Joe Biden Angry
(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
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By Larry Keane

President Joe Biden traveled to New York City for a media event recently to try and show America he’s doing something about rampant urban crime. Instead, he blamed the Second Amendment and lawful gun owners, said nothing about holding criminals to account and repeated the same tired lies about the firearm industry he keeps at the ready – lies “fact-checked” as being false each time he’s previously recited them.

It makes no difference to the president. He’s not even trying anymore. To President Biden and national gun control groups the problem is always the gun and the law-abiding members of the industry. It’s never the criminal.

Blaming the ‘Resistance’

President Biden was joined by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams for a “Gun Violence Strategies Partnership” meeting to talk about how to solve the crime surge, particularly those involving firearms. Instead of real solutions, the focus devolved into blaming law-abiding gun owners and again pushing a gun control agenda.

“Enough is enough,” President Biden said. “Because we know we can do things about this, but for the resistance, we’re getting from some sectors of the government and the Congress and the state legislatures, and the organizational structures out there.”

That “resistance” the president spoke of is the American people. Over the past two years they’ve become fed up with police defunding policies and soft-on-crime prosecutors, like Manhattan’s Democratic District Attorney Alvin Bragg. They’ve invested in their own safety. The “resistance” is the 21 million lawful gun buyers in 2020, including more than 8.4 million first-time buyers, and the 18.5 million gun buyers in 2021, with more than 5.4 million first-timers.

The ”resistance” has backstopped Congress from passing federal gun control that don’t address crime. It also stopped President Biden’s nominations of paid gun control lobbyist David Chipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and banking activist (and Operation Chokepoint supporter) Saule Omarova as Comptroller of the Currency because not even all U.S. Senate Democrats could support them.

Failed Biden nominee Saule Omarova testifies before a Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing to examine her nomination to be the Comptroller of the Currency (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

They would have turned those agencies into bludgeons to hammer the firearm industry to achieve a special interest, gun control agenda.

Favorite Falsehoods

The president turned his aim from lawful gun owners towards the firearm industry and repeated a lie he’s rehearsed several times before.

“Imagine had we had a liabil… [sic] they’re the only industry in America that is exempted from being able to be sued by the public. Only one,” the president protested. “Why the gun manufacturers?… It’s got to end. They’ve got to be held responsible for the things they do that are irresponsible.”

He repeated the claim for emphasis. “And I find that outrageous.”

By Larry Keane President Joe Biden traveled to New York City for a media event to try and show America he’s doing something about rampant crime. Instead, he blamed the Second Amendment and lawful gun owners, said nothing about holding criminals to account and repeated the same tired lies about the firearm industry he keeps at the ready – lies “fact-checked” as being false each time he’s previously recited them. It makes no difference to the president. He’s not even trying anymore. To President Biden and national gun control groups the problem is always the gun and the law-abiding members of the industry. It’s never the criminal. Blaming the ‘Resistance’ President Biden was joined by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams for a “Gun Violence Strategies Partnership” meeting to talk about how to solve the crime surge, particularly those involving firearms. Instead of real solutions, the focus devolved into blaming law-abiding gun owners and again pushing a gun control agenda. “Enough is enough,” President Biden said. “Because we know we can do things about this, but for the resistance, we’re getting from some sectors of the government and the Congress and the state legislatures, and the organizational structures out there.” That “resistance” the president spoke of is the American people. Over the past two years they’ve become fed up with police defunding policies and soft-on-crime prosecutors, like Manhattan’s Democratic District Attorney Alvin Bragg. They’ve invested in their own safety. The “resistance” is the 21 million lawful gun buyers in 2020, including more than 8.4 million first-time buyers, and the 18.5 million gun buyers in 2021, with more than 5.4 million first-timers. The ”resistance” has backstopped Congress from passing federal gun control that don’t address crime. It also stopped President Biden’s nominations of paid gun control lobbyist David Chipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and banking activist Saule Omarova as Comptroller of the Currency because not even all U.S. Senate Democrats could support them. They would have turned those agencies into bludgeons to hammer the firearm industry to achieve a special interest, gun control agenda. Favorite Falsehoods The president turned his aim from lawful gun owners towards the firearm industry and repeated a lie he’s rehearsed several times before. “Imagine had we had a liabil… [sic] they’re the only industry in America that is exempted from being able to be sued by the public. Only one,” the president protested. “Why the gun manufacturers?… It’s got to end. They’ve got to be held responsible for the things they do that are irresponsible.” He repeated the claim for emphasis. “And I find that outrageous.” This is flatly false. The president knows by now, or his speechwriters do and they don’t bother with the facts. CNN, Politicfact and Washington Post have all checked President Biden on his remark, including after he said it in the White House Rose Garden. CNN cleanly rebuked it. “This is false. Gun manufacturers are not entirely exempt from being sued, nor are they only industry with some liability protections.” Politifact rated it “false.” Washington Post wasn’t kinder, saying, “Biden is wrong to claim the gun industry is totally immune.” The firearm industry has liability protections under the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), bipartisan legislation enacted under former President George W. Bush. The firearm industry cannot be held liable when unaffiliated third-parties, in this case criminals, misuse a legal, lawfully sold product. It’s fundamental tort law and is similar to an individual attempting to hold Ford and Budweiser responsible for drunk driving deaths. The law was passed in direct response to lawsuits filed against the industry by control groups and municipalities like the city of New York and the state of New York. These type of lawsuit continue to be filed, now even by foreign governments represented by the same gun control group, the Brady Center. Colonial-Era Error President Biden continued to ignore facts on the Second Amendment and its history. He even erred when speaking about the Revolution-era days and why the right to keep and bear arms was so sacrosanct. “When the amendment was passed, it didn’t say anybody could own a gun and any kind of gun and any kind of weapon,” President Biden remarked. “You couldn’t buy a cannon, and when – the – when this, uh, this amendment was passed.” It did, and does, say the right of the People “shall not be infringed.” Even The Washington Post was brutal in their assignment of “Four Pinocchio’s” to this statement. “Biden has already been fact-checked on this claim — and it’s been deemed false. We have no idea where he conjured up this notion about a ban on cannon ownership in the early days of the Republic, but he needs to stop making this claim.” In fact, the Constitution of early America – before the Bill of Rights, and Second Amendment, was even ratified – granted and encouraged “special waivers” to American merchants and sailors, “allowing private individuals to act as pirates on behalf of the United States against countries engaged in war with it.” Americans given waivers and who owned warships obviously also obtained cannons for use in battle. In fact, it is still perfectly legal to buy a cannon today. It is the presidents’ fundamental misunderstanding and blatant lying about the Second Amendment that informs his gun control agenda and misguided approach to solving the crime problem. Millions of law-abiding Americans took ownership of their Second Amendment rights to protect themselves, understanding the president won’t. Instead of mangling the meaning of the right and pushing for more gun control on law-abiding Americans, the president should keep it simple. Take on the criminals and punish them for breaking the law.
Courtesy PolitiFact
This is flatly false. The president knows by now, or his speechwriters do and they don’t bother with the facts. CNN, Politicfact and the Washington Post have all checked President Biden on his remark, including after he said it in the White House Rose Garden.

CNN cleanly rebuked it. “This is false. Gun manufacturers are not entirely exempt from being sued, nor are they only industry with some liability protections.” Politifact rated it false. Washington Post wasn’t kinder, saying, “Biden is wrong to claim the gun industry is totally immune.”

The firearm industry has liability protections under the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), bipartisan legislation enacted under former President George W. Bush. Gun makers and sellers can’t be held liable when unaffiliated third-parties — in this case criminals — misuse a legal, lawfully sold product. It’s fundamental tort law and is similar to an individual attempting to hold Ford and Budweiser responsible for drunk driving deaths.

The law was passed in direct response to lawsuits filed against the industry by control groups and municipalities like the city of New York and the state of New York. These type of lawsuit continue to be filed, now even by foreign governments represented by the same gun control group, the Brady Center.

Colonial-Era Error

President Biden continued to ignore facts on the Second Amendment and its history. He even erred when speaking about the Revolution-era days and why the right to keep and bear arms was so sacrosanct.

“When the amendment was passed, it didn’t say anybody could own a gun and any kind of gun and any kind of weapon,” President Biden remarked. “You couldn’t buy a cannon, and when – the – when this, uh, this amendment was passed.” It did, and does, say the right of the People “shall not be infringed.”

Joe Biden Gun Pose
(AP Photo/Nati Harnik)

Even The Washington Post was brutal in their assignment of “Four Pinocchio’s” to this statement. “Biden has already been fact-checked on this claim — and it’s been deemed false. We have no idea where he conjured up this notion about a ban on cannon ownership in the early days of the Republic, but he needs to stop making this claim.”

Four Pinocchios lies false fake news
Courtesy Washington Post

In fact, the Constitution of early America – before the Bill of Rights, and Second Amendment, was even ratified – granted and encouraged “special waivers” to American merchants and sailors, “allowing private individuals to act as pirates on behalf of the United States against countries engaged in war with it.” Americans given waivers and who owned warships obviously also obtained cannons for use in battle.

In fact, it is still perfectly legal to buy a cannon today.

It is the presidents’ fundamental misunderstanding and blatant lying about the Second Amendment that informs his gun control agenda and misguided approach to solving the crime problem. Millions of law-abiding Americans took ownership of their Second Amendment rights to protect themselves, understanding the president won’t.

Instead of mangling the meaning of the right and pushing for more gun control on law-abiding Americans, the president should keep it simple. Take on the criminals and punish them for breaking the law.


Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

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    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      “still. again.”

      “Meet the new Boss. Same as the old Boss…”

    • On the plus side, the Democrat Party is overplaying their hand (the likes of which has never been seen before) and this may finally wake up the populace to the destructive consequences of the Democrat Party being in power. The only question is whether or not the Democrat Party will be able to pull-off enough election fraud in 2022 and 2024 to keep themselves in power.

      • Excellent point! I’m seeing that also. And the reality is that 2022 midterms are more important than 2024. The way the political theatre, –I meant Warfare’ is going.. I doubt the status quo could be sustained…one way or the other if American Constitutional Patriots don’t take back Congress & Senate first.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          “So be an election observer, especially if you’re in an urban area.”

          We made sure of that, in Georgia, and that’s why they are crying “Jim Crow!” crocodile tears about the new election law enacted there.

          They shouldn’t be able to steal Georgia, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin as easily as they did last time.

          That’s why you’re hearing the Leftist Scum crying about the mid-terms already, they know what’s gonna happen in 8-9 months… 🙂

      • “The only question is whether or not the Democrat Party will be able to pull-off enough election fraud in 2022 and 2024 to keep themselves in power”

        the real question is whether their power fantasy overcomes their perception of the real world – their desire to win thus they’ve already won overcoming their need to make it happen in the real world.

    • Only one more year with Creepy Joe. Then Kameltoe steps in for 10 glorious years. Plus more if the rules are changed.

      Progressives have made discrimination against gun owners acceptable. We are to them the cause of all the ills of society and need to be severely punished.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          “Hellery has been warming up for a return engagement.”

          There’s a huge war brewing in Leftist Scum World about that right now.

          The (Brum) HildaBeast may want it real bad, but support is wavering inside the ranks. And she’s a *lot* older now.

          But can you imagine the hilarity of that same matchup again? 🙂

      • They finally figured out that no one likes Que Mala. They thought they could make people like her since they control the media narratives. Now they have to find some 1 else to step in. It’s either that, or try to prop up sleepy Joe for a few more years. Good luck with that.

        You may be wondering why the third sentence is typed that way. It wouldn’t let me post it without moderation if I spelled it correctly. Now, why would that be???

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          Someone is a shadow-banned word? Then why could I do it?

          Yeah, their back-end is buggy… 🙁

        • Geoff, it only moderates me when I type the entire sentence. They don’t like the context. Try typing the entire sentence. It won’t let me without moderation, so I just delete it.

        • Now they have to find someone else to step in.
          It was a bizarre claim, so I’m testing it. If this posts, that wasn’t it.

        • Wow, dude, you’re absolutely right. It moderated that exact sentence for me, too. (If it eventually appears, it’s because the moderator passed it.)

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

        *snicker*… 😉

    • Your friend is probably already on some list, somewhere. Even if it’s one from the bank saying this person buys gun stuff. Or at your FFL on paper or now in an ATF database.

      • You would have to put ‘AMERICAN PATRIOT’ Resistance ‘ so as nitwits wouldn’t confuse it with commie Marxist entities like Antifa.

        In, Fact, wear your ‘I Am The American Patriot Resistance’ T-Shirt at your interviews.

  1. Slimy, senile, corrupt, serial-child-molesting, rock-stupid Joe Biden lying??????

    I am shocked, shocked I say!!

    Forgetting the fact that the senile husk of a blithering idiot who purportedly occupies the White House was an idiot and a serial liar and plagiarist when he was in the Senate (before he became senile), the entire Dimocrat platform in respect of guns is fact-free, wishcasting nonsense.

    But even the Leftist/fascists in Congress aren’t REALLY pursuing new gun control, because they know it would be an electoral disaster this November. Oh, they babble about it, but . . . nothing happens. Just like the Republicans babble about “protecting the 2A, and . . . nothing happens.

    Suppressors shouldn’t just be legal, they should be standard equipment on new guns. People transiting states with firearms shouldn’t have to live in fear of some intervening state’s idiot ideas of “reasonable” gun laws. Repeal the NFA, yesterday.

        • It’s obvious that you’re an uneducated buffoon. Take a remedial writing course at your local community college and try again.

        • nameless, brainless troll,

          So, now you’re plagiarizing my insults of you, because you are too inept to invent your own. You apparently seek to plumb even greater depths of stupidity.

          Biotch, you (i) ain’t even MINIMALLY educated, (ii) are a pathetic plagiarist, in addition to being an uneducated nitwit, (iii) need to stop neglecting your duties, and go micturate up a cable, and (iv) are too stupid to be insulted.

          I would say “do better”, but you couldn’t if you tried.

        • Nah, rant7, he’s thinking of his GED exam prep course . . . which he’s failed dozens of times. Our nameless, brainless troll thinks he’s a wit – and he’s half right.

  2. Every American should resist the party that owns the legacy of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, the kkk, lynching, Eugenics, Gun Control and other race based atrocities.

    Not once in the history of the democRat Party have they offered a dime of Reparations from their party coffers for the aforementioned atrocities. Instead of demanding payment from the guilty party gullible beat down Black Americans traded Content of Character for democRat Party trinket promises, etc. Hopefully one of these days Black Americans will rise up and take their Content of Character back from the party of slander, libel and deceit.

    Make no mistake about it Jim Crow Gun Control joe using the word “resistance” is talking from past party experience. Experience that came from the thought of slaves being armed and mounting a “resistance” against their democRat slave masters. If you think joe just thought up the word resistance all by his lonesome think again.

  3. [Top level executive branch members of city, state, and federal government assembled] for a ‘Gun Violence Strategies Partnership’ meeting to talk about how to solve the crime surge, particularly those involving firearms.

    And we believe that those people actually got together for the purpose of serving the public, rather than serving themselves, because … ???

    Imagine that you are with your child at a park on a nice summer day. A complete stranger who is nicely dressed and has a warm smile walks up to you. That complete stranger then asks you to hand your child over to them for safe-keeping for several days so that you can advance your job/business and leisure pursuits without the “distraction” of your child. Would you trust that complete stranger and hand over your child? I certainly hope not!

    That is exactly what politicians do. They are complete strangers who wear nice clothes and a warm smile and say, “We are good people and want to make your life wonderful. Give us your money and control over your life so we can make that happen.” If you would not hand over your child to such complete strangers, why would you give them your money and control over your life? Why would you assume that these complete strangers care about your success rather than their own success?

    • Why do people outsource one of the most consequential and important tasks in civilization, the education of their children, to a bunch of fat, whiny socialist hags? Because they’re chasing after illusions of “success” and “independence” and “feminism.” I blame all of the hoo-ha going on with school boards, masks, and “critical race theory” on short-sighted, gullible, and greedy parents. They’re getting what they deserve.

  4. The DNC is just biding it’s time, Sloe Joe will be 25thd soon after Jan next year. Then we’ll be dealing with Camelface Harris.

  5. Meanwhile vaccine producers, which literally kill countless people every year, ARE actually totally exempt from lawsuits because of the failure of their products.

  6. When your President is a senile old man not even running the Country on his own anything he says is essentially irrelevant because he is not the one formulating the thoughts. Probably his phony, disgusting wife, Jill Biden or Barack Obama running the show.

    • Who would listen to senile grandpa,
      Plus he’s a puppet President
      He has the same sense of entitlement as Hilary Clinton.
      Both an embarrassment for USA 🇺🇸

  7. Funny about being “the resistance.” When DJT was President, the Dems were proud to call themselves the resistance. Now that Dementia Joe holds the office, POTG are proud to be called the resistance.

    The world turns.

  8. If I am to be lumped into the category of “The Resistance”. I take that name with a sense of pride. As did the Founding Patriots, who were called worse by far. “I prefer peace, but if trouble must come, let it be in my time that children may know peace”. Thomas Paine. Or in my case my grandchildren as my son will be standing by my side shoulder to shoulder in the fight against Tyranny. Any who are unwilling to fight for the Right of Freedom. Never deserved Freedom in the first place.

    • Darkman,

      As Samuel Adams said, “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

      Although, speaking just for myself, I kinda hope their chains chafe, and are heavy as hell.

  9. Surprised no one has picked up on this. I’m as far from a Biden fan as anyone on this site, but the headline is completely disingenuous.

    It implies that his speech portrays us as guerrillas, when the quote cited in the article clearly referred to opposition through legislative processes. This is exactly the sort of language all parties use all the time for every issue being debated. He didn’t even refer to “gun owners” at all.

  10. Lincoln stated – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.
    The ruling classes forget this at their own peril.

  11. Well actually “Potato” anyone who believe in the bill of rights is the “resistance”!! And proud of it!

  12. Creepy Joe is employing the Goebbels principle. Repeat a lie often enough and it will be considered the truth.

  13. “Hate Speech: Biden Labels Lawful Gun Owners ‘The Resistance’”

    Really? That’s probably the most honest and accurate thing the moron has said in decades. It is absolutely true.

    Resistance is NOT futile.

  14. Though from the other ide of the pond I read these columns with interest Though Imhave no great respect for Joe Biden or indeed for Donaald Trump but what gets us her in Europer is how in Gods name can a nation that has the responsibility for most of the world on it’s shoulders [ whether it likes it or not because that is the price you pay as did the British Empire, and every Empire of the known world before it for being a super power] With great riches foes great responsibilities.
    How could America first elect an irresponsible, mysogonistic, illiterate ignorant narccissist with delusions of grandeur and move directly to a semi-senile geriatrica POTUS. I know we elect fools on this side of the ponds as well but at least we have the means and mechanisms to get rid ot them without a near Civil War if they seriously fail in their duty.
    The problem for the world now is if AMERICAN cannot lead who can? The European Union is paralysed in the face of Russian Agression [though in economic terms it dwarfs Russia] and is actually negotiating a question of Ukrainian National Self determination with aniother certifiable mad man PUTIN let alone facing up to Chinese ambitions.
    Some of the comments here I cannot believe in their sheer stupidity. Joe Biden may well be short of a shiiling but to call him a PAEDOPHILE is beyoned the Pale.
    Surely it must eventuallustrikke home that rthe SERIOUS CRIME RATE in the USA especially those associated with gun crime goes up exponentionally as the number of firearms in the hands of society increase?
    Surely it must be a matter of concern when the number of ILLEGAL DEATHS [ that include murder by whatever means, including domestic, dispute gun crimem knife crime , manslaughter, domestic and acts of Terrorism] in the UK is less than that in the top twenty largest cities in the USA and every single US State. On a per capita basisthat means a TOTAL of illegal deaths in the USA of less than 4000 per annum. I am now over 80 years old nd have never even seen ‘sidearm’ or automatic weapon in the hands of anybody outside of the Security Services and I served in the UK Armed Forces or tghebest opart of two decades as an Armoureer and Smallarms Instructor. I have only twice been threatened with violence and i in the first case the perpetrators lived to regret it with broken bones and in both instances a total of five persons received lifelong term police criminal records.

    • “… received lifelong term police criminal records.” Well A.H., I guess you showed them!!

      With those CRIMINAL records hanging over their heads they will never darken your (or anyone else’s) doorstep again…mission accomplished.

      BTW, your machine-learning integration of spelling, grammar and syntax are still seriously flawed.

    • “How could America first elect an irresponsible, mysogonistic, illiterate ignorant narccissist with delusions of grandeur and move directly to a semi-senile geriatrica POTUS”

      we elected trump because he was the only american running. we didn’t elect biden, dominion did.

      “a nation that has the responsibility for most of the world on it’s shoulders”

      might want to start taking more responsibility for yourselves.

    • With your negative opinion of the US you should be happy that we are not leading the world anymore, albert.

      It’s time for you 3rd world shitholes to pull on your big boy pants and look after yourselves.

      • Big boy pants ?…. they wear kilts over there. And no, we don’t want to lend them ours, they have a habit of dumping our stuff into the ocean instead of returning it when they don’t want it around anymore.

    • Albert Hall,

      You seem immune to correction, but let me try just ONE MORE TIME.

      1. You have no frickin’ clue what you are talking about;

      2. America is NOT a “democracy”, and was never intended to be – you know, the whole ‘tyranny of the majority’ thing? – America is a LIMITED, CONSTITUTIONAL representative republic. Since you are a subject, and not a citizen, I don’t expect you to know what that means, but you could look it up;

      3. We stopped giving a s*** about your opinions in 1776.

      Here’s a quarter; go call someone who gives a s***.

    • Albert either your skills in writing has degraded or there is an error in your speech to text program. Or maybe it is your language translator?

      If you are in fact typing and are truly a Englishman, you should see a medical professional, you may be having a brain issue that should be checked out.

      If speech to text, try typing instead, or proofread the text before sending.

      However, if it is a translation program, nothing you can except learn English and debate from true position instead of pretending to be someone else.

      And no, increases in firearm ownership is not necessarily what leads to more crime or deaths. Correlation and causation standard because when firearm ownership rates increased and crime or deaths went down we were told it was not because of firearm ownership rates. Therefore the opposite cannot be true either.

      We can call our leaders we elect anything we want, that is our right and privilege. If you choose to call the Queen a prostitute, that is your privilege that you may be cited for by the government. However you would be offended if someone who is not a subject of the crown did so. We are the same.

      Maybe it is time we left you all over there to fend for yourselves. We spent almost 100 years and trillions upon trillions of dollars to provide a deterrent to another world war. In that time you spent less on defense, and was able to invest in other things while we took on the greatest overall effort in keeping you “civilized” nations from starting another world war. Remember it was your side of the pond that launched two world wars. Your welcome for what we provided you.

      Now to thank us, butt out of our rights and what we expect from the government that we are supposed to control and not be controlled by. Our ancestors left Europe and many other parts of the world to get away from such thinking as you have. We are a very diverse society, and enjoy many things that diversity brings from the food culture to an evolution in our language.

    • I really dont this English muffin Im eating came from England.
      Cant tell, all it says on the package is distributed by Wholesale Foods outta KC Missouri.
      I bet I’m eating a Chinese English muffin.
      Yuck , petoohy, petoohy.
      Thank God for coronavirus I have no taste.
      I dont like Tea either, Tea will start wars.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      “especially those associated with gun crime goes up exponentionally as the number of firearms in the hands of society increase?”

      OK, even you can agree that literally tens of millions of guns are sold annually in the US.

      Over time, (like 20 years, in this case), the number of guns here is truly staggering.

      Are you aware that ‘gun crime’ today is roughly one-half what it was 20 years ago?

      The number of guns ‘on the street’ in America nearly doubled, and murders dropped by roughly 50 percent.

      What explains that? Simple, the more guns in circulation, the less crime there is.

      More guns, equals less crime.

      The problem is, you are believing the lies being told to you… 🙂

  15. “Hate Speech: Biden Labels Lawful Gun Owners ‘The Resistance’”

    a proud name with a proud history.

    “you are the resistance.”

  16. When the Constitution was written, and when the BoR was ratified, you could indeed own cannon. Still can today. I know. I have a 75mm Pack Howitizier. Owned if for a couple decades now. Even have a few rounds for it. All legal like.
    Now, explosive and fully automatic weapons are restricted and taxed heavily. But, are still legal if you have enough money and are willing to jump through the hoops required.
    While full auto has been restricted since before I was born, I do remember as a child, my father going to the local hardware store and getting explosives and det. caps to blow a huge boulder apart so we could clear a field. As well as remove several large tree stumps.
    If Biden and his bosses were interested in doing something about violent crime, they would be going after those who commit the crimes and not after the great majority of gun owners who will never be a problem to anyone.

  17. Not happy when an article makes claims, but has no link to source data. Sharing an article like this with anti-gunners is simply worthless…anti-gunners are not going to be impressed without undisputable sources they cannot dismiss.

  18. “Biden has already been fact-checked on this claim — and it’s been deemed false. We have no idea where he conjured up this notion about a ban on cannon ownership in the early days of the Republic, but he needs to stop making this claim.”

    Obvious answer is obvious if you’re not a moron, which obviously means we can exclude the folks at WaPo, who should all probably die in darkness.

    The validity of the statement isn’t the point because it’s not meant to be a valid argument. The statement is an example of what’s known as “red meat for the base”. It’s a lie that he and his minions will repeat ad nauseum because they know that it sets up an us (good) vs. them (evil) paradigm in the minds of the Democrats’ base voter constituency.

    Which, by the by, seems to be part and parcel of an ongoing strategy to have 2022 be a bigger *and better* repeat of 2020 in regards to the shit-fit the Left is going to throw when they, very likely, lose and lose badly. Insert a number of observations about Congress here…

    Same deal with the *strange behavior* at the federal level over masks while the blue states rescind their mask mandates but do so selectively where they generally end the mandates but keep them for school children even though this appears to make exactly no sense and masking kids never made sense.

    But it makes perfect sense through the lens of base politics. Teachers and their unions are major Dem constituencies, constituencies which just so happen to actually believe that masks work and that they’re all going to die without them. So the bullshit works to *protect* a voting base that’s triple-jabbed, double-masked, generally obese and scared as fuck because they’re actually about as intelligent as a box of rocks (said with apologies to boxes of rocks). Dumbfucks gonna dumbfuck so as long as they dumbfuck in the right, er, Left direction…

    And the oddities in behavior at various levels? Muddying the waters so everyone can claim whatever they want and your average dolt can’t figure out what’s what. Biden’s people can’t be blamed for being anti-mask because they’re sticking with the CDC which isn’t up for election. Weird how this letting-unelected-bureaucrats-run-everything-so-we-can’t-be-blamed-for-outcomes-because-we-just-listened-to-the-experts-who-happened-to-be-wrong-about-everything-so-it’s-not-our-fault thing has become so prevalent, eh?

    • Hey now. They just followed the science. They’re only changing their minds now because the (political) science evolved, and they’re still following it.

  19. According to this articles heading theBiden says lawful gunm owners are the ‘resistance’.
    Under the new regime I didn’t know there were any lawful gunm owners?

  20. The man is such a dope I cannot even stand to look at him. Of course that goes for all the mindless democrats.

  21. Our Forefathers would already be hanging the Demented Dipschitt Despot, so Hell Yeah, I’m the Resistance.

  22. It’s better to be part of the Resistance than being part of the “Evil Empire” of which Biden is the leader!

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