By Larry Keane President Joe Biden traveled to New York City for a media event to try and show America he’s doing something about rampant crime. Instead, he blamed the Second Amendment and lawful gun owners, said nothing about holding criminals to account and repeated the same tired lies about the firearm industry he keeps at the ready – lies “fact-checked” as being false each time he’s previously recited them. It makes no difference to the president. He’s not even trying anymore. To President Biden and national gun control groups the problem is always the gun and the law-abiding members of the industry. It’s never the criminal. Blaming the ‘Resistance’ President Biden was joined by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams for a “Gun Violence Strategies Partnership” meeting to talk about how to solve the crime surge, particularly those involving firearms. Instead of real solutions, the focus devolved into blaming law-abiding gun owners and again pushing a gun control agenda. “Enough is enough,” President Biden said. “Because we know we can do things about this, but for the resistance, we’re getting from some sectors of the government and the Congress and the state legislatures, and the organizational structures out there.” That “resistance” the president spoke of is the American people. Over the past two years they’ve become fed up with police defunding policies and soft-on-crime prosecutors, like Manhattan’s Democratic District Attorney Alvin Bragg. They’ve invested in their own safety. The “resistance” is the 21 million lawful gun buyers in 2020, including more than 8.4 million first-time buyers, and the 18.5 million gun buyers in 2021, with more than 5.4 million first-timers. The ”resistance” has backstopped Congress from passing federal gun control that don’t address crime. It also stopped President Biden’s nominations of paid gun control lobbyist David Chipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and banking activist Saule Omarova as Comptroller of the Currency because not even all U.S. Senate Democrats could support them. They would have turned those agencies into bludgeons to hammer the firearm industry to achieve a special interest, gun control agenda. Favorite Falsehoods The president turned his aim from lawful gun owners towards the firearm industry and repeated a lie he’s rehearsed several times before. “Imagine had we had a liabil… [sic] they’re the only industry in America that is exempted from being able to be sued by the public. Only one,” the president protested. “Why the gun manufacturers?… It’s got to end. They’ve got to be held responsible for the things they do that are irresponsible.” He repeated the claim for emphasis. “And I find that outrageous.” This is flatly false. The president knows by now, or his speechwriters do and they don’t bother with the facts. CNN, Politicfact and Washington Post have all checked President Biden on his remark, including after he said it in the White House Rose Garden. CNN cleanly rebuked it. “This is false. Gun manufacturers are not entirely exempt from being sued, nor are they only industry with some liability protections.” Politifact rated it “false.” Washington Post wasn’t kinder, saying, “Biden is wrong to claim the gun industry is totally immune.” The firearm industry has liability protections under the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), bipartisan legislation enacted under former President George W. Bush. The firearm industry cannot be held liable when unaffiliated third-parties, in this case criminals, misuse a legal, lawfully sold product. It’s fundamental tort law and is similar to an individual attempting to hold Ford and Budweiser responsible for drunk driving deaths. The law was passed in direct response to lawsuits filed against the industry by control groups and municipalities like the city of New York and the state of New York. These type of lawsuit continue to be filed, now even by foreign governments represented by the same gun control group, the Brady Center. Colonial-Era Error President Biden continued to ignore facts on the Second Amendment and its history. He even erred when speaking about the Revolution-era days and why the right to keep and bear arms was so sacrosanct. “When the amendment was passed, it didn’t say anybody could own a gun and any kind of gun and any kind of weapon,” President Biden remarked. “You couldn’t buy a cannon, and when – the – when this, uh, this amendment was passed.” It did, and does, say the right of the People “shall not be infringed.” Even The Washington Post was brutal in their assignment of “Four Pinocchio’s” to this statement. “Biden has already been fact-checked on this claim — and it’s been deemed false. We have no idea where he conjured up this notion about a ban on cannon ownership in the early days of the Republic, but he needs to stop making this claim.” In fact, the Constitution of early America – before the Bill of Rights, and Second Amendment, was even ratified – granted and encouraged “special waivers” to American merchants and sailors, “allowing private individuals to act as pirates on behalf of the United States against countries engaged in war with it.” Americans given waivers and who owned warships obviously also obtained cannons for use in battle. In fact, it is still perfectly legal to buy a cannon today. It is the presidents’ fundamental misunderstanding and blatant lying about the Second Amendment that informs his gun control agenda and misguided approach to solving the crime problem. Millions of law-abiding Americans took ownership of their Second Amendment rights to protect themselves, understanding the president won’t. Instead of mangling the meaning of the right and pushing for more gun control on law-abiding Americans, the president should keep it simple. Take on the criminals and punish them for breaking the law.

Kamala Harris is the most anti-gun candidate who has ever been as close as she is to becoming president, even if she has been less than forthcoming on her specific views on firearms and the Second Amendment. It doesn’t help that she has avoided any meaningful interaction from the media, where she can be pressed to explain her positions. What few appearances she has made have been absolute disasters, even though they have all been with compliant Harris supporters who have handled the candidate with kid gloves.

Without any clearly explained positions coming from Harris for her current campaign, we can only rely on her history of firearm-related statements and the few vague comments she or her campaign surrogates have made as she seeks to usurp the job currently held by Joe Biden.

To be perfectly honest, when it comes to firearms and the Second Amendment, Kamala Harris is running a campaign of disinformation, obfuscation, and lies; a campaign supported by compliant “journalists” and sham organizations manufactured to help obliterate our rights as gun owners.

While Harris has tried to claim she supports the Second Amendment, she has yet to demonstrate that with either words or deeds over a career where she has drawn paychecks from only one employer: Taxpayers.

We’ve noted several times that, as a candidate for president during the 2020 election cycle, Harris stated that she didn’t want to just ban semi-automatic firearms, but also wanted to confiscate those firearms already owned by law-abiding citizens. She is now trying to hide from that past. She wants gun owners to now believe confiscation is no longer part of her plan, but we simply do not believe her.

Sadly, although not surprisingly, many members of the media are more than happy to give Harris cover on her new claim that she does not want to confiscate firearms. The ironically misnamed website tried to give Harris cover, claiming NRA “misleadingly claims that Harris will ‘ban law-abiding citizens from owning’ guns and ‘seize your legally owned guns.’ Her proposal would not ban all guns or seize any guns.”

But NRA has not said Harris wants to “ban all guns.” She very well may, but what we have said, and what Harris has said, is she wants to ban what she calls “assault weapons.” These are guns—and some of the most popular guns sold in America—so, yes, she wants to ban law-abiding citizens from owning these guns, as well as others.

To put a finer point on Harris wanting to ban guns—and not just so-called “assault weapons”—in 2005, when she was San Francisco district attorney, the now-vice president was listed as a sponsor of Proposition H, which was a ballot measure that sought to ban the possession of ALL handguns in the city. While the measure was approved by far-left San Francisco voters, it was struck down by the courts after NRA challenged it.

And to be clear, this was not a ban on the future sale or possession of handguns, it was a ban on ALL handguns, which means, had it stood, firearms would either have to be removed from the city or turned over to authorities (i.e., confiscated).

Thus far, Harris has not yet stated she no longer supports such a ban and confiscation scheme—either for San Francisco gun owners or gun owners writ large.

FactCheck goes on to claim the Harris campaign noted the candidate “is no longer advocating that Americans be required to give up weapons they legally purchased.” Now, that didn’t come directly from Harris, but from some unnamed campaign staffer. It might be more believable (but not really) if Harris made the statement, then elaborated as to why she has changed (we do not believe she has) her position.

The website goes on to note, presumably as a defense of Harris’s claim she is “in favor of the Second Amendment,” that the candidate stated, “Tim Walz and I are both gun owners.” This was claimed during her debate with Donald Trump, after Trump accurately noted Harris supports banning and confiscating firearms. FactCheck also refers to a recent interview with Oprah Winfrey, where Harris claimed, “I’m a gun owner; Tim Walz is a gun owner. If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot.”

At least part of that statement to Winfrey is likely accurate, as Harris is under the protection of the US Secret Service, and her current “house” is located on the very secure grounds of the US Naval Observatory. But if anyone thought Harris meant she, as a gun owner, would use lethal force to defend herself against an intruder, one of her advisors, Keisha Lance Bottoms, later clarified that the comment was “a joke.”

We are not sure if the “joke” was about Harris shooting someone, or if it was about her being a gun owner; or if we should simply embrace the power of “and.” Regardless, all of this simply reinforces the notion of Harris’s stated views on guns being part of a concerted disinformation campaign.

Oh, and about the claim she is “in favor of the Second Amendment”? That could also use some clarification. Let’s not forget that Harris endorsed an amicus brief to the US Supreme Court that argued the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right, and that said right should not be incorporated to the states. Just what, exactly, does she mean when she says she is “in favor of the Second Amendment”?

Then there’s the media’s disingenuous approach to promoting candidate Harris. To that, we offer this:

A New Jersey online news outlet,, recently ran a story with the headline “Harris gets stunning endorsement from group that normally backs Trump.” The story related that Harris had “snagged the endorsement of a national law enforcement organization,,,,”

But the organization, Police Leaders for Community Safety (PLCS), was invented earlier this year, and this is the group’s first EVER political endorsement. So the headline is patently false, as the group has not only never endorsed Trump, it has never endorsed ANYONE. Calling the group a “national law enforcement organization” may not be patently false, but considering USA Today reported PLCS “describes itself as an organization that represents dozens of police officials” hardly evokes the image of a significant “national law enforcement organization.”

A quick review of the PLCS website reveals that the organization is little more than yet another member of the anti-gun industrial complex. Its focus appears to be on promoting anti-gun laws, and its current President and CEO is Gail Hoffman, who served as Legislative Director of Handgun Control, Inc. (now known simply as Brady), from 1987-1992, then served in the anti-gun Clinton Administration.

So, yes, this is simply a sham endorsement for a deceitful candidate from an artificial “law enforcement” group.

In contrast to the endorsement from PLCA, Donald Trump was endorsed by the National Fraternal Order of Police, the nation’s oldest law enforcement organization, and the National Association of Police Organizations, founded in 1978. These groups represent more than 300,000 and 200,000 law enforcement officers, respectively.

We know that the vast majority of those who regularly read our alerts would never be taken in by Harris’ campaign of disinformation, obfuscation, and lies on her views and ultimate goals when it comes to firearms and the Second Amendment, nor would they be swayed by her dishonest supporters in the media or artificially generated “law enforcement” groups. But there are millions of gun owners who may not be as well informed. That includes the estimated tens-of-millions of new gun owners that have made their first firearm purchase over the last few years.

It is imperative that you readers reach out to fellow gun owners or like-minded supporters of freedom who may not be as well informed to make sure they know the truth about where the candidates stand in the upcoming elections. The future of the Second Amendment is clearly at stake.

-Courtesy NRA-ILA


  1. Worst ever? Maybe but slow Joe pushed the ass-ault weapons ban & slick Willie signed it. And Bill Ruger agreed with it😧

  2. biden/cackles used disaster relief funds for illegals instead of keeping it for hurricane victims, rumor has it cackle’s husband once batch slapped an x so the democRat toilet is beginning to overflow…connect the h:
    h ttps://

  3. Don’t worry, FEMA’s on the case. Now that the hurricane affected areas will only have voting in blue cities, Kamala’s truthiness is immaterial as NC, TN and GA are now firmly blue without all the rural-hick-trash being able to vote.

    That’s +43EC votes to Kam off a base of 226, giving her 269 out the gate in a race where you need 270.

    /s (mostly).

  4. Don’t worry, FEMA’s on the case! Now that the hurricane affected areas will only have voting in blue cities, Kamala’s truthiness is immaterial as NC, TN and GA are now firmly blue without all the rural trash being able to vote.

    That’s +43EC votes to Kam off a base of 226, giving her 269 out the gate in a contest where you need 270.

    /s (mostly).

  5. Don’t worry, FEMA’s on the case! Now that the hurricane affected areas will only have voting in blue cities, truthiness is immaterial as NC, TN and GA are now firmly blue without all the rubes being able to vote.

    That’s +43EC votes to Kam off a base of 226, giving her 269 out the gate in a contest where you need 270.

    /s (mostly).

  6. House Committee Subpoenas Biden-Harris Admin in Investigation Into Anti-2A Litigation Collusion.

    h ttps://


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