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Harris and Walz Need to Mind Their “Own Damn Business” On Guns

Jennifer Sensiba - comments 78 comments

In recent days, to the chagrin of many gun owners, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have been making serious campaign progress. They’ve held rallies with large numbers in attendance, and more significantly, they’re climbing in the polls. Even some prediction markets like Polymarket show Harris with a narrow lead. They’re even running a fairly successful “Republicans For Harris” campaign that’s drawing in real Republicans in swing states.

It may be tempting to call the electoral success they’re experiencing fake, but any reasonable look at the situation has to admit that it took several really smart calls for Democrats to achieve this surge along with a lot of help by the media. Biden dropping out not only took a declining old man out of the race, but also allowed the party to reset its campaign messaging along with fresh faces. Choosing a Midwestern governor who has the appearance of looking down to earth, despite questions of how genuine that is, may prove to be another smart move. Reaching across the aisle to “Never Trump” and other moderate Republicans could also paid dividends.

But, the smartest thing they did by far was to adopt more libertarian messaging. Instead of doing what Democrats have done for decades and telling voters it’s time to take their Euro-socialist medicine, they’re wrapping their platform in the flag. On issues where the Democratic Party is offering people more freedom (abortion is the big one), they’re adopting a slogan of “mind your own damn business.” Whether that proves to be genuine or not, we’ll see.

If you can’t stand her voice, I’ll quote something she said in the video above:

We just want fairness, we want dignity for all people, we want to recognize the right all people have to freedom and liberty to make choices, especially those that are about heart and home, and not have their government telling them what to do!

If you didn’t know anything about the Democratic Party, you might confuse this for something Ronald Reagan would have said. Saying that the government should trust citizens to know what’s best for themselves is basically a 180-degree turn from what Democrats usually stand for.

This rebrand of the Democratic Party works because many people are sick of what they’re seeing the Republican Party do. They were also sick of what they were seeing the Democratic Party do and fortunately or unfortunately, depending on where you stand politically, the public typically has a short memory and tends to believe what they last heard. Overreaching abortion bans, calls for restrictions on the LGBT community (especially the T), and some of the more extreme ideas from Project 2025 have a number of Americans feeling like the Republicans are the anti-freedom party now, while half of America still feels that way about the Democrats. Undercutting Republicans on their own ground, liberty and freedom, is proving to be a successful strategy in the polls for Harris right now.

But, there’s one big fly in the Democratic Party ointment:

Just because you call something “freedom” doesn’t mean it’s actually freedom. To support this rebrand of the party, Democrats aren’t actually changing their policy positions. They’re just using different rhetoric to sell it. Instead of selling gun control as something good on its own, they’re calling it “freedom to live safe from gun violence.”

But, the same old failed policies are being pushed. Universal background checks, which amount to de facto registration which could enable future confiscation is a big one. Red flag laws that deny both the Second and Fifth Amendments are on the list. And, as usual, they’re calling for an “assault weapon” ban.

What they aren’t telling voters about all of this is that if anyone doesn’t wish to comply, they’ll send men with guns to enforce it. They’d gladly send someone else’s father or son to kick down your door and (assuming you don’t give up), shoot you to enforce these laws. I don’t know about you, but in my book this is literally the opposite of “mind your own damn business.”

If Harris and Walz really want to prove that they’re serious about freedom, trusting the public and minding their own damned business, they’d better walk back the gun control talk. Anything short of that, and it’s just another form of tyranny wrapped in the flag.

78 thoughts on “Harris and Walz Need to Mind Their “Own Damn Business” On Guns”

    • thats not how it will happen. you simply wont be able to get licenses, permits, tax returns, and other necessary documents of everyday life, until you turn them in

        • Hey TTAG? Why does the correctly spelled word s0c-ial trip the W0rd-press moderation or ban hammer?

          The site covers a topics that could be p0l-itical so censoring on those types of words doesn’t make sense.

        • What tripped the moderation gulag was a reference to the CCP’s s0c-ial credit score system.

          A system where a poor score can limit your occupations, travel (no plane of high-speed train for you), ability to use financial services, and more.

      • “you simply wont be able to get licenses”,
        The State (issuer of licenses, permits etc) would have to be complicit in those actions, many will not comply with unconstitutional mandates and those who do will find themselves bleeding congressional seats…

  1. Kamal and Walz are marxist socialist communist wrapped in the American flag. This sugar coating you see is to disguise it.

    Heck, just a look at Kamalas ‘economic policy’ and reading it, you are able to see the marxist socialist communist clues there. For example, she wants to ‘price fix by government control’ which is straight out the ‘communist collectivism’ concept playbook but she sugar coats it with ‘prices are too high and people are victims of that’ type rhetoric and doesn’t bother to mention that prices are so high, much higher than they were with Trump in office, because of ‘biden nomics’ which she was interactive with implementing that policy.

    She also doesn’t tell you that despite her ‘promises’ she, if she were elected, would not actually have the the constitutional authority to do what she is claiming she will do and can’t do it. For example, neither congress or the president, nor any government agency, have any constitutional authority to ‘price fix by government control’ by any means not even passing a law. Her ‘economic plan’ is one Joe was going to use, she dusted it off and has wrapped it in new rhetoric…Joe found out he could not do it because he simply did not have the constitutional authority to do it so it never got implemented.

    She is basically ‘granting’ her self ‘monarch like powers’ in her promises. She simply does not have constitutional authority to do over 95% of what she claims she will do and neither does congress. For example, notice how in the beginning she was spouting off that she would ban guns by executive order … she can’t do that, she doesn’t have the constitutional authority to do that and besides even if she did issue such an order ‘the people’ would not be bound to ‘obey’ that order. Her promises can only come true if we were a marxist socialist communist state.

    • Didn’t Creepy Joe make similar promises to get the l-3ft wing of the party onside and then found he couldn’t fulfill those promises because of constitutional reasons? Obama had the same issues.

      Cackles is in for a rude awakening.

    • While her current public messaging is aimed toward the center she is constantly reminding all of her Leftist interest groups behind closed doors that “Trust me, I’m lying”

  2. Not to rain on anyone’s parade, but the overwhelming number of firearm transfers, especially today, are completed with a background check. The Feds are able to determine who has what easy enough. So the whole “registration” horse has long left the barn. Even in states where off-background check sales are legal for someone who holds a permission slip, it isn’t too difficult to determine who sold what to whom. The ATF does that kind of work everyday. The only problem is DAs fail to prosecute straw-purchasers, or offer a plea deal usually because the straw-purchasers are members of a protected minority.

    What gun-rights groups need to do is attack the entire background check process itself. It is blatantly un-Constitutional, and violates the principle of innocent until proven guilty. They need to start bringing cases like this forward now, to find a possible route through the courts.

    The danger with the Democrats is they’ll move the goalposts/change the rules to get the results they want. Remember the whole gay marriage thing? The left first started pushing it using state referenda, but when even California voted to refuse to legalize, they changed their strategy to the courts. Packing the court seems to be their go to move now, along with granting D.C. and Puerto Rico two senators apiece.

    If the Dems manage to pull one or both of those off, how will the Republicans react? A Vox author has suggested red states will defy a newly packed court or a packed Senate, but I’m not convinced they have the balls.

    • I must be wrapped in privilidge down south. We’ve never had any kind of secondary market check. You wanna sell a gun to someone else, go do it. Your responsibility is to make sure by basic standards the person is a legal resident of your state (for handguns) who can legally own a gun (by asking them if they can) And that is it. No records, no nothing. I have met a potential buyer and walked away without selling because he was sketchy. I’m not trying to arm loonies or criminals. I do my diligence by the law here as I am required and no gun I’ve ever sold attached to me has ever been found to have been used in a crime. Funny how most all of the crime happens in blue cities isn’t it with the strictest laws isn’t it?

    • You’re kidding, right? All I heard was, “Waaa—I’m a les8ian and they’re gonna persecute the alphabet soup group!” Because Orange Man bad. Look, i don’t care if some jackazz wants to cut his dick off or some twit wants to cut off her tits. As long as you’re an adult, have at it. Be my guest to remove yourself from the gene pool. It’s genital mutilation at best and still should be treated by doctors as a mental health illness. But don’t try to convince me that doing irreparable harm to children is acceptable as “gender affirming care.” Bull$hit. That’s worse than child a8use.
      *Had to repost this as the first, second , & third attempts got memory-holed.

    • You’re kidding, right? All I heard was, “Waaa—I’m a les8ian and they’re gonna persecute the alphabet soup group!” Because Orange Man bad. Look, i don’t care if some jackazz wants to cut his d1ck off or some twit wants to cut off her t1ts. As long as you’re an adult, have at it. Be my guest to remove yourself from the gene pool. It’s genital mutilation at best and still should be treated by doctors as a mental health illness. But don’t try to convince me that doing irreparable harm to children is acceptable as “gender affirming care.” Bull$hit. That’s worse than child a8use.
      *Had to repost this as multiple attempts are getting memory-holed.

    • They last time I checked it was ho.mo.sexual.s who are in positions of power. Who are passing and signing into law, anti-civil rights legislation.

  3. “They’ve held rallies concerts with large numbers in attendance…” FIFY They’re also breaking out the black curtains, while Trump has to turn people away because there isn’t enough room. But the reporting propaganda doesn’t say that.

    “They’re even running a fairly successful “Republicans For Harris” campaign that’s drawing in real Republicans in swing states.”

    No real Republican is voting against the Bill of Rights and Constitutional tradition (three coequal branches), or for communist aspirations. This is like saying “evangelicals for Harris” (yes, they’re doing that) is drawing real Christians in swing states. This is all about fake campaigning and fake news reporting. Everything about Harris is fake, and everything about the campaign coverage is propaganda.

    “…it took several really smart calls for Democrats to achieve this surge along with a lot of help by the media.

    Thank you, Jennifer, for being honest about the situation. Also, those “really smart calls” equals lie, lie, lie about everything to take advantage of the propaganda situation in this country. Pravda would be jealous.

    “Instead of doing what Democrats have done for decades and telling voters it’s time to take their Euro-socialist medicine, they’re wrapping their platform in the flag. On issues where the Democratic Party is offering people more freedom (abortion is the big one), they’re adopting a slogan of “mind your own damn business.”

    Nope. They’re still doing that (commie routine). Dems always love America when it’s election time. It’s part of their pretend to be a Republican bit to fool the ignorant. Then they get power, and go back to openly hating America.

    Thank you again, Jennifer, for being honest about the libertarian routine. It’s almost exclusively about abortion. It’s a little bit about drug use, but they wouldn’t be able to help themselves by eventually regulating and taxing it death.

    When it comes to just about anything outside of poisoning or dismembering defenseless, innocent babies or getting high, they are all about being in your business and telling you what you can and can’t do. The libertarian routine is another head fake to dupe the ignorant. Like I said, their entire campaign is based on lies.

    “…calls for restrictions on the LGBT community (especially the T)…”
    Serious question. Please list the restrictions.

    “…the more extreme ideas from Project 2025…”
    And here you’re showing your ignorance. Project 2025 was put together by a think tank. Do you understand how they work? They try to influence policy. I guarantee you that both you and Trump have never read the 900 page Project 2025. Trump has specifically said that he agrees with some parts, while disagreeing with other parts. It’s the boogeyman this election. Anyone who is spooked over Project 2025 is an NPC drone being controlled by propaganda.

    “…the Republicans are the anti-freedom party now…”
    Democrats in 2024: Freedom is aborting a full term baby, and allowing men to take over women’s sports. Freedom and liberty! Who’s the moderate, and who’s the extremist again?

    “They’re just using different rhetoric to sell it.”
    You get some of it, Jennifer. I think your left wing perception of “LGBT and abortion rights” clouds your judgement. Outside of that, you mostly seem to be able to set emotion aside and use logic.

  4. “They’ve held rallies concerts with large numbers in attendance…” FIFY They’re also breaking out the black curtains, while Trump has to turn people away because there isn’t enough room. But the reporting propaganda doesn’t say that.

    “They’re even running a fairly successful “Republicans For Harris” campaign that’s drawing in real Republicans in swing states.”

    No real Republican is voting against the Bill of Rights and Constitutional tradition (three coequal branches), or for communist aspirations. This is like saying “evangelicals for Harris” (yes, they’re doing that) is drawing real Christians in swing states. This is all about fake campaigning and fake news reporting. Everything about Harris is fake, and everything about the campaign coverage is propaganda.

    “…it took several really smart calls for Democrats to achieve this surge along with a lot of help by the media.

    Thank you, Jennifer, for being honest about the situation. Also, those “really smart calls” equals lie, lie, lie about everything to take advantage of the propaganda situation in this country. Pravda would be jealous.

    “Instead of doing what Democrats have done for decades and telling voters it’s time to take their Euro-so_shall_list medicine, they’re wrapping their platform in the flag. On issues where the Democratic Party is offering people more freedom (abortion is the big one), they’re adopting a slogan of “mind your own damn business.”

    Nope. They’re still doing that (commie routine). Dems always love America when it’s election time. It’s part of their pretend to be a Republican bit to fool the ignorant. Then they get power, and go back to openly hating America.

    Thank you again, Jennifer, for being honest about the libertarian routine. It’s almost exclusively about abortion. It’s a little bit about drug use, but they wouldn’t be able to help themselves by eventually regulating and taxing it death.

    When it comes to just about anything outside of poisoning or dismembering defenseless, innocent babies or getting high, they are all about being in your business and telling you what you can and can’t do. The libertarian routine is another head fake to dupe the ignorant. Like I said, their entire campaign is based on lies.

    “…calls for restrictions on the LGBT community (especially the T)…”
    Serious question. Please list the restrictions.

    “…the more extreme ideas from Project 2025…”
    And here you’re showing your ignorance. Project 2025 was put together by a think tank. Do you understand how they work? They try to influence policy. I guarantee you that both you and Trump have never read the 900 page Project 2025. Trump has specifically said that he agrees with some parts, while disagreeing with other parts. It’s the boogeyman this election. Anyone who is spooked over Project 2025 is an NPC drone being controlled by propaganda.

    “…the Republicans are the anti-freedom party now…”
    Democrats in 2024: Freedom is aborting a full term baby, and allowing men to take over women’s sports. Freedom and liberty! Who’s the moderate, and who’s the extremist again?

    “They’re just using different rhetoric to sell it.”
    Exactly! You get some of it, Jennifer. I think your left wing perception of “LGBT and abortion rights” clouds your judgement. Outside of that, you mostly seem to be able to set emotion aside and use logic.

    • “…the more extreme ideas from Project 2025…”

      July 30, 2024, 3:59 PM EDT / Updated July 30, 2024, 8:21 PM EDT
      By Katherine Doyle (NBC News)

      The Heritage Foundation official leading Project 2025 is stepping down and the group is winding down its policy work following sustained criticism by former President Donald Trump and his campaign.

      Trump’s campaign said in a statement Tuesday that the announcement should put on notice others trying to link themselves to Trump and that it “welcomed” reports of the group’s “demise.”

      “Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign — it will not end well for you,” co-campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said.

      • There you go. It shouldn’t be an issue now, but apparently it still is. Jennifer has brought it up at least three times in various articles, and she seems to be in tune with Democrats. The entire Harris campaign/media narrative is based on lies.

        • Just like the out of context “very fine people” remark (Braindeads favorite), the destruction of Social Security, the non-“insurrection”, the end of legalized abortion and all the other lying bullshit talking points, and these lines will be the daily norm til it’s over, problem is it is never over…

          Something that IS real? They “ATTEMPTED” to assassinate the Republican candidate for POTUS, Kammunist Harris calling for cold war style USSR price controls (when she is not busy copying Trump and Vance and avoiding Press conferences), millions of undocumented (illegal) migrants have been allowed to enter the country, a 30 year fixed mortgage opened @ 7.1%, ACTUAL cost of living is up nearly 20%, the World is on fire and American citizens are still being held hostage by Hamas (if they are still alive) after nearly a year, men are beating up women at the Olympics, Dem VPOTUS candidate put tampon machines in Grade School BOYS restrooms, and all the other fun stuff that has been prompted and promoted by the “Progressive” Left… AND the WHO is “declaring Monkey Pox(?) (basically, it WAS a sekshually transmitted disease most common among a particular segment of society that has now evolved/or been subjected to gain of function research? to become transmissible through close contact) a Global epidemic? WTF, I thought they folded after the WuFlu debacle… Just in time to “mail” out all of those Nov ballots, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…

        • Lies and incompetence. The latest incompetence is price controls and bread lines as economic policy. Spoiler alert. It won’t work out.

          The latest lie, which I gleaned from this article, is that the left is somehow pitching itself as the party of freedom.

          Sure sure sure. Inflation, taxes, anti-constitutional firearm and free speech restrictions, the absolutely crushing real-estate market, over regulation, upending the will of the voters to install a more convenient presidential ticket, DEI, forcing us to praise immoral lifestyle choices, forcing us to fund and support the murder of infants…

          One people’s freedom is another person’s national socialism, I guess.

          • It’s amazing how stupid their policies are. Unfortunately, the electorate is really, really stupid. That’s by design.

    • “…calls for restrictions on the LGBT community (especially the T)…”
      Serious question. Please list the restrictions.

      Let me guess…. it’s those mean Republicans objecting to Lefties giving elementary kids groomer gay p0rn.

      I’m real tired of her pushing stupid Leftist narratives.
      I stopped reading early in the column, went to the comments, and then stumbled on this piece of excrement from her so I had to challenge.

    • “Freedom is aborting a full term baby, and allowing men to take over women’s sports“

      Wrong on both counts, I’m especially entertained by your claims the Algerian boxer is a male.

      The fact she has sued Elon musk and JK Rowling will provide days of entertainment. We’ll see the facts in court crash your delusions.

      • MajorLiar,

        As my Civil Procedure professor in Law School used to say, “Any @$$hole with $150 can sue you.” The UNDENIABLY male (XY chromosome pair) lying boxer sued Elon for? For saying HE was a he, which HE unquestionably is. But I can well imagine that HE is the kind of idiot that would appeal to you and other Leftist/fascists of your stripe. Do you ever get tired of being a lying @$$clown, MajorIdiot???

      • “Wrong on both counts…”

        The DNC wants abortion to be legal until the moment of birth. Are you disputing that? There have even been open discussions about legal post-birth abortions. Miner, do you want to place limits on abortion?

        The determination of sex hasn’t relied on genitalia since the late 1950’s. That’s because some people are born with deformed or ambiguous genitalia. Ever since then, sex determination has relied on the presence or absence of the Y chromosome. Males have a Y chromosome. Females do not. Doctors have historically operated on intersex babies to push them in the direction the doctors feel like they should be pushed. Many intersex people don’t have the exact genitalia that they were born with.

        Let’s say you have a doctor lop off your p-e-n-i-s* and carve out a pocket in your pelvic region. Does this mean you are no longer a male? That unethical doctor merely changed the facade. He didn’t remove your Y chromosome. You’re still a male. You will always be a male, no matter how much you try to change your appearance.

        That’s science. A lawsuit won’t determine what the science is. We’ve known these things for decades. Remember when Democrats were gaslighting us by calling themselves the party of science? Everything you guys push is based on lies.

        *avoiding moderation

      • “Wrong on both counts…”

        100% false.

        The democrats have supported ‘abortion’ up until the moment of full term baby birth almost-exit from the birth canal. That’s called murder, but in democrat progressive language its called ‘choice’.

        and… Men pretending to be women are being allowed to take over women’s sports. Heck, we just had Olympic Games that even celebrated it and basically dedicated the games to it and its happening all over the country – men claiming to be women, men who could not make it in men’s sports claiming to be women so they can compete against biological females who do not have the natural biological male advantages and that puts puts these biologically female athletes at a distinct disadvantage by forcing them to compete outside their class or just not compete and give up sports and if they do try to compete they are endangered by being outclassed by the natural biological male advantages for those attributes used in physical sports. To give you an idea of the stark difference, it would be like if instead of a police officer pulling you over for a traffic violation and giving you a ticket Seal Team Six was sent it to exterminate you.

        You are delusional Miner49er.

  5. They are not “rebranding” just the same old lying and con job on ill informed voters. They certainly should be out and front about their want for massive gun bans for law abiding citizens, at least they are telling the truth about that. Their Marxist “price controls” never work at anything but creating shortages.

      • or… you can keep your guns and just shoot these Marxist tyrant politicians, frequently, and take their food which will probably be in abundance for them, and their power,…. armed citizens in the millions ready to go might be thinking that, according to what the founders intended with the 2A.

        • Yeah, but you won’t because they’ll do this by salami slices and never give you a single event that justifies going after them.

          The past 75 years suggests that they will get away with this.

          • “Yeah, but you won’t because they’ll do this by salami slices and never give you a single event that justifies going after them.”

            Obviously, you did not get the memo.

        • Sucks to kill a Marxist then have to eat their kale and tofu…oh wait…they don’t really eat that shit do they?

          I hate stupid people!

          That tuesday may very well get elected.

          • Only the “long-pigs” being raised for eventual slaughter eat that stuff. After all, they are “human-itarians”.

        • “you can keep your guns and just shoot these Marxist tyrant politicians“

          Yep, advocating for the unlawful killing of their political opponents, the real MAGA plan.

          Fascism has come to America, wrapped in the flag and waving the Bible.

          Donald Trump is quite literally putting the ho back in hosanna.

          • MajorLiar,

            “Fascism has come to America, wrapped in . . . ” as usual, wrapped in lies, idiotic “gender theory” and economic idiocy, wearing Kamal-toe and Tampon Tim skinsuits. Although I have to admit, Fascist Timmy Walz having the absolute GALL to say “mind your own damn business”, when he locked down his entire state, shot people who dared to sit on the patios and porches with paintball guns, and set up a fink line so neighbors could rat out neighbors for the “sin” of having friends over for dinner. You suck, MajorLiar; you suck out loud. ONLY a Leftist/fascist moron, such as yourself, could possibly think ANYTHING those two halfwits are saying is “good policy”. Oh, and I love the way they finally released a (supposed) outline of their “economic plan” that says? Absolutely nothing. They have no plan, . . . But I bet Commie Kammie’s Marxist daddy is SO proud of her!!!!

          • Her two good policies were lifted straight from the “threat to democracy” Orange Man platform LOL. Harris is a joke.

          • “Yep, advocating for the unlawful killing of their political opponents, the real MAGA plan.”

            100% False

            No one advocated for any unlawful acts. Yu obviously do not understand the context – stay out of discussions you do not understand.

          • .40 cal,

            ” . . . stay our of discussions you do not understand.” So, MajorLiar should absent himself from ANY discussion involving firearms, the law, economics, policy, or politics??? Sounds about right, now that you mention it. Like most Leftist/fascists, MajorIdiot has nothing to say . . . and insists on saying it, anyway.

    • No way to have mass starvation without shortages…

      If Marx were brought forward to today, he would be astonished at our collective quality of life, and join the Republican Party.

      He would also be astonished that class envy was still strong enough to be used to destroy such a beneficent civilisation.

  6. If you look at the policies her campaign is actually promoting on other issues, it’s not hard to see how they expect to get gun control into effect.

    They expect people to turn things in “voluntarily” in return for relief from economic policies or for other economic incentives.


    Also, SAFE, your list is nearing completion. As I said at the time, I have a ton of shit going on. And… your area is… well fuck man, it’s hard to whittle things down. Soooo many options that it becomes really easy to make a list that’s unwieldy AF. You got a lot of morons in your area.

  7. RE: “In recent days, to the chagrin of many gun owners, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have been making serious campaign progress.”

    Only if you believe the same polls that swore hilliary rotten clinton had an 85% chance to beat DJT.

    The cackling bag of sht kamala is doing so well she is having to backoff on her demoCrap and change direction to the point she’s become, “Orange Woman.” Even her media pals are questioning her inability to hold a press conference. And her scripted repetitive rallies are not sellouts and small compared to TRUMP/VANCE.

    The 60 year old cackles is so incompetent she was shown how to charge an EV and stood there holding the plug like she was filling up at a gas station. Not to mention the democRat election time trinket promises have worn out their welcome…

  8. Jennifer,

    Your op-ed is (mostly) on point.

    The Democrats are masters of manipulating language to incorporate “The Big Lie”. They have taken misdirection and have honed it to a degree of perfection that the average low-info voter will slurp down like an Icee on a hot summer day, not paying any attention to the brain freeze that may result.

    However, all your rhetoric and good points aside…why do you continue to vote the Big D?


    • Yes Jennifer, in your multiple articles you’ve not told us, are you voting for Trump or Commiela?
      So which is it? Are you just writing pro-gun stories to make a buck, and still voting for the commies, or are you actually going to put your vote behind it and vote Republican?

      • “you’ve not told us, are you voting for Trump or Commiela?
        So which is it“

        Quite honest of you to expose the fact that MAGA is demanding the end of the secret ballot, no surprise there.

        • Yeah, MajorLiar, you Leftist creeps don’t have that problem; you just fill out everyone’s ballot FOR THEM, your way. And then add a few dozen more from the graveyard vote. No “secret ballot” needed, eh???

        • @Miner49er

          “Quite honest of you to expose the fact that MAGA is demanding the end of the secret ballot, no surprise there.”

          100% false

          We don’t have a ‘secret ballot’ voting method in the U.S. for federal or state or local elections.

          You obviously do not know what you are talking about.

          The ‘secret ballot’ process, (AKA ‘Australian ballot’) is a voting method in which a voter’s identity in an election or a referendum is anonymous.

          Here in the U.S., our method is that that the identity of voters are known, but their vote is cast is unknown.

          Big difference!

          • correction for : “but their vote is cast is unknown.”

            should have been …

            but their vote cast is unknown.

            (who they voted for is unknown)

  9. “…calls for restrictions on the LGBT community…”

    Restrictions? As in, restrictions that straight folks don’t face? No, trans persons have the same rights today that they had “pre-trans.” They are pushing for additional rights, like the privilege of a biological male using the girls’ bathroom or beating on female boxers. Those kinds of things have generally never been allowed. Stay in your lane.

    “Instead of selling gun control as something good on its own, they’re calling it ‘freedom to live safe from gun violence.'”

    We don’t want to pervert your kids, just read some stories to them, said the cross-dressers at the library. Did God really say…

  10. ‘freedom to live safe from gun violence.’”

    Everything these people do is based upon a lie. Violence is a human condition always has been always will be.

  11. Both parties have anti-freedom policies. The same way both parties have weird little check boxes for who they will and won’t bomb and why or why not but both will be bombing somebody for something.

    That’s just how government rolls. Pick the side that attacks the freedoms you enjoy the least and just accept that somebody is going to get bombed then vote.

  12. This whole article could have been condensed into one sentence….”I’m voting for Harris/Walz because I’m only pretending to support the 2A”.

  13. “We just want fairness, we want dignity for all people, we want to recognize the right all people have to freedom and liberty to make choices, especially those that are about heart and home, and not have their government telling them what to do!”

    EXCEPT! (screams the quite part not said)… if you own a gun or want to buy or posses a gun to help defend your “freedom and liberty” for “heart and home” against our facilitated pet mentally ill and criminals, or in any other way exercise the Second Amendment right that is the supreme authority law of the land that we were government were specifically commanded not to infringe, then the government can tell you want to do or throw you in prison or ruin your life or kill you.

    • .40 cal Booger,

      Actually, the Democrat mind is much simpler than you portray: they authorize themselves to “neutralize” (by any means necessary) anyone who will hold them back from their notion of nirvana.

      Saying it another way, this isn’t about the Second Amendment: this is about Democrats desperately wanting to eliminate (via imprisonment of execution) everyone who slows down their march to their idea of nirvana.

      Don’t believe me? Consider a subset of their words that you quoted, “… we want dignity for all people, we want to recognize the right all people have to freedom and liberty to make choices … .” They conveniently left out the qualifier, “where ‘all people’ means all people who help us move closer to our definition of nirvana.

      Supporting examples:

      When Democrats want to ban you from attending worship services (because you might spread a disease) and you insist on attending worship services, they want to imprison and/or kill you.

      When Democrats decide that you must get an unproven “vaccine” and you refuse, they want to imprison and/or kill you.

      When Democrats want to ensure that your “transgender” child gets mutilation surgery and you refuse to mutilate your child, they want to imprison or kill you.

      When a mother decides that the baby in her womb is holding her back from happiness and she wants to kill it and remove it, Democrats want to imprison or kill you if you prevent her from doing that.

      And, last but not least, if Democrats insist that you be defenseless because they will feel more comfortable in society and you refuse to be defenseless, they want to imprison and/or kill you.

  14. It was the atheists and ho.m.osexua.ls who supported using government force. To stop religious people for attending Easter services.

    But they totally supported strip clubs and pride parades being allowed to operate in 2020. The fascist white ho.m.osexua.ls/ath.eists can say what they want. But the record from the scamdemic shows they really do support government tyranny.

    They have never supported the 1st amendment. But they do support pornography.

    The groomers have been on the march for decades now. They don’t want children to learn about their american 2A rights. And the responsibilities that go with them.


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