By Larry Keane

The shocking report from The Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shows that while the Biden-Harris administration has been attacking the lawful commerce of firearms – including hobbling U.S. firearm and ammunition exports to overseas markets – it has been wholesale importing criminals into the United States.

The report, released to U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas), showed that there were 662, 566 noncitizens in the United States with a criminal history. That includes 13,099 with murder convictions, 62,231 with assault convictions, 14,301 with burglary convictions, 56,533 with drug convictions, 15,811 with sexual assault convictions and 2,521 with kidnapping convictions.

Vice President Kamala Harris, who was named as the Biden-Harris administration’s border and gun control czar, has also overseen the broken “open border” policy that has resulted in 17,416 noncitizens with weapons charges, although the nature of which weapon those illegal immigrants had in their possession is not specified. Of those, 16,820 were not detained, 14,000 who were convicted.

That means those criminals who are not detained are still on America’s streets, even though they may be facing final orders of removal or are going though through removal proceedings. Fox News reported that there are over 7 million people on the “not detained” docket.

Gaslighting ‘Czar’

Those figures are alarming. This same administration that has wielded nearly every government lever to block or diminish the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens to legally purchase a firearm for self-defense has also been importing tens of thousands of violent criminals at the same time. The Biden-Harris administration isn’t making America safer through their gun control efforts. They are making Americans victims and doubling down by allowing violent criminals open access to America’s neighborhoods.

“It may be shocking to hear that the Biden-Harris administration is actively releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens into our communities, but their own numbers conclusively prove this to be the case. This defies all common sense,” said U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.), Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, to Fox News. Rep. Green has also been outspoken about the Biden-Harris administration’s attacks on Second Amendment rights and the firearm and ammunition industry.

The report comes as Vice President Harris is attempting to gaslight her own track record on both Second Amendment rights and border security. Vice President Harris professed to owning a firearm and told Oprah Winfrey in a television special, “If somebody breaks in my house they’re getting shot,” neglecting to mention she resides at One Observatory Circle on the grounds of the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., that is guarded around the clock by uniformed officers of the U.S. Secret Service. She’s attempted to convince voters she’s a Second Amendment supporter but her own political history belies that claim. Vice President Harris has yet to identify which firearm she says she owns, how it is stored or if it is registered with Washington, D.C., Metro Police, as required by law in the District of Columbia, where she resides as vice president. Or is the firearm – reportedly a pistol according to CNN – registered and kept at her home in Los Angeles?

The Reload reported that Vice President Harris backed plan to forcibly confiscate handguns from law-abiding citizens in San Francisco when she served as the city’s district attorney in 2005. When she ran for The White House in 2019, Vice President Harris backed forcible confiscation of Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs), the most-popular selling centerfire rifle in America.

The ICE report to Rep. Gonzalez came at the same time Vice President Harris visited the U.S. Southern border to see the problem criminals freely crossing. It was the first time she visited the border in three years, despite being President Biden’s border czar.

No Annie Oakley

The numbers presented by ICE make it clear. Vice President Harris is willing to give criminals roaming America’s streets a pass while she prosecutes a radical antigun agenda against Americans who follow the law. The National Review’s editors called her “an Enemy of the Second Amendment.” They pointed out that three times she backed efforts to ban or confiscate firearms – first in San Francisco, later when she signed an amicus brief opposing the 2008 Heller case before the U.S. Supreme Court and again later when she backed confiscating MSRs.

“Harris has spent a career opposing the Second Amendment because she has spent a career trying to ‘take everyone’s guns away.’ The last-minute Annie Oakley act does not alter that one whit,” the editors at The National Review wrote.

This is the true Vice President Harris. She’s a politician attempting to obfuscate her previous policy positions and running from her record. Both tell who she really is. Vice President Harris would make a victim of law-abiding Americans at the hands of transnational criminals who would be left defenseless because of her radical antigun agenda.


  1. “Harris importing crime”

    No shit? How many millions have paid the fees levied by organized crime to illegally enter her home country in the last 4?

    • And she should hear about it all day, every day. Sample: “Madame Veep, disregarding that you have presided over an unprecedented surge of illegal entry by foreign nationals, representing billions in profits for organized crime, what is your stance on controlling zebra mussels in Lake Michigan?”

      • All day, every day. Sample #2: “Madame Veep, disregarding the fact that enough foreign nationals of military age have entered your home country to populate a small country, do you eat eggs for breakfast? And if so, do you prefer scrambled or over easy?”

        All day, every day…

  2. But what about friends of Harris 2014; A California state senator who advocated gun control legislation asked for campaign donations in exchange for introducing an undercover FBI agent to an arms trafficker and told him how to get shoulder-fired automatic weapons and missiles from a Muslim separatist group in the Philippines, according to court documents unsealed Wednesday. // CBS News

    • The fact that Leftwing “feminists” and the followers of Islam present as fellow travelers is strange. Even ‘follow the money’ doesn’t render it sensible. Maybe it’s some sort of self-destruct mechanism, like American Jews and Catholics voting Democrat.

      • It isn’t that strange. Leftists and Muslims are both anti-Western. They’re natural allies. Democrats supported Jews until late in Obama’s second term. That’s when it became obvious that things were changing. The charitable nature of what Democrats are supposed to stand for is very appealing to Christians. When you delve into the reality of the situation, you learn that it isn’t charitable. It’s actually very harmful. However, propaganda works, and ignorance is a thing. Dems weren’t always so pro-abortion. It used to be something that you understood wasn’t great, but it was a fact that you couldn’t change. That’s really why they’re freaked out over the situation. Sometimes, culture is downstream from politics. If that ruling stands, it will change the culture over time.

  3. The border is secure. We aren’t importing people, but it’s a good thing that we are. Immigrants make us rich. Do you want your town to be wealthy? You should be fighting for your share of the newcomers, like New York and Chicago. Importing the world’s poor must be very popular with those sanctuary cities.

    FEMA can’t afford to deal with hurricane season, but they’ve allocated a billion dollars for Kamala’s newcomers. Priorities. Does that mean that the immigration situation is an emergency? The E in FEMA stands for emergency, right? Border czar Kamala intentionally created an emergency situation. Her administration focused the emergency management agency on said situation to the point that the agency can’t deal with an accidental emergency that is impacting American citizens.

    Western NC is mostly a Republican voting region. The only exceptions are Buncombe County (Asheville) and Watauga County (Boone – Appalachian State U). Will the people of Buncombe and Watauga notice how inept the dems are? Maybe. The media won’t draw attention to it like they would if it was Republicans doing the fumbling. But it’s going to be hard to miss.

  4. It’s not just crime.
    It’s also artificially suppressed wages.
    Increased housing costs.
    Increased grocery costs.
    Increased insurance costs.
    Increased wait times for services.

    Funny, all things that hurt the average person but benefit the corptocracy.

    • A. Immigrants are better people than American citizens.
      B. Immigrants make us rich.
      C. Jesus something something Bible verse something something.
      D. That’s not who we are.
      F. You’re a racist.

      Reality is torching their talking points.

      “Funny, all things that hurt the average person but benefit the corptocracy.”

      Which is why it’s no longer about reality and logic. It’s all about Orange Man Bad and you being a bad person if you don’t support the agenda. There’s always a tipping point though. We’re close to it. Look at the history of violent crime coming out of the turbulent 60s. It took them decades to acknowledge the problem and do something about it.

    • Debbie,
      You asked for this on another page. Here you go.

      t-r-a-n-z (included in any word)
      yet (plus) another
      someone (plus) else
      article (plus) content
      s-o-c-i-a-l (ist, ism)
      h-o-m-o (etc.)

      • Thanks for taking the time to make a list…It seems after someone kept posting job links the problem was cleansed by throwing Free Speech under the bus. I and probably others feel like TRUMP/VANCE having to stop and deal with fukhead moderators.

  5. VP Harris has an announcement. American citizens who lost everything in the hurricane flooding are to receive $750.

    Meanwhile illegal aliens are getting “free” college tuition. They are getting a “free” car. They are getting several thousand dollars each.

    Now I know that the libertarians liberals and the Leftists don’t believe in national borders. So I assume they all support giving $$$ to these law breakers.


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