t get a lot of help from the community. Or the revolving door criminal justice system.

When the criminals don’t fear arrest or imprisonment, they act with impunity. Just like the man who “knows the rules” says.

0 thoughts on “Happy Obama Day: 10 Killed, 60 Wounded In Chicago Gang Violence This Weekend”

    • A wall around Chicago, specifically.

      Better yet, a wall around its politicians. Four concrete walls, with doors that lock from the outside and bars on the windows.

  1. We need a wall around Chicago !! Let the decent , law abiding citizens exit. Let the gang Animals do as they will with each other. It is a sad situation to be sure ,but the system is broken. The mentally ill do as they please to whomever they please. They act like animals running rampant in the jungle. They are an infestation , period.

    • The decent , law abiding citizens are exiting due to the rampant crime and skyrocketing tax bills. The only people left will be the poor and homeless who are told constantly that they don’t need guns to protect themselves. Welcome to Utopia!

      • They sure are…. sold my house in one day at $7000 over list to a Chicagoan who didn’t want to deal with all the city’s bullshit anymore. Too bad the suburbs are getting to be just as bad.

  2. I’ve been in EVERY freakin’ hood mentioned. Southside & Westside of Chiraq. Was it dangerous in the mid 80’s and early 90’s? Hell yeah but now we have thousands of 12-16year old dindu’s shooting. I avoid Chiraq if at all possible…oh and the final figure is 63 shot with 10 dead. It cannot be saved only contained…

  3. This is the perfect opportunity for the March for Our Lives , Moms against guns , and the rest of the gun grabbing politicians to unite. They all have armed body guards so they should have nothing to fear . You all want to confiscate guns ? Here’s a good place to start. We have a Democrat in Florida that says that banning assault rifles will be her first act if elected. You can lead the way .

    • I want to see this!!!

      March for Our Lives out there ON the streets in the BAD hoods, on a Friday and Saturday night at the same times the shooting happened

      Lets see how long they last or want to buy guns afterward???
      Especially when MADE to repeat the same deal every weekend for a year… I bet Hogg boy gets an AR 15 by the end of the week!

      come on March for Our Lives…put your money and blood where your mouth is???

  4. I avoid Chicago like the plague when travelling through the upper Midwest. Is it any wonder?

    One note is that the shooters didn’t even have the discipline to police up their brass when they were done firing. They left it on the ground for the police to do. Since the shooters aren’t afraid and walk away from their dirty deeds, I would think they could at least do that! /sarc off

    I was just thinking that the City of Chicago could somewhat take care of this problem by making shooting gang opponents an event. They could put all of these people in Soldier Field (except during the NFL season), seal it off from the outside, and let them have at it, and leave their neighbors in peace. If I was mayor, I’d make it a regular event.

    Oh, and if the city is serious about cutting the shooting rate down and getting rid of the revolving door justice system, they could build new prison blocks on barges (as many as necessary) and anchor them out in Lake Michigan – far enough out to prevent swimming ashore – and stick all the gang-bangers in there.

    • Alternatively they could actually allow, and support, a neighborhood militia trained by professionals so that willing volunteers could take up arms against gangsters without criminal prosecution. Simple, if you swear loyalty to a gang you’re no longer an American citizen.

      This way would help solve the problem, while providing security and maybe even open career paths in the military for volunteers. It would also keep the “rascist” (I’m a minority btw so dont claim I’m saying this “cause I’m white”) police out of it so no race riots.

      And arming minorities and underprivileged so that they can PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENSE (everyone remembers that right) and protect their families and communities from threats FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC (am I right) is never a bad thing.

      Give a man/woman a fish feed him/her for a day (a cop every now and then but no real autonomy) Teach a man/woman to fish (or to defend himself/herself) feed him/her for a lifetime

  5. I’m sure Father Phlegm and his happy band of “Bunting Tossers” will be protesting again this week…… Of course , they will not be marching in the neighbourhoods where the gangs are having turf wars. Much safer to shut down Lake Shore Drive and Wriggleyville (with the assistance of Rahm and Eddie)

  6. People give the police departments in places like Chicago, Baltimore, etc too much crap. By and large, it is not the police departments that are the problems but rather the District Attorney and prosecutors. The police can wrangle up as many murderers as they can find but without competent prosecutors they will be back on the streets in no time.

    • You win. Absolutely correct.

      Cook County is more worried about affordable bail for defendants than keeping the residents safe. After all, each less violent predator incarcerated at 26th and California is $143 less dollars (per day) Cook County has to spend.

    • Part of it is their fault. When the bosses are more concerned with making officers travel to the suburbs to arrest a misdemeanor trespasser at the fest, priorities are mislead.

      • I ran the numbers on ‘Lollapalooza’.

        At $335 a ticket for 100,000 attendees, that’s a cool 33.5 *million* at the gate.

        Someone is making a nice haul from that gig…

        • Good job reading ABC7 news and multiplying two numbers!

          The real concern here was the CPD allocated resources to garbage that did not reduce the overall shooting numbers in Shitcago but instead made them $23 after all court fees/fines. Didn’t even cover the officers/detectives rate of pay.

  7. Does the $335 admission to Lalapalooza include complimentary poontane ?

    Wasting money like that is one reason that few of today’s yoots can afford to buy a house,

    • My thought also. That must really cut into the tennis shoe and baggy britches budget. Gotta up the local robbery stats when the utes get busy raising funds.

  8. And just how many of Chiaqs finest made any arrests out of 60plus shootings???? Don’t see any mention of that anywhere.

  9. Like a buddy told me years ago

    the best way to end gang violence??

    Teach them in jail how to shoot straight and on target!

    the ‘issue’ will clean itself from there on!

  10. The one the Aryan Nation wanna touch, burn my church, set me up, hog tie,and wet me up, and at the same time my block hold a 9 and a bullet with my name in case I go against the grain.

  11. Dumbama never was man enough to own up to the fact that his hometown was the most violent in the nation. But I digress. He did shed some tears over… oh wait, never mind.

    • “He did shed some tears over… oh wait, never mind.”

      We can say it.

      The nation’s first Black president cried on cue in front of the TV cameras for dead White children.

      Now just how coldly cynical is that for him?

  12. Asians were brought here in the 1800’s to lay explosives for the railroads not being able to speak a lick of English. During WW2 we imprisoned them in camps. They couldn’t vote until the 50’s – They currently have one of the lowest poverty rates in the US and a really low divorce rate. They seem to value two things that are important to succeed in this country, which are family and education. Despite all this they somehow succeeded and never blamed anyone or anything. Then we have these people, who continue to breed children they cannot raise in communities they shouldn’t be raised in. Single mothers with no job, no education, no money and no home having kids with multiple men. Those kids grow up around other kids who only value NBA2K and rap music who have no discipline ever instilled on them. Then when they turn 18 and have no prospects for college or work they start shooting and robbing people. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with what people value. These people value very little and conduct their lives in such!!!

  13. Where would the US rank in violence statistics if we took out Chicago’s numbers? Or just a weekend’s worth?

    Asking for a friend.

  14. Whenever somebody tries to lay blame for this sort of gangland turmoil on the NRA call them racist for using such offensive terminology as N-words Runnin’ Around.

  15. Young males with guns. It’s like they all have illegal guns and conceal carry without a license.

    The good people who follow the law be at work disarmed and still get shot while literally cleaning the streets. The man be at work minding his own business yet he gets shot dead because of the “get some” mentality. The killers were there for the 22 year old male who hangs out with “rappers,” but decided to murder the 43 year old because they could.


    Where were the police when a group of young males be running down the streets shooting until they finally murder their victims? Chicago got surveillance systems and a bunch of cops yet people can run for blocks while being shot at and not get saved by a cop. So, what do you do in a place like that? You carry regardless of what the government says you can do, which is why gun grabbers want “stop and frisk.”


    In such neighborhoods they have urban attire stores selling the current street fashion, those stores should sell body armor for all ages and both genders because they need it. Rich people got clothing companies that sell tailored clothing that is actually body armor.

    It doesn’t just happen in Chicago. Where ever gun control happens, it happens.


  16. Let’s see:
    * Most corrupt city “government” in North America – Politicians have worked hand in glove with organized criminal gangs since my grandmother trained as an ambulance driver for WWI.
    * Most corrupt police department in North America – The Chicago PD refused to protect the Black community from White rioters and arsonists (like future Democrat Mayor Richard J. Daley) during the 1919 race riot, were errand boys for Capone, have operated organized burglary, torture, and home invasion rings, and whose rank and file publicly supported a 300lb. coward trying to stomp a 100lb. barmaid to death.
    * Most racist (on all sides) and apathetic population in North America – Any place that BOTH Frank Collin AND Louis Farrakhan found a congenial environment is a VERY sick place. The average Chicagoan will let you steal his last $0.05 if you can convince him that you’ll use it to harm somebody of a different race, ethnology or religion.

    And Chicagoans have gleefully voted for all of this for more than a HUNDRED years.

    I’m simply astonished that such a place could possibly look like something from “The Stand”…

  17. I will let the old time residence of Chicago talk about the first female Chicago mayor, Jane Byrne, overall. My focus is on her moving into the combat zone called the Cabrini-Green public housing project. She brought an army of police with her. The crime level dropped to zero while she was there. I don’t expect the proud jewish mayor, and son of a terriorist, to follow her brave example. The gangs were planning on assassinating her while she slept in the project, which the police stopped. Unfortunately Bryne was responsible for the gun registration program in the city.


  18. What a hellhole of a city!! This place was bad decades ago but it has gotten so much worse! I don’t know for sure who said the following, but whoever it was sure hit the nail on the head: “Chicago, your city is a swamp of depravity…everything and everyone is for sale.”
    Get rid of Mike Madigan for starters, then should follow the so-called mayor and all of his “friends” and cohorts. They are despicable excuses for human beings and not one of them has ever given a damn about the city of Chicago! What will the city do when the people who actually work and pay taxes are gone?? Don’t forget Detroit!! Thank God I will be leaving…. I can hardly wait to be rid of this place and everything in it!!

  19. How many WHITE kids are killing eachother in Chicago? Oh yeah, that questions not only racist, its REAL. The “gun violence” problem in this country directly relates to BLACK people. The men, women AND Politicians. Disgusting.

  20. Chicago has an estimated 150,000 gang members. One gange was making a estimated million dollars a week in drug sales. Another gang leader was arrested with 8.6 million in assets plus real estate holdings.
    Does anyone believe that Chicago politicians aren’t getting a cut?

  21. The citizens of Chicago have created their own hell by continuing to let the democrat machine run the city. It has for decades and will continue on until the voters get fed up with it. Blame the citizens and the machine, take some responsibility and stop blaming guns. Look around the world today, guns get taken away, different methods of killing are used: acid attacks, knives, cars, you name it.

  22. How unfortunately their supreme leader wasn’t one of the names on the list of the dead, then he’d actually have a legacy to be remembered by. At this point why bother to even report on that Sh**Hole city the cops can’t be pro-active for fear of being racist so they are left with the clean-up after the fact…how nice. But just think of the bright side….once every one is dead (the blacks) there will no longer be a problem, and then the population will be under control again. Thank you Democraps Mission accomplished!

  23. The Whole World is getting worse day by day.Everybody rants about all the evil. There’s only one answer to the problems. Read your Bible & all the prophesy therein. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, pray & follow the 10 Commandments & Believe them all! Satan wants to take as many souls as he can to Hell with him! Jesus is the way, the Truth & the Life, no one cometh to the Lord, but by Him! Eternity is forever, we have a choice, spend it in heaven with the Lord or In eternal suffering in Hell. Only by accepting Jesus Christ can you be SAVED! Bad things happen in this world because God gave Mankind Free will. I’ve read the end of the Book (the Bible),& the GOOD GUYS WIN!! Take what I’ve said seriously,& make the RIGHT choice.✝️

  24. I’m just a sinner,saved by Grace. Christ has Blessed me in many ways for many years! I’m not some wacko TV preacher,trying to scare people into Heaven. I’m just a.hungry man trying to show others who are hungry,where to find Bread . GOD BLESS Y’all ✝️


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